cover of episode “Mike, You Suck!” Jeers Greet House Speaker Mike Johnson At Columbia!

“Mike, You Suck!” Jeers Greet House Speaker Mike Johnson At Columbia!

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Jewish student at Columbia
Keaton Weiss
Matt and Aaron
Mike Johnson
Mohammed Al-Megiar
Nadav Shoshani
National Security Advisor Sullivan
Ralph Nader
Russell Dobular
Stephanie Dujarric
Russell Dobular 和 Keaton Weiss 谴责 Mike Johnson 散布虚假信息并支持以色列的行动,认为其构成种族灭绝。他们详细分析了十月七日事件的相关说法,指出许多说法已被证伪,并强调以色列的行动导致了大量平民伤亡。他们还批评了美国政府对以色列的纵容,以及媒体对加沙局势的报道不足。他们呼吁对以色列的战争罪行进行独立调查,并切断以色列与世界的经济和军事联系。 Mike Johnson 则为其在哥伦比亚大学的言论辩护,声称其是为了保护犹太学生的安全,并指责哈马斯支持抗议活动。他重复了关于十月七日事件的已被证伪的说法,并试图将批评者描绘成反犹太主义者。 哥伦比亚大学的一位犹太学生表示自己感到安全,并认为对校园反犹太主义的关注转移了人们对加沙局势的注意力。他讲述了自己从支持以色列到支持巴勒斯坦的转变经历,并希望这些抗议活动能够为巴勒斯坦的解放做出贡献。 其他发言人,包括 Matt 和 Aaron,Mohammed Al-Megiar,Nadav Shoshani,Stephanie Dujarric,Ralph Nader 和 National Security Advisor Sullivan,分别从不同的角度阐述了对十月七日事件、加沙大规模坟墓以及以色列行动的看法。

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Hello, this is Russell Dobular sitting in for Jimmy who's performing in El Paso, Texas tonight. Kurt is at Bohemian Grove today, so he won't be here. He has to check in with his dark masters. But I am joined by Keaton Weiss. How you doing, Keaton?

doing great just got back from the columbia encampment i had a nice encounter with mike johnson oh yeah relieved i was feeling a little backed up for you know a few days and now you know they don't call them the glory hole of the house for nothing yeah i feel great that's what he's there for yeah old hoover lips yeah so uh so mike johnson

went over to Columbia, which Keaton took full advantage of. And he was met by a wave of hackling. So let's take a look at that. Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck! Mike, you suck!

I'm not sure who the aggressors are, but I will tell you that any of that is inappropriate. It's lawlessness. It's chaos. That is not who we are. We believe in the rule of law. That is one of the foundational principles of America, and it must be maintained. Stop wasting your parents' money, Congressman Waller says. I think that's right.

Okay, so then Mike Johnson did a series of interviews and actually I watched the speech so that you don't have to that he gave at Columbia.

And he just spread dangerous misinformation about beheaded babies, babies in ovens, things that were debunked back in late October, early November. And he just repeated these things as facts, very much like my esteemed colleague has pointed out. It's like they folded time. It's like we just went back like the last five months never happened.

And he just went ahead and repeated it. So let's see what he had to say. Well, what's anti-Semitic is that Hamas endorsed this protest today. Within the last two hours, they issued an endorsement statement and heralded the students here and said, this is the next generation of leadership in America. If you're getting endorsed by Hamas, that's not a good look. It's not a good sign. Some of these students apparently are... What about when Republicans get endorsed by Nazis, which happens...

on the regular. I was just about to say, I'd love to see the list of organizations that endorsed Mike Johnson and endorse Mike Johnson every time, right? I bet you got some people on that list who you wouldn't be too proud of if the media decided to make a big deal out of it. But he gets better. Aware of the atrocities of October 7th, or they're denying it. They deny that women and children were brutally raped and murdered, that infants were placed into ovens and cooked alive.

The things that happen there are unspeakable, and yet they're out there waving flags for the very people who committed those atrocities. This is not who we are.

Just repeating completely debunked stories, stories that no credible outlet will stand behind. This is months ago that the gray zone covered this methodically debunking the Times's bogus report, alleging Palestinian militants systematically raped Israelis on October 7th and respond to their own critics sloppy attacks. Let's let's take a look at what Matt and Aaron had to say.

It's worth addressing that after so many debunked Israeli claims, the dozens of beheaded babies, the baby burned in an oven, the baby cut out of a woman's fetus, the fetus cut out of the womb. Now, Israel and its supporters are really doubling down on these claims of mass rape by militants on October 7th.

And we pointed out a lot of the inconsistencies in those stories, but it persists. And the Biden administration has really tried to push it as well. They've made a thing out of it. Hillary Clinton came out and made a thing out of it. CNN, Jake Tapper has tried to make a thing out of it. And now the New York Times has come out with a new story that people who buy into Israeli claims are really promoting that making the claim that Hamas used sexual violence against

as a tool of war, that there was a deliberate effort to sexual violence, the tool of war on October 7th. But once again, people are overlooking the countervailing evidence and the inconsistencies even inside this own story, including the very quiet acknowledgement. And this is what a lot of the story is about. It's basically an elaborate effort to justify the fact that there's no physical evidence. Okay. So,

The Times, while they never formally retracted this article, Scream Without Words, it's kind of infamous now. It's been thoroughly debunked, most famously by The Intercept. They did an article called Between the Hammer and the Anvil, if you're curious, that really broke down how flawed the reporting was, how they hired people with no meaningful experience or relevant qualifications to be investigating something like this.

A lot of these claims come from a group called Zaka that has absolutely no forensic training and has a history of false stories. This is well known that the New York Times canceled a podcast episode based on this article because the story blew up in their face. But here is Mike Johnson months, months after this has been debunked, continuing to make these claims. Keaton, you have anything?

Well, all they can do is try and make you angrier and angrier and angrier about October 7th. That's what all of this is right now. Yes, as it turns out, so much of what they say turns out to be false. I would say if every claim you made about October 7th were 100 percent true, it does not and would not never, ever justify the collective claim.

of a population that mostly had nothing to do with it. Right. Right? I mean, it just... It is...

It is all just this way to emotionally manipulate people into feeling angrier about October 7th so that they'll be less angry about the Israeli response. Yes, a lot of it's untrue to me, whether it's true or not. Yes, it matters, obviously, for the historical record. Right. We have to actually, you know, be able to keep track of these things. And that that's what history is. And so you have to sort these things out.

But in terms of, you know, just like the real time goings on of the war, what's happening now is a genocide against a population at 99.9% of which had nothing to do with anything that happened or didn't happen on October 7th.

We're not denying because we have to say this on YouTube. Don't worry. I have Jimmy's back while he's in El Paso. We're not denying that a violent event took place and that people were victimized and that people were hurt and people were killed. That's true. So we're not denying that, YouTube. So chill out.

But that does not justify genocide in response because genocide, by definition, leaves way, way, way, way too many innocent victims to the point where all they're doing now is trying to gin up. They're just trying to get you in a rage that you feel like, oh, well, they deserve it. They had it coming. Who had it coming? The thirty three thousand people who almost none of them had anything to do with what happened on October 7th.

Well, what you're seeing now is Israel really throwing everything they've got at this. Two weeks ago, what were we talking about?

Well, after the WCK kitchen airstrikes, they've lost the propaganda war. That's it. Morning Joe is calling for sanctions. It's over. And now they cut a deal with the Biden administration to go into RAFA. That's what some reporting would indicate. And the order came down that they have got to do a full court press now to muddy the waters,

So that anyone who objects to genocide is cast as an anti-Semite or maybe there's an anti-Semite. You know what they're at least trying to get back to? It's complicated. As Elon Pompey said, the greatest propaganda feat that Israel ever accomplished was convincing people this situation is complicated. They're at least trying to get people back to throwing up their hands. Right. Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's anti-Semitic. Maybe it's not.

If they can get the American public back to that, they win. They win. That's what this is all about. So Representative Ilhan Omar responded to Mike Johnson's visit. And it is not surprising that he would go out to Columbia University and stir up.

Really more anger and hate and endanger the lives of young people who are at the encampment at Columbia University. Okay, so Mike Johnson responded to this on the Brian Kilmeade show. So you stirred things up in her mind.

It's absurd. It's absolutely absurd for her to say that. It's incredible that us going there to meet with and speak out on behalf of Jewish students' safety could be seen as divisive in any way. This is exactly the problem. It's actually an issue

that ought to be uniting every elected official, but some of these folks are afraid to speak out and others, like my colleague Omar, are saying exactly the wrong thing. Look, if these universities would be held accountable and protect their students on campus,

We wouldn't need to be there. We wouldn't need to speak out. And the House has taken action to do everything that's within our power, and we're going to do more. But we need everybody who has a platform, every elected official, to be on the right side of this. And sadly, some of them are doing exactly the wrong thing. Okay, so I just want to point something out here.

Now, I really don't like Ilhan Omar's phrasing there. I am not a fan of safetyism. I am not a fan of trying to shut down speech, which Mike Johnson has a right to speak. He has a right to speak.

say things that are factually incorrect. And we have a right to correct the record. It's unfortunate that there's a clear double standard. Mike Johnson spreads dangerous misinformation, as he is doing there. He's certainly not going to be yanked from tech platforms the way people who might spread other kinds of disinformation, like nothing happened on October 7th, which, as my colleague pointed out, is not what we believe. They'd be shut down right away.

But this kind of misinformation is acceptable. That having been said, I don't think safetyism is ever an argument. I don't think arguing that someone's speech is endangering people so they shouldn't be able to speak or they shouldn't be able to go places, that's never an argument. But what has really been brought to light in all of this is the conservatives sound just like Democrats now.

What did Mike Johnson say in response? He's there to protect the student safety. Everybody's in the safety cult when it's convenient for them. Before, they were so opposed to that. They were so in favor of free speech. Oh, look at these crybaby lefties. Now they sound exactly like them, right? These protests have to be shut down for student safety in spite of the fact that there is no record of

being physically assaulted in these protests. It's a complete fiction. Keaton? Also, what happened to him while he was there? Was he assaulted? Was he threatened? No, they chanted. Mike,

Mike Johnson, you suck. It's chaos. You're called a chaos. They're just describing what they saw him do to me behind one of the hedges there. That's all that meant. They weren't even trying to insult them. They were just saying what they saw. Okay. But that's all that happened. That's a breaking story here. Mike Johnson, you saw him threaten him and assault him. Was it dangerous? Did he feel in danger there? Let's ask him that. Hey, did you feel like your safety was in danger there? Yeah.

You had students who rightfully didn't like you shouting you down while you were speaking. Anybody throw anything at you? Anybody shove you? Anybody accidentally poke you in the eye with a flag as we're going to do a story on later? Yes. Right? Nothing. Nothing, nothing, nothing at all. What was the big deal? Right? Well, listen, I live less than a mile from Columbia, and I must say...

It's well known when you see a bunch of Columbia students coming down the street, you better cross over because you never know what they might do to you. That's a rough crowd over there. That's the rough part of Harlem. University. That's the tough part of Harlem. South Harlem there.

So you stir. All right. So just to show you what bullshit this is. God bless this kid for speaking out. This is from Khaleesi, not the one that ruined season eight of Game of Thrones. This is another one. Jewish student taking part in the encampment of Columbia University says he feels 100% safe. So let's take a look.

I'm a Jewish student at Columbia. When we talk about anti-Semitism on campus, that's taking the spotlight away from Gaza, away from Palestine, and the Palestinian students on campus, and putting it back onto me. I am perfectly safe here, and this has all been a distraction because they don't want us talking about the non-stop massacre of Gaza, of Palestinian civilians being taken out by the IDF. I grew up being

Being taught that Israel was an important part of my Jewish identity and part of being a Jew was supporting Israel. I was raised Zionist and then I met a Palestinian for the first time and heard their perspective and was able to realize that I was on the wrong side of this, that I had been taught the wrong side of this. To me, calling in the police was an act of desperation. They know where the students stand. They saw the students come together to support their suspended and arrested friends.

We see that other universities are following in our footsteps and we welcome them. We just want to make sure that they do it in solidarity with Gaza and with Palestine and that the focus is not on us. But we hope that this can be an important step in the liberation of Palestine and an end to the occupation and an end to the genocide.

I, you know, where are the where are the flying tacklers? Where are the pro-Palestinian people taking this kid down for what he's saying? He's he's in so much danger there. Keaton. Yeah, no, we played that video on our show. That's a great video. It's it's very important that people share videos like that. You know, I thought that was a very strong one, but that's that's by no means the only one of that type. And it's important that people

Get the word out because, look, we already won this information war. The only reason we have to do this all over again is because we don't have these sort of media apparatus that can just on a dime turn from two weeks ago where the Morning Joe panelists were saying we have to sanction Israel to now all of a sudden full bore. Yo, Israel. What the fuck? What's the name of the high? I'm Israel. I'm Israel. Yeah. Yeah. So whatever the fuck it is, as you can see, I.

Did not go as much Hebrew school as you did, but whatever. The point is we've already done this before. It's not fair that we have to do it again. I believe that would probably mean like long live Israel. That's my guess because Chai means life. Obviously, Yisrael is Israel. The Am I don't know, but that would be my guess. Makes sense. But yeah, look, we've already we've already fought this battle. We've already won this battle in terms of the the.

public mind. And so it's really quite unfair and unfortunate that we have to do this all over again. But if we have to, we will like,

Like the alternative is just giving up, but we can't do that. And so when you see a video like that, you have to share it because we've already won this information war once. We can win it again. We just can't let them out. We cannot let up. Exactly. That's how I felt preparing the segments today. Like it's our duty. It's our duty. We have got to counter this because they are doing a full court press right now to at the very least.

muddy the waters. They are desperately trying to throw the ick at

On to protesters, particularly on to student protesters, which, as you point out, pointed out, it's an easy target because people tend not to like them, particularly students at a at a university like Columbia. Right. Perceived as upper class, as elite. So they're going to try to play that card. Johnson did play that card in the clip we had. Stop wasting your parents money. Right. He's trying to he's trying to invoke.

That whole thing. And, you know, it's sad because these kids are actually doing something good. And that's the treatment they get. And as we're going to see in the crackdowns on them. Hey, man, just like the Vietnam generation. Welcome to America, kids. Now you know what country you live in.

Question is, what are you prepared to do? What are you going to do about it? You're going to fold or you're going to double down? So far, they're doubling down. Good for them. So this is there were some reactions. Juanita Broderick, interestingly, well-deserved booze for Speaker Johnson at Columbia University.

You know, she's kind of been absorbed into the right wing ecosystem because the left sure as hell isn't going to platform her. But remember, when Bill Clinton allegedly raped her, she was she was working for him. Right. She was a Democrat.

So I'm curious. Officially working for him. She owned a nursing home, I believe, at the time. But she wanted she wanted to get involved. Well, she was. Yeah, she was trying to promote his campaign. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tim Young, Speaker Mike Johnson said that the Columbia University president is a very weak, inept leader and should resign, which is funny because most Republicans think Speaker Johnson is a very weak, inept leader and should resign.

And there's Khaleesi again. He is Israel first. The students are America first. And honestly, I think that's a pretty good framing. Anything else, Keaton?

No. Yeah. No, I think that that was a perfect way to say it, you know, and, you know, look, Mike Johnson is a very unpopular figure with the Republican base right now. Right. And so whatever jujitsu you have to do, you know, whatever sloganeering you have to adopt to drive the point home, do it because, you know, it sucks that we have to do this again. Like, like we have to do, like, I feel like we're doing the same type of segments that we did five, six months ago. Yeah.

And obviously, our suffering is very small compared to the suffering out there. So I'm not complaining about it. I'm just saying this is the kind of thing where if this starts happening again and again and again, it's easy to kind of roll your eyes and throw your hands up. What are we going to do? The only thing you can do is keep doing what you've been doing the last six months because it worked. And through some act of...

unknown fuckery between some deep state agents that we don't know who they are, how they operate. There were clearly phone calls made and emails sent that we all have to get in lockstep behind this transparently bullshit narrative again, as if the last four months never happened, as if the Jabalia refugee camp bombing never happened, as if the raid on Al-Sheba never happened, as if the WCK murders never happened, right? We're back to square one.

Uh, in that sense, but the fact that we've done this all before proves to us, a, we can do it again and be, um, they have no case like they, they don't have a case. All they have are the tools to get the message out, but the message is still paper thin.

And we can cut through it. And we will because we have to. Well, in many ways, this is history repeating itself strangely right around these anniversaries. This week is the anniversary of when Columbia University was occupied by students in the Vietnam era.

They were protesting both Vietnam and a gym that was being built in Harlem where the residents of Harlem had to go through a back door in a basement.

to use it. So they were occupying for both. And same thing, they called the police in, arrested 700 people. And this week, we're about to hit the anniversary of Kent State, in which I believe it was seven students who were gunned down by the National Guard. And hopefully we're not on the precipice of repeating that event. But when you see some of the footage coming out of Emory and the University of Texas, you have to wonder. Hey,

Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.

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Dad of the year. His kids show no signs of trauma, at least when I met them that one time. Give it time. There's another baby coming. Might change. There is another baby coming. Although one of them, one of my guys might be a little anti-Semitic. This guy is like a fucking sea pod in a hard breeze. Yeah. I think one of my guys is an anti-Semite. I don't know why I'm saying that, but something came up earlier in the show that made me think of him.

Maybe part of his behavior is coded anti-Semitism. I'll have to recall it. Okay, so this is a little bit of a change in tone. So if you're wondering why the media...

The political class is so intent on convincing you that anyone speaking out against this horrific, horrific,

Crime against humanity being committed on a daily basis by Israel, why they are working so hard to convince you believe that you're going to believe us or your lying eyes. It's because the things that your lying eyes are going to be seeing going forward as Israel goes into Rafa and as evidence of their war crimes emerge from areas that they've moved out of.

They don't want you looking at that. And if you do look at it, they don't want you to think it means what it obviously means. So just warning you, some of the footage in this story is very upsetting. Some of the facts of this story are very upsetting.

Before we get to the upsetting stuff, someone in the chat guessed it. Watermelon. That's it. You're right. My kid loves watermelon. One of my kids' favorite food is watermelon. And I thought maybe he's anti-Semitic. Yes. It could be. Whoever that was in the chat. Could be. I mean, if he was eating watermelon and calamari, that would settle it. Yeah.

And it's case closed. Almost 400 bodies have been found in mass grave in Gaza hospital, says Palestinian civil defense. Authorities in Gaza have concluded their search of mass graves at a hospital in the south of the Strip and said they have uncovered a total of 392 bodies, including some still wearing surgical gowns. Sounds like Hamas fighters, huh?

So mass fighters out there in their surgical gowns. Speaking at a Thursday news conference, an official from the Palestinian civil defense in Gaza said workers have identified 165 bodies at the Nasser medical complex in Khan Yunis following the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the area earlier this month.

They are still examining the remaining 227 bodies to determine their identities, Mohammed Al-Megiar said at the news conference in Rafah. We found three mass graves, the first in front of the morgue, the second behind the morgue, and the third north of the dialysis building, he added.

The Israel Defense Forces said any suggestion that it had buried Palestinian bodies in mass graves was false and that a grave at the Nasser complex was dug by Palestinians in Gaza some months ago. The Gaza civil defense acknowledged that around 100 bodies were buried in graves at the Nasser hospital before the IDF operation there.

The Palestinian civil defense also showed graphic images on a TV screen at the news conference. CNN has reviewed the photos that appear to show several almost unrecognizable bodies at the complex. The images also include bodies of decomposed children. So this is some footage of a mother finding the body of her child.

This is from Syed Mohamed Morandi. She recognizes the body of her son who was executed by Israeli Nazis and dumped along with hundreds of other Palestinian men, women, and children in mass graves at the Nasser Hospital in Qan Yunis. The Nazi regime must be completely dismantled. So let's see. Nadine! Nadine! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door! Open the door!



I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph! I swear I'm a caliph!

And this scene is playing out for thousands of families right now in Gaza. And in the end, we can only speculate. I believe that Israel is committing a genocide to prevent the backlash that will come from this population if they're allowed to live. Anything, Keaton? Well, yeah, I mean...

I had our friend Nick Cruz over at RBN. He was on our show on Wednesday, and he was saying to me, because he knows this issue much more thoroughly than I do. I mean, to their credit, they've been on top of all of these kinds of stories for years. And what he was saying is that a lot of times the IDF will...

target civilians alongside fighters because of the pretty obvious blowback that comes from if you kill a fighter but leave

you know, four of the fighters sons alive. Well, those sons are very likely to grow up and become fighters themselves. Exactly. Right. And so what we're talking about, that's what Nick said. Um, I, I, I trust him on that because like I said, he knows this issue much more in depth than, than I do. Um, but,

Assuming that's true and I have no reason to doubt his word on that because it's backed by years of research he's done into this issue, then what we're seeing is that concept multiplied by the tens of thousands now. Right, right. And look, I mean, yeah, I think that's a part of it.

I think ultimately this is about lands. If you look at a map of Israeli land and the encroachment that they have made onto these occupied zones throughout the years, it's very obvious that they want to paint the entire block of land blue and white. Right. And they just needed an excuse to do it. Right. And October 7th was that excuse. Right. And now here they go. Right. I mean, I think that's probably the prime, like,

political motivator. But of course, of course, you know, at a certain point, you have to double and triple down because of what you just said and what Nick told me, which is that if you leave survivors, those survivors grow up to become fighters. Right. Why wouldn't they? Why wouldn't they? Right. Right. And I look, I don't wish violence upon people, but this becomes an inevitable cycle that was started because

By the state of Israel, no question about it. There's no question who's at fault here. Well, the woman, her first impulsive reaction, the first thing she said was something to the effect of, I swear I will shoot them. And then she says, I want to die. So, yeah, I mean, what's your first? This is why even where you have cases, as in the Hamas charter,

where they make statements that are clearly anti-Semitic, you have to understand that that's in a context of their understanding of Jews are Israelis, Zionists. And frankly, 80%, according to polling, 80% of diaspora Jews, of Jews outside Israel, support Jews.

The state of Israel as what it is, you know, some of them want to cease fire. Some of them want a two state solution. But about 80 percent believe that Israel as a Jewish state should exist. And when you say that, you're saying you support the premise of an apartheid ethno state.

You support that. So it's a little hard to blame people for feeling that those things are synonymous. Now, clearly given me and Keaton's position, given Aaron and Max's position, given many other Jews position, given Jewish voice for peace and many other Jewish led pro Palestine organizations, those things are not synonymous, but damn, the Zionists have done a good job convincing people that it is synonymous. And when people like us speak out, it's,

They attack viciously. You're like the Jews who help the Nazis in the camp. You're self-hating. They hate nothing more than a Jew who hasn't drunk the Kool-Aid on this. A CNN stringer who visited the scene on Sunday and Monday saw several decomposed bodies and surgical gowns.

Photos CNN has reviewed show several bodies still wearing hospital wristbands. CNN footage also shows several other children's bodies decomposed in the complex. Al-Meghiar said the civil defense witnessed the presence of children's bodies in the mass graves at the Nasser Medical Complex, which proves crimes of genocide.

While the group said it is still examining the bodies, they suspect at least 20 civilians were buried alive in the complex, but it did not explain how it knows this or offer proof while it continues to investigate. Almaguiar also claimed that there had been cases of executions of patients who had been receiving treatment at the hospital. He said several bodies were found with gunshot wounds to their heads and injuries to their bodies.

CNN is unable to verify these claims and cannot confirm the causes of death of those whose bodies are being unearthed, and it is unknown who is responsible for their deaths. Al-Megiar added that Israeli forces buried several bodies in plastic bags, quote, at a depth of three meters, which made them decompose quickly.

The occupation deliberately concealed evidence of its crimes in the Nasser complex by changing the plastic shrouds more than once, he claimed. Video recorded by CNN shows bodies wrapped in three different colored shrouds, white, black, and blue.

In response to a question from CNN about the mass graves, the IDF shared a link to a post on X from its international spokesperson, Nadav Shoshani, who commented on a video of Palestinians digging up a mass grave at the complex. Shoshani wrote in the post, quote,

Misinformation is circulating regarding a mass grave that was discovered at Nassar Hospital in Khan Yunis. The grave in question was dug by Gazans a few months ago. This fact is corroborated by social media documentation uploaded by Gazans at the time of the burial as seen in the video below. Okay, so the Gazans say they did have a grave of about 100 people. And this is very typical Israeli bullshit.

They're deflecting to that to muddy up the question. Okay, so where'd the other 300 bodies come from? As long as they can create confusion around an issue, they're happy. That is their intent. Right, because the media will always make the best possible assumption about them and the worst possible assumption about the people in Gaza. Exactly.

Asked about the mass graves at Nasser Hospital at a United Nations briefing in New York on Thursday, Stephanie Dujarric, a spokesperson for the U.N. Secretary General, said the organization has called for an international investigation, but said how that will take place is unclear at this time.


Mass grave sites are potential crime scenes offering vital and time-sensitive forensic evidence. They must be protected until professional forensic experts with the necessary skills and resources can safely carry out adequate exhumations and accurate identification of remains.

When approached for comment, the IDF also referred CNN to a previous statement about claims that Israeli troops had buried scores of Palestinians in a mass grave within the grounds of the hospital, saying they are baseless and unfounded.

Okay, so this is Ralph Nader, who I guess got the message that he's never going to be welcomed back into the tent and has decided he doesn't need to kiss Biden's ass anymore. Stage two of Israel's genocidal war is emerging.

Mass graves are being discovered. Torture of abducted Palestinian hostages thrown in Israeli prisons and reports of selected human organ extractions from fresh Palestinian corpses in Gaza. Intelligence agencies report all this in their morning briefings to President Biden.

Still, he sticks to his master Netanyahu and makes the American taxpayer pay 14 billion more for Netanyahu's slaughter of Palestinian children, women, and male civilians. So this footage is really remarkable. A reporter asked who we call Fat Sagar at the State Department,

What they think about the mass graves here.

which was televised and they said that evidence showed that many of those pulled out from the three mass graves that they found, including children, were tortured before being killed. Some even showed signs of being buried alive, along with other crimes against humanity that they accuse Israeli forces of. They called for an independent forensic investigation.

This administration repeatedly says that it asks the Israeli government to investigate itself. As a mediator for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, how does it ever make sense that the United States asks the accused party to examine itself and provide reports that you have previously said that you actually trust? What's wrong with an independent scientific forensic investigation?

I mean, if the results of such an independent investigation proved the accusations to be baseless, then that would be in Israel's favor, wouldn't it? So as it relates to the continued reporting about we're seeing about these mass graves, first National Security Advisor Sullivan spoke a little bit about this yesterday. But we continue to find evidence.

These reports incredibly troubling. And that's why yesterday you saw the national security advisor call for this to be thoroughly investigated. We want to see these facts looked into and simultaneously we're continuing to press the government of Israel for more information. The IDF has spoken to this, uh, uh,

in some sense already, but we are continuing to press them for additional information. But why not have an independent forensic scientist, which the Palestinians are calling for? We think this does need to be thoroughly investigated, but in terms of the modality, we continue to want to see some additional information from the government of Israel before we make other assessments. But you're asking the Jews to investigate itself. Okay.

We believe that through a thorough investigation, we can get some additional answers. We're also hoping to continue to get more information from the government of Israel on this. Go ahead. Okay, so that is just fucking insane. Well, hey, you know, we're asking Israel for more information about its war crimes.

So don't you think an independent investigation would be a good idea? Well, we're asking Israel. I mean, I hate to keep saying the same thing over and over again, but I feel like I have to because I have to say what's on my mind. This is the shit they were saying.

In early November of last year, after the Jabalia refugee camp, right? I mean, this is the same kind of gaslighting they were doing, you know, four or five months ago, six months back. I won't say they stopped doing it, but we didn't see as much of it because there was definitely...


which YouTube said recently to us was not safe for people under 18 to watch on YouTube, even though it's a CNN segment that aired for the general public on TV. Right. Um,

So it just feels like we are back to square one in terms of having to knock down these things over and over again. I mean, we got to know this guy and the other guy, the vampire looking guy, Matthew Miller, right after October 7th. And we saw them over and over again. Yeah, yeah, right. Yeah. And we saw them over and over again. There's those first few weeks after October 7th, really through the end of the year.

We stopped seeing them as much, I think, because perhaps they became less confident in the fact that they could just gaslight like that in broad daylight. They started dodging questions more than just answering it like that. Well, we're going to ask Israel about it and we'll get back to you. Now we're seeing this all over again. It is really a bizarre thing to see. And it's very frustrating and it's very maddening.

But we just have to do what we did back then. That's all. That's all I can really say. I mean, it's repetitive, but it's repetitive because this timeline has literally begun to repeat itself in a very eerie way. It is just incredible that they can get up there and say something like that. And...

It is starting to come apart. And again, it is very reminiscent of the Vietnam era where you had similar kinds of scenarios where you'd have spokespeople for the government saying things that were clearly just absolutely insane and completely divorced from reality. And that began to really undermine faith.

in those institutions and that's an undermining we've never recovered from. Americans used to believe in their government, they never have again after Vietnam. There have been times when they believed in the people in charge more than others but they've never

As a whole, believed in the government again after that era, and they're doing their best to stamp out whatever faith in the government is left with episodes like this. So AOC look brave, brave AOC.

How are news outlets dedicating wall-to-wall coverage to campus protests, but not to the discovery of mass graves in Gaza of people with their hands tied and clothing stripped? Why do we not know more? Where are the journalists and resources being dedicated to that story? Well, you know who could probably answer that? This guy. Kamara Nasser says maybe you can ask him about the mass graves.

So how about you withdraw your endorsement of Joe Biden? How about you stop running cover for Joe Biden? How about you direct those questions to Joe Biden? Trump is not the president, right? He's not the president. Joe Biden is the president. So isn't he responsible for what the government does now? So why aren't you calling him out?

Well, you know, you saw Ilhan Omar at the Columbia protest the other day. AOC was there, too. I don't know if she was there today or yesterday. I saw a little footage of that. But she was there recently. And this is another kind of infiltration, right? There's the Zionist infiltration going undercover, right, as saboteurs. But this is a different kind. This is a...

co-opting of these protests here. Right. Just like, you know, the Zionists are there to disguise themselves as radical, you know, anti-Semitic sort of

troublemakers, agitators, even terrorists, some of them go as far as to say, shy David Dyer, I called them terrorists. These are literally terrorists, right? So that's one kind. But then the other kind of infiltration is this, where AOC shows up, you have obviously, you know, members of the squad show up, you had Omar there, her daughter goes to school there, obviously. And the purpose that serves is they show up there to, you know,

normalize the idea that Biden supporters have a place at these protests. And I'm sorry, they fucking do not. They do not. If you are going to go around, if you're going to spend the next five, six months taking photos like this and telling people how important it is to Joe Biden, you have no place at these protests either. And you are an infiltrator just as much as the Zionists are. You really are. Absolutely. And I hope...

That as these kids are getting for real woke, not the bullshit woke, for real woke, seeing what the face of the state truly is and what they will truly protect from.

literally to the death, even against members of their class in good standing, as most of the students at Columbia would be. I hope they start doing that because, again, back in the Vietnam era, they turned on Johnson. Eventually, they did start to go after the Democrats. It's very interesting that you got a convention in Chicago this year, which I will be attending with Nick and with Kit from Harlan's Media.

And we'll see what kind of shit goes down there. All right, this video is going to make you furious.

Israel quickly went from this, from Mohammed Shahada, Israel quickly went from, we never dug those mass graves at the hospital, to everyone in those mass graves we dug were terrorists, terroristically terrorizing the terrorized, before the terrorized slaughtered the terrorist, terrorist, terrorist, terrorist. Okay, it's about that bad.

These 283 corpses found in a mass grave at Nasser Hospital in Khan Yunis, the UN Human Rights Chief has said he is absolutely horrified. Who do you think those bodies are? Probably terrorists, because the ratio of combatant to innocent that Israel has is unprecedented in modern warfare. Okay, I just want to point this out. This is the bullshit line they're pushing this week.

They've gone all the way back from what was pretty well established. Journalists have never been killed at this rate in any war, including World War II.

You've never seen medical workers killed at this rate. And you've never seen children killed at this rate. They've gone right back to the world's most moral army bullshit where based on nothing that I'm aware of, not no actual study I'm aware of, no actual evidence I'm aware of. They've gone right back to the most moral army bullshit.

We have our fighters to civilian ratio is unprecedented. Absolutely no evidence. They're going right back to claiming tens of thousands of these people who have been killed are actually Hamas fighters. Very few civilians based on nothing that I've seen. Have you seen anything, Keaton, to actually prove this? Because they're really pushing this line this week.

No, I mean, it's it's it's mathematically impossible. Like not only is it women and children, 70 percent, 70 percent women and children. So that's 20 something thousand dead right there. Hamas as an organization, according to Israel itself, is only 25000 members. So it is mathematically impossible that what she's saying is even close to true.

Right? It's like not even in the ballpark of being true. Right, right. But they are all pushing this line this week on the theory. If you keep repeating it, it muddies the waters. That's what this is all about. Muddy the waters. We know we've killed about 15,000 terrorists. There was a terrible battle in those areas. How do you think they died? How do you think these people died? In gun battles with Israel. Why do you think some of the bodies were found with ties around their hands?

Well, because we probably arrested the terrorists. And then killed them. Well, I don't know if the terrorists fought back. I wasn't there. But all I can tell you is that this has been a very difficult urban warfare that nobody on earth has experienced this type of warfare, where the terrorists are hiding in tunnels, where they're cowards because they won't face their enemy. They just leave innocent people up there whilst they hide in tunnels that are bigger than the London Underground.

And they come out, they shoot, and it could be that many of them were shot and they were shooting in a battle. And it could be that there were bombs thrown by them and grenades. There could be a million different scenarios of why these were found. No, there cannot be a million. I'm sorry. Can you pause it for a second? There cannot be a million different scenarios because their hands were tied behind their back.

What do you mean they may have fought back and thrown bombs? They were kicking very threateningly. She even said herself, she said they were arrested. They were arrested. That's why their hands are tied behind their back. Well, then why were they shot? Maybe they fought back. How? Their hands are tied. How are they going to throw bombs? How are they going to shoot? How are they going to do anything? There's not a million different scenarios. There's very few plausible scenarios that would justify an execution when you have someone's hand tied behind their back. In fact, I can't think of one off the top of my head.

Well, in regards to what you were saying before, she gave a number. We've killed 15,000 fighters. That's impossible. 70% are women and children. That's 20,000 right there. So what are you talking about? Everyone who was not a woman or a child was Hamas? So every male was Hamas. Is that where... That's impossible, too. Is that where she's getting this from? Even if you grant them that, there's nowhere near tens of thousands. Right. Just amazing. But...

They're used to getting away with this. That's what we saw with the finance minister when for a second Joe Scarborough was told by his owners that he could go after the Israelis for a minute because of whatever spat they were having with Biden behind the scenes or the Biden White House.

He goes, why were Netanyahu giving money to Qatar? And immediately deflects to, yes, I agree that Qatar is a wolf in sheep's clothing. And it was so transparent. He says, no, but they were acting on behalf of the Israeli government. They're used to being able to just get away with shit like that because when do they get pushback? When have they gotten pushback?

Okay. Just to clarify for me, if you would, how do they fight back with their hands tied behind their backs? Well, we don't know what they were doing before their hands were tied behind their backs. She thought the same thing. Like minds, like minds. What a hard question that was to come up with. And this is Sky News. This is not even like a kind of lefty network. It's not even a real news station, right? It's like the New York Post of Australia. No, but if you manage to cable tie them,

They shouldn't subsequently find them dead, should we? Again, we're just conjecturing. Maybe his friends threw a grenade, and then what happens? Maybe there was a missile, maybe they threw a rocket, and then what happens? Again, this is conjecture. I wasn't there, you weren't there. We can't know. All I know is that our army has the highest... Either it was Amnesty International and they say this... Yeah, okay. I mean...

Maybe they had one of those robot flamethrower dogs that are coming to the United States now. Probably. Like she's trying now to say maybe their friend threw a grenade. It's just come on, man. So, I mean, it's going to be very interesting how this plays out because really we haven't had anything like this since Vietnam where you've got war crimes. And the reason you haven't had it is after Vietnam they started embedding reporters. They learned their lesson.

Just letting reporters free roam around Vietnam and broadcast that footage for the United States seriously undermines support. Most people are not fucking monsters. They do not like seeing children incinerated in napalm. You show them things like that. They're usually going to have qualms about it. No matter what propaganda you feed them now because of social media, there's a workaround to the way the control they got over the press.

And as a result, you're seeing just these absolute fucking monsters justifying the most horrible, evil thing.

crimes against humanity you can imagine and it's just not working even on a even on a conservative anchor like that so to what you were saying yeah i mean maybe there's some hope right because even in the midst of this full court press you still have cnn wrote the article we based the segment on right so it didn't completely retreat

They didn't completely give in to the, what are they called, Hasbro, their propaganda Hasbro. I mean, I'm completely given that I'm confident that we won't give up and I'm confident that, you know, we'll, we'll win again, just like we won the first time in terms of swinging the public mind. But, you know, there is the factor of the calendar, right?

And there's a time clock, you know, Netanyahu claims he has set a date, pardon me, for a ground invasion of Rafa, right? And it was always unlikely that anything anybody could do would actually save Gaza.

which is a horrible thing to say, but I'm not about giving people false hope. I just have to say what I think is true. But there will be justice for this. I'm fairly certain of that. And I know that seems unlikely too at times like this, but you are seeing...

Chinks in the armor to the point where is this going to sustain itself over a period of time? Even the children of the of the upper class. I mean, that's what's significant about the campus revolts that, you know, we're not talking about, you know, a SUNY school here or there or UC Berkeley. You're talking about Yale. You're talking about Columbia. Right. Even Harvard, you know, that hasn't been reported as much. But there has there have been student protests there. MIT, UPenn.

These are the people who are supposed to grow up to be the scumbag politicians who are trying to silence them. So if they wake up, what happens 10, 20, 30 years down the road? It's not a pretty picture for Israel in the long term. And so we just have to keep that in our minds as we go through this. Well, and just to end on a positive note, those protests at Columbia in the Vietnam era,

did indeed end with Columbia divesting itself of its connection to weapons manufacturers, which was the main student demand. And they all, I mean, they won on every front. They changed their policy on the gym in Harlem as well. Yeah. I mean, that's another thing. I mean, that's what, I mean, it's easy to lose sight of that, but the short-term demand of these protests is divestment on the part of their schools. Right. So,

Why can't you just do it? Like, why can't you just do that? Right. Why? Oh, no, we're not going to do that. We're not going to divest from a genocide. We're going to send the cops in to beat the shit out of the kids. Come on. How much longer can you really keep that going? Right. We have to focus on these concrete demands. Our objective here in America is.

in the West, around the world, needs to be to make Israel a pariah and to cut off all of its ties with the world economically and militarily. That is where we have to focus our efforts. That is where we'll have the greatest impact, I think.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

Do not freak out.