cover of episode 69: Dumb Blonde: Inked Beauty - Monica gets new eyebrows!

69: Dumb Blonde: Inked Beauty - Monica gets new eyebrows!

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Dumb Blonde

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Jesse 从整形外科医生那里工作开始,爱上了美容行业,并以此为职业发展方向。她认为自信非常重要,美容行业能够提升女性的自信。Inked Beauty 提供多种美容服务,包括纹眉、睫毛、嘴唇、雀斑、牙齿宝石、填充剂、肉毒杆菌和化学换肤等。她详细描述了不同类型的纹眉方式,例如微雕、晕染和两者结合,并解释了每种方式的优缺点以及适合的人群。她还解释了纹眉的疼痛程度、维持时间以及褪色的原因。Jesse 的工作时间很长,每周工作五天,每天工作 8 到 10 个小时,她对自己的工作充满热情,并从中获得满足感。 Bunnie 非常欣赏 Jesse 的谦逊和能力,并推荐 Inked Beauty 给在纳什维尔的听众。她认为追求自然并不重要,重要的是自信,并乐于在脸上展现自己的财富。Bunnie 的团队成员大多是金牛座,她欣赏金牛座的勤奋和努力。她认为好的眉毛能提升整体面部美感,并期待看到 Monica 的眉毛改造效果。 Monica 的眉毛稀疏,她对眉毛改造抱有期待。

Deep Dive

Jesse discusses her journey into the beauty industry, her experience working with a plastic surgeon, and the range of services offered at Inked Beauty.

Shownotes Transcript


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What's up you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome back to another episode of Dumb Blonde. We are starting off season two with the bang. I am so excited because I really missed you guys and obviously you guys missed me too because you guys DM me all the time and I love it. But today we have like a really special treat. This girl I found

Like I find all of my victims. I was stalking her for months on Instagram because I needed to get my eyebrows done and I had gotten my eyebrows done one time before and I just wasn't like thrilled with them and they faded and I

I was scared to get it done again. So I watched this girl and this girl's name is Jessie for a few months and she really is the goat dude. Like her work like speaks for itself. It's so insane. So I have Jessie here from Inked Beauty. What's up, baby? How are you? Hi, I'm good. She's so cute, you guys. She's so cute. Like when I walked in, I was like, look at this little fucking package. Like not only is she a fucking boss, she's hot too. Oh,

What made you get into the beauty industry? Oh my gosh, a bunch of things. I mean, I can say the most cliche stuff I've always, oh yeah, I've always loved it. But it's a bunch of shit. Honestly, like I worked for a plastic surgeon for a while and I just, just fell in love with it. So I went from there.

And you just, is it only eyebrows that you do or what is everything that you do? Kind of give everybody like a rundown of what you do. So in general, I just do mostly brows. I also do some lash liner. But my other girls, they do lips. They do liner, freckles, tooth gems. I want the freckles. That's nice. They're so cute. And then we also do filler, Botox, chemical peels. We got it all, the whole package.

Just so you guys know, this is where I get my fillers done too. So if you're in Nashville, you have to come to Inked Beauty. You are part owner, right? Yes. Of this business. So you're a little boss babe. Like I think that's so awesome. That's another thing that I loved about her when I met her. She's just like so humble, but she's like a boss. Like she has her own. Thank you. We're sitting in the salon as we speak right now because for part two of this, we're going to have a video on YouTube for you guys to watch.

of her doing my best friend Monica's eyebrows. She was going to do mine, but I have so many videos to shoot this week. I was just like, you know what? Do my friend. She needs your help. I can't wait. Oh my gosh. My friend has no brows. Help her out. Yes. So how long have you been in the beauty industry?

12 years wow it's been a long time oh yeah i started you know the getaway in the back of a b supply store but but that's how but that's okay look at you now yeah i made my way up yeah exactly i think that's so cool do you realize that your what you're doing helps people oh my gosh i love it so much every day yes oh i've i've had like no brows so like i lived in fort lauderdale and i

Would not even go to the beach because I was so self-conscious about it. Like, seriously. Because they would come off. Yeah. It's so embarrassing. I can't even grow a fucking eyebrow. You saw my eyebrows. I can't either. I cannot grow a fucking eyebrow to save my life. But I think what's so cool about the industry that you're in is like, it's, I mean, it's for men too, but it really is like women empowerment. Like a woman comes into your chair and she's sitting there and she's like, dude, I don't feel my best. And then she looks, you know, in the mirror and her fucking eyebrows are on fleek and she feels like she could take on the world, you know? I mean, confidence is everything.

It really is. It's everything. And people don't realize, you know, sometimes I get a lot of backlash online of people saying, you know, why do you get so much stuff done? You need to just be natural. First of all, who the fuck cares about being natural? Yeah.

I don't. You're just mad that you can't do it yourself. No, it's like I don't want to be natural. Right. I want to fucking, I want to look, I want you to see my money on my face. Right. Whatever makes you confident. And there's a reason why I'm 40 years old and I don't look like I'm 40 years old, except for on this right side of my eye right now. Oh my God, no, you look amazing. I'm going to get it fixed.

So tell me a little bit about yourself. You're a Taurus, right? I am. That was another thing I loved about her. Stubborn Taurus. That was another thing I loved about her because my entire team is fucking Tauruses. Oh my gosh, I love that. So as soon as she told me that, I was like, oh God, another one on the team. Here we go. But you guys are fucking go-getters, man. Yeah. I have to respect that because you guys literally work your fucking asses off. What's up, guys? I just want to take a minute to let you know who is sponsoring this podcast. It's Adam and Eve. They have been in business for the past 45 years.

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We're resentless. Yeah. What does a week here at the salon look like for you? Oh, my gosh. A normal week right now for me is five days a week, anywhere from eight to ten hours. I mean, it's actually it's gone down so much. I went from doing six.

seven days a week, 12 hours a day, 14 hour days, whatever it took to get us here. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And then you brought in Christy, who is amazing. And you guys, I'm going to do a separate segment with Christy one of these days as soon as I get back from Vegas. I'm going out to Vegas. So you guys can actually see Christy do some work on me because you guys always have so many questions about what I get done. But so I sat in Jess's chair and what is it that you did to my eyebrows? Is it called like ombre?

Yeah. So we actually did a combination. We did a little bit of microblading and we did some ombre shading. But we had to do a little bit of corrective work. So shading was definitely the best option. Plus you wear makeup, you know, you get the filler. So it's always, it just gives you a little extra oomph to your brows. I love it. And we did them a little bit darker too, because I love that Madonna look, you know, like when Madonna had platinum hair with the dark brows. Oh, I love blondes with dark.

that was like so hot and I was just like I need that look what are the different types of eyebrows that you do so you just mentioned one of them right yeah well the combination yeah so I do microblading which is just like this simple hair strokes which that's what everybody is attracted to oh microblading

microblading but honestly it's really not good for very many people it's only good for the person that has really dry skin um very youthful skin and very fine brows so um that's good to know i never knew that yeah i mean it's just the title it's what got famous that's what i got originally right yeah i didn't love it

it's really not good for everybody and it doesn't blend very well if you don't have hair um if you're oilier it just it's not always the best option but you said it's good for young skin and i don't have it so no wonder it's good for those pores are super small and like perfect skin like that's what it's good for other than that if you don't have that do shading yeah that's what's gonna look best gotcha and then what are they so it's uh

it's microblading. I do, um, ombre, which is shading. And then the combination of two, which is microblading and shading. What is the process? Everybody is always like, what does, does that hurt? You know, blah, blah, blah.

I personally think the first time I got it done was way more painful than when you did it. Yeah. And it didn't even stick half as much. Does it, is it like a tattoo? Does it depend on the person who's doing it? Oh my gosh. Yes, for sure. It definitely depends on the person. It is a tattoo. Um, we're fully tattoo studio. Yeah. Have you ever tattooed? No, no. And I think you'd be amazing at it. Cause your lines are so perfect. I would love to, I would love to get into that, but it's like a whole different world. Yeah.


I would love it. But the process, I mean, we numb before. So we do add a lidocaine. We numb for about 20 minutes prior. And then we'll pre-draw, map. You'll get to see everything, approve the shape. You know, unless you're fully comfortable, we don't move forward. But as far as like pain and the healing process, it does vary per artist, you know? I think it's tolerable though. I don't think it's like, oh my God, this is fucking so much. Like I feel like getting a tattoo on your rib cage is way worse than...

fucking getting your eyebrows tattooed. - I mean, we don't tattoo nearly as deep as a typical tattoo. And that's kind of what just makes us a little bit different. We work very shallow. So it's very, it should be pretty painless. - And how long do they last?

So I recommend annual touch-ups just because you want to, you know, make them fresh. But they can last up to three years. That's awesome. Some people wait that long, but I definitely don't. Why do they fade? Because these tattoos don't really fade. So why do these fade? Is it because you don't go as deep?

- Yeah, so we do work shallow. - And the hair. - Yeah, and your typical tattoos do fade, but it's just the process of your skin turning over and the exfoliation process. And we do work a lot shallower, so it does fade and the pigment oxidizes and- - Gotcha. - Yeah. - Well, I'm excited to see you fucking change over Momo's eyebrows. - Oh my gosh, yes. - Is Momo on camera? Can we get a shot of Momo over here?

Monica's like, thanks. Look at my bald eagle eyebrows. They're going to be fire in a second. Yeah, no. It's going to change your whole face. Yeah, it is. A good set of brows really draws attention to your eyes. Yeah. It accentuates everything. Dude, it's like a fucking highlighter for your brow bone. Yes. I just love, love, love what you're doing. Thank you. I appreciate you for letting me come here and even just document the entire process. Oh my gosh, so excited.

So what we're going to do is for the second part of this, we are going to head over to YouTube and I'm going to let you guys in. Actually, I'm sorry. Jessie's going to let you guys in on the process. She's going to walk you through exactly from step one to the final and we're going to get to see Monica's little makeover. So I'm really excited. Jessie, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for having me.

Yeah, for sure, girl. Thank you guys for listening to another episode of Dumb Blonde. Head over to YouTube and watch that video now and I will see you guys next week. Bye.