cover of episode S2 EP1. Is Manifestation Real?

S2 EP1. Is Manifestation Real?

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Christ With Coffee On Ice

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Allie Yost
本期节目探讨了当代年轻人中流行的“显化”(manifestation)现象。主持人Allie Yost认为,虽然积极的自我暗示和设定目标是好的,但当代年轻人对显化的理解和运用存在偏差,容易走向极端。许多人试图通过显化来控制外部环境和他人行为,这是一种危险的自我神化,忽视了上帝的主权和旨意。我们只能控制自己的行为和态度,而无法控制他人和外部环境。试图通过显化来控制他人关系和生活走向,违背了人类的本性,也违背了上帝的旨意。我们已经有上帝了,无需扮演上帝的角色,试图掌控一切。显化存在风险,因为即使抱有善意,也可能无意中与黑暗势力产生关联。积极的自我肯定和信念是好的,但应将功劳归于上帝。显化思想容易导致自私自利,与上帝的教诲相悖。显化与对上帝的信靠和顺服相冲突,它试图操纵上帝的计划和时间。祈祷与显化不同,祈祷是将请求托付给上帝,而显化是试图自行掌控结果。我们无法预知未来,也无法掌控所有事情,因此过度依赖显化会导致失望。显化可能导致年轻人错误地认为自己能够控制一切,从而产生焦虑和自我怀疑。将生活中发生的一切都归咎于自己,是一种来自敌人的干扰,会加重精神负担。我们无法控制所有事情的发生,例如疾病、意外等,无需将这些归咎于自己。撒旦可能暂时满足一些显化愿望,以引诱人们更深地陷入其中,最终导致失望。撒旦的承诺是虚假的,而上帝的承诺是永恒的。要获得生命中渴望的一切,需要谦卑自己,侍奉上帝,并侍奉他人。我们可以拥有想要的一切,但需要依靠上帝,并相信祂的旨意和时间安排。要获得上帝的祝福,需要放下急躁、骄傲和独立性,相信上帝的计划。显化忽略了上帝的主权。在等待中赞美上帝,因为等待的过程也是上帝恩典的一部分。要信靠上帝,而不是依赖自己的理解。显化将信仰寄托于自身想法,而非寻求上帝的旨意。显化变得危险在于不承认上帝,认为自己才是生活中好事的唯一原因。无论采用何种积极思维方式,都应感恩并承认上帝。 Allie Yost 认为,显化容易让人忽视上帝及其旨意,过度依赖自身能力,最终导致失望和自我怀疑。她鼓励大家信靠上帝,相信上帝的计划和时间安排,并通过祈祷寻求上帝的帮助。

Deep Dive


Shownotes Transcript


Hello everybody. Welcome to season two of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost, and I am so excited to be here with you guys. Thank you for coming back for season two. There is no different theme with this season. The only theme is Jesus, and so that is the train that we're going to continue to go on. Also, I got a haircut. I got bangs. It

If you follow me on social media, you've probably already known that for a while now. But I got bangs. And I honestly have no idea what they look like. I'm like, I can see myself in the monitor so tiny and small. Hopefully they look okay. But I have my coffee with me.

Uh, this coffee is also recycled. You guys are probably like, Allie, ew, what does that mean? No, it's my, it's my coffee from this morning that I just haven't been able to finish. So I threw some ice, put it in a cup and we're just gonna, we're gonna have it here. I don't know how much more I'm gonna drink of it though, y'all. Cause if I'm being honest, I got myself a venti. It's Starbucks. I got it from Starbucks today. Whatever, this isn't sponsored. I'm just being honest. And it was the first time that I actually got myself a venti, which is just absolute absurdity. Don't do that. Don't get a venti. Oh my God.

I have never gotten a venti before. I've only done like the grande, you know, and I was on planet Mars. Like I legit was sent into the atmosphere. I was sent into orbit having a venti today. So, um, anyway, I didn't even finish it. Look how

much there is left, and that's all it took to send me to Mars. I couldn't do it. So we might sip on it just a little bit, but I really can't afford any more caffeine today. I need to start recording these in the beginning of my day when I'm like just hitting Mars, you know? Not after I've already been there for a while. I mean, I've been on Mars for a few hours. Okay, anyway, you get it.

So I'm just so blessed. I'm so excited to be here with you guys. I feel like, I mean, I've been sitting here actually for the last like 30 to 40 minutes having so many technical difficulties. I've been having the hardest time with my laptop. It just keeps telling me that my storage is full and I feel like I've deleted everything off my laptop. I've YouTubed

every freaking tutorial of how to free up the space on your laptop. I have an external hard drive now too because I just, I needed somewhere to put all my stuff. I don't even have that much stuff, but I needed somewhere to put it because my laptop apparently can't handle it. What the heck Apple? No, like what the, what the heck? I spent so much money on this stupid daggum laptop for it to hold three pictures. I'm like, thanks so much. I could have held three photos in my pocket.

Do I have? I'm sorry. I'm getting into my crazy voice right now. But like, why?

why do I have this laptop? Bless its heart. I don't even know. It doesn't have a heart. It's a laptop alley. But like, why do I have it? Okay. So now I have a hard drive that is external from it. It's not even a part of the laptop to hold my stuff. Okay. Well, anyway, I figured it out, obviously, because here we are and we are recording and everything is good and life is good and God is good. So I figured it out and we are here. We're doing the thing and we're going to talk about Jesus. But the

The devil tried so hard to ruin my day because y'all know I'm here to ruin his.

Y'all know I'm here to ruin Satan's day. Let's just rejoice in that. Let's rejoice in Jesus. Let's rejoice in the Lord and just ruin Satan's day. He tried to beat me to it, but he couldn't do it. So he tried to beat me to it with this coffee this morning too. And that didn't work either. So here we are. Hey, but I love y'all. And thanks for loving the podcast. Thanks for being here. Thanks for the support. It has literally meant the world to me. I feel my life literally changing through this podcast, through God, through your guys' support.

And I'm just happy to be here. I'm so excited. I'm just grateful for the Holy freaking Spirit. And I pray because honestly, I'm going to be honest, y'all. This podcast episode I have meditated on. I've marinated in this topic. I've had many of thoughts with myself and through the Holy Spirit, but I didn't really write down too much. And I kind of wish I did. So let's just cross our fingers and hope that, you know, the Holy Spirit just overtakes me and I'm just a vessel for it. And the

wisdom of God just flows out of me. Let's do that. Let's pray on that, God, please. Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, though, for real, I pray, God, just let me be a vessel, Lord. Speak what needs to be spoken. Speak the truth, even if it is a hard truth, even if it's a tough

pill to swallow, God. It is what we need to hear, Lord. Give us the truth. God, give us the wisdom. Pour your wisdom into us. We are here to honor you. We are here to learn from you, God. And we are here to just be sponges. I want to soak up the knowledge of you, God.

We want to walk out of this podcast episode more knowledgeable and filled with your wisdom. Jesus, I pray that you are in this room, God. I pray that you are with every single listener right now and that the Holy Spirit just overtakes them and fills them with so much love and light and truth, God.

In Jesus name, I pray and we all pray. Amen. All right. I feel good about that. How many times did I say, dear God, Lord Jesus, Father, heaven? I feel like the more that I've started praying in my life, the more I just speak his name in my prayer. But it's powerful, y'all. I don't know. It's powerful. It just comes out of me. But let's talk about something that has been heavy, heavy.

in our generation. Heavy in the Gen Z generation. I'm like on the brink, all right? I'm like teetering it. I'm technically a millennial, but I'm like one of the young ones. I really hang on to that. I do. I was born in 95, so I'm 28 years old. I'm not a Gen Z, but I'm close to Gen Z where I feel like we have a lot of supporters and listeners who are Gen Z. But this mentality, this type of practice, this type of, I don't know, meditation?

has been so highly spoken about and practiced in our generations. Millennial, Gen Z. It is called manifestation. Imagine it. I don't know why, like, that scene from SpongeBob just came to my brain, but, like, this is SpongeBob with the rainbow. Manifestation. Okay, listen, listen, listen, listen. I do not want to discredit manifestation because...

There are versions of manifestation that are good. I do believe that.

But it's the type of manifestation that our generation has gotten to that is concerning to me. And it has been so heavy on my heart. And it has been something that I've wanted to bring to the podcast. And I've kind of touched on it on my TikTok a little bit. And I spoke about how manifestation has become very dangerous for our generation and why. And before you guys write me off as some freaking conservative conservative

freaking elder, like, okay, Ally's gone off the deep end. Now she's like getting into conspiracy and manifestation, this and that. Listen,

I'm just hearing what the Holy Ghost is saying. And this is what I have been called to talk about. I feel like we need to talk about it on this podcast. And just a couple of minutes on TikTok wasn't enough. And I really want to dive into it because before I just tell you that you're supposed to write off any type of manifestation, that isn't necessarily what I'm saying here. And I'm not even just saying that to like, please people, we're not serving two masters right now, all right? We are only serving God. But I do believe that to an extent, on a...

very light level manifestation is okay. When we are manifesting a good attitude, when we wake up in the morning and we say, you know what? I'm manifest. I'm gonna have a good day. Today's gonna be a good day. No matter what life throws at me, no matter what the enemy throws at me, I am going to react in a positive manner. I'm gonna listen to the Holy Ghost. I am going to make today a good day regardless of the obstacles that I face. I am manifesting a hard,

work ethic today. I want to be productive today. And I want today to be a day that I look back on at the end of my day and say I was proud of, right? That is kind of like a form of manifestation. And, you know, there's also like the law of attraction where like what you put out in the world comes back to you.

I believe in that as well. I do believe that when you put out positivity and you put out good in the world and the good of God and the grace of God, you receive that back. I am living proof to that because the community that we have created here online, y'all are living proof of that actually, because what I've been putting out in the world, y'all have been sending back

to me and everyone else in this community 10 times more. And that is proof in itself that like when you put out God's grace, his love, his patience, his empathy, you will get that back, right? So law of attraction, you put out what you get, you get what you put out, right? I do believe in all of that to an extent, but

the part where it gets dangerous, the part where we are now dancing with the devil a little bit is when we take manifestation to the next level and we now are looking at the things around us. Okay. So things that are happening to us, people that are coming in and out of our lives, you know, and, and believing that we can manifest things outside of us, that we can change the things around us, right?

just through the power of within ourselves. Okay, so let me elaborate on that a little bit. When we Google the word manifestation, by the way, let's look up just the simple definition of what manifestation is. A manifestation is the public display of emotion or feeling or something theoretical made real. Manifestations or

So basically, you think a thing, you manifest a thing, you go manifest, manifest, manifest, and

And then it's in front of you and now you are the sole source of why that's happened. That's exactly where it gets dangerous is that now we are bringing manifestation to a level where we are relying on ourselves and only ourselves to make something happen.

And so when I brought this to TikTok and I said that, and I also said, it is now as if you are making yourself your own God. Like you are now looking at yourself as a higher power. You are now looking at yourself as a God that can make things happen outside of your own control.

And people were like, not happy about that. They were like, Ellie, I manifest and I don't think I'm my own God. So that's why I want to preface that there are different levels of it. And like I said, the level that we started off this podcast by saying like that level, I don't think is wrong where you are manifesting your own behavior and your own actions because what we need to understand, and this is just the hard truth of life.

life, but it also brings so much closure to the things that happen to us because we only have the power and the control over our own actions. How many times have we heard that? It's like, we can't control what other people's actions, we can't control what people do to us, but we can control our reaction to it. Like, hello? That is the truth though. Like we, the only

thing that we are capable of controlling are our own actions, our own ambitions, our own attitude, our own decisions. We have full control of the decisions that we make every single day. But the thing that we do not have control of is what other people do. Like, I'm going to be honest. I'm going to say that before I really knew God the way I know him now, there was a version of me a year ago where I had a girlfriend, have a girlfriend. We're still friends. Like, I'm not, not

not friends with her. I think she's a beautiful person and she's so kind and loving and she has a great heart. Okay. But if you listen to my first episode, you heard a little bit about him where I said, I was just in this like really weird kind of funky, wishy-washy, unhealthy relationship. Okay. Well, this was during a little snippet of our story where we weren't seeing each other. And I was like in full panic mode being like, but I want him and I want

I want him in my life. I thought it's what I wanted. And so I'm on the phone with this girlfriend of mine and she is so in the manifestation world. Like she is so in like taking over your own life and making your own decisions and making things happen for yourself and like relying on me, me, me, me, me. I can do it on my own. I got this right now that I know Jesus. Now that I know God, the way I do that is so, so not in our DNA. Like,

literally not in our DNA. We can be in denial all that we want about it, but like, sure, yeah, we can make things happen, but we can't do things without God. So he didn't make, he physically didn't make us to do life alone. He made us to do life with him. That's what's in our DNA. Him, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus. That is who we're supposed to do life with. Not just me, myself, and I. But I

I digress. And I'm on the phone with her. And she's like, well, we can manifest him right now. And I said, bet. I said, bet. And she's like so in this stuff. Like she loves it. And so she's telling me how to do it. And she's telling me like this is how you manifest. It was giving...

I don't know. Was it giving like ritual? Like, I can't remember what we actually did, but I think she was just like, just speak it out into existence and like, you'll get it. And so we sat there on the phone and we manifested this man coming back into my life the way that I wanted him back in my life. Like,

I wanted him back in my life as a version that just would never happen because he wasn't my person. So we sat there. I remember it. I was standing in my bathroom. I was doing my makeup and I kind of thought she was crazy, but I believed it. And I was like, you know what? Maybe this manifestation stuff is real, you know? So we sat there, manifested this man coming into my life the way that I wanted him to come into my life. And guess what didn't happen? That

didn't happen it didn't happen because we in that moment were trying to act as god and the thing about god is that he already exists we already have a god so we don't need to act like one like we don't need to be our own god because we have one already and if we just acknowledge him we don't ever have to look within ourselves and and make things happen ourselves what a lonely mentality

what a set yourself up for false hope type of mentality. And that is literally how I felt. I felt so discouraged because no matter how much I thought these thoughts and how much I manifested another person making a decision to come into my life the way I needed him to, like what? You can only manifest your own actions. You can't manifest someone else coming into your life unless you're practicing type of

some type of like witchcraft or freaking voodoo ritual stuff which God tells us not to dabble in because that is dabbling into the darkness. That is dabbling into satanic behavior. Is this episode getting too blunt and too harsh y'all? No, but I'm even

preaching to myself because I'm not sitting here any more innocent than anyone else who could be listening that is currently practicing manifestation or has in the past or has contemplated it, whatever, because I was doing the same. I was trying to literally manipulate and change things in my life by just channeling something within myself that was not God.

And so if you're not going to channel God, what's the other option that you're channeling? If you're not channeling light, what are you channeling? What is the opposite of light? And that's why manifestation can also get a little scary because that is the other thing that makes manifestation so risky is that you could have all the best intentions in the world and you could have the intentions of like, but I'm trying to manifest God.

good things like I'm trying to manifest good things around me but the other thing that we need to understand is that we are a product of God and we have a lot God made us in the image of himself right but we aren't God we don't have the same capabilities that he has where he makes things happen in our lives that are just inexplainable he makes things happen in our lives that is

only something God could do. I got another comment on my TikTok where somebody was like, Allie, I have to disagree. I think manifestation is truly just believing in yourself and giving yourself affirmations of like, I am capable, I am kind, I am this, I am that is good. And I think that

Obviously, it's good to believe in yourself. But the difference that I personally have made within myself is that I don't boost myself up and boast myself up with only saying like, yeah, I'm capable. I'm this. I'm powerful. I'm smart. I am all those things now just as I was then. But the difference is I'm acknowledging who gives me those things. Who gives me knowledge? Who gives me wisdom? Who gives me confidence? Who gives me confidence?

self-worth? Who gives me ambition? Who gives me a work ethic? Who gives me wealth? Who gives me success? God,

God does. So I'm totally okay with like self-affirmations and believing in yourself and speaking light and love to yourself. But I'm going to credit the man who gave me those things. I'm going to credit my creator. And so if I'm going to be speaking those affirmations to myself and I'm going to be having faith in myself, I'm going to have faith in myself, but through God and through the

Because aside from Jesus, I don't have any of that. Aside from Jesus, I'm not a good person. He is the only reason that I have love and light in my heart. He is the only reason that I have love and light in my heart and empathy for others like he is the reason. So I'm not going to sit here and hype myself up and

boast about myself without crediting him. The other thing that I didn't like about myself when I was going through this season of manifestation and before I knew God, like really knew him, everything I was manifesting was so selfish. Like, can we also just talk about how selfish the mentality of manifestation can be? We are out here just looking for things to come into our lives and things to fulfill us and to have...

The best life we could have. We're like, I want this. I want this man. I'm going to manifest that person. I want to manifest this success and this money. It's so much more about like if we really break it down. This was me. I was her. It's okay. We're all equal here. Like I'm not sitting here shaming you guys or calling anybody selfish without also calling myself selfish because I was also selfish.

I still can act selfish. That's why Jesus is checking us right now. That's why he constantly is checking me because we need to be so honest with ourselves and ask, why am I manifesting these things? Why am I so obsessed with having these things in my life? Is it coming from a place of greed? Is it

coming from a place of selfishness because God has taught us that solely our only purpose here on life is to serve others and to spread the gospel, spread his love to others. We are here to make this world a better place for other people. This isn't about us.

This is not about us. So the other kind of scary thing that happens with manifestation is believing like I deserve and me first and I need to make this for me and me and me. That is so opposite from what God teaches us. Y'all, I started this. I was going to launch this.

I don't know what's happening anymore, to be honest. I mean, we're still in talks, but I don't really know what's happening. I was supposed to go live with this collab with a jewelry line. And I was really excited about pieces. I think we had like five pieces that we were going to launch. We had a few necklaces, a couple earrings, whatever. I was so excited about it. Now, granted, I started this collab and we started planning it about a year ago. Like literally almost a year ago from when I am recording this right now. And...

It's so wild what the Holy Spirit will do. He will literally change your heart overnight. It feels like that sometimes. It literally feels like that because I'm looking at some of these pieces. And again, you guys know if you've been longtime followers of mine, you know that I have always advocated peace and harmony.

and happiness and self-love. But I do think before I knew Jesus, it was still a very selfish mentality. I was like, me first, put yourself first, you know, do what's right for yourself, which I do still kind of stand with, but like also no.

It's not me first. It's not put yourself first It's put others first put other people's happiness before yourself and that is where you will truly find true fulfillment You know, like I'm not saying be a doormat and let people walk all over you. But my gosh, it's not about us It's not just about us. It's about other people And so there was this necklace that I made with them that send me first on the front of it And again, it's all good. She meant well, I love that version of Allie. I love her so much She meant well

But I just don't believe in, God first, then others, then me. That's the motto I live by now. And I had to be honest with this company where it was like, I know that we had worked on this for a few months, but obviously God has taken a hold of me and he has completely rebranded my heart. And I just can't stand by that anymore. Like I can't release a piece like that anymore because

because I just don't stand by it. So anyway, I told them that and they weren't super stoked about it, I think because we obviously already like invested in this and like, you know, we've been working on this for a while, but I just couldn't stand behind it. And there's nothing that I don't want to put out into the world that I don't stand behind. And so anyway, the reason that I bring that up is because that was a version of

Of me that existed where it was like very, you know survival of the fittest out for your own Me first. What can I manifest for myself? What can I do for myself? What's the success that I can bring for myself and I I put all of that pressure on me And god has never encouraged us to think that way He's never encouraged us to believe that we have to put our just me. It's just me against the world No, it's me and god against the world, you know and

we are here tag teaming he's teaching me how to treat others and how to serve other people and so that is just the hard truth about manifestation as well that I feel like I you know that I've just observed from myself is that I feel like there is a level of manifestation that is happening in this generation that is so out for myself selfishness it's all about me type of mentality and

We will destroy each other if we continue to manipulate or try to manipulate the things around us for our own selfish desires and reasons.

So the fact of the matter here is that we can't control the things around us. So I'm going to reel it back to what we were saying before all of this and before I went on this little rant. But the fact of the matter is that no matter how much we try to manifest the things around us, we just can't. We don't have the power for that. So either we need to channel something that's greater than us, like it could be God, or it could be something else, right?

But we can't speed up the process of what God has planned for us. And I think that's the other thing about manifestation that is just so against everything God has taught us to do, which is to trust him and his timing and the process of when and where things are going to happen in our lives.

on God's timing, right? We've said that multiple times here on the podcast is that we need to trust his timing. And so manifestation is also completely opposite of that, against that. It is like, I want this now and I'm going to make it happen right now. It is the eagerness of wanting things immediately and trying to make that happen for ourselves. Ultimately, we will fail because we are no greater than or stronger than God, but it's not

putting all of our trust in him. It is not having trust that God's timing is perfect. There is not a single thing in this world that is perfect other than God and God's will. That is the only thing that is perfect.

And so if we're sitting here manifesting a husband every night, but then going to church and raising our hands and saying, I trust God, I trust his timing. You're contradicting, honey. You are manifesting a husband every night and manifesting a marriage, but then not trusting God. And those two things can't live in the same house. There's also a huge difference between manifesting and praying. If you are praying to God and confessing,

clearly crediting the only thing that can make something like that happen. You can pray to God for your husband every night. I do. I pray that my husband is blessed and is connected to Jesus and is prioritizing him in his life and is picking up his Bible and is surrounding himself with people who are also Jesus lovers and are

good influences on him and that he is surrounded by men who are followers of Christ. And like, I will pray for him every single day. But the one thing that I won't do is I won't manifest him within myself. I won't do that. I'm going to talk to the man who has already created my husband, knows exactly what color eyes he has, knows exactly the moment that him and I are going to meet. And I'm going to pray to him for my husband. There is a difference between manifesting and praying.

So if you are sitting here as a Christian and you have been manifesting things, okay, but instead of manifesting now, we are going to pray. We're going to pray to God. We are going to pray to the man who deserves credit. We are going to pray to our creator. We are going to pray to the man upstairs who knows our ultimate plan. And while we're praying to him for those things, we're also going to acknowledge that his timing is perfect.

And we're going to trust it. So even if we don't get it tomorrow, even if we don't get it next week, even if we don't get it in four years, 10 years, we trust that his timing is perfect. And there is no need to look within ourselves and try to manifest something to happen this week because we know that God wants what's best for us. We don't know what's best for us. Because that's the other thing, y'all. If manifestation could actually really work,

and we were able to manifest something like if I can manifest my husband five years ago when I thought I was ready for it, I probably would have already been divorced by today because I thought I was ready. And now that I've given it to him, now that there's been time that's gone by, that's the other thing is that obviously the version of us right now in this very second, in this minute, in this moment isn't understanding something.

we don't understand why this is happening to us. Whatever thing it is in your life right now that you're like, I don't understand it, but I know that there's a version of me in the future that will understand it because that same version of you right now in this very minute understands something a lot more now that you've seen what God has done in your life than a version of you five years ago.

You know that that's true for a version of you in the future because you are a version of yourself in the future right now that understands why certain things didn't work out or why you've been single this whole time. Because God has so intentionally planned every single one of your days and he knows where you're going to be in five, ten years tomorrow, next week.

So thank God that we actually can't manifest or make anything happen outside of ourselves because we would probably crash and burn and ruin our own lives because we always think that we know what's best for us, but we literally don't. We do not. And that's why we need God. That's why we need him and we need to trust him because he is the only thing that ultimately knows what is best for us when it is the perfect timing to place God

certain blessings in our lives. And if we continue to rely on only ourselves, or if we continue to look at ourselves as if we are these godly beings that can manifest anything around us, we are only going to be disappointed.

And this is what I also found on the internet and I love this. Is manifesting dangerous? Manifesting can be dangerous because it can lead young people to believe that they can control everything that happens around them. They may feel like they're failing when their affirmations don't come true or they may become afraid that their bad thoughts will make bad things happen.

That was another thing that I believed in. That was another thing that I absolutely believed in was that I manifested bad things to happen to me. And see, this is such a distraction sent from the enemy because he wants you to feel the heaviness that you are fully responsible for everything that has happened in your life, both bad and good, which is not something for you to carry. That is not something that we were ever meant to carry alone. That is something that we are supposed to give to God.

But if the enemy can keep us distracted with a tool, this is just another tool sent by the enemy, like manifestation. If he can send that into our generation and make us believe that we are responsible for all good and bad things, he knows that that would destroy us. Ultimately, it would destroy our self-worth, our ego. It makes us doubt ourselves too. It makes us afraid to

That the bad things or the bad thoughts that we have can ultimately come true. And I would believe that if something bad happened to me or like if I had a bad interaction or like, I don't know, a man came into my life that was no good, I'd say, I probably manifested this. You know what? I manifested this. You might be...

subconsciously without you realizing manifesting these terrible friendships. Like, why do you deserve that weight? Why do you deserve to carry that? Actually, you had no control over the fact that that person decided to treat you like garbage. You did not manifest that crappy person. You were love bombed.

into thinking that they were a good person. You believed them because you have a good heart and you have good intentions and you see the good in people. And then they took advantage of that and treated you poorly. But you didn't bring that onto yourself. You didn't manifest that. Now, are there red flags that we could probably see in people that we ignore and we choose to do? Sure. And then maybe we're a little responsible. But like, you did not manifest getting tripped on the sidewalk, okay? Like, you did not manifest...

Getting the flu that day like it wasn't like you were you were like wow you thought one day you said wow I really hope that I don't get the flu and then you got the flu three days later and you're like I manifested this No, you didn't sister and give yourself a break Please for the love of God actually like actually for the love of God give yourself a break That is not your fault But that is what the enemy wants us that is the mentality that he wants all of us stuck in because it's heavy and

It's discouraging. And honestly, it makes us feel like failures. And there is nothing more that the devil wants than to make us feel like failures. That could go on for ages. Like that sentence alone could go on for ages. It doesn't even have to be manifestation anymore, y'all. It could be our sins. It could be the fact that we are not perfect.

people and we make mistakes and we sin here on earth. I mean, he wants us to feel like absolute failures. He doesn't want us to realize that we are forgiven. That's one thing by God. Our sins were already paid for with the blood of Christ.

and that he wants us to feel like everything is all on us and we are all alone and that there is nothing that God could fix for us or make happen for us. So he's going to keep you over here in believing that you're alone and you are fully, you know, responsible for all of these things that happen to you.

And if you want anything good in your life, you better go make it happen alone. You better go manifest it. You better go find it within yourself. Find the strength within yourself. Girl, if that isn't a dark, deep, dark, never-ending hole, you will never get what you want out of that type of mentality. You just won't. In the long run, you won't. The

Okay, the other thing I want to say too. All right, I feel those Holy Spirit say this to me is that Manifestation can seem like it can work because the thing that we forget about Satan is he does have a little bit of power He don't have as much power as our man our man. He don't but he does have power so he may even allow things to happen in your life that you've manifested he might have gifted that to you and

to wrap you in and reel you in even more to thinking that this is actually working until you get to the end of it and he's all out of that and you realize that you are so far deep in this and now you are only discouraged you are only feeling like a failure i mean once he gets you in it you're in it so he's gonna even hold these little carrots over your head and maybe even let you have a couple to have you convinced that this actually works but in the long run it doesn't work

Because Satan's promises are not the same as God's. Satan's promises are temporary. They're hollow. They're empty. And he can't follow through. God's promises are the opposite. God's promises are forever eternal. He has always showed up for every promise he's ever made, which Satan could never do.

So this is what I would like for all of us to take from this podcast episode is that God wants to give you everything that you desire in life. The first thing that you need to do is you need to humble yourself. You need to serve God. You need to serve others.

others and you can't have selfish motives and you can't pray to him empty. You have to wholeheartedly believe that God can change your life and he will and he's going to blow your socks off. So you need to understand that

That you are never alone in anything. Anything good that comes into your life, you do not have to feel alone in that. You don't have to feel like you have to work yourself into the ground to make good things happen for you. You don't have to feel like you are the sole purpose and thing that makes things happen in your life.

Yes, we have to have a certain level of ambition. And yes, we have to have a certain level of belief in ourselves. But we channel that through God. And we need to credit the man that deserves the most credit. The beauty in all of this is that I'm not telling any of us that we can't have the things that we desire. The same things that you would want to manifest about, you can actually still have. It's just a matter of putting it in God's hands and trusting His time.

timing. This episode, this should not be dream crushing. This should actually be so uplifting and unbelievably encouraging because every single thing that you have been trying to accomplish through manifestation or every single thing that you desire in life is literally available to you, but it is through one thing and one thing only, and it is through Jesus. It is through God. He can

absolutely make those things happen for you. But there's a couple things that you have to put aside and sacrifice. One, your impatientness. You have to sacrifice that. You have to give that up. Your urgency. You need to give that up and you need to have patience in the Lord. The other thing that you have to give up is your ego and your pride and your independence in the sense of believing that you can do these things alone.

There are some things that you can accomplish by yourself, but when it comes to the big stuff, when it comes to the life changing stuff, when it comes to the ultimate blessings in your life that is only from God, you gotta give up those two things. But like that husband that you want, that life that you want, the dreams that you wanna achieve, the things that you wanna do in your life, you are so capable of doing.

through God. No, you can have the most beautiful life. I'm not saying a perfect life. There are going to be obstacles. There are going to be trials. But if God showed you all the trials that you were going to face, it would be a lot more tempting for us to turn away. He's made us promises and it's going to take a lot of faith and it's going to take a lot of putting aside of ego, but he's going to come through and you are going to have the most beautiful life and you don't have to put it all on your own shoulders. You don't have to manifest it.

All you have to do is give it to him. All you have to do is believe in him.

All you have to do is have a relationship with him. The minute I put things in the hands of God is the minute that he absolutely blows my mind and he shows me that there was nothing I could have done anywhere close by myself to what I can do with him. Let's take away five points here, okay? Five reasons that we are no longer manifesting, okay? One, it ignores the sovereignty of God.

Y'all, that's so good.

That is so good. There is such beauty in the waiting, isn't there? Like honestly, if we got everything we wanted when we wanted it, well one, just like we said, we wouldn't probably praise the Lord as much as we praise him through the waiting. Like especially when we finally get the thing that our hearts desired and he's answered our prayers, but he's also showed us the beauty and the

perfect timing behind it all, the waiting becomes so much more beautiful. The journey really is beautiful. As much as it can be painful and even though we shed a million tears, God heard us through all of that and

knew that the waiting would be worth it. And there is so much beauty in that. But he deserves such praise. He deserves praise for all the good things that come into our life because as long as we are relying on ourselves and only looking to ourselves for all the good things that come into our life, we are not allowing God to have the praise that he deserves, to receive the praise and the credit that he deserves.

I'm currently in Proverbs right now with reading my Bible and oh my gosh, is Proverbs so good? Oh my gosh, is Proverbs just the most knowledge? I'm just eating it. I'm eating it up. I'm literally absorbing it into my freaking skin and bones because it is so good. I'm obsessed with Proverbs. I've never tried to open it, but it is such a book of wisdom, like pure knowledge and

And I'm going to quote from it right now. Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path. That is Proverbs 3, 5. But that alone couldn't be more against manifestation because manifestation is leaning only on your own understanding. And when...

When you believe that you deserve something, leaning only on yourself, which is so clear that that is never what God has told us to do. We are not supposed to lean on our own understanding and all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Lean on God.

When we engage in manifestation, we are placing more faith in our own thoughts instead of seeking God's will for our situation. Yet we know from Proverbs 3, 5 that we should place our trust in God above our own understanding. He loves us and wants the best for us, so we should place our plans and desires in his hands and ask his help in achieving them.

So again, I just, I want to say and preface that there are different levels of manifestation. And so the type of manifestation that I talked about in this episode is this new age way of manifestation that's being used today. But I do believe that there is a sense of manifestation, like I said, that we can use within Christianity. It's just also while crediting God.

where manifestation gets tricky, where manifestation gets dangerous is

is not acknowledging him, believing that we are the sole purpose to why good things come into our lives. That is when it gets dangerous. I think the one last thing I'm going to say and the other thing that we just ultimately need to do for the rest of our lives in everything that we do, whether it is a certain level of manifestation, positive thinking, words of affirmation, law of attraction, what you put out into the world is what you get back. You know, whatever it is, we just need to make sure that we are giving thanks.

And we are acknowledging God. Because the minute that we stop doing that is the minute that we become selfish. It is the minute that we start giving ourselves a little too much credit for the blessings that God has given us into our lives. Well, anyway, I love you guys. I hope this episode wasn't too harsh. I really,

want you guys to know that, you know, if this was convicting for any of us, I mean, it's convicting for a version of me too. Like I genuinely, you know, have fallen to this. It's easy to get influenced. And I think that, you know, this generation, I mean, it is so popular, this type of mindset. And I think that we've taken it to a level where now it is getting dangerous and we're not crediting God where credit is due.

But I love you guys. And I just appreciate you for being here. Thank you for loving the podcast. Thank you for listening. And I hope that this episode blessed someone. I hope that it brought clarity to a lot of us. And I just pray that the Holy Spirit poured some serious wisdom into us.

I felt like maybe. But hey guys, why don't you just show somebody why Jesus is so cool today? Why don't we all walk like Jesus a little more today? Why don't we show his grace a bit more, his kindness, his love? Let's all strive to be a bit more like Jesus today and show somebody why he's so stinking cool. I love y'all. I'll see you in the next episode. Bye.

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