cover of episode Bunnie's Dad Bill Spills All About Raising Bunnie

Bunnie's Dad Bill Spills All About Raising Bunnie

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
比尔讲述了作为单亲父亲独自抚养邦妮的经历,分享了他对育儿的看法和感悟,以及一些他从育儿过程中学到的经验教训。他谈到了邦妮小时候的调皮捣蛋,以及如何处理与邦妮母亲的关系。比尔还分享了他保持年轻容貌和发型的秘诀。 邦妮分享了她童年的一些经历,包括她与父亲的关系,以及她对成长过程中遇到的挑战和机遇的看法。她谈到了她与父亲的相处模式,以及她如何从父亲身上学习到一些宝贵的品质。邦妮还分享了她对自身成长的反思,以及她对未来人生规划的展望。

Deep Dive

Bill discusses his experience as a single dad raising Bunnie, sharing stories about their life in Nashville and his initial reluctance to appear on the podcast.

Shownotes Transcript


This season, Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders, and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow.

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Is this thing on?

All right, gentlemen, coming to main stage next, this is Bunny. Get up there. She's got a tornado of titties coming your way. Get those dollar bills ready. She's got an ass that shakes like Michael J. Fox. So get up there and throw, throw, throw them dollars. Dude, that is fucking iconic. What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Yeah, baby. We got Bill in the house. What is up, Daddy? How are you? I'm doing great. Are you just...

thrilled to be here. I'm just so thrilled. You know, I've been asking you for two years to do my podcast, right? Right. And you've told me no all the way up until now. I think you just finally were like, you know what, I'm going to do it. So she stops fucking asking me. So you're in Nashville. Yeah. Yeah. You came out for Daddy Rolls Cavern shows. Right. For Halloween. You're going to spend Halloween with the fam. Yeah.

It's a great thing. I'm excited. Well, I'm glad to have you here, finally. I love being here. You ready to dive into some of these questions that everybody was asking? Well, if they're not too tough, yeah. They're not tough at all. Let's see, where should we start? And these are painless, Dad. I only do about half hour podcasts, so you don't got to...

You don't got to worry about it. A lot of people said I look like you, which I thought was a compliment because you have aged like fine wine.

Well, at 45. How do you keep this physique at 45, Dad? Well, I already told you that. You hadn't agreed to try it out. My dad takes these drops called MMS drops, and he swears by them. And I've taken them, and they make me feel like I fucking drank bleach. But, you know, whatever works for him, I'm all for it.

Let's see. Somebody wanted to know, did you live through Woodstock? Actually, I did. At 45. In other words, they saw me yesterday and they looked and they said, he must have been through Woodstock. Yeah.

Now you guys know where I get my smart-ass mouth from over here. Yes, I did, but did I go there? No, it was in upstate New York, and I lived on the island. Yeah, let's talk about that. So, Dad, you're from New York. A lot of people don't know that. I was born in Queens. Kew Gardens. Yeah, Kew Gardens, Queens. Kew Gardens, Queens. And then from there, you went to where? Well, I went to school in New Jersey. Yeah. At...

Pennington Prep School. Yeah. So I was in New Jersey for a while. And then, of course, after I graduated, I went to Texas and pretty much never left until we went to Las Vegas. Las Vegas. Everybody wants to know how you met my mom. Oh, yeah.

You're biological? Yeah, unfortunately, that mess of a woman. Well, that's been a while back. It's like, I don't remember. Well, she was, let me think here. I don't know exactly how it met. I don't know. It's been a while. Yeah. But she was a dancer. Yeah, my mom was a stripper, just like mother, like daughter. And...

- Maybe we met there. - You met in the old titty bar, the old clam shaker. So after you moved to Texas and you met my mom, then you had me, which was the highlight of your life. Actually, I have an older brother. A lot of people don't know that. I have an older half-brother named Billy.

So you had Billy and then you had the golden child, which was me. Right. And then after me, you had Ashley, my little sister, my half sister. And then I also have an older sister from my mom. So there's four of us. We're all half.

Right. We're a fucking blended family, let me tell you. That's what we try to do. Yeah, just blend. Keep everything just blended out. Just fucking perfectly blended. How much trouble did Bunny get into as a child? Which time? I think I got suspended in kindergarten, right? For ripping a boy's shirt off. He was talking shit about you.

- What did he say? - He said, "Your dad's an asshole," or something like that, so I ripped his shirt off. I threw him up against the, I forget his name, I think his name was Kyle. I'm not sure, I can't remember. - Yeah, you've always had your way with being, you know, nobody's gonna tell you how to do it. And if somebody got smart at the wrong time, you let 'em know. - Would you say that I've inherited my attitude from Vol-Vol?

Well, you loved your vovo. I would put her on a plane and she would pick you up. You know, I mean, you go from Texas to Albuquerque, Texas to, well, from East Texas all the way to West Texas to El Paso and spend a week with my mom. And she really enjoyed that. So she was...

She was a tough woman. My vovo was this 4'11 Brazilian woman. She was 5'2. Oh, okay. But her mom was 4'11. 4'11. I don't know where I get my height from because everybody in my family is short. Yeah, so my vovo was my dad's mom, and she was this mean...

Mean, mean, mean Brazilian woman, but she was so nice to me. Like she loved me. She was never mean to me. Oh, well, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, she's, you say mean. All right, spicy. Yeah, she was just direct. I mean, hello. I get it honestly. Right, you were just like her. Yeah, no, for sure.

um but she was she was so sweet to me and was always so good to me i have nothing but fond memories of her i think she's one of my guardian angels for sure yeah so to answer the question i was always in fucking trouble it started at fucking knee high to a tadpole and then just from there went on what is your favorite color bill

Green. Green? I didn't know that. That couch color green or like olive green? Any green. I like green. Oh, that's cool. I never knew that. Yeah. I never knew that about my pops. You learn something new every day. What is your biggest regret and your proudest moment in life? Biggest regret? He's like, your mother. Oh, my God.

I'm kidding. Everybody knows I'm a smart ass whenever I say stuff. No, I really have no, no regrets. I would probably do everything. I would probably do everything over again. That's exactly what I say. Same way. I tell everybody that I'm like, you don't live in regrets. You just fucking either like it or you don't. You learn from what you, you know, you try to learn. Yeah. And if you don't, you do it twice and you keep doing it. What's your proudest moment in your life? Proudest moment. Um,

I think having children is your proudest moment. - I'm never shitting out kids, ever. I think having Chachi was my proudest moment. When did you first realize that Bunny was going to be a bright star? - Well, I always knew you were a star. - You thought I was gonna be a star in juvenile hall. - Yeah, well after that, when they let you out.

No, you never were. I mean, I went a couple times. I went one time and you and my stepmom wouldn't pick me up. Remember that? You guys made me stay the night in fucking juvenile hall. Oh, well, that was just a suggestion by the police. Maybe she should stay there for the night and see how it is.

And maybe she won't want to go back. I never went back. Nope. I was like, fuck this. I am too wild to be fucking behind a cage. I remember I stared out the window all night. It's like in one of those movies, you know, that you see where the girl's crying out the window of the jail cell. Like, I really, it resonated with me tough. So we moved to Vegas in 85, right? 86, yeah. 86. 86.

Growing up, I always tell everybody the story of my life. Literally, we grew up with you playing with your band in the house. I would fall asleep with you guys fucking practicing across the hallway. We lived like a rock star lifestyle. And then I turned 12 and all of a sudden we were fucking super Christian, which is fine. I love Jesus. But that's true, right? That is what happened. Well, yeah, we went to church.

Quite a bit. Every time the door was open, we were there. Yeah, no. I tell everybody, I went to church Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night, church camps. I mean, you name it, I was there. That's right. Yes. So a lot of people want to know what it was like having a daughter on your own, being a single father and being a musician. How did you juggle that? Well, I was a musician way, way before you came. And, uh,

Once you were born, that was, you know, I had settled down, actually married the woman. Which one? Miss Vanessa. Oh, that's my horror mother. My mother. He gets mad at me when I talk shit. Yeah, be nice. I am being nice. I love her. I talk to her every three months. Yeah, we had actually, well, I'd quit doing that and got a real job, so...

But I was a musician for quite a while before you ever thought of. But from that time on, it was get a job, get a check. Yeah. But you still played whenever I was growing up with Michelle. You always had band practice and stuff over at the house. We always had a studio in our house, too. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. I literally grew up with a studio in my house. And Jay always wonders, he's like, why don't you ever come to the studio with me? I'm like, because I grew up with one of these in my house. Like, I know how it works. It doesn't fascinate me. Yeah, we did that a lot. But it was during that time I didn't play in a band, you know, actually for money and stuff. Yeah. It was just in the house kind of thing. At church. Yeah. Played in a church band. Yeah. Yeah.

I had to quit for a while, but I mean, so I played a lot until I had my first child. And then you were the second child. The golden child. The golden child. One of the golden children. My dad's so politically correct. He knows that his other kids might listen to this. Was your daughter a handful to raise? Yes.

I wouldn't say that. I mean, everybody is different. Dad, I was fucking hell on wheels. Well, that's what I'm trying to say. You were different. One of the fondest memories, well, I don't know if it's fond, but one of my first, well, I have a ton of first memories, but I shoved a rock up my nose. Oh, yeah. And I made our landlord get it out. Like...

She wanted to see what would happen if I shoved this rock up my nose. She found out it didn't come out. Yeah, so I had to go to my, I didn't want to go tell my parents because I didn't want to get in trouble. So I went to the landlord's house and was like, yo, I got a rock up my nose. Can you help me? And she helped me get it out. Yeah, that was one of my memories whenever we, I mean, I was always doing something like Michelle, my stepmom would tell me,

You can't go to the pool without me. And I'd be like, okay, yeah, whatever. And she went and took a nap one day. And I climbed the entire fence to get into that pool. And when she found me, I was in the pool swimming by myself without floaties. Like, this is how headstrong I was as a kid. Like, you think I'm headstrong now, memes? I was like this as a child. I've learned how to wrangle it now and make it constructive. Whereas as a child, it was super destructive. Like, I was like, what? Do you have those pictures?

My dad brought pictures. I'm scared to see these. Well, I wanted to show one of them that we had taught you. Let's see here. Oh, man. This is going to really age me when you guys see the tent on these. Oh, this is...

These are like those pictures that you have the, you know, with the old, uh, yeah. That's me. This is you. Look at that widow's peak. Where'd that come from? How do I do this? But just any camera we were, we taught you to drink at an early age. I mean, shit. Now you guys wonder why I'm sober. I've been drinking since the womb.

I remember I used to sneak Michelle's wine that she would leave out. Yeah, you did. Yeah, you did. But at an early age, she was doing her thing. This is fucking awesome. She used to travel a lot. I still do. Now do you see?

Yeah, when I get ready to leave town. Look at that. I gotta go. Literally gotta go. I told Jay today, I was like, you know, it's starting to get winter out. So this is the time that your wife leaves town all the time. And he's like, oh, shit. Of course, you love animals. Horsey! Oh, I love Horsey. See? I know how to ride. I've been riding since I was a kid. People are like, you're not a country girl. I'm like, I am. No, I'm just kidding. I'm a city girl. That's country.

Let's see here. What else we got up in that? How old is that fucking Ziploc bag? I don't know where we got this.

- Oh man, dad. - This is the one that actually I was saving it in since, you know. - You brought a lot of pictures. Don't make me get sentimental on my podcast. I have a reputation of a-- - And she loved her first dog. - Oh, dog. I'm literally true to who I was ever since I was a kid, dude. - Oh, and you sent this picture to your grandma, vovo. And it says two years old.

Oh. Alyssa Andrea. That's me. That's her name. Oh, yep. Everybody go fucking Google that. You won't find anything. Here's her favorite cat. Oh, I hate cats. Shit, that has changed. I'm like you. You're allergic to cats. I can't fucking handle it. Well, you like this one. I don't remember that cat. I thought it was a dog. Yeah. But I thought I'd bring you these. Oh, that's sweet, Dad. I love you for that. I do.

That's really sweet. When you were getting a little bit bigger. Oh my God. Look at that fucking bowl haircut. Who did that? I look like a little Mexican child. Put the bowl over the head haircut. Nobody believes me that I'm Brazilian either. I tell everybody I'm Brazilian and white trash. Let me tell you the funniest story.

I thought I was Brazilian and Italian my whole life. My dad comes to visit me... You're not Italian. I thought that too. Yeah. My dad comes to visit me like four years ago and somebody was telling me like, what are you exactly? And I was like, Brazilian and Italian. And my dad goes, well...

I go, I looked at him, I go, my whole life is a lie. And he was like, well, you are Brazilian. You are not Italian. I was like, oh my God. So now I just tell everybody I'm Brazilian and white trash. But you are American Indian and South American Indian. I tell everybody that because I have the Indian word thing on my side, but I don't know how to say it because people, what is it called whenever you use people's culture? Gwen Stefani got in trouble for it.

I can't think of the word. Well, you've got your DNA thing, so I mean it's... Yeah, well, I've got to find it.

I have to dig for it. I have so much shit in this fucking phone. On your phone? I know, but I always forget my passwords, but I'll look it up. So you guys heard it here first. I do have a little Indian in me, but I made a joke one time that everybody was like, why do you have that warhead on your side? And I was like, well, it depends on who my mom sleeps with. And then she tells me what I have in me because she has it in her, you know, and the Indian. Oh, yeah. She thinks she's... Cherokee. Yes. Yes. Yes.

And maybe she is. But...

I don't. She wasn't very truthful about anything. No. There's no telling. No, not at all. She's still not. Yeah. So the. But Andersons are supposedly Indian. The indigenous people didn't think my joke was funny. So they put me like in this group. And remember that Mimi? They put me in this group and they were like pissed that I was like representing Indian heritage, you know. You don't have to represent it. But I mean. I don't. You are. I know. I love it. Let's see. What else?

What's your favorite memory of Baby Bunny? Baby Bunny used to dance for me. No. I raised you. Well, your mom kind of hung out until about one year old. Didn't she leave me on somebody's doorstep while you were in the hospital when she ran off with your organ player? Yes.

Well, yeah. There's no nice way to put it. Yeah, she's a strange one. Yeah, she is. She literally ran off with my dad's organ player. And that went over well in the courtroom because I got full custody of you. Yep. It was funny because we were in the courtroom and they always give the...

the wife, the child, always. And they were just about to do it. And I jumped up and I said, no, there's no way that you can do this. And I told them that story.

And then it was all over after that. Aw. I love you, Dad. I would have ended up like fucking Christina if I would have lived with my mom. I'm so happy that you did that for me, and I can't thank you enough. Right. Because you didn't have to. Dads don't raise daughters like that on their own. They really don't, and that's...

like the coolest story that I could ever tell people is that I was raised by a single dad. Yeah. And that, uh, yeah, very true story, but, uh, that's how it happened. Yeah. I just thought about that, but I love you and thank you for that. I really appreciate it. But you used to dance for me. Yeah. And, oh, hey dad. Yeah.

Watch this. Nothing changed as I got older either, except I just used to call people daddy. Okay. Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy? All right, we won't go there.

I think I was always, I always tried to make you happy, like as a kid, because I always wanted to be like your comedic relief. That was like the relationship you and I always had was, I just would say the fucking weirdest shit to make you laugh. Salad and crouton, stuff like that. Oh yeah. All the time. She was going to name her children Salad and Crouton. Who would come up with that? Her.

Salad is French for salad. I'm just kidding. I just made that up. Was Bunny your favorite child? Yes. I answered for him. No, I'm just kidding. I'm kidding. We don't do the whole... We don't do the favorites. Yeah, we don't do the favorites because I am the favorite. You don't really have favorite children. What are you most proud of Bunny for? Well, I'm very proud that...

In the last six or seven years, you've gone in the totally best direction in your life. Because you've gone astray in different times. Yeah. And then probably came back a little bit. Who knows? But...

I think the last six or seven years, right about that, you've been growing in your own... After that abusive relationship that I went through... I didn't want to bring that up. Oh, no, I talk about it. I don't say names. Let's not say names because he doesn't ever deserve clout. But after that abusive relationship, I kind of had to look within myself and was like, all right, there's something really wrong with me if I'm attracting humans like this. So I've literally sat out...

set out on a spiritual journey for the past six, seven years of doing nothing but healing childhood trauma and shit that I, you know, have been through. And that's, you either go one, you either fucking perpetually be a victim or you change what's going on, you know? And I had to change what was going on because I,

That situation was a fucking nightmare and I never wanted to go through that or put my family or anybody that loves me through that ever again, you know? So, you know, and then Jay coming into my life, we both forced each other to kind of level up. So we just grew together.

It's been a nice little grow sesh. Really good thing. It's been a nice little grow sesh. And it's not like you all started at the top, you know. Yeah. You started way down here, both of you. I mean, both doing, you know, what you do. And look at it now. It's just blossoming. Yeah. No, it's crazy. It's like taking off. It's just insane. How do you think Bunny would have turned out had you and her mom stayed together?

I would have been, let me tell you, I would have probably been fucking 10 times crazier than I already was. My older sister's a nut job and she grew up with her. So, well, partially grew up with her. So I don't think that would have been. Yeah. Your biological mom was, it was only one year there. Yeah. And then one year before. Yeah. That was about it. I didn't officially meet my real mom, my biological mom until I was 35. Wow.

Right? Right. That's when I met her face to face for the first time. I've still only seen her twice in my life. And I told you, you needed to meet her and, you know, you just never wanted to, but...

I don't know. I think you talked to her on the phone a few times. Yeah. I mean, I listen, I love Vanessa because when I was going through a really dark depression, she didn't judge me anytime. I had it when I had my Xanax problem. She never judged me. She was always there for me. You know, I love her for that, but I also love her from afar because you can't get too close to somebody who, um, isn't in reality. So what's the craziest thing you caught bunny doing in her younger days? Um,

Going out the window in the middle of the night.

Let me, hold on. Let me paint a picture for you guys really quick. I was always sneaking out. I was always in trouble. So they put bells on the front door, like sleigh bells on the front door. So anytime you'd come in and out, it'd be like cling, cling, cling. Like, I mean, it sounded like a wind chime every time you walked through the door. That was actually symphony sleigh bells. The kind they actually use in a symphony where you hear the Christmas music.

And it has like big gigantic bells. It's a real thing. No, and they were loud as shit. And then they took my door off the hinges. And then they nailed, screwed my window shut. But they didn't realize that when you screw a window shut, you can unscrew the window shut. Yeah.

And I had to go. I was ready. Listen, man, I had shit to do. I was popular in high school, you know? Yeah, you must have been. I had people, places to go, people to see. So one night I snuck out and I went out, partied, had fun, whatever. Come back home, climb into bed. Old Bill is in bed waiting on me.

I got my ass kicked. It was fucked up. But you left out a part. No. Oh, God. Okay, so this went on, I don't know, seemed to me like it was every night once she figured out how to do this. I wouldn't even go to bed until like midnight. And about 3 o'clock in the morning, the phone's right next to me. That's when they had landlines. And 3 o'clock, phone would ring. Hello? Hello?

This is the Las Vegas Police Department. Your daughter is here. Will you please come pick her up? Oh, man. Okay, I'll be right over. Well, because you have to. I can't, like, leave you there. Yeah. You know, anything. Or then I get in trouble, too. So...

But she would actually sneak out the window and God knows what she did after that. I'm sure she's partying with her friends and stuff. Party. Party. Party. Well, Las Vegas, come on. Yeah. That's all we did when we were kids was just party. We had a blast. My childhood was actually really fucking cool. I mean, besides all the fucking shit I put myself through, it was a cool childhood. Yeah. You know? It's a good place.

Bill, how do you feel about how Bunny has made a brand out of her simply being her? Well, I don't really watch it. Thanks, Dad. Most dads are like, I'm her number one fan. He's like, no, bitch, I know you. You know, like I said, I'm never surprised.

I mean, you don't surprise me with things that you do. So sometimes I just don't want to be surprised. And I'm glad you're doing well. That's real. And I'm going to get more involved, I'm sure. Oh, I don't care, Dad. You know it doesn't bother me. I actually would prefer if you don't watch because there's a lot of weird shit that happens. Let's see, let's see.

What was the hardest thing you had to do or that you realized as a parent? Raise girls. Oh, fuck. Because they don't have a very good choice of men sometimes. And you've already spoken about that. And when that happens, it's a rough thing for the dad and for you. Mm-hmm.

and for anybody else who's involved yeah you mean hard to watch you know and it's you know raise them right so that they don't attract those kind of men you would think right i mean that doesn't it's like these guys nowadays uh i'm sure there's some you know there's there's some good ones out there you know but you gotta dig and find them but there's a lot of them that are

I had to find mine in Nashville. There you go. But, I mean, it's almost like they read the book on how to... Be narcissists. You know, whatever you want to call it. But, I mean, to be abusive and stuff to women and try to have them under thumb instead of just...

You know, why? You know, I don't get it. But it seems like they just, there's a book on it somewhere that they've read. I mean, because they couldn't have all just naturally done this. Yeah. Unless they were raised by somebody like that, I guess. Oh, yeah, for sure. Maybe, maybe. Genetics, too. Fucking mental illness, all that shit all plays into it. Yeah. What does a perfect life look like, Bill? A perfect life? Mm-hmm.

I don't think there's a perfect life here. No. No. But we just have to make the best of it. Yep. For sure. And do what we think is right and right for others. Yeah. I agree. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. What's the worst thing Bunny's ever done as a child? The worst thing? Yes. I don't know. You weren't a bad child at all. I was very rambunctious and tenacious. Yes.

My kindergarten teacher put that on my report card. She's very tenacious. That was my first big word I learned. I was like, what the fuck is tenacious? Five, looking it up in the dictionary. Well, you've always had a lot of energy. And I'm glad now you're using it.

For your benefit. I used to get so hyphy that I would jump up and run straight into walls. Yeah. Yeah, there was a time. Well, of course, that was my fault. We were over at a friend's house. Mark and... Was that the people whose makeup I got into? Yeah.

Probably. My dad took me over to his boss's house one time for a nice dinner. Oh, Gary? Oh, is that who it was? Gary? And I got into his wife's makeup and smeared it all over the bathroom. Well, you were just little. I mean, we were all raising kids at that time. And I used her nice towels to try to wipe up all the makeup and shit.

I was always in trouble, dude. I'm telling you, I literally, I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me, but I fucking, if there was trouble, I found it. I think trouble found you. Yeah. No, I agree. I couldn't agree more. How do you feel about Bunny and Jelly? Oh, I think you guys are a great couple. Yeah. And... How do you feel about Jason D. Ford? He's a great person. I mean, that guy's got a heart. You know, that is... He loves...

All of his, you know, the people that, you know, maybe support his songs and his music. But he loves everybody around. I've never seen him say a bad word about anybody. Ever. It's not his style. It's not his style. But he's just got the biggest heart. That's what he has his wife for.

I'm so protective over him. I'm just like, yeah, you are, but I think you'll make a great couple. Yeah. You say you love you some Jason D Ford is what you're saying. That's right. What was the hardest thing to watch bunny go through? Did we answer that already? Yeah. Hold on. Let's see. We'll do a couple more and then we'll wrap this up. Cause I know you were not thrilled about doing this. What is Bill's inspiration for his hair?

My hair? Somebody noticed it. They said, what's the inspiration for the hair, Bill? Love it. Well, I like everybody calling my hair a mullet. Oh, God. He's got his Morgan Wallen going on. I don't think...

I have never, I don't know where everybody gets that mullet. Well, it's because you got business in the front, party in the back. Yeah, but I don't look like that guy on, what was the name of that show? Joe Exotic? Yeah, Joe whatever his name is. Yeah, we got a few of those in here too. Now that's a mullet, that's a mullet. He's coming on the podcast. It's because you got the little fringes in the front, Dad. You got to push those back. No fringes. They fall. They fall.

Hey, man, at least you got hair. You want just a little bald spot there? Why don't you do the bowl cut that you did to me on your hairdo?

Just fucking stick a bowl in there. Well, I do use RoboCut. Oh my, what is that? It's like with a bowl cut. You cut your own hair? Yeah. Why? Because when anybody else does it, it's terrible. That's a Virgo. My dad's a Virgo. He is a perfectionist. I hate getting a haircut. Oh, I have one of these things you hook up to the vacuum cleaner. Is it a Flobby? Well, yeah, it's like that. It's called a RoboCut.

My dad uses a fucking Flobie. I've always used one because every time I get a haircut, they cut it way too short or they cut it weird and it's all different. Yeah, I can't do that. All right, well, you learn something new about your folks every day. Now I got to get you on film cutting your hair.

One of these times. Oh, no problem. That'll be fucking awesome. We'll do it. That'll be, that'll go viral on TikTok. That'll be fucking hilarious. How do you feel about your daughter's success? I think we answered that in a different way. Well, of course I think it's great. What is your favorite rock band? Oh my, Boston. I just love music the way it is. I mean, I like,

you know, slow jazz all the way to, you know, rock and roll, like some country. But I don't have any just favorite bands, but Boston was one of the best. Yeah. I know that every time I hear more than a feeling, I always think about you. Actually, when I hear like Doobie Brothers too, Chicago. Oh, Chicago. Yeah. Love Chicago. Billy Ocean.

Oh, yeah. We used to do Billy Ocean in the living room in Vegas. Yeah. Every night. I had to sing back up. Beep, beep. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. We'd be playing and singing it. Yep. No, we definitely. Yeah, Billy Ocean was good. Rocked out. You know what? I think that's it, Dad. Pretty much everybody just wants to know what a freaking nutbag I was as a child. Oh, wait. Sorry. We have more questions. Hold on. I forgot. How did you feel when Bunny left home?

That was, well, it wasn't like he left, well, I guess he kind of left home, but she was living with another family, one of her best friends. Tasha. Yeah, Tasha and her mom. But it's kind of like over in Vegas, they have the, I mean, I could never do something like that. If Tasha would have come and stayed with us, I would have talked with Tasha's mom and

and said something and tried to work something out. Nobody ever said anything. You went over there, and I didn't know where you were. Well, I kind of figured you were there. The saddest day in my life was when we had sold the house in Las Vegas, and we said, once we had the trailers hooked up and the truck and all that stuff with everything in it, meet us here. If you want to come home with us, you can come home.

And we waited and waited and waited at that time. And you never showed up. And we had to leave without you. And that was like leaving your child in another state. But that's what you wanted.

In my dad's defense, I left home because you and Michelle argued all the time about money, which I think is another reason why I've been such a hustler. And do you remember the one time when we were standing in the driveway and I was like, "Dad, you don't have to buy me school clothes. I'll figure it out. I'll do it myself." And you were like, "Shut up. I have to take care of you till you're 18." Just whatever. We had that conversation.

And I just didn't want to be a burden anymore. You know, like I just wanted to roll out because I just didn't want to deal with it. So it wasn't you. I was just such a headstrong kid that I wanted to be on my own. I wanted to do it myself. I love you. You look like you got a little tear in your eye, dad. You were only 15, you know, at that time. Yeah, it was kind of.

You know, it's something that nobody wants to go through. Yeah, for sure. But, I mean, we've gotten through it and, you know, we're stronger than ever. We're back together again. Yeah, everything happens for a reason. I just...

I've always wanted to do my own thing. Literally. That's exactly how I was as a child. I've just always wanted to do my own thing. So it didn't matter that me and Michelle didn't get along. I would have left anyways at an early age because I just was ready. I don't know. I literally left home and just never looked back. And it wasn't because I wanted to hurt anybody. It was just because I had shit to do, you know, and I was just ready to fucking do it. Bill, how do you not have any gray hair?

Well, being 45 and staying that way my whole life, it seems, I just don't have any. I told my dad, my whole life has told people he's 45. And finally, I was like the other day, I was like, Dad, you can't say that anymore. I was like, no, fucking not. You got to at least move it up to 50. Okay. Tell people you're 50. Who's your celebrity crush? Celebrity crush? It was Sophia. What's her face, right? Yeah.

Sophia Loren. Oh, boy. Yeah, that's an old crush. I remember you had a crush on her. Nobody even knows who that is now. I do. Who's your celebrity crush now?

I really don't. He's like, I don't even fucking care. Yeah, I don't have any. Did you, did Bunny inherit her pimp skills naturally from you? I don't exactly know what pimp skills are, so I would probably say no. My dad's a smooth daddy-o though. I think that's it. I think we'll go ahead and leave it at that and wrap it up and go eat dinner and just enjoy each other while you're here.

Sounds great. Yeah. I love you, dad. Thank you so much for coming on the podcast. It was painless, right? Yeah. No pain. It wasn't as crazy as you thought it was going to be. No. Well, I love you so much. Love you too. I want you to come back on whenever you feel like it. Sure. I'll let you go another two years without coming on. How about that? Okay. Thank you guys so much for listening to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye.