cover of episode 499. The Jesus Revolution: The Real Thing | Greg Laurie

499. The Jesus Revolution: The Real Thing | Greg Laurie

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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Greg Laurie
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson: 本期节目探讨了《耶稣革命》背后的真实故事,以及格雷格·劳里牧师如何从一个小型教会发展成大型组织。节目中,我们讨论了劳里牧师的信仰历程、与嬉皮牧师朗尼·弗里斯比的关系,以及他如何与年轻人建立联系。此外,我们还探讨了70年代年轻人对意义和目标的追求,以及亚伯拉罕的故事如何与劳里牧师的个人经历和事工产生共鸣。我们还讨论了当代年轻人,特别是年轻男性,回归传统教会的现象,以及其背后的原因。 Peterson 认为,年轻人寻找目标和认同感是正常的,关键在于认同感的内涵。他以亚伯拉罕的故事为例,阐述了冒险精神、名声、价值和社会贡献等元素如何构成一个完整的成功人生。他认为,人类具有发展的本能,而亚伯拉罕的故事突出了遵循这一本能的重要性。他还指出,亚伯拉罕的旅程是一个不断向上提升的过程,伴随着牺牲和自我改变。 Peterson 认为,成功的定义并非单一目标,而是一个整合旅程和终点的过程。他还探讨了男性在社会中的角色,以及父权制在引导年轻人成长中的作用。他认为,一个好的男性榜样对于年轻人的成长至关重要。 Peterson 还探讨了宗教伪善的问题,以及如何避免陷入宗教狂热。他认为,宗教信仰应该引导人们走向积极和勇敢的生活,而不是让他们变得胆怯和顺从。 Greg Laurie: 我在20世纪70年代开始传教,服务于迷茫的年轻人,并取得了革命性的影响。许多年轻人成长于破碎的家庭,缺乏父爱,这导致了诸多社会问题,教会和牧师可以成为他们的精神导师。教会提供了一种在文化中缺失的绝对真理和价值观,对年轻人有吸引力。当代年轻人与70年代的年轻人相似,都在寻找目标和意义。教会提供无条件的信仰和神学,满足了年轻人对目标和信仰的渴望。 我个人的故事也印证了这一点。我成长于一个破碎的家庭,缺乏父爱,这让我在年轻时迷茫和寻求。我尝试过毒品,但最终意识到这不是我想要的生活。朗尼·弗里斯比的布道让我开始思考信仰,并在17岁时祈祷并信奉基督教,这改变了我的生活。我的转变并非源于外界的引导,而是我内心的寻求。 我的母亲与玛丽莲·梦露相似,都拥有强大的性感魅力,但同时也经历了人生的黑暗面。享乐主义的性欲缺乏长远眼光,容易导致不良后果,需要更广泛的框架来整合。我童年经历的阴影促使我渴望秩序和父权制的引导。我对“耶稣怪人”的矛盾心理源于我对权威人物的复杂情感。我最初对“耶稣怪人”的抵触源于他们看似狂热和极端的表现,但我看到他们的改变,这让我开始重新思考信仰。 在加略山教堂,我找到了信仰的归属,并开始学习圣经,在圣经中找到了我一直在寻找的真理。我开始向他人分享我的信仰,并持续至今。查克·史密斯以其清晰易懂的讲解方式,成为了我的精神导师。 我与养父奥斯卡·劳里的重逢,以及养父的信仰转变,也印证了信仰的力量。即使经历痛苦和悲伤,上帝依然能够创造奇迹。我坚信天堂的存在,并相信我会与儿子在天堂重逢。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why are young men returning to traditional churches?

Many young men, raised in broken or fatherless homes, are seeking authoritative voices and a sense of purpose. Churches offer a structured environment with clear moral guidance and a sense of community, fulfilling a need for both identity and belonging.

How did Greg Laurie's background influence his search for faith?

Laurie's fragmented family life, including his mother's multiple marriages and alcoholism, left him craving stability and authority. This background made him receptive to the structured guidance and father figures he found in the church.

What role did Lonnie Frisbee play in Greg Laurie's conversion?

Lonnie Frisbee, a charismatic hippie evangelist, made a significant impact on Laurie. Frisbee's straightforward message and the transformative experiences of others at his events helped Laurie see the potential truth in Christianity.

How did Greg Laurie's relationship with Chuck Smith impact his ministry?

Chuck Smith provided Laurie with a model of a benevolent yet authoritative father figure. Smith's practical, Bible-centered approach to ministry helped Laurie ground his own teachings and grow his church, emphasizing expository Bible teaching.

What is the significance of the story of Abraham in Greg Laurie's life?

The story of Abraham, particularly the call to leave comfort and the covenant with God, resonates with Laurie's own journey. It symbolizes the adventure of faith, the necessity of sacrifice, and the promise of a blessed and purposeful life.

How does Greg Laurie reconcile the Christian moral imperative to perfect the world with the concept of an afterlife?

Laurie believes that while striving to perfect the world is a Christian duty, earthly life is a shadow of the greater reality of heaven. He sees the afterlife as a fulfillment of the deepest longings and moral efforts made in this life.

What personal tragedy has deeply influenced Greg Laurie's perspective on faith and life?

Laurie's son Christopher died in an automobile accident, which was a profound personal tragedy. This event deepened his faith and reinforced his belief in the afterlife, as he found solace and purpose in continuing his ministry and helping others facing similar losses.

Discussion on the resurgence of young men in traditional churches and the role of father figures in providing authoritative guidance.
  • Young men are seeking authoritative voices in a culture lacking absolute truths.
  • The lack of a father figure in many homes contributes to a longing for guidance and structure.
  • Churches offer a space where truth is presented without apology, appealing to those searching for meaning.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with the senior pastor of the Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie. They discuss the true story behind the hit film “The Jesus Revolution,” Laurie’s relationship with hippie-preacher and counter-culture icon Lonnie Frisbee, how he found faith in the most unlikely of places, and the past 50 years of building his world-renowned ministry.


Greg Laurie is the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship with campuses in California and Hawaii. He began his pastoral ministry at the age of 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into a church of some 15,000 people. Today, Harvest is one of the largest churches in America and consistently ranks among the most influential churches in the country.


In 1990, Laurie began holding large-scale public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 9.8 million people have participated in these events in person or online around the United States. In 2012, Laurie launched Harvest America, a nationwide event using the internet to simulcast live HD video to thousands of locations across the country. With an unprecedented 306,000 Americans in live attendance, Harvest America ranks among the largest presentations of the gospel in United States history. Harvest Crusades have also been held internationally in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. More importantly, some 531,889 people have made professions of faith through these outreaches.


In 2020 and in partnership with Kingdom Story Company, Laurie premiered his first-ever cinematic crusade, “A Rush of Hope,” viewed by over 2 million people in its opening weekend. Laurie is the featured speaker of the nationally syndicated radio program, A New Beginning, which is broadcast on more than 1,200 radio outlets around the world. Laurie’s weekly television program, “Harvest + Greg Laurie,” is carried on major TV networks such as Lifetime, Fox Business, Newsmax, Daystar, KCAL 9 Los Angeles, and the Trinity Broadcasting Network.


This episode was filmed on November 4th, 2024



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