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Hey, come see us do a live stand-up show. We're going to be in Omaha, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Lansing, Michigan, Bend, Oregon, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Philadelphia, Avondale, New Jersey, Boston, Palm Springs, and more. Go to JimmyDore.com for a link for all those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Guess who, Jimmy? Oh, it's President Joe Biden. Okay.
Damn, you're good. Yeah, thanks. How's things going? Jamie, things are going great. It's a bright, bright, sunshiny day. It's going to get even brighter. Is that so? You know, it's strange considering how your current approval rating is especially among young people. It's 27%. That's 27%, Mr. President. I know. Isn't that great? Things are going according to plan. According to plan? Are you trying to lose in 2024? Yeah.
No, we're going to win and win big, Jimmy. And here's how we're going to do it. By shrinking our base. That makes literally no sense at all. Yeah, to you maybe. I'm playing 3D chess over here. We're losing suburban moms over cultural issues. Young people over the ethnic cleansing in Gaza. And my team is working tirelessly to figure out how to best alienate other groups.
This is your strategy? Shouldn't you at least be trying to appeal to some particular voting bloc? No. Jimmy, at this point, we're focusing on appealing to individual people. That's how surgical our campaign has become. Rob Reiner. Jeff Diedrich from Twitter. Rachel Maddow. Andy Richter. Steve Miller. Of the Steve Miller Band? No.
No, Steve Miller is a high school English teacher in Dayton, Ohio. And then about 18 other people. The Democratic base is now literally just 20 or so individuals? That's absolutely right. It's an amazing accomplishment. I'm so proud of my team. How is this an accomplishment?
Well, I'll tell you, brain genius. I'll tell you how. Our long-term goal is to try and make the Biden campaign such a niche thing, such an obscure interest, that it once again begins to appeal to young people. I'm not sure. Like a hipster thing? I don't understand.
Okay, put it this way. Remember when you were young? Yeah. And you wanted to be into cool stuff. Yeah. But you knew the really cool stuff wasn't the stuff that most people were into. Right. So you're like, okay, what's the obscure shit? Give me the deep cuts. Well, we're going to do the politics version of that. Okay. So young people will wonder who they want to vote for this November. And they'll say, I don't want to vote for Trump. Everybody's voting for Trump.
I want to vote for somebody obscure. And then one of their hip friends will say, hey, man, have you ever gotten into biting?
Have you ever checked out any of his shit? And they'll say, oh, yeah, isn't he the old guy that used to be president? Oh, actually, he's still the president. Oh, far out, man. Maybe I'll check this stuff out. The kids say far out.
So I'll be like Frank Zappa. All the cool kids will be really into me, but secretly not really knowing why, because the music is terrible. I see.
Or, you know, here's even a better example. Remember like 15 years ago when teenagers were all wearing Phil Collins shirts, ironically, because he's lame. Or at least that's what the understanding about Phil Collins was that had been handed down from Gen X. But then something amazing happened. These same kids actually listened to Phil and realized he made amazing music. Solo and with Genesis. Right.
And then the more adventurous kids listen to old Genesis when it was more prog art rock with Peter Gabriel vocals and Phil on drums. And he's a fucking amazing drummer. So then you had 15 year olds listening to the Lamb Lies Down on Broadway because of a joke shirt they got at the mall. Okay.
So that's what we need to happen. Voting for Joe Biden will be like searching record stores for an original vinyl copy of Selling England by the Pound. I don't really think... Yeah, I'm sorry. This phone call got really weird. Is this really your strategy?
I agree. I agree.
Yeah, man, plain as day. Anyway, so we have to make all these T-shirts and market them to head shops around the country. You know, dispensaries, places like that. Then faded young people will say, ha ha, I remember that dude. Actually, how sick would it be if I bought that shirt? That's how we get them, man. You mark my words. I might actually buy one if I see it. Really? No way.
Oh, fuck you, man. You know what? I don't even care. What are you, 50? You're too old to get it anyway. Young people are going to eat it up. You're too square for this scene, Gene. Also, if you want, I could just mail you a free one. Please don't. Thanks, Mr. President. We got to go.
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Very excited for our next guest. Very excited. Edward Dowd is a founding partner with the global macro alternative investment firm Finance Technologies. In his Wall Street career, he's worked in both credit markets and equity markets for firms including HSBC, Donaldson, Lufkin, and Genret, Independence Investments, and most notably,
at BlackRock as a portfolio manager, where he spent 10 years managing a $14 billion growth equity portfolio. 2022 saw the release of his book, Cause Unknown, the epidemic, here it is right here, the epidemic of sudden deaths in 2021 and 2022. Please welcome to the show, Ed Dowd.
Thanks, Jimmy. Great to be here. So to tell people, can you just tell people what your background is, right? Because you're a numbers guy, you're a finance guy, and somehow you stumbled onto this idea that excess deaths were happening, and they were happening coincidentally right after the rollout of the vaccine. So tell me how you got started in finance and some of the...
When we talked, you talked about how you recognize scams or something like that and the dot-com bubble, stuff like that. Go ahead and take it away wherever you want. Yeah, sure. I started my career after college at Notre Dame at HSBC in Chicago. I was a fixed income salesperson and I was introduced to credit markets, currency markets,
you know the federal reserve uh treasury issuance all sorts of debt trading and i happen to be there from 1990 to 95 and i saw a bunch of scandals unfold in my early career there was the orange county crisis which
If you lived in California, that guy was fooled by a lot of Wall Street people and bought a bunch of bonds that went south on him and they had a big bankruptcy problem. Do you remember the Orange County Pension Fund in the 90s? I vaguely remember something like about that. That was before I got into anything. But yes, I vaguely remember that. Go ahead. Okay.
And there was a firm Kidder Peabody and there was a trader. This is before computers were really interlinked in the trading system. He wrote a trade and hid the trades in his drawer and caused Kidder Peabody to go bankrupt. And so I saw Tom Foolery at a very early age. Then I went back to business school and went to Wall Street after business school in 1997 at Donaldson, Lufkin, Genred. And I was an electric utility analyst.
and there i was in equity research and right down the hall for me were the internet guys
And I was in electric utilities, which is sleepy and boring, not a lot going on, widows and orphans. But down the hall, people do it. I was a junior analyst, not making a lot of money, working long hours right out of business school. The kids down the hall were making a million dollars a year, and their senior analyst was making $20 million a year because there was the dot-com frenzy. And what they were doing was issuing...
IPOs, initial public offerings that were based on eyeballs. And the scam there was due diligence was something investment banks were supposed to do, which was figure out if a company had simple things like revenues and cash flow. That didn't occur. And then we saw the aftermath of the dot-com bubble. And I went on from there to become a technology analyst and watched with much awe
People telling me, "Ed, it's a new paradigm. You don't understand." I just happen to be a guy that looks at history, notice that bubbles have kind of a psychological event to it. So there was this mass psychosis in the investment world where people believed it was a new thing. The Federal Reserve raised interest rates and a bunch of fraud was exposed, corporate fraud, Enron, WorldCom, Lucent Technologies, they all fell apart. They're all playing games.
I went on to BlackRock, became a young portfolio manager in 2002 and watched with awe again as we saw the housing nonsense and that fraud unfold. And, you know, again... What was the phrase they used then? So back then it was, it's a new paradigm. What did they say for the housing? What was the saying? That was, home prices never go down. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
Now, all you had to do was Google, and you could see that home prices had gone down 50 years prior, but they said they'd never go down. So that was the paradigm then. And the catchphrase we're in now for this, I call this the biggest fraud of our lifetimes, safe and effective.
That's the new catch word, safe and effective. That was the mantra of this cycle. And it's unwinding. All you have to do is look at the Pfizer stock price, look at the Moderna stock price, and they're hitting new lows every day. And there's a reason why. Thankfully, even though the mainstream media and our medical institutions won't admit what's going on,
The word's gotten out, and uptake of the magic juice inoculations is about 6% now. So that's good. That's good news. So...
So let me just say that the CDC and the FDA and the WHO, who I have to follow at YouTube, say that the vaccine, the COVID-19 vaccine is super safe and effective. And that although it doesn't stop transmission and contraction, like we were told on MSNBC, CNN, New York Times, even though it doesn't do that.
And that's what we were used to. The speed of science, Jimmy. The speed of science. They had to operate at the speed of science. And so they didn't test it to see if it stopped transmission and contraction. And even though it doesn't, it certainly slows it. And it'll keep you from getting seriously hospitalized, ill, or dead. So I can't go against what the CDC, the FDA, the WHO says. But Ed can. Ed is here to give. He has this crazy other narrative that he discovered. And so he's going to share it with us.
And just get just getting to the money part. This this is the part that really blows me away. How long? So even though Moderna and Pfizer stock are you saying are crashing, the money they made during covid was it didn't take them like 40 years to tell me how much money that they made.
Let's focus on Pfizer. I was on another podcast where I was fact-checked and I ended up being wrong. I thought Pfizer had been around for 50 years. It had been around in other forms for 100 years. So it took 100 years for them to get to $40 billion in revenues in 2019. 100 years. And then...
Within a year of COVID, their revenue went to $90 billion. So it took $100 to get to $40, then $90 billion during 2021.
So even though their stock is crashing now, I'm sure the way they look at it at Pfizer, like, yeah, we made all our money. So what? Right. Just like when they gave us Celebrex and they knew it was going to kill people, they knew that the fine they would pay was going to be less than the profits they made. So they know they've made these profits. So $90 billion in one year where it took them 100 years to get to 40. Don't you think they're happy with how it worked out?
You know, I can't get inside their head. But what I do know is the CEO and the CFO and a lot of the C-suite sold a lot of stock and made a lot of money. That I do know. And the Moderna CEO seemed to time his stock sales quite well.
So did Bill Gates. Bill Gates really knew when to buy and when to sell Pfizer BioNTech. He put $55 million into it, and then it ran up to $550 million. Then he sold, and then he immediately started saying bad things about the vaccine. He started saying that it's not infection blocking. It's got a lot of problems. It...
It's not long-lasting. He's making a new, better one. And then he said, what we need is this new nasal inhaler thing. And this is actually the... It's going to be infection-blocking. It's long-lasting. And then you find out that Bill Gates has invested into that new thing after he cast out his stock. And these are the people who we have to abide by at YouTube because the WHO...
they already admitted, the former head of the WHO admitted, that they have to go around the world with their hat out asking for donations to run it, right? And then after they get the donations, they have to do the bidding of the people who gave them that money. That's not me saying that. That's the former head of the WHO. And then I find out the number one donator to the WHO is Bill Gates. And how does he do it? Not through his own person. He does it through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He does it through Gavi,
which is another pro-vaccine organization he invented. And so they give as much money, if not more, than China does. So those are your two big people who are funding the WHO, China and Bill Gates. And I'm not allowed to contradict them on YouTube, and certainly I don't. That thing's falling apart, though, that override your national sovereignty contract that we were in. Remember we did a story? Yeah, people in the back and out of the right and left that...
Dr. Tedros. He's not even a doctor. He's a veterinarian. And by the way, he's in bed with the terrorists in Ethiopia, which we covered. Dr. Tedros, right? He's on the wrong side of that. So go back. Tell me how you caught on to this. Yeah.
Yeah, so on Wall Street, my job was to make money for my clients. And so on Wall Street, you try to get ahead of the crowd. You want to be first to an idea. And generally speaking, all of the news flow isn't known to you because by the time it ends up in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, you've missed your opportunity. So you have to come up with what's called an analyst mosaic or a thesis, identify a new trend or set of trends that lead you to know that something is changing within the company's fundamentals.
So that's what I did. I, you know, I tried to get ahead of the crowd and, you know, early on in 2021, all I was doing was listening to anecdotal stories from my friend group, which there were none in 2020. I didn't know anybody who died of COVID in 2020. Really. I was, I live on Maui. Didn't know anybody who actually got COVID. I have a thesis as to why that was the case, but I think COVID was here in the fall of 2019. Anyway, we all, everybody got COVID then, but, uh,
I started to just say to myself, well, I know a couple of things about normal vaccines that
If they're safe and effective, and when I mean safe, you shouldn't be hearing anecdotal stories. Statistically, it's very improbable if it's a truly safe vaccine. You shouldn't hear these things. And I was hearing multiple anecdotes. So that raised my interest. Then when they mandated this thing, that's when I got into action and started to go to protests here on Maui. Met Dr. Malone, and I told him, you know, look, I have a theory, I have a thesis,
And if I'm right, it will show up in the financial results of insurance companies and funeral homes. And sure enough, it showed up as losses in group life policies in 21 and 22 in insurance companies. And funeral home results went off the charts in 21 and 22. So how big? So that's what I always would think like, well, if this is happening, wouldn't insurance companies be screaming bloody murder or be screaming that they're losing their ass and
because there's way more debt. Not only so when old people die, that's not a big deal because they've already paid into their policies. But when young people die and then the insurance company has to pay out, that really costs them. So how can you do know the numbers, like how how big of a loss that or how big of an impact this had on insurance companies? And why didn't they scream more? Well,
The reason they didn't scream more is because it's called group life insurance. And group life is a benefit you get when you sign on to a Fortune 500 or a midsize company. I've done it. We've all many people in your audience sign these. You know, you get in day one, you pick your health care program and then you sign your death benefit. And usually it's one or two times your base salary. So it's a small amount, especially if you're young because you're not earning big bucks yet.
And so they lost money and it was noticeable, but they're very multi-lined businesses. They have whole life, they have annuities, they have property and casualty. So they have different lines. So the losses, while big, were annoying to them, what they did is they just priced up all those policies. So the corporations are paying more for group life policies. So they price through that. That's why they're not seeing losses show up anymore. They just raise prices.
What's going to hurt insurance companies eventually is if these excess deaths that we're seeing remain persistently high and they have to change their long-term death assumptions. If they do that, there's all these outstanding whole life policies they sold prior to 2019. And these are the big ticket price policies, $5 million, $10 million, $2 million, $1 million.
they will then take losses on that once they change their assumptions. And one of my insurance insiders thinks that may start to happen in 24, maybe 25, if mortality stays where it is. And
And so tell me again, how did you catch on to this? Yeah, I just, I just, knowing statistical statistics and knowing that vaccines that are safe, I shouldn't be hearing about, you know, in my friend group, all these side effects and then, and so-and-so's uncle dying on the mainland mysteriously out of nowhere. And then of course we saw the sudden athletic deaths all over the place, which were, you know, Jimmy, you and I are roughly the same age. And basically I don't remember this going on when I was a kid. Uh,
you know, all the time. So that just piqued my interest. And then sure enough, it's showing up in all sorts of government databases. We got disabilities up huge. We got absence rates up huge. And then we did an analysis of excess mortality in Europe.
UK, Ireland, Australia, and the US. And the good news is excess mortality seems to be coming down. The problem is the young folks are persistently dying at higher rates. Well, that's the thing about this book, right? So your book, the first 48, six pages is just filled with headlines that
If you read this book, it's just filled with headlines of athletes after athlete after athlete after young, healthy person after young, healthy person dying suddenly. Right. And they've actually came up with this.
They've come up with a new thing called sudden adult death syndrome, which when I was a kid, they came up with SIDS, which was sudden infant death syndrome, which nobody had ever heard before. And then as soon as the companies, the pharma got the immunity from prosecution, they
or lawsuits over their vaccines and the vaccine schedule took off, we started hearing about SIDS. I'm not saying those are connected. I'm just saying all of a sudden they invented this term called sudden infant death syndrome. And now after this rollout of the magic juice, we're hearing a sudden adult death syndrome, right? Is that's what's happening?
Yeah, correct. It's a new term. It came out of nowhere. And I've talked to people that are medical professionals and to describe a syndrome
and kind of, you know, make people focus on the syndrome rather than the underlying causes. They give it a name. So SIDS was cleverly made up. It's a new thing that didn't really occur. It wasn't an issue. And then magically it was. And now we have a magic new issue, sudden adult death syndrome, which, you know, again, I'm 56. This wasn't a thing when I was growing up. Just wasn't a thing.
So tell me about the... Did you get a lot of censorship when you... So when you...
When you kind of caught on to this, that there was this excess death, which we've covered at this show. We're one of the few shows that covers excess death. Dr. John Campbell covers it. And I think maybe Russell Brand has covered it also. And this show, I haven't seen any other shows cover excess death, although they did. I did see finally on Fox News a couple of weeks ago. They had a doctor on and they asked him, what's with the excess deaths?
And he said, well, it's probably because people didn't get their cancer screenings during this. It's probably because obesity is finally catching up with us. It's probably because of this, this and that. And then at the end, he said, and we probably have to look at vaccines, too.
And I was like, on Fox News, they said that? Oh, my God. They fired Tucker for being an RFK Jr. in Tennessee and stuff like that. So, I mean, that was certainly one of the big reasons. So did you encounter a lot of when you started to talk about excess theft, the people think you were crazy?
You know, initially, yes, a lot of my friends thought I was insane and I lost a lot of friends. They stopped talking to me. And but I also had a lot of people from the industry whistleblowers reach out to me. There's that are still behind the scenes saying I might be on to something. They started feeding me information. And then I met other professionals and hooked up with two Ph.D. physicists in Portugal. That's why we started our firm.
And we've got a team of about five. The data that we're looking at, it's not just ed data, it's some spreadsheets. There's a PhD physicist, molecular biologist, an actuary from the insurance industry. We have two editors. We have a marketing professional. So we have a team. This has become a big project of ours. What we've done pro bono, we're a pre-revenue company. We've not collected a dime for this project.
We're all doing this because it's important, because it seems to me that the healthcare institutions have all rolled over and are hiding this. Now, let's say I'm wrong about my magic juice thesis. The one thing that's undeniable is
is that the pandemic is over, but we still have excess deaths amongst young, disabilities are skyrocketing, and we have absence rates and work time lost going up across the globe. But there's crickets on that. So let's assume I'm wrong. Why aren't we talking about this? This is a national security concern.
That's a great point. So you can't deny that it's happening, but people can deny the causation, right? Sure. But so, okay, let's say it's not that cause. It's not the magic juice.
What what is it? And and and the thing that suspect, as you just pointed out, is that people aren't talking about what the actual cause is. Why isn't there a big push? Why isn't it the front page story, the headline on The New York Times, excess death? I mean, there's eight percent excess death in children.
Children, you think that would get people upset that their children are dying? 8% more. By the way, children were never at risk from COVID. We showed you that even it was printed even in the New York Times that children were always at a lesser threat from COVID than they were from the flu. And when people go on Bill Maher and they quote bogus statistics that say that children are dying,
You know, that 1,500 children died from COVID. Those are children that had cancer already. And those are children that had unbelievable comorbidities. Those are not healthy children that got COVID and died. Those are children that were vulnerable to any virus at any time.
And that's also not explained. So they give you half a truth, just like when they said ivermectin is horse paste. Well, that's half a truth. It is used on horses, but it's also a human medicine that was on the WHO list of essential medicines.
won the Nobel Prize for Human Medicine. So if you only tell half the truth, it turns out that's a whole lie. And that's the way they want it, right? And so they'll tell you, oh, 1,500 children or infants died from COVID. They don't tell you the rest of the story, that they had unbelievable comorbidities and that actually that children are less susceptible from serious illness from COVID than they were from the flu, correct? Yeah.
Correct. And let me illustrate something that's on our website at Finance Technologies with spelled with a PH dot com. In the UK, I'm looking at this. I have this pulled up because I thought you might ask this question. This is ages one through 14. In 2020, their excess deaths was minus 9 percent.
In 2021, it was minus 7%. In 22, it went up to 16%. And in 2023, it's 22%. So it's 22% above baseline. Above baseline. And what's interesting about this is the excess deaths of the UK children actually went down during 2020 and started to rise again in 2021. It's in my book. We show the rise started when the magic juice started to be issued to children later in 21. What's
What's interesting is you have to ask yourself, why did it go down in 2020? What's the biggest cause of accidental death for children? It's accidental. It's accidental. It's usually movement activities, falling into a pool, drowning. Well, there were lockdowns. So excess deaths went down during lockdown for children because of less activity.
But sure enough, we've reopened. There's no pandemic. But now in 2023, UK children 1 through 14 appear to be mysteriously dying at an excess death rate of 22%. That's even higher than I thought. I don't know where... That's the UK. It's different in different countries. The UK has a problem. And so, and when I see them try, whenever I see a member of parliament in the UK try to bring this up,
The rest of the members of parliament get up and walk out. So is that is that does that tell you that the I didn't know that the places like the UK that their government was just as bought by big pharma as our government is, too. That's what that tells you, right?
Absolutely. There's a lobbying problem. There's a host of problems, and that's why I call this a meta-frag. We had government politicians captured by lobbying dollars. We had our mainstream media captured by pharmaceutical advertising dollars. Plus, in addition to that, they received funds from the Biden administration to push the magic juice. There was a billion dollars that went to media companies to push it.
Then there's the third sector, the tech sector that was licking their chops for new surveillance technologies because you got to go back to 2021, 22, we're supposed to have vaccine passports and we're going to get quarterly boosters ad nauseum. So they also get advertising dollars from the pharmaceutical industry as well. So it wasn't like there was a bunch of dudes sitting in a room smoking cigars, laughing maniacally. You can see the monetary incentives
That's why everybody got on board. They saw dollar signs. Everybody. Yeah, I remember when they were... Didn't James Carville coin the frame during the impeachment of Bill Clinton, filed the money?
Follow the money. And so if you follow the money with the pushing of these vaccines, it's exactly what you think where it's going to lead, right? I like the synergy, the corporate synergy of the surveillance with it. That's what really excites me is that a lot of businesses can get in on this. Yes, the synergy. That's what, yeah.
That's a nice term. And so what do you think is the worst thing that besides the excess deaths, obviously, so you think this is going to keep going, that excess deaths are going to keep going? Well, the good news is they've kind of come down. There is a pull forward effect.
from, you know, when you when you kill large amounts of old people, the numbers will look low for a little bit. But that's why we focus on the young, because the numbers are a lot lower there because less young people aren't supposed to die. So there's persistently high excess mortality in the younger folks, the millennials, which is kind of a canary in the coal mine. The good news is come down. The bad news is, is that disabilities shot up
And disabilities, our analysis has shown that disabilities are five excess deaths. For every one dead person, there's five people disabled. And then we also did some research. There's a bunch more people that are injured, meaning they're chronically ill. So there's three buckets, injured, disabled, dead, and you can go from one bucket to the next. So unfortunately, and I hope I'm wrong, disabilities...
went up shockingly from February of 21 to a high of 33.2 million from 30 million in September of 22. So we went up 3 million
and change in newly disabled Americans very quickly. Half of them employed, interestingly. Then we went sideways for a while into June of '23. Then we shot up another million. So unfortunately, morbidity leads mortality. So that means the disabilities spiking in June portends potentially future excess deaths spiking up again. I want to be wrong. Don't want to be right. But the problem we're seeing is there may be medium-term effects.
How do we know that these effects are not from people having caught COVID? How do we know that it's the magic juice rather than long-term effects of people having had COVID, many of whom will not know if they had COVID or not?
Yeah. So what we need to do to put this all to rest is we need to do a study in the U.S. or any country with unvaccinated individuals versus vaccinated and get to the bottom of it. The problem is they don't want to do that. That's that would definitively get to the answer.
Long COVID is a thing, but a lot of the doctors, the frontline doctors think that's maybe explainable for a small portion of the excess deaths, but the majority of them, they think is the magic juice. Again, let's say I'm wrong.
I'm wrong about the cause. It just is. So we have a national health care crisis right now in the globe. It's in the UK. It's in the US. It's in a lot of the Western world. I'm going before Senator Ron Johnson in about three weeks to talk about policy implications from these health care costs that are going to explode. So let's forget about me being with my thesis today.
The actual thing that I can say with certainty is that health care costs are going to explode. That's what we're seeing. So if you think your health care insurance is expensive now, you know, strap one on because it's coming. And so this excess death seems to only be happening coincidentally in countries that have the biggest uptake of the vaccines. Right. So there aren't excess deaths happening in, say, Africa. Correct.
We want to do a study on that. The problem is that third world countries, their records aren't that great. So we want to start looking at other countries to get an indication of that. We just haven't done that yet. But look, the bottom line is this.
Excess deaths and disabilities should be going back towards trend line, given the fact that we had a lockdown. If you listen to the establishment, lockdowns worked, the magic juice worked. Why aren't these trends normalizing? That would be victory, but they don't want to talk about that. These trends are just absolutely atrocious. And again, just to dovetail onto Russ's question is, so if...
If this could be attributed to some kind of COVID-related thing, why aren't people talking about it? And why isn't there a push globally by the medical establishment
to try to address it. There isn't. And we now know that, of course, that they made people think that their early treatments didn't exist, even though monoclonals, they would admit that that monoclonals worked. So even in like the fall of 2021, like when Chris Christie and Trump, they got it. That must have been 2020, right?
When they got it, they got monoclonals because they didn't get really sick and they were better right away. And I'm like, well, those guys are obese. They're supposed to be the biggest vulnerable. Chris Christie's a walking comorbidity. Yeah, but then you find out that they got this treatment called monoclonals, which they didn't ever want to talk about. And...
I'm like, well, if monoclonals actually treats it, which it does. My sister-in-law had COVID. She was very vulnerable. She had a lung condition. They gave her monoclonals. She was better 24 hours later. I think they made it harder to get on purpose. And then they made it hard to get. And then you couldn't get them. It was funny how it was easier. They politicized it. They made it easier to get in red states and harder to get in blue states. And then eventually the Biden administration cut the supply of them to red states.
And now I'm being told that that that they've they've pulled them back altogether and that that would actually there's other people have told me I can't confirm this. Other doctors who I trust who are in the know that that is that would be actually a great treatment for long covid or for vaccine injury. And they are not and that they've pulled them back. Have you heard anything about that?
Yeah, I remember seeing in the news that they pulled those back and they're no longer really emphasizing that whole aspect of treatment. Look, definitively, what we do know is this. In 2020, about a half a million Americans died excessively. Most of them were older. Then about a similar amount of people died in 2021, 500,000. Tremendous mix shift in the ages, though. That's what we call on Wall Street, a mix shift.
All of a sudden, Gen X and Gen Millennial started to die in greater numbers than the older folks. So that's a mysterious thing that needs to be investigated. Why did the virus suddenly mutate and go after young working age folks? If you talk to an epidemiologist, that's not what viruses usually do. Right. Right.
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Remember when Joe Biden said this? The world has changed because what Trump has done. And the American people, including independents and some Republicans, know how bad he is, know how much he's misrepresented, know how he's getting close to getting us in a war. I said, as the walls close in on this man, I'm worried he's going to get us to war in Iran. Unfortunately, I may have been right. The fact of the matter is there's a lot at stake in this election.
boy who is that articulate go-getter did you hear that good gravy it's joe biden i gave him the good adderall he's only three years younger in that video boy presidents do age in dog years don't they that was him three years ago saying that trump
Those were the sweet old days, by the way, Kurt, when Joe Biden could still talk. Wasn't that? That's amazing. I thought I didn't give him enough credit. I thought he sounded like an idiot back then. But my God, it's. So there he was warning everybody that Donald Trump's going to get us into a war with Iran. Right. Completely rooting Joe Biden's plan to get us in a war with Iran. Well, it's not the war with Iran I'm mad about. It's the wrong guy doing it.
Yeah, that's it. Right. As long as a good man does it. He's worried that Donald Trump is going to be the Carlos Mencia of his dreams. So guess what? So some Iranian-backed
militias that's this is what they're saying yeah flew a drone that uh hit a u.s military base where's that u.s military base it's right here first of all here's the u.s military base inside george inside syria we have a u.s military base inside someone else's country illegally
Every news organization reports this, and they forget to mention that, that we're actually the thugs that they pretend that Putin is. We're the ones that actually invaded Syria, took over a third of their country. Which third? The third that makes the wheat and the oil, coincidentally.
And so we have two bases. Here's one right on Jordan, right on the border. And then there's another one, El Tamp, U.S. base, inside someone else's country. We have two military bases inside Syria. That's completely illegal against international law. It makes us occupying terrorists, which is what we are. We're everything that we're saying that Putin is, we're doing. But nobody talks about it on the news. But we talk about it here on YouTube, and we'll probably get demonetized for it.
But so this is but they so they had a drone that struck Tower 22. And so here it is. The U.S. troops killed in drone attack in Jordan through three U.S. travel. How they call them troops. Why wouldn't they start doing that? So they don't have to say soldiers died. Troops troops doesn't sound so bad.
Three U.S. soldiers were killed in a drone attack in Jordan. More than 30 are injured. And here's how CBS reported it. Now, listen to how that starts. Listen to this. Pentagon officials tell CBS News the explosive drone came in low and slow. Low and slow. That's how you make ribs. Okay, here we go. Several minutes after a U.S. drone was returning from a mission in Syria, the base's air defense...
Wait, okay, I think you might have missed that last part. Just as a U.S. drone was what? Drone was returning from a mission in Syria. There was a U.S. drone returning from a mission in Syria.
We're doing war in another country called Syria. No one cares about that. Again, Putin is the thug. Putin's the bad guy. The CBS News reporter says that we had a drone that was returning from a mission. Was it there to bring books? What do you think that mission was?
What do you think that mission in Syria was? Go ahead, Russ. I've heard it was actually carrying copies of Genderqueer. Yeah.
They don't have that available. So the CBS News reporter totally missed that one. How did this drone get into our military base? Well, several minutes after a U.S. drone was returning from a mission in Syria. Oh, what? What the hell? I didn't know we could. We declared war in Syria, but apparently we did because we've set up a military base in their own country and now we fly drone missions. OK, OK.
BASE's air defense system, which should have fired on the enemy drone, had been temporarily taken offline to allow the American drone to land safely. As a result, there was little to no warning for the troops still in their sleeping quarters, which are not built to withstand a blast.
President and I... Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, back at the Pentagon after a month-long illness, promised all options are on the table. We will take all necessary actions to defend the U.S. and our troops. Including invading another country in the Middle East illegally, killing a bunch of people. If you're already at war and you get attacked, I assume you were already trying to do that. Like, take every measure since you're in a war. Yeah. You just didn't tell us.
Ace Admiral Brad Cooper commands the 5th Fleet here in Bahrain. We asked him tonight if the security posture has changed. Yeah, we've had a very high... So the 5th Fleet is in Bahrain. Where's the 1st through 4th Fleets? Where are they? Are they also in Bahrain? Are they also... Where are they? Is that the screen for the Houthis? Maybe... Yeah, are they... Remember we had them lined up and then they shot those tankers and tankers turned around? Yes, I remember.
of force protection and security in place for a number of months. We constantly assess and then reassess what that posture looks like. I'm confident we are set right now to defend ourselves, but it's something that we look at literally every day. Have you changed anything? We change all the time.
American forces have been the target of 165 attacks since October 17th. And again, the news reporter never asked, what the hell are we having all these troops for over there in the first goddamn place? Never dawns on her like, oh, maybe we're the occupying military force of the world. Maybe we're the terrorists setting the Middle East on fire. Maybe that's why people are attacking us because our soldiers are there.
We have military bases in the Middle East. Why? I don't know. Oh, I guess I do know because we're an imperialistic fucking nightmare of a country. That's why. America is the world's terrorists. And this is what these news reports always leave out. Why are our soldiers there? Why are the 160? Go ahead. That Tower 22, whatever it's called. I thought that overlooks like a Syrian refugee camp, like 15,000 people.
Remember they have tents and like- Oh, really? Yeah. We did a story a while back about it, but I think that's what that's overlooking is that refugee camp. They hate us for our freedom. They hate us for our freedom. Fuck your 7-Eleven. Look where they've been attacking us. In Iraq, in Syria, in Jordan. Why are we there?
What's going on? Well, and there's so much going on that even, I don't know about you, even people like us who keep up with the news, I didn't know we have bases in Syria. I did. I knew that we had. Trump told us. We built two. We just did it last year. We built two bases, permanent bases in Syria. We built three in the Philippines.
That's where your money's going, by the way. Again, they can't get money to New York City to help them deal with the immigrants that are flooding their city. They can't get money to the border so we can have an orderly immigration policy. They can't get money to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, so we can deal with the homelessness problem. They can't get money to build bridges or infrastructure or get clean water to Flint. But
They could build three new military bases in the Philippines and two in Syria. Okay. And the U.S. has launched seven retaliatory strikes against Iranian-backed militias. But congressional Republicans call those pinpricks. The deterrence in response has been weak, not strong. So, again, we have two parties that...
They're both psychopathic killing maniacs who are in complete capture by the military industrial complex. That guy is not doing the bidding of his constituency. He's doing the bidding of the richest people in the world, the military industrial complex and Wall Street. That's what that guy is doing. What is he? What are we deterring, by the way? People attacking you when you invade their country? That's right. Deterrence. Right.
And that policy, as far as I can tell, has not worked on any level ever. Ever. Again, this is... I can't think of a single area where it worked. So, remember that saying, those who forget history are bound to repeat it? This is... We have to update it. There's people who remember history are repeating it right out in the open. Yeah. That's what this is. And until we send a strong message to Iran that we're not going to tolerate this, they will continue to hit our troops in the region. Iran...
First of all, Iran didn't do this. In fact, Iran denies a role in the deadly drone attack on U.S. troops in Jordan as Iran-backed group claims nearly... So we call it an Iran... So you...
Of course Iran denies it, just like Saddam denied that he was backing al-Qaeda. That's right. I read a great book by David Frum that explained the deep, deep connections between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda and weapons of mass destruction. Remember that? Remember when they said... The great David Frum. Yeah. And by the way, exactly how does Iran back these groups? Is it the same way Benjamin Netanyahu backs Hamas with suitcases full of cash? No.
Couldn't you say that an Israel-backed terrorist group attacked Israel on October 7th? Because that's what it was. Likud party-backed Hamas attacked them.
Could you also say that an American-backed terrorist organization, Israel, is attacking Gaza? Because that's what – we're backing them. It's our money. It's our weapons. Remember American-backed freedom fighter Osama bin Laden turned on us? Osama bin Laden was an American-backed freedom fighter. It's just amazing how propagandized people are. They don't even –
They don't even question the idea that we need to be in these places or have a right to be in these places. That's what about is going to invade the United States. What if we pulled all these troops out tomorrow?
What? They're going to get to it? Jordan is going to come and invade the U.S.? They're going to invade our interests. And so that was the platform that Trump ran on, which is why the donor class and the deep state hated him from day one, which is why they did Russiagate and they tried to dis...
delegitimize him and discredit him. And then they impeached him twice. And now they're trying to put him in jail in four different court court cases. Why? Because he wants to end that or he professes to want to end that. And that's enough for them. Yeah. Just a mere mention. I'm getting a little sick. You know, I know everybody doesn't want poor migrants rushing in, but I'm a little sick of rich immigrants coming here and making us pay for their grudges back in the old country. That's right. A lot of that going around America all the goddamn time.
So Joe Biden promises a response after three U.S. troops killed in Jordan. Does his response involve asking for pudding? Yeah. Do you remember when he said this? Let's be clear. Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without congressional approval. A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people. Wow. Yeah.
So, like, so, well, I guess what we're going to have to settle is for misinformed consent. Yeah. That's what we've been using this whole time anyway.
Ever since 9-11, it's been misinformed consent. Nobody's consented to the war in Libya. Nobody consented to the war in Iraq. Nobody consented to the war in Syria, building bases, military bases in someone else's country. Nobody consented to this attack. Nobody consented to our attacks on the Houthis. Nobody consented to our attack in Yemen or Somalia. Nobody's consented to any of this. They did this because the people...
allowed 9-11 to happen. And why did they do that? They did that so they could get the authorization for the use of military force called the AUMF. So that's why Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George Bush can go and do war anywhere they want at any time because all they have to do is say we're fighting terrorists.
And that's all they say. And that's what they get to do war in Syria. They get to do war in Iraq. They get to do war in Libya. They get to do war in Afghanistan for 20 years. Go ahead. You want to say something? This is how pathetic it's gotten. America doesn't even manufacture consent anymore. That's right. All the manufacturing. Every last drop. Like all our Middle East adventures, I'm going to guess this is going to end well.
Of course. I'm going to guess. Here it is. Breaking U.S. Air Force detected in Syria. Iraq border. British Air Force on the move. American fighter jets have been spotted flying low over the Iraq-Syria border region. British Air Force tankers from Cyprus are heading towards the Middle East. I bet it's to give the oil back that they stole. I bet that that's what it is, right? This is what Top Gun 2 is about because they didn't say who the enemy was.
People just assume it was Russia, but they don't say. They don't say? This is our next top gun, too. No, they're doing a third one, too. Six U.S. refueling aircrafts arrive in the Middle East. As Biden finalizes his plan for U.S. retaliatory strikes against Iran, six U.S.A.
FKC-135 refueling tankers have started to arrive in the Middle East. Their arrival raises the prospect of the U.S. launching airstrikes in the next 24 hours. With mid-air refueling capabilities, a strike force can reach Tehran, although officials expect the strikes to target Iranian assets in Iraq and Syria. So we're going to be bombing Iraq and Syria again. Well, not only that, Iran could just wipe out our stuff over there. They got those missiles, those
Those missiles are like real good. Those, uh, what it guided missiles that Iran makes now. Yeah. They just recently struck something. This is not good. Well, I can't win a war against Iran at the moment. We haven't won any of the war. We haven't won any of our war. Definitely can't win this one. Just as everybody knows, we can't win. I ran from early on. They tried to get the other countries in the region basically to get together and form a united front to protect the Palestinians and the rest of them. They're too bought out.
They're too compromised by U.S. interests and aid. None of the rest of them would do it. Right. But it seems like we're very quickly getting there. And as...
When we talk about Israel, there's a real question when you're running a country on a premise of apartheid, what innocence means. There's a question with us because to the point that you raised before, I think people understand that Syria is not coming to invade the United States. They also know that cheap hamburgers and gas are dependent on having all of these bases around the world.
So in the end, in a lot of respects, Americans are complicit in these crimes and they stay silent about them because they don't want to have to pay for a TV what a TV should actually cost. You just don't look into it. Dottie Sandusky style. You wash your dishes and don't mind the noises in the basement.
Is that why? So we had to buy a 75-inch television for our last live show, which those videos should be dropping tomorrow. If you're a premium member, you're going to get the whole show without waiting for the clips to drop. I didn't drop some of the clips from the first show we did. So if you're a premium member, you get the whole show.
And that's the important thing. By the way, we bought it. I had to buy a 75-inch TV for that live show. You know what it costs? It costs like 600 bucks. All right. So maybe you should shut up about these bases, Jimmy. Maybe I should shut up about the bases. Why do you want to pay 1,200?
I thought it was, I think that should cost like three or four grand. It costs 600. I couldn't believe it. Okay. I've been watching this jerk off Peter's eye, his eye Han, who's very respected circles. Talk about how we are energy self-sufficient. He, that's one of his big points. America produces its own enough oil. So I don't know what, what he's means by that. I guess we're just selling it off or we, we could have enough, but why do we need to do this? If we're energy self-sufficient and we'll drill wherever the hell.
Like, why do we have to maintain this? Well, we don't have to. We're doing it for the corporation's profits, I guess. That's what this is all about. I'm saying we can still have a cheap TV, I bet, with our own petroleum products. Not to that level. Not to that level. That's crazy. A 75-inch TV has costed $600. Isn't that victimizing Africa more than the Middle East for, like, the cobalt and all that, whatever they get in there?
Don't you remember what General Wesley Clark said on Democracy Now that after 9-11, these guys already had a plan drawn up. They already had the Patriot Act drawn up before 9-11. They were just waiting to institute it, and they had a plan to invade seven Muslim countries in five years, and this is it. The last one on the list is Iran. This is it. This is the bucket list. They did them. They did Syria. They did Libya. They did Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Afghanistan.
I think the only two left are Ramadan and Iran. That's it. Well, Jeffrey Epstein gave his life so that we could fulfill Israel's wishes on this.
Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this? Jimmy, this is Senator Chuck Schumer. You asked for it. Hi, what's on your mind, Senator? I'll tell you what's on my mind, Mr. Mann. As much as I've been enjoying working with the new Speaker of the House, Congressman What's-His-Weird-Name, I have to say I miss my friend Nancy Pelosi dearly.
She's still in Congress, actually. I know, but I miss her leadership. It was so clear-eyed. And this was underscored by comments that she made recently on CNN. Jimmy, you know what I'm talking about? They made me want to stand up and cheer. And you know what? I did. I did stand up and cheered. I'm the Senate Majority Leader. I can do that if I want to. I see. What did she say?
Jimmy, she said what everybody is thinking, but it's afraid to say. And she said it to Dana Bash so she knew she could say without any pushback or challenge whatsoever. She was talking about these these protesters, these pro-Palestinian protest. Have you seen these? Who are these people? Where do they come from? They come from the vast swaths of our population that wants to cease fire in Gaza. I mean, at least a ceasefire.
Okay, how did such a vast swath become radicalized enough to join hate groups? Pro-Palestinian groups are not hate groups. Oh my God, you sound just like one of them. Well, I don't buy it. I'm with Nancy here. I don't buy it. This whole thing seems fishy.
And I want to know what's behind it. What's behind it is the desire to stop an ongoing genocide. You want to stop a genocide? Just call it something else. There, genocide over. Now you can stay inside and watch football on Sunday afternoon instead of doing Putin's bidding. Putin's bidding. That's what Nancy said on CNN.
Bravely on CNN and beyond this, that this is Mr. Putin's agenda. And she we strongly suspect that Russian forces are behind all this protest business somehow. Oh, here we go again. This is unbelievable. Did she provide any evidence of this claim?
None whatsoever. That's why it was so brave of her just to come on television like Miss Cleo and divine the mysteries of the universe like a wise medium. She said she wanted the FBI to investigate. Good enough for me.
this is so pathetic i agree confused young people turning to russian secret agents and doing their bidding at such a common misstep for disaffected young people these days gravitating towards marijuana and russian spy stuff i've seen it a million times oh have you yes
And then, and then, and then Nancy put forth a good question. Who's funding all this? And how? How are Russians, see I just answered the question, see how I did that? The Russians funneling the money to them. That's what we want to know. What are you even talking about? Jimmy, these protests, they're massive.
Someone's paying for this. Who? Paying for what? I don't understand. They all have these elaborate signs that they've made and they're not cardboard. They're the good poster board. Like the highest poster board slot in the Target aisle. The furthest one in. Not cheap. And
And colorful, all these messages written out, multicolored. So they also bought an entire full color set of markers. Okay, John D. Rockefeller. It just doesn't add up. So let me get this straight. Democrats lose an election. Russia is behind it. Democrats lose support from the left. Russia is behind it. So Russia is not so much America's enemy, but the enemy of the Democratic Party specifically.
Basically. I mean, who else would benefit from a ceasefire in Gaza? Obviously just Russia. That's absurd for a million reasons, but especially since the war in Israel has distracted the West from the war in Ukraine to Russia's advantage. Okay, Mr. Conspiracy Theory. Maybe put down the conspiracy theory bottle for a bit. Jimmy, seriously.
Enough of that juice, I guess. Anyway, some of these protesting apparatchiks waylaid Nancy at her house and started chanting whatever Putin himself wrote for them. And she, oh my God, Queen, yelled back, why don't you go back to China where your headquarters is? She did. She did. Amazing. I wanted to fan her with palm fronds. Oh, so now it's China. Yes.
If Nancy says so, the balls on that woman. We stand a legend. You're a congressperson from the Bay Area and you get away with yelling, go back to China with contempt at a constituent. Amazing. Do you ever worry about you might be out of touch, Chuck?
My headquarters...
My headquarters is here in California, actually. Oh, yeah? And who's funding you? Russia? China? Is that one sort of vague place in our minds? No, people fund me, Chuck. YouTube views, ticket sales, my fans and followers. That just doesn't add up. Something's fishy. Maybe we'll investigate you and your ties to Russia. Maybe.
Maybe you're a Russian stool pigeon yourself. I assure you I'm not. See, that's exactly what someone on the Russian payroll would say. Yeah. And I'm going to put together a task force. Okay, you do that, Senator. In the meantime, I have to go and talk to some of these leftist radicals and other scary non-Democrats.
Okay, comrade. Do svidaniya. Don't accidentally choke on your borscht or something.
Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at MikeMcRae.com. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.
Do not freak out.