cover of episode Liberals Tie Themselves IN KNOTS Pretending Biden’s Not Demented!

Liberals Tie Themselves IN KNOTS Pretending Biden’s Not Demented!

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Dr. Drew Pinsky
Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore认为主流媒体试图掩盖拜登明显的认知能力下降,将其归咎于年龄问题,并对相关报道避重就轻,没有深入追问具体问题。他认为,人们对拜登认知能力下降的担忧并非出于年龄歧视,而是基于其明显的认知障碍。如果拜登没有认知障碍,那么他应该因持有机密文件而受到起诉。他还批评了自由派人士对拜登认知能力下降的辩护是盲目且荒谬的,并指出Rachel Maddow试图用拜登骑自行车来证明其认知能力正常,这是一种荒谬的辩护。Dore认为,对特朗普的妖魔化掩盖了对拜登认知能力下降问题的关注,一些人对拜登认知能力下降问题漠不关心,这是一种危险的现象。 Dr. Drew Pinsky则认为拜登的认知能力下降并非首次发生,历史上也有类似先例,但如今却刻意被掩盖。他指出,如果飞行员或医生出现轻微认知障碍,会被要求停职,而拜登的情况却未得到严肃对待。他认为医疗专业人士对拜登的认知能力保持沉默,这是一种不负责任的行为。Pinsky建议应该对拜登进行专业的认知能力评估,例如蒙特利尔认知评估量表,并指出痴呆症的症状表现并非一致,但拜登的认知能力下降令人担忧,需要进行专业的评估。

Deep Dive

The discussion revolves around the media's handling of Joe Biden's apparent cognitive decline, with examples of MSNBC hosts defending Biden's mental acuity and the implications of his potential dementia.

Shownotes Transcript


Hey, come see us do a live stand-up show. We'll be in Philadelphia, Avonlea, New Jersey, Boston, Palm Springs, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Berlin, and London. We're adding a second show in London. The first show sold out. See you there. Establishment media sucks. All gaslighting, so good luck. Bullshit we can't afford. Why he's fomenting this? Oh, watch on CSA.

We're here with Dr. Drew Pinsky, and I want to talk about this game that's being played that the establishment media wants you to think that the problem people have with Joe Biden is his age and not his clear signs of dementia. So this is from The Hill just a couple of days ago. No, this is from. Yeah.

This is from, yeah, but it's the it's the DOJ report that says that the DOJ report said that the special counsel describes Biden as an elderly man with a poor memory in an eyebrow raising report. So the report caused some eyebrow raising, did it? Not the doddering idiot trying to figure out how to walk off stage after babbling at dead people in front of our eyes. Not that. Well, consider my eyes closed and my brow raised. How about that?

I'm generally amazed by the lack of follow-on questions. So the question to the Hill or whomever would be, what do you mean aging? What are you talking about? What specifically is the aging that is being questioned here? Is it his orthopedic status? His feet are no good, Dr. Drew. What are they talking about? What do you imagine they mean by taking aim at his aging?

Well, it's like unbelievable. Of course we're talking about his neurological, his cognitive capacity. Would he be an ageist? And to be fair, this is not the first time this has happened. I'm sure you're aware. Woodrow Wilson had a massive stroke and spent six months non-communicative, really dead, in bed. And his wife conducted business from the bedroom. Oh.

She signed a, wait, what did she sign? Like the federal reserve approval. There were a couple of, a couple of nefarious things. And,

And so when this has happened before, it's not like it's the first time, but to pretend, I mean, here's what they need to sort of sort out. Is this minimal cognitive change, which is a normal feature of aging, in which case there still would be a conversation because guess what? If an airline pilot or a physician has minimal cognitive change, they will be asked to step away from their job. Oh, you haven't seen the new DEI report?

Guidelines? No, they won't. Well, maybe not. Maybe not. But if you have dementia, then we're talking about something progressive, and then we have some really serious matter on our hand here. And no one is having a serious conversation about this in any way, and it's disturbing. In fact, they're gaslighting us, right? But here's from Crooks and Liars.

That that's the name of a Web site that used to describe the people they covered. Now it describes this Web site. Right. It says judging Joe Biden by his age is an insult. Really? What? Again, what are we talking about? What are we judging? What are we looking at? What are people seeing that you're taking issue with? Exactly what? And if you say that if their answer is, which is what I the most I ever hear is, well, people will say he's missing. He's missing a step here or there. What does that mean?

What does that mean? Let's define what that is. Stop with the niceties. What does that mean? And no one does it because no one knows how to ask the right question. By the way, just for the record, nobody brings up his age as an insult. They were just trying to be polite and not call him a demented idiot. That's what I think. And by the way, the flip side of the DOJ report is so therefore you should proceed with your plans to prosecute.

If he's not demented, he does have minimal cognitive change, prosecute. That's fine. See, that's the word they're arguing against themselves, right? So if Joe Biden does have his mental faculties, then he should be prosecuted for having those classified documents outside of a place where he should have had them. He knowingly and intelligently broke that law. I've got to tell you, I hate all this lawfare, all of it. I hate all of it. It is just a terrible thing.


including people that want a Nuremberg 2.0 and all this stuff. It's just going to, it's guillotines just create more guillotines. That's all it does. Well, if you think you're going to put somebody else on a guillotine, you're going on the guillotine. We saved a lot of Nazis after world war two. Also, we didn't just execute. How about a truth and reconciliation commission? I'll have that. Everybody gets unity, but let's tell the truth about what happened. That's what's important. We find out what we did wrong, not to do it again. What happened?

We need that. And boy, if you start prosecuting everybody for criminal acts, no truth will be revealed. That's right. Everyone's going to be distorting everything. Well, here's some South Korea, North Korea level zombieism is from Seth MacFarlane. He says so he tweets out this this article written by Bill McKibben, who's completely corrupted.

He calls himself an environmental writer. If you know anything about he was exposed in that Michael Moore film for taking money from the people he's supposed to be opposing. And so he writes goofy articles like this. And he wrote an opinion article in the I think it was in the L.A. Times. And it says age matters, which is why Biden's age is his superpower. Yeah.

I thought his superpower was the bumbling words and then not being able to find his way off stage. I thought it was being prosecuted for not being obvious crimes. This has been rattling around in Seth's brain for some time. Yes. Seth said, this is something that's been rattling around in my brain for some time. And Bill McKibben finally articulated here better than I ever could. It's not, it's worth a read from start to finish. I doubt it.

Why Biden's hate is a superpower. I have to be honest, Seth, as a friend, I'm gobsmacked. It makes me want to read the article, see what he found in there. I just saw the headline and I ran away screaming.

So what I said is these people are in a full blown cult. It's not Biden's age. It's the fact that he's clearly demented. You effing North Korea level zombie. This is psychotic. And it is. Now, here here they are trying to apologize for Joe Biden's mental acuity because after that special counsel said he can't be prosecuted because he's not all there.

He's an old man who doesn't remember stuff. Listen to what this is. And listen to what race specifically what Rachel Maddow says. And I don't want to get you in trouble with your friends, Dr. Drew. So you don't have to say anything. But here, listen to this. Along with the standardness of I don't recall is the standardness of prosecutors and or litigators being annoyed by it. And part of the peak that you read in it is that peak. Right. I mean, he's.

frustrated and angry that he didn't get more. So he's saying that the special prosecutor really has an ax to grind and that's why he's saying this stuff about Joe Biden. That's what he just said. He's frustrated and he's upset. The special prosecutor. Okay. We should just be clear here, right? Like

Age is the central narrative question here that this all revolves around in terms of its political repercussion. So it's not, by the way, Chris, age is not the central question here. Otherwise, everyone, including you, would be bringing up Trump's age unrelated to Biden's age all the time. But you only bring it up to defend Biden's senility, which in turn makes Biden seem more senile because Trump is way sharper, even though Trump is almost as old. Yeah.

It's a really strange arguing system. It's really strange. I mean, you really have to have your brain hollowed out to go for it. Okay, so... People are talking about things they don't understand, and my profession is standing down because we don't take care of him, we don't know him, we have no business making comment. And that's all true, but people that are taking care of him

I just can't imagine their ethical dilemma. They have to speak up. They don't have one. But again, why airline pilots, nurses, physicians? I mean, you name, you know, very responsible positions and we have...

or at least we have evaluative committees that take us away from an environment where we're no longer appropriate to be working. They ran them out. They ran them out. Pilots, nurses. Yeah. Remember? 70,000 fired by Kathy Holtzschild. 70,000 healthcare workers in one state fired because they wouldn't take the mandatory vaccine. Yeah. Can you imagine that? Not eating the food in the restaurant you work in? That's like the kitchen help not eating the food. So here, there's more to this.


you you there's no the man is 80 years old he rides a bike like he is the age he is and and so so i don't know if you heard what rachel maddow so her way to to defend joe biden's mental acuity is he rides a bike he rides a bike and she says some more things that you can't hear because chris talked over her because chris is busy punching himself in the dick and some kind of weird gender or gender affirming care that he does on camera but you

He rides a bike with a big basket full of classified documents breezing out in the wind as he falls off. So again, we're not worried about his age. We're not worried about his age. We're not worried about his age. We're worried about his cognition, his brain. And the way we evaluate neurologically is not with a bicycle. We don't put people on a bicycle and say, oh, that person's got perfect cognition or they don't. Or they even don't have dementia or they don't.

Can we try? Listen, there is a Montreal inventory that Trump took, if you remember. Remember when Dr. Jackson gave him that Montreal cognitive assessment? That's a hard test. That's a hard. You should pull it out. You can pull it up online anywhere. And when you think about our president filling out that form, it will give you chills.

You'll have trouble yourself filling out some of it, I'm sure. But that's how you determine what someone's cognition is.

And I doubt anyone has permitted that to be done, let alone a mini mental status exam. He, you know, he, he's having, and the thing about dementias and even minimal cognitive change, but especially dementias, it's very Swiss cheese like, you know, certain areas they function well. And all of a sudden there's like an empty space. Like I didn't remember I was vice president, but I can talk to you about, you know, some, some policy that I'm thinking about right now. And those holes get bigger and the ability to function in the non-hole areas get diminished significantly.

And it's hard to predict how it's going to go. It often goes in a stepwise fashion. And I think we've seen a step recently, I suspect. It seems like. The space of who's alive and who's dead in real life?

I mean, that's all like working memory, trouble concentrating. That's not absolutely indicative of – it's a cognitive change, but I can't say that's something diagnostic of something. But it's all concerning. It needs appropriate workup. And these idiots have no business – no one has any business talking about it. But the people of the United States have the right to know the status of their leader, it seems like, if he's having trouble functioning. Yeah.

So let me just remind you of what she just said. He rides a bike. He is the age he is. And so it's. So he rides a bike. He rides a bike and he doesn't have to be driven around in a golf cart like Trump. So just keep that in mind as I'm going to play the next clip. He rides a bike.

Okay. You know, he was fine riding. So he rides a bike. Guess who else can ride a bike? A monkey.

A monkey could ride a bike. So I guess, hey, you're looking at your next president, I guess. Guess who else could ride a bike? A gorilla. A gorilla. I guess a gorilla could be our next president. He'd be even better than Biden. Wow. Look, who else could ride a bike? A dog could ride a bike. Look, there's your next president. You guys are brutal. But can they land a bike? Brutal. Biden landed it sweet. How much prouder you could have been just saying a little...

Just having a literal ape. I think they did that for Reagan towards the end. They got Bonzo to fill in when he, his dimension. That's right. That came out after he's out of office. Well, but let's think about that. I mean, should we have been warned about him? Remember that famous interview where he lost track? He didn't remember anything.

Well, it turns out he did have dementia, right? I know. I don't recall. Yes. No, I understand. But should we have been, was that enough? What's the threshold? These are hard questions. It's not up to us, so that's why it doesn't matter. You can just talk about dogs riding bicycles. I mean, Maitre Maddow could have been even more prouder having a literal ape run

run for president then she'd her and chris hayes and them those aren't those aren't just mistake like i fully could understand seth mcfarland just being like i could see seth mcfarland by drinking the kool-aid reagan committed treason with iran contra he knows that that's written i've i watch his cartoons right that's written in there so that stuff he knows he's so demented from trump like all of them i don't know some kind of like this is trump mk ultra of the rich and famous or something that the brain shuts off he goes no his age is a superpower

You couldn't recognize what Reagan did if you're not putting this together right now? The whole thing's fake. Okay, so let's go. Any last word on this? I have one more story I'd like to cover with you. No, I'm good. Okay, so again, it's not his age.

It's not his age. It's that he's suffering from dementia. Or not, or minimal cognitive change, which is sometimes pre-dementia. But these we should know. Somebody must know. Whatever it is, he's not the guy in charge. That's right. Whatever it is, he's not the guy making the decisions. Well, I have friends who I've had this conversation with. They'll go, I don't care if they...

taxidermy him and pump him up. I'm super happy with what's going on with the administration. I don't care. I don't care. I've heard that. Yes, because they've convinced people that Donald Trump is somehow Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and Hitler all put into one. Is it Trump derangement that's

Of course, that's what this is. People are just, they're afraid because they're told that Trump will never leave office the next time, even though he left office the last time they'll say he's going to prosecute his political enemies, even though he didn't do it the first time. They, and in fact, they're doing it to him. And they did, you know, the same Rico statue. Let's remember the Rico statues were written in the seventies and everybody was okay with them because they were just going to use them for the mafia. Now they're not only using them for Donald Trump, but they're also using them for the people, uh,

that are protesting the expansion of the police state called Stop Cop City in Atlanta. And when I brought Dr. Cornel West on the show and I showed him that, I go, now you see the game that's being played? The establishment criminalizes anybody who stands up against them now? That's the new game? And he pretended to not be able to understand that. Yeah, and now Fannie Willis is botched that other case against Trump and she's corrupted. It came out. Hilarious. ♪

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We have Dr. Drew Pinsky with us. He's a board-certified internist and addiction medicine specialist. He gained popular attention by hosting the nationally syndicated radio show Loveline from 1984 to 2016. He is the author of five best-selling books and currently hosts a variety of programs including Health Uncensored, the Dr. Drew podcast, and Ask Dr. Drew, which is

will be welcoming me as a guest tomorrow. Yes, sir. All right. So welcome back. Welcome to the show, Dr. Drew Pinsky. Jerry, pleasure. It's great to have you. It's great to have your voice out there. Like me, you caught on to what was happening during COVID-19.

And you stuck your chin out and you started to tell the truth about it. Of course, people come after you for it. But before we get into that, just to I want to start off with this. I came every day. It seems, Dr. Drew, that I'm coming across another lie that I've been living my whole life because I was told this lie by science.

And here's one of them. So there's a new study out from the University of Washington. It says red meat is not a health risk. New study slams years of shoddy research.

Shoddy Research has over... Remember when eggs were suddenly bad for you? Remember that? I remember when I was a kid, they said eggs were bad for you. Turns out eggs are a superfood, okay? That's right. Eggs are great. You get the omega-3s, the omega... Everything you need. I've been eating two eggs every morning with two tablespoons of butter per egg, whipped up in a scramble, and I had my heart checked. Zero percent blockage. Just so you know. Zero percent. I'm not afraid of fat. I'm afraid of...

trans fats and i'm afraid of sugar and i'm afraid of carbohydrates i'm not afraid of fat i'm not afraid of red meat so let me just give you a little bit more of this and i'll have you jump in on it right studies have been linking red meat consumption to health problems like heart disease stroke and cancer for years but these invariably suffer from methodological limitations

In an unprecedented effort, health scientists at the University of Washington scrutinized decades of research on red meat consumption and its links to various health outcomes, introducing a new way to assess a health risk process. Each year, hundreds of, frankly, lazy studies...

are published that simply attempt to find an observational link between some action, eating a food, for example, and a health outcome like death or disease. In the end, owing to sloppy methods, varying subject populations, and inconsistent statistical measures, everything, especially different foods, seem to be both associated and not associated with cancer.

There you go. Nearly all the research is observational, unable to tease out causation convincingly. Most are plagued by confounding variables. Confounding variables.

That doesn't sound good. That was my old improv group in middle school. For example, that's a great improv group. For example, perhaps meat eaters simply eat fewer vegetables or tend to smoke more or exercise less. And maybe scientists and doctors are easier to buy than a pack of Marlboros. Remember when doctors used to say, hey, four out of five doctors smoke Camel? Remember that? I remember when John Wayne died and they said it's because he just ate steaks every day. Yeah, so it turns out that didn't kill him. It might have been.

Maybe it was the three packs a day of Lucky Strikes that killed John Wayne. And shooting Genghis Khan in a nuclear test zone. Maybe. Okay.

Moreover, many are based on self-reported consumption. The simple fact is that people can't remember what they ate with any accuracy. And lastly, the reported effect sizes in these scientific papers are often small. Is a supposed 15% greater risk of cancer really worth worrying about? So here's the, I actually went and looked at the study. It's Nature Medicine, Health Effects Associated with Consumption. That's where it's printed, in Nature Medicine.

a burden of proof study and they found weak evidence of

of association between unprocessed red meat consumption and colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and ischemic heart disease. Moreover, we found no evidence of an association between unprocessed red meat and ischemic stroke or hemorrhagic stroke. Hemorrhagic stroke. Also, recent studies found it fights cancer. Transvestic acid, it's called. Oh, really? Yeah. You'd think they'd love that because it's got trans in the title. You would think so.

Previous meta-analysis evaluating the effects of red meat intake have generated mixed findings and do not formally assess evidence strength. Here, we conducted a systematic review and implemented a meta-regression, relaxing conventional log linearity assumptions and incorporating between study heterogeneity.

I think I'm saying these words right, to evaluate the relationships between unprocessed red meat consumption and six potential health outcomes. Why don't they just read the entrails of a pig to make their scientific deductions? This crap that goes nowhere. I think this means red meat is actually keeping smokers alive. Anyway, so Dr. Drew-

Now, I'm not telling people to eat the lot, you know, when you see the cows that are shot up with hormones and shot up with antibiotics. I'm talking about grass-fed. This is what they're talking about, unprocessed. We're also not talking about lunch meat, right? We're talking about grass-fed, unprocessed red meat. That's what we're talking about. And do you have anything to say about this?

That I'm not surprised. Look, if it gets confusing to you, whatever your grandmother told you, probably about right. It's probably the zone. Whatever has been the advice for the last 300 years, probably okay. Not to trust the Asians? I don't know. The Asians have some good ideas. But look, this does not surprise me at all. The polyunsaturated fat story is a catastrophe.

It turns out, you know, we have all the different fast food companies in the world switch from tallow to vegetable oil. The one thing we know for sure about vegetable oil when you heat it up is it's carcinogenic. And tallow is probably much, much better for you. And so, look, this whole thing has been a sham. Just look at the food pyramid. Look at the food pyramid of yore and look at the more recent one, which had things like Froot Loops on it. And I dare you to. I'm not kidding. I wish I were kidding. I remember that up for Jimmy.

I remember there was a big I at the top of it too. There is so much adulteration in all this. There is so much motivated reasoning and motivated interpretation of data. It's just ridiculous. Look, the old standard recommendation, Jimmy, you started saying yourself, balance, easy, clean fluid, processed food, fruits and vegetables, you're going to be fine. The enemy is sugar. The enemy is starch, really, particularly in this country.

And insulin is much more of a story than we had previously realized as it pertains particularly to things like vascular disease. And processed food, right? So I think that's another reason why Americans are so – so like in fact, when I was in Italy, what you realize is that people eat fresh food more often. Their refrigerators are like the third the size of American refrigerators. Yep.

And so they're eating fresh vegetables and fresh meat and fresh food all the time. Americans are heating up something that was made in a factory that's filled with what you're talking about. They make you some vegetable oil. It sounds healthy. It's vegetables. No, it's taken from the seeds of the vegetables. Right.

Which makes it some kind of an industrial product that should be there to oil your car instead of put in your side of your body, right? Am I wrong about this? No, no. If you want to read more about this, a friend of mine named Kate Shanahan, she's a physician. She was a nutritionist for the Lakers for a while. Wrote a book called Deep Nutrition where she gets into this fat story. And it's really quite astonishing. And the fact that it's not – you want to see how long it takes. Forget for bureaucratic government agencies to change. Just the medical system to change. This is known now for –

decade and a half and people are only beginning to talk about it but you saw how this happens in covid if you step outside of the dogma you get punished for it and so people keep their mouths shut so i've been you know uh

I tried to go. Some people go vegetarian and they feel much better. Some people go vegan and they feel much better. Good for them. And good for them. I tried to go vegan. My doctor recommended against it. The doctor who saved my life, Dr. Sharp in Pasadena, who's a genius, said,

I had a misdiagnosed bone disease, Dr. Drew, that my audience might know. So you might be surprised to know Charles Sharp has been a friend of mine my whole career. And he is an excellent endocrinologist. I completely agree with you. And one of the highest compliments I ever got is...

It's so funny you bring Dr. Sharp's name up here. I was probably 10 years into practice and I had this very complicated case and I needed him to consult. It was a bone problem. He was a bone metabolism specialist way before people were talking about these things.

And he looked at me and goes, this is how internal medicine should be practiced. You're doing an excellent job with this case. And I'll never forget it. It's one of the highest compliments I ever received. So I know what you're talking about with that professional. So the minute I... So I was... They kept misdiagnosing me with my bone problem, right? And

And I didn't go see Dr. Sharp because he didn't take my insurance. Like an idiot, I didn't go. Everybody told me, you should go see Dr. Sharp, but he didn't take my insurance, so it would cost me $1,000 just to walk in the door. And so finally, my spine collapsed, and I went from 5'10 to 5'7. And I was like, you know what? Maybe I should spend that $1,000. And so I walked in, and the first visit, he figured out exactly what I had, and he said to me, I'll never forget this. He said, Jimmy, know where you go. Will anyone know what this is? Hmm.

And he was right because I'd already been everywhere and nobody knew what it was. They kept misdiagnosing it. I kept getting sicker. And after two years of misdiagnosis, he finally figured it out first day. And I said, well, how do you know what it is? And he said, because I saw it once in 1968. Yeah.

Yeah. And it was called hypophosphatemic osteomalacia. Oh, wow. That's interesting. And why were you spilling the phosphates? We know. So he he theorized that there is a tumor somewhere in my body that releases this chemical. And I forget what he called it. But and he said it also could be released by your bone, but we're not sure. So he said, and then it causes your kidneys to expel all your phosphorus. Yeah.

- That's right. - And so what he got me on was simple. You decide to take more phosphorus every day. So I have to take phosphorus four times a day. It's just like taking calcium. So you need three things to make bone. You need vitamin D, calcium, you need phosphorus. People don't tell you that.

And so he knew this. He knew that's what I was. They kept giving me vitamin D. They kept giving me calcium. Nobody knew about the phosphorus. And that stuff can accelerate the phosphate loss sometimes. And so, you know, that's crazy. It's a wild story. And when I went to see Dr. Sharp, I was toxic with vitamin D. They had over vitamin D'd me.

And anyway, so he got me on the – and so he turned my – now my hip and spine now register as in the normal range for bone density. So that's a big – Dr. Sharp. Anyway, he's the one who told me – I'll never forget –

I'm sitting there in his office and he looks at me and goes, "Jim, you're from Chicago, you eat meat, right?" And at that point I had stopped and he's looking at my blood and I could think he could tell that I had done something different. And I go, "Well, you know, I'm actually not eating meat anymore. I went vegan." And he goes, "What for?"

Don't do that. And I just said, well, you know, the environment. I don't know why I said that. Do you know the history of that? They try to make it like it goes back to Atlantis or some shit. No, it's from the 40s. The initial guy that came up with it

It wasn't as crazy. And he was just, it was like a health thing for him. But then, you know, there's always a David Miscavige character that comes in. So the people that took over were the like PETA level crazies, real rich British people. This is, by the way, while World War II and the Holocaust are going on. And their primary concern is the damage it might do to animals. Just to let you know the kind of people that came up with this.

And so it got passed down. It's the worst. People do it to their kids. So just give them sugar instead of meat and stuff. That's exactly. You might as well give them crack. That's what the hell they do to them. So Dr. Sharp literally sat down for a half hour and told me how cavemen used to eat. And the southern accent. And the whole thing. And he drew pictures for me. I've never had a more thorough doctor in my whole life. That guy's a genius. Anyway. And he had a southern accent. He'd sit very slow.

Right? Yeah. Very personable and great. Yeah. And anyway, I'll never forget when he told me a story about when he was – because he's a squeaky wheel over where he was practicing medicine and they kicked him out. Yeah. And he said it was because he thought –

He said, you know, I thought it was all about taking care of the patients. And imagine my... He said, he goes, Jim, imagine my chagrin when I found out it was all about money. Yeah. No, that's right. All these people are finding out just now. Yeah. Yeah, I know. It breaks my heart. But he came to a lot of us. There are many things about our profession that I had no idea. And COVID tore the last scab off, I think. So...

Let me before, I really do want to get into the coat, your journey through COVID and all that, and that, but let's just sit, let's put a button on this story here. Um, but look up Sean Baker also, uh, a few guys who have know him, but he's an orthopedic surgeon that eats only meat. And, uh, he's a world-class athlete and he is a repository, but you might interview him. Great information. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. And, uh, so Sean Baker, he was on Rogan a couple of times. Oh,

Okay, maybe I have seen him on Rogan. Maybe I would love to. So they did a thing where they put a one through five star rating on

on these studies. And here it is. Using this function, any researcher can evaluate published data for a certain health risk. Then using the function, compute a single number that translates to a one through five star rating system. One star rating indicates that there may be no true association between the behavior or condition and the health outcome. Two stars indicates the behavior or condition is at least associated within zero to 15% change

in the likelihood of a health outcome, where three stars indicates 15 to 50, so that goes up. But when the IHME utilized this function on red meat consumption and its potential links to various adverse health outcomes, they found that none warranted greater than a two-star rating, and a two-star rating could be anywhere from 0 to 15%.

So, this is not what we've been told my whole life. Go ahead. Yeah. And again, I don't know what they were measuring in those studies. And zero to 15, these are numbers that get thrown around. It's so easy to distort numbers, right? I mean, is that zero to 15% per year trouble or is it zero to 15% in one cohort? Who knows? But the fact is that, look,

Just look at somebody that's eating animal meats and then look at somebody that's not. It tells you a lot. And it's a common sense approach to nutrition. But, you know, I recently was also, I had another thought today. I was talking to somebody about something happening when I traveled in Europe. I was eating French bread for about a week. And I just went nuts because I, and I'm very sensitive to starches and carbohydrates. I gain weight really easily on them.

And I wasn't dieting. I was on vacation. And I came home and I'd lost weight. And I started looking into this. I'm like, well, something is wrong. And immediately you start realizing that the starches even in this country are adulterated. And bread has been changed dramatically to make it sliceable. That's why French bread isn't sliced. And it's been, of course, adulterated with yumminess and with sourness.

They put sugar in meat. It's legally cake in most of Europe. Exactly right. They made it more closer to cake and they have all kinds of preservatives in it. I mean, it's just when you really open Pandora's box, it gets concerning. You have to really read labels. Jared from Subway disappointed us in a lot of ways.

So I was trying to, literally I was trying to find a bread that didn't have sugar in it. Do you know how? Oh, forget it. Go get it from France. French bakery. It'll say whole wheat bread. It has sugar in it. Oh, the whole wheat means nothing. It's just a marketing ploy. Although some of them have a little less of some of this stuff I'm talking about. It's not a lot less. I didn't want to say this, but superfood is also not a...

Science words. Well, I mean, that's me. You close realizing, you know, eggs and sardines. I eat sardines and eggs and those things are they give you all the good stuff that you need. But I've had to find this stuff called Ezekiel bread. Right. And it's like made out of sprouts or something. But it comes frozen here. I ordered it comes from like what they want a freezing bread. Well, because I have preservatives in it.

Right. So you don't want to get this. So that's this processed food. People need to get away from processed food. That's why it's killing Americans. That's why we have the diabetes. We have the clogged arteries. We're doing sit-ups too. The cancer. You could also do a sit-up. No, it is absolutely true. That is all true. We really don't. I mean, look around what's happening. And it's because...

We've allowed our sources of food. I can't blame companies. They're just doing what they do, which is making things more yummy, more preserved, more likely to be eaten. And they keep going. And then it's a very evolved science now. It's no different than drug addiction. Everything is drugs. Dealers learn how to adulterate or adjust their product. So you will get hooked. I take fentanyl bread.

I can't stop. And in America, instead of telling you to change your diet or eat, what they'll do is they'll say, well, we have a drug to fix that problem you have, right? Don't be a white supremacist about it and exercise. That's what I'm talking about.

Because America is one of the only two countries in the whole world that allows pharmaceutical companies to directly market to consumers, right? They don't do that in Europe, which is why in the United States, we take somewhere around three to five times more pharmaceutical products per person than they do in Europe, right? So it's New Zealand and the United States, which allow Big Pharma to advertise. Do you think that's a good idea, Dr. Drew? Well, I just learned, I don't know if this is true or not, but was it

Where did I read this? It was some sort of guerrilla journalist posted that the, according to one executive, that the reason they promote on TV is not to try to capture patients, but to control the media.

That if they are the main customer, that the media then won't become critical of them, will not run stories that expose things. They will be in control. And I've been – it made sense to me because recently – by the way, I looked up Ezekiel. It looks very good. I fully endorse it. Okay. On your behalf. But the –

The fact that I would sort of sit in the quandary, watch TV while they were these monoclonal antibody, obscure medication for unusual diseases that a few thousand cases every year. I'm thinking, well, how do they make money off this? Apparently they don't, but they get the brand out and they have control of the medium. Well, it's very much, I got one about 10 years ago. I

And they would have a fact-checking segment, and it was sponsored by Boeing. And I'm like, wait a minute. I'm watching this show. I'm not in the market for a jet.

Who's in the market for a 737, right? Nobody is. So why are they... So that's what I figured out, that when you see companies like Boeing and Military Industrial Complex and Big Pharma, what they're not... So news organizations are supposed to go and investigate the powerful and the people controlling us and expose them. But they're now being funded by those people. They're supposed to be investigating. So what those people are funding...

Big Pharma and Pfizer and Moderna, they're not funding the investigations. They're exactly doing what you just said. They're funding the non-investigation of their products and their way of doing business. That's exactly what's happening. That's why Big Pharma did. So I was told by RFK that 70% of cable news budgets comes from Big Pharma. And that's why he was told by Roger Ailes, if he let him on to talk about anything that was negative, especially vaccines, that he would have

to fire whoever the host was immediately. Well, I don't know if you remember the last week Tucker Carlson was on the air at Fox News. He brought in RFK Jr. to tell the truth about Big Pharma, and he was gone that week. Brought to you by Pfizer. Brought to you by Pfizer. Isn't that interesting? Well, what's troubling me, and this is a little more in the weeds, but I'm sure you'll appreciate this, and it's something that RFK is aware of. I've talked to him about this.

which is, you know, I'm a scientist. And so I read the medical literature very carefully and weekly. I read three majors and I just read, I've read my entire career. And something has happened, something during COVID happened where I noticed that all the studies were only going one direction. That's just for the sake of discussion, let's say vaccine outcomes.

And I thought, well, that's never the case in medical literature. It's always a kind of a back and a forth and positive studies and negative studies. And then a sort of a consensus emerges after usually a few years of, as you're saying, that's why the public gets so weirded out by all this stuff. Sometimes we go back on it because a new consensus emerges, but it takes us a long time to develop a consensus in since during COVID and since then.

The editorial process at the major medical journals, something has happened. There's always been concern that it was being adulterated, that the studies are being adulterated by the funders, which is the pharma company. The editorial process was being adulterated because they were also major funders of the journals themselves. But it's gotten crazy.

crazy in the last three years. Oh my God. Things only go one direction. And I have several, I have several poster children for, you know, people that I think of as excellent researchers that excellent studies that could not get them published because they didn't fit the narrative. So the British medical journal, now this, I have personal experience with what you're talking about. So a week or two ago I was on Twitter and,

And I know this one scientist who is a big charlatan and has got to be taking money from Big Pharma because he's one of the guys who called the people who said the COVID virus, if you said it came from a lab, he called you a white supremacist and a conspiracy theorist, right? So I saw this guy post... Chinese people just eat dirty stuff. That's the non-racist way. Isn't that crazy? That's the craziest part of the story at all. Oh, these filthy people, they eat wet markets. Yeah.

They're eating... They're a scientist? Racist. That's right. They're eating pangolins. That's the politically correct thing to say. Wow. So this guy posted that he's been appointed by the British Medical Journal to be an editor on a new series that they're releasing that is supposed to somehow assess what we're supposed to have learned from COVID. And I tweeted out that this guy...

how would this guy be as an editor who calls people conspiracy called Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a conspiracy theorist. That's how I knew who this guy was or not to do that. And so, so I tweeted, Oh my God, that'd be amazing if that were true, but I'm sure it is. So I tweeted this out and I said, how could this, this, this shows you that, uh, that they're, uh,

They're they're compromised by the money they get from big pharma advertising at the British Medical Journal, which they are. And then the editor of the British Medical Journal tweeted out, called me a conspiracy theorist for pointing out that this guy he had just hired as an editor was.

had called scientists conspiracy theorists. That's all they have left, Dr. Drew. He literally did that. He called me a conspiracy theorist. Jimmy Dore is a conspiracy theorist. I'm a conspiracy theorist because I pointed out the guy you just hired called scientists conspiracy theorists for saying that the COVID virus came from a lab, which is where it came from. And

And so you leave it out. You leave something out. He goes, there's a ton, a lot of problems with medical journals. Yes. But that ain't one of them. Yeah, he said there's a lot of problems with medical journals. Which problems? But that ain't one of them. One of them being that you guys take money from Big Pharma. That's a problem because they do take money from Big Pharma. Go ahead. I cut you off. Yes, they do. Is it BMJ or Lancet? Was it BMJ? No, it was BMJ.

Okay. And the really insane part about that story is not the story itself, but whom they chose to call a conspiracy theorist, meaning Jay Bhattacharya. Yes. Have you interviewed Jay? Yes, we've had him on the show several times. He is...

a consummate professional. He is a gentleman and he's a brilliant scientist. And thank God he's been going nutty, not nutty, been getting aggressive on X lately with his thoughts. And I like every one of them. I suggest you all do. There's no more sober, rational, scientific type guy I've ever met in my life. With experience, with experience galore. And I

Look, he can be wrong. That's fine. We can all be wrong as scientists and as clinicians. But to call that guy a conspiracy theorist, I want his name needs to be in the picture and name needs to be in the history books of the excesses, of the insanity, of the overreach of

people like that that are we're trying to cancel people that should be in the history books well I mean what I've you know he again he is one of those guys imagine my chagrin Jimmy that money runs everything even universities and even his colleagues at universities turn their back on him nobody stood up for him for he was just doing real science and because that went against what the establishment wanted nobody stood up for him in fact they let him be thrown under the bus

Did you hear about this? New York City to offer migrants $53 million in prepaid credit cards, the report says. Boy, finally, everything Americans have been clamoring for. Am I right? This is going to be a real winner for the Democrats come November. That's what I think. Huh?

Now, have these cards been meat tested? So cards will be loaded with different amounts depending on the size of the family and whether they have income. A family of four could receive $1,000 monthly or $35 per day. Cards will be refilled every 28 days. That's better than the money they gave to the people in Lahaina. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw that.

And so guess who else is upset about it? This is Stephen A. Smith, the guy from ESPN. So this guy's been... Okay, let's listen to what he says. So you can pick and choose. What it came down to for me is this. I see homeless folks in the streets of New York all the time that are American citizens. I damn sure see them in California.

We've got poor, impoverished, starving people who were born and raised in this nation. How in the hell do we come up with a $53 million pilot program for illegals? But folks who are here legally are born here. We don't have enough of them. Just like we could come up with billions for Ukraine.

But somehow, some way we can't fix the homeland problem. I'm down for helping Israel. I'm down for helping address the situations with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. OK, I'm down for helping the Ukrainians and fighting off Russia. What about poor and desolate citizens here? How the hell do you print money for foreign countries? But you don't print that money to help eradicate.

folks that are starving right here in the streets of America who were born and raised here. This is what I'm talking about. And so when you have something like that, what's the one way to eradicate it? Yes, you got to have a flourishing economy. Yes, you can't have inflation. Yes, you can't be on the verge of a recession. Milk don't need to cost $7. Bread don't need to cost $5. Don't get me started with how much sugar costs.

You can talk about employment all you want to. You can talk about the labor participation rate. But guess what? If you ain't making no damn money and you got to get two jobs to pay the same prices or to buy the same amount of stuff that you used to buy and the price is higher than it used to be because of inflation, then guess what? What are you really accomplishing? I feel like this is why Trump is on the verge of getting elected. Oh, because when he was in office, there was a flourishing economy.

So I feel like this might be a good time to plug my book, Your Country's Just Not That Intimate. And look for my upcoming follow-up to this book, Your Country Wants to Cut Your Dick Off and for You to Kill Yourself. What are you going to finish? Is that before justice is coming? We'll beat a more timely fashion. I think so. I really do need to write. I wrote this book in 2015. So I need to put it. We didn't listen.

So this is almost 10 years ago I wrote this book. Wow. I need to redo it. Wow. But here, let me just show you this. So this is like the fact check or the puts this in context. Oh, thank God. But I don't think the context makes it that much better. Well, let's listen.

Some lawmakers are expressing outrage over a New York City program that they claim will give millions of dollars in prepaid cards to migrant families. One Verify viewer texted us to ask if this "free-for-all" is actually happening. So let's verify! Our sources are the office of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the New York City Comptroller, and Mobility Capital Finance.

These claims need context, and here's why. We verified that it's true on February 5th, Mayor Adams announced a pilot program to provide 500 migrant families with prepaid debit cards. But these cards can only be used to buy about $12 worth of food or baby supplies per day, per person. They're not free money, as some of the online claims seem to imply.

What? That sounds like free money. Sounds like a WIC card. Yeah. So I guess it's not actual cash, but it does exactly what actual cash does. It buys you stuff. But only so much per day. But only so much per day. You can't buy lobster like welfare. Remember that? Welfare, they're buying lobster. Yeah, that's right. But that contradicts.

Okay. Wait, ZL. I heard it. Yeah. I heard it. It's the, before it set out up to a thousand dollars a month. Yeah. And then you can renew that every 30 days. So it's welfare for, for illegal immigrants. That's what it is. Okay. So he just flashed on the screen.

What like little details of it. Yeah. Quickly. It cuts away from those details. Yeah. To like, you can only use it to buy food and you mean like money? So yeah. And by the way, they have to swear an oath that they'll only use it for money. So why don't, would they have to use an old, anyway, here we go.

New York will reallocate $53 million for the pilot for money that is currently being spent to cater and deliver meals for those in the program. And Adams says it's expected to save more than $7 million per year. It made no sense delivering the food. And there's some of the food that we were delivering, people didn't want. So here, here's your debit card.

with a dollar amount that is a lower dollar amount, smarter way to do it. So while New York City is giving out prepaid cards to migrant families, they can only be used to buy food and baby supplies. And it's a replacement for how the city currently distributes emergency food supplies. Whether you are Verify, I'm Brandon Lewis. Okay, so again, that contradicts

what this says, a family of four could receive $1,000 a month. So a family of four. Or $35 per day. Per person, right? So he said only $12 a day. Per person, though. And this is for a family, right? This is for a family.

So $1,000 in one month is more money than they gave to the people in Lahani. Quite a bit more. Yeah. Give them $700, and I think it took a while to get there. And it took a long time. It took quite some time. So this is what I've been saying. Just like what this guy said, I got no problem helping people. I got no problem helping poor people. I got no problem helping migrants. But when we have Americans and veterans sleeping in the streets...

There's homeless people all over the place. They're practically other dimensional aliens at this point. Yeah. No one can see them. No one can see them. I think they're building new particle colliders. We one day may be able to. Yes. Encounter the homeless. When you hear report after report of senior citizens having to cut their medicine in half and we're giving away tens of millions of dollars to 500 families.

That aren't even citizens. Again, this is not to demonize the immigrants or the migrants. They call them migrants. It's to demonize your government. This is to demonize your government. So you can, so you have to flip of it. We can, you can provide money and aid to people who aren't citizens.

By the way, who are here primarily because the billionaire class wants to lower your wages. That's what this is about. It's a big part of what this is about. Have them police you too. That's what Urban said. And join your military because people don't want to join the military anymore to go fight. And we can send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine.

Hundreds of billions of dollars to the military industrial complex. Tens of billions of dollars to Israel. We can't send a couple of billion dollars to America to fix homelessness. Ten billion dollars would pay for community college for the whole goddamn country. They'll never do any of this. So again, this goes back into my theory.

that the billionaire class, this is not only in the United States, but all over. They want everybody on edge, just like we were during COVID. So it makes us easier to control. And it makes us beg for authoritarian solutions.

That's what this seems like. It seems like this grand plan, not only to lower wages and to fill our military with the foreigners, but it also seems like this to keep us on edge, to keep us begging for authoritarian solutions to our problems. And and they've got the money again. They're going to they'll print. They printed five trillion dollars during covid and they didn't give it to you. They didn't give it. They didn't. They could have. Again, you can fix homelessness for 20 billion dollars.

They won't do it. They won't do it on purpose. There isn't a politician I've seen run in the last five, 10 years that even mentions homelessness. Even Cornel West, when he came on the show, didn't didn't didn't didn't make it, didn't make it to his list of priorities. His priorities was demonizing your neighbor as a neo-fascist.

I think the much larger issue here, after that great context they added, was they tried to make it better by saying, well, it's actually cheaper than what we're spending now. So what you're telling me is it's way fucking worse than I even knew. Yes. That's what you tell all people who live in New York. And by the way, here's a real cheap solution. Shut down the goddamn border and stop being a goddamn sanctuary. That would save a lot of bucks too, I bet. Yeah, I bet you that would save $53 million just off the top.

Like, that's crazy. Again, when a guy like Dennis Kucinich, who's so far to the left that the Democrats gerrymandered him out of his own district in Ohio, when he says we have to seal the border, this is no longer a left-right issue.

This is exactly what Bernie Sanders said was happening in 2015. Bernie Sanders says an open border policy is a Koch brothers policy, which means, what does that mean? That means the billionaire class wants this. And why? Because it suppresses wages. That's the first thing.

But it also destabilizes cities. It makes people on edge and it makes people beg for authoritarian solutions. Also, I'm going to look more into this, but I'm getting text after text from people saying that they're trying to make it OK for illegal immigrants to vote.

Yeah. Have you heard about this? I thought we showed a clip of the lady saying it'll be great to have their vote. Maybe I watched it. Maybe I wasn't here. Maybe I was on the road and you did it with Kurt. No, I might have saw it on Memology. Okay. But yeah, she said it and then like it backfired. I can't remember even what state it was in. It was in Chicago, New York.

She goes, well, no, it's, oh, New York. And it's going to change our, there's an even more important reason. It's going to change our. And I don't want to call people, again, this is not to demonize desperate people who are coming to the United States. Well, I was going to deflect that way and say that's not what you're saying. So I could deflect from your point. Right. But when people in America can't pay their bills, when people are working two and three and four jobs just to pay their bills, when senior citizens are taking half the medicine that they're prescribed because they can't afford it.

When people can't afford housing.

Eggs are 50 bucks. Again, you know what? When they give you the instruction on a plane, hey, if we lose pressure and air masks fall from the ceiling, make sure you secure your mask first before you secure your kids. Why do you think that is? Because if you pass out, you're not going to be able to take care of your kid. So we can't take care of our own country, yet we have people flooding our country and we're taking care of them or

Or trying to. Or spending tens of millions of dollars in one city alone. Jimmy, they're busing. Okay. This is crazy what's going on. They are busing them in on purpose. Do you know that? This is crazy. They are busing them. It's not just people, oh, I'm desperate to cross the thing. They got goddamn in other countries on the way up. They've got encampments set up. It's various charities. There's one called the Catholic. James O'Keefe just showed it.

But they've been showing a bunch of stuff. They're busing military age men across the border. So you don't even need to explain that shit. Because if you think if somebody out there thinks that's what it is, oh, it's just desperate, like a mother and her child and a dreamer. It's not that it's a coordinated only young military age men for the most part, then kids who disappear.

that they're shipping on purpose and it's the open society that all the, all the greats have fun are funding this, the WEF, all that you heard about. It's so much worse than whatever anybody's thinking. So you don't even worry about blaming it. Your own government's busing them in.

Like that, we saw Dick Durbin say what this is for. I saw, I showed, I showed Dick Durbin. So it was every, how many times I got to tell, do they have to tell you what the plan is? Every, let's think of all the new things. They're all to isolate you, sterilize you. And then like Canada's like, hey, and why don't you kill yourself now?

So, and by the way, they're saluting Nazis and we're doing, they're doing a eugenics thing right in front of your goddamn face. That's what's happening. This is, this is, this is stunning. I, that's all I can say is this is stunning. And when a guy like this, when a guy like him, uh, who's been on television since I can remember watching television, I don't know how long he's been on TV, 20 years. So this guy is in the, he's been a millionaire for a long, long time.

And when he's upset, when he actually when it actually affects his mentality again and they and they just keep trying to prop up this demented Joe Biden. Well, you know why? Remember, replacement theory is a racist conspiracy theory that from white supremacists. Well, it turns out there are plays in every other kind of color of people from America.

Nobody born here matters. They need to be thinned out. We're going to bring in some new blood. I don't know who the hell's the top of the pyramid making those calls, but here's the mind control they use over the elites. It's called money. They give you a big shit pile of it, and then you'll say whatever the fuck. They don't even tell you any secret shit. A big pile of money. That's how they do it. Well, if you're pissed off about this, I'll see you Friday in Philadelphia, and I'll make some jokes about it. This Friday, what's the name of the theater?

Theater of the Living Arts in Philadelphia. We'll see you there this Friday. This is nuts. You know, Jimmy, I just wanted to let you know that according to AP November 3rd, 2022, the claim is registering non-citizens to vote. That's a false voter registration. California is restricted to U.S. citizens. This is in New York. OK, but that's just in California. OK, I just want that. What you just read was just about California. OK, they're also counting them in the census.

People are called undocumented. Again, this is not because I have a chip on my shoulder against desperate people who are coming to the United States. I have a chip on my shoulder. That's the system that allows that to happen in cities that were not even taking care of the people who are here already.

If you don't see that often, I don't think you should have to explain jack shit. They're shutting down schools to put undocumented immigrants in. Stephen Smith notices it. He's a genius. So if this guy notices it, this guy who's lived at the tippy top of society for the last 20 years, he's noticing it.

I have a headline from New York Times that says New York City's non-citizen voting law is struck down. And that was from June 27, 2022. What does that mean? What was what is a non-citizen voting law? What does it mean?

Is this they had one in place? A state Supreme Court judge from Staten Island said that the measure which would allow more than 800 non-citizens to vote violated the state's constitution. So they are trying to do that. Don't get it through. Don't worry. So they are trying to have people who aren't citizens vote. Where the black swan event happens that they're worried about in MSNBC. Boy, that sounds like fear-mongering conspiracy theory. There's a black swan event coming. Right. We're bussing up military age illegal aliens here. Is everybody crazy?

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Do not freak out.