Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of Christ with Coffee on Ice. I am your host, Allie Yost, and I am so excited to be back with you guys. This episode, we are also going to be diving into scripture. I don't know if it's going to be something we're necessarily going to do every single episode, but also we may.
I think that because this is such a new thing for me, it's going to be trial and error. And I really want y'all's feedback on how you guys are loving this. I mean, I would imagine diving into the Bible is great because just having another person to kind of like break it down with you is helpful in itself rather than trying to sit down and break it down alone. We do have our coffee today. I realized I didn't acknowledge that in one of our last episodes.
I also didn't take a single freaking sip because I was too busy yapping about the Holy Spirit. Anyway, but we have our pumpkin spice again today. I know. Honestly, at this point, just expect that. Just expect that I'm drinking the freaking pumpkin spice iced coffee until the end of November. And then in December, it'll probably be like the chocolate mocha. Peppermint chocolate mocha. Y'all, can I just tell you though that I freaking hit the center of my forehead on my microwave.
I have a big old bruise. The first couple of days, I had no bruise coming. And I was like, okay, slay. Like my forehead just really hurts. But there's no bruise, which is awesome. Now there's this green bruise coming in the middle of my forehead. But I didn't see. I was too busy looking down. I was making myself lasagna. I was being the cute little housewife that I was because I cook once every six months. And look, I just...
look up and I hit my forehead right on the corner of the microwave because I had the door open. I just put something in the microwave probably I was reheating my tea or coffee or something and smacked it. It probably could have been a lot worse. I probably could have drawn blood so I am grateful for that but oh my god I'm like so embarrassed I got this big bruise on my forehead. You guys. Okay anyway so today
The scripture that we're going to get into. We are reading Matthew again because I freaking, freaking love Matthew. Y'all know how much I love that guy. I love Matthew. And this is a scripture that I actually shared. This was one of the first pieces of scripture that I ever shared online. And it's a very...
well-known part of Matthew, which I didn't know reading it because when I came across this particular piece of scripture, I was so overwhelmed by it that I started to cry. I'm sitting in the backyard. I was actually visiting my family in upstate New York and I was in the grass and the birds were chirping. And I do have to say one of the best ways to experience the Bible. I don't know why it's like this. I don't know why. I don't know why.
Probably because like being, reading God's word in God's nature and creation is just, I just broke down. I was sitting outside, I was laying in the grass and it just, the moment the words were hitting me,
And I was like, it was just beautiful. And I loved it. And I couldn't help but share it. I literally took my phone out immediately after having that moment. I was like, y'all, I got to share this with you. And that is the cool thing about understanding God's word and being overwhelmed by it is that he puts it on our heart to want to share it with others because it's just so good. I also kept getting comments from you guys about this scene being in The Chosen and
And it's actually the very last scene of season three. And it's insane. It's intense. Please don't watch it before watching the rest of the show, though. Because I knew that and I was like, I'm going to watch the entire show first. I'm going to watch it as it's supposed to be watched. And then I'm going to end it with that.
but my goodness, my goodness, what a scene. Okay, so this is when Jesus walks on water, right? This is such an iconic moment. So I want you all to break out your Bibles now. I'll give you a second. If you don't have a Bible...
Download a Bible app, go to Matthew 14:22. Immediately, Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side while he dismissed the crowd. After he had dismissed them, he went up on the mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone and the boat was already a considerable distance from the land. Matthew 14:25 reads, "Shortly before dawn, Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake,
When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. It's a ghost, they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them, Take courage, it is I. Do not be afraid. Lord, if it is you, Peter replied, tell me to come to you on the water. Come.
He said. Then Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and beginning to sink. He cried out, Lord, save me. Immediately, Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.
The thing that spoke to me so much about this particular part of Matthew is that Peter had seen the miracles that Jesus had performed, obviously in his own life, but then others. Even with that, even with knowing what Jesus was capable of,
Even with knowing all of his goodness and faithfulness, Peter lost sight of him. And the minute that he lost sight of him, he was looking over here and over here at all the things that were going wrong, right? Like the winds and the waves and he's overwhelmed and he's terrified. The minute that he took his eyes off of Jesus and he saw all the things that were going wrong around him or the things that were scary in his eyes, he started to sink. But
But once he realized he was sinking, he cried out to Jesus and said, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. The really important part about this is the word immediately. God is so faithful.
that the minute we lose sight of him and we recognize that we need him he immediately comes he is there immediately to hold your right hand and lift you up and this is such a lesson to know that no matter how strong our faith is
It is likely that we are going to slip up and we're going to let the worries of the world and the obstacles of life get the better of us, grabbing all of our attention and taking us away from Jesus. Just like Peter. Peter was a believer. Peter had seen the miracles Jesus had performed and he still lost sight of him. In that moment, he still doubted.
Which is crazy because when you think about like even our own lives, like God has performed such miracles for us and we have been blessed in so many ways. He has showed up for us every single time we needed him and we still doubt him sometimes. It's crazy, but like it's just the reality. And honestly, if we didn't have moments of doubt in him, how strong would our faith really be?
It's the moments of doubt. It's the moments of fear. It's the moments of desperation that truly strengthens our trust in him again. Does that make sense? Peter already had an amount of faith in Jesus before. But after this, you can imagine that his faith was probably strengthened even more so. So when we question God and we ask him why he allows us to go through hardships and
or why he allows us to stray away from him or he allows us to get caught up in worry and fear. It is our choice to focus on those things rather than him. But I also do believe that the reason he allows us to is because he knows that we're going to need him and we're going to come back. He's going to prove his faithfulness again and it's going to strengthen our faith in him even more.
But this is also such a beautiful reminder that we can truly do everything and anything with God. We are capable of anything. Peter walked on water with Jesus. We are capable of anything.
anything with him. So whatever the wind is for you, Peter's wind, whatever that is for you, doubt in yourself, in your own strength, doubt in your dreams, not believing that God can come through for you. God will come through for you and he will show you exactly how. Do not doubt the superpower of having Jesus by your side. It is such a superpower to know him,
And to have him walking next to you through life. Do you understand how undefeatable you are when you have him walking through life? Walking through hardships, obstacles. He is capable of getting us through anything. You want to know what's so funny? This is going to be so kind of random. But not really because it ties back. But I used to look at like working out in the gym as being something that was just I wasn't good at. Or like I just...
couldn't push myself enough in the gym. And you wanna know what's so cool about God and like the Holy Spirit is it doesn't take any time off. Like I'm legitimately in the gym
Since I've strengthened my relationship with God, right? I am in the gym and I'm just envisioning Jesus. It works. It literally works. Y'all, I work out harder in the gym now because of Jesus. Isn't that crazy? Like I work harder. I work out harder. I work harder. I show up in my relationships better. I am more patient. Like he will truly transform your life and your mind.
And he will show you just how capable you are of anything with him. If you are prioritizing Jesus in your life every day, prepare to watch your life absolutely transform in ways that you never thought could. Like for me in the gym, that's such a silly example, but like for real, I was like, how the heck am I working out so hard right now? He is so good. I legitimately felt him in the gym with me and he's pushing me and he's like, you got one more minute, 60 more seconds. He's
my personal trainer, y'all. He's my personal trainer. He's my hype man. He's my therapist. He is my best friend. He is my savior. He is everything. And the cool thing is, is like he truly can be all of that for you. I love this story because I do think it is such a reminder of how we can fall short and sometimes we
We get scared and life is scary and we see things happening in the world and we see obstacles ahead of us and we will doubt at times. We will have moments of weakness and we will say, God, are you sure? This is scary. I don't know if I can do this. I don't know if you can do this. This is too big. Nothing is too big for God. Things may be too big for us, but it's never too big for him. When he says, come out and walk to me on the water, we're going to do it.
and we are not looking left we are not looking right and even if we trip up and we get sidetracked and we look off to the side and we see things happening and we start to sink we're gonna call out for him and we're gonna say lord save us and the cool thing is is even with those slip ups it can be such an amazing testimony like that alone is a testimony for peter and when everybody else in the boat saw this happen they worshiped him saying truly you are the son of god what
What he did for Peter also encouraged others. When they saw what Jesus did for him and pulled him out of the waters and saw him walking on water and Peter walking on water, they said, what? He like...
really is the real deal, isn't he? So don't let your lack of hope in God in one moment discourage you. Let it encourage other people and talk about it and say, you know what? I lost faith in God, but I seeked him and he immediately saved me. I doubted him for a minute, but then I said, Lord, save me. And he did. And you testify that. You testify that. Mm-hmm.
Uh-huh. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. All right, y'all. Well, I love you so much, and I hope that hyped you up this Friday, and I hope that you have an amazing weekend. Have a beautiful Sunday. Go to church. If you can't physically go to church, attend church online.
It is the year 2023. There are no excuses anymore. But I encourage all of us. I encourage y'all to go show somebody today just how cool Jesus is. Go spread his love, spread his kindness, spread his compassion. I want y'all to be so filled with the Holy Spirit that people look at you like you got three heads. Like, wow in the heck in this day and age is she so or he perfected.
full of joy. It's that Jesus glow. It's that faith in God that he is good and he will prevail. I love you guys so much. Thank you for tuning in and I will see you next time.
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