cover of episode #71 Dumb Blonde: Manager Meme - Mental Health Check

#71 Dumb Blonde: Manager Meme - Mental Health Check

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一位专注于喜剧、趋势和生活方式的播客主持人,通过《Dumb Blonde》播客与听众分享各种热门话题和个人经历。
Meme分享了她产后身心状态的巨大波动,既有找到自我的喜悦,也有抑郁症复发的低落。她经历了严重的焦虑和抑郁,甚至有自杀的念头,但她强调这并不意味着她会付诸行动。她认为抑郁症会以不同的方式影响不同的人,即使拥有很多东西,也可能患有抑郁症。她还谈到了童年创伤以及长期遭受的精神攻击,认为这些都与她的精神不稳定有关。流产后,她感觉有负面能量附着在她身上,加剧了她的抑郁和自杀念头。她计划寻求专业的心理治疗,而不是依赖药物。她通过EMDR疗法处理童年创伤,并发现这种疗法有效。她认为压抑情绪会影响自我关爱,即使是很小的改变也能带来积极影响。 Bunnie分享了她对隔离期间人们精神健康状况的观察,以及隔离如何加剧了已有的婚姻问题。她还谈到了她丈夫通过高尔夫球来应对抑郁,但这只是一种分散注意力的方式,而不是治愈方法。她与Meme一起建议人们进行自我关爱,即使是很小的举动,比如整理手机或衣橱。她们建议人们寻求专业帮助,例如与心理咨询师交谈,但不要依赖药物治疗。Bunnie还介绍了MTHFR基因突变及其对精神健康的影响,并建议人们进行血液检查,以了解是否存在维生素缺乏,这可能是精神健康问题的原因。她们强调有效的沟通对于处理精神健康问题至关重要,这需要双方都能理解和倾听。她们建议人们寻找健康积极的应对机制,而不是依赖破坏性的应对机制,例如酗酒或吸毒。最后,她们鼓励人们在有自杀念头时寻求专业帮助,不要害怕寻求支持,并强调精神健康状况的波动性。

Deep Dive

Manager Meme shares the story of her husband's reaction during the birth of their baby, Cash Michael, revealing his fear of blood and unexpected fainting episode.

Shownotes Transcript


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Is this thing on? What's up, you sexy motherfuckers? Welcome to another episode of Dumb Blonde. And Meemer Lou is in the house and she is not pregnant. No more. God, Lee. That was like the longest fucking pregnancy ever. Like a year of pregnancy. Please don't do that to me again.

We're done. I feel like I literally feel like I had that kid. Yeah. Like it was crazy. I still haven't got to meet him yet though. It was a stupid Rona too. Like I just get so scared taking him out. He's so little and now RSVs in season is just really sucks, but he's such a sweet boy. Tell us about the Jason story while during your birth. Oh my gosh. Okay. So, uh, Jason doesn't do well with blood, which I found this out one time in our marriage before when he saw an open wound and

and passed out like blacked out hit the floor everything we had to call 9-1-1 and um well this time i thought he was gonna be okay he's been through a c-section with me before and he was sitting there and he said he he was staring at the ground and he saw something on the ground he's like man like why is there a piece of shrimp on the ground and then realized very shortly after that it wasn't a piece of shrimp it was a piece of me oh and just looked at my anesthesiologist and said i don't

feel so good and then he just started to go so she had to like grab him and the baby wasn't crying and he passed out like it was just it was so hectic oh my god you know what listen i can't blame him no i am like the same way when i see blood or i see fucking anything that's not fucking ordinary i'll i don't i haven't fainted yet ever but i get really grossed out he said like he was surprised because i have like it was a whole female crew all the nurses doctors everyone was female

And he said they were just in there talking about like, you know, going to Mexican food after and stuff like that. He's like, how?

How are you in someone's insides and talking about like going to get margaritas? I can't understand. I couldn't even talk about eating carne asada because like the inside of people look like raw carne asada. I had some medical difficulties and she had to take pictures of my insides to show me later on. And it really does like the little flaps and the stuff is gross. Just everything. Carne. Yeah, it's nasty. So what did we name the baby? Cash.

Cash. Cash Bunny. Cash Michael. Cash Bunny. Cash Bunny. Yeah, his middle name is Bunny. He's going to grow up knowing... He's going to be a little bunny. Yeah, no, really. He's such a sweet little baby. He's so tiny. How's it been for you after giving birth? It's been different. I definitely mentally went through a different pregnancy. And then even after, I feel like this...

afterwards is a lot different than with Olivia and I think maybe it's just the difference in having a girl and a boy like what is in your body yeah you know just maybe having more hormones and then more testosterone with him but it's definitely two different pregnancies it hasn't been the best but it's been like a weird like good and bad

Like when you say like good and bad, what's some of the good? Some of the good is just kind of finding myself again, you know, because I get that with Olivia. Yeah, I just started wearing a little crop top today. Like, you know, self-love, you know, like finding that, but then also mentally being at like my lowest, you know, my depression's really like at a really bad place, but like in the same sense. So it's like one of those weird, like my anxiety is really high, so I'm feeling a lot of emotion, like things like that, but my depression's at a really low, so then I dwell a lot and things like that. It's a kind of like,

A roller coaster. Yeah. No, I never, I've always had severe anxiety problems and I, but I've never battled with depression until last January when I did a YouTube video about it. But depression is, I just, I never understood it. Like people used to always, even Jay, Jay gets super depressed and I, and I used to, I even now that I've experienced depression, it hits people differently. Like sometimes I'll be like, Jay, you have so much depression.

good going on around you like how can you be depressed what is there to be sad about you know but it depression really just fucking it conquers and i don't want to say conquers it consumes anybody yes like nobody is safe from fucking you can have everything and you know what uh viking barbie and i when she was out here we kind of got on this like subject it was like

Kata, Viking Barbie, me, and then Jonathan's wife was there also. And we all got on this subject of depression. And something that resonated with me, which made me kind of make that turn into more self-love, was Viking Barbie had said that...

people would look at her and assume she was the happiest person ever because she's beautiful she has lots of money you know she's like i'm a porn star i've got a loving significant other like all these things she said so when people look at me they don't understand why i would have depression kind of like how you're saying like you look at jay and you're like you have so much yeah and she said you know it doesn't matter what i have i still don't have that happiness right man if

I always thought in my head, well, if I had this, I would be happy. And it doesn't work like that. You know, it's a true chemical imbalance. Yeah, no, it really is. Like I said, I've been battling it since last January. Mine isn't more of the depression side. Mine's more of like suicidal ideation. And you know that. Like I even talked about it in the YouTube video that I made. And it's not that I would ever act on it, but I literally, there's not a day that goes by that I don't envision it.

Like it's sick. And there's sometimes that I'm just like, why am I thinking about this? Like I could literally be sitting there having a blast and then I just envision like blowing my head off. Yeah. Like, and it's crazy, but you know, I've read so much stuff about it and a lot of people are like that, you know, like you would look at people and just be like, Oh my God, there's, they have everything, you know, going for them and not realizing that everybody's fighting a war inside themselves. Some people can shut it off a lot,

better. And you know, I saw something the other day. Do you have that little voice in your head? No, not yet. No, no. I just was like, do you, do you talk in your head? Um, I don't, I mean, not more than normal. Like, I don't, I don't know what's normal and what's not. Yeah. I learned that there's actually a majority of people that don't have a voice in their head.

Okay. They envision shapes and paths and things like that, but they don't physically speak in their head. They cannot hear a voice. Right. And I was like, dude, do you know what I would do not to have a voice in my head? Well, when you hear the voice, what does it do? Because I'm trying to figure out if I got it or not. It literally narrates my entire day.

Like my voice doesn't stop in my head. So like give me an example. Like right now, like I have other paths going in my head just thinking about all the things I have to do, family at home, things like that. Yeah. On being able to sit here and have a conversation. So I have something already running in my head. Yeah. No, I do too. Yeah. So there's a majority of people that don't have that. Right.

Like, you know, if you're driving in the car, I'm thinking in my head and there's like a little voice in my head talking, saying you have this, this and this to do. Like, or you, you know, don't forget to make that left hand turn up here. Well, there are a majority of people that don't have that. And, you know, I feel like I wonder if those people suffer as much as we would with anxiety and depression if they don't have that voice. Because I feel like that voice controls a lot of it. Well, I feel like they would suffer just as much because...

They wouldn't have like, you know, that expression, I guess it would be like more like stuff down. So wouldn't that come out in other ways? Yeah. I don't know. That's like a really like weird thing. I always wondered, you know, like it,

because they think in shapes and paths, they don't think in words. Yeah. I'm really hard on myself. Like that voice in my head is like super rough. Like, you know, just constantly. Mine are more visions as opposed to voices. So like, but I've always been under attack, like spiritually. We've talked about this. Yes, you do. Freaking, you know, a million times is ever since I was a little girl, I have always seen spirits. I've always been attacked by spirits.

by the spiritual world. And I feel like that has a lot to do with something going on inside me. And I was watching American Horror Story last night with Jay and with a psychic on there said, she said something. She said like, you don't, you don't choose them. They choose you. And that's like the realest thing ever. Yeah. I was like, holy shit. I was like, that's the truth. And I feel like a lot of my mental unstabilities come from

other spirits, you know, because I, cause I never ever battled, um, depression or the suicidal thoughts until I went through the miscarriage in January. But literally right after I went to a funeral home, chisel rest in peace was shot. And I went to a funeral home and I touched the body and it,

I in that moment I feel like something latched on to me and it just wouldn't it hasn't let me go it's gotten I've gotten relief from it because when I first felt that feeling it was like the only way that I could explain it was eternal darkness it was like I I was laying in a tanning booth and I literally had to jump up out of the tanning booth because I fucking if I was so sad and I kept envisioning envisioning me blowing my head off and it but it was just like

Like I was consumed with sadness. And I remember I raced to the fucking hospital and I called Jay. I was like, I'm having a fucking nervous breakdown. Something's wrong. I was like, I'm going to the hospital.

I was in the parking lot literally praying like, dear Lord, please like get these thoughts out of my head. I don't want to feel like this. I'm fucking eating St. John's wort fucking taking my L-methyl folate. Like I had just had my boobs taken out too. So I think that had a lot to do with it too. My boobs and my, uh, you know, all my hormones are trying to get back on track too after having the miscarriage.

And I just feel like, um, you know, like in that moment it was like the worst feeling ever. So susceptible to it at that point also, because that was a lot of trauma to go through. Your body wasn't, your body was weak and your walls were down. Yeah, for sure. And I also think I had the Rona. I think I got the Rona in November, but literally this past year has been like, I've been on like this fucking self help, um,

you know just path of trying to figure out how to make myself better and taking vitamins has made me feel better are you thinking I think I read something that you had said in your story the other day that you're thinking about getting back on medication uh no I'm gonna just seek help so I'm probably gonna start seeing a therapist which I haven't done before oh really just more like self-help myself like research I'm just like you yeah you know you and I are very similar on like if I if I'm gonna do something I'm gonna read every article about it on the internet

it. I want to know about it, you know, and things like that. So I had talked to Jason about it, like at the end of my pregnancy. And then now that I had the baby, he was like, I think it's time. Yeah. I think so too. Because like, again, like I'm at a really good high, but I'm also at a really, really low. So there's like no in between. Some days are great. Some days are awful. Mornings can start great and bad. I think we're so, you know, impressionable. Our brains are very impressionable when we're younger. So like something that happens.

is going to trail off later in your life. And like, you're going to probably suppress it a lot. You know, like you said, you were like wild, like for a long time. I'd still be wild if I never got married. And like a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that you had trauma as a child. And it's like, that's your way to like, just push it down inside further and further. And it doesn't always have to be like sexual trauma. You know, like my mom left me on a doorstep when I was three months old and you know, my, it took my, my dad was in the hospital and she like ran off with his organ player.

You know, like, yeah, it was crazy. So literally it's just a series of traumatic events. I also had a super, you know, abusive stepmother who, you know, I used to get my ass kicked and that set the bar for abusive relationships because it was like, well, if this is how she shows me love, then this is what, you know, so I think going to therapy is what I'm coming back around to. I think going to therapy is probably one of the best things you can do because I

I, when I started therapy last year, when I went to go see my therapist out here, she did, um,

The ED is an EDMR with me or the tapping. No, I don't know what that is. Um, yeah, it's EDMR and it's, I'd actually really helped. So they have this therapy where they, you hold these devices and it like taps in your hand and it's like supposed to reset your neuro transmitters in your brain. I'm not exactly positive a hundred percent. So don't, you know, judge me if I'm not telling the right description about it. Um, but what was really cool and what she had me do was she had me revisit, um,

a really painful situation. And I don't even like saying it's painful and I have a hard time. I minimize everything. And I think at the time I was so upset because my parent, when I, I got molested when I was five, but I didn't tell my parents until I was like nine, 10 or 11. And this guy had raped numerous people, including his own sister, like abusive, ended up becoming one of the biggest rapists in Texas. Um,

Yeah. And it was my uncle's, my uncle's son, who I think is in and out of prison still as we speak. God rest his soul. He has passed away, my uncle. But what she had me do was revisit one of the situations that happened. And she had me visualize talking to my child self. Hmm.

you know? And she's like, if you could tell your child self anything right now, what would it be? And you're literally like sitting there talking and I'm not one that's made to cry easily, you know? And just envisioning me as a child sitting there talking to myself just had me in tears. And sometimes what is Chachi doing? I don't know.

going down. Fucking Josh is like, listen, mom, you're not going to get serious. So I think just sitting there and envisioning, you know, that and in therapy and just all that stuff is so good for you and just so healthy, you know? Yeah. Healthy. Yeah. That's another thing is like, we tend to suppress that so, so much. Yeah. Um, because it's like that self-help, that

that self-love is the first thing that goes, you know, like it was just something as simple as I'd put on there. Um, like just, I've had my phone for two years. I've never made it easier for myself to use, you know, like I've never, like I can literally search for this app every day and it'd be frustrating and shit as easy as just putting the app on your home screen, you know, cause I've got my Android and the iPhone. So it's like, you can organize your phone in

in both ways. But like mine was just like, it would be so much easier if I had that app that I used every single day on my home screen. And like the other day, yeah, the other day I fucking put it on my home screen. It took me three like months

seconds. Like just fucking hold it down and put it up. That's all it took. But like I suppressed myself of that for two years, you know, cause that's the first thing you do is like, you don't feel like you're deserving enough of it. So you just take those things away. Even if you subconsciously don't be like some people would have never thought. Yeah. Some people don't even realize that they're like self deprecating at all. Like if you like, say you're a mom and you're, you are a mom actually. Um,

You know, a lot of moms don't go out and spend money on themselves because they feel like they don't deserve it. And their kids do that self deprecation that comes from some sort of trauma that happened as a child. That's a trauma response to something that happened to you as a child. So, you know, even taking the first steps of self-love like you're doing is such a huge step. I love that you're wearing, you don't make me dress you up. Yeah.

Cause you know, we should do a Mimi make. I feel like I can't do a Mimi makeover on you though. Cause you're already so beautiful. It was easy with Shan cause she was like a nerd, you know? So it was like, we had to make her look like a fucking porn star, you know? But with you, it's like, what could I possibly do to, to upgrade you? That was like one of the things I didn't realize that I was starting to like,

uh, give myself more self love. It was Jason who pointed out he's very like hyper aware of me and my feelings and everything like that. You have such a good husband. I really do. Like he's the best. Uh, and it was, I went and bought new clothes and he was like, well,

you, you know? And then like, I got my nails done. I haven't had my nails done since March. Um, so I got my nails done. This whole outfit, except for my shoes was brand new. I, and then I went and got a tattoo. And so, you know, like it was those things that like, I probably haven't spent money on myself, truly spent money on myself in like, I can't tell you how long.

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Let's make a list. Let's make a list of what people need to do for their mental health. I think especially in 2020. Oh my gosh. We need this fucking list. Yes. Because I know quarantine is driving me up a fucking wall. Yes. And you know what? It not just did mental things to like yourself, but like your loved ones. Yeah. You were put into situations with your loved ones you've never. So I see all these people like in confessions and stuff and be like quarantine ruined my marriage. No. There was an underlying issue there that.

You just got... You guys were forced to be in the same room and talk for the first time. It's sort of like when someone changes a job, like maybe you're home more and you go through those fights. You're forced into those situations. Right. No, I've seen a lot of divorces this quarantine. Yeah. And I'm just like, golly, did you guys never have a fucking conversation? Celebrities, especially how many divorces we saw come out of or talk about divorce or needing help. Yeah. Because, you know, a lot of celebrities...

you guys know like it ruined your guys's tour like Jay was leaving the week of and quarantine hit you know and then you're these people are forced to be together when maybe all they ever knew was tour or travel and things like that so it's been weird Jay and I are always together so I feel like quarantine brought us closer together but I mean I'm ready for a break so if anybody wants my husband they can have him laughs

Fuck my life. I'm like, when does tour start? But you know what? He's picked up golfing. And that's another thing for his depression. Instead of just sitting around sulking about it, Jay went out and decided to do some self-love. And he went and got a membership out of three country clubs. Golf.

And literally golfs every fucking day. And I don't complain. He's gone from fucking eight o'clock in the morning. Well, no, let me not lie. He's gone from like 1 PM in the afternoon until like 10 o'clock at night. And I couldn't be more happier because one, he's getting exercise. He's getting his steps in and he's, you know, out there doing something that he loves. It's taken his mind off of whatever it is. That's, you know, hurting him on the inside. Um,

you know, he's still getting over his dad's death and stuff like that too. And it's not a cure. Um, like, you know, finding things like that aren't like so much of a cure, but more of a distraction. Yeah. You still have to work on yourself regardless if you find that little thing that helps distract you, it's going to revisit eventually. So I think for the first let, for the first thing on the list, we don't even know how many points we're going to have with this, but just for a little list of mental self self-help, um,

I think that self-love. Yes. Show yourself some sort of self-love today or tomorrow. Actually, don't even wait until tomorrow. Do it today. Right now. Like you're listening to this. Start thinking about what you're going to do for yourself. Yeah. Think about something that you want to do. Even if you don't have money to do anything, go out and fucking walk in the park. Yeah. You know, I mean, it's a little chilly right now, but you know, or go to a nursery and smell flowers. Put the app on your home screen that's been like driving you. Yeah. Organize your phone. It's something so...

so small clean out your closet which is what i'm gonna fucking go home and do yeah you know like clean out some sort of closet do you know make a place in your home that is your safe space that you can go to go take a fucking bubble bath paint your own fucking nails you know like it's something that you wax your butthole you didn't you know anything you didn't know you were depriving yourself of the uh

that you know is going to make yourself just a little bit happy. Yeah. It doesn't have to be a lot, just a little, and then just work your way into it, you know? Absolutely. And then I think the second thing would be definitely some sort of help. Yes. Get in there, talk to somebody, which I need to go back. I haven't been probably in the past six months, but since quarantine, quarantine literally ruined our whole routine. But

it's really good to go talk to somebody that's a third party that doesn't have an opinion who doesn't and I'm not talking about going to a psychologist and getting fucking pills because I for one yeah I don't believe in medication I I know everybody's different and that it helps other people and stuff like that I'm more of like a naturalist I want to take vitamins you know

you know and vitamin there's some vitamins i've taken like i took 5-htp one time it fucking made me climb the walls and i read so many good reviews on it i had to drink like a bottle of benadryl to come down off of that my anxiety was for you at all because i have that that mthfr gene mutation so that's why even doing drugs i never was like a good drug addict what is that mutation

You need to look into it because you might have it too. I feel like I've looked up something like this before. Yeah, you need to look it up. I don't really know the whole definition. I don't want to talk scientifically because I don't really know too much about it. I know a lot about it, but I don't know how to explain it. It's like it's a mutation in your genes that like, okay, say I snort a real coke and Monica snorts a real coke.

I'm going to get sick because my body can't break it down and process it. I don't know why I used Coke as a fucking thing, but Monica's going to party like it's fucking 1999, you know? So your body just can't break down certain things and it can't work, but also that affects your mental health. So a lot of people who have it have a chemical imbalance, have depression, have anxiety, have suicidal ideation. It's a huge thing. So you need to really look into it. Um,

MTHFR gene mutation. And what they do is they put you on L-methylfolate because it's a, you're lacking B9, I believe. It's either B6 or B9. I think it's B9. You're lacking B9 in your body and it's, it'll throw your entire body off. If you're lacking any sort of vitamins in your body, your whole body's going to be out of whack.

So I went and I got my blood work done. And for those people who can go and get your blood work done, I think a lot of insurance companies cover that too. Yeah. Go get your fucking blood work done. Figure out what's going on before you go to a psychologist and get and want to get put on medication. Go get your blood work done.

see what you're lacking in vitamins we just did it with monica monica was going through it like it was her mood swings were so severe that i could i knew something was wrong and i'd be like dude are you okay and like so we took her and come to find out she was lacking in a whole bunch of shit and so now they have her on a vitamin regimen and she's been doing pretty good huh momo yeah put your back like in it is like little things can completely throw you off oh yeah no no it's

vitamins, vitamin deficiencies are a motherfucker because when I was going through that shit in January, that's what I did is I finally went to, um, Justin at body works. If you guys live in, in Nashville, you guys have to go see Justin at body works home. Bunny sent you. He's amazing. He has this lady there named crystal who I can hook you up with. You can go see,

she'll draw all your labs and tell you exactly. And just from looking at your blood work, she'll be like, okay, you need this, you need this, you need this. And then she'll put you on a regimen within two weeks. You'll be feeling so much better. You know, I'm always throwing vitamins at you and shit. So I definitely think have your blood drawn to should be in one of those as well as the root of

maybe one of the issues and not have to jump all the way you know you want to start small and work your way up yeah just go be put on medication because medication is literally just going to change your entire DNA it's going to like you numb yeah like and that's and I've been there I've been on medication I tried that kind of stuff I think that's what people need to hear though see I've never been on medication but you have it honestly um there was a turning point for me like I felt like one

They were giving me more side effects than what I was trying to prevent. Yeah. So like I had more suicidal thoughts on medication than I had off of it. Yeah. And I'm like, isn't this what we're supposed to be like trying to prevent and fix? You know, it's not a fix. It's literally just a mask. Right. And Jason and I, um, I almost lost Jason in 2016 to a car accident. And I remember we had gotten very tragic news, like in all of that. Um,

coming it was like the beginning of 2017 i was on medication and we got this like really really sad news and jason's back was turned to me and he's like i just knew i was gonna turn around you were gonna be bawling because i'm a crier i cry i'll cry over a fucking commercial um and then he like makes that turn to look at me and he was like you were just stone cold he said you had not one emotion he was like that was tragic he was like i was on the verge of losing it and you're just over there like

looking like a damn statue yeah he's like that's when i knew there was something wrong with you and that's what the medication did it just made me not feel yeah i just was like well that sucks see i wouldn't want to go through i'm such an emotionally passionate person like i'm not emotional on the outside but there's a storm brewing inside and like i would not want to never not feel that human though like i want to feel love i want to feel happiness but i also want to still feel sadness yeah i just don't want to go all the way down deep dark into the the

And we are not talking shit about people on medication. There are some people who really need it and some people who it really works for. I'm just scared because I'm already a fucking weirdo. If I take that shit, I just don't want anything in my body. Like I am 100%. I don't even take anything to sleep.

like even I don't take Benadryl anymore and like Jay even said that the other day he's like you're not taking anything to sleep and I was like no because as long as he's known me I literally have had to take you know Benadryl or something that will help me go to sleep like I've cleaned in this past five years that I've been with Jay I've cleaned my entire body out and I'm just trying to get to know myself sober you know and it's

A crazy thing. It's a new person. Yeah, no, it's weird. I'm kind of boring and fucking freakishly awkward. It's fucked up. Like, I'm good with people in my own circle, but any new people, I'm just like, I don't know what to do. And, yeah, and, you know, like, just getting to the root of it, and that's pretty much what you're doing, is like that, that's, I didn't want to be on medication anymore, so this is like the last...

two, three years, um, I've just pretty much smoked weed and like, yeah, that'd be kind of like a safety net for me and then figure out like, okay, it's not, it's not fixing me. I'm not saying that's going to be a fix, but it masks it a lot easier and gives me that, you know, I still feel emotion and stuff like I'm not on medication. And now I

And it gives you the munchies. Yeah. Now it's time to go towards the, okay, let's hope a therapist can actually fix this. Absolutely. Well, it's going to be you doing the fixing. It's not going to be the therapist. She's just going to guide you. Yeah, exactly. And that's always good. I love weed. I'm a huge advocate for weed. I believe in it. It's natural. All that stuff. I used to be a weed smoking motherfucker. And then...

Fucking anxiety has taken all the joys of life for me. So it's like I can't even smoke anymore without having like a panic attack. So let's see what's next. What do you think? We did self. I'd say get out, get out and fucking don't sit. Don't sit at home thinking of ways to, to,

Yes. That's where... Medicaid. Yeah. Quarantine was hard on that because it drew everyone inside. Yep. So, like, drinking, fucking popping a zanny, you know. Yeah. I mean, every now and then is okay. But if I can, you know...

You need to try to think of healthy, constructive ways of coping as opposed to destructive ways of coping. Yes, exactly. Because it's really just going to make it worse. And that's all you're pretty much doing. If you're drinking the alcohol, you're taking the pills or stuff, you're masking it for now. Benzos make you feel lower anyways. Yeah, it's just going to...

it's going to storm inside a lot more and then eventually it's going to break out and something bad's going to happen yeah it's going to come out in different ways yes exactly and you know what it affects your loved ones too like really really really bad like communicate yes you have to even if it's super hard for you and it's important that your loved one knows how to communicate with

you yeah well who knows how to listen to you can communicate all you want with somebody but if they are not comprehending what you're saying it's not going to get anywhere that's what I always tell people they're like what's your biggest relationship secret and I'm just like we don't really have a relationship secret we just literally try to fucking understand each other and

instead of, you know, some people listen to talk, you need to listen to hear, you know, so you have to make sure you have that significant other that actually is receiving what you're saying, because there are a lot of people who are going through mental health that have partners that aren't supportive. Yeah. I've heard people say before, like having their significant other tell them like, are we over this yet? Like they're going through a depression state. If my husband ever told me, are we over this yet? I would probably

lose it like I really would he just he just he's amazing like and we kind of figured out this part of me together we've been together in March will be 10 years so it's like I've kind of like we've grown with my mental health so he's learned how to deal with it a lot more instead of just coming into like a crazy like I was still young and wild when I was younger and we met so you know it was masked really well and then like I sobered up a lot more and like that's when I figured out I was like oh I'm fucking

crazy. Cool. Yeah. So like, let's figure this out together. And he's done great about that. Like he could help anyone, you know, just learning what to say, when to say it kind of thing is super important because like it doesn't have to be your significant other. It can be like a parent, a friend or whatever. Just have that person who knows how to communicate with you when you're at your worst and knows how to, you know, be there for you even when you're at your best. Right. Yeah, totally. I couldn't agree more.

And I just also think that, you know, you know yourself. So, you know, if you're having like suicidal thoughts and you feel like you're going to act on it, then you need to really go talk to somebody. I wouldn't call those helplines because I've heard so many bad reviews about them. You can go places like you went to the hospital because you knew better. So don't ever feel like you're alone in this world and that you don't have anybody to talk to. I mean, dude, my DMs are always open. My DMs are full of people who are always messaging me asking for some sort of glimpse of hope.

Cause that's really what depression is. You just feel hopeless, you know, and you guys have got to understand the shit passes. Like you could be in the lowest of lows and two months later being on top of the world, you know? So don't ever let a bad day fuck you up forever. Yeah. You have to remember some of the happiest people don't have everything. Self-care 2021.

we said self-care 2020 and it really did turn out to be self-care but it was like we were all going through it yeah you got to go through that bad shit yeah that's what it was yeah you got to go through the low to have the high yeah so we're gonna make 2021 just self-care 2021 we got to make it happen you know yeah for sure mimi thank you so much for being here thank you for having me i always love when you're here i think everybody else loves when you're here too i would hope so

Why don't you tell everybody where they can find you if they already don't know? You can find me on Instagram at Shirley.sinful. I'm not cool enough to have the only fans. That's next. We're going to have Mimi busting it wide open pretty soon. I can't wait. Self-love. Self-love, baby. Thank you guys so much for tuning in to another episode of Dumb Blonde. I will see you guys next week. Bye.