cover of episode The Intercept RIPS OFF The Grayzone’s Reporting On NYT Hamas Rąpe Hoax Story

The Intercept RIPS OFF The Grayzone’s Reporting On NYT Hamas Rąpe Hoax Story

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The Jimmy Dore Show

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Aaron Maté
Jimmy Dore
Max Blumenthal
Jimmy Dore 指控 Intercept 和 Democracy Now! 剽窃了 Grayzone 等媒体关于纽约时报哈马斯强奸报道的调查结果,并冒充自己独家报道。他认为 Intercept 和 Democracy Now! 的行为是不道德的,因为他们没有正确引用 Grayzone 的报道,并且在事实被证实后才报道,并抢占功劳。他还批评了 Ryan Grim 的缺乏诚信和道德,以及他操纵视频来抹黑 Jimmy Dore 的行为。 Max Blumenthal 详细阐述了 Intercept 和 Democracy Now! 如何剽窃 Grayzone 等媒体的调查结果,以及他们如何淡化事件的严重性以迎合主流媒体的观点。他指出,Intercept 和 Democracy Now! 的角色是充当真正独立媒体和传统媒体之间的中间人,在事实被证实后才报道,并抢占功劳。他还批评了这些媒体对以色列的宣传的重复和支持。 Aaron Maté 指出 Intercept 和 Democracy Now! 没有提及 Grayzone 等媒体之前已经揭露了纽约时报报道的错误,并强调了这些媒体为了维护与当权者的关系而掩盖事实。 其他参与者也表达了对 Intercept、Democracy Now! 和纽约时报的批评,并讨论了主流另类媒体的虚假性和缺乏独立性。

Deep Dive

Max Blumenthal discusses how The Intercept and Democracy Now! failed to credit The Grayzone for debunking the New York Times' false story about Hamas committing sexual violence.

Shownotes Transcript

As the New York Times “reporting” on allegations of widespread sexual violence during Hamas’ October 7th attacks falls apart, The Intercept is taking credit for exposing The Times. One problem? As The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal explains, The Intercept repeated the same allegations, and then later ripped off reporting exposing the Times from The Grayzone and other outlets. Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Blumenthal about how The Intercept — and Democracy Now — operate as intermediaries between truly independent media and traditional corporate media. Also featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae. And phone calls from Joe Biden and Hillary Supporter!