cover of episode 497. Alberta vs Ottawa: A New Vision of Health | Minister Dan Williams

497. Alberta vs Ottawa: A New Vision of Health | Minister Dan Williams

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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乔丹·彼得森:加拿大文化战争激烈,阿尔伯塔省的保守主义立场与联邦政府的自由主义政策形成对比。阿尔伯塔省政府在解决无家可归和吸毒问题方面采取了实用、可扩展且有效的措施,这与加拿大左翼的政策形成对比。 丹·威廉姆斯:加拿大政治结构源于《英属北美法案》,联邦和省级政府权力划分明确。阿尔伯塔省在医疗保健等领域拥有自主权。省级选举先进行党内提名,然后进行普选。阿尔伯塔省的选举主要在保守党和新民主党之间进行。加拿大各省和联邦政府之间存在权力和利益冲突,例如均等化支付制度引发了省际间的紧张关系。阿尔伯塔省认为其在均等化支付制度中没有得到公平对待,魁北克省反对能源开发,却依赖于来自阿尔伯塔省的转移支付。阿尔伯塔省的人权法案得到了修改,以更好地反映阿尔伯塔省人民的利益,其中包括财产权和枪支所有权等权利。阿尔伯塔省实际上禁止了疫苗强制令,并削弱了监管机构的权力,增加了对言论自由的保护。 乔丹·彼得森:加拿大各省和联邦政府之间存在权力和利益冲突。加拿大省级政府拥有能源、资源、医疗和教育等重要领域的管辖权。加拿大的均等化支付制度是一种财富再分配机制,引发了省际间的紧张关系。魁北克省反对能源开发,却依赖于来自阿尔伯塔省的转移支付。阿尔伯塔省拥有全球第三大化石燃料储量,并拥有环保的技术和法规。特鲁多政府任命了一位激进的环境活动家担任环境部长,这损害了加拿大西部经济。特鲁多政府的政策导致阿尔伯塔省的人均GDP低于美国最贫穷的州。政府的选择会产生后果,特鲁多政府浪费了加拿大的资源。特鲁多政府加剧了北美的毒瘾危机。加拿大的许多机构都出现了功能失调。近十年来,加拿大出现了一种新型的保守主义,丹尼尔·史密斯是加拿大新一代保守主义的代表人物。丹尼尔·史密斯修改了阿尔伯塔省人权法案,加强了阿尔伯塔省人民的身体自主权和完整性。如果一项政策需要强制执行,那么这项政策本身就存在问题。史密斯省长削弱了监管机构的权力,并增加了对言论自由的保护。加拿大最高法院的裁决允许专业监管机构采取任何合理的行动,这令人担忧。心理学家和医生被要求对患有性别焦虑症的青少年做出肯定性回应,这是一种不道德的行为。挑战专业监管机构的决定可能会导致声誉受损和巨额经济损失。加拿大的许多机构都失去了独立性和可信度。

Deep Dive

Dr. Peterson and Minister Dan Williams discuss the Canadian political structure, focusing on the relationship between the federal and provincial governments, and how this dynamic affects Alberta.
  • Canada's political structure is based on the British North America Act of 1867.
  • The federal government in Ottawa and provincial governments like Alberta have distinct areas of jurisdiction.
  • Alberta's entrepreneurial spirit and conservative values create a unique political landscape within Canada.

Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down with Canada’s Minister of Mental Health and Addiction, Dan Williams. They discuss how Canada became the epicenter of the world’s opioid crisis, the federal approach that only enables further addiction, the demoralization of Canadians as the country’s future continues to destabilize, and the efforts needed to right the ship — before it is too late.


Dan Williams was sworn in as the Minister of Mental Health and Addiction on June 9, 2023. He was first elected as the Member of the Legislative Assembly for Peace River on April 16, 2019, and was reelected on May 29, 2023. Minister Williams has been tasked with implementing Alberta’s mental health and addiction strategy, known as the Alberta Recovery Model. This policy model focuses on the fact that recovery is possible, no matter what addiction or mental health challenge someone may face. Under his leadership, Alberta is building 11 recovery communities across the province, a record-breaking expansion to long-term addiction treatment. He has connected with communities, First Nations, and families dealing with the addiction crisis. Alberta has now established a new mental health and addiction agency, Recovery Alberta, which is funded and overseen by the Minister of Mental Health and Addiction. The province, under Minister Williams, is also investing in mental health services, especially for children and youth. Partnerships with service providers are expanding services across the entire province and connecting families with the mental health support they need.


This episode was filmed on October 31st, 2024.



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