cover of episode 425. Negotiating a Raise — and a Better Life | Chris Voss

425. Negotiating a Raise — and a Better Life | Chris Voss

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The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast

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Chris Voss
Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson 认为成功的谈判在于建立长期的、富有成效的合作关系,双方共同追求目标,并随着时间的推移不断扩展对目标的理解。他强调了在职业发展中,帮助他人提升技能和自信,而非仅仅关注加薪的重要性。他还指出,在谈判中,要为自身和对方争取利益,并为对方向其上级汇报做好充分准备。 Chris Voss 则从人质谈判的经验出发,强调谈判的本质是合作,而非对抗。他认为,谈判的对手不是对方,而是局面本身。他介绍了“校准式提问”等技巧,引导对方思考,而非直接索取答案,并强调了拥有“底线”(BATNA)的重要性,这能减轻压力,避免让自己成为谈判的“人质”。他还分享了在实际谈判中,如何通过积极倾听,了解对方的需求和恐惧,从而达成共赢的案例。他认为,欺骗在谈判中是不可取的,诚实和正直是成功的关键。 Chris Voss 结合自身在FBI担任人质谈判专家以及在哈佛大学教授谈判课程的经验,深入探讨了谈判的技巧和策略。他强调,成功的谈判并非以一方获胜为目标,而是建立在双方合作、共同寻求最佳解决方案的基础上。他特别指出,积极倾听是谈判成功的关键,通过倾听,可以了解对方的真实需求和顾虑,从而找到双方都能接受的方案。Voss还介绍了其独创的“黑天鹅方法”,该方法包含九个工具,包括口头观察、镜像、释义、校准式提问等,旨在帮助谈判者更好地理解对方,并引导对话朝积极的方向发展。此外,Voss还强调了诚信的重要性,认为欺骗行为会损害谈判者的信誉,最终得不偿失。他以自身参与的银行抢劫人质事件为例,详细阐述了如何运用积极倾听和温和对抗等技巧,成功化解危机,最终使人质安全获救,并使犯罪嫌疑人顺利投案。

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Dr. Jordan Peterson speaks with author, teacher, and prior hostage negotiator Chris Voss. They discuss the necessity of prioritizing needs and wants, how to navigate the job market to fit your best potential, how and why to go after a raise, the primacy of invitational collaboration over compelled, and how Voss succeeded in many real-world hostage negotiations.


Chris Voss has served as the lead international kidnapping negotiator for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the hostage negotiation representative for the National Security Council’s Hostage Working Group, and the lead Crisis Negotiator for the NYC division of the FBI. Chris was a member of the New York City Joint Terrorist Task Force for 14 years, a recipient of the Attorney General’s Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement, and the FBI Agents Association Award for Distinguished and Exemplary Service. Chris has taught business negotiation courses at the University of Southern California, Georgetown University, and Harvard University. He has also guest lectured at Northwestern University and at schools abroad. Currently, Chris works with Insite Security as their Managing Director of the Kidnapping Resolution Practice.



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“Never Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On It” (book)


Learn to negotiate with the Black Swan Group