cover of episode A (Psychological) Reaction to the Biden Pardon

A (Psychological) Reaction to the Biden Pardon

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

乔丹·彼得森:乔·拜登赦免其子亨特·拜登的行为,不仅违背了其先前的公开承诺,更暴露出其在家庭关系中存在的严重问题。他将亨特的种种恶行归咎于成瘾,并将其塑造成受害者,这是一种病态的纵容,也是对亨特个人成长和社会责任感的极大损害。这种行为模式与民主党将罪犯视为受害者的政治策略如出一辙,放大了犯罪行为的后果。此外,乔·拜登在赦免亨特的同时,还强调自身的高尚道德,这种做法更是令人不齿。他将对亨特的纵容伪装成父爱,实则是一种对自身政治形象的维护,是对家庭关系和社会责任的极大不负责任。 从心理学角度来看,亨特可能因为在家庭中被视为“黑羊”而对父母怀恨在心,其一系列恶行,包括在父亲竞选前夕泄露电脑信息,以及与哥哥遗孀的不伦恋等,都可能是其报复行为的表现。乔·拜登夫妇的纵容行为,不仅没有帮助亨特改过自新,反而加剧了他的病态行为。 乔丹·彼得森认为,任何一位负责任的父母,都应该在子女犯错时设置界限,而不是一味地为其找借口。乔·拜登的行为不仅是对亨特的伤害,也是对美国人民的误导。他将自身的行为伪装成父爱,实则是一种自私自利的表现。 乔·拜登:我遵守了陪审团的决定,不会赦免我的儿子。我不会干涉司法部的决策。亨特受到了选择性且不公平的起诉,我的政治对手为了攻击我而发起了这些指控。认罪协议的破裂是由于政治对手施压造成的。我相信司法系统,但我认为政治已经影响了这个过程,导致了司法不公。我希望美国人民能够理解一个父亲和总统会做出这个决定。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Dr. Jordan B. Peterson find the justification for Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter particularly appalling?

Peterson found the justification that Joe did what any loving father would do to be particularly appalling because it suggests a lack of understanding of the psychological and moral implications of such an action, especially given the repeated public denials of a pardon.

What conflict of interest did Dr. Peterson identify in Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter?

Peterson identified a clear conflict of interest in the pardon, as it involved the President pardoning his own son, which he had previously and repeatedly denied would happen.

How did Dr. Peterson characterize the Biden family's narrative about Hunter?

Peterson characterized the Biden family's narrative about Hunter as portraying him as a heroic victim, which he believes is a form of enabling and infantilizing behavior that mirrors the Democrats' political strategy of treating criminals as victims.

What does Dr. Peterson argue is the proper response to a child exhibiting criminal tendencies?

Peterson argues that the proper response is to encourage the child to interact in a pro-social direction and to limit their aggression through selective and stringent measures, rather than making excuses or enabling their behavior.

What does Dr. Peterson suggest as a possible motivation for Hunter's actions regarding the laptops?

Peterson suggests that Hunter's actions, such as dropping off three water-damaged laptops containing compromising information, may have been motivated by a desire for revenge against his parents, particularly after the death of his brother Beau, who was the favored child.

Why does Dr. Peterson believe Joe Biden's pardon of Hunter is unforgivable?

Peterson believes the pardon is unforgivable because it follows a pattern of pathological enabling and lies about not pardoning Hunter, which undermines any moral stance Biden might have taken and further damages his son's life and reputation.

What does Dr. Peterson suggest would be a more loving action for Joe Biden to have taken regarding Hunter?

Peterson suggests that a more loving action would have been for Joe to let Hunter face the consequences of his actions, support him in his attempts to do the right thing, and not make public excuses for his behavior, which would have been a more compelling demonstration of love.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson takes an in-depth look at the presidential pardon for Hunter Biden issued by his father. He presents the psychology and pathology associated with narcissism, addiction, infantilization, enablement, and an unyielding ability to lie, all of which have mixed perfectly to forever tarnish the Biden legacy and upend the current iteration of the Democratic Party. The only question left unanswered: Will they learn?


This episode was filmed on December 5th, 2024