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All right, so the house passes a 95 billion foreign war bills. Woo! America! Fuck yeah! U.S. lawmakers passed a raft of legislation containing some 95 billion in military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan.
also approving a bill that will allow Washington to hand Kiev assets seized from Russia and pave the way for a ban on TikTok. Well, he got that through.
They did. And there is already they are already threatening in Russia to retaliate by seizing Western assets. The aid bills passed by a wide margin after separate votes on Saturday afternoon with the 61 billion dollar Ukraine legislation approved 311 to 112.
though a thin majority of Republicans opposed that bill, accounting for all 112 no votes, while one GOP rep voted present, it was ultimately adopted with bipartisan support. That's always such a profile in current, right? The present vote.
I would have principles, but I can't. I was there. Okay. I was there. Another measure authorizing... I gave them a mean look when they voted. I saw the whole thing. I saw... Another measure authorizing $26 billion in military aid for Israel easily sailed through the lower chamber in a 366 to 58 vote with just 21 Republicans and...
and thirty seven democrats in opposition 'cause what's a little genocide between friends uh... in eight billion dollar aid bill for taiwan and other u_s_ allies in the indo pacific also passed three eighty five to thirty four including language that allows the white house to divert additional funds to ukraine in other words just in case marjorie taylor green and company pull their shit
They built in a safety valve, that conspiracy theory. They built in a safety valve so they could take some money away from Taiwan and give it to Ukraine. While the aid was originally packaged together as a single bill by the Senate, House Speaker Mike Johnson declined to introduce the measure unless Democrats agreed to significant immigration reforms. However...
After months of gridlock, Johnson divided the legislation into three separate aid bills and later added a fourth containing several unrelated provisions, allowing them to advance to the floor. I guess they showed him that Kennedy film.
The immigration provisions were left out of the four bills, and the speaker allowed a separate bill on immigration to come forward on a move to suspend the rules. That suspension of the rules quickly failed, so no debate on immigration or the U.S. border occurred. The latter bill also passed overwhelmingly in a 360 to 58 vote, dubbed the...
21st century peace through strength act, which, which, uh, it's authors immediately submitted to the Orwell awards for creepiest name for a bill in 2024. Uh, the law will allow the white house to bring new sanctions on Russia and Iran, as well as ban the Chinese owned video sharing platform. Tick tock more on that later, unless it's parent company bite dance divests, it's foreign ownership stakes.
The same bill also authorizes the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Kiev after Washington opted to seize Moscow's U.S.-based funds in response to the 2022 invasion of Ukraine.
libertarian leaning rep thomas massey who voted down all four bills i you know we should get behind this guy for president we should we should draft thomas massey i never never see him say a thing that makes me upset you know you know he's clearly a man of principle maybe they haven't shown him the uh the jfk movie the secret one uh condemned uh
condemned Speaker Johnson following Saturday's session, saying he was, quote, sharing the GOP speakership with Democrats while suggesting he had colluded with the rival party to ram through the Ukraine aid. Well, that's exactly what he did.
Quote, to bring Ukraine spending up for a vote, he made a deal with Democrats on the procedural vote. Then he passed the bill today with every Democrat voting yay and a majority of Republicans voting nay.
On Friday, the Kentucky Republican said Johnson had sold out to the Beltway Swamp, adding that the Speaker should step down before agreeing to send $100 billion to wars around the world. While GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene proposed an amendment that would have reduced funding in the Ukraine bill to zero, it garnered only 71 votes in favor and failed to pass.
Green also blasted the House speaker after the vote, calling Johnson a traitor to our country who allowed Congress to send Americans hard-earned tax dollars to fuel a foreign war. No, Marjorie, he's just a man with an unspeakable secret that could never get out. Horse cock doesn't suck itself, you know. Self-licking horse cock, that's the machine they've made.
Green has threatened to remove Johnson from the speakership should he continue to ignore GOP concerns surrounding immigration, spending and mass surveillance, among other issues, filing a motion to vacate that has yet to be called up for a vote.
I don't know what she's waiting for, honestly. Right. Massey, along with fellow Republican reps Paul Gosar and Eli Crane, have signaled support for the move. President Joe Biden hailed the passage of the aid bills later on Saturday, claiming the House voted to advance our national security interests.
Biden's comments were echoed by his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, who thanked U.S. lawmakers who supported the legislation and singled out Speaker Johnson for allowing the vital aid bill to come to the floor. I know what you did last summer, Speaker Johnson. What stays in you, what happens in Ukraine stays in Ukraine as long as you pass legislation. Yes.
With all four pieces of legislation passing, they will move on to the Senate as a single bill. The upper chamber previously passed a similar measure indicating it will face little opposition from senators. So this is our node Bertrand. Now I'm just going to read a little bit of this tweet, but it's an extended tweet storm that is actually worth reading.
More than anything, what this confirms is the fundamentally nihilistic vision the U.S. now has for the world and for its place in the world, which is the very reason why it's currently losing out. Let me explain.
To sum up, what we have here is the U.S. funding two active wars, one which already wiped out an entire generation of military age males and the other one which turned into a genocide with most victims being women and children.
And in both wars, not only is the U.S. making no genuine attempt to end them, except which is the same, saying they can only end with total capitulation of the other side, as this aid package proves, it's fueling the fire.
Laying the groundwork for a third war in Taiwan by inundating an island they officially recognize as part of China and officially say they don't support independence for with weapons against China. Banning a social media platform that they believe is making young Americans question the wisdom of their country's warlike nature. The only somewhat discernible vision here is, quote,
We want to win these wars decisively as losing them would mark an end to our hegemony, which frankly at this stage is more of a selling point for 90% of the planet than something that would make them side with America.
for the very reason that it's become obvious to most that the U.S. is not a responsible world power anymore, but instead one that has descended into a nihilistic vision where nothing else matters but the maintenance of its own domination at any cost, including paradoxically the loss of its own responsibility and spiritual vitality. Now this is Michael Tracy pointing something out here.
A lot of people will cast Donald Trump as the anti-deep state warrior, which in some respects he is. Sure, I think they prefer Biden to him.
But the idea that he's really going to hold the line against the deep state, not when push comes to shove, baby. He certainly didn't hear. How did he pass this? He supported it. He did? He did. So here's Lindsey Graham. The Ukrainian military, with our help, has killed about 50% of the combat power of the Russians.
This is the year of more. They're going to have more weapons, but we also want them to have new weapons, ATACMs, to knock the bridge down between Crimea and Russia. They're going to have F-16s. So this idea, give up on Ukraine, makes the world safer. If you pull the plug on Ukraine because you don't have enough capability, there goes Taiwan. Ukrainians are fighting like tigers. This aid package has a lone component to it. This would not have passed without Donald Trump.
I want to thank the House Speaker and Akeem Jeffries working together in a bipartisan fashion to give weapons to Ukraine to fight a fight that matters to us. And President Trump has created a lone component to this package that gives us leverage down the road. So this idea that we can't help Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan at the same time, I reject that.
I reject it totally. Just like I reject the coward Christ. That was what they were saying in Rome right before the end. The idea we can't fight the Ostrogoths, the Visigoths, and the Gauls at the same time, I reject that entirely. So there's Rand Paul. 70% of the country, I think, is against this. Am I wrong about this? Keaton, you know what the numbers are on that?
Well, I mean, support for Israel is at 36 percent or for Ukraine's far under 50 percent. So, yeah, I mean, it's nowhere near 50. I mean, I don't know if it's as low as 30, but probably between 30 and 40 is a good guess. It's got to be lower than Israel. Israel's got to be more support, I would hope, than Ukraine. You know, I don't know about that at this point because that's pretty pathetic. Because we don't see all right.
Yeah, we don't see all the images of the horrors of the Ukraine war the way that we do with Gaza. But nobody cared in the first place. Only a very few people. People put flags, but out of that, there's just as many people. This is why after Vietnam, they never allowed reporters to have...
free roaming capability again. That's why they embedded them. That's why they embedded them. The country was much more patriotic in the Vietnam era. What's that? The vast majority of people do not want this. And you had this tiny little caucus within the Republican party that was threatening to disrupt the system. If this went forward, uh,
And it seemed like they kept Mike Johnson in line for a while. And then something happens. So this is my question, because my understanding is, is wasn't part of the deal in exchange for Johnson getting the speakership that any Republican could call a vote to vacate the speakership.
Isn't that part of it? That stands. Well, that's why Marjorie Taylor Greene is threatening to do it again. But why didn't she do it before the vote even came up? Well, because if you remember, we talked about this on our show. She was considering waiting until after the election for the sake of not rocking the boat too much during campaign season. But now she seems to have resolved, it seems.
To file a motion to vacate, which, as I understand, the Democrats can block. And actually, Ro Khanna, oddly enough, said he would he would try to block that. So it looks like the Democrats are going to go to bat for Mike Johnson if the Republicans come for him, which is amazing. Mike Johnson is going to be the best speaker the Democrats ever had. It's truly amazing. And and as that tweet a few slides back said, this is nihilism.
Because as Jimmy just said, most people don't want like, who is this for? Who is this for? It is just it is for the war machine. That's it. This is a transparent and just open handed smack in the face to most of the country in broad daylight.
And are they going to make him pay a price for it? The Freedom Caucus can try, but the Democrats can save his ass. And really, why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't they? If they really want to paint this campaign as a difference between, you know,
Regular order democracy loving good people from both sides and the MAGA cult. Right. What would be a better way to symbolize that than to go to bat for the Republican speaker in exchange for Ukraine aid? Horribly unpopular.
But if that's going to be if that's what they're running on, it makes sense. They might just do it. And I think they will. I think they will. What what reason do they have to want to get rid of this guy? This guy. I mean, this guy is the best. He's the best speaker they've ever had. Right. He's the best speaker they've had in recent history. The war machine was grinded almost to a halt and he he just picked it into high gear again by selling his own party out to the minority party.
Right. All right. So a lot of people found this a little untoward, even Mike Johnson, at least in word. So when this passed, they broke out literally Ukrainian flags on the floor of the house. This is gross, man. I mean, it's not. I don't know.
If it's any consolation, they don't really care about any flags. Can I? I don't want to say. So, you know, when I say that the only thing that can save this country right now is some form of a revolution.
Some form of a revolution. I mean it. Like, this is... You're not going to get this done through the ballot box, right? So they've figured out how to take it... Even Donald Trump, who supports this kind of bullshit, they won't allow him, right? And...
of their literature to be trying to throw him in jail just like they did in at pakistan when imran khan set up and said the people of pakistan don't want to go along with nato's wars anymore and as soon as it did that i was like dude you're in trouble and they put him in jail and the same thing with uh... what's happening in brazil they put blue in prison
Then they put Bolsonaro, and they made it illegal for him to run for office. So this is the game that's being played. Again, you have nobody who has a real platform. I keep pointing back to Cornel West when I brought him on the show. They're all cowards. He'll never say anything about this. He'll never bring up the real problem in America, and that we need a real revolution, and we need truckers and farmers and workers of all stripes to come together and do something to shut down the...
this government and put fear into them or I really we're going to be worse than Brazil soon right now as Dylan Radigan said on this show a couple years ago we're basically Brazil but with a couple of good cities
and you'd have safe streets, clean streets. You know, they have that in other countries. I was just over in Denmark. I was just over in Sweden. I was just over in Norway. They don't have crazy mental cases populating the streets and tents and living under bridges. You know why? Because they have social services. They spend money that they take care of those things. So if you have a drug addict, they give you a program for you. If you have a
If you're mentally ill, they have a place for you. They have doctors. They'll take care of you. Not like in the United States. Ever since the 80s, Reagan just threw him out on the street, and that's what we're living with right now. And so, snowshit. We need a real...
We need a real march on Washington that shuts it down and scares the fuck out of those people. But nobody seems to want to do it. I can't even get people to write, people who consider themselves lefties, who are award-winning journalists, won't even write fucking articles about it.
They won't even mention what's going on. That they're criminalizing not only the Stop Cop City, but they'll write articles about Stop Cop City, but not the fact that the same RICO statute and the same grand jury that they used to indict Stop Cop City protesters, they're using to go after Donald Trump. And anyway, it's... Go ahead. Wait, Kurt, you wanted to say something? I looked up Mike Johnson, just his background. He's such a blank, right?
So he's from, I don't know what kind of Christian thing he's from. It's not a normal kind. But it's some kind of weird. Him and his wife are in what's called a covenant marriage. Oh, Jesus. A stricter marriage arrangement that is only legal in three states. What? What? First of all, a covenant. That's just called a marriage, I thought was already that. Yeah. No, it's some weird. How much butter is she required to churn?
No, this is like, this guy, New Orleans, that's where Clay Shaw and all those, they got all these JFK killers. This is some bro, dude, he probably had to do something in a ceremony that they're holding over his head. Wow. Like George W. Bush shit, you know? And why isn't Oliver Stone allowed to make movies anymore in Hollywood? Because he wouldn't shut his dumb trap. Stop spreading mal-information. Mal-information. Which I call misinformation. I mean, the guy, every movie he made, people loved, people bought tickets to see.
I remember the debunkings of the movies that I believed 100%. Yeah. Oh, JFK. He's like, they're persecuting a gay man. Clay, show up with that. Yeah. Oh, they were homophobic. That's what it was. Uh-huh. Remember they debunked this? I couldn't believe it, man.
So our last bit here, Biden promised a $15 minimum wage, a public option, and increased funding for schools. And man, he sure has delivered big time for Ukraine and Israel. Will he vote from the account not voting for genocide, Joe? Where's the public option? Well, this is what you're seeing happening...
society on a lot of different levels. I was actually, I might do it at some point this week. There was a really interesting article about how the black community in Chicago is fucking furious because all of a sudden they whipped up $30 million for migrants. Out of nowhere. Out of nowhere. And they've had these horrific conditions of poverty and lack of quality schools for literally generations.
and have constantly heard there's no money there's no money there's no money no money that that's happening society wide because americans are seeing they can come up with money for multiple wars look lindsey graham is sitting there i proudly i absolutely reject the idea that we can't fight everybody with one hand tied behind our back we can okay well so why can't we have health care and the
Why can't we have free public universities? And not one journalist will ask Lindsey Graham, what is America's interest in this war in Ukraine? How does this help us economically? Oh, so much. What is it? Really, what is in it for us? It's the most important thing in this whole wide world. It is.
Oh my goodness. There's nothing in it for us. What isn't there in it for us? This is it. This is an upward. Best money we ever spent. Again, upward transfer of wealth. This is an economic war trying to put a hurt on Russia and it's not working. Russia's getting stronger and stronger. You know what's hurting? When we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, it hurt Europe. It hurt Germany.
Germany. Now they're paying two, three, four times the price for energy than they were before. It's draining our, it's again, it's another upward transfer of wealth to the international security state and the military industrial complex. And that's all this is. And people go along with that. You know, I was just in, on the road and I met an old friend of mine from Hollywood who's a great guy. And he says, well, we can't have Trump become president. We're all going to end up in camps.
That's what they say. That's what they say. But who will be in the camp? I am honestly more worried about. I'm more worried about ending up in a camp under Democrats, frankly. No doubt about it. They want to put me in a camp during COVID. They want to take people's fucking kids away from them because if they wouldn't get them vaccinated, that's what the Democrats wanted to do. You were mentioning nobody's reporting on this, but you know what?
Schellenberger, Lee Fong, Matt Taibbi, they have really been trying to sound the alarm about this creeping censorship state.
worldwide and how dangerous it is. From the Scotland hate bill, and they're trying to pass something similar in Canada. What they're arguing is because of the First Amendment in the United States, they know it would be very difficult to pass something like this here, if not impossible. So you pass it there.
So that the social media companies wind up adjusting their algorithm to be in conformance with the law in countries that have those laws. Why are they so focused on censorship? Because their agenda has become so transparent that you can't even propagandize most of the people into believing in it anymore.
Because if they lose control of the narrative, which they're losing because of social media, then you have to start disappearing people and putting people in camps. And that's a lot harder and messier. And not that they won't do it, but they will. Right now, they're trying to foment an actual civil war in this country. It's called soft killing.
It's called soft kill. Yeah. We're going to clear out the old people in fat toes a little bit. They're going to try to kill you economically first. AI is almost here. So a lot of you got to clear the fuck off this planet because I'm not paying for you.
So we got to get until the robots can take over. And what's the guy you will for Harari? Yes, that's right. The useless class. The useless class. The useless eaters. Yeah. And so let me tell people that there's no conspiracy that a conspiracy theorist can think of that's actually scarier and worse than what's actually happening. And they're saying it in the open. It's not a conspiracy. Right.
Conspiracies are hidden. They're not even hiding these. They don't wave a flag in your face. In Canada, they're saluting fucking actual Nazis.
While they call the backbone of their economy the truckers Nazis, while they crush the background of the economy in the United States, which is the railroad and the railroad workers, the glue that holds fucking capitalism together, they crush it. Nobody gives a... So, again, what... The U.S. is being declined on purpose because we're... On purpose. We're a state in NATO. We're not a country. That's right.
And you're an asshole because you think you're a country. Yeah. But you don't understand what part of NATO. Ukraine is our border. You see that? I texted that guy. Yeah. Ukraine is our border. Oh, it is? Ours? Or whoever runs us.
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President Joe Biden on Saturday signed a bill that reauthorizes a key surveillance authority after the Senate passed the legislation late Friday night, avoiding a lapse in the controversial program. Lawmakers voted 60-34 for the bill to reauthorize Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act after the House passed the measure late last week.
The House passed the bill after a new version was put forward for a two-year reauthorization instead of five years, a change that helped appease conservatives who had initially revolted against the legislation until they showed them the Kennedy film. A two-year reauthorization would give former President Donald Trump a chance to overhaul the law if he wins the upcoming presidential election.
National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan. There he is. There he is. He's like the zealot of terrible things. He's always in the background. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan applauded the reauthorization, calling the program one of the United States' most vital intelligence collection tools. Thanks for that, Jake.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell pressed for passage of the FISA bill, which he said had a number of changes in it to address past abuses by the FBI. I just want to ask Jake Sullivan. Yes, please. I wish someone would ask Jake Sullivan. Can you point to one terrorism plot that this intelligence tool has thwarted? That's classified. Okay.
That's what they would say. You'll never know how much we did for you. That's the real thing. They don't have to prove. There's nothing. They just have to say it works. Yeah. We're working hard. No, this also allows them, if you have a device that,
that they can tap into for intelligence collection purposes, they can now. Yeah. Under this bill. So we're China now. Now we're China. But man, people who have fucking Alexa in their house, I'm like, what are you crazy? I couldn't believe they got it right from the start. It's bad enough having this. It's bad enough having the phone. Dude, I mean, I couldn't believe, a bunch of people I knew got it. They got a smart house. Right. Ha ha ha ha.
Yeah, but the people who do that are generally – Even after it came out that they were being listened in on, they still got them. Yeah, but the people who have those kinds of systems are generally uninteresting to the point where they don't say anything that would get flagged by the government anyway. No, it's not true. Somebody got their house turned off because a delivery man thought they heard a racial slur.
I remember that. How do I get that job when I turn off people's houses? Oh, is that right? Because they were being racist in their house. What happened? You didn't hear about that? No, I didn't hear about that. That's a couple years ago. Yeah, somebody, a delivery guy thought he heard a racial slur when I didn't. And they shut off the smart house. Who does he call to get that done? It was an Amazon delivery guy, so I don't know. So he called...
I guess he called Amazon. Yeah. Hey, you cannot fault them their customer service. They were right on it.
Why would my house need to be turned off because I was using Rachel's? Like, what benefit would that be to anything if my house is turned off? It's like nobody has ever watched a technology gone wrong turns on its master sci-fi movie. That Black Mirror is their Star Trek. Yes. That's their optimistic future. Yeah.
All right. So the Kentucky Republican also warned that some critics of the bill were fear mongering.
That the legislation would allow spying on Americans in coffee shops and other places and should be ignored. They're not already doing that? I'm reassured. Supporters argue, if Mitch McConnell says it, you can take it to the bank. Supporters argue Section 702 is a critical tool for safeguarding national security.
But it has come under scrutiny from some lawmakers over alleged misuse. No, it's not alleged. We know for a fact that over almost 300,000 times they misused it.
You see, I think the way they won over the Republicans is the Republicans were mad that they misused it against Trump. They don't care about the misusing it against you. They must have reassured them that it wouldn't be used against their candidates again. There's in the second paragraph, hundreds of thousands of Americans. Information is collected. Sure. I like incidentally. Incidentally, it's collected.
Under FISA Section 702, they got swept up in it, but it's safe and effective. The government hoovers up massive amounts of internet and cell phone data on foreign targets. Hundreds of thousands of Americans' information is incidentally collected during that process and then accessed each year without a warrant.
Down from millions of such inquiries the U.S. government ran in past years. Well, hey, that's progress. Well, AI will do it soon. That's what it's for, isn't it? To go through all that metadata? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Critics refer to these queries as backdoor searches. We're here. We're querying.
On Friday, senators argued over an amendment that would require the intelligence community to get court warrants for spying. Perish the thought. The program like that, like that, like that kind of thing. Crazy stuff. So they run the country.
This law just basically ignores the Fourth Amendment. Yeah, sure. Can you do that? Well, they found a backdoor way around the Constitution because they're saying it's aimed at spying on foreign people. They don't need a warrant.
And if the people getting caught up in it are incidentally caught up in it, well, you know, that's collateral damage. But they're not violating the Constitution because they're not targeting Americans. So that's like saying that there's a guy they want to spy on who's in my house, so they bugged my house. But they didn't want to get me. They wanted to get that other guy. They wanted to get the other guy. But they got you incidentally.
So the program is currently warrantless in large part because it is aimed at foreigners, not Americans. But U.S. citizens do get swept up in the surveillance when they are interacting with targets abroad. A similar amendment that God knows what they have on you from your trip, Jimmy. A similar amendment failed in the House, but on a tied vote. I was literally staying when I was in England. I was literally covering the Assange trial.
and staying in the house of a George Galloway activist. They found all your backdoor searches. I bet they Pegasus'd your phone. Probably. Another amendment at issue was from Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, a member of the Intelligence Committee.
His amendment, which was co-sponsored by several of the most liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans in the chamber, would strike a new part of the program that he argued would lead everyday Americans into helping the government spy if they have, quote, access to equipment that is being or may be used to transmit or store wire or electronic communications.
Last week in a setback for House GOP leadership, a group of conservatives initially revolted against the bill and brought down a key procedural vote after Trump called on Republicans to kill FISA in a post on Truth Social.
That moved through the fate of the measure into question, but leadership ultimately steered a modified version of the surveillance bill to final passage. So this is Ron Wyden's statement on it.
Quote, the senator waited until the 11th hour to ram through renewal of warrantless surveillance in the dead of night. But I'm not giving up. The American people know that reform is possible and that they don't need to sacrifice their liberty to have security. Liberty. Liberty.
It is clear from the votes on very popular amendments that senators were unwilling to send this bill back to the House, no matter how common sense the amendment before them.
Time after time, anti-reformers pledge that their band-aid changes to the law will curb abuses, and yet every time, the public learns about fresh abuses by officials who face little meaningful oversight. Those of us who believe liberty and security are not mutually exclusive have a lot of work to do. Tell me again how I have to vote for Democrats. Tell me again how, because that's not a Democrat. How would Bernie Sanders vote on that?
You know, that's an interesting question. That is an interesting question. Keaton, can you try to look up on the Google machine how Biden, how Bernie voted on this? Yeah, same thing. This is Elizabeth Goytane.
Um, it's over for now. A majority of senators cave to the fear mongering and Bush league tactics of the administration and surveillance hawks in Congress. And they sold out American civil liberties. Section seven Oh two has been reauthorized, not just without any meaningful reforms, but
but with one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history, as Ron Wyden aptly described it. It is nothing short of mind-boggling that 58 senators voted to keep this Orwellian power in the bill.
The provision effectively grants the NSA access to the communications equipment of almost any U.S. business, plus huge numbers of organizations and individuals. It's a gift to any president who may wish to spy on political enemies, journalists, ideological opponents, etc.,
The administration and intelligence committee leaders buried senators in a morass of misleading and in some cases, flatly false statements throughout the week. I think of myself as pretty jaded and I was still genuinely shaken by how many lies I heard. This is a shameful moment in the history of the United States Congress. It's a shameful moment for this administration as well.
But ultimately, it's the American people who pay the price for this sort of thing. And sooner or later, we will. Very true. Why is she shot? I mean, at this point...
Don't you think back to the Patriot Act and everything about 9-11 and every other goddamn disaster? Oh, this has been a trick the whole time. Obviously, Chuck Schumer said it best. How did 58, how did they go for it? Well, they got six ways to Sunday to fuck with you because they spy on everyone. And they don't live their lives right. That's why I wanted to open the show with that Tucker segment because it really does serve as an explanation of
almost every other segment we're doing all night he's like right talk about diddy why did they why did they vote like this well why you think well okay it's gonna be because they are terrified of these intelligence agencies schumer said it straight out on rachel maddow back in 2017 to know what they do and it's such a base assumption that he forgot to lie about it he
Because I'm sure if you're crazy, if you're having lunch with a bunch of people in Congress. Oh, yeah. You don't want to mess with those people. It's just understood. Right. They don't. But he said it on a hot mic on. No, you're conditioned. We're all program. I mean, I'm not. I'm sick of that shit. But how long have you been watching every fucking movie about how there's the renegade rogue?
Going against the who works for intelligence and they're keeping us safe and you you'll never hear you only hear their mistakes You'll never hear about all the times they saved your life So everybody's been fed a steady diet of that crap for my whole life. So no he he's not letting it slip You're supposed to be programmed well enough to go good Someone's on this Trump problem
and I hope they're going around the law. Like a 24, keep for Sutherland. I hope they're doing a 24. - Well, the best thing that ever happened to the intelligence services was the election of Donald Trump.
Because whatever last vestige there had been of people who think of themselves as left, they're really not liberal class people. Whatever last vestige of the traditional suspicion of the intelligence services that they had went out the window. I always say one of the most bizarre spectacles of the Trump presidency was watching people who considered themselves on the left vote.
celebrating the deep state, celebrating the FBI, celebrating the CIA, sharing op eds from John Brennan. John Brennan lied to Congress about spying on the Senate, hacking into senators computers,
get information about their investigation into torture in Iraq. He literally should be in fucking prison. He doesn't play by the rules, but he gets it done. You never saw Mississippi Burning with Gene Hackman. I saw it. Okay. And I'm rooting
for gene hackman in the movie the whole time and they and in real life they brought a violent mobster to do i was just gonna say that i was just gonna say they left that part out yes no yeah i forget the name of that mobster but yes they brought in like a grim reaper they brought in a psychopath yeah greg scarpa exactly because that's what they brought in a psychopathic mobster yes that wasn't in the movie and he
much like Whitey Bulger was allowed to get away with all kinds of murder because he was the FBI's boy. So you're supposed to root for that because I don't like the Klan. Oh, good. Hey, I don't like ISIS. I hope we got a guy, a hero that plays by his own rules. He isn't afraid of torture. Right. A Liam Neeson, if you will. Right, yeah. It's a myth they feed you. Mission impossible. So you're just supposed to go, I know it's a...
You're not supposed to be so stupid. You go, I know it's fiction, but I'm sure it's kind of like that. A lot of these guys and their heroes. And thank you for your service. I got all that programming in me to be fed this crap. So Chuck Schumer is assuming that you've been to church enough and you've got all the instruction. It's a complicated world and they're doing a hard job. So this is Vivek.
Before he gets to Vivek, I did the research. So Bernie apparently voted no. He did vote no. He voted no. But apparently this passed with 60 votes, which was the actual minimum. It needed three-fifths, and it got exactly 60. So it was actually pretty close. But yeah, he voted no. Mike Lee voted no. Merkley voted no. Markey voted no. Rand Paul voted no. Yeah.
Yeah, so 60 to 34. There were a lot of Democrats and Republicans who voted both yes and no. So it wasn't like a partisan split. There were a lot of Republicans who voted yes and no, and a lot of Democrats voted yes. Well, that's what the article said with its own framing. The furthest left Democrats. Yeah.
Left. There are no left Democrats. The very Republicans who rail against the weaponization of government just voted for more weaponization of government. Congress didn't just reauthorize FISA 702. They dramatically expanded its scope. Blaming Democrats is easy. Looking ourselves in the mirror is harder. Wake up, folks. You know, on that score, I'm curious, not in the Senate, but in Congress. I'm curious how Jim Jordan voted on this.
Ron Paul buried deep in the FISA Section 702 reauthorization bill is absolutely shocking language, exponentially broadening the U.S. government's ability to spy on Americans without a warrant. Turning your plumber into a federal spy agent against you. It's in there. Your gardener. Yep.
Truly shocking. Also today, the U.S. government has submitted its assurances to the U.K. regarding the Assange extradition plan. It's not good.
Leave me not good. He didn't say that part. But one person was happy. One person was happy. Always welcome in the green room of all the Sunday morning roundtables. Bill Crystal quote, we rose to the challenges of a new era in 1948. Can we do so again?
I'm encouraged by the last 24 hours. The national security bill advanced in the house. Section 702 was renewed by the Senate. America first may be a minority view in the GOP. Wait, what is that? Bill happy because he's happy. Minority view. Yeah. Bill, Bill. Yeah. Bill Crystal's very happy. He's saying those MAGA, uh,
The unwashed MAGA people, the Marjorie Taylor Greene's. He's not even faking that. They're a minority. He's not doing the thing of, no, this is America first because that's our border. So he's doing a thing of like, that's crazy that you think...
Well, this is why it was so easy for Democrats to embrace Liz Cheney. There's just not that much distance between the establishment in both parties. They basically see the world the same way. And eyes wide shut, he's the one that demanded Tom Cruise's password for the weird gold mask party. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
What is the password? They're friends and they like to talk about how they're friends. What is the real difference between Nicole Wallace and Rachel Maddow? What do they really disagree on? Really? It's probably some kind of minor thing about a disagreement about some esoteric theosophy cult thing they're in secret. These people are all lizards. I'm not... It is what it is. They're fucking lizards. I didn't want to believe it.
But look at what they do. Why would you believe in any of this ever again? Why would you believe in any of it? They're all down to Bohemian Grove with Kyle. Jimmy could have went and saved our lives. But instead, he had to be selfish and not suck a dick under the great owl. Bill Kristol is a guy who, you know, if you are a political novice, if you know nothing about anything, I would refer you to his writings and his articles and his books.
tweets and say whatever this guy thinks always think the opposite always the guy is impossibly wrong about every single possible thing
uh and to the point where his magazine went out of business that that that uh weekly standard that's no more yeah because because he's just you know so wrong so all the time that eventually you lose your audience and you don't ever really see him on tv much anymore you used to see him a lot you don't see him on msnbc pop-up who who's his dad again because he's from a family yeah he's from a family of girls these are all these are all like programmed like
you know, even if it's not directly MKL, it's all the same. They grew up in a household and they're programmed like Mormons to believe that the U S empire is an objective good in this world and erase all the problems with, it's like being any other cult. Well, well, yeah, those shows are really fucking sickening. Well, there's a great video of crystal on a morning Joe. This was like eight years ago. This was when Trump was winning the Republican primary and crystal was one of these like never Trump Republican types. Um,
And Bill Kristol was really broken up about the fact that Trump was going to win. And he starts getting legit hysterical. And Scarborough starts laughing at him, just really bullying him on the air. You're practically crying!
And it was actually pretty funny because it was just like human moment where he actually, yeah, sees a weakness in this guy. And since then, I haven't seen him as much. But yeah, I mean, this is a guy who was just committed to a politics of 20 years ago. It'll always be October 2002 in his mind. And so you can always look to him and think what, what's all. Yeah. Well, yeah, that guy too. Yeah.
Hello, this is Russell Dobular back in beautiful and sunny downtown Los Angeles. Not really close to downtown. I will be guest hosting for Jimmy Dore and Jimmy Dore will be guesting on his own show. We have him right over here. Everybody, Jimmy Dore guesting and my my regular companion Keaton Weiss is here. Hang in. How you doing, Keaton?
Doing good. Pleasure to be guest co-hosting on a show that you're hosting and the host is also in studio co-hosting. Great arrangement we got going here. It's the night of a thousand hosts. Now, Tucker made a lot of news in his conversation with Joe Rogan, which, like all conversations on Joe Rogan, was quite freewheeling.
But the thing that, probably the most interesting thing he talked about was his contention that the people in Congress are terrified of the intelligence agencies, which Rogan was quite interested in.
So let's take a look at what he said. Members of Congress are terrified of the intel agencies. I'm not guessing at that. They've told me that, including people on the Intel Committee, including people who run the Intel Committee, the people whose job it is to oversee and keep in line these enormous secretive agencies whose budgets we can't even know. They're black budgets. They're the parents. The agencies are the children.
They're afraid of the agencies. That's not compatible with democracy. Democracy is a really simple system, even representative democracy like ours. The people rule. They do so through elections. They express their preference through voting. They send their people to the capital city to run the government on their behalf. Whenever you have unelected people,
who are not accountable to anyone making the biggest decisions, you don't have a democracy, you have something else, another system. I would call it a tyranny or whatever you want to call it. It's not a democracy. So that's like super obvious. It's playing out in front of everyone and no one cares and no one does anything about it. And I think the reason is because they're threatened. And if you look at the committee chairman who allow this shit to happen year after year, they're all, and I don't know, people say, oh, they're compromised or being blackmailed or whatever. I don't have evidence of that, but I know them.
and they all have things to hide i know that for a fact and so it's not a stretch of imagination to imagine that
you know, some committee chairman who's allowing warrantless spying on Americans to continue or whatever abuse they're allowing, knowing fully or hiding the truth about UAPs, ignoring the UAP Disclosure Act of 2023. Why are they doing that? It's not impossible to imagine that some guy with a drinking problem or a weird sex life, and that's very common, very common up there. That's why they're doing it because they don't want to be exposed. I don't have evidence of that. I don't have proof of that. But that's not a crazy thing to assume that that could be happening. Right.
And I said to somebody, a very powerful person, the other day in a conversation in my kitchen, an elected official holds a really senior position, a very famous person. I was going crazy. I was so mad about all this stuff.
and about the warrantless spying and about the funding for these insane wars. And I said to the guy who serves in one of the legislative bodies, I got so mad my dogs were afraid. They're like, well, why are you yelling? Because I don't yell at home. But I was like, all these people are controlled. They're all, you know, got weird sex lives and all these things are hiding and they're being blackmailed by the intel agencies. And he said, and I'm quoting, I know, was like, are we, okay, so at this point we're just sort of
We're just sort of admitting that's real? Why do we allow that to continue? Right, right. Now, the reason I put this at the top is I want you to think about this for the next several stories we go through, because if you wonder, what happened to Mike Johnson? Well, this is a pretty good explanation. So did we. Mike Johnson had one meeting with the CIA, and he completely flipped. And he completely flipped everything he had said.
It's not worth his life or it's not worth whatever he did behind the junior high school there, of which we have no knowledge. Bill Hicks used to have a bit.
where he said, I think whenever a new president gets elected, they bring him into a room and they start the projector and they show him a view of the Kennedy assassination from a view we've never seen before. Yeah. And then they just stop and they go, any questions? And he's like, no, I got it. I got it. That was a stupid joke too. And now I can't believe it.
It's not accurate to real life it is. Yes. It's like a joke. Have you seen the octopus murders on Netflix? No, I was about to watch that. Okay, so that is a very interesting documentary about a reporter who investigated this conspiracy and links between the intelligence agencies and Wackenhut, a corporation that does private security. They're basically like the modern Pinkertons and
murders and assassinations. Wasn't the first private prisons that got approved was Wackenhut? Were they the first? Were they the first? Because all the rappers now, because... Yeah, they do run private prisons. They put a directive out that we're going to make the rap when the 90s, when NWA came out, they owned the private prisons. So they made sure to make the rap gangster rap. It changed overnight. Remember that? Yeah. That was on purpose. Ice Cube was saying it to Bill Maher. Bill Maher was like, oh, come on. Like, Bill Maher...
trying to explain to Bill Maher. It gets into all that. And they actually interviewed somebody who literally, they weren't a politician. They were an intelligence or something. I can't remember exactly what. They claim that that film exists.
And they were shown that film. What film? That they were shown a film of the JFK assassination from a completely different angle that is not shown to the public. Who claims this? It was in the documentary. Keaton, did you watch that documentary?
Did you watch it? But but I think reference to didn't judge the politano. I think she was in the intelligence services. The judge is politano thing. Right. And Rogan said to me about that, about Trump saying, if you saw what I saw, you wouldn't release it either. I would. So that's the film recommendation. Check out the octopus murders on Netflix. Very interesting.
So these are some of the people on the U.S. Senate Committee on Intelligence. Mark Warner, Mark Rubio. You got Ron White in there. Bunch of people where you got to wonder why they vote. And Tucker was very timely because this really sheds a light on a lot of what happened yesterday.
In Congress this week. Now, some of you might remember Chuck Schumer saying the soft part out loud a few years back on the Rachel Maddow show. You see, once in a while, it's very hard to be a 24 hour a day liar.
Once in a while, these people tell the truth by accident without realizing that they're giving away the game. That's what's called a take on the intelligence community. They have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you. So even for a practical, supposedly hard nosed businessman, he's being really dumb to do this. What do you think the intelligence community would do if they were? I don't know. But I from what I am told, they are very upset with how he has treated them and talked about them.
Treat them now. Now, if Rachel Maddow were a journalist in any meaningful sense of the word, that conversation would have gone in a completely different direction. Well, are you saying that the intelligence services can dictate terms to the president of the United States? Isn't that a violation of the Constitution? Maddow doesn't give a shit about violations of the Constitution.
What she should have said was, wait a minute, so you're telling me that the president needs to be afraid of the CIA and the FBI and not the other way around? And so then my question to you, Mr. Chairman of the party, Mr. Speaker, I mean, Senate, whatever the fuck his title is, the
the Democratic leader in the Senate. My question to you is, who does the CIA and the FBI work for? If they don't work for the president, who do they work for? If the president has to be afraid of them, who are they afraid of? He don't know what they do. He just said, I don't know what they do, but I've heard them. You're not in on it. You get to know how they handle it. They just do whatever the hell they want. That's right. At the beginning of the interview, at the beginning of that Tucker interview, Say again, Keaton?
At the beginning of the Tucker Rogan interview, Tucker mentions that the 2016 race is what made him question all of what he used to think about, quote unquote, democracy and how it functions. He says once he saw the reaction to the Trump campaign and what anti-democratic measures were taken to stop a democratic result that the powers that be did not like.
That led him to realize that it's not actually a democracy in a meaningful sense. You're allowed democracy when the powers that be don't care who wins. You're allowed to exercise meaningless choices. Right. But once they actually are invested, you can choose which side wins and which side loses. They will sabotage whoever they have to and produce an anti-democratic result.
If they can. And I think the only reason they didn't successfully stop Trump in 2016 is because they took for granted that he would lose. And by the time it came to actually stop him, it was too late. And in 2020, notice they did not make that same mistake a second time. Look at all of the all of the people who
who were really instrumental in that Trump victory. And I would count Julian Assange not as an agent of the Trump campaign, but certainly those leaks helped him. They locked him up. They locked Roger Stone up. They locked Steve Bannon up. They threw Alex Jones off the air. Look at all of these...
I won't say they were active agents of the Trump campaign. Some were, some weren't. But all of these influential figures who sort of helped usher in this nightmare scenario in the eyes of the Chuck Schumers of the world, they were all taken off the board for that second campaign.
And to an extent, they're being taken off the board now. You know, the Daily Beast just ran an article, and it's not wrong about how this Trump trial here with the, you know, hush money is already hurting his campaign. If you notice, he slipped in the polls a little bit. Biden has come up. What has Biden done that he would come up? Nothing. Right.
Trump is being kept off the campaign trail because he's in court. Not only can he not have rallies, he can't fundraise. He can't go and bundle money because he's sitting in a fucking courtroom on a bullshit charge. And so they're doing it again. Like they're not going to make the same mistake
a second or third time uh which means like yeah odds are in a fair fight he wins easily but it's not going to be a fair fight we know that so in the words of the courageous cornell west uh sounds like you like trump more than you're letting on yeah well i have to play that up while i'm here obviously i mean i have to feed the trump fan this is a closet maga show yeah
I mean, that does... Doesn't that reveal the failure of the left that no one will call this out because...
because the left is now the establishment and the establishment is doing this and they're going along there's no one no one even know what even Pulitzer Prize winning author so I've had on the show won't write an article about how their weaponizing the Justice Department to go after their political opponents certainly Cornel West isn't gonna do it because he's an agent of the establishment that I mean nobody will call this I'll believe the end justify the means and if you believe the end justify the means in this context
Ironically, you are a fascist. If you believe that the democratic process can be sabotaged and gutted in order to prevent an outcome that you don't like, well, that's what fascism is. I mean, that is certainly – I mean, now I'm going to unironically quote Cornel West. That is actually an element of fascism. Okay.
Well, if you talk to Zionists now that they see that the genocide is not a policy that they can openly back, I'm seeing a lot of them retreat to but Trump. But we can't abandon Biden but Trump. So if genocide is not your line on supporting someone, you don't have one. You literally do not have one.
What is worse than genocide? Trump. I got an answer for you. Butt Trump. Butt Trump. That was easy, Roz. Hey, become a premium member. Go to JimmyDoreComedy.com. Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.
Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at MikeMcRae.com. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't
Do not freak out.