cover of episode U.S. Economic Wars Are Actually Screwing Americans!- w/Anya Parampil

U.S. Economic Wars Are Actually Screwing Americans!- w/Anya Parampil

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The Jimmy Dore Show

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Anya Parampil
Jimmy Dore
Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney认为,以色列的负面形象是由于公众不再依赖传统媒体获取信息,而是转向社交媒体和视频平台,这些平台上的信息缺乏背景和上下文,容易误导公众。他认为,媒体对以色列的负面报道并非偏见,而是对冲突的正确视角。他还建议取缔TikTok,因为它会激起反以色列情绪。 Jimmy Dore对Romney的观点表示质疑,认为Romney的观点是偏见,并且主流媒体对以色列的报道存在偏见,对巴勒斯坦的报道不足。他认为,社交媒体上的视频能够直接反映事件的真相,公众能够直接看到事实。

Deep Dive


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Hey, come see us in Ashland, Virginia, Athens, Georgia, Irvine, California, and Ontario, California. Go to for a link for those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Oh, hi, Jimmy. This is Senator Mitt Romney of the great state of Utah. Home of the Utah Jazz. The basketball team, that is. Not the rather scattered, frenetic musical form that I never fully trusted. Yeah, okay, Senator. How you doing?

Jimmy, I'm feeling invigorated. I recently had a sit-down with Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the McCain Institute's 2024 Sedona Forum in Sedona, Arizona. Jimmy, his name is Antony, not Anthony. I know. That always throws me for a loop when people do that. Although the nickname Tony makes much more sense coming from Antony than Anthony. But yet I would be very distraught if I were asked to call someone phony. Yeah.

Yes, I wouldn't like that either, Senator. Anyway, that's neither here nor there. Point is, when you have the names Romney, Blinken, and McCain together, you know there's going to be some level-headed talk headed your way. Oh, don't. I know it. That's right, Jimmy. The adults have entered the room. Put your toys away in the toy box. It's grown-up time. So grown-up.

And boy, howdy, did we have a level-headed conversation. Many sensible statements were uttered aloud. And Jimmy, I'll tell you what, whenever a Republican like me and a Democrat like Secretary Blinken agree on something, that must be the correct thing and also morally right. Yeah, Senator, the American center position, always the one that values human life and welfare worldwide.

Okay, I sense you're being a little sarcastic there, but I'll ignore that and simply agree with the actual statement. Fair enough. What did you guys, what did you discuss? Well, Jimmy, I'm glad you asked. During this forum or symposium, we got into the weeds on several issues, but one thing we definitely agreed on was our astonishment at how Israel's PR has become so bad in the past six months or so. I think I have some ideas as to why.

Oh, is that so? I'd be interested to hear. But he and I hypothesized that these unbelievable protests we've seen with students just coming out and saying they don't approve of a foreign government's actions. Jimmy, they're not even hiding it anymore. And these polls that say that people are not supporting the president over this issue, that all this is the result of people not getting their news from authoritative news sources anymore. And who would that be?

The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, EAP, and so forth. These established journalistic sources knew how to report on conflict in Israel. They knew history, the nuance, how complicated this situation is. Time was, there would be an article with a photograph on the front page of your major local paper, this Israeli child was killed in Israel in the latest round of violence.

The entire article would be both news story and obituary. And it wasn't until you got to the very last sentence, continued on another page, that you would learn that seven Palestinian children were killed as well. No names, no photos. That's how you're supposed to report on these matters. All right, Senator. That is bias. Can't you see that? That is exactly what bias is.

No, no, no, no, no, no. That's just the proper way to view this conflict. What you see now is anti-Israel bias in the media. There's no such thing as pro-Israel bias. That's just the correct thing. The general public read newspaper articles like that that I just mentioned and got conditioned to understand that the Israelis were the more important people. My God.

But now you have social media and online videos where people can just upload images of what is actually happening. Just regular Palestinian people, who are they to report the news? It's madness. Videos about Gaza from Gaza is the news, Senator. It's literally what is happening.

But unlike sober-minded articles in the Wall Street Journal, these videos lack context, and the average viewer gets misled. Sure, you see the bodies of dead children blown apart by indiscriminate bombing, but have you heard of the Balfour Declaration of 1917? Okay, you've seen a harrowing video of a dust-covered toddler who is now the last member of her own extended family, but what can you tell me about the Six Days War?

The sound of this wailing mother who lost all her children may haunt you forever, but you might want to bone up on the Oslo Accords before jumping to any conclusions. Well, this is just how people get their news now, sir. We don't need these gatekeepers anymore who do nothing but obfuscate. The people of the world can see the truth now firsthand. What could you possibly do about that? We're going to ban TikTok. Yeah, yeah.

As I told Secretary Blinken, this very issue is one of our motivations to get rid of that platform. Because of the anti-Israel sentiments that can be stirred up when people are exposed to objective reality.

You got to get rid of TikTok because of the anti-Israeli sentiments that could be stirred up when people are exposed to objective reality. Yeah, better to talk in a sense. Yeah, better to curtail free speech than to let our favorite foreign power receive any scrutiny.

Again, I know you're being sarcastic, but I agree. So we tamp down the anti-Israel rhetoric, root out these outside agitators, and we may have a chance of getting the situation under control. What outside agitators are you talking about?

Well, Jimmy, as I'm sure you've heard, these protests were basically started by agitators who were outside, obviously out of doors outside, but we mean from outside the community. Leftist agitators, perhaps even Hamas agents or other terrorist groups. What makes you think that, Senator?

Well, it's just a thing that everybody knows. Everybody who doesn't like these protests. Nancy Pelosi on television said that Russia might be behind these protests, which I find also a compelling theory. It could be Hamas and Russia in cahoots. Did you get this assertion from an authoritative news source? And who would that be? Oh, you know, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, the AP, the

Well, no. Then how could you know the outside agitator business is real?

Jimmy, the mainstream media is so tainted with anti-Israel sentiment right now, they are essentially working as a mouthpiece for Hamas. In fact, all of these death toll numbers from Gaza are taken straight from the Hamas health ministry. And these so-called authoritative news sources are just repeating them without question, which is irresponsible journalism. All right, Senator, we got to go, but sorry to cut you off, but I'm glad to hear you're still full of shit as always.

Okay, Jimmy, sounds good. Have a great show today and have an even better summer. Fuck Jesus.

Medium speeds and jumps to medium and hits them head on. It's the Jimmy Tore Show. Hey, do you remember when Trump said this? Do you remember this? Hey, why are you leaving troops in Syria, they asked him. We're keeping the oil. We have the oil. The oil is secure. We left troops behind only for the oil.

So that's the president of the United States giving the game away. And the whole world saw the president of the United States tell everybody that our foreign policy is based on invading smaller, weaker countries and stealing their natural resources and giving it to Western corporations. It's for the oil. Now, you remember when he did this at the State of the Union with Ron Guaido? He pretended to care about the people of Venezuela. By the way, they always do that under the guise of caring about the people. But now Donald Trump, he just stopped.

He's like, it's not about the people. It's about the oil. Well, here he goes in Venezuela. In Venezuela, he's going to tell you he cares about the people. We are supporting the hopes of Cubans, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans to restore democracy. The United States is leading a 59 nation diplomatic coalition against the socialist dictator of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.

He's against dictators. Maduro is a legitimate ruler, a tyrant who brutalizes his people, but Maduro's grip on tyranny will be smashed and broken. Here this evening is a very brave man who carries with him the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of all Venezuelans.

Joining us in the gallery is the true and legitimate president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido. Mr. President, please take this message back to your home.

That's the real leader, according to Donald Trump of Venezuela, Juan Guaido. Now, why do you think he pretended to care about the people of Venezuela at that moment? Why do you think? Well, let's he just gave the game away about a month ago. We're buying oil from Venezuela. When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would have taken it over. We would have gotten all that oil. It would have been right next door. There it is. So that's the game.

That's again, whatever they say we care about people, they don't care about people in our own country. So when the president of the United States says they care about somebody in another country, their people and democracy, yeah, that means they want to invade them and steal their natural resources. And now joining me is someone who's written a book about this.

It's called Corporate Coup Venezuela and the End of U.S. Empire. It's Anya Perempell. She's a journalist based in Washington, D.C., and a contributor to The Gray Zone. She's produced and reported several documentaries, including on the ground reports from the Korean Peninsula, Palestine, Venezuela and Honduras. The book launch for her latest book.

The Corporate Coup, Venezuela and the End of U.S. Empire is going to be held this Wednesday, May 15th at OR Books in New York City. Please welcome back to the show, Anya Parampal. Hi, Anya. Hi, Jimmy. Great to see you. No, great to see you. I just wanted to let people know how great this book is. Here's some of the blurbs on it. Anya Parampal is one of the most insightful people I've ever met. I'm proud to say I've stolen much of my understanding of the world from her. I can't recommend this enough. Who said that? Tucker Carlson.

Anya Perenpel's progressive and great journalism on the gray zone has been an eye-opener for years. She truly understands the modern world and its stakes. Oliver Stone said this. Careful and meticulous work that exposes the dark side of the United States foreign policy towards Venezuela. Perenpel epitomizes the best of the American tradition of politically committed investigative reporting that harkens back to the times of Upton Sinclair. Those are big praise for your book.

And let me just ask you, what made you want to write this book?

Well, thanks for hosting me, Jimmy. The reason I wrote this book is people are probably very familiar with a lot of my reporting on Venezuela at the height of the Trump administration's fake coup attempt, when there was a lot of drama around Venezuela, when they recognized Juan Guaido as the president of the country, despite the fact no actual regime change had taken place. It was the first time in U.S. history that

the U.S. had declared mission accomplished in its regime change scheme before the actual campaign to change the government had succeeded. It was very odd. And there was the fight to protect the embassy, the Venezuelan embassy in Washington. I think that was the first time I ever appeared on your show was when I was caught up in the midst of that. And so at the time, I had a chance to

release a lot of video reports and articles that were, had to do with the day-to-day reporting and breaking down the false media narratives or about the economic war on Venezuela. And while I did have the chance to put that out there, there was a lot that I wasn't able to put necessarily in just regular articles, personal experiences and, and,

firsthand testimony from powerful people in the world that I'd met over the years.

that I felt like the longer I went on covering Venezuela, a narrative began to emerge that isn't just about Venezuela. Of course, I got involved because Venezuela has this kind of mythology in the United States as another country on our continent, further south, that had this miraculous revolution, reduced poverty, and nationalized the natural resources in the country. So I was interested in it

for that reason. But then as I got to know the country and got to know this coup attempt, what I really ended up learning about was, and this is what I say in the introduction to the book, is about the limitations of my own government's foreign policy in the 21st century.

The fact that this isn't just about Venezuela. I used Venezuela as a blueprint for understanding the playbook the United States uses to target countries, whether that's Russia, Iran, China. I go into depth about Venezuela because that's what I know. That's what I learned about personally. But I also learned that there is a world that is emerging in opposition to our policy that we really in the United States don't understand that.

Whether it's the move to ditch the dollar now, move away from the petrodollar even, but definitely the move away from using the dollar in international exchange, that's starting to affect us here in the United States now. That's a contributing factor, actually, to inflation that we feel.

And so I wanted to be able to tell a full story for Americans about Venezuela and get them to care about it, get them to care about it because of the people that I know there and humanize it, but also for them to understand the stakes, what this means for Americans and how our country

fantastical foreign policy, this catastrophe really that we've carried out since the end of World War II of regime change and zero-sum politics. We can't do that anymore. It's over. The world has changed. It's responded to us. It's evolved. And so we need to adapt in our own way.

But it seems like they're not really getting that message. They keep doing the same thing over and over. And even as other power centers develop in reaction to the United States weaponizing the dollar, which is a very bad thing for us,

Because now it's making other countries create their own economic power centers like BRICS. It's making places like Africa want to go off the dollar because if the United States uses it against them, they don't want to be victim to that anymore, right? Including places like Venezuela. Now, tell people...

Here's the thing. People don't realize that Trump didn't only just recognize Guaido, but him and Biden have put sanctions on Venezuela, crippling sanctions. So this whole, this, I always love this. They say, well, socialism doesn't work, right? Well, if it doesn't work,

Why do you have to sanction the shit out of it? Why can't you just let it fail on its own? So that's the same thing they do with Cuba, they do with Venezuela. If it's so bad of a system, just let it fall to its knees on its own. But that's not what that's about, right? It's about them wanting to steal their natural resources and put in a puppet, just like that's what the foreign policy of the United States has been for, I don't know, 60, 70, 80 years, since World War II, if not before.

And so the result of these sanctions is that life does become miserable for people in Venezuela to the point of, I think, seven million people have fled the country. And where do you think they go? They come here. And so Joe Biden has a wide open border. And so could you explain about how this relates to the current migratory crisis? Go ahead.

Yeah, this is not something that even I got necessarily the chance to explicitly write about in the book, but everything that I explain in the book leads us to this crisis that we currently have with with the border and with the migration in the United States. It's it's.

Interesting, because when you read mainstream media reports about the Venezuelan migrants that have crossed into the United States over the last two years or three years at this point, a lot of them just explain that they left Venezuela years ago, probably in 2015, 2016, had spent time in Colombia.

Chile, Peru, some of these regional countries that were absorbing Venezuelan migrants at the height of the economic war. The first few chapters of my book are dedicated to really illuminating piece by piece how U.S. economic war

war works and in the case of Venezuela. So I think because it's not only just my opinion, I include studies and a myriad of information, even including analysis from pro-opposition

opposition figures in Venezuela. Francisco Rodriguez, whose blurb you read at the beginning there, he's actually an advisor to the last candidate who ran against Maduro in 2018. He's a staunch Maduro critic, completely opposed to the Maduro government. But he had conducted his own research explaining how

through US sanctions, the elite in Washington and their collaborators were able to collapse Venezuela's economy. He describes it as a targeted missile strike on its oil sector, which is all that Venezuela was dependent on for its economy. And so I don't wanna get caught up in the details there. I do think that I make the case clearly in the book that US sanctions are to blame for that crisis. But on the migration point, it's important to understand that a lot of these Venezuelans left in

in 2015, 2016. Since then, Venezuela's economy has improved. And there's mainstream articles all over Bloomberg, the Wall Street Journal, acknowledging this over the last several years. But what happened is that by then, some of those people had already left. When Venezuela's economy, they had shortages. You might remember there were images of the empty supermarket shelves. Yes.

Once they got out of that, millions of people had already left the country but found that life in Chile, Peru, and Colombia, all these regional countries, wasn't that great either. In fact, those US puppet states, in a lot of ways, have similar conditions to that they were experiencing in Venezuela. And then through the COVID experience over the last two years, when some of those countries became extremely restrictive, basically shutting down their informal economies, they

during COVID. Some of those people ended up going back to Venezuela. But what happened was within two months of the Biden or three months of the Biden administration taking power in 2021, Biden granted temporary protected status

to Venezuelan migrants specifically. And this was something that the Guaido regime, the shadow puppet regime that Trump had appointed, was demanding and lobbying for all along. They were begging Trump to do the same. Trump refused because although he was happy to engage in hybrid war on Venezuela and try to overthrow their government, he understood that granting temporary protected status to Venezuelans would have the direct

effect that we're currently witnessing, which is that suddenly all of these Venezuelan migrants spread throughout South America are going to say we have a free ticket to the United States. All we have to do is get over the border and then we're good to go. And sure enough, Biden came in and granted them that request.

And so that is why we saw this influx of Venezuelan migrants specifically over the last two years. It is because Biden made a specific choice policy decision to grant them temporary immigration status and the Venezuelan lobby, these figures that had made up the Guaido shadow puppet regime,

representing Venezuela under Trump. At this point, no, they're not taking power in Caracas anytime soon. What they want is for a mass of Venezuelan migrants to come here and serve as their base so that they basically establish another one of these horrific Cuban lobbies or Israel lobbies, basically a foreign lobby of Venezuelan extremists that are loyal to these

right-wing figures from the, or whatever you want to call them, pro-neoliberal figures from the Guaido administration who got them this status, and they will now act as a political bloc in the United States to undermine our sovereign democratic process. It's really dark. Wow. So what I just heard you say was that there's an influx of immigrants that are going to vote as a bloc to undermine

That is definitely the goal of the Venezuela, the figures that represent the Guaido coup regime. And I write about them all in the book. Carlos Vecchio is the main one. He was the ambassador who took over the Venezuelan embassy at that time when some of us were working to actually protect it on behalf of the sovereign government of Venezuela. Carlos Vecchio, I have a whole chapter in the book about him called From Exxon to Ambassador explaining how he went from a...

leading lawyer representing Exxon fighting Venezuela's government throughout the early 2000s, trying to overthrow Chavez as a representative of Exxon. Then he ends up working as Guaido's main coup representative in the United States. His major policy wish, other than pushing Trump to issue sanctions and destroy Venezuela's economy, was to get Venezuelan migrants temporary protected status.

And then basically open the doors to Venezuelan migrants coming to the United States, because now from his perspective, he is nobody in Venezuela. He's never going back to Venezuela. If he does, you would assume he would be arrested for treason because he's actively worked to overthrow the government with a foreign policy.

power in the United States. He's in Miami for the rest of his life. He's going to be whining and dining at the Council on Foreign Relations and whatever think tanks want to host him in Washington forever. But he can... And it's just as the Cubans did. They created a base, a right wing or... I'm tired of these labels, honestly, right and left wing in 2024. And I say...

In the book that I use that for Latin America, because right and left wing has very specific meanings. It's like the right is the pro Chicago boys, US side and the left is whatever resist that. But in the US, those things get confused because then you introduce social issues and it doesn't really add up.

when you apply those labels to Venezuela. So when I say left wing, right wing, that's what I mean in this case. They will have, because a lot of the people who come here from Venezuela, they might have more neoliberal or liberal views, but they will act as a reactionary base

to constantly push our government into confrontation with Venezuela when in reality it would be in the interest of the US government to have good relations with Venezuela to lift the oil sanctions, lower gas prices in the United States. Venezuela was the largest producer of oil throughout much of the last century.

We have the existing infrastructure there to begin importing it again, begin refining it again and pumping it into our gas stations. And yet we refuse to do so purely out of ideology because we think we can achieve regime change. And part of what is driving that delusion in Washington is this

Venezuela lobby that now is having an influx of millions or hundreds of thousands of more people that they can say, look, these are my Venezuelan community representatives in the United States. They really want you to continue sanctioning Venezuela. Otherwise, we're not going to vote for you in Florida in November. So that's basically it becomes this way of holding the American political system hostage through these

Venezuelan migrants. It's not necessarily the same way that a lot of people frame how migrants are used in the electoral process, but I think this is a pretty clear example of how the power works. So there are more, there's more oil in Venezuela than there is in Saudi Arabia. By a lot. Yeah. By a lot. And I remember when I first learned that, I knew it was just a matter of time before the United States was going to try to bring their people some democracy. Right.

And, you know, so to speak. And so that's exactly what we've been trying to do for at least the last 25 years. So tell me, why do how do the sanctions on Russian oil and Venezuelan oil relate to each other?

So this is really a fascinating piece of information that I wish Americans understood more because many of us remember when the Biden administration rolled out its anti-Russia oil embargo in the aftermath of Putin's decision to move forward in Ukraine. That was in February of 2022, March 2022, remember? Yeah.

It was a big controversy. Even certain members of the squad denounced Biden for making the decision to sanction Russian oil because it was such an obviously dangerous policy if you actually care about Americans, because there's no way that cutting yourself off from an oil provider is not going to result in higher prices at the gas pump.

But what people may not remember is that Trump actually was the first to roll out an oil embargo against a major supplier of oil. And that was against Venezuela in 2019 after the United States recognized Guaido as president.

Trump basically unleashed this final blitzkrieg against Venezuela's oil economy. It had already been in shambles, but because the United States has historically depended on Venezuelan oil so much since oil was discovered there just around 100 years ago,

To take the step of actually cutting us off, banning the sale of Venezuelan oil in U.S. markets was quite extreme. And Trump decided to do that in a push to install Guaido as president.

And I happened upon this graph, which I published in the book in the afterward, showing Venezuelan and Russian oil imports to the United States. And I'll hold it up so people can see, but it's basically like inversely related. So when Venezuelan oil was cut off from the United States in 2019, Venezuela was supplying around 7% of oil imports to the United States.

Overnight after that embargo came up, Russia's share of the US market jumped by 7%. Now, that could be because Russia was selling us extra Russian oil,

I think it was probably because Venezuela was selling Russia the oil and they were selling it back to us, just like Europe is doing now with Russia, which is how stupid our policy is. But you can see Russia swallowed up Venezuela's share of the market. That just illustrates it clearly. So what does that mean then when Biden came in and

Cut us off from Russian oil or Russian-supplied oil. That next month is when Biden sent this team of negotiators to Venezuela to begin direct talks with Maduro's government officials.

Still refusing to recognize Guaido or dump Guaido as the president and refusing to recognize Maduro's government, even though Biden was in direct talks with Maduro's government at that point. Why were they talking to Maduro's government? Because of oil, because they made a stupid decision cutting us off from Russian oil. They had to go back to Venezuela and say, OK, can we start opening the tap again? Because

But both decisions, whether it's Trump's decision to ban Venezuelan oil or Biden's to cut us off from Russian supplied oil, are catastrophic decisions for the American people. So why are both parties continuing to play with our pocketbooks in order to push...

fantastical ideology. It only comes down to ideology at this point. Venezuela would actually sell their oil to us. It is crazy people in Washington that just won't allow that to happen. Yeah, I think... Well, the way I would answer that question is why...

if this American foreign policy actually end up hurting Americans and the people instituting it don't care, it's because the people who are instituting our foreign policy don't care about the American citizens. They don't actually work for us. We see who they work for. They work for the lobbyist groups and the donor class.

right now what look what they're doing with in ukraine and israel does it that people don't want any of that and that doesn't matter just like what you said uh... that there uh... their policies on sanctioning oil in venezuela and russia hurt america

They don't care. They don't care about America. They don't care if there's a civil war in America. Chaos always favors the establishment. So we're being run by criminals, and that's not a hyperbole. We're being run by international criminals who act in the entrance of a handful of billionaires

and corporations. And that's why we live in an oligarchy, which was proven by the Princeton studying over 10 years now. So your vote doesn't matter. They don't care about you. They don't have to care about you. So they don't care about you. And they only care about the donor classes, which is who they really work for. And we already know that the CIA and the FBI and NSA, they don't work for the president. So if they don't work for the president, who do they work for? They work for an international class of billionaires. And

And how do I know that? Because Chuck Schumer said so on Rachel Maddow that Donald Trump better be careful and not insult the intelligence community because they're going to get back at him. They have six ways of Sunday and they certainly did. Right. So a 92 felony indictment says one way they get back at him.

Russia gate was one other way lying to the FISA court 17 times to get a tap on his phone was another way. So they don't work for the president. So you have to ask themselves, who do they work for? Just like Joe Biden, just like the Congress. They don't work for you, the voter. They work for a handful of billionaires and they work for international corporations. That's who your government actually works for. And that's why their policies.

injure Americans and they don't care. That's why there's an open border. That's why we're sending billions and hundreds of billions to Ukraine and to Israel before we take care of our own people here in the United States, before we have healthcare. Israel has healthcare. Ukraine has healthcare. The United States citizens don't have healthcare. So, which would change everyone's life overnight, right? We don't have a functioning infrastructure. We don't have a living wage. None of that stuff matters because that's not who they legislate for. So that would be the way I answer. I just want to show people

a little bit about from your book. Uh, by the way, I just want to remind everybody May 15th, this Wednesday, 6 PM. Uh, go see her, uh, you at the, um, Francis kite club, 40 Avenue C, New York. That's at 6 PM. You're going to be there with Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate. Um, uh,

But I just want to read this part of the book, which I really liked. There's a couple of parts I really like. This is one of them. You say, upon walking through the front doors of Venezuela's foreign ministry or a conciliaria in Caracas, one is greeted by a peculiar art installation, which at first glance...

appears to be a large fractured black trimmed window with a tail stretching behind it. As you gaze past the structure to see what it is labeled the Sala de Salvador Allende or Salvador Allende room located in the Cancelaria lobby, the towering sculpture's full image becomes clear. It is an artistic rendering of former Chilean president Salvador Allende's glasses. Allende.

Am I saying it wrong? Allende? Okay, thank you, Steph. My Mexican wife corrected me there. Salvador Allende's glasses left shattered on the floor of his office on September 11th, 1973 after U.S.-backed military forces stormed his presidential palace in Santiago and overthrew his government. Allende died from gunshot wounds, later ruled to be a result of suicide.

Yeah. Okay. So that's a great reminder. I think that's brilliant that they have that sculpture there to remind you of what the game is really happening in Central and Latin America and South America. The United States are the thugs.

And they come in and they do their coup and they overthrow and they install puppets. And that's been and it's they don't care if they like military dictators. The United States turns out they don't like democracy. They like dictators because they're more reliable. And so that's a pretty that made an impression on you enough that you put it in the book. Right.

Yeah. And it's a huge sculpture. It's taller than I am. And I, it is. Imagine you're a, you're working in the foreign ministry in Venezuela. That's what you walk past on your way to the office every day, because it is a constant reminder of the stakes of what,

happens in Venezuela or in all of Latin America when these forces that have worked to overthrow sovereign governments in Latin America for decades win. And Venezuelan officials know those stakes because throughout the 60s and 70s, their country faced a similar dirty war against left-wing or...

anti-neoliberal guerrilla groups in Venezuela and their neoliberal government crack down violently militarily against these groups, but also work to repress just any aspect of democratic life in Venezuela for decades. And so some of the figures that

in Venezuela's government now are the children of people who participated in the resistance to their version of a junta or neoliberal junta government in Venezuela, including the vice president, Delcy Rodriguez. Her father was actually a student militant who

who participated in the struggle against Venezuela's US-backed neoliberal government and was assassinated, killed, tortured to death by the government in previous decades. And so those glasses, it's not a relic of the past when they're looking at something like the coup against Allende in Chile. It's more of like, this is what we're up against now. If we fail or if the government falls,

That evil is what comes back into power in Venezuela. And so I just want to, you know, not only is the book filled with great information and it helps people understand the world in general, not just Venezuela, but it really does help people understand Americans' foreign policy and the consequences. Mm-hmm.

But it's also it's really it's got beautiful writing in it. And I just want to share this little part of it. You say during the 40 minute ride from Venezuela's seaside airport to its capital, the bright blue hue of Nye Caribbean waters blurs into tropical greenery as the highway twists through serene coastal mountains before giving way to the unmistakable combustion of city life.

Descending into the explosive metropolis, Caracas first spills out from either side with rainbow-speckled barrios that tumble down the edge of its surrounding hills. Suddenly, the colorful commotion of the neighborhoods is replaced by the frenetic industrial energy of downtown, a whistling mix of modern skyscrapers and brutalist government buildings sprouting amidst archaic compounds adorned with delicate arches and wraparound balconies reminiscent of imperial Spain.

The intractable pulse of the city center is only reined in by the Cordillera de la Costa Central Mountain Chain, magnificent emerald slopes that encase Caracas' rolling urban heart. It was such a beautiful description and so well written. I just wanted to share that with people to let them know. It really gave me a flavor for...

being there unlike anything else. I mean, I've actually been to Venezuela. Oh, yes, we were. And where did you go? I was in 2000, right? Yeah, it was a long time ago. We were on a cruise ship that stopped there. But and so we didn't really see much of it. That was an exciting time. That was right when Chavez's government first came in. So, wow. I think it was in 2000. You were there for history, Jimmy. Wow. Yeah, look at that.

Anyway, yeah, so I've been there. I've been a lot of places. Anyway, but that's everybody. I just want to remind everybody. Anything else you want to say about your book that we haven't said? I want to remind everybody to go see this Wednesday, 6 p.m. You can check out Anya, Max Blumenthal, Aaron Monte at the Franklin Kite Club Avenue, 40 Avenue C, New York. Anything you want to say about the book that I haven't?

No, I think that we summed it up. It's not just about Venezuela. It's about our changing world. And so I want to give a positive message also just for the future of our country. We can survive. We can adapt to this multipolar world. The rest of the world wants us to. We just have to learn how to behave like adults.

Okay, yeah. Well, good luck with that. Really, seriously, especially the people who are in charge. They're all maniacs of the highest order. I mean, even when Trump got in, he got in because he had a non-interventionist policy. He told people he wasn't going to do these wars. And then he surrounds himself with people like John Bolton. And...

I will mention, just because you did bring that up, I actually get some insight into Trump's real opinion about Bolton and Venezuela that I share in the book. Based on a source that you might be able to guess, whose name also appears in the blurb of the book, blurbs of the book. Well, now I want to know. Tell me, what is... Well, Tucker goes on the record briefly in the book to talk about Trump...

It was actually when I was in, you may remember that I went on, on Tucker's show on April 30th, 2019, which was the day of that fake military uprising when Guaido actually tried to lead a, yeah.

So Tucker had me on that night and to say like, you know, Trump should drain. He promised to drain the swamp, but he brought in Bolton and Abrams and all these psychos. And I wasn't the only one who spoke out against Trump's policy that night. Douglas McGregor, Colonel Douglas McGregor did. And Tucker himself gave this long mono about why it was bad.

And so a few days afterwards, I was inside locked inside the Venezuelan embassy for during like this, this struggle to protect it from a State Department takeover. And Tucker called me. And he said, Oh, just so you know, like,

Our segment was the highest viewed on Fox that night. It was super well-received and then everything immediately dropped when Sean Hannity came on a few minutes later with ratings. But he said that Trump also called me after the show and said that he agreed with my personal take on it. Not mine necessarily, but he agreed with the whole show that Tucker had put together on Venezuela. And he said...

and this is what Tucker told me at the time was if, if I listened to John Bolton, um,

I would already be in World War III, IV, and V, but I keep him around to kind of scare people off. Obviously, I think that backfired against Trump because Bolton effectively undermined him or Trump allowed him to undermine him too much. But that story then matched with other reports that we got in the Washington Post of someone saying that after that military coup attempt when Guaido was so badly embarrassed,

that Trump was just totally frustrated feeling that Bolton had lied to him about the possibility of this regime change act. And Bolton later wrote that afterwards, Trump started describing Guaido as the Beto O'Rourke of Venezuela. And other Trump administration officials too, including Bolton, write about how Trump then repeatedly wished, expressed his wish to sit down with Maduro and solve our problems with Venezuela directly. And so-

The fact that I had that insight already based on what Tucker or Trump had personally said to Tucker, and then I saw so many other reports that backed it up, I just think it added some layers to my understanding of how the White House works, how Trump works. And yeah, any president is clearly up against a lot. And that's not an excuse because obviously Trump made some horrible decisions, but Trump

I think we really don't understand that the president doesn't control our country at all. I mean, look, that's why they have Biden in there right now. That's right. Telling us that it doesn't matter who's in the White House.

Yeah, it really doesn't. They're going to try and get their way, although Trump was a major speed bump, just like he said, if he would listen to the Antony Blinkins and the John Boltons, we would have already been in World War Three and Four, which they've been trying to start since the day Joe Biden got in office. Lincoln might have already. I mean, maybe we'll look back on this period as World War Three. Honestly. Yeah. No kidding. Lincoln got us into.

All right, well, great book. I'm really happy for you, and I hope your book launch on Wednesday goes great. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.

It's the most affordable premium program in the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support. Guess what? Do you remember this? You remember that they have this court case going on right now. You remember what that is? That's the picture from the FBI.

saying that donald trump had all these classified documents and that's how they were in his in his house remember that uh you're not going to believe it but the same people who said they found a saudi passport on 9 12 are the same people who said that donald trump they did that that's planted the fbi planted that that didn't that's not how that's called evidence tampering

Simon Abata tweeted out, it was all staged. In a stunning turn of events, a widely leaked image from the Mar-a-Lago raid revealed a shocking twist. Classified cover sheets were placed on top of documents by the FBI. So they put all that stuff that says classified that made people go, oh my God. So you see this? This was the picture that the FBI tweeted.

They sent out this picture. Secret, top secret, super top secret, top secret, two-way top secret, top secret. Oh, my God. And then they have stuff that was handwritten top secret. So in a completely non-surprising twist, it has been revealed that the same tax-funded group that tries to entrap mentally challenged men into unwittingly incriminating themselves into terror plots has taken at least a full hour to hastily throw some mislabeled documents on the floor.

So the FBI, have they ever solved a crime? They invent crimes. There's another one. So, you know, all those terror plots that they thwarted, turns out they were all planned by the FBI. And they get some mental defective to go try. How about when they were the kidnapping of the Governor Whitmer, eh? Right? They had, there was 13 people in a van. I think nine of them were FBI. So that's, turns out this is all, the deception doesn't end there.

The special counsel admits they admit that some top secret cover sheets don't align with the actual documents suggesting a rush to incriminate Trump. You think how lazy do you have to be as an agency to be forced to invent something to incriminate Donald Trump with? Nothing real you could find. Maybe you should lie to the FISA court for another 17 times because that's what the FBI did. They lied to the FISA court.

So they could 17 times, not once. So they could get the phone taps on Donald Trump's campaign. You remember that? Still couldn't find anything. You have to you have to plant stuff to incriminate Donald Trump. What's the FBI going to do next? They're going to plant pot on Seth Rogen. Rogan Rogen. I screwed the joke up. I like Seth Rogen, too. Hey, I just want to I just want to let the FBI know you can relax.

It's going to be okay. Trump, if he gets elected, will also make life hell for everybody, just like Biden is. So you don't have to worry so much. There's more than one devil that exists, okay? You can go back to posing as masked agitators at Gaza protests now. Jesus. It's the FBI. It's the Federal Bureau of Instigation. Take a look at that. All those top secret things, those were placed there by the FBI.

Uh, and here's just so you know, here's from the documents from the court that validates that what I just told you is true. Now you got to make sure to leave folders on top so everyone can see them. But sir, then we would be sharing top secret documents by showing them, hey, we're trying to stop Trump here.

This is more important than America, democracy, integrity. It doesn't matter what document is where. The populace doesn't care about the details. They just want to be outraged. They want to feel righteous. Again, brought to you by the same folks whose job it is to place Saudi passports in the rubble of the Twin Towers. That's who did this.

Julie Kelly, who's been on this story, she says Jack Smith just admitted that the FBI brought colored cover sheets to use as placeholders for classified files and boxes containing other items. But that's not the only reason agents brought the sheets. Agents apparently took it upon themselves to paperclip those sheets to files in an effort to make it look like the documents were found that way.

Now, not only is their little stunt exposed, the Department of Justice also admits that some of the placeholder sheets don't match up with the alleged documents in the evidence. And the boxes are not in their original condition. First of all, very big of the very big of the Department of Justice to admit that the FBI was up to some chicanery. Yep.

That's how America takes responsibility. I cannot tell a lie. He did it. That's what the Department of Justice is doing. And as if you already didn't know this already, that all these lawsuits and court cases and indictments against Trump are all bogus. This is what's called trying to rig an election. This is the establishment, Joe Biden's Justice Department.

Trying to use weaponize the Justice Department and the law to criminalize his number one political opponent. Now, again, I'm not voting for Trump.

I'm not a Trump fan, but if they can do this to Donald Trump, then they could do it to Bernie Sanders. They could do it to Cornel West. They could do it to RFK Jr. They could do it to anybody that the donor class doesn't like. And it turns out they do do that. Look what they're doing to the you who rules. I think that's what they're called. The black socialists look what they're doing to stop cop city protesters.

They're criminalizing anybody that the actually... Look what they're doing to the college protesters. Do you think they would call out the cops to beat the shit out of those people, knowing how bad it would look if it wasn't really important to shut them up? Because it is really important to shut them up. Because if they lose the intellectual battle, it's all over. And that's what they're losing. Anyway, I'm conflating stories. Here's a...

Here's how they covered it on Fox. Yeah, so that famous photograph, what we have now learned, and the government has had Jack Smith and his prosecutors have had to admit that that was staged. And those top secret classified sheets that all the public saw and said, oh, my God, look at those top secret documents. Those were placed there by the FBI. What Jack Smith admitted in court this week was that in his word, they mishandled the classifieds.

documents and misrepresented those to the court. Maria, that's a kind way of saying we tampered with the evidence, then we lied to the court about it. And they got caught when President Trump's lawyers and the other co-defendants raised this issue and said, look, the documents here don't match up. The documents that were presented to us don't match the digitally scanned records of when they were taken from Mar-a-Lago. And Jack Smith, not only did they tamper with that and lie to the court about it, but he's now admitted to the court that he doesn't know how that happened.

He's only offered a number of possible explanations for how that could have happened. So he's absolutely blown the chain of custody. And again, he has a prosecutor, lead prosecutor in this case, Jay Brat, who met with White House counsel and a representative of the National Archives in several times in the weeks before Jack Smith was even appointed. This reeks of crossfire hurricane when the Biden, when the Obama administration

Biden administration fabricated evidence before the FISA court, lied to the court about it to pursue Donald Trump. And now we're seeing it again in this classified documents case. The judge could dismiss this case at any point in time, Maria. I think the only reason that she hasn't is she wants to document this publicly. So come on, you guys, stop turning every blatantly conspiratorial thing to some kind of conspiracy. It's not evidence tappering if the FBI does it. OK, OK.

um so i don't even know how much more i should even need to talk about this but there you go of course it's made up now oh by the way i'll cover this i just saw this uh even bill mar now is saying that um who's this who's the porn actress that trump had sex with that stormy daniels

Bill Maher has now caught her completely lying. He showed a video of her telling one story on his show a couple years ago, and now she's telling a completely different story in the court case. And the fact that there is an outrage from people who, even people who know that they are at risk. Like, let's say someone like, I don't know, just off the top of my head, Cornel West. If he actually was a threat to the establishment, that's what they would be doing to him. And he knows this.

Bernie Sanders. He knows this. That's why Bernie Sanders is a lapdog to power. He's not ever going to stand up because this is what they would do to him. They Russiagated Bernie Sanders one for one minute and he completely folded. This is what they do. And again, this isn't sticking up for Trump. This is sticking up so we don't have a corrupt intelligence community that actually runs the country. This is just like what Chuck Schumer said.

You better be nice to the FBI and the CIA, because if you're not, they've got six ways to Sunday to mess with you. Well, Russiagate was one of them. Lying to the FISA court and tapping Trump's phones was another. There's another one. Now they have all these fake indictments against him. They're not fake, but they're all bogus. They're all bogus. And nobody on the left...

Has the nuts to stand up and say it. Nobody. Name one prominent lefty who stood up and said, oh, oh, Glenn Greenwald. But he doesn't call himself a lefty. He certainly doesn't call himself a liberal. I don't know what liberal means anymore. I go back to the old what liberals used to mean in the 1980s. That's what I am. It's not what it is today. Today, liberals are pro-war, pro-censorship, and they're against choice. They're not pro-choice. I'm all those things.

I'm anti-war. I'm free speech, anti-censorship, and I'm pro-choice. Liberals are no longer pro-choice. They're pro-abortion, which is totally different. And I'm not pro-abortion. I think people who call themselves pro-abortion are lying. No one's pro-abortion. I'm pro-choice. Those are different things. Anyway, and so now what are they doing? So now they're trying to make it out that the judge...

Every establishment news organization is doing what this guy Harry Stillson is doing. He's blaming the judge. He's saying the judge is corrupt. That's what they're doing. They did it at PBS. They're doing it at ABC, The Washington Post, The New York Times. He says Judge Cannon clearly works for Donald Trump and his lawyers, not the rule of law. Really? It's not the FBI who just admitted that they planted that evidence? No.

She must immediately be removed from Trump's case in Florida. Enough is enough. So this guy, this kid, Harry Sisson, who clear evidence that your mom should not smoke or drink when she's pregnant. He wants this judge removed from the Donald Trump case so that Democrats can then install one who works for Joe Biden instead. Because the reason why they say she works for him is because he appointed her. So I guess we should get a judge that is appointed by Joe Biden. Things that are obvious for 200, Alex.

Yes, enough of someone doing precisely the exact thing we would want a judge to do for Joe Biden. So, again, turns out bogus. So that's there's another court case completely falls apart. But now this judge is not going to just dismiss the case. She's going to actually make that bullshit prosecutor come in and explain his bullshit case, which I think is fantastic.

So at least some of the legal system still works. And shame on the Democrats and the FBI and the establishment for being so corrupt, so transparently corrupt, that I have to come in here and do a segment that defends Donald Trump. But I'm not defending Donald Trump. What I'm defending is the actual rule of law, is actual democracy.

And don't think that people like Cornel West don't know exactly what the fuck is going on. They do. They are just too cowardly to stand up because it's not happening to them personally. And remember the old saying, when they came for the Jews, I didn't say anything because I wasn't a Jew. When they came for the gypsies, I didn't say anything because I wasn't a gypsy. When they came for the trade unionists, I didn't say anything because I wasn't a trade unionist. But when they came for me, there was nobody left to say anything. So that's when you need...

integrity and courage is when it doesn't affect you personally and you need to stand up glenn greenwald stands up he tells the truth he's not a trump voter by any stretch or supporter but what is disgusting is watching people use the veil of the justice system and righteousness and liberalism to do something that's completely contrary to all those things to be corrupt pieces of garbage

And that's what's going on. And that's been something going on since 2016. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Do not freak out.

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