cover of episode The “Iron Dome” COMPLETELY FAILED! – Scott Ritter

The “Iron Dome” COMPLETELY FAILED! – Scott Ritter

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Jimmy Dore
Scott Ritter
斯科特·里特认为,伊朗对以色列的导弹袭击是本世纪最伟大的胜利之一,证明了以色列和美国的防御系统不堪一击。伊朗使用了先进的弹头技术,成功地迷惑了以色列的雷达系统,使其无法拦截导弹。伊朗的超音速导弹速度太快,以至于以色列的雷达系统无法追踪。伊朗已经建立了威慑优势,以色列和美国无法对其进行攻击而不会受到报复。美国在2020年也曾面临类似的困境,意识到自己无法有效防御伊朗的导弹袭击。伊朗拥有强大的弹道导弹能力,这构成了其威慑力量。以色列袭击伊朗驻叙利亚领事馆是升级行动,以色列低估了伊朗的报复能力。内塔尼亚胡可能为了政治利益而对伊朗采取报复行动,这将导致地区冲突升级。美国意识到自己无法有效防御伊朗的导弹袭击,因此不会对伊朗采取主动攻击行动。以色列机场恢复正常运营表明以色列短期内不会对伊朗采取报复行动,但这并不意味着危机已经结束。以色列军方意识到伊朗导弹的威胁,这可能会导致大量以色列人逃离该国。以色列可能会夸大其防御系统的成功,以避免进一步的冲突。以色列政府正在试图淡化伊朗袭击的影响,但其领导层知道真相。内塔尼亚胡为了政治生存,可能会选择与伊朗开战。从哈马斯的角度来看,为建立巴勒斯坦国而牺牲生命是值得的。以色列的过度反应增加了建立巴勒斯坦国的可能性。以色列军队对巴勒斯坦平民的残暴行径是种族灭绝行为。以色列利用圣经来为其暴行辩护。 吉米·多尔认为,伊朗的导弹和无人机成功地突破了以色列的防御系统,哈马斯在加沙冲突中取得了意想不到的胜利,伊朗也获得了威慑优势。加沙冲突改变了人们对以色列和巴勒斯坦冲突的认知。以色列的行动导致国际社会对其的谴责增加。之前对以色列和巴勒斯坦冲突的认知不足,现在有了更全面的了解。以色列的过度反应增加了建立巴勒斯坦国的可能性。

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Scott Ritter's here. He's a one-time Marine intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control agreements. And from 1991 to 1998, he served as the chief inspector for the United States and Iraq, leading the search for Iraq's prescribed pro-weapons of mass destruction.

He was later a vocal critic of the American decision to go to war in Iraq. He's also the author of nine books, including his latest, Disarmament in the Time of Perestroika, Arms Control and the End of the Soviet Union. Welcome back to the show, Mr. Scott Ritter.

Oh, thank you very much for having me. So, Scott, you wrote this. I read this last night before I went to bed. It's really good nighttime reading. It's the missiles of April, and it says Iran's retaliatory attack on Israel will go down in history as one of the greatest victories in this century. Now, before we get to you talking about that, I wanted to show you that... So, Iran...

Israel attacked the Iranian embassy in Damascus and killed some top officials in the military of Iran. So they get to respond.

under the international law. And so they did. And this is from Uncover News. It says, outstanding video of Iran targeting Israel's air defense system. Iranian missiles with decoy bomblets are first deployed and then several ballistic missiles hit their intended target. So here, are we allowed to show this? Let's see. Let's see. So here's all the...

so there's all the missiles coming in right so they overwhelm they're trying to overwhelm iron dome the iron dome right and uh now israel said they they they got 99 of the missiles they knocked down but as this video is going to show uh in a second here a couple of them got through at least a couple so come on this is taking forever for f sake oh here we go

So they all look, it got through. Oop, there's another one got through. Here comes another one. Boom, here comes another one. So looks like there's a little rust in that iron dome is what I'm thinking. That's what I'm thinking. So I don't need to show you that. So here's Ali Bumanah says that here's why you shouldn't believe Israel's claim that most missiles were shot down and damage was minor. Iran hit military targets, so we won't see the damage. Remember what...

But Nasrallah said a few weeks ago, if Hezbollah didn't film its successful operations, no one would believe them. And so and here's what you said. You said eye for an eye. Iran struck Nevada Air Force Base Air Base. Now that's the base that they there's two bases that Israel launched the attacks on the the the.

the Iranian consulate in Syria, and that was one of them. And so at least seven of its new hypersonic missiles. Nevada is home of the F-35 fighters that attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus. Not a single Iranian missile was intercepted. Let that sing. Iran, Israel is defenseless. And then you modified that statement. You said the drones and missiles designed to overwhelm the Israeli defense is defenseless.

did their job. 40 million of hardware costs, Israeli and its allies billions. None of the missiles that were intended to make impact were intercepted. Percentages don't matter. Is that true? So you're saying, so tell me what exactly Iran did and how they were so successful.

Well, let's start with the Nevatim Air Base, the home of Israel's F-35I. They're modified F-35 fighters. These are the fighters that bombed the Iranian consulate in Damascus in violation of international law. But it's home to more than that. It's home to America's...

ANTPY-2 X-band radar, the most sophisticated anti-ballistic missile defense radar in the world. We have it there. This is the radar designed to detect Iranian missile launches from Iran. It's tied into our satellite network that monitors Iran continuously, any launch, any activity. The point I'm trying to make is that

We have given Israel perfect ability to monitor Iran's missiles. Israel can't be taken by surprise. Anything Iran does,

Israel will know. This surveillance technology is linked to the most sophisticated anti-ballistic missile defenses in the world. The Arrow 2, the Arrow 3, David's Sling, these are all US-Israeli projects. The Improved Patriot, the THAAD missile system, which is an American-only missile system. We've deployed all these around the bottom. My point is, the bottom is the most heavily secured spot on the planet.

The most heavily secured spot on the planet when it comes to anti-ballistic missile defense. There's no place on earth more heavily defended than the bottom and Iran launched We now have updates seven missiles against the bottom five of them hit their target. I

The most heavily defended spot on the world, in the world, right there, everything, the best. Nobody has better equipment than what's there. Iran launched seven missiles against that base. Five of them hit their target.

That means that Israel is defenseless. It means America is defenseless. It means if Iran wanted to have saturated that base with missiles, they would have destroyed everything. Iran was simply making a point. They didn't want to destroy the base. They wanted to prove to Israel that we can touch you anytime we want to. Did Israel not, did they not know this?

The United States and Israel operate under the assumption that they have technological supremacy, that our technology is better than anything the Iranians can have. That video that you showed showed two missile types. First of all, understand that Iran did not use its latest technology.

The missiles that were shown there, the newest one is about seven years old. The other one is about a dozen years old. But first of all, you have the warhead that shoots the bomblets out. This is designed to dazzle a radar, meaning that the radar is tracking this system in. The first thing that happens is the warhead separates from the missile body. That drives the radar crazy now because it's tracking...

things instead of one. One is now spinning out of control larger. They're trying to track that. The other one smaller is moving in. So they have to pick which target's the priority. They pick the smaller target. So now they come in, they start calibrating, calibrating, calibrating, and they start launching their missiles to take it out. And suddenly that warhead shoots

shoots off a whole bunch of bomblets that simulate the warhead. The radar goes crazy. Now, instead of one, there's like 20 and it's going, what the hell do we hit now? What the hell do we hit now? And then to confuse it even more that, that warhead,

waits, waits, waits, and then ignites its own motor and shoots through. And that what you saw up there was all the bomblets getting hit. And then that warhead shoots through. And at the last second, if you slow that down, you'll see that the warhead came in. It tucked up, went in, tucked up, maneuvered in to hit the target. It can't be shot down. That's what the Israelis did. The second, and they used another maneuvering warhead to strike the base in Nevatim.

These are good warheads that the Iranians have. They're better than our ability to shoot them down, but they're not the best that Iran has. Iran has hypersonics. What I found out later on, initially there was talk that hypersonic missiles were used. The Iranians have clarified that and said we didn't use any of our hypersonic missiles. If they had used hypersonic missiles, they would come in extraordinarily fast, not using a ballistic arc, with maneuvering warhead. You wouldn't have seen them. They would have just hit the ground and blown up.

So what you're saying is a hypersonic missile travels so fast you can't track it? The radar that we have used is designed to track a ballistic trajectory or a slower moving linear trajectory. It's not designed to track something that's coming in at the advanced speeds that the hypersonic is. Plus, at the end, when they...

separate that warhead and it accelerates on its own maneuvering, the radar can't track it. So literally it will come flying under the radar and blow up whatever it aims at. The Iranians have shown that the precision of their missiles, the guidance is within a meter. So within one meter of what they want to hit, they're going to hit it. So,

This does not bode well for Israel, I mean, to say the least, right? Well, what it does is it demonstrates to Israel and the United States, because remember, Iran was sending the signal to everybody. Right. That Iran now has what's called deterrence superiority. They could even have deterrence supremacy. What they're saying is, you can't attack us without consequence.

If you attack us, if you attack our territory, and now what Iran has said is you attack us anywhere. They've taken the American posture. You know how America says if you blow up one of our bases in Syria and you kill three American soldiers, we will hit you.

What Iran's saying now is if Israel bombs an Iranian position in Syria, even though it's not an embassy or a consulate, Iran will retaliate. There's no more freebies. There's no free pass. There's no more Israel doing whatever it wants to do against Iran. If Israel or anybody attacks Iran anywhere inside Iran or outside of Iran, Iran has now established a precedent that says we will hit you with missiles that you can't defend yourself against.

So this happened before Iran attacked a United States military base, right? Now, I think this was in 20, maybe...

What was this, 2019? 2020. Okay, so here's the New York Times headline. It says, Urge to launch an attack. Trump listened to the skeptics who said it would be a costly mistake. He heard from his generals and his diplomats. Lawmakers weighed in. So the same thing that Israel's facing right now, the United States faced before. So this idea, I think a lot of people, certainly like Lindsey Graham,

think that we could just go in and wipe out Iran very easily. But even back when Trump was president, he realized that he couldn't. He says, but among the voices that rang powerful for the... Oh, so that's when he was watching Tucker Carlson. While national security advisors were urging a military strike against Iran, Mr. Carlson in recent days had told Mr. Trump that responding to Tehran's provocations...

with force was crazy, belligerent and confrontational as he is in public. Mr. Trump has at times pulled back from the use of force, convinced that America has wasted too many lives and too much money in pointless Middle East wars and wary of repeating what he considers the mistakes of his predecessors.

As Mr. Carlson and other skeptics have argued, a strike against Iran could easily spiral into a full-fledged war without easy victory. That, Mr. Trump was told, was everything he ran against. There's a back story to this, though. Okay, what is the back story? That's all BS. I mean, I'm sure Tucker Carlson had that conversation with him and everything. But the real conversation took place between Trump and his generals.

You see, after Trump assassinated Qasem Soleimani in January of 2020, the Iranians told the United States that they will be striking the Al-Assad air base where the drones came, were taken off, that killed. They gave the Americans advance notice so America could get its troops out of the way. They fired at least 10 missiles, and when the United States looked, the missiles hit every building on the base, every major building, destroyed them, huge craters.

And at that point in time, the United States realized that they can't shoot down these missiles and these missiles hit what they were aimed at. Later on, when Iran shot down the Global Hawk drone over the Strait of Hormuz, which it accused of coming into its territory, Trump was demanding that America bomb Iranian air defense sites in Iran. And that time the Pentagon came up and said, we can do that.

But understand, the moment we do that, Iran will flatten all of our bases in the region, and there's nothing we can do to stop them. And then if you want to escalate further, they'll shut down the Strait of Hormuz,

choking off our oil. And then if you want to escalate further, we're going to have to mobilize troops that we don't have in the region. It's going to take 12 months to get enough troops. We're going to bring them in on ships that are going to get sunk before they come there. This is going to turn into a war that's going to last five years with no guarantee of American victory.

Do you really want to retaliate against an Iranian air defense site? And that's when the president said, no, I don't. But because he couldn't admit that he stood down, he started making things up about how he was a humanist. He didn't want to be casually. But he's really just a man who was confronted with the harsh truth that America no longer has the non-nuclear capacity to intimidate a nation like Iran. And.

Do you think, does Iran have nuclear bombs, you think? No, actually Iran doesn't, and Iran's made a point not to have that. I actually had a conversation with the Iranian president earlier, or late, in the middle of last year, when he was in New York. And I asked him about, you know, why doesn't Iran pursue nuclear weapons for deterrence? And what about Iran's ballistic missile program? The world is concerned about that. And he said that Iran's

Iran will never have a nuclear weapons program that they don't believe in nuclear weapons, but that their ballistic missiles are their deterrence, that their ballistic missile capability is so strong that they will deter. And at the time I said, but how does the world know they're strong? And he said, when the time comes, the world will find out. The world just found out. And so what do you think was...

So do you think Israel was striking the consulate, the Iranian consulate in Syria? Because they bombed Syria a lot. They bombed it on the regular. But this was an escalation because that embassy is seen as Iran property, right? That's like bombing Iran. And they hadn't done that before, but they had bombed...

other places inside Syria that they thought were working with Iran. So this was definitely an escalation. Why do you think they wanted to escalate? Was it to create a wider war? What was the point of them doing this?

No, I think that the Israelis, first of all, they bombed it because there was a meeting taking place inside that consulate of Iran's top military leadership involved in planning the axis of resistance activities against Israel regarding Gaza. The man who ran the resupply of Hamas, the man who coordinated with Hezbollah, the man who coordinated with the Iraqi militias, the man who coordinated with the Houthi, they all came together for this series.

strategy session on what the next phase of the conflict would look like, Israel found out about this and said, we need to take them out. They knew that they were hitting an embassy situation. But remember, this is an Israel that has assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists in Tehran.

They sent assassins in to kill them. They're not Israeli assassins. They're agents working for Israel. They also sent people in to blow up Iranian factories. They've been attacking Iranian generals and officers in Syria, in Lebanon, in Iraq with impunity. And I think they believed that Iran had been intimidated by

that Iran wouldn't retaliate, that Iran was scared to retaliate. And so they felt that they could carry out this action and that Iran wouldn't do anything in retaliation. I think Israel was shocked when Iran said not only will we retaliate, but when they actually retaliate, they saw the scope and scale of the retaliation. But the biggest shock was when five missiles hit the place that no missiles are supposed to ever hit.

hitting the bottom airfield, and you're just – that's unthinkable. Every missile defense system that Israel has, and including the defense systems that America has, were defending that base with the best radars, the best surveillance and tracking capability, and they couldn't shoot down the Iranian missiles. Well, you know, am I wrong to feel that this actually gives me –

Hope that there won't be a World War Three starting in the Middle East. Am I wrong to think that you would you would you would be absolutely correct to think that except we have to throw in a wild card here. And that's called Benjamin Netanyahu and his right wing coalition government in Israel. You see, Netanyahu is under pressure.

He governs with this coalition that's a very narrow coalition, and it's held together only by these extremists who demand that Israel not only commit genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza, but that Israel also flex its muscle abroad, that Israel retains deterrence supremacy, that no aid nation would dare attack Israel. On October 7th, he also showed himself to be a

failure as the leader of Israel when Hamas carried out an attack proving that Israel's military wasn't as good as they thought it was. His military has floundered in Gaza, and now the Iranians have attacked Israel. He is in a lot of trouble if he doesn't find a way to look strong. And so right now there's a game being played in the war cabinet where the entire war cabinet and the entire Israeli military is demanding that they retaliate against Iran.

And now the question is, will Netanyahu yield to their demands or will he listen to Joe Biden who's saying, don't do this and tell his cabinet, America stopped me. This is about Netanyahu's political survival. This is about the narcissism of a man who puts his political future, his political viability above the security of his nation and the security of the world. He's willing to sacrifice everything.

global security, because if Iran strikes Israel again, it'll be of such a magnitude that the United States will have no choice but to step in. Then Iran attacks America. Now, next thing we know, the Strait of Hormuz is shut down, oil production facilities are bombed, and we have a global economic crisis that'll last decades. This is the consequences of Netanyahu's irresponsible behavior. So

Normally, I'd agree with you and I'd say, go to bed tonight, sleep well. I'm going to be tossing and turning like you've never seen a person tossing and turning before because I'm very concerned what's going to happen tonight. I'm very concerned that Netanyahu is going to put his personal political ambition above everything else and launch a retaliation against Iran. And the Iranians have already said, the moment your airplanes take off, we will send our missiles. They're not even going to wait for Israel to come and hit them. The moment the airplanes take off,

Iran is going to retaliate. So here's what Joe Biden had to say. We are devoted to the defense of Israel. We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel. And Iran will not succeed. So...

Iran has already succeeded, correct? Yeah. Iran has succeeded in establishing its own version of deterrent supremacy. And it worked because the United States, what he said after that is, we will not participate in offensive action against Iran.

Because the United States knows that they do participate in offensive action against Iran. Every American base in the Middle East will be hit with missiles that we can't stop and missiles that will destroy whatever they're aiming at. All those billions of dollars of airplanes, we have an Al-Haddad air base in Qatar, will be destroyed. What we have in Kuwait will be destroyed. The Fifth Fleet in Bahrain, destroyed.

We can't defend them. We are incapable of defending them. He knows that. So he's limiting his words to we will defend Israel, meaning that if Iran attacks Israel, we will defend Israel. But we will not go to war against Iran for Israel. That's because Iran has established deterrence supremacy over the United States. The United States is afraid to attack Iran directly.

Now, you tweeted this out also. You said Ben Gurion Airport has resumed normal operations. There will be no Israel response. The crisis is over. Do you still feel that way? Well, I felt that way on April 13th at 1044 p.m. because you don't go to war with your airport employees.

But the first thing that happens before missiles fly is you close your airspace, you terminate airport operations, no airplanes take off, no airplanes come in, you send the kids home, you put them in bunkers, and then you go to war. So when Israel said, "We're going to let the kids out of the bunkers, we're reopening school, and Ben-Gurion Airport is resuming normal operations," at that time I said Israel will not be launching an immediate counterattack, and I was correct.

The problem is, as Israel reflects on what Iran has done and what Iran has accomplished, it scares them to death. And they are very afraid of yielding the deterrent supremacy to Iran. And politically, that's very difficult for Netanyahu to do. And so he is under growing pressure from his cabinet, from the military, to...

do something in retaliation, that they can't just absorb this attack. They have to do something in retaliation. And now I'm very worried. Now, at the moment, Ben-Gurion Airport is still open. But I will tell you what, the moment you get a tweet that says Israel's closing airspace, it's all over. The war is going to start. So...

I want to get your reaction to this. Israel journalist Ronan Bergman has a remarkable quote from a source with knowledge of Israeli discussions on Iran. And the quote is this. If the talks were broadcast live on YouTube, you'd have four million people clamoring at Ben Gurion Airport trying to get out of here. What's your response to that?

He's 100% correct. Right now, the Israeli military, they're very capable. From 1994 to 1998, I worked with Israeli intelligence, the Amman, and I worked with their technical directorate. These are the guys who are the missile experts. Their job is to take the debris, to evaluate the photographs, and

sort of reconstruct the capability. I've worked with them on doing that with the Iraqi missile capability. These are the guys that right now are evaluating what Iran just did. And they are briefing their leadership about the Iranian warheads, about the performance of the missiles and how this performance makes it impossible for intercept. There's not an intercept solution. The second people hear that, they realize that Israel is defenseless. And at that point in time, 4 million people

Israelis who have foreign passports, who are dual citizens, will get out of the country because Israel cannot survive. They will recognize that Israel is not the land of milk and honey, that Israel is going to be a smoking ruin if they go to war. And then the other thing that these guys are telling the Israeli leadership is that while Iran may have fired 100 missiles at them, I'm not counting the drones, Iran has

3,000 in reserve, meaning that Iran can do this over and over and over and over again until there's nothing left in Israel. And again, that's what the Israeli leadership is hearing. If they broadcast that on TV, every single one of those dual passport holding Israeli heroes would suddenly realize that they didn't want to be Israeli anymore and they'd be fleeing home to their parent country.

Yeah, sure. Israel first, unless there's actual shit going down. And then I'm getting the hell out of here. Unless you actually have to die for it, yeah. So would it be in everyone's interest to let...

The Israeli people and the press and Benjamin Netanyahu say that the Iron Dome worked and only one or one percent. We've got ninety nine percent of the missiles. And so they could declare victory so they could save face so they wouldn't have to launch a response. Is that possible?

That was the American objective. If you noticed immediately, the United States was saying, we shot down 99% of these things. We blew everything up. There's nothing happening. What got through didn't do any damage. This is the biggest victory in the world. Israel has done the greatest victory in the world. It's wonderful.

Hoorah, we don't even have to worry about those Iranians. They gave us their best shot. We went into the ring. They hit us with everything they have. Their Sunday punch, and it glanced off the chin. Now the Iranians realize they can't do anything. They're hiding in their corner, and they've conceded the ring to us. They didn't answer the bell. That's what they should be saying right now. But the problem is the Israeli leadership knows the truth, and Israel is a democracy still, and the press will find out the truth.

And eventually the leadership will be confronted with the fact that the exact opposite is what happened. And that's what's happening now. Their leadership understands that all of Israel knows that Iran can destroy them and that they if they want to stay in power, they're going to have to demonstrate to the Iranians that the price Iran will pay for attacking Israel is prohibitively high. So this is from 8 a.m.

Yesterday, Sunday, the 14th of April, breaking news, confrontation with Iran is not over yet, says Israeli defense minister. The confrontation between Iran and Israel is not over yet, Israel's defense minister said on Sunday following Tehran's attack on Israel the previous night. Quote, the state of Israel was attacked with hundreds of missiles in Iran.

unmanned aerial vehicles and the Israeli Defense Force thwarted this attack in an impressive manner, Gallant said, urging Israelis to remain alert and attentive to the instructions published by the IDF and Home Front Command. The defense minister stressed that Israel must be prepared for every scenario. Together with the United States and additional partners, we managed to defend the territory of the state of Israel and

Very little damage was caused. This is the result of the IDF's impression. So this is exactly what we were just talking about, right? So this is the story they're giving. The story is that we won this. Iran didn't do anything. It was a glancing blow. And so let me just, here's what David Sachs, he tweeted this out. These are the two possibilities that...

That could happen. Israel strikes back hard. The regional war begins. The U.S. gets dragged in to help Israel, not with boots on the ground, but in every other way. Netanyahu was comfortable with this scenario, or he wouldn't have bombed the Iranian embassy on April 1st. Hawks in Washington, who have sought war with Iran for two decades...

are euphoric. Both Ukraine and Israel get funding, but U.S. stockpiles are already stretched thin, so hard trade-offs must be made. In particular, there just aren't enough air defense missiles to go around. Both wars go from bad to worse, and Biden loses in November. Or...

Biden tells the Israelis not to retaliate using all of his leverage to make them stand down. The choice should be obvious, but Biden may not be capable of executing option two. So war it is. What do you think? Now, Biden has already it's already been public that he said he's not going to go on the offensive against Iran, but he will help Israel defend from incoming. What do you think is going on and what's going to happen with Biden?

Well, the option one that he put up there dealt primarily with American domestic prerogatives, meaning what America will do, etc. They're missing a point in that analysis. Understand that right now Benjamin Netanyahu has lost the confidence of his country, his cabinet, his war cabinet, his ministers. In any normal nation, he would be tossed out on his ear.

But also that if he gets tossed out, he'll be arrested immediately, charged with corruption. He has indictments hanging over his head, put on trial. He'll lose that trial and spend the rest of his life in jail. He's 76 years old and poor health. It's a death sentence to go to jail for him. His only chance to stay in power is to have Israel stay at war. Israel has lost Gaza. Understand that. Everybody needs to understand that they have lost the Gaza conflict. Um,

And if he accepts the ceasefire that he's being pressured to accept, that's an admission of defeat and he will be kicked out of office. His only chance to stay viable is to have a broader conflict, a broader war. The broader war with Iran does a couple of things. One, it keeps him in power as the wartime leader. Two, it

It changes the entire discussion about what's going on in the Middle East right now. For all the people out there in the street demonstrating for Palestine right now, and I applaud them all.

I really do. But what happens when the price of oil, the price of gas at the pump goes from four bucks where it is right now to $12 to $15 to $20? What happens when there's no food? And do you remember the trucker crisis that we had last year? Yes. Where in Long Beach?

And how suddenly shelves were empty and there was no food because the truckers weren't getting it there. What happens when there's no diesel gas? The trucks can't run. Nothing gets delivered. The shelves are empty. What happens when all these Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck suddenly see all the prices go insane? Their paycheck doesn't alter. They miss their mortgage. They suddenly are homeless in the streets. All these people that are demonstrating for Palestine will be worrying about something totally different, which is their individual survival.

And this is what the Iranians fear. This is what the Palestinians fear. Right now, Iran's winning the war.

They've turned the tables on Israel. The Houthis are strangling Israel. The Palestinian cause is being heralded everywhere. Israel has been turned into a pariah nation. But if Israel flips the script now, this becomes a larger battle between Israel and Iran, and there's now an energy crisis, a global energy crisis. That's the problem that needs to be solved, and Palestine could find itself being sacrificed at the negotiating table. And this is what Netanyahu is looking at. He's

trying desperately to find a path to political survival. And a war with Iran is the only available path to him right now. And this is what I said. This narcissist is willing to sacrifice global security for the chance to stay in political power for another six months to a year.

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Max Blumenthal actually tweeted out something that supports what you're saying. He said Israel's 98th division has withdrawn from Qanun as refugees are returning en masse to northern Gaza where bakeries are reopening. Hamas still stands and hostages have not been freed. Haaretz and the Wall Street Journal now assess that Israel has lost control

or is on the brink of total defeat. And here is... So it's just wild that Hamas, which was created by Israel, has defeated Israel. I guess that fits perfectly with their other tactics. So here's one headline he tweeted out saying what can't be said. Israel has been defeated. A total defeat. The war is almost over.

won't be achieved. The hostages won't be returned through military pressure. Security won't be restored and Israel's international ostracism won't end. Here's one more. We've lost. Truth must be told. The inability to admit it encapsulates everything you need to know about Israel's individual and mass psychology.

There's a clear, sharp, predictable reality that we should begin to fathom, to process, to understand, and to draw conclusions from for the future. It's no fun to admit that we've lost, so we lie to ourselves. So, and here's one more. Israel wins battle, but risks war loss. Here's another one. Israel faces potential loss in war. It's quicker than Ukraine. So...

This seems how do we how do we go from a genocide to Israel losing? Well, I mean, Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians, but that I will tell you that in this I get in trouble sometimes saying this, but I'm very cynical. But this was part of the plan of Hamas all along.

Everybody knew what Israel was going to do. Anybody who pretended that Israel wasn't going to come in and slaughter the Palestinian people who haven't been studying what Israel's done in Gaza over the years. Hamas went in, defeated Israel, embarrassed Israel, then lured them into Gaza knowing that Israel would do exactly what they do because they understood that there could never be a Palestinian state unless international public opinion turned on Israel. And the best way to get international public opinion to turn on Israel is to let Israel be Israel.

to let Israel do what it's naturally inclined to do, which is slaughter civilians. So they did that. They committed this horrific genocide. And then Hamas didn't yield. Hamas didn't bend. Hamas will accept no temporary ceasefire. Hamas won't return the hostages. Israel kills more civilians, more civilians, more civilians. Public opinion turns. Hamas still exists. They still fight. They won't surrender. And the end result is that Israel lost. Israel lost.

Wow. That is what they call 4D chess, I guess. Right? I did not... I thought that Israel was going to... I thought they had gotten rid of the Palestinians in northern Gaza, and then they were going to try to find a place to get rid of the rest of them. I thought they were going to take it over and start putting up condos. But that's not... I did. Jared Kushner thought so, too. Yeah, I know. I saw that video. So...

I guess they should just team up with Zelensky and form Israel-Ukraine. And then with the winning streak, they're on go to Reno and play at the tables because this is not...

This is kind of stunning to all of a sudden like that. Iran has got this, what do you call it, this defense supremacy? What is the word you use? Deterrence. Deterrence supremacy. We're afraid to go to war with Iran.

And all of a sudden Hamas won this war because they wanted to win the psychological warfare with the world and it worked. Now everybody looks at, it worked on me because I was not very informed about the Israel-Palestine conflict.

until October 7th, and then after that, I didn't know anything about the Balfour Declaration. I didn't know anything about the Nakba. I didn't know anything about-- - On purpose I didn't know. - I guess I didn't know anything about anything, but now I know all these things. I didn't know what Zionism really was. I didn't know that Zionists were, I didn't know that the most religious Jews are against the state of Israel. I didn't know all of that stuff.

And now I do know all this stuff, and it happened because they started to commit a genocide in Palestine. And so would you consider that? I mean, they had to sacrifice 30,000 to 40,000 of their own people to win this battle, I mean, this war, Hamas. Would you consider that successful or psychopathic, or what would you consider it? Anything?

Well, first of all, when we're talking about war, we're already talking about a dynamic that normalizes the taking of human life. So if that's not psychopathic, there's nothing that is. It's impossible to defend war from a moral premise. I mean, I'm somebody who's not a pacifist, and I've been to war, and I would go to war again. But I'll tell you straight up, war is evil.

And that's why I fight so hard to do everything possible to prevent a war so we don't have to go to war because I know what war does. I know what it's about. But if you're going to go to war, you need to win. If you're going to sacrifice human life, if you're going to do these horrible things, it has to be in a cause worthy of the sacrifice. And from Hamas's perspective, getting a Palestinian state is worthy of that sacrifice. Now you say, you know, is it sick to talk about 30,000 dead or 40,000 dead?

I'll take you back in time, 1944, Charles de Gaulle, the head of the Free French, was approached by Dwight E. Eisenhower and the Allied leadership saying, "We're going in to Normandy. We're beginning the invasion of France. To liberate Normandy, we will probably kill 80,000 to 120,000 French civilians."

They were letting de Gaulle know that. De Gaulle signed off on that operation. It turned out we only killed 60,000 French civilians to liberate Normandy.

Charles de Gaulle never attended a D-Day anniversary celebration because it sickened him because of what the sacrifice that he had to sign off on. He had to authorize the murder of 60,000 French civilians to begin the process of liberating France. But if you believe in freedom, if you believe that France needed to be liberated from the Nazis, then you had to be willing to undertake that sacrifice. From Hamas's standpoint and the standpoint of many Palestinians, the deaths of these civilians are

deaths that have to take place if you're going to have a Palestinian state, because otherwise those people would live as slaves under Israeli occupation. They had a choice to live as slaves or to sacrifice their lives to produce a Palestinian state. And now it looks like they're going to eventually get a Palestinian state. So you think that's happening?

It's because I saw people who were Condoleezza Rice advisors going on MSNBC. Richard Haass, for F's sake, went on MSNBC and said we need to start sanctioning Israel.

I mean, that's, I would never have imagined that in my life. So they did lose the hearts and minds of the world, right? And months ago, there was an Israeli think tank that did a study of all the protests over Israel-Palestine conflict, and they concluded 95% of those protests were pro-Palestine. That was months ago.

So it could only have gotten, well, it got worse. It got to the point where Condoleezza Rice advisors and Richard Haass are going to MSNBC saying we have to sanction Israel. I'm predisposed, or I've always been predisposed, to just believe Israel.

What do you mean? The whole time up until October 7th, if I think about it, it's always like, there's always some kind of reason why it's like, they probably have to do that. I don't want to know too many more details. We had Norman Finkelstein on. That was the first time somebody really explained what Gaza was to me ever. Like, I never understood what it was until he came on. Right. And until this, I didn't understand anything about it either. I didn't.

I understood very little. I had covered it before. I'd covered some of the mowing the lawn, as they call it, and how they targeted... The calorie thing? Yeah, the calorie thing. And so I knew that they were the occupiers, and so they have a greater responsibility, actually, than the people they're occupying. So...

So they lost. So you really think there's going to be a Palestinian state now because of what Benjamin Netanyahu, because of their overreach, because of what they did, you think there's going to be a Palestinian state? I think there's a greater prospect for a Palestinian state today than there was on October 6th.

And that's solely because of Hamas's actions and Israel's overreaction. Let's be honest. If Israel had gone in there and done what any normal military does, they would have probably killed 5,000 Palestinian civilians. And the world would have accepted that.

It's just the way that Israel went about killing. You're familiar with Hind Rajab, the six-year-old girl that was on the phone begging for help? So go ahead and tell. Yes, I am. It's an unbelievably horrific story, especially when people say that the IDF, the Israeli soldiers, are the most moral military in the world. Tell this story, and this will disabuse you of that stupid idea.

On January 29th, the Israelis sent out a message to the Palestinian civilians living in Gaza City in the north that you have to leave.

And so a family, the uncle, an aunt, their three children, and then two cousins, a 15-year-old cousin and six-year-old Hin Rajab, got in their black Kia and started driving south on the route that the Israelis said you need to flee on. They got to a roundabout just south of Gaza City when they were fired on by an Israeli tank, killing the firefighters.

The father, the mother, the three kids, and severely wounding Hind and her 15-year-old cousin. Now, before we get to the next step, I just want you to understand that Israel has a communications intelligence capability. They listen to every phone call made in Gaza. Every single phone call is listened to, not recorded and listened to later, but real-time intelligence. They have people sitting there listening to every phone call.

So now 15-year-old cousin, Leland, gets on the phone and calls her relatives and says, I'm hurt. Ken and I have been wounded. We're wounded bad. We're bleeding. Everybody else is dead. The Israelis are listening to this. They're listening to this phone call as she begs for help. They put her in touch.

with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society, and she tells them where they're at. They're trying to talk, and all of a sudden she says, the tanks are coming, and you hear the machine gun fire rip through the car, rip through her body, and kill her while she's on the phone asking for help. Now the phone line goes dead. They think that's it. Thirty minutes later, a six-year-old girl's voice gets on the phone. Hind Rajab. I'm hurt, she says. Everybody's covered with blood. Please come and get me. Please come save me.

She talks to people. They put her in touch with her mother. Mommy, I'm scared. Mommy, I'm scared. Come and save me, Mommy. Six-year-old girl. The Israelis are listening to this, listening to this as a six-year-old girl prays for help, begs for help. They then get her in touch with the Red Cross. The Red Cross is frantically contacting the Israelis saying a mistake has been made. We want to send in medics to rescue this six-year-old girl who's begging for help.

The Israelis say, okay. They give them a map and show the route they're on. The medics get in there, two very brave men, and drive this route. They're on the phone the whole time, coordinating. Hind is on the phone. They're saying, don't worry, Hind. Help is coming. The guys are on the phone. We're 50 meters away, they say on the phone. 50 meters away, we see the car. We see her.

But the Israelis are there. Green lights are dancing on our bodies. Those are the dots from the sites, laser sites, as the Israelis open fire and kill the two medics. They lured the medics in using a six-year-old girl as bait, and then they killed the six-year-old girl. The most moral army in the world? No. These are pathetic, sad,

psychopathic murderers. They did it because they treat all Palestinians as human animals. That's the language that their prime minister uses, their minister of defense uses, their military uses. They slaughtered this innocent six-year-old girl. They used her as bait to lure her in to heroic medics, and they killed them too. And this happens every single day in Gaza.

This is not an army worthy of the American people's support. These are the worst people in the world. The worst people in the world, and we fund them. We sit there, the hypocrisy of America, to drop 35,000 rations from an airplane using pallets that plummet to the ground and kill Palestinians on the ground.

while at the same time we provide, the same day, we provide the Israelis with thousands of 2,000-pound bombs that they then turn around and blow up the civilians in Gaza. The Israelis lure the Palestinians in with food shipments. The hundreds of Palestinians come in, and then they drop a bomb on the food shipment to kill the Palestinians. It's genocide. It's criminal. It's happening. These are not good people.

This is not the most moral army in the world. That Amalek thing, when they started calling him Amalek, you know, the Bible story of the Amalekites, King Saul was commanded to kill, he was commanded to genocide them, even their animals, the men, women, children, the animals. And he got in trouble because he saved some of the women and animals for himself. That's why they're calling them that, so they can do stuff like that. That's why you can justify that. These are the Amalekites. That's how you justify it.

Oh, so they're using the Bible? That's how they use it? Those are the worst people. Those are people so bad, that's like worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Really? On par, I guess. I think her name means like the blood lickers or something. But King Saul got in trouble for not killing all their livestock even and keeping some of it. Really? Yeah. God said you have to kill everything they just touched. You have to wipe everything out. He didn't. It's before King David comes in. But there's another corollary to that.

Because even though King Agag, who was the king of the Amalekites, was saved by Saul, he took him to Samuel and Samuel hacked him to death. But some of Agag's sons left. The seed of Amalek survived.

Decades later, when the Israelis, the Israeli nation now are prisoners of Babylon, Esther, a Jewish princess. Oh, right. And Esther, one of the descendants of King Agog, the seed of Amalek, is now an advisor to the Babylonian king. And he's plotting to have all the Israelis who were in captivity killed.

And instead, Esther turns the tables, gets the king drunk, gives her authority to kill all of this advisor. And has meant 75,000 people were killed by the Jews. And they celebrate this every year in the celebration of Purim.

Purim is a celebration of the completion of the genocide of the Amalekites. The seed of Amalek was slaughtered in Babylon, finishing the job. And this is why when Netanyahu says, remember Amalek, and the soldiers of Israel say, we will kill the seed of Amalek, they're celebrating the completion of the genocide of the Palestinian people. This is a sickness that goes beyond belief. Wow. Wow.

Yeah. That's a little, that's heavy. Those Bibles, those are my book of Bible stories when I was a kid. It wasn't, it wasn't really framed that way. In my childhood Bible tapes, I read to go to sleep at night. So, you know, I was just in Berlin and, um, talk about what a guilty conscience will do to a people. Uh,

They couldn't support Israel's genocide. It's so funny. Whenever there's a genocide, they're on the wrong side of it, right? So they were for genociding the Jews at first, and so now because of that guilty conscience...

there for genociding the palestinians that's just it's just i mean we that's how we everybody the bible is actually a popular book for a reason because there's some great stuff in there justify whatever the hell you whatever you want that's how we got our great nation and like all these wacky theories of what tribe of what the natives here came from that all that bullshit's the same everybody uses as it's like war propaganda it's been recycled over and over again

So, just, this is, is this your sub stack? Is that where this is? Yes, that's my sub stack. So, this is your sub stack. If, I mean, we've explained it pretty good. You should check, everybody should check this out. So, you say this is going to go down in history as one of the greatest victories of this century. It's a pretty young, so...

The reversal of deterrence supremacy. Understanding that Israel's entire...

posture vis-a-vis the world is based upon Israeli deterrent supremacy. And Israel's been living this for some time. People were afraid to attack Israel because of the consequences that would accrue. Iran, in this attack, without killing any civilians, without doing horrific damage, without exposing itself to follow-on actions, reversed that. And Iran emerged from this with

deterrent supremacy of their own. This is one of the greatest, if this was a wrestling match, this would be one of the most awesome reversals that ever occurred in wrestling history. This is from Twitter. They have a little news thing from Twitter. It says, Trump's unexpected VP offer to RFK Jr. was declined.

Wow. So this is from the, in a surprising turn of events, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. revealed that he was approached by Donald Trump's representatives to be considered as a vice presidential candidate for the upcoming elections. However, RFK Jr. respectfully declined the offer. Wow. So that makes sense for Trump to do that because I bet he thinks that RFK is going to take votes away from him. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah.

They know it'll take some from Biden because some people think for whatever reason that Trump was somehow against the lockdowns and against the vaccine and stuff like that. Trump still wants credit for the vaccine. And he instituted he was the first one to institute, although he did want to end them because of the economy, which is the right move. Not encouraging for a former relationship, but yeah, he would have ended it sooner. Certainly. Yes, I think he would have ended it sooner.

And he wouldn't wear masks, so people like that. Yeah, right. This revelation has sparked a flurry of discussions and speculations among the public and political commentators, with some questioning the authenticity of the claim and others expressing surprise at the potential. I don't question the—I think it happened. And especially if RFK says it happened, I think it happened. The identity of the Trump emissaries who approached RFK Jr. remains undisclosed, leaving for further speculation. Wow.

That'd be stupid for if Trump was like, no, we didn't ask him. That'd be a stupid thing for him to say. Boy, I really care who were the emissaries. I'm going to look into that if I could tear myself away from Rachel Maddow's show. Who were these emissaries? So here RFK says President Trump calls me an ultra left radical. I'm so liberal that his emissaries asked me to be his VP.

i respectfully decline the offer now here's a weird why does he say it like this he goes i'm against president trump and president biden can't win what do you mean you're not against him what what the fuck judging by his new website it looks like president trump knows who's actually can beat him what well i don't understand that i i'm against trump but i and biden can't win why wouldn't you just say i'm against biden and trump what what is that what do you make of that trying to get democrats

Is that it? Yeah. I was never not a Democrat. Why wouldn't he try to get Trump voters? Obviously, he's going to pull Trump voters. Anyway, so he said, well, his website. I went to Trump's website. This is Trump's website. Got him looking like a badass in front of a Marine in front of a big helicopter. But I couldn't find what RFK meant by that. But here, he says, I will never stop fighting for you. Isn't that nice?

Yeah, well, it's a better slogan than most of the slogans. He's always good at the slogan part. He's like, I'm never going to stop fighting for you. But I'm not going to do this shit for free. Here's where you can give me some money. I mean, the guy's worth a couple of billion dollars, at least, Donald Trump. It only takes a couple of billion dollars to run for president. So spend your money.

Does he, is he tied up with all that? I know he can't take that money from his truth. Yeah. Social dot money. Why can't he can't take that money? No, there's, I mean. So they, they, they, his truth social went on the market or whatever. They did the additional public offering, I guess is what they call it. And he, I heard Trump made $4 billion off it, but then I heard the stock tanked immediately afterwards.

Well, here's what Trump has to say about RFK. K Jr. is, as you know, the most radical left candidate in the race. He's more so than the Green Party. He's more so than even crooked Joe Biden.

But he's got some nice things about him. I happen to like him. Unfortunately, he is about the Green News scam because he believes in that. And a lot of people don't. They want to see our country become rich and wealthy and strong and powerful and lots of other things and not waste money doing something that nobody wants and everybody knows doesn't work.

I guess that would mean that RFK Jr. is going to be taking away votes from Crooked Joe Biden, and he should because he's actually better than Biden. He's much better than Biden. If I were a Democrat, I'd vote for RFK Jr. every single time over Biden because he's frankly more in line with Democrats. RFK Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, is also a very liberal person. But

But that's okay. She's got plenty of money from her ex-husband. Kennedy is a radical left Democrat and always will be. But he's a better man than Joe Biden, that I can tell you. It's great for MAGA. I hope he continues to run. But the communists will make it very hard on him.

to get on the ballot as they did for him as a Democrat. That's true. He wanted to get on the ballot. They made it very, very difficult for him. They really went after him viciously, just like they go after me. That's true. Welcome to the crowd, RFK Jr. But the fact is that the Democrats are vicious, communist, fascists. They're horrible people. They really hurt him badly, what they did to him as a Democrat. That's why he's running as an independent.

But expect him to be indicted any day now, probably for environmental fraud. He is Crooked Joe Biden's political opponent, not mine. Biden can't speak. Biden can't debate. Biden can't put two sentences together. So I guess he's probably going to indict RFK Jr. But I'm glad that he's running. They will fight it out together.

We have the right and we have the center and we have even center a little bit left, if you can believe it or not, because that group is radical left. They want windmills. They want all sorts of things that are going to destroy our country. And we're not going to allow it. If you want to drive an all electric car for a half an hour before you have to go home and get it charged.

then you should vote for Joe Biden. But it's going to be interesting to watch the two of them fight it out. I do believe that RFK Jr. will do very well. And I do believe he's going to take a lot of votes away from crooked Joe Biden. Thank you very much. That sounds like wishful thinking. I mean, I do think that he did invite him to be his vice president. He did it through a channel that he could deny that he did. Yeah.

I can't believe Trump is afraid that he's not going to beat Joe Biden. Maybe he thinks the only thing that can hurt him is Bobby Kennedy. Because that's what that tells me. He thinks I'll protest too much. Well, he said he likes him. It's very different than how you talk about a bunch of these people. Yes. It really is. Yeah.

Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. I freak out.

Do not freak out.