cover of episode 436. What Your Left Brain Won’t Tell Your Right Brain | Dr. Iain McGilchrist

436. What Your Left Brain Won’t Tell Your Right Brain | Dr. Iain McGilchrist

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Iain McGilchrist
Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan Peterson 认为左右脑半球特化与神话中路西法式智慧的概念存在关联,并探讨了注意力作为一种价值判断过程与道德之间的关系。他认为,我们对世界的感知取决于我们的目标、注意力和价值观,世界以符合我们目标的方式呈现自身。 Iain McGilchrist 则从神经科学角度深入探讨了左右脑半球特化的机制,以及大脑胼胝体在协调左右脑功能中的作用。他认为,大脑并非简单的二元对立,而是区分与连接、独立与统一的结合。他指出,左脑更擅长获取、简化和理解信息,而右脑则负责整合信息,感知整体,并对经验保持开放性。他认为,过多的连接并非总是更好,信息过载会导致信号被噪声淹没。他批评了现代社会对直觉的忽视,以及左脑过度简化和算法化思维方式的弊端,认为这会导致人们忽视事实,并陷入妄想。他认为,右脑更关注经验的真实性,而左脑更关注内部一致性。他认为,直觉比基于直觉的推理更丰富,并且过度依赖理性可能会导致错误的结论。 Iain McGilchrist 详细阐述了其著作《The Matter With Things》的核心观点,即如何判断哪些事物更接近真理。他认为,右脑比左脑更能准确地反映现实,左脑容易产生情绪化反应和错误判断。他探讨了人们寻找真理的途径,包括科学、理性、直觉和想象力,并指出它们各自的局限性。他认为,对立统一的原则在各种文化中都存在,追求某一极端最终会导致其反面。他认为,理想状态并非将所有事物简化为单一线性路径,而是多种观点的平衡统一。他强调了宇宙的演化过程是内隐的逐渐显现,多样化发展但不威胁整体的完整性。他认为,万事万物都在流动变化中,机械论的观点是错误的。他认为,生命的意义并非仅仅在于生存,还在于对宇宙之美、善和真的回应。他认为,意识遍布整个宇宙,物质是意识的一种具体表现形式。他认为,注意力是一种道德行为,因为它塑造了我们的世界观和自我。他认为,存在不同类型的注意力,有些更慷慨,有些更具有掠夺性。他认为,我们所关注的方式决定了我们所发现的东西,并影响我们未来的行为。他认为,同一事物可以有多种真实的解读,这取决于人们关注的角度。他认为,只关注事物的功利性会使我们的灵魂变得贫乏。他认为,左脑通过封闭来寻找真理,右脑通过开放来寻找真理。他认为,现代社会中,人们过于关注物质财富,忽视了精神世界、真挚的情感和与自然的联系。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with psychiatrist, researcher, and philosopher Dr. Iain McGilchrist. They discuss right brain/left brain hemispheric specialization, the basis of delusion, “unknowing” as a necessary step toward wisdom, consciousness and the divine ground of being, and the imposition of mediocrity in the modern West.


Dr. Iain McGilchrist is a psychiatrist, neuroscience researcher, philosopher and literary scholar. He is a Quondam Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, an Associate Fellow of Green Templeton College, Oxford, a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and former Consultant Psychiatrist and Clinical Director at the Bethlem Royal & Maudsley Hospital, London. He has been a Research Fellow in neuroimaging at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore and a Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Stellenbosch. He has published original articles and research papers in a wide range of publications on topics in literature, philosophy, medicine and psychiatry. He is the author of a number of books, but is best-known for The Master and his Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World (Yale 2009). In November 2021 his two-volume work The Matter with Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World was published by Perspectiva Press.



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For Iain McGilchrist:




On X


The Matter With Things (Book)


The Master and His Emissary (Book)