cover of episode U.S. Military Intelligence Guilty Of Human Trafficking!

U.S. Military Intelligence Guilty Of Human Trafficking!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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吉米·多尔详细介绍了美国政府,特别是军事情报部门,长期以来秘密参与人口贩卖的指控,并以MKUltra计划为案例,揭示了其对儿童的性虐待和酷刑。他引用了MKUltra幸存者朱丽叶·恩格尔博士的证词,以及其他证据,来支持这一说法。他还讨论了政府如何掩盖这些罪行,以及这些行为对社会造成的长期影响。 道格拉斯·麦克格雷戈作为退役上校,提供了对美国军事情报部门参与人口贩卖指控的军事和政治分析,并对相关事件进行了解读。他强调了MKUltra计划的背景和性质,以及其与纳粹科学家合作的历史渊源。他指出,这些行动并非孤立事件,而是美国政府长期以来系统性地滥用权力和违反人权的体现。 朱丽叶·恩格尔博士作为MKUltra计划的幸存者,提供了第一手的证词,详细描述了她从六岁起遭受的性虐待、酷刑和精神控制。她讲述了她如何被父亲卖给CIA特工,以及她在MKUltra计划中所经历的恐怖经历。她还谈到了她后来在俄罗斯从事打击人口贩卖的工作,以及她对美国儿童福祉的担忧。

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Hey, come see us in Ashland, Virginia, Athens, Georgia, Rutherford, New Jersey at the Icarus Festival, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. Go to for a link for tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Jimmy D, it's Joey B. No way. Praying Minister P of the U.S. of A. Well, hello, Mr. President. What's on your mind? I'll tell you what's on my mind, Jack. What's that?

What's what? What's on your mind? Will you stop with all the goddamn questions already? I've got a lot on my mind. Speaking of incessant questions, one of those mind things is the upcoming debates with Donald Trump that I agreed to. I see. So you're going to debate Donald Trump after all, huh? Yes, twice. June 27th on CNN and then September 10th on ABC.

ABC, home of TGIF on Friday nights. Still? I don't think they still do that, sir. Oh, what happened? Well, it's the... What are the formats going to be for the debate, sir?

That hasn't been decided yet. There's going to be a lot of back and forth between our two teams. Whatever type of format we agree on, I think one thing is already clear. Both of us are going to come out looking horrible. Yes. Absolutely terrible, both of us. But especially me. In a way that takes a lot of the pressure off. How so?

I think most people think I'm going to do poorly. I mean, I can't imagine some guy out there thinking, oh, man, I bet Joe Biden performs amazingly well in these debates. I can tell my team knows deep down I'm going to eat shit. And I'm basically planning on sucking ass. So, you know, let her rip. Just see how bad it can be. I see.

Or at least that will be my attitude on the debate night itself. Until then, I will take debate prep very seriously. And I've already begun. How are you preparing? Jimmy, I'm having my team drop a list of possible questions that moderators might ask, as well as Trump challenges. And throughout the day, they ask me these things and I have to answer. Interesting. Good strategy.

Thank you. Hey, you know what? I'll tell you what. Since I'm always ready, why don't you play moderator and fire some debate questions my way? And don't hold back. I'm a big boy. I can take it. All right.

Let's see. Okay, Mr. President, you have lost a great deal of support due to your support of Israel during its offensive in Gaza. Moving forward, how do you intend to win back that support? And perhaps more importantly, how do you plan on preventing your opponent from securing that support for himself? Pass. What?

Next question. I don't like that one. You're not supposed to like them, Mr. President. You're supposed to answer them. You can't say pass in a debate. Well, maybe I will. Maybe I'm a trailblazer, a debate pioneer. I'd certainly pass on that fucking question. Why? Because it's ridiculous. It's based on a false premise.

And the good people at CNN would not present Joe Biden with a false premise. Jake Tapper would never do that to me. Hold on, Mr. President. I'm getting another call. Hello, Jimmy Dorshow. Who's speaking? Jimmy, it's Jake Tapper from The League with Jake Tapper on CNN. Oh, thank God. Thank God you're here. Hey, Jake. Oh, thank God. Thank God you're here, Jake. What do you want, Jake Tapper?

Jimmy, sorry, but I was listening to the live stream and your question, and I'm sorry, but I had to call in. It's just not fair to the president to ask such unrealistic, provocative questions.

No offense, Jimmy, but I think the real journalist here needs to step in and ask Mr. Biden some realistic debate questions. Oh, I'm sorry. Is it real journalism for CNN personality to help coach a presidential candidate for a CNN presidential debate?

Jimmy, it happens all the time. Don't be naive. Yeah, grow up, man. Grow up. Fine. Fine. Be my guest. All right. Mr. President, are you ready? Fire away. I can take it. Oh, brother. Jimmy, please.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My question for you is, how do you do it? How do you reach 80 and maintain the energy, the verb, the vivacity to do what the presidency requires of you? I mean, what's your secret? Well, Jake, I'll be honest with you. An occasional nap doesn't hurt one bit. Pause for laughter. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

My job is too important to slow down. The American people are counting on me to be vigorous, to face the challenges that I... All right. I can't handle this. I'm putting a stop to this right now. My show's not the place for this disgrace.

God damn it, Jimmy. He was doing so well. And diet and exercise. Care of doctors. All right. Glad to see this whole thing will be an orchestrated sham. Thanks for being so transparent about it.

You're welcome. Mr. President, shush. Quiet. Jimmy, fine. Be that way. We'll practice somewhere else. Perhaps not on a live stream hosted by someone actively hostile to the Biden administration. Honestly, I probably should have thought about that part. Yeah. What? Goodbye. I'm hanging up on you both. We got to go.

Don't forget to check out season two of United States of Scandal with Jake Tamper on CNN. What were they thinking? Did I do good, Willie?

Medium speeds and jumps to medium and hits them head on. It's the Jimmy Tore Show. So this guy, Douglas McGregor, he's a U.S. Army colonel, retired. He wrote a book about the military. Everybody quotes it. He's always in high demand for his commentary. He's a military and TV analyst. And so he tweeted this out.

MKUltra sex trafficking survivor Dr. Juliet Engel, who was sold to a CIA handler by her father at the age of six, tells her story. In the early 1950s, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles officially sanctioned an illegal program of mind control and drug experimentation to be conducted on unwitting American citizens.

So they did, so this is your government did this. If you can think it, your government did it. So they did this. Well, hold on, Jimmy. Russia, you have to understand, the Soviet Union and also in South Korea, if you recall, I didn't know this part of the story. So a bunch of US soldiers had been captured.

Okay, this is what started the brainwashing craze, mind control fear. Oh, right, the Manchurian candidate thing. So what happened was, Korea, we were fighting China and Korea, and some captured U.S. soldiers defected and said, we don't want to come back. Now, I didn't remember this part of the story. The United States has been using bio-warfare on them. So I'd heard the one part, and so, of course...

We know America would never do that. So they were clearly brainwashed. Brainwashed. And America's like, oh my God, they've mastered mind control clearly. Oh, really? Because it's impossible in the 50s, right after we got all the Nazis that make that kind of stuff, that we would then turn it on the commies. So that's when they got the excuse to do this. But then, you know, we've discovered it didn't work and they stopped doing it.

These people were the first iPhones. So they're still doing it. So here...

So this guy, this is Douglas McGregor tweeting, he said, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles sanctioned this to happen. The program MKUltra, maybe you heard of it, was based on the work of Nazi scientists brought to the United States from Germany, as Kirchner said, under the auspices of Project Paperclip following the Nuremberg trials.

And by the way, Ben-Gurion didn't like it from Israel, but he was told by Rockefeller, you can either have blood or you can have a country. So we got all these war criminals and did a show, you know, the fat ones. Yeah. We kept all the good ones. Yes. And probably Israel's not our friends because of that, how we saved a bunch of evil Nazis. Well, the Zionists worked with the Nazis, though. That's the thing. But let me get back to this.

The program was headed by Sidney Gottlieb and initiated on the order of the CIA director, Alan Dulles on April 13th, 1953. In 1975, the select committee to study governmental operations with respect to intelligence activities, foreign and military intelligence was chaired by Senator Frank Church. Maybe you heard of the church committee. Initial investigations led to revelations that,

that at least 80 American universities, colleges, hospitals, plus 185 private contractors had engaged in 149 separate CIA-funded subprojects involving mind control experimentation, including forced administration of mind-altering drugs, particularly LSD, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, sexual abuse, and torture. There'll be an emphasis on those last two.

Unfortunately for the investigation, the CIA director Richard Helms ordered all MKUltra documents

destroyed prior to their being subpoenaed by the church committee and the Gerald Ford Commission to investigate CIA activities within the United States. Just like they destroyed all the videotapes of the torture program that George Bush ordered. They destroyed all of them. Nobody got in trouble for that. Nobody got in trouble for this. Oh, by the way, torture wasn't just waterboarding. Right, it was way worse. In 1977, a small cache of 20,000 documents...

was discovered and and senate hearings resumed so they didn't get all of them subsequent testimonies from victims researchers and officials revealed that unsupervised experiments were carried out on an unprecedented scale involving thousands of victims in the united states and canada including children especially children

Each child victim of government-sanctioned human trafficking has a story. So, surviving sex magic, this lady, is her story. It begins in Seattle in 1955. Let's listen to a little of this. Dr. Juliet Engel, I have the honor of leading the new Our Country, Our Children action response team called Protect Our Children.

Our members are patriotic Americans from all walks of life who recognize that our children are at risk like never before. Child trafficking and abuse are endemic in our country. Government, from local to federal, is often complicit, and nothing will change for the better until we become the lawful agents of change and do it ourselves.

Institutionalized child trafficking is not new in our country. I was trafficked in 1955 at the age of six when my father sold me to a CIA handler in the MKUltra program Sex Magic.

I grew up in a cult of mind control, satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse, and soul-stealing black masses conducted often in tunnels under Disneyland. I escaped the age of 17 to begin a new life by enrolling in university, then medical school. As a doctor, I forgot my past and had no memory of childhood.

Years later, in the 1990s, when I was working on maternal and infant health care reform in Russia, I discovered that one third of babies born in the former Soviet Union were being abandoned at birth and sent to orphanages. From there, many were trafficked and taken to other countries for sex and organ trafficking. I organized a nationwide questionnaire, the first in the former Soviet Union, and uncovered the extent of kidnappings, abductions, and trafficking from each region.

I also discovered that Germany, the United States and Israel were the three major receiving countries of trafficked women and children. In 2001, I took my findings with over 500,000 pieces of data collected from 15 former republics of the USSR to the United Nations, to the US State Department and to Congress.

They chose to ignore my clear evidence of trafficking rings operating between Russia and the United States. In the meantime, over my objections, the State Department issued their annual Trafficking in Persons Report showing that the U.S. had no trafficking problem. I continued my work in Russia by building an underground railroad for the rescue, return, and repatriation of trafficking victims.

Within 10 years, we facilitated the rescues of over 70,000 people. In 2010, I was warned out of Moscow by Russian military intelligence, who feared for my safety.

When I returned home to the United States, I was shocked at how the well-being of our children had deteriorated to third world status. Schools are unsafe. Young students are being sexualized and indoctrinated with radical communist ideologies. Birth rates are down. Abortion rates are rising. Transgenderism and pedophilia are forced on students in kindergarten.

I can no longer ignore the painful links to my own past. As a trafficked child in the 1950s, I was indoctrinated into the green agenda: depopulation, Satanism, ritual abuse, and futuristic plans for the death of the American soul.

The degeneracy that was birthed underground in the MK-ULTRA programs of the 50s and 60s is now mainstream. Mind control is rampant and comprises a head-on assault to the future of America and the human race. Dark forces have infiltrated our nation and attacked our children.

This is war, Patriots, a war that we must win. Our children require a safe, loving environment. They deserve loving homes and the care of their parents. They must build healthy bodies, strong independent minds, and a moral compass that will carry our nation into the future as stewards of the beautiful world that God gave us.

Our country, our choice has formed this new action response team, Protect Our Children. These dedicated patriots are gathering actionable data on child abuse, abduction and trafficking in America. Together we will bring down the wall of protection that currently shields the monsters preying on our children. The age of the protected, pedophile and ritual abuse of children is over.

Please visit our new website, and learn more about our cause and more about my personal story. Then join us in the defense of our future. Thank you. The only thing I disagree with is, um,

Dark forces infiltrate our company. We our country was the dark force. We are the dark force That's the only thing I did disagree if you uncomfortable because Russ had that thing about that doctor that died from the satanic panic Remember the panic? Yeah, it lasted from 1972 to 2000 so longer than the Afghanistan war We were panicking. Okay, so that's a that's a big bullshit thing to muddy the water. I

You gotta think of it in corporate terms. It's just the way Big Pharma takes coca leaves or opium and they distill the pharmacological ingredients to make heroin or cocaine. They did that with folk remedies like Satanism. Don't worry, don't get hung up on the Satan part. That's just super social Darwinism on steroids.

You don't have to believe in any of that shit the government they don't you don't have to believe in it They just want to know how do you control people? So if you don't like religion, you don't like her talking that way Okay, you got to admit religion is a good way to mind control people, right? And if I were the government I sure would study that to see how I could mind control people right store info information in them Make sure they never talk and so now in case you're wondering why we live in clown world There's tons of these stories. Okay, so

Uh, it's because those are the first iPhones. They trauma program people with all the features of an iPhone jerking off, storing info, texting a bomb to someone like everything you could do. They did to people. And so now you notice how people can't remember shit.

And they're all crazy. We're in the mass production phase. And they did it. They did it already. They already did it. In case you're wondering why everybody's so fucking crazy, because they did it. So that's why nobody remembers shit. Israel comes up. Nobody remembers Bibi paid Hamas. Nobody remembers the last three wars we lost. Nobody remembers anything. Oh, that natural immunity is real.

Do you notice the crazy way- Wasn't that crazy how they made doctors forget about natural immunity? They made virologists and biologists forget about natural immunity to a virus? Yeah. And they all just went along with it. And by the way- They paid them. Not only that, everybody forgot that ivermectin won the Nobel Prize for Human Medicine in 2015. Yeah. Everybody forgot that it was on the WHO list of essential medicines. Well, I never knew in the first place, did you?

Nobody decided nobody looked into any of that stuff. Look the first and most powerful magic there is is lying That's right. That's how we got our money So once you have a good base of lies, you just got to make sure you don't fall off the cliff Nobody looks down and makes you fall the cliff you can build on those lies. So every evil thing you ever heard of Okay There's more slaves now than ever. There's more everybody that's an indisputable fact. I

Even people like QAnon. It's a fact there are more slaves now than ever in history. Why? Because there are more people than ever. What do you think? You're not going to traffic them? Remember Al Capone when they did a prohibition on alcohol, right? And then the ice cream parlor, dude, at night you'd show up and alcohol pop up. Well, they did the same thing with slavery. Yeah.

They did the same goddamn thing. And I remember hearing this in the 90s from Kathy O'Brien because she said she was a CIA mind slave and was owned by Senator Robert Byrd. Okay? Remember the Ku Klux Klan senator? And at the time, this makes a lot of people go, that's preposterous. You think Robert Byrd would own slaves? That would be, I believe, 100%. Well, I get contacted by people. Well, first of all, I would never have believed that.

Unless Colonel McGregor tweeted that out and I'm like, whoa. And then plus I know about MKUltra as a real thing. Well, we all knew that was real. That's been established for a while. I didn't know it was that bad. Okay, Whitey Bulger, Charles Manson, the Unabomber. There's like a bunch of other people that are all directly from MKUltra. Sidney Gottlieb, that piece of shit? Yeah. He was the therapist to all the greats. Okay, so that's a little odd, isn't it? We think it's a coincidence.

The Unabomber Manson and Whitey Bulger, who hated drugs, his only drug was killing people, because he was mad how they experimented on LSD and Alcatraz. So that was never in question that that's a thing. Now, here's a fun fact you might not know. You know this thing of clearing the swamp that Trump promised to do? Yeah. That's been done before, after the church committee. You know who did it? Jimmy Carter.

He got 30% of them fired from their jobs because everybody was sick of this shit.

Then what happened in Jimmy Carter? They got six ways to Sunday. I got rid of him Yeah, and then Ronald Reagan industry plant Ronald Reagan comes in and so remember all the movies were anti-war and Vietnam was sucked Yeah, and it was bad and you know and all and Ronald Reagan it was mourning in America That's right and slowly he built up the intelligence it I mean he'd even do the evils that the guys that came after him did but now we're back and

to even worse than it was in the 50s levels of intelligence communities out of control. And if people don't believe that, it's because you're compartmentalizing as if you work for an intelligence agency. Well, they turn out, they have people like Stephen Colbert tell Tulsi Gabbard that, I think America is a force for good in the world. You remember when he said that? When she was telling the truth about Syria, he's like, well, I think America is a force for good in the world. You know what? Adam from Sitchin Adams said to me on the phone. Only, only,

Only, only a Sunday school teacher could say something that stupid. That's how MKUltra, dude, that phrase, I've heard that enough where I'm like, oh, that's like a catchphrase. Who told you? Adam from Stitch and Adam, remember? We went on their show, we were talking about Ukraine. Oh, God. And we were talking, he goes, well, I think America's a force for good in the world. Those guys are fucking poor. But who cares? The point is, I think America's a force for good in the world. That is hypnosis programming.

We played the Sinclair group videos, you know. Now that was Republicans.

And I saw a special on another, like a liberal shit lib channel. They like, they were working with Trump. You know, a child's birthday is the most important. The Sinclair group, I guess that's that old, I don't know who runs them. They're all doing it. You say a thing three times. The reason they look into this stupid magic and I'm not into magic. Okay. But let me explain to you what it is. It's controlling your perception. So think of it as PR or advertising or marketing. Oh, also our money. Also, most of the things, right?

Okay, so everybody's got to get over this weird, like, well, I'm an atheist. Dude, you could be an atheist. They are, a lot of them. They just want the effective mind control. And you're going to tell me that shit doesn't work because I'm looking around. We just got done talking to a lady that had to form an underground railroad for people that got injured by an experimental medical treatment. It should dawn on everybody this is real because nobody acts like this.

Okay? No, we're not that stupid. People did this on purpose to all the population, and you're watching people snap out of it. And the thing that should scare you is not how magical it is. That's like Pulp Fiction stuff. It's how mundane... Okay, here. We just had David Copperfield. How he made the Statue of Liberty disappear. Right? Yeah. Okay? And when a guy told me I was...

Well, because I'm like, how do you do it? Because he couldn't have just done trick photography because they said there's no trick. They said there's no trick photography. Okay, so just anybody watching has a hard time believing this. Think of that trick, how they pull it off, purely based on they wouldn't do that. How many times you got to see they would do that for you get it? They would do that, and they did do that, and they're doing it now. And I understand if you're a little cow that wants to believe in it, but grow the fuck up. Just be honest. Look at the thing in front of you.

Hey if you're planning on taking a trip to Las Vegas we'll be there July 28th just so you know so if you're if you're gonna go there this summer July 28th is when we'll be there telling jokes July 28th at Wise Guys they have a new Wise Guys there's the one in the arts district that's we played last time great room and there's an even bigger room now a 350 seat room um

in a different part of Las Vegas. Is it in Henderson? I'm not sure. But anyway, so if you're planning on making your plans to go to Vegas this summer, go down July 28th and we'll see you there.

Hey, how come RFK Jr., one of the smartest people I've ever heard speak in politics in my life, turns as stupid as Kid Rock when it comes to Israel? How come? So I'm convinced that when he was in that tent with Roger Ailes. In a kibbutz as a young man. I'm sorry, he's an Irish Catholic, right? Yes. He's on a birthright trip to Israel. I know. As a man in a tent with Roger Ailes, the guy they made the Me Too movie about. You know, and people forget. You talk about forgetting, Kurt.

People forgot during COVID that there was a movie called The Dallas Buyers Club starring Matthew McConaughey. I think he won the Academy Award for it. Remember to forget. Remember to forget. And people forgot that the bad guy in that movie, the person keeping life-saving treatments and drugs from AIDS patients was Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci was the bad guy in the Dallas. If you ever watch that movie, The Dallas Buyers Club, Dr. Fauci's the bad guy.

And people forgot that, including Matthew McConaughey, who wouldn't say a fucking thing during COVID about it. Well, at that time when it came out, I remember reading a debunking of that movie about how it was absurd. Oh, really? It sounded just like what, but this is back when it came out, so I didn't think anything of it. And it said they had them seeking ivermectin, like that kind of ivermectin. A lot of people pursued dangerous treatments because of that. That's not true. And I went, oh, okay. And even I knew that that's like,

Because how many... Oh, do you know why marijuana... Do you know the... If you really look into it... Do you mean more dangerous than AIDS? Yeah. Right? Yeah. Yeah. It's insane. And if you sit and think for two seconds, you're like, what in the hell? Why did I ever think that they weren't capable? How many times you got to get screwed over before you notice there's a problem? And like, I understand it's hard if you don't like Bible-beaten hillbillies. And you don't have to believe in... Listen to the thing. Just listen to the thing and notice it. You know? Yeah.

Because the government don't care about Satan. They don't look at it like that. What they care about is we care about what works. That's right. Okay? So what is it that has cults next? Oh, L. Ron Hubbard's silly cult. You don't think they work with the CIA from the beginning? Of course.

They're a great place to put actors. A little cut out of a scene and then you can program them. I'll bet that guy David Miscavige is going to get whacked too. I'll bet you. Somebody else is going in for his job. Because that whole L. Ron Hubbard thing, that guy, he made like a dumb model, like a poor man's model of the thing that a bunch of these wealthy people are into. Okay? They're all into like Zeus movies.

They call it the old religion. In case you're wondering the religion, their cult is called the old religion. That's the nexium of the elite. It's called the old religion. And what is it? It's all the, all you already know what it is. It's all stuff you've seen strewn about through fiction and Harry Potter crap. Okay. But just like any other stupid religion, they think they go way back. And that's why we have Greek or Roman God stuff everywhere.

Because it's like the 48 laws of power. You ever hear that? Yeah. That's what all those Greek myths are about. They're all about mortals getting the better of the gods and almost surpassing them. The Bible's got just a little of that. It's slapped down immediately. But in those ancient Greek myths, it looks like a real housewives almost. And it's basically a way to encode information. The 48 laws of power, if you read that,

You could if you want to tell it to dumber people you tell it as Zeus and Apollo and Athena stories, right? But it's the same lessons about seducing a man to take his place It's all the same things and they're the lessons of the rich elite if you read those kind of myths. It's all weird Incest and taking some of the underworld that's their old religion. I'm not saying it's specific those gods the the chump level is like like the gap is Satan the banana Republic is

His mole, that guy. There's a cheap brand, and then there's a luxury brand, and then there's a brand above that. You already know there is. You can look at all the... Why do you think... Well, look at the Bohemian Grove with their... I mean, that... Why does that exist? Why does that exist? Look, Freemasons, I'm not saying they drink blood or something, okay? I've seen the Great History Channel debunkings of your fears. The Founding Fathers were Freemasons, okay? Okay.

Okay, so there's not a they're not worshiping devil or whatever, but why are they doing what they're doing at all? Why do you have a I get it's not anything with devil. Why are you doing this? Why do you have this weird shit on and a sword and how about you bush frat hazing? How about that picture of Klaus Schwab? You've seen that picture when he came from a college. It was like a futuristic gown from I looked out. Is that why he had to wear that speaking at something? I mean, I feel like that's a weird outfit even for that, but you got to remember Germany.

Okay. All right, we got to go. But that's wild. I would never have believed. I can't believe that after I've been on this binge of this stuff that this even came up as a story. Because that guy in Slovakia, a 71-year-old man, for no reason. For no reason. And so I'm reading that after, Jimmy, a week of talking to people about this a lot.

Because I was trying to look at alien abduction stories. I just want to hear something I haven't heard before. I don't believe... So they got to him. So they got to that 71-year-old guy who just shot the... They probably had him the whole time. They could turn him on. That's right. They didn't just make that up. So they got a 71-year-old guy to go shoot the prime minister. They got slaves into their 80s in case they need them. And 100%, I believe that. And they ship them all over the world. All the Five Eyes countries. Yeah.

So I want everybody to remember on Sunday we're doing a live stream this Sunday at 7 p.m. Pacific, 10 p.m. Eastern. It's a live stream. Make sure you tune in. Kurt will be there. Sam Tripoli, Steph.

Jeff Dye will also be there. And who did I miss? Did I leave anybody else? You said Sam Tripoli. I got it. So we're going to have a great panel. It's going to be a great show. It'll be live streamed on Rumble. Make sure you watch it. And we'll see you Sunday. Kurt, you got any stand-up dates coming up? Yeah, go on because I got a bunch coming up and I don't remember them. But I'm at the San Diego...

Oh, I think my birthday, the 24th, 23rd or something. When's your birthday? May 24th. I think it's. Oh, really? Yeah. You can get the date, but I think I'm there my birthday weekend. Were you at Mic Drop? No, American Comedy Club. Oh, American Comedy Club in San Diego. Okay. I have a great time there every time. The crowd's awesome every time. So come out there. And then I'm at a bunch of Rick Bronson clubs the rest of the week.

Oh, yeah, I was just at Rick Bronson's club in Edmonton. Great club. I know, isn't it? It is a great club. It's like... It was rocking Superman under a yellow sun. It was great. It's inside that huge mall. It's a great club, though. And it was... You know what I liked about it was that the waitstaff thanked us. They were like, oh, I wish you were here all weekend. Our crowd, they go, your crowd is so happy. They were happy and big tippers. And so it made me look good. So anyway...

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I want to talk to you about community notes. You know, on Twitter, I do not want to stop calling it Twitter. Community notes aim to create a better informed world by empowering people on Twitter to collaboratively add context to potentially misleading posts. Sounds good, right? Contributors can leave notes on any post, and if enough contributors from different points of view rate the note as helpful, the note will be publicly shown on a post.

Community notes are now publicly visible to everyone in the United States. This is an open and transparent process. That's why we've made the community notes algorithm open source and publicly available on GitHub along with the data that powers it so anyone can audit, analyze, or suggest improvements. Sounds fantastic, doesn't it? What could possibly go wrong? Community notes do not represent Twitter's viewpoint and cannot be edited or modified by our teams.

A post with a community note will not be labeled, removed, or addressed by Twitter unless it is found to be violating the Twitter rules, terms of service, or our privacy policy. Failure to abide by the rules can result in one's removal from accessing community notes and or other remediations. So it sounds like they're really on top of this community note thing.

But does that mean that there aren't people who figured out how to game the system? Yeah. No, that doesn't mean that. People have figured that out. And here's Chris Littlewoo. He says, let's talk about community notes. FYI, I'm a community note contributor. By the way, I was recently asked to sign up to be a community note contributor. Did you know that? I did. I clicked the thing and I said, yeah, I'd like to be one. I never heard another thing.

What I am seeing is a direct attempt to silence, censor, deprioritize, demonetize, isolate, and cast doubt against anyone that questions the current plans of government, big pharmaceutical, and the parasitic ruling class. This is from January 20th. Enterprising Desert Raven is the username for a single community note contributor, Enterprising Desert Raven. Since joining community notes in March of 2023,

This one username has posted nearly 5,000 community notes. How could that possibly be? Is it a bot? Is it a group of paid agenda activists? Or is it a three-letter agency? Is it CIA, FBI, NSA, MI6? What is it? Because that's how they do things.

Wikipedia. If you want to know why my Wikipedia page looks like that, it's because the three-letter agencies are the ones who edit and control people's personal profile pages on Wikipedia. And I've told the truth about our foreign policy and about wars and about COVID and lockdowns and vaccines. And that's going to get you a ugly looking Wikipedia page. One thing is for sure. I wonder what Julian Assange's Wikipedia page looks like. I bet they call him a hacker.

One thing is for, and a conspiracy theorist, I bet, and a criminal. I have to go, you know what? That's a good, I'm going to, after this, I'm going to go take a look at what you, what the Wikipedia says about Julian Assange. One thing is for sure, in my opinion, it's impossible to be a single person. Meaning he's saying that this username cannot enter surprising desert Raven that has posted 5,000 community notes online.

from March 2023 to January 2024 could not be a single person. It is posting over 70 community notes per day, every day without rest. So that can't be a single person. These notes have to be backed up with linked supporting evidence. It's just not possible to achieve this on a daily basis.

This is a relentless attack on anyone that dares to question the things that have happened to us or the plans that they have in place for humanity. Community Notes works on a basis that when a contributor sees a post and wishes to correct that post, they create a note that provides information and links to data that support their note. When enough contributors approve the note, it goes live. Attached is a video link.

Of all the community notes that Desert Raven has added, both published and pending in just the last 10 days. Oh, I can't believe I don't have that frickin' video. This is from within the CN section, so you will not normally get to see this. The vast majority of these notes are in pending, waiting to go live. The video goes on forever. Forever.

It's only in the last 10 days worth of, it's impossible for a single, so he shows this video of all the notes that this one account has added. It goes on forever, just in the last 10 days. There is no doubt you will know someone in this video that they have attempted to censor. You will notice the recurring themes. Desert Raven protects the Jabs.

Meaning vaccines, big pharma, current government regimes, climate change and the W.E.F. Anyone that questions what's going on that has a larger following base appears to be targeted, especially blue ticks.

The community notes that have been approved all appear to be supported by the same group of contributors. It's almost like... This is really bad and extremely concerning. So here's Enterprising Desert Raven. Community notes. That's just their profile. Community notes contributors use aliases. Learn more. So...

Replying to Darren Beattie, this footage shows the discovery of a pipe bomb at a bench outside the DNC headquarters. Remember when we covered that story? Because it implicated the FBI in the January 6th, and it suggested it was a hoax committed by the FBI, or at least they were in on it. That's what that video did. Oh, look.

There's no evidence to suspect who planted the pipe bomb near the Capitol before January 6th was a Capitol police officer. The suspect is still at large. No, there is lots of evidence. Lots and lots. So that's just one. That's just one from enterprising desert Raven. Oh, here's the video. Is this it? Is this? Oh, so, and here's all the stuff. Here's that video. Here's all, this is just in the last 10 days. These are all their notes in the last 10 days.

Look at all these. So so and the claim that federal border, the claim COVID vaccine shed viral particles is false and baseless. COVID vaccines do not contain a live virus. Shedding is not possible. So they're saying that all those doctors who are saying that people who got vaccinated with COVID shed their virus. They're sick. So this is do you see what they're doing? They're saying that's not true. Those doctors are wrong.

Oh, this is one of my favorite accounts. Midwestern Doc is a solid, solid account. Everything this guy or person, girl, I don't know, could be a lady. It's Midwestern Doc. Everything Midwestern Doc writes is unbelievably thorough and sourced. That's how I found out about the skin cancer. That's how I found out about the products in sunblock are actually bad for you or in a lot of sunblocks.

There's a good sunblock, and then there's the bad sunblocks. And they don't tell you. Also, I found out through them that the skin cancer you get from the sun, this deadly skin cancer, the melanoma, doesn't come from the sun. The basal cell you get from the sun, you know what the survival rate is after five years? 100%. So anyway, I've covered that in another video. So here they are, putting a note on Midwestern Doc. This is all in the last 10 days, all these.

So it just goes on and on and on and on. And it goes against certain, certain accounts counts that go against the establishment narrative. There's, Oh, there's die suddenly. Oh, there's another, there's another friend of the show. So we've had this woman on Mary Talley Bowden. She's been vindicated because she came out and said lots of things about COVID and the jab. Uh,

He says, we now have 95 candidates, 76 elected officials, and one surgeon general from 33 states publicly saying that COVID shots must be recalled. This person said, there's no evidence COVID vaccines are so dangerous they need to be removed from the market. Many studies prove COVID vaccines are safe and adverse events are very rare. So this is the kind of thing that one account does constantly. And this guy's saying, this isn't one person doing this.

So, this is just in the last 10 days, all these community notes to one account. So, obviously, the community notes thing is corrupted, and people have figured out how to game it. Am I using the right term? I think so. Here's a vaccine whistleblower who was a sales rep. Santa Barbara coroner concluded anti-vaxxer Brandy Vaughn died of natural causes. There's nothing suspicious about...

So Chris Little Woo says they are either bots or groups of bad actors working together to utilize a single account and push an agenda. IP and MAC address access would easily identify this. I'm a community notes contributor, and I'm telling you that the system is compromised. It is. That's the problem with community notes.

That's a big problem. Laugh my ass off. Desert Raven has added a community note to be reviewed about this post. You can't make it up. What did they say? Community notes are not manipulated by one person. Contributors can leave notes on any post. And if enough, so that he just proved that that's no way that that's real. Yeah. So they're just, they're just there. There it is. Community notes are not manipulated by one person. So they put that community note on a post about community notes.

Let's talk about community notes. FYI, I'm a community note. Here's another one. People have proposed community notes about this post. There it is. So now you know the rest of the story. And nice work, Chris Littlewoo. Thanks for doing the hard work. Hilarious. Of course, of course, the intelligence agencies, of course, Big Pharma, of course, the military industrial complex, of course, CIA, of course, the Mossad.

Of course they all figured out how to game this system. Of course they did. And what sounds like a great system, turns out it's not. Just like Wikipedia isn't. Wikipedia is supposed to be just regular people. It's all just regular... But the gray zone has proven that the people who added at least my page and anybody who does anything controversial, their pages are being manipulated by the intelligence agencies.

The MI6, CIA, FBI, that's who's. So if you go to my Wikipedia page and now you know why it says Jimmy Dore is a conspiracy theorist in the first line, tell me which conspiracy I got wrong.

I debunked conspiracies. I debunked the conspiracy of the gas attacks in Syria. They still said I got it wrong, even though Aaron Maté has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that we're right about that. They'll say Russiagate. Russiagate is the biggest, dumbest conspiracy invented by the intelligence agencies, the FBI, the CIA, and the Hillary Clinton campaign. The whole dossier was funded by Hillary Clinton. She paid for that.

And denied it to the FBI for a year. She denied it anyway. Of course she did. And there's never a price to pay because she's the establishment. And the FBI was trying to get rid of Donald Trump, as we now know. They lied to the FISA court 17 times to get a tap on his phone.

So just like Wikipedia is bullshit, it's great when it's something not controversial. But if it comes to anything controversial, like the Ukraine war or covid or vaccines or lockdowns or masks or Syria or Russiagate or any of that stuff, it's garbage. It's garbage.

Intelligence community propaganda, establishment big pharma propaganda, military industrial complex propaganda. That's what Wikipedia is, even though they claim it's just regular people. It's not. Max Blumenthal and the people at Grayzone debunked that. It's not.

Look at my Wikipedia page. Everything I've said about COVID has been proven true over time. I bet they still say the lab leak theory is a conspiracy theory at Wikipedia. I bet they still say that. And that's the same thing with community notes. They've been compromised.

So Bill Burr, my old buddy Bill Burr, is smoking a cigar. I don't think he's drinking. But Bill Maher, that's his new thing if he's drinking. You give him the full Maher. You don't go more. You go Maher. I go Maher. Yeah. I don't know why. Oh, I thought it was out of respect. I like it. Just like I used to say Barack Obama and then Jon Stewart stole that from me. Mm-hmm.

I like to mispronounce people's names. It's fun. Kurt Mexican. Yeah. So here's Bill Maher and Bill Burr. And here's, watch this. With the kids demonstrating. So they're talking about the college kids demonstrating against, by the way, which turns out is actually helping

And is very effective. And you know how you know that the college kids protesting is effective and they're worried about it? Meaning the people running the war is worried about it? Because they have to overreact so hard.

They have to go in there and crack their heads so hard. They have to threaten to not hire them for the rest of their lives. This is the PMCs. Yes, that's right. They thought the threat of school loans you can't pay back would make them not do it. No, it's not. And they would grow up and join their family in the generational, I guess, satanic business, you could call it. And the kids found out how the sausage is made and they're mad.

And they're not like knuckling under on it because they really believe like when I love it. Chelsea Clinton in those emails, those emails could tell me, tell Chelsea we are corrupt and is what we do, please. Yeah. So here. So let's watch this fun and I'll try not to stop it. But Bill Byrd does a great job here. Here we go. Ready with the kids demonstrating for Hamas. They are in with the terrorists. They were for the Palestinians. Well, it's sort of the same cause. Why are you?

I'm on the side of the kids. Yeah, that's easy to say. No one wants to see kids dead. It should be. It should be easy to say that. This is a war. I'm the one who's actually brave on this. Pat yourself on the back. It's easy to say come to the kids. Who's not for the kids? That would be you. Who's not for the kids? You. I hate kids.

Let me tell you something. I don't like kids. The Palestinians should be grateful that they killed their kids. I love this. Here, I'll show you who's not for the kids. Who's not for the kids? I don't know. Bill Maher, maybe the military force that's killed over 12,000 of them in the last seven months. Maybe them. Or Bill himself, who has said out loud, I hate kids. Yes, Bill Maher. It's easy to say that, but not for me because I hate them. Ha ha ha.

So when, by the way, when Bill Burr says I'm with the kids, I think he meant the college kids who are protesting. Bill Maher missing. No, no, no. You think? First they say kids college. No, Bill likes them because they're close to hooker age. When they get to Hamas, see this is great. He goes, they're supporting Hamas.

And I always want someone to go, no, they're supporting the Palestinians. Right. Which, God bless you, Bill Burr, for coming through on that. Bill Maher goes, well, it's kind of the same thing. No, it's not. No, it's not, Bill. He goes, I just don't want the... I'm for the kids not being killed. That's what Bill Burr was saying. Yeah. And Bill Maher goes, that's easy to say. We shouldn't kill kids. Of course, take the lazy way out of not killing kids. That's what he was saying. I know. So there's more to this. Let's start it at the top. With the kids...

Demonstrating for Hamas? They are in with the terrorists? No, they were for the Palestinians. Well, it's sort of the same cause. Why, are you? I'm on the side of the kids. Yeah, that's easy to say. You know, no one wants to see kids dead.

This is a war. That was very brave of you to say that. This is a war. No, I'm the one who's actually brave on this. Oh, pat yourself on the back. It's easy to say I'm for the kids. Who's not for the kids? It comes down to real hard-nosed decisions. Like a country... No, stop talking like you're a general. A country got attacked...

Israel got attacked. I'm not saying that they didn't have a right to go back. I'm just sitting there going like, how do I look at what the only country in the world that they get attacked? And then as soon as they counterattack, it's like, well, we got to stop this shit now. Don't attack them is a very simple solution to all this problem in the Middle East. Stop attacking Israel.

I think the solution to all these problems in the Middle East, Bill Maher, would be Israel stop committing a genocide. But back it up even before that. Stop occupying someone else's country. That's too far, Jimmy. So, Pete, they always leave out. They always act like this started on October 7th. This started with the Nakba.

OK, where they got 750,000 Palestinians kicked out of their land, stole their land, and now they occupy their land. They're an occupying force. So you under U.N. charter, you're allowed to fight back.

against an occupying force right so so maybe tell them to stop occupying the gaza strip tell them to stop and stop doing the siege warfare that they're doing on gaza tell them to stop occupying the west bank tell them to stop slaughtering palestinians this didn't just start on october 7th this has been going on for since 1947 8 so that so so they never bring up that up they stop i'm

attacking Israel. Nobody's attacking Israel. Israel's the ones that's causing all the war. They're bombing three different countries right now as we speak. Plus, they're committing a slaughter in Gaza and the West Bank. Wait, Jimmy. Okay. I'm not an anti-Semite like you. Okay? So I'll bargain them down too. How about Israel? You stop...

Paying money to people to attack you that's right because that's the number one where I go fuck you Israel you read them you paid the bad guys that Bill Maher hates

that we got to kill the kids that live kind of near them. That's right. Your president, or whatever the hell you call him, Benjamin Netanyahu, openly said he wasn't a college kid with a sign. He took your taxes and mostly our taxes and paid a terror group who attacked you, and now you're going to kill their kids when you should hand be

be over to them? And can you be that dumb not to see the game that Benjamin Netanyahu, why would Benjamin Netanyahu prop up Hamas and give them suitcases full of money instead of the PLO, which is a secular non-terrorist organization because they wanted to use

them when they finally did attack them they wanted to use that as an excuse to go in and take over Gaza and take over the West Bank which is exactly what they're doing that's been their plan all along let's watch Bill but it's just so funny to watch Bill Burr destroy him it's like Bill Maher brought a cheese knife to a gunfight and here we go

Hey, you just solved it. Stop attacking Israel. You just solved it. I actually did. There you go. That's fantastic. Anyway, we don't need to get on to that. Let's go to Russia and the Ukraine. How do you solve that one, Bill?

Let me hear your hard-nosed decision about that. Well, let me ask you a question. How is war still legal? All this shit that's been canceled. Legal. Why is that still fucking legal? Would you like a real answer to that? Because for something to be illegal, you have to have the capacity to enforce it. And you can't enforce against war or else you have to go to war with the country that's going to war. And we don't want to go to war with Russia over Ukraine.

What would be the sense of making it illegal? Oh, that's really going to stop Putin. No. To stop people from going to war, you have to also put boots... You can't sit down and talk it out. Why can't Putin do a podcast with the head guy...

Like you just solved the Middle East on a podcast. Why can't they solve what they're doing on a podcast? This is why this is not yours. Make some hard notes. It's not your thing. It's what you... It is my thing. It isn't your thing. This is not your thing. You're like that guy that has a fantasy football team and thinks he's a fucking GM. Oh!

That's exactly what it is. Why am I fucking listening to you like you've done something? Oh, Bill. What have you done in Washington? That was beautiful. Wow. I got to say, I really admire Bill Burr in a big way for that.

Yeah, way to go, Bill Maher. You insult the guy who can roast you like a hen in a rotisserie. They didn't have to talk about the issues. He didn't even get to Bill Maher's black hooker addiction. No, they didn't even get to it. They didn't even get that personal. Just like, what did you ever do besides setting on a show and not getting in trouble for saying the N-word one time? So all the problems are just because people won't stop attacking Israel.

Israel is bombing Syria. Israel. Oh, you know what? We could probably get them to stop if you murder their children. Yeah. You know, we're probably calling these Arabs right down. Blow up all their kids that had nothing to do with it. Yeah. That bomb all their hospitals, all their schools, all their universities, bomb all of it, slaughter their children and their women. And I bet that'll get them. That'll get them. They deserve it. It's practical.

Practically the same thing. The idea is they want the Palestinians out of Palestine. They want them to go either into Jordan or into Egypt. Oh, they're coming here. That's what this is all about. And you have to really be trying. Just like Bill Maher there, he said, oh, if you make war illegal, that's not going to stop Putin. Again, he doesn't know anything about Ukraine. He doesn't know about the Maidan coup. And if he does, then he's being a disingenuous liar.

Because Putin didn't start this war. This war was another war started by NATO.

And the United States. OK, because he knows nothing about the Minsk Accords and who broke those Minsk Accords. He knows nothing about the Azov Battalion, knows nothing about the Donbass and the shelling of the Donbass. He knows nothing about the fact that the CIA got in bed with right wing Nazis to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine. Putin didn't do that. You know who did that? The United States did that. The United States overthrew the coup their government.

And so the people in the Donbass didn't want to go along with it. Bill Maher acts like it was all of a sudden everything starts. So with Bill Maher, the Palestine conflict starts on October 7th. And with the Ukraine, it starts with Putin's invasion of the Donbass. That's not when these things started. So it's very easy if you come into the if you start the story at the third act, it's very easy to get them.

Morong idea of what's actually happening. I reset my memory every two months. I love that Bill Maher's like, this is my thing. It's not your thing, Bill. You're a dumb propagandist. With all the writers around him, none of them know what's going on in Ukraine. None of them know what's going on in Gaza. That's the thing.

Remember he was going to go back to his show with no writers because he does think he knows something. Yes. And then really, and I find this, this is a little shocking. It's hard to imagine he would be like this, a guy who would fire his agents for not getting him into that one party. Yeah.

Let me get you to some party. And he goes, you're fired because he didn't go to like the hottest party. He's like as big a twit as any. He is Kid Rock. They're all the same. They're all the same, like know nothing. But they talk to important people. It doesn't occur to them. Those people like he calls BB. BB talks him on the phone. I know for a fact.

I'm sure. Okay? So I get it straight from the horse's mouth. Yeah, I know. It didn't occur to him because you just got to flatter him and make him feel like he's taller than a tiny little man, and then he feels like he's a big deal. So that's why he said that to Bill, right? Like, this is not really your thing. This is my thing. Yeah. Bill doing some great Boston bullying of Bill Maher. Nice. Nicely done. ♪

Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. I freak out.

Do not freak out.