Hey, come see us do a live stand-up show. We're going to be in Stockholm, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London, Oslo, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Cortland, New York, Oakmont, Pennsylvania, El Paso, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, Edmonton, Alberta, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Denver, Colorado. Go to JimmyDore.com for a link for those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this?
Here's President Joe Biden. Oh, hey, Mr. President. How you doing? Just terrible. Absolutely terrible. Really? What's up? Well, yeah, I mean, every week I say some chipper positive thing up top, but I don't have the energy this week. I just don't. So, yeah, everything's a shit show. Really? Yeah.
Just look around, man. Well, I notice you're getting some bipartisan criticism for allowing the United States UN delegation to abstain from voting on a resolution that would call for a ceasefire in Gaza. I saw that. Oh, yeah, they're coming at me. I'm betraying Israel. Give me a fucking break. And Yahoo told the United States how to vote, and we didn't do it, and now he's showing a temper tantrum.
recalling his delegation or some shit who cares so i stopped being netanyahu's lapdog that's what they're mad about go fuck yourself wow all that for simply not doing another country's bidding yeah can you believe that shit honestly things kind of seem in shambles in your administration no actually we have this under control do you expect me to believe that
Frankly, I don't care what the fuck you believe, Jimmy. Everything is going according to plan here. We're going to start pulling back our unmitigated support from the Netanyahu regime because we've gotten out of this what we need. I'm sorry, gotten out what? What exactly did you get? The genocide. Okay, what could you possibly get out of a genocide, Mr. President?
Winning in 2024, that's what. So being complicit in an overseas genocide is a winning political strategy? No, no, you don't understand. I'm playing 5-D chess over here, Jimmy. Yeah, yeah. Five. Five Ds. Okay, explain to me then, like I'm an idiot.
That I am. How this benefits you in any way or humanity in general? Jimmy, it's not that people are going to vote for me because of the genocide. They're going to vote for me because of the situation the genocide will create. And what is that?
Jimmy, so far 30,000 Palestinians lie dead, and our country has done nothing to stop it. This is absolutely going to lead to another 9-11. They're probably working on it right now, but it won't be ready until the next presidential administration. So we are going to ask the American people this. Do you want Donald Trump to be president when 9-11 happens again? Jesus Christ.
Oh my God. Exactly. Imagine it. Even Trump supporters will have to admit that it would not be good. He'll go crazy. He'll absolutely use nuclear weapons. I will promise the American people not to start a nuclear war after 9-11 too.
So people will be forced to say, OK, Joe Biden is old, but there is a slightly smaller chance of Armageddon under a second Biden administration. This is insane. Is this really your campaign strategy?
Always has been. We knew we needed something big. The only way I could possibly win would be to essentially blackmail the American people into voting for me. When this genocide started, my team and I knew this was our big opportunity. And all we had to do was nothing to send them bombs. Wow, how fortuitous.
Oh, you're telling me. Save my ass. Plus, 9-11-2 will absolve us of the genocide. How would it do that exactly? Well, Jimmy, do you remember 9-11-1? And all those... Hey, remember that?
All those tapes have been loud and released explaining why Al-Qaeda did what they did. No one watched them because if they did, they'd sort of be like, okay, I kind of get it. In fact, one big reason was our unilateral support of Israel against the Palestinians. And that's back when it was just oppression, not foreign genocide. Ah, the good old days, huh, sir?
Yeah, tell me about it. But after 9-11 won, you couldn't say that shit. You couldn't say, well, maybe American foreign policy led to this because, you know, people are giant babies. Well, at this point, people are even more giant babies. So anyone pointing this genocide as a reason for 9-11 too will get the business for sure. Right, right.
Okay, well... You think the murder of 30,000 innocent civilians, including children and babies, was wrong? Well, then I guess you stand with the terrorists. I'm just going to let popular opinion take care of that for me. And I'll get to bask in the spotlight. Every politician in this country was so damn jealous of George W. Bush that he got to be president during 9-11 riots.
Just to be handed that opportunity to be the big hero that history will remember. That's like catnip to the type of megalomaniac who is drawn to American politics. Right.
And this time it will be me standing in the rubble with that microphone. I hear you and soon they will hear you. Jesus. No, I got to think of my own thing. I got to put my own spin on it. Well, I really hope you're wrong about all this.
Jimmy, how could I be? 30,000 innocent Muslim people murdered. It's like we're yelling at the world, hey, hey, come 9-11 us again. Hey! Like waving our arms and shit. Yeah.
Now, Jimmy, I know this call is a bit of a bummer. Yes. I figured I owed it to you to tell you the truth of what we're doing or not doing. You were probably like, well, like so many people, why are we just sitting back and letting this happen? Well, now, you know, and armed with this political tactic and with former president Barack Obama by my side, I am sure to win 2024. I hope this brings you some comfort. Hey,
It brings me no comfort whatsoever, sir. Well, then I guess some people can't be comforted. At a certain point, that's a choice, Jimmy. I have to go. I have to repair my relationship with B.B. In the midst of all this, I can't be seen to appear to be completely abandoning Israel. Like I said, 5D. That's
That's the most ease you can play in chess. Donald Trump could never. Farewell and salutations from Genocide Joe. Okay, Genocide Joe. Thanks for calling in. Okay.
The ship hit the bridge in Baltimore. General Flynn says this is a black swan event.
He says,
Laura Loomer is saying she's talked to people in the intelligence community and she's saying that this is some kind of terrorist attack. But let's just get into it. Baltimore Bridge collapses after powerless cargo ship rams and support column six presumed dead.
So here's the video of it, and it's really weird. Watch this video. So the guy makes a hard turn to the right. Now, is that to the starboard side? I'm not sure. I'm not a sailor. But then all the lights go out, and they say, oh, he lost power, but then the lights come back on. They say he got power back. He also dropped, I think, an anchor or something. Anyway, it looks super suspicious because he hit it dead on.
If you were trying to hit it, you couldn't have hit it any more dead center. Put it that way. Oh, my God. Look at that. And then that thing just fell. Here's a bit. That's crazy. I agree. It's a little bit crazy. Look at that. Not so stable. You'd think it'd be a little more stable than that, but I guess not. That's a pretty big tanker that hit it. So...
Oh, you can't let her chew on that. So get this. And why doesn't the mayor, I don't know if you saw the mayor of Baltimore doesn't want us to see, they want us to stop watching this and talking about it. Did you hear about that? Whenever someone insists not to look somewhere, that's all I want to do.
It's like, anyway, the company that chartered the car. So headline here from the lever, which is David Sirota, his organization. He's the guy who came on our show and lied that McCarthy could become speaker about forced to vote. And he tried to pretend he was on both sides of it.
So he's a bit of a piece of shit himself, but he has a good article. He says, Feds recently hit cargo giant in Baltimore disaster for silencing whistleblowers. Did you know that?
Maybe you didn't. Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't. The company that chartered the cargo ship that destroyed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was recently sanctioned by regulators for blocking its employees from directly reporting safety concerns to the United States Coast Guard in violation of a seaman whistleblower protection law, according to regulatory filings reviewed by the lever.
And, you know, Joe Biden completely offered his full support for this semen whistleblower protection legislation because he was thinking it somehow involved his own testicles, which are now hovering lower than his own approval ratings. Eight months before a Maersk line limited chartered cargo ship crashed into the Baltimore Bridge,
Likely killing six people and injuring others, the Labor Department sanctioned the shipping conglomerate for retaliating against an employee who reported unsafe working conditions aboard a Maersk-operated boat. I didn't... So it gets... Everything... It's getting... It's funny that the whistleblower... Anyway, I don't want... You should always run any observations about corruption past the head of the corrupt organization first. Am I right?
Of course. Let them take you on a fun hunting trip to sort everything out. They'll applaud you for that. That's right. They'll thank you for drawing their attention to the problem. In its order, the department found that Maersk had a policy that requires employees to first report their concerns to Maersk. Yeah, that's what you want to do. Prior to reporting it to the Coast Guard or to other authorities. There you go. Yeah, that's what you want to do. And that requirement is illegal.
Oh, is it not? Not only is it illegal, this article gets into it. I don't know if you have that part. It's also common practice. It's illegal and common practice. Yeah. Well, federal federal regulators at the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which operates under the Labor Department, called the policy repugnant.
and a reprehensible and an egregious violation of the rights of employees, which chills them from contacting the Coast Guard or other authorities without contacting the company first. Huh. The fact that we allowed this to become anything more, I mean, Marist's reporting policy was approved by company executives, federal regulators found in their investigation into the incident.
Maersk's vice president of labor relations admits that this reporting policy requiring semen to report safety concerns to the company and allow it time to abate the conditions before reporting to the Coast Guard or other regulatory agencies. The Labor Department investigator said in their report that during their investigation into Maersk, I hope I'm pronouncing this company's name right.
Federal officials said there was a reasonable cause to believe that the company's policy violated the Siemens Protection Act, which protects maritime workers who speak out about unsafe working conditions.
Officials ordered the company to reinstate the employee and pay over $700,000 in damages and back wages. They also demanded that Maersk revise its policy to allow seamen to contact the Coast Guard about safety concerns before notifying the company. The fired employee was a chief mate on the Safmarine Mafadi ship.
a Maersk-operated vessel, who also served as a relief captain when needed. The seaman reported unrepaired leaks, unpermitted alcohol consumption on board, inoperable lifeboats, faulty emergency fire suppression equipment, and other... So basically this was a carnival cruise then, huh? No, you need shit floating down the hallways for that.
Before he was fired, the employee was disciplined for not properly maintaining the logbook and failing to properly follow orders. The fired employee told federal regulators that he believed these disciplinary actions were retaliation for reporting alcohol consumption on board the vessel. Really? Of course they're drunk. Of course they are. I mean, to be fair, that is one of the attractions of the sailor's life, isn't it? Right?
The Siemens Protection Act was enacted in 1984 to protect maritime workers who reported statutory violations to the Coast Guard from company retaliation. The employees had been left out of other whistleblower laws at the time, and in 2010, the legislation was amended to also safeguard employees who refused to perform certain duties due to fears of personal injury. Enforced by the Occupation Safety and Health Ministry, OSHA,
Companies that violate the Siemens Protection Act can be subject to hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines. The Coast Guard also encourages employees to report any hazardous condition before it results in a costly mishap. Many maritime employers have a similar policy that prevents employees from directly contacting the Coast Guard. So, like you said, it's regular. This is normal. Yep. Wow. Wow. Okay, well...
So the open sea is basically just the Nevada desert in 1968. What happens there stays there, unless it washes up somewhere else, I guess. In a blog post, Ryan highlighted a previous whistleblower retaliation case that found it was standard business practice for employers to prohibit any direct contact by employees with government regulatory bodies. It was standard business practice.
No. Standard. Wow. Ryan also highlighted that maritime employees who face many work hazards have a right to report unsafe conditions aboard their vessels. The vessel that crashed into the Baltimore Bridge, the Dolly, was chartered by Maersk and operated by Synergy Marine Group, a ship management company based in Singapore.
The ship had a crew of 22 foreign workers from India. The boat is owned by Grace Ocean Private and was headed to Sri Lanka. Anyone else find it almost surreal that a ship named Dolly makes a bridge become all droopy? Come on. Maersk, which is headquartered in Copenhagen. We're going to be in Copenhagen. Are there tickets available in Copenhagen? Maybe, maybe not. I don't know. Check it out.
I thought you were doing Berlin. You're not doing Berlin? We're doing Berlin. Berlin sold out. Berlin is sold out. It's one of the world's largest shipping companies, reporting more than $51 billion in revenue in 2023. The company operates in 130 countries and employs 100,000 workers, according to its annual report.
Since 2021, Maersk has spent $2.7 million lobbying Congress and federal regulators on workers' compensation, as well as port congestion and infrastructure issues, among other concerns. Regulatory filing shows since last summer, Maersk has been battling the International Longshoremen's Association, a labor union that represents 65,000 maritime workers, including Maersk employees.
labor unrest at the port of an Alabama in August of 2023, APM terminals, a division of MERS sued the union claiming that workers at its mobile Alabama port were on strike illegally during an active contract. The court case is ongoing and documents filed by the union in March, alleged that the company illegally suspended six workers for raising a concern about a safety issue at the job site. So, um, Copenhagen sold out. I'm just, I'm finding out Copenhagen sold out. Uh,
Um, so if you listen to a guy like General Flynn, uh, he's saying it, I heard him in an interview, so he's calling it a black swan event and he's saying he's not ruling out anything. You can't rule it out until you do an investigation. Uh, but this article suggests very heavily that it's just plain old, uh, corruption like, like at Boeing, uh,
and where they're trying to silence whistleblowers about safety and just bad management. What do you make of this, Russell?
When they need to silence you at Boeing, they ask you to have a little conference in the parking lot. That's right. Take care of business. You need your anti-Clinton spray when you're working for Boeing. What we're seeing is kind of horseshoe theory played out in infrastructure because exactly the same problems we always believed and in fact did realize with communism
is also what you see in late-stage capitalism. I'm sure you remember, Jimmy, during the Cold War, that was always the joke, right? That the, oh, yes, we, don't worry, we bang on spaceship, light come right back on, right? We always joked about how the communists manufactured everything in a slipshod way and held it together with spit and bailing wire. In the end, we've arrived right back at the same place. We have trains running
derailing. We have panels flying off of our planes. We have ships crashing into bridges, which look, I'm not an engineer, but I wonder what kind of shape that bridge was in that it collapsed so totally.
with that impact on the tower. We know our infrastructure is crumbling nationwide. This is exactly, and to be clear, I'm not a communist, I'm not a Marxist, but Marx was right in
in his prediction of what late-stage capitalism looks like. His prediction was that ultimately the capitalists would consolidate the wealth, and when there was nothing left, they would go after the state. They would eat the means of the state. They would devour the treasury. And that's what you're seeing. We had a period, arguably, from after Theodore Roosevelt through the 50s, about a 50-year period of the growth of the regulatory state.
where you had a kind of uneasy balance between the interests of business and public interest. But ultimately, as Marx predicts, as that wealth gets consolidated, it overwhelms the regulatory state. It overwhelms those protections. And that's where we are now. The lever also – I might cover this –
They did an article that got under my radar about Boeing a couple months ago. They spent $160 million, I think they said, on stock buybacks and dividends rather than to put that money into safety measures that they knew they should take, that were recommended to them. Instead, they gave money to the shareholders because all these companies are just chasing the stock price. They just want to show Wall Street every three months at the end of the quarter how
how much they beat the Wall Street analyst estimates by, and that's all they care about. And when you're getting into these fundamental things like shipping, like planes that are going into the air carrying hundreds of people, it's extremely dangerous. It's deadly.
So that's quite an astute observation that communism and capitalism end up in the same place. So I'm not a Marxist scholar by any means, but... Nor I. But I'm pretty sure what Marx says is that capitalism eventually eats itself. Yep. And so instead of having like we had when I was a kid, we had 50 giant media companies in America. And then they all bought each other and now we're down to six. Right.
So that's not really competition. And then they take over the regulatory agency with the government. And so now there's no regulation on it and it becomes...
Safety goes right out the window. Quality goes right out the window. And you're back to exactly what I was a kid. We made fun of Russia because we had capitalism and competition, which gave us better products. And they didn't because it was all made by the state. So there was no incentive to do better. Well, now it's the same kind of thing. The only incentive is to show a quarterly profit to Wall Street. That's it.
That's it. Go ahead. Even on a cultural level, you mentioned the consolidation of media. I had never thought about this angle on why music sucks now. There's a producer, a musician, Rick Beto. He has a YouTube channel. And he was talking about how it used to be
you had all of these local radio stations. Oh, that's all over. That's all over. Right. Right. While he was talking about how the programming directors would go out to the local clubs to discover bands. So you'd have all these different radio stations and programming directors trying to find the next new thing. He said back then you might have one programming director to four stations, maybe at most. Now you have one programming director for 400 stations.
I never thought of that as an element of what killed music, but it is, it is. And that was part of our analysis of communism too, that you'd have a lack of choice, a lack of culture because the state would dictate a certain kind of form, but you wind up just with some schmuck in an office dictating, okay, this is the, uh, this is the music we're going to play. So that's what that's, I've had some firsthand experience with this. I remember, um,
So before I was selling tickets, comedy clubs will often have a relationship with local radio stations, and they'll bring on the comedian to promote my shows, so the shows for the weekend. So I remember it was after 9-11, and they were trying to kick Howard Stern off the air. And then you... So I think that he was...
You couldn't talk about that, right? You couldn't talk about that because he was saying dirty things. And you couldn't talk about 9-11. And you couldn't talk. So there was nothing. And there was only like two radio. There was three. There was like CBS radio, Clear Channel, and I think Infinity. And that was it. And so I remember they took me. I was working in Florida. I think it was in West Palm Beach, Florida at a comedy club.
And so they take me to go do radio. Now, normally they would in a lot of places, they would run you from one radio station to another. You do like two or three in the morning. They take me to this place.
And it has got, I don't know, 30 radio stations inside of this one huge building. And it was all, it was like they had the country, they had the hip hop, they had the hard rock, they had the classic rock, they had the easy listening, they had the news, they had the sports, they had every radio station in that market pretty much was in this one building. Wow. And I was like, oh my God. Wow.
So there was no, they all worked for the same guy. Right. And so you had the same, I had the same restrictions on my speech everywhere I went. Right. And of course, all those people were drug tested, which is a great way to run a radio station. Yeah.
I remember I was doing a show in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and I was doing a classic rock station. This was a long time ago, like in the late 90s, before all this consolidation had happened or as it was happening. And I was doing a classic rock station. And I said, hey, do they drug test you here? And they go, well, they tried it once. And I go, what happened? He goes, everybody failed. And I said, well, what'd they do? He said, well, they decided they can't do that shit to us anymore.
But that's all gone. That's all over. Radio, television, it's all super corporate, super drug tested, super squeaky clean.
Well, we always look at it from the news angle. There have been people who have put together compilations showing different TV stations across the country covering the same story with literally the same words. That's right. I never really thought about it from the why is music so formulaic perspective.
And for anyone who's going to say, no, there's a lot of great music out there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. But we're talking about the music that gets radio play. We're talking about the music that gets elevated. And it has. There have been musicologists who have sat down and demonstrated this. It's not debatable. It's not a subjective thing. The music you get in those formats is much simpler. Now, the compositions are much simpler.
It's three chords. That's it. And you always had your three chord rock, but you also had, yes, you know, you also had these very, very advanced compositions within a pop structure. And why did that go away? Yeah. I hadn't thought about that angle. It is partly because of the media consolidation and the fact that there's no real competing marketplaces.
markets finding the next new thing. It's just one formulaic corporate dictated top-down thing, just like we thought of communism. In the end, you wind up with the same thing. And here we are. These are great examples. Boeing, this right here, this shipping accident, news, radio, entertainment in general. It's all consolidated. That's it.
And somewhere it's all owned by BlackRock. Somewhere along the line. Somewhere along the line. Everything is owned by BlackRock and Vanguard. What BlackRock doesn't own, Vanguard does. Mostly they both own it. Yeah. And I wouldn't be surprised if they both own big stakes in each other's companies. That would not surprise me. That would not surprise me. It would surprise me if they didn't. Right.
Like all these giant companies kind of start owning each other. They buy each other stock. And so anyway, all right. So if I had to put money on it, I would say this is just late stage capitalism kind of shit happening. Yes. Instead of a terrorist attack, because a terrorist attack, I think, would kill more people.
Or they'd try or something. But I don't know. We won't know until there's a complete investigation, and then, of course, that investigation will be completely corrupted, and you can't trust it. So when you see the head of the shipping company testifying behind closed doors, not under oath, that's when you know there's something up, just like with 9-11 and George Bush. Yeah.
Well, when you look at the context, though, it's Occam's razor. The simplest explanation is probably the best. Not always the best. Probably the best. We're in this late-stage capitalism hellscape where things are ripping off planes and trains are going off track. It was only a matter of time before you started to see this show up in shipping. And with Boeing, part of the reason I've been on that for so long, and now everybody's on it,
thankfully. People have not even begun to think about the implications of one of the only manufacturers of commercial planes being
being too dangerous to be allowed to continue to put planes in the air. People have not even begun to think about what this is going to do to the global economy, to tourism. It's as soon as a Boeing actually, God forbid, but I unfortunately think it's almost inevitable. Well, they have already gone down. They have already. Again. Well, they have, and they were grounded for a long time. Yeah.
Next one that goes down with all of this in the air of now the cat's out of the bag. Now everybody knows that Boeing has been manufacturing unsafe planes. Next one goes down. That's it. They're going to have to ground all of these Boeings and there are just not going to be enough planes. There aren't enough planes. To maintain air travel.
Right. You got Airbus, and then you got smaller players who would have to fill the gap, but you can't just do that tomorrow. It takes a long time to build a plane. For that gap to be filled in, it's going to take years if you take Boeing out of the equation. Yeah.
Well, the good news is the Boeing CEO who's been forced to, or the chairman of the board, to step down is being given like a $20 million gold. Well, I'm glad he's going to be okay. So there's never, so there's, again, there's no incentive to these guys not to keep doing what they're doing. Of course not. The incentive. Muhlenberg, the CEO under whom the Max has crashed.
That guy should be in prison for life. No question. No question about it. But he was given a golden parachute. And so, again, there's no incentive to not cut corners when it comes. There's no incentive to do that. Why Airbus? I mean, has any...
It's a European company. We have to cross our fingers and hope that Airbus, because I don't know if anybody's doing an investigation into Airbus to see what their, are their whistleblowers being suppressed at Airbus? I don't know. I hope not. I mean, I hope not. All I can say is I've never come across anything like that about Airbus. ♪
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So CNN, Frank, they bring on Frank Lunds. It's this guy here who gets his hair cut the same place Ryan Grimm does. True story. True story. And he's going to tell people the truth about all these prosecutions. So it's always news to me when the truth gets out on someplace like CNN and the truth gets out and watch the other idiots sit there. Let's just watch.
All right, Frank, the politics of this. Folks in the Biden campaign. They're talking about the politics of prosecuting Donald Trump. That's what they're talking about. And Letitia James is going to start seizing his. There's this they're saying that he the attorney general might seize Donald Trump's properties. And so that's now they're going to talk about the politics of this. Right. And so Frank for Donald Trump is broke down, which is interesting. And then they're they're referring to him as broke down, which is interesting, frankly.
That's interesting to you? That doesn't reveal an emptiness in the political? Okay, all right. The possibility that the New York Attorney General Letitia James would have to start or would start seizing assets, maybe even buildings. How do you think that would play? I want you to remember this moment and don't forget it. If the New York Attorney General starts to take his homes away,
starts to seize his assets. It's all going to be on camera. Pundits are going to sit there and scream about this. This man cannot be elected. You're going to create the greatest victimhood of 2024, and you're going to elect Donald Trump.
If they take his stuff, he's going to say that this is proof that the federal government and the establishment and the swamp in Washington and all the politicians across the country and the attorneys generals and all of this, that this is a conspiracy to deny him the presidency. He's going to go up in the polls just like he went up every single time they indicted him.
The indictment, let's not talk about whether it's justified or not, but it will prove the things that he's saying on the campaign trail and he will go up and it may just elect him president. Do not forget that. And I say this to the attorney general right now. If you play politics on this, this is what the secretaries of state did in Colorado and what they did in, I believe, was Maine. His numbers went up in both states.
And I don't understand. I'm almost speechless in how pathetic the opposition to Trump has been and how completely misguided. And this is a perfect example of it. What do you think about that? What do you think? My biggest question. This is the beauty of Frank having his job, which I don't have, is that happened. Well, you're talking about Maine, Colorado, where you're talking about what happened in a primary.
And while I don't disagree with the optics, I've spoken to people inside Trump world who are saying instead of bankruptcy, we sit in the peace. Come to Trump Tower, please. We'll have cameras there. We'll have that fight. We'll win that optics battle. I think the bigger question is in a general election and given the fact that the Biden campaign has really latched on to this in a way that they haven't in most legal issues. I was surprised to hear he was joking about it last night at a fundraiser as well. That was off camera, whether or not
that rise in the polls can carry into a general election. And you'd know better than, I mean, you're talking to. So did this guy get stamped in a plastic mold at Mattel? No kidding. Look at this. Look at that. Look at this, this Android. This is, this is, this is a Pete Buddha gig.
Like why, why is this person being paid for their opinion? Why? He has absolutely nothing to offer clearly. So, I mean, so this is Frank Luntz, the guy with the first guy with the toupee who, who he, he's a spin Meister. He was hired to turn phrases faster than a drill bit, but now he actually told the truth.
except for his skull rug. It's almost as if this is intentional. It's undoubtedly the Dems want Trump to win. They need him the way Sean Combs needs a new passport. Without the anvil of Donald Trump to hang over our heads, the Democrats would then have to explain why they do such an accurate impression of Republicans.
I mean, they are the Mike McCrae of politics. So there he is. So there is Frank Luntz, who is no Donald Trump fan. He's there warning these people. He's upset. He's upset. You fucking morons. That do you not understand that every time you indict him, his poll numbers go up? And this genius says, well, that's in the primary.
That's not going to carry through to the general election. That's what that guy was saying, right? Right. Well, yeah, that's why I'm saying this is what they're paid for. I mean, I can answer my own question. They're paid to tell their brain-dead remaining viewers these fairy tales and stories of...
Good versus evil and oh well it makes people feel like they're smart and getting this insider take but it's all just intellectual parlor games and bullshit that's what they get paid for they know that's what they're there for just just say some shit.
Well, I'm not sure. Okay, so you're not sure. So why am I even listening to you? Why am I listening to you? Why don't I just listen to the guy at the corner? The guy at the corner has an opinion too. What makes your opinion better than that guy's opinion? Because experience tells us the opinions of...
Ken dolls like this are usually far worse than the opinions that you're going to find at the corner bodega. Why would you listen to these people? And Frank Luntz is telling them what they don't want to hear. So they're in the spin control. And then he just goes, well, you know, I don't think it's going to carry into. Let's see if there's anything. Yeah. Why not? Based on what? Why would it not carry over to the elections?
Why wouldn't that carry to the general? Oh, it's just in the primary. Then people don't care about the general. People care more about the primary than the general. What the fuck?
This is why libs are always surprised by events because the sources of information they listen to are not in the news business. They're in the comforting those people business. They're in the comforting libs business. So that's really what he's doing there. He's reassuring the audience. Well, just because he says that doesn't mean it's going to carry over because if you really start laying the truth on those people, they'll go over to MSNBC.
MSNBC is never going to tell them a hard truth. Let's see if there's anything more to this clip. People, you'd know better. How is Donald Trump beating Joe Biden? He's got 85 indictments that still exist. Felonies.
How is he beating Joe Biden with the economy getting better and things cleaning up? OK, we got it's still of inflation. You still got immigration. Trump is leading. And in the seven swing states, Trump is up by the margin of error in five out of seven. Why is that happening? Because his critics are stupid.
And they're running a horrible campaign. And for those people who do not want. So he's just called all those people on that panel at the CNN and that beautiful studio stupid. He just called it because you people are stupid. That's why Donald Trump is winning in five out of seven swing states.
Because you people are stupid. But they look great. I got to tell you, Mr. Jackson Hinklehair looks great in that suit. His suit looks fantastic. Let's watch. So here. Donald Trump back. They should be thankful that the people who are orchestrating his loss are as pathetic and they don't understand the American people. Quick last word. And they don't understand the American people. And I just want to show you this. Here's the Democrats. This is Trump. That's the Democrats.
So a person could become so determined to destroy another person that they become blind and end up destroying themselves. That's what the Democrats have done since Trump. They've destroyed everything they claim to stand for. They became authoritarian. They became a censorious. They became against free speech. They became against bodily autonomy, right to choose. They became against the democratic process. They became against the voters themselves, the American people.
They became against everything. They became for political prosecutions. They became for lying to courts. The FBI lied 17 times to the FISA court to get a tap on Donald Trump's campaign. And they got it. And they still couldn't find a crime to indict him on. So they became cheerleaders for the CIA. They became cheerleaders for the FBI. They became pro-war.
over Donald Trump. That's what Russiagate led to, right? If it wasn't for Russiagate, the left would still be against the Ukraine war. Scott Adams says, "More evidence of my theme that Democrats don't know how anything works in the real world."
Frank Luntz explains to the stupid people how the real world works. Panel of stupid people act stunned. They all shop at the same suit store, by the way. I don't know if you noticed. Even the young ladies. But go ahead. I mean, I got to say, Frank Luntz is making some good points, but I'm assuming he gets paid well for what he does. I don't know what's going on with that toupee and that suit. He's always had to. He's gotten thicker. His toupee has gotten so much thicker.
and his suit... He's the only guy whose suit doesn't look good. So I guess if your suit looks shitty, you have a little bit more credibility. Go ahead. You're probably telling the truth. That's the first sign. They are...
a dissolute aristocracy. If you look at aristocracies before they're overthrown, they never understand how much people hate them. They just don't get it. It's really not as complicated to try to figure out Donald Trump's appeal. I mean, okay, it's a little more complicated than this, but I would say the core of it is that he's not you.
And that is a part of it that they just do not have the self-awareness to examine. You are so despised to your class, which at one time had a lot of credibility with the American people, systematically undermined the respect for expertise and the kind of professional class that you represent because you constantly misled them.
You told them NAFTA was going to bring better jobs to America. You told them that repealings class Stigl was going to bring a rise. Everybody's prosperity. Yep. Deregulation was, was going to help, but rising tide was going to lift all boats and,
Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. Trump would never be the president. It was laughable. They were laughing all the way to his election. Obamacare is going to lower your health insurance costs. You can keep your doctor. I'm going to be careful about what I say about some other things because we're on YouTube.
Yeah, they told you that the vaccine was during the coup. That's right. They told you that everything Fauci said was true and everything Fauci said was a lie. They said that it was they said it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Everybody who's vaccinated ended up getting COVID. It's what Matt, I'll tell you, it stops at each vaccinated person. It stops.
So at this point, nobody believes anything you say. Nobody trusts anything you say except for an increasingly negative
pathetic, really pathetic minority of shit libs who walk around talking about, I don't know, those Trump people, they just hate democracy. I guess they just think they're Trump people, they just don't like democracy. Yeah, you got a few people, and I don't know if you listen in enough on libs to notice, but they're pretty quiet this election cycle. It's really down to the lonely elderly people
And the most shallow younger people that you can imagine who, if they weren't sharing an anti-Trump meme, would have absolutely nothing to say. Other than that, I don't see a lot of people jumping into that conversation. It's nothing like 2016 where you had all the hillbots ready to go. It's a very small number of people who still take these people seriously. And whether you love Donald Trump, whether you hate Donald Trump, you know what?
Yes, Kevin O'Leary is right. This is common business practice that they prosecuted him for. And any person who's not beset by Trump derangement syndrome, which is most people, can see that. Whether they like Trump or don't like Trump, it's very obvious that what's being done to him is being done for political reasons. ♪♪
So Candace Owen, you know, has been fired by the Daily Wire where she made a name for herself. And she got fired over because she dared to say that maybe we shouldn't commit a genocide and that that's wrong in Gaza and that she actually had sympathy for the dead babies in Gaza. That was a bridge too far for Ben Shapiro and those genociding hypocritical maniacs.
And now her friends. So this guy here, this is going to shock you. Oh, right. But this guy. So this guy has a show at the Daily Wire. I can't. I don't even know. His name escapes me. Do you know what this guy's name is? Michael Knowles. That's Michael Knowles. That's who that is. And he's a Christian. And so he is the godfather to her baby, to Candace Owens' baby. Did you know that?
So watch this. Yeah, he says that in this video. Yeah. Yeah, he says that. So let's watch this video and hold on to your... Here we go. Yeah, this news just broke about, I don't know, an hour or two before the show started this morning. So Candace has parted ways with the Daily Wire. I forget how exactly they phrased it. I think Jeremy announced it on his Twitter and said the Daily Wire and Candace have ended their relationship. So...
I don't have some grand statement to make about that. I don't think it's my place as a host on this network to make some grand statement about it. Because this is a very personal business and a personal company, a particularly personal company, you know the relationships already. You know that I am a
a close personal friend of Candace and the godfather to her daughter. Her husband, George, is one of my best friends. And you know that I've been at The Daily Wire for a very long time. So I'm not going to risk my job here, even though I'm godfather to her daughter and her husband's my best friend. I am not risking this, maybe, because this is where I have my gravy train. And even though I'm a Christian and this is over Israel, here we go.
The very early days, you know, Jeremy Boring is one of my best friends. Even Ben, even Ben, I'm willing to admit in a moment of candor, is a longtime friend of mine, as are Caleb and all the other people around here. So, you know, what does he mean by that? Even Ben? Is he just trying to be playful? He's trying to be careful. He's trying to be cheeky.
Yeah, it's trying to be cheeky. I guess he's trying to be playful. This is, I mean, look, if we ever become this cringe, I hope the audience lets us know so we can, you know, move on to something else. I mean, what? Let's play. What? This is, there's a little bit more to this. Let me play it and then I'll bring you in. A little tortured. Yeah. Always unfortunate when...
People go their separate ways, and that's life, I suppose. But that's really all I have to say about it. I don't – if you were hoping for some grand, epic speech on the future of media and –
The industry, I don't really have that. And if you were looking for juicy gossip and tea spilling, not only would I be unwilling to divulge any of that, but I don't really have any to give you. That's just that's basically my view on it. And someone mentioned Candace. Nobody. So basically, there's a competition to see who can take the longest to basically say, yeah, we're friends at work, but I'm not going to rock the boat I live on. And Michael Knowles is in the lead so far.
Yeah. That was, to me, that's stunning. The godfather to her kid. Best friend to her husband. Hey! I'm not saying shit.
Yeah. Yep. No loyalty in that business, especially. I mean, this guy seems to lack the talent to make it on his own. See, someone like Candace Owens will be OK. Yeah, I'll be fine. Right. This guy needs that Daily Wire money. I can't imagine he has the chops to just go totally independent, which is part of why he probably feels like he can't step too far out of line. But, yeah, it's just kind of hilarious to see what's going on over there. I mean, it is it is the plot of a sitcom.
Right. You have this right wing podcast network that caters largely to like Christian fundamentalist types, but they're founded and run by Jews. And so when a Christian steps out of line on Israel, they have to fire her and then they have to walk this line again.
You know, that other guy, Andrew Clavin, we did a segment on him. He did this thing. This is where the whole Christ is king thing. All right. Because he was Jewish and then he was baptized. So he's a Christian. So he's like, oh, the Christians welcomed me into their club, except the Christ is king Christians. You know, that's a little too much. You're laying all thick there with the Christ is king. So now they have to thread this needle because it's a right wing network that caters largely to a Christian right audience. But they're yeah, they're run by Jews and they just booted the.
Christian out for having empathy with people who are being genocided. By the way, that is Michael Knowles. He's a cigar salesman. If you want to find a salesman to sell something that sells itself, he's your man. That's him also being cheeky. Cigar salesman. He has a million followers? Are you kidding me?
He has twice as many followers. So I like Satasha Catergator says, nah, it's just that Michael isn't a drama. So here's the different. Some people supported him. If you can believe it. It's just that Michael isn't a drama queen. Hell bent on destroying good and real relationships. Keeping in mind Dante's vision of the worst circle of hell being reserved for those who betray their friends.
So he did the truly courageous thing and defended all his friends, knowing people like you might bring the E-Mob over to attack him over it with the worst possible interpretation of Michael's words.
He's friends with people who support genocide. He's friends with people who don't support genocide. And it'd be unfair to one to come down too hard. Chernovich also, he said he handled it exactly as he should. Not everyone wants to be a gossip in a gossip and drama cycle. Shit doesn't always work out. Not the end of the world. Candace will be more than OK. That is true. Candace will be more than OK.
But this is not really drama. Like you can't really call this drama. This is drama would be a contract dispute or something like that. Yeah. You know, like this is a pretty core disagreement over one of the worst obscenities of our time.
You can't really say that's drama. That is ideological. That does reflect your values as a person. And all the people over at the Daily Wire screamed about facts don't care about your feelings. Right. And they all are about like you're not supposed to cancel people because they disagree with you. You have to grow up and you have to hear things that you don't like. And they're like, no, no, no. You can't have sympathy for babies that are being bombed by Israel because that's it.
And then you're out. So all the things they claim, I'm going to show you in our next segment. Barry Weiss is the perfect example of this. But here, this guy says Michael Knowles is a disgrace to Catholics. Maybe maybe he can repent for his cowardice. Christ is king. We are subservient to him, not Jews. That's what this guy says. And so he put he has a quote from.
Fulton J. Sheen, I don't know who that is, but the quote is, The refusal to take sides on great moral issues is itself a decision. It is a silent acquiescence to evil. The tragedy of our time is that those who still believe in honesty lack fire and conviction, while those who believe in dishonesty are full of passionate conviction. That's a pretty good quote. What do you think about that quote, Keaton?
Yeah, I mean, you know, it was just a matter of time before something like this happened. Did they really think? I mean, did they really? I mean, this has been kind of a.
thing that's been going on, not just in the right, but everywhere you see in mainstream media. Mark Lamont Hill was run out of a job at CNN saying free Palestine a while ago. Like, do you really think black people are going to side with Israel over the Palestinians? Do you really expect black people, even black
Right wingers like at the end of the day, people are people. You really think black people are going to side with the Israeli? You really think the Israelis are who they're going to side with in a situation like this? Like it just of course, this was this was going to happen. And rather than just like be accepting of that and cast a big tent and, you know, actually practice what you preach in terms of like your opposition to cancel culture. No, instead they forced her out.
Here's one more tweet I wanted to share. The Indian Jesus says, it's not tea spilling. It's effing political news that you have a personal information about on your political news show. What the eff is going on? So many of the people I thought had principles seem to be just like the leftists who are at least open about their lack thereof. Who needs friends like this? I would agree. And finally, Jesus has come around. Of course, we're talking about the Indian Jesus.
And we all know that Jesus was white, so I think this guy is using a fake name. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, but he is nailing the truth, so I don't know anymore. Hey, become a premium member. Go to JimmyDoreComedy.com. Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.
Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at MikeMcRae.com. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.
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