cover of episode “My TV News Station FIRED Me For Telling The Truth About COVID!” - Anita Krishna

“My TV News Station FIRED Me For Telling The Truth About COVID!” - Anita Krishna

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Anita Krishna
Jimmy Dore
Anita Krishna讲述了她作为加拿大环球新闻网的技术总监,在COVID-19疫情期间,因质疑新闻网的报道失实和政府应对措施而被解雇的经历。她指出,新闻网夸大了疫情的严重性,制造了恐慌情绪,并对小型企业施加了不必要的限制。她还批评了新闻网对羟氯喹和ivermectin等药物的负面报道,以及对疫苗接种与流产之间联系的报道缺乏客观性。她认为,新闻媒体在疫情期间压制了真相,对提出质疑的员工进行了惩罚,这是一种审查制度的表现。 Jimmy Dore认同Anita Krishna的观点,并补充说,许多喜剧演员和记者在疫情期间对未经证实的药物表达了强烈的负面意见,这表明他们受到了宣传的影响。他还指出,主流新闻媒体在报道ivermectin等药物时存在偏见,这与制药公司的利益相关。他认为,这场疫情暴露出社会中哪些群体是真正维持社会运转的关键,并呼吁工人阶级团结起来对抗寡头政治。

Deep Dive

Anita Krishna discusses her journey through COVID-19, her questioning of the mainstream narrative at Global News, and the consequences of her dissent.

Shownotes Transcript


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Wait, Anita, thank you for coming on the show. Jimmy door. It is my pleasure. My honor and my pleasure.

So tell me what now from what happened? What was your journey like through COVID? Now, a lot of people lost their jobs from COVID. A lot of people who refused the mandated vaccine. In fact, in one state alone in the United States and New York State, 70,000 health care workers lost

who went from being heroes to taking care of people with COVID. They went to being outcasts and cooked to the curb of the dustbin of society. They were fired, 70,000 of them. And I can't get anybody who's running for president beside RFK Jr. to give a shit about that.

Oh, but so I just so so tell me what was what what was your experience working in a newsroom? Now, you weren't you weren't an on air journalist. You were like a director in a technical director in the newsroom. And so what was the problem they had with you?

Yes, I was a technical director. So I hit the buttons and took the cameras and roll the clips and all that type of thing. But I worked in the newsroom along with all the people that were doing the editorial news gathering, that type of job I've done for 20 years. On a side note, they never wanted me to report even years ago, I wanted to report and stuff like that. And then I just kind of gave up on the idea. I was just always in they never really

never really liked me that much, I guess. I mean, I don't know. I don't know what it was. I was never an on-air person, although people think I was. So I was always behind the scenes. And I did that job for so long. I started out as an assistant director, and then I became a director. And really, I guess perhaps you're meant to mind your own business as a director. But what I'm...

Just put the show to air. That's all you need to do. But the shows we were putting to air during COVID and the mayhem and the pain we were causing the people of British Columbia, I don't know how you could have half a brain in your head and think that that was okay. And so what do you mean by that, the pain that your global news network was causing?

Well, all the things that were going on, all the fear, like within like right when March 2020 happened in like you could watch our newscast for like two minutes and we would drive the fear. Right. Like we would say things like.

you know, are hospitals going to be able to cope and are we going to have enough PPE? And, and we would just talk about cases and cases. And, and as things went on, we told you not to have dinner with Christmas dinner with your family. We told you the vaccine was the only way. And all the,

things that the mainstream news told you, all the lunacy, that caused people a lot of pain because we shut down their livelihoods, shut down their business. Every business owner was scratching around, putting plexiglass up and doing this, that, whatever, thinking, oh, I'm doing the right thing to keep people safe. Meanwhile, I feel like they were being gaslit.

You know, the government knew what to do to keep you safe. If you get this cold, perhaps there's medications that you could take. But no, they made you jump through hoops, shut down your business, and we demonized you. We would show business owners on TV and go, look at this guy defying the public health orders, trying to keep his gym open, trying to keep his restaurant open. Well, he has every damn right to keep his gym open and his business open. We have no right to tell him to shut it down without any proof.

So before this pandemic, it was always the medical protocol to not do that, to not do shut down. This came out of nowhere. We've been through pandemics before. Never did we have a lockdown. Never did we tell people to close their businesses. This was based on nothing. It wasn't based on science. And now people are starting to at least admit it a little bit in the United States that when they intubated patients, that was a mistake.

And that when they shut down schools, that that actually harmed children and it didn't help them. And what we have, we can look to Sweden who didn't do that and they did not have worse outcomes than the United States. And so, again, this was all made up. The mask wearing was made up before COVID. Fauci, the chief medical officer in the United States, was telling people don't wear masks for a pandemic.

airborne virus, flu virus, because that'll have deleterious effects. And the better thing is to get your immune system up.

up. And when it came to COVID, he flipped the script and lied about masks and admitted to lying about masks. And then he went on to lie about herd immunity, natural immunity, transmission, contraction. They lied about everything. There couldn't be anything more than they lied about. So an interesting thing to me, watching your speech you gave, was that COVID, during COVID in Canada, they locked down churches and gyms,

But they didn't lock down. What businesses didn't they lock down? The strip clubs and the casinos. Oh, my God.

So what was the rationale on global news did they give to people for that? Or did they even mention it? None. I remember tweeting about that. So, I mean, basically, like, obviously, I felt like I was going crazy. Everything that I said over there was a shutdown and I was disciplined and given emails and told to shut up and what have you. I couldn't really take it anymore. But one day on Twitter, I had said, could

somebody please ask our provincial health officer why the gym, churches and gyms are closed, but the strip clubs and casinos are open. And I remember saying that, and I got hauled into a meeting, and my operations manager has said, you know, we don't, we don't like what you're saying, you are violating social media journalism principles.

That sounds like something a journalist would do. They would ask that question. That sounds like that. If you and if you didn't do that as a journalist, you would be derelict in your duty as a journalist. And that would be malpractice if you didn't ask why they had these seemingly contradictory rules for covid. That just seems like a normal thing. So did every journalist just stop using their own brain in Canada or or do you go ahead?

I don't know. You know, I think about this too. Like, you know, like you've been doing this for so long too, and all the things just don't make any sense. How is it that everybody got so mad about hydroxychloroquine? Why are you mad about it? If it works for you, you should take it. It was like, I've heard this many times that we couldn't pronounce the damn name of it, but all of a sudden everybody had a hate on for it. Is that because of Trump? Is that...

listen, if it works for you, take it. And I actually have a cousin who has an autoimmune disease. She has some thing and she has to take it anyway. And one day she was telling me that she thought she got COVID. And I said, how bad was it? Was it like the flu times 10? And she said, no, it was the flu times 100. She had never been so sick. But she took, she was taking hydroxychloroquine. And she said to me, Anita, oh my God, I think it made me better. And I said, really? You know, I've

heard about this or whatever. So I went to the newsroom. I said to one of the anchors, I said, hey, my cousin took this and she thinks she got better. And this anchor said to me, oh, she thinks she got better. Oh, she thinks she does. He was just enraged. My friends were enraged about this medication.

I think they have a mental illness in a way now. I don't even understand. Why are you so mad? So now we're not saying at the show that hydroxychloroquine treats COVID. That's not what we're saying because we can't say anything that the FDA and the CDC and the WHO doesn't also endorse hydroxychloroquine.

But what we are saying is that it was very peculiar that people, I noticed the same thing with my comedian friends, that they all of a sudden had an opinion about a medication. Like since when did you have it? We were talking about ivermectin. I was talking about with a famous comedian and he,

He said, well, Jimmy, that's horse to wormer. And then I explained to him that, no, it's actually on the WHO list of essential medicines. It won the Nobel prize for human medicine and it's been prescribed billions of times. It saved billions of lives. And he immediately shifted the goalposts and he said, yeah, but it doesn't treat COVID. And I'm like,

Wait a minute, you said one thing. You said it was horse to wormer. So you were wrong about that. You'd been propagandized. And now you just shifted. Now you say it doesn't treat COVID. And you're upset if people want to take it for that. Doesn't it make you suspicious that all of a sudden you have an opinion on a medicine? What other medicines do you have an opinion on? None. They don't have an opinion on any other. So that's what you experienced too, even in newsrooms. So I think the two professions...

that I think are most at fault for this are journalism and comedy, because comedians have the freedom to tell the truth. And we're always supposed to ask questions, never follow authority blindly. In fact, we're supposed to make fun of people who do. But during COVID, it got flipped.

Comedians started to shame people for asking questions and trying to get informed about experimental medical treatments that they were being forced to take. So they became big pharma propagandists instead of comedians. And none of them have apologized for it. And I haven't found it. I've only found one Hollywood person who apologized for it, Tim Robbins.

But that's it. So you were experiencing this in the newsroom. You came in and you asked some questions and people shamed you for asking logical questions.

We're asking logical questions. Like if you told me you like ate a jar of mustard and like peanuts and you got better, I'd be like, okay, have mustard and peanuts. What's it to me if you feel better, right? You know, and you're absolutely right. We're the journalists. Like I was the director. That's why I always make that clarification that I was a technical person. I wasn't an editorial person, but because we were not telling the truth about so many things and driving hysteria within the province and therefore ruining people's lives and going like, this is okay.

And we like our anchors would be like, and sadly, another business shut down due to COVID. Well, why is that business shutting down? Why are you not filing a report on how to make this better? What are the alternatives? Why do I have to take this injection that came from out of nowhere? And nobody seemed to question the injection. And all I did was run around there.

having meetings with the news director, talking to anchors, saying things like, have you brought up the, have you heard about the Wuhan lab? Of course they've heard about it. Why are we not reporting on it? Oh, because that's racist. You know, all the things that we've been hearing for years, how can it be racist? I used to say, if this thing was, let's say the pretend the lab was in Jamaica, would we be racist then? And then people would say to me, Anita, that's different.

Why is that different? It's different because we did a whole series of stories, anti-Asians, we don't want you to have Asian hate, you know, that type of thing. Nobody hates Asian people. Nobody is racist. Nobody is homophobic. Nobody is any of these things. They just call you all these names when you're trying to make some sense. So yes, you're right. The journalism let people

let people down. Why do you think everybody thinks ivermectin is horse dewormer? Because the major network news told you that it was. Why does everyone think now when you see Q doesn't work? Yeah. Joe Rogan had Dr. Sanjay Gupta from CNN on his show. And I played that video on this show. And he got Dr. Sanjay Gupta to admit that everybody at CNN was lying about ivermectin. It was fantastic. And when Joe Rogan asked him why he thought everybody had. So at least he admitted that.

but when he was asked why he thought everybody was lying about it, he said, I don't know. Well, I know why, because Dr. Sanjay Gupta and everybody else at CNN, their check is signed by Big Pharma. Anderson Cooper makes $12 million a year. $10 million of it comes directly from Pfizer and Big Pharma. So that's why, and everybody else knows why. And now Joe Rogan has much more credibility than CNN ever will. And CNN should be discredited, and they're the ones who should be fined.

but they're not that right because they're they're serving the establishment have any of the people you worked with apologize to you for the way they treated you and for no right never never these people were my friends like I'd worked there 20 years and to look at me I'm not

like a conspiracy theorist woman. Like I didn't go in there. I'm not, I wasn't like, Oh, that's crazy. Anita. She talks about Bigfoot every day and stuff like that or aliens or something like that. I'm not that type of woman. I'm a normal woman. I care about people, but I,

How could you treat me like this? They basically fired me and I got no EI either. It's not because like I didn't want to take the jab, although I think all the federal employees now have to take it. I mean, they kicked my ass to the curb right during the trucker convoy. And that was also a very scary time. But, um,

One other thing, the reason people have mental illness is because of news. News will hammer you and propagandize you and tell you what to think. There's a formula behind it. We're very good at that formula. So we're very good at scaring people when there's a flood or a natural disaster or the highway's closed or something. Oh, travelers are stuck. And we put all the scary music behind it. That's what we do because, after all, news is a show.

But when the news is telling you misinformation and anyone who speaks up against it is fired or doxed, then we have come into fascism. So that's the world we live in. So tell the story about how you finally became fired instead of just someone asking normal questions. You got fired and it's because you gave a speech at a rally. Is that what happened?

Yeah, like I went to there was like I started to really reach out to people who I thought were smart and in the freedom community. I guess that's what we call ourselves freedom fighters, because we fight for your freedom. You should have the freedom to not take some bullshit thing that you don't want to take. It's up to you. Right. You should be given a choice. And the fact that people say you're not given a choice and you are fired and you will not get unemployment insurance. I don't know.

what forces are at play and why everybody thinks that that's okay. But anyway, I'd reached out to some people in the community just because I wanted to be with people who made me feel less crazy. And then I heard about this doctor who's a bit of an eccentric older doctor and he got locked up because he was saying there's lots of miscarriages going on. But of course, people in the hospitals weren't speaking up about this because then you'd lose your job if you were a midwife or a doula or something like that. And a lot of people...

So the incidence of miscarriages had skyrocketed. That was the report, right? And you went... It had tripled. It had tripled in a very short time. And you couldn't get anybody to talk. It was a really hard story to cover, right? But this was the thing that killed me the most because I was running stories on the news saying, pregnant women should take this. Why?

when on earth would a pregnant, would you ever make a pregnant woman take this? Although I guess YouTube might want you to say something else, but you know, that, that blew my mind. I hit the little button, put the story on the air and we had some, some,

doctor saying, oh, it's, you know, you should take the first one you can get for pregnant women. And then I started hearing about this doctor talking about the miscarriages and the yada yada. I don't know if I'm getting you into trouble here. But anyway, I ended up going to a rally and then I met a nurse and then somehow I ended up on the stage because I said, I said, I have to go to work. I can't stay here long. And she goes, where do you work? And I went global news. And she's like, what? She goes, we cannot get anybody from

from the mainstream media to talk to us. I said, I'm not a reporter. I'm just here because I'm just curious, like what's going on. And then I ended up speaking. Then I ended up getting discipline. I got suspended. I got then suspended without pay, but I wouldn't actually stop because I knew I was on to something. What did they say? Why? So by the way, just so you know, there's the course, the FDA, the CDC and the WHO tells you that the,

the COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective and that it will keep you from getting seriously ill, hospitalized or death. And it's a fantastic, we eat three or four boosters for breakfast every day and that there isn't a connection between that fantastic, safe and effective vaccine and miscarriages. That's not what we're saying. We're saying there were reports of that and that you went to investigate, you tried to find out about it.

Yes, because that's what global news should be doing. You should be sending a reporter there to file a report to talk about this. But we're just making the public...

not know anything. And that's another huge problem that the news is doing, that we don't know anything. Now, you talk to your neighbor, they have no idea all the things that you talk about with Israel and Palestine and all the other things going on in the world, the real truth behind how these wars are started and all that. Nobody knows anything. And we're only going to get dumber and dumber because Facebook, you can't put Canadian news on Facebook. It's an absolute disaster living here.

Politically. But anyway, I went to go find out what was going on, as is the job of the news. And then I got into miles of trouble for that. And I guess... What was the official... So you gave a speech at a rally as a private citizen. You didn't come out and say, hey, I work for Global News and this... You just were a person and you gave a speech or you said a few words at a rally. I got pulled on the stage as a regular person, but I got introduced as somebody who works at Global, which is... That's where I work. And...

I guess they I guess it looks like I'm putting them in disrepute, although they never said that. They just said I violated journalistic principles. You actually did. I violate the principles. You actually did the opposite. But what did they tell you? What principle you probably violated and how you violated it? I keep asking them. They have not been able to show me any. What's the damn principle?

What did I violate? What is the clause? They put all this nonsense in my firing letter, which I'm disputing to no end, but whatever. You know, you feel like you're swimming upstream and you're not going to get any results. But they just said they can't tell me anything concrete. What do they know?

They have nothing concrete. They were the ones reporting the misinformation the whole time. And you know what? I used to want to be wrong. I really hoped and prayed that I was wrong about this. But I don't see that I'm wrong. Look around at your family and your friends. Who's healthy? Who's not healthy? Who's having problems? Who's not having problems? And everybody's being so gaslit. Like all my friends are going to hospitals for tests. We don't know what's wrong. Really? Really?

You don't know what's wrong? I recently just interviewed a doctor, Dr. William Mackes, who explained, I don't know, I'll try not to say too much, but he explained what the third one does in your body and how that can cause turbo cancers. He's explained this.

And he has called for the news to call on, to have people to have proper autopsies, you know, for the news to contact the medical authorities so that people can have proper autopsies and do the correct staining. Well, that'll never happen. Yeah, no, but certainly there's no connection between the safe and effective vaccine. I know, this is why I don't survive on YouTube. I mean, there are side effects to the vaccine, but they are rare, right?

And certainly I don't think cancer is one of them. And I don't think the FDA, the CDC or the WHO says so. So that's that. And yeah. So I'd have to disagree with you and whoever that crazy kook doctor doctor is that you just talked about. So that guy's obviously peddling misinformation. So so you so do you have a lawsuit?

Well, I have a lawyer friend helping me go after them and then it'll go into arbitration. But I don't want anything as much as I want a public... I don't even want an apology. Do you know what I want? Well, I would like my severance. That would be nice. Can you believe how awful they are that they threw me out? I have two children to support and I go and work normal jobs.

And that's how I pay my mortgage. I obviously am such a big mouth that I cannot survive on YouTube because I say all the wrong things. I constantly get videos pulled. So I'm on Rumble. But this is the moral fabric of the people that I used to work with. And not one of these people has called to say, hey, Anita, how are you doing? You know, I believe in you. And I know there are people there that believe in me, but they all got jabbed up because you will not give up a global news paycheck.

And I'm disgusted with these people because our nurses here in this province, our healthcare workers are still not back to work because if you didn't take it, you don't, no jab, no job, still back.

We're going into year four. Wow. So they still have vaccine mandates for healthcare workers? Yeah. Yeah. They are not allowed to. And our healthcare system is a shamble because of it. And I used to say stuff like we're banging pots and pans for these people and then we're demonizing them. Yes. And everybody thought that it was okay. Like I couldn't get anybody to see how illogical this was. Because people at work would just be like, oh, well, if you want to be a healthcare worker, you better take it. Well...

Is it working? Is it working for you? You know? Yeah. And another thing is like...

I was looking back at some of our old newscasts that we had worked on, right? And I was looking at one from March 2020. And it was all crazy, you know, like da-da-da to scare you. All the provinces have declared a public state of emergency. There is 11,000 deaths worldwide. And there's 1,000 COVID cases in Canada. That's what we had said, this is in 2020. And so we had 348 cases in B.C.,

And then we started to close the borders and the flights were grounded and all that type of thing for 348 cases. And mind you, back at the time when people were getting this, you'd be like, well, how are you doing? How was it? And they'd go, oh, it was okay. Like, I can't smell.

Remember when people say, well, that's their biggest symptom is that you were shutting down the border because you can't smell anything. This is your big symptom. You know, like I think when we started shutting down the world, the cases were so small.

And we still could proceeded to do this in this lunatic hyper fashion. And to this day, no one apologizes for the misinformation when there are medications that could have saved your life. Nobody apologizes to the healthcare workers, the bus drivers that didn't take it, the paramedics that didn't take it. Nobody says, I'm sorry. Everybody's relatives are dropping dead left, right, and center. No one says, I'm sorry for that. And people like you and me are

I know you probably have to retract what I'm saying. Well, no, I mean, they didn't, you know. They didn't apologize. There wasn't any medications that were approved to treat COVID besides, I think monoclonals was officially approved. Yeah.

But but but none of those other nothing else. Ivermectin was not approved. Still, it still is not approved. I think what happened in the United States, there was a court case or they they recently said that you're allowed to prescribe it, but they don't say it treats it.

So, yeah, so that's that's the state of the. But, you know, you're not supposed to look into the Cleveland Clinic study about the boosters and you're not supposed to talk about the two top people who ran the vaccine department at the FDA resigned over the booster program. They never report that that that never gets talked about. They never talk about places like Africa.

And that they didn't have a big problem with COVID. And they don't ever look into why that was. So there's lots of things like that. And, of course, people make the case that it's because in the United States that the news media is funded by big pharma. And I don't know, is that the case up in Canada? You know how it looks?

You know how in the States, you always get that brought to you by Pfizer. And then when you hit the ad break on programs in the States, you always have those pharmaceutical ads and they give you those warnings. May cause dizziness, heart attack. They have those. We don't have those as much in Canada. So but we are.

Obviously, the pharmaceutical companies are in cahoots with our liberal government here. And the government is what kicked back all the media here and paid us. Although you'll have workers in the newsrooms across the country that don't know that. We don't see the money. It's not like they give us an extra paycheck.

That money all gets handled in tax breaks and in licensing. The networks were all given money. And our prime minister has publicly said he gave us all $600 million and we know we tow the line for him. Okay. But the employees don't know that. How would we know that?

So a lot of people, like people in the media would get criticism. Oh, you're getting paid. You're paid media. No, we still get our regular paychecks. And people who work in the media are just as misinformed as anybody else because we're all following a system of news gathering. And so we don't, half the people there didn't think they were lying. They still don't know.

Yeah, that we're not we have very poor, poor information. I know I went to a couple of Christmas parties where it was like listening to a cartoon talk, repeat propaganda to me from Big Pharma. And those are the people who watch cable news and read the New York Times and The Washington Post. And they know nothing about.

about COVID. Absolutely nothing. Just like they don't know anything about Ukraine and they didn't know anything about, they don't know that Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel funds Hamas. They say, oh, you support Hamas. I never sent them money. You know, who did? Israel. So they don't know. People, if you watch the news,

If you don't watch the news, you're uninformed. If you watch the news, you're misinformed. Yeah. And that's the, and that's why they have to clamp down on shows like ours and, and they have to keep us inside this guardrail and make me repeat stuff that, uh, I have to repeat, uh, to keep my channel afloat. So, um, and I can't go against what the WHO says, but,

And then you find out who the number one funder of the WHO is, and it's Bill Gates, a billionaire who invested $55 million into Pfizer BioNTech before COVID and then cashed out his stock at around $500 million after. And then as soon as he cashed out his stock,

He started trashing the vaccine. He started saying he started saying things like it. It's oh, it's not long lasting and it doesn't block infection and we need to fix the problems with it. That's after he cast it. It's just amazing. But of course, I can't say anything against what the WHO says because Bill Gates doesn't want me to. And that

The head of the WHO, the former head of the WHO, admitted on camera that they have to beg for donations to the WHO. And then whoever gives them donations, they have to do the bidding of those people. Well, that's why Bill Gates, through his Gavi Foundation that he sent up and Bill and Melinda Gates, they're like the number one or number two funders of the WHO.

And this is an unelected body that has control of what people can say and do. And nobody's being alerted to that because you would think journalists would be the ones that are supposed to alert you. But in America, we only have six giant news corporate, six media companies in total.

And so everybody either works for one or the other. So it's just a handful of billionaires that control the narrative. And if you ever read that book, Manufacturing Consent, that was written before the media got consolidated down to just six companies. And it talks about how people, how an establishment and the ruling class had a stranglehold on the narrative. And you never got the truth. You certainly never get the truth about war. And now you can't get the truth about medicine because it's funded by the people who want to sell you medicine.

And now we're learning that the whole entire Western medicine base system was hijacked in the early 1900s by the Rockefeller found Rockefellers. And they got rid of all the natural paths, all the thousands of years of natural healing. They got rid of all that. And the only people they couldn't get rid of were the osteopaths. And so I see an osteopath and that's how I found out about all this stuff. But anyway, Anita, go ahead. Yeah.

Oh, yes, it is very sad. Those things are happening in Canada, too, because right now there is attack on natural health care products in Canada. There is attack on news being on Facebook. There is attack on our health care workers. We're all being attacked. And I mean, but thank God you've managed to figure out a way to stay alive on YouTube. Like if you speak English.

in euphemisms, if you sort of, you're getting the information out there. You're doing an incredible job not getting your videos pulled. And people are seeking out you for truth. When I needed to know something about Ukraine, I was like, what does Jimmy have to say about it? And boy, oh boy, nobody knows their

stuff more than you. I mean, people do, right? But you also brought us Norman Finkelstein to talk about, you know, you've put people on and you've provided things that the network news should be providing. So the only message I would have as a former insider in network news, when I could see that they wanted to lie, um,

That you cannot trust these people anymore. Their motivation is not to help you anymore. Not that they're evil. They're in a system and they choose to stay in the system. It's the banality of evil, right? You've heard that term. And that's what we've experienced through COVID. And I tried to impress upon people like Cornel West, who was a hero of mine when he came on the show. And he kept talking about if Trump gets reelected, fascism will come to America. And I'm like,

"Buddy, you've been living through fascism for the last three, four years, and it came here, and you turned a blind eye to it on purpose, 'cause it didn't." He said, "Well, you and I live in different worlds. I know he lives in the ivory tower, Harvard and Princeton, and I live in the real world where workers have to go out and work."

And you think he's smart. Then you'd be smart enough to know. But he's playing a game, too. He has to play that game to run or to be in the he's in the game. That's right. Right. And we don't want to play this game. The only thing we ever wanted was our own choice. That's it. So what happened to that? So my whole life, Anita, I heard my body, my choice, which was a mantra of the liberal left, my body, my choice. And that referred to abortion. And that meant bodily autonomy. And that means abortion.

You can't put anything in me or take anything out of me without my informed consent. And if I don't give it, you can't do anything. Well, that went out the window. So now if you watch what's happened, and I have watched, if you watch cable news in America, what the people will say is,

Oh, they used to say Americans are for choice. That's what they used to say. People who wanted women to retain their right to abortions, they would say Americans are pro-choice. They don't say that anymore. What they say is Americans are pro-abortion. Now, I don't know anybody who's pro-abortion.

But I know people who are pro-choice and want to keep the government out from in the middle of that decision between a doctor and a patient. That's what pro-choice. But now, because those same people abandoned their principles during covid, they can no longer say pro-choice. They have to say something which sounds disgusting, that I'm pro-abortion.

I don't think anybody is pro-abortion, but they say that. But maybe there are people who are, and that's dark. I mean, you want to admit to being pro-abortion, that is dark and disgusting, I would say. But to be, I would say, pro-abortion.

choice to so the decision of what happens to a woman's body is between a woman and her doctor. And I don't need a government man to stick his finger in that and muck it up. So now they stop saying, did you notice? I don't know if it's like that in Canada. Did you notice that they switched from saying pro-choice to pro-abortion?

I don't know if they, because you can still have abortions here. We haven't done what you guys have done in the States, right? But you know, nobody is pro-abortion. That abortion thing has got all mucked up. But to answer your question, just, it's not your body or choice if you're going to make grandma sick. So that's how they did that to you, right? You're making grandma sick. It's not your body or your choice. You selfish. Right, right. You're selfish. That's how that is. But you know, that's a whole other thing.

thing about abortion and young girls coming up thinking that that's a form of birth control. That's not a form of birth control. We all know how you get pregnant so you can avoid getting pregnant. It's not that hard, right? But don't use, oh, I'm just going to have an abortion, right? That's not cool. It is a serious, horrible thing.

It's a tragedy. That's how we all got here. The sperm fertilized the egg. It will grow into a human and that's a beautiful thing. If for some reason something happened and you're unable to have the pregnancy, okay, you know, it's a horrible procedure as it is, but

You know, you know, people should have to have, you know, you have the right to do it in safe way, you know, if you need to do it. Right. But that's all got mucked up. I think this whole world got mucked up, Jimmy. I don't know. What are we going to do? What do you think is going to how are we going to get through this? What do you think? Well, about the future? Well, I think that workers.

when people became essential workers, right? And we've realized who actually does make the world run. And who are the people who make the world run? Truck drivers, grocery store workers, healthcare workers. - Farmers. - Farmers, correct. People who pick up the garbage. Those are the people who actually make the world run. And it's not the professional managerial class.

And those are the people who are dispensable and disposable. And so I think the only thing that will save us is when workers...

unite like the truckers did. Right. And so and so they got propaganda. So in America, we got propagandized. We can't tell the difference between a freedom fighter and a Nazi. Right. We look at the truckers and we call their actual freedom fighters. We call them Nazis. We look at literal Nazis in Ukraine and they call them freedom fighters. Even in Canada, they saluted an actual Nazi in your parliament. And then they blamed it on embarrassment. And then they blamed it on Russian disinformation. Russia. I'll be all.

this nonsense and everybody's standing up clapping. Okay, maybe you didn't know who the guy was, but just do a quick search. You know who he is. What an embarrassment. And our deputy prime minister, the woman who had a big hand in freezing all the bank accounts of people when they donated to the trucker, she is a descendant of Nazis. But that doesn't matter. It's okay to call me a Nazi and a racist when I was standing up for choice. And I think

in Canada, we're just seen as such nice people. We're always like, oh, we're sorry. We're always saying sorry. We are nice people. But I was so glad our bloody truckers stood up because that made an impact on the world. And now we're known for something other than beavers and maple syrup and hockey and all those things. Those are part of our lives. But when they stood up in the way they did and drove to Ottawa only to be ignored by our prime minister, at least they stood up for us.

And that inspired others. And so I think that's what we need. People like that. We need more people like Christian Smalls who organized the first Amazon union on Staten Island. And he did that, you know, organizing along class lines of those. He did it with.

right-wing Trumpers, right? That's who live and work on Staten Island. He did it with black. He did it with white. He did it with Democrats and Republicans and independents and libertarians. They all coalesced along class lines to oppose Jeff Bezos and the oligarchy. And that's the thing that scares them the most, right? So they want us fighting. They want us to blame our neighbor for COVID. They did a controlled demolition of our economy.

And they want us to blame, they want me to blame my neighbor for the economic pain that I'm feeling because they wouldn't take a vaccine.

And instead of that blame the oligarchy that did out of nowhere, did this controlled demolition and did lockdowns that had no basis in anything and was always a lie. And now we're finding out the horrible ramifications of it. But people are, it is a mental illness. People, I still see people wearing a mask in the car by themselves. Yes. And I'm like, who are you?

protecting yourself from yourself? And, you know, I heard I heard someone say the other day, you know, it's it's the weirdest thing that they made you think that you had to take a medical treatment to protect someone else.

It's like so like if I'm out drinking, does the other person have to get drunk so I can feel the effect of this booze? It's like that's not how medicine ever worked before. Yeah, but they did that because of the measles thing, like the herd immunity thing. Well, you get yours and we do the herd immunity thing. Although none of this worked and we're now questioning everything. Well, every all I know is that everybody got the covid vaccine and then

Pretty much everybody got COVID. And by the way, Andy Slavitt, who was the director of COVID policy for Joe Biden, said in early summer of 2021, he said that COVID is so infectious that everyone is likely to get it anyway. And so people just ignored that he said that. I saw it. He's tweeted it out. I don't know if he sent deleted or not, but he did tweet that out.

And I'm like, so how could you then so that's how could you then mandate people take an experimental medical treatment if you know that they're going to catch this thing anyway? The whole point of a mandate is so that you could stop people from catching it and that if I got my treatment, it would stop you from getting this virus.

But the head of the COVID task force said that everybody's going to get it anyway. So then why would you make me get it? And then, of course, natural immunity, right, which has been proven to be very, very robust.

And they pretended like they didn't know what that meant. I mean, I remember Dr. Sanjay Gupta was on with Joe Biden, Joe Rogan. And Joe Rogan said, yeah, I had COVID and I beat it in 48 hours. My body was free of the virus. And Sanjay Gupta says, well, now you should get your vaccine. When was the last time anybody got vaccinated for a disease they already had?

I know. Apparently, apparently now that's how it works. So I have a quick question for Anita. Anita, listen, I was wondering, I know you spoke about in Canada that they shut down the churches and the gyms and they left open the strip clubs. Were the strippers wearing masks? Only on their genitals. OK, good to know. And then finally, Anita, where can I find you on Rumble?

Oh, I made. OK, let me tell you, I made the channel, my Rumble channel when I was in hiding at Global and I was not wasn't in hiding. I was just trying to interview nurses and not get in trouble. But I wanted the information. So I made my channel name such a silly name. It's hard to find, but it's my initials, a.k.a. Straight Speaks. Got it.

Thank you. That's what my channel name is. And I interviewed nurses who told me no one was in the hospital. We were all ready and no one came, you know, like in 2020. And I've heard this time and time again. All the things that you've heard, I've heard them too and lived them. And we know, I don't know, that's our truth.

Well, I certainly don't have to be gaslit anymore. I certainly can't deny that hospitals are overflowing with COVID patients. I can't I can't deny like a mass event like that on YouTube. That would be irresponsible of me. So hospitals certainly were. But what they don't tell you is that in 2017, 2018 flu season, that was the same thing in the United States. They had hospitals were overflowing. They were setting up.

temporary treatment centers and parking lots. And that was just for the regular flu.

And luckily, though, the flu went away during 2020. I don't know if you remember that. Yes, yes. All of a sudden, the flu totally disappeared and all that. I never get the flu shot and I never get the flu. I just don't like shots. I think that's what made me rise up so much. And then I just don't want to take anything. I don't even like taking Tylenol. I'm not some sort of natural girl, but I like what I like. So leave me alone. Don't make me take something. Right. Well, yeah.

You sound like a white supremacist. And...

And shame on you. Anita, I hope I really appreciate you coming on. Thanks for talking. I could talk to you all day. It went by so fast. I thought we were only going to talk for 15 minutes. Here we are. We talked for almost... I know. I didn't really get into the nitty gritty gossip of what things went on, but you could, you know, little juicy stories. But I'll have you back. Yes. We'll bring you back on to give us all the juicy stories. The juicy stories. Yeah. Okay. I can't wait. We'll bring you back on.

I love you and I love your whole crew. I love Steph. I love Misha. And Kurt is pretty funny sometimes. All right, Anita. Thank you. Thank you so much. Everybody check out her sub stack. Check out her Rumble channel and we'll have you back on very soon. Hey, we're going to come to Canada. What part of Canada are you in? Vancouver. Oh, we're coming to Vancouver, right? Yeah.

I know. We're going to be there in May. So I hope, hopefully you come. Will I see you? Yes, definitely. So we'll, we'll reach out to you later. We'll reach out to you. Oh my gosh. I'll give you a big, a big, big hug, Jimmy. Okay. All right. We'll see you then. Bye. Bye pal. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week and

And it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium. It's the most affordable premium program in the business. And it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member. And if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support. The United States was putting together this coalition to help keep shipping open and stuff. Well, watch what happened. The year of profound tests.

The world looked to the United States to lead, and that's just what we did. It was also... No, this is the Secretary of State for the United States. This is Antony Blinken. Antony. A year when our friends and partners took significant, at times even unprecedented steps to share with us the responsibility of leadership. As we head into 2024...

We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with those who share our vision for a free, open, prosperous, and secure world. Is that what you guys have been doing? You've been working for a free, open, and prosperous, free world? I didn't know that. I thought you guys were blowing the shit out of smaller, less powerful countries and stealing their natural resources after you slaughtered their people. That's what I thought you were doing. Ah, but that's me. What do I know, right?

That's what delivering for the American people demands. Oh, yeah. Delivering for the Americans. So guess what? U.S. announces a naval coalition. This is from Tuesday, December 19th. A naval coalition to defend the Red Sea shipping from Houthi attacks. Now, they say the Houthis are backed by Iran. Egypt and Saudi Arabia, notably absent from... It's called Operation Prosperity. Operation Prosperity Guardian. Yeah.

As more shipping companies forego. So now they're stopping going through the Red Sea. And they're going to make that trip all the way around Africa. Confirmed Operation Prosperity Guardian falls apart as France, Spain, and Italy withdraw, refusing to put their warships under U.S. command. Oh, so I guess a lot of people aren't standing shoulder to shoulder with Anthony Blinken anymore.

Cracks in the Red Sea Alliance underline U.S.-Europe division embarrassment of U.S. leadership. That's from Global Times. A spokesman for Spain's defense ministry told AFP on Sunday that the country will not participate in the so-called Operation Prosperity Guardian, a U.S.-led maritime task force in the Red Sea that aims to protect the passage of Israeli-owned and Israeli-bound merchant vessels.

Obviously, the United States European allies are no longer willing to foot the bill of the United States selfishness. Operation Prosperity Guardian, organized by the U.S., has a strong political overtone that is safeguarding Israelis national interests. Israel's actions in Gaza have aroused the anger of the international community. So this is all about United States policy.

And Israel, more than 20,000 Palestinians have killed, 50,000 injured, and much of Gaza has been destroyed. Some European countries have begun to diverge from the United States on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The objective of the U.S. creating the Red Sea Alliance, on the other hand, is testing whether its allies share the same beliefs with it on this issue.

On the other hand, Washington is leveraging, is levering, levering multilateral, I think that should be leveraging. Washington is levering multilateral diplomatic actions to cover up its unilateral support of Israel. So they're trying to get other countries involved to make it look like we're

We're not maniacs. U.S. allies always support the United States and share its stance, but that does not mean they will ultimately support the frenzied positions taken by the United States on all issues, especially when the United States' position is contrary to their own interests. Take France, for example. Okay, France's interests in the Middle East are multilayered. The relationship between France and Lebanon has historical, cultural, and political dimensions.

There are fundamental differences between France's relations with the Arab countries and the diplomatic posture of the United States and the Middle East. For a long time, the United States has had a bossy. That's a funny way to put it. Has had a bossy attitude. You're being very bossy. Has had a bossy. United States, you're being very bossy.

as a bossy attitude towards its European allies, taking it for granted that the value of its allies is to serve its interests. So when United States Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin included Spain in the United States commanded Operation Prosperity Guardian, he did it without prior notice, according to the Spanish media outlet. So he just said it. He just decided, yeah, we're going to have France. We're going to have Spain, too, without even asking them.

The move displeased the Spanish government and triggered tension between Madrid and Washington. We could feel Washington's strong desire to control Europe and Europe's struggle to control its own destiny. To put it bluntly, the United States treats Europe as a lackey. You think? You think we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline, which supplied cheap energy to Europe, and now Germany, which is the engine of Europe, is paying four times the rate for their energy than they were before we did that.

You blow up one pipeline providing cheap natural gas to hundreds of millions of people and they get all pissy. Let's see. Europe has paid a huge price for the transatlantic alliance. Europe hopes to gain strategic independence, but it's not capable of doing so.

In the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in the past two years, the United States has firmly tied Europe to the U.S. alliance mechanism. Yet France said its operation in the Red Sea would stay under French command, while Italy said its operation was not part of Operation Prosperity Guardian, according to Reuters. Europe may not want to turn nasty with the U.S., but its grievance toward the U.S. will accumulate and the divergences between the U.S. and Europe will widen. No kidding?

There's a lot to this story. I'm going to skip the rest of it. Europe's relation with America is that of an abusing partner. Yes. Europe is in denial of the abuse and keeps hoping its partner will come right. But as we know, abusing relationships don't end well and the abuser will never change. That's exactly right. So there's our Operation Guardian Red Sea fuck face thing is over. Uh,

And it seems like they're pushing back Spain, Italy. What do you make of this, France? I mean, that sounds like something Joe Biden would call it. Operation Guardian fuckface thing, prosperity, whatever. Oh, come on, man. Give me a break. Operation Lion Dogface Poli-Soldier has been a failure.

No, I mean, it is it is moving to see the United States so discredited on the world stage. I mean, in that in that very twisted sense, perhaps Joe Biden is the best president in the modern era is that no one has done as good a job as he has as just unmasking this country for the fucking pile of shit that it is.

I mean, because he doesn't put a face on it the way Obama did or even the way Trump could have. You know, he is just such a non-entity that now everybody understands who actually runs the country. It's actually Tony Blinken running the country. It's actually Jake Sullivan running the country. It's actually the underlings at all of these agencies who we never see and never hear of who are running things. And because Biden is just so weak in that executive spot.

He just exposes the permanent state because nobody believes he's actually running things. And so it just exposes the country for the joke that it is to the point where now even Spain's like, yeah, no, go fuck yourself. We're not doing that.

Well, and just what they described there, like blinking without calling anybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, put Spain down. Yeah, Spain there. Those motherfuckers, let them say something. Let them say something. Yeah, so we're putting Spain on second base. We're going to put Portugal out in left field. We made Ireland's on third tonight. Yeah. That's it. That's a ball club. That's what I'm talking about. France is going to play short center. Yeah, exactly. This is what Trump never understood or he never really cared about.

When he would break their balls about not kicking up for NATO and their troop allotment, what he never really understood is that the United States is bribing these countries by providing for their defense. And with all the money they save on having to pay for the military, they get to provide a social safety net to their citizens, unlike the United States.

where that money is going down the law of the Pentagon. They get to have universal healthcare and we get to provide all the troops and all the funding for their defense. It's so that in moments like this, we can tell them what to do. But at this point,

I think they've become so afraid of how crazy, erratic, irrational and dangerous the United States is. They're like, to hell with it, man. We'll provide for our own defense. It's just not worth getting in bed with these nutjobs.

That's what I think, too. I think what they've seen that what we've done since George Bush's election since 9-11. Right. We did Iraq. We did Libya. We did Syria. We did Afghanistan for 20 years. Yemen, Somalia, now Ukraine. And now we're supporting this genocide in Gaza. And we're trying to pick up a fight with Iran and and Hezbollah. And now in China. I mean, yeah, I think the.

And it's so funny. I'll go back to that Christmas party I was at. They still they were saying, yeah, but you don't want Trump to be president again, Matt Hill. The whole world will turn again. I'm like, that's exactly what's happening now with Joe Biden. It didn't happen under Donald Trump. He was already president. It didn't happen. Joe Biden gets in immediately, starts a couple of wars, starts saber rattling with China and and then he gets the rest of the world.

Well, I told them, you know, Saudi Arabia is now selling oil in other denominations besides American dollars. That's what they said was going to happen under Trump. You know that there's now big power and economic power centers being created and joining together to oppose the United States. That's what they said was going to happen under Donald Trump. That's happening now. People know nothing. People know nothing.

It's amazing. It is very weird that, you know, Steph mentioned that somebody was pitching Gavin Newsom at the party that she was at. Yes. I talked to another leftist who comes on our show sometimes, and she had exactly that experience that somebody pitched Gavin Newsom to her. What is it? Why do all the leftists wind up at Christmas parties with all of the lips? Oh, my God.