cover of episode True Crime Vault: A Tangled Web

True Crime Vault: A Tangled Web

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Deborah Roberts
Leslie Ruhle
Deborah Roberts: 本集讲述了一个关于疯狂迷恋、爱情和网络约会的真实犯罪故事,其中涉及一个令人绝望的三角恋。Carrie Farver失踪案的调查出现令人费解的转折,疑似跟踪者Carrie可能已经死亡。 Leslie Ruhle: Dave Krupa与长期伴侣Amy Floro分居后,开始网络约会,并先后与Liz Galyer和Carrie Farver约会。Carrie Farver是一位37岁的单身母亲,在一家大型公司担任电脑程序员。Dave和Carrie第一次约会后,Carrie和Liz在Dave的公寓里短暂相遇,这次相遇将对三个人产生深远的影响。Carrie对与Liz的相遇似乎并不在意。Dave让Carrie住在他家,因为Carrie工作很晚。Dave和Carrie约会两周后,Carrie突然变得愤怒并指责Dave毁掉了她的生活。Carrie向Dave提出同居,遭到拒绝后,开始发送充满仇恨的短信。Dave认为自己躲过了一劫,Carrie的行为转变迅速。Carrie来自爱荷华州的一个小镇Macedonia,与母亲和朋友关系密切,活泼开朗,对生活充满热情,聪明能干,擅长数学和电脑。Carrie 22岁时怀孕成为单亲妈妈,之后患上了抑郁症和躁郁症,曾因躁郁症而住院治疗,并服用药物。到2012年,Carrie的情况有所好转,她找到了一份电脑程序员的工作。Carrie对她的儿子Max非常关心。Carrie向母亲Nancy请求帮忙照顾儿子Max几天。Carrie的母亲Nancy开始担心Carrie,因为Carrie没有接电话。Carrie没有出现在弟弟的婚礼上,Nancy报警称Carrie失踪。警方对Carrie失踪案的重视程度不足。Carrie继续骚扰Dave,甚至跟踪他。Carrie的行为让Dave感到恐惧。Carrie失踪,警方怀疑她精神崩溃。Carrie的愤怒似乎主要针对Dave的前女友Liz。Liz也受到了Carrie的骚扰。Liz的房子遭到破坏,她报警。警方开始怀疑Dave。Carrie失踪后,仍然与家人保持联系,但只通过短信。Carrie没有接Nancy的电话,Nancy开始更加担心。Carrie缺席了多个家庭活动,包括她父亲的葬礼。Nancy担心Carrie可能停药了,她的行为变得异常。Dave每天收到Carrie大量的短信和邮件。Carrie在短信中侮辱Liz,并威胁要伤害她。Carrie跟踪Dave,甚至知道Dave当时穿着什么衣服。Dave拍下Carrie的车牌照片,警方在车上发现了一个指纹。 Dave Krupa: Dave详细描述了与Liz和Carrie的约会经历,以及Carrie在分手后疯狂跟踪和骚扰他的过程,包括收到大量威胁短信和邮件,Liz的房子被纵火,他的修车店遭到破坏,以及他本人购买枪支自卫,但枪支后来丢失等事件。他强调Carrie的行为让他感到恐惧和无奈。 Liz Galyer: Liz讲述了被Carrie骚扰的经历,包括收到威胁短信和邮件,房子被纵火,以及腿部中枪等事件。她最初否认认识Carrie,但后来承认曾短暂相遇。她还提到警方最初对她的报案不够重视。 Nancy Farver: Nancy描述了女儿Carrie失踪后的焦虑和担忧,以及警方对案件调查的迟缓和不重视。她强调自己坚信女儿并非自愿失踪,并一直努力寻找女儿的下落。 Jim Doty & Ryan Avis: 两位警探详细描述了他们重新调查Carrie失踪案的过程,包括对案件线索的重新分析,对Liz Galyer的调查,以及最终发现Liz是真凶的过程。他们强调了数字取证在破案中的重要作用,以及在调查过程中与Carrie家人保持联系的重要性。 Tony Cava: 作为数字取证专家,Tony Cava详细描述了如何通过技术手段追踪到Liz Galyer发送的伪造信息,以及这些信息是如何伪装成Carrie Farver发送的。 Brenda Beadle: 检察官Brenda Beadle讲述了案件审理过程中的挑战,以及如何克服证据不足的困难,最终成功将Liz Galyer定罪。 James Martin Davis: Liz Galyer的辩护律师James Martin Davis讲述了案件中存在的不足之处,以及他为Liz Galyer进行辩护的策略。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Carrie Farver start stalking Dave Krupa?

Carrie's behavior changed drastically after just two weeks of dating Dave, transitioning from fun and happy to deranged and obsessive, focusing her rage on Dave and his ex-girlfriend, Liz.

What was the turning point in Carrie Farver's life that led to her developing depression and bipolar disorder?

Carrie became a single mother at 22, which overwhelmed her and led to her developing depression and bipolar disorder.

How did Liz Goyer initially interact with Carrie Farver?

Liz and Carrie had a brief encounter outside Dave's apartment, lasting less than 10 seconds, which would later have significant ramifications for all three of them.

What evidence did the police find in Carrie Farver's Ford Explorer?

The police found a mint container with one perfect fingerprint that did not match Carrie or anyone in the FBI's national database.

How did Liz Goyer's involvement in the case become apparent to detectives?

Detectives found a photograph of Carrie's vehicle on Liz's phone taken a month before the police recovered the vehicle, and discovered six calls made to Carrie's residence using the *67 prefix to disguise the number.

What was the significance of the photograph of a bound woman found on Liz Goyer's phone?

The photograph, showing a bound woman, was taken from Liz's phone and indicated that Liz had staged the scene herself, tying up her own hands and putting duct tape on her mouth.

How did detectives Ryan Avis and Jim Doty approach the case of Carrie Farver's disappearance?

They worked it from two angles: Avis tried to prove Carrie was alive, while Doty tried to prove she was dead, focusing on inconsistencies and the lack of financial activity from Carrie's account.

What was the final piece of evidence that led to Liz Goyer's arrest?

Detectives found a photograph on a recovered SD card showing a decomposing human foot with a tattoo matching Carrie Farver's, indicating Liz had taken photos of Carrie's body.

What was Liz Goyer's motive for murdering Carrie Farver?

Liz's motive was her obsession with Dave Krupa, whom she wanted to be with exclusively, leading her to eliminate Carrie as a perceived threat.

How did the community of Council Bluffs, Iowa, react to the events at Big Lake Park?

The community was shocked by the violent event at Big Lake Park, which was known for its peaceful atmosphere and frequent family visits.

Carrie Farver's background, including her upbringing, career, and struggles with bipolar disorder.
  • Carrie grew up in Macedonia, Iowa, a small, friendly town.
  • She was close to her mother, Nancy, and had a lot of friends.
  • Carrie was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in her 20s and had periods of depression.
  • She worked as a computer programmer and was excited about providing better for her son, Max.

Shownotes Transcript

A twisted, fatal love triangle and the shocking truth on whether or not the stalker and victim are the same woman.

Originally aired: 12/04/2020

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