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Hey, come see us do a live stand-up show. We're going to be in Stockholm, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, London, Oslo, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, Cortland, New York, Oakmont, Pennsylvania, El Paso, Texas, San Antonio, Texas, Edmonton, Alberta, Vancouver, British Columbia, and Denver, Colorado. Go to for a link for those tickets. Hey, this is Jimmy. Who's this?
Jimmy, this is Jake Tapper, host of The Lead with Jake Tapper on CNN. Yeah, oh hi Jake Tapper from The Lead on CNN. How are you? Oh, you know, just doing my thing, my cable news anchor thing. And how's that working out for you? It's a living, it's a living. Yeah, it's good. Why are you calling me?
Well, Jimmy, I have to apologize.
In the past when we've spoken on the phone, I think I may have taken a slightly condescending tone towards you and what you do. And I'm sorry for that. I came to you with the attitude that I'm up here, a news anchor on TV. And all these podcasts and YouTube personalities were sort of lower on the rung. Yeah, I picked up on that, Jake. Of course you did. Of course. You're no dummy. I've always said it.
But I saw something recently that was eye-opening, to say the least. And what's that, Jake? Well, Spotify has this new feature where you can look at video versions of their podcasts and click on a little thing, and it will tell you its average viewership. Yeah, uh-huh. Right.
And I clicked on Joe Rogan's podcast. You're familiar with him, right? From News Radio? Yeah, I am familiar with Joe Rogan, Jake. Right. Well, it said he had 15 million views.
And of course I thought it was a mistake. So I did some research using my journalism degree and it turns out, believe it or not, it's true. In fact, it's 5 million views more than the second most popular podcast. Yes, it's the biggest platform in the world, Jake. What kind of viewership do you have per episode?
Well, it varies, certainly, from day to day, but we hover around 600,000. That is, I'm sure I don't need to tell you, fewer viewers than 15 million. That's certainly true. So, yeah, I'm just trying to understand this. This is confusing to me. And very destabilizing on a profound psychological and emotional level.
It appears to be an interview show. Who does he have on? As a matter of fact, Kurt Metzger, my co-host, was just on. Kurt who? Kurt Metzger, my co-host. Kurt Metzger? I wouldn't be able to pull 15 million viewers if I had Kurt Cobain as a guest, revealing that he faked his own death.
We had the Secretary of State of the United States on last week and barely pulled half a mil. What the fuck is going on? I think you're a little behind the curve here, Jake. TV is kind of dead. People get their news and entertainment from alternative sources now. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Well, this sucks. Yeah. No one in television told me this was going to happen. Yeah, I don't imagine they would have.
Well, adapt or die, as they say. I guess old Jake Champer has to get himself a podcast or a YouTube show and catch up with these fellas. Joe Rogan has a 20-year head start on you. Well, I like a challenge. How's your show doing? Well, we have well over a million subscribers, Jake, and I have about a 14-year head start on you.
Fuck me, this is hard.
Start small. There is a recording studio in the CNN building, but this guy Pete is in charge. He's a real pain in the ass. It's his little domain or whatever. You have to schedule stuff on this Google Doc that's impossible to use. Oh, I hate Google Docs. I know. But I could probably get my own equipment, right? Yeah, it's not that hard. Literally children have their own podcasts. What would your show be?
I don't know, just two guys talking about whatever. Oh, how about being a woman? I like that dynamic. It's good, very fresh. Jake, this sounds sort of derivative. Damn it, I need to get to 15 million and quick. People television is a sinking ship. Oh, hey, I have the second show, right? Because the United States is scandal. What if we redid it in podcast form? I don't know, Jake.
It's already got a catchy catchphrase and everything. What were they thinking? People love it. It's a whole thing ready to go. God damn it, I am Jake fucking Tapper of CNN, host of the lead with fucking Jake Tapper on fucking CNN. I should have 15 million viewers, not Fear Factor guy. This is bullshit. Well, the truth is he does and you don't.
You know what? I don't even care. Who cares? I'm on television. Cable television. And you guys aren't. Yeah. CNN is famous and I'm famous and I'm trusted by my viewers. That's what matters. And I make a nice salary. I don't need to get in the gutter with you people. I'm doing fine. My wife...
My wife calls me her little Cronkite, and no one can take that away from me. So enjoy all your little clicks and likes. I'll be on television interviewing important people. Sounds good, Jake. Doesn't really affect me either way, though. What kind of microphone do you guys use? Ha ha ha ha! Gotta go, Jake. Goodbye, pal.
You know that Donald Trump is being prosecuted now. These are political prosecutions. Letitia James in New York is prosecuting him for doing normal real estate business.
So he wanted to get a loan. He went to some big Wall Street banks. He said, look, these are the properties I have and this is what they're worth. And then the bank does their due diligence and they decided if it was worth them giving a loan or not. And they thought it was. And they gave Trump these loans and then Trump paid them back and everybody made money. So it turns out the bank was right to lend that money to him. He was a good risk. Trump paid it back. Everybody made money. In fact, the bank wants to do business with him again.
They sued him for artificially inflating the value of his property. Now, that's what every real estate agent does, as Kevin O'Leary told us or confirmed. And it's so what they did was they decided to criminalize a normal business practice of Donald Trump. And they got a corrupt judge to oversee it. That judge is completely corrupt. And so these are political prosecutions of the president's political enemies. That's what this is. The donor class is political enemies, which is why this is allowed to happen.
And so Jon Stewart has turned into a cuck for the Democratic Party. Maybe he always was, but when he first came back, he did two episodes where he kind of tried to be even handed, making fun of Biden and Trump equally for being old and whatever. And he caught shit from it. I mean, from his shit lib...
The circles and people hated him. Oh, Jon Stewart's helping Trump. Jon Stewart's a trumper. Same thing. So he got his mind right. And just like I told you, Jon Stewart will never tell you the truth about the Ukraine war. He'll never tell you the truth about covid. He'll never tell you the truth about vaccines. He told you the truth about the Wuhan lab once and he had to atone for that for a year straight.
He had to do interviews with bloodthirsty warmongers. He had to bring on four vaccine liars on his show. He had to he had to pay the metal on a Nazi for the war machine. He did it and he did all of those things.
And now he's doing this. Now he's pretending like Donald Trump actually broke a law and he's pretending there's actually some victims. And he's acting like this isn't what exactly what it is, a political prosecution. He's going along with it. Why do you think he's allowed to have this show? Why do you think the establishment is willing to let a guy who's supposed to be telling the truth?
The last thing you're going to, if you're a truth teller, the last place you're going to end up with is a network television show to tell those truths. Okay, so let's watch what he said about this case.
You know, let's take a step back. What did Trump actually do to earn this penalty? Well, it turns out that for a decade, whenever Trump wanted to get a loan or make a deal, he would illegally inflate the value of his real estate. For instance, suggesting that his 11,000 square foot penthouse was a 30,000 square foot penthouse. I guess somehow including the sky in the calculation.
We all do it. I mean, in my license, I'm not listed as 5'7". You know? I'm listed as 30,000 square feet. And now the problem is, John's funny. I think those are solid jokes. I think he's kind of funny. I think he's very talented. And he performs those jokes well. Okay, here we go. Thank you.
And the attorney general of New York knew. Who's unbelievably corrupt, which we proved. She got she campaigned on a political prosecution of Donald Trump. And then when she got in office, she did exactly that. And then she lied and said she didn't. She I didn't campaign on posturing Trump. She did. I showed you the video. She's 100 percent corrupt liar. OK.
Trump's property values were inflated because when it came time to pay taxes, Trump undervalued the very same properties. So he's saying you knew he inflated. Leticia James knew he inflated the price of his properties because when it came to pay the tax on those, he used the lower tax assessment to pay taxes on them. Again, something everybody does. This is Jon Stewart's argument.
Part of a very sophisticated real estate practice known as lying. So the judge calculated that the value that he gained from the lying. So what they're saying is that Donald Trump pulled the wool over the most powerful banker's eyes in the world.
That's what this whole case relies on, that he lied to the banks and the banks didn't do their due diligence. They did. The banks knew what those properties were worth. They knew what the market value was versus the tax assessment. The banks just don't go, Trump, tell us what your stuff's worth and here's your loan. That's not how it works, but that's what they're pretending. And so is Jon Stewart, because Jon Stewart is a cuck to the establishment.
Interest was around $454 million. Now, you might be saying to yourself, well, that sounds pretty straightforward. Whatever gains you got from lying, you have to pay back. Well, that's because you're a f***ing idiot. No, if you knew anything about business, if you had an MBA, you'd know. You're a f***ing idiot.
We're talking about a victimless crime. They find an ordinance or a law that has never been used ever before in anyone else. He's committed bank fraud where there's no victim. It makes no sense. No victims. There was no victim. The ruling is blatantly unfair. That didn't go over very well with the investment community because we're all asking each other, who's next? And the party doesn't show.
is called kevin o'leary is kevin o'leary then telling the cnn host that hey uh what you're prosecuting donald trump for is doing what real estate agents do in every city in every country all over the world every day you're criminalizing normal business practice and that's a fact and john stewart is now going to twist it who's next the persecuted minority of the investment community first
First they came for the arbitrages and I said nothing. For I was not an arbitrage. And then they came for the quants, which I could be, I don't know what. But I am surprised to hear this from Kevin O'Leary, a guy who's such an asshole. Wait. That even the other people on Shark Tank think he's an asshole. Now, he's very chill.
I'm surprised to hear that he's so chill about overvaluing something that he thinks is victimless. Because when someone tries to do that to him, which. So now you're going to see Jon Stewart. By the way, Jon Stewart is he's now protecting big banks against real estate. Well, this is what he's that's what he's doing right here. He's saying that Donald Trump committed fraud against these big banks, which the banks made money off Donald Trump and they want to do business with him again.
He's like a consumer protection reporter who only covers private jet sale fraud. That's what he's really upset about here. That's just your Jon Stewart. Jon Stewart. Okay, here we go. One of you, do I absolutely tear to pieces now on a $28 million valuation? You think this is worth $10 million? Absolutely. Now I'm going to rip you to pieces. Are you out of your mind? Your valuation is insane. Your valuation is crazy. I think that's a crazy valuation. I think your valuation is insane.
Stinky poo poo. No, you didn't. So there's Jon Stewart giving you proof that when someone tries to overvalue something to Kevin O'Leary, he gets upset about it. Yeah, so Kevin O'Leary would be the bank in that situation. So you don't think the bank went, hey, I think you're overvaluing this. You think the bank's just like, they? What do you think the bank's... Again, they act like Trump was doing this to a hot dog vendor. Trump was dealing with the biggest banks in the world.
Getting hundreds of millions of dollars in loans. And this is called due diligence. So this is Kevin O'Leary doing his due diligence, saying, I don't believe what you say your stuff is worth. You're valuing your company at this. That's exactly what the banks do. It's like going in to buy a car. The car salesman says the car is worth this. You say this is what I think it's worth. And that's nobody. He's turning that into a crime.
Why? Because he got his clock cleaned for telling a little bit of truth about how old Joe Biden is. That's what happened. Here we go. Canadians are so vulgar. I would say not this mad about overvaluations in the real world. First of all, that was the real world. And second of all, because Trump was doing that to a guy just like him at a bank and they're not victims.
He's John Stewart's whole idea here. His whole premise is that the victim is somehow a bank, the biggest banks in the world. That's his premise. This is real. Okay. And now, and now it makes me wonder all the videos I watched of John Stewart and I enjoyed and I ingested and I laughed at and I loved and I looked up to him as a semi heroic figure. Now it makes me wonder why,
Hey, I wonder if he was doing all that shit back then, too. And I just wasn't up on the subjects that he was doing. This is sleight of hand. And this all comes from a political point of view. The point of view of I want to be in with people who hate Trump again. I'm sorry for telling a small truth about Joe Biden's dementia. This is just exact same thing he did when he told the truth about where the covid virus came from. The Wuhan lab.
This is the exact. He got spanked after that. He immediately hung a medal on a Nazi. He immediately gave a tongue bath to two blood-soaked war criminals, Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. He then brought on four vaccine liars onto his show. Not one person who had a counter-narrative to it and lied about COVID. This was all to get back into the gray. And that's what he's doing here. He doesn't need the money, which I'll show you in a second. I don't know why he's doing that. I do know why he's doing this.
Not victimless crimes. First, the banks got paid back at lower interest rates. Although, to be honest. Oh, the banks. Oh, I'm so worried about the banks. They didn't make enough money. The banks. The banks didn't make enough money. They got paid back. They made money. They didn't make enough. They didn't make enough. Oh, John. Really? You should go really go. Go back. Go. Go. Go. Go blow the roof off of private jet sales for me.
Go do that. Who gives a shit? But second, money isn't infinite. A loan that goes to the liar doesn't go to someone who's giving a more honest evaluation. Which real estate person in New York, Manhattan, do you think is giving an honest evaluation of their real estate to a bank? Who? Who goes in and goes, you know, here's what it's really worth. Nobody does that.
The honest, so he's saying some honest other billionaire got screwed out of getting hundreds of millions of dollars in loans from a bank. That's what he's saying. So someone who got screwed, another billionaire real estate person. This is who he's looking. This is how he has to twist himself in a pretzel to defend the political prosecution of a former president of the United States.
Jon Stewart is using comedy to aid corruption instead of exposing it, which is the opposite of comedy. So now Jon Stewart's not only betraying his audience, he's also, he's not only betraying America, he's betraying comedy because he's using comedy to further corruption and make you comfortable with it under the guise of exposing corruption, except he's not.
He's making you accept the most corrupt shit I've seen in my life, which are these political prosecutions of Donald Trump, who I didn't vote for. I'm not going to vote for. And the fact that I have to say that is is disgusting. But I do have to say it. So I say it. So why is he so? So that's this. So this is your setup. So this is the setup. And every and every good joke needs a punchline.
And what is that punchline? Here's the punchline. Jon Stewart benefited by 829% overvalue of his New York City home, even as he labels Trump's civil case not victimless. Hey, Jon Stewart, how does it feel to realize you're not Donald Trump's shadow anymore? You've actually become his mini-me. You do all the same stuff Donald Trump does. You just do it on a smaller scale. That's all. Your life is a diorama of his. Should we start calling you the Jon? Yeah.
He did it. So you want to hear the details? That's why this is funny. But it didn't take long for the internet sleuths to look into Jon Stewart's own property history, which shows his New York City penthouse sold for 829% more than its assessed value.
Records confirmed by the Post. In 2014, Stewart sold his 6,280 square foot Tribeca duplex. Man, that's big. In Manhattan, that's big. To a financier, a guy named Parag Pandey, for $17.5 million.
But according to the 2013-2014 assessor records obtained by the Post, the property had the estimated market value of $1.8 million. But he sold it for $17 million. That is some markup. Does he have a Whole Foods in the middle of that duplex? The actual assessor's valuation was even lower at $847,174. So look at that.
It was assessed that, so this is the same thing Trump did. He did, but only on a smaller scale, but still a huge scale for a regular person. Records also show that Stewart paid significantly lower property taxes, which were calculated based on that assessor valuation price, precisely what he called Trump out for doing in his Monday monologue. But John was just dodging taxes because he didn't want to have that money go to war, I bet, right? Yeah.
Or, you know, schools or safe roads. Last month, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Arthur N. Gorin, that's the corrupt judge that's prosecuting Trump, he ordered Trump to pay $355 million. I thought it was $400. Anyway, and temporarily banned him from doing business in the state, relying heavily on the assessed valuations of the properties to determine the ruling.
Shit, $355 million for that kind of money. Donald Trump could have bought Jon Stewart's place like a trophy. Here's what Tim Pool said. Did Jon Stewart commit fraud when he sold his penthouse for $17.5 million? New York listed its market value at $1.8 million and assessed value at around $800,000. Who did he defraud? I'm shocked. Shocked.
And here's, it isn't, by the way, Tim, it's not fraud when a comedian does it. Jon Stewart was just kidding. He was just busting balls. Satire is protected by the Constitution. So here's what Jon Stewart, when he got caught doing this, he made a tweet. And here's his tweet. Oh my God, I've been caught doing something not remotely similar to Trump. I'm pretty sure it's exactly the same basis you were criticizing him for.
I guess all I need to do now is start a fraud college, steal classified docs, something that Joe Biden has done. Bankrupt casinos. What does that have to do with anything? His casino went bankrupt. He had a business that went bankrupt. Pay hush money. What the fuck? Grab pussies. What? You've never grabbed a pussy, John? Discriminate in housing. Cheat at golf. Cheat at golf. So this is what's called deflection.
That's what this is called. Don't look at me. Look at him. No, now all you have to do is put a medal on a Nazi. Give a tongue bath to blood soaked war criminals. Lie about COVID and the vaccine. How about I could do that, too, John? Hey, you could also lie about the Ukraine war because you do that to foment insurrection. And so he there it is. He put foment insurrection.
He's officially a shit lib. That's how you know. That's on your ID card for shit libery. Foment insurrection. He's calling January 6th an insurrection. A bunch of Second Amendment gun nuts showed up at the Capitol to overthrow the government, have an insurrection, except they forgot their guns. Son of a bitch.
What part of the cops swinging the doors wide open and taking selfies with those guys makes you think it wasn't an insurrection, John? Of course it was. They did everything except erect a bouncy house inside the Capitol for those protesters. Uh...
Tim Pool says, my brother, you sold a property. So he then retweets it, Tim Pool. He said, you sold a property in New York valued at $1.8 million to someone for $17.5 million, and they lost $4 million because of it. And you paid taxes on a valuation of $748,000. When it came time to pay taxes, he undervalued his property. That's a quote from Jon Stewart about Donald Trump.
And so I retweeted Jon Stewart and I said, here's a picture of pro-war pig Jon Stewart giving a medal to a legit Nazi in service of the war machine right after he gave a tongue bath to two blood-soaked war criminals and did an entire show lying to promote the COVID backs. Now he's been caught doing the exact thing he's been screaming about Trump doing, inflating the value of a property he owns. And he responds like all narcissists, egomaniacs respond when caught being the thing they claim to hate.
He responds with deflection, because that's what that is. Methinks thou's protest too much, John. I like how he put fraud college in there. Fraud college, you mean like Harvard? You don't think college is a fraud in general? You know, everybody's upset that Trump ruined a casino. Oh my God, you ruined a casino? Baron von Snarkenden?
So there's your Jon Stewart. And I can't believe he was I ever looked at him as a hero. But I did. I looked up to him comedically. He's got comedic chops all over the place. I just didn't have the inside on an actual story that he was spinning. And so now you know that Jon Stewart is just like the people that he's been criticizing his whole life. Just like Joe Scarborough. Just like Trump. Isn't that interesting?
And I hate to tell you, John, of cheating at golf or a crime that all the people you've worked for and taken a check from would be in jail. Wow. And so there's the Nazi and here's him. He has a cover over his Nazi tattoos. That's why he's wearing that thing on his elbow. The cover up his Nazi tattoos. Oh, make it look like you've been wounded.
He has his Nazi Azoff Battalion tattoos. So then rather than wear a long-sleeved shirt, he does this to show they're making him shake hands with a Jewish guy against his will. Wow. Turns out Jon Stewart's property values is as inflated as his intellectual property value. Any more inflated and he'd be right behind the underdog at the Macy's Day Parade.
Wow. Anyway, so there you go. Another hero bites the dust. Instead of screaming about this political process, because that would take courage, he'd have to be going against his friends. He'd have to be telling, which is what I did, starting in 2016, when I told people that Hillary Clinton was not your friend. She's been an enemy to workers. She's been a warmongering, blood-soaked, thirsty maniac her whole life.
And then I went on to tell people that Russiagate was a hoax. It wasn't real. That Assad didn't gas his own people. And for that, many of my friends will never forgive me. Jon Stewart doesn't have the integrity of a YouTube host. He doesn't have the courage of a YouTube host. He's got zero. He'll never tell you the truth about the Ukraine war. He'll never tell you the truth about COVID.
It's amazing. And and he doesn't need the money. This is just this is the power of people needing to belong to a group. That's what Jon Stewart's feeling. Jon Stewart needs to get his narcissistic feel refreshed. And that comes from the the glowing looks of his admirers. And they weren't admiring him anymore because he told a slight tiny truth about Joe Biden's dementia.
Now, after the last couple weeks of him doing this, MSNBC is actually writing articles about how Jon Stewart's come around. MSNBC. He's still funny. He still has the comedic gifts. He still knows how to turn a joke and land a joke. He's very talented. And I haven't laughed at The Daily Show since he left because that other guy, what's his name? Who was the host? Noah. Trevor Noah. Trevor Noah. That guy's not funny. Not funny. Not funny.
But good for him. He had a great run, made a lot of money. Now he's doing whatever he does. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week, and it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.
It's the most affordable premium program in the business, and it's a great way to help put your thumb back in the eye of the bastards. Thanks for everybody who was already a premium member, and if you haven't, you're missing out. We give you lots of bonus content. Thanks for your support.
Tuesdays at Papa Murphy's, you can get large signature or thin crust pizzas for just $12. We call it Take and Bake Tuesday. Talking $12 Take and Bake Tuesday? That's today's topic. It's terrific for tuning up a tiring Tuesday through a tasty $12 treat. Truthfully, Take and Bake Tuesday tops tossing back tacos. Tell that taco to hit the trail. It's Take and Bake Tuesday. It's time to triumph. Time out. This is turning into a tongue twister. Totally tis.
So just try take and bake for $12 every Tuesday at Papa Murphy's. Change the way you pizza. So Biden raises $25 million in historic fundraiser with Obama and Clinton. The good thing it's historic, otherwise he wouldn't remember it. Right? You know that. Boy, they raised $25 million from people who could launder their donations through this dried out dog chew of a man. And everybody knows what they're sinking their investment into. A modern day president is just a well-paid slave. Mm-hmm.
He doesn't do what he wants. Joe Biden does as he's told. The only working people at this event are the ones serving the hors d'oeuvres, and you know it. Here, Max Blumenthal tweets out, Genocide Joe is coming to New York City for a $250 to $500,000 a head fundraiser with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. Wow. Is the shutdown movement going to show up for Gaza? Oh, yes, they are.
Oh, Jimmy, do you see everybody? There it is. Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and Stephen Colbert. With special guests, you can't see it. But at the bottom, Queen Latifah, Lizio, Leah Michelle. I don't know who that is. Lizio, not Lizio. Did I say Lizio? Yeah. There used to be a nightclub near my house when I was a kid called Lizio's.
We'll go to Lizio's. Lizzo, I'm sorry. Who's Cynthia Erivo? I don't know. The only two people I know are Lizzo and Queen Latifah. Boy, out there dancing for the genocider. Isn't that something? Well, I like that, Jimmy, you got to admit, you got to love the diversity. Yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, wow. I think Lizzo doesn't look good. I don't care what anyone says that she...
She's not good looking. She's not appealing. She makes me want to get my heart checked and cut fries out of my diet again. That's what I see Lizzo. That's what it makes me feel. And that's the same way I feel when I see Michael Moore. Totally. Michael Moore makes me want to dye my hair again because he still dyes his hair. I like that Michael Moore dresses shitty, but he still dyes his hair.
Isn't that amazing? He wants you to think he's a regular person, but look, he still dives in. Hey, I dyed my hair, but I didn't dress shitty on purpose.
uh is the shutdown movement going to show up for gaza well guess what i think they did breaking palestinian youth descendants of holocaust survivors doctors and climate activists disrupt the biggest fundraiser in history of the democratic party at new york city's iconic radio city music hall calling calling out the president of the united states to stop arming israel by the way i forgot to show stephen colbert was the host of this in conversation with
How about someone put in coitus with? I like that better. Stephen Colbert. Stephen Colbert turns out he was that character he was playing, except that character he played was a right wing shill for the establishment. He's a left wing shill for the he's the mirror image of that guy. He is that guy. Your shadow. That's why he was so good at playing that character, because he is that character.
Anyway, so here they are. They're going to give them a little...
Excuse me, Mr. President. For people who are watching, who are watching at home on the feed, you may not be able to hear me because there's some protesters here. Hold on a second here. So that was Stephen Colbert going, excuse me, folks, folks at home in the audience. There's some protesters here. Yeah, you're supposed to be one of them. You're supposed to be speaking truth to power, taking the piss out of the powerful. You're not supposed to be up there filleting them and facilitating them.
Breaking massive disruption at Palisades. Here it is. Here's another one. There was an insurrection. Shame on you, Joe Biden! Shame on you! Shame on you! You are supporting genocide in Palestine and no amount of full concern that you do will change... They're legit genociding people. Brown people. They're legit doing that. They're legit genociding
Palestinians, they're doing it. And they still want you to think that Trump's the bad guy. They still want you to think someone else is worse than them. There's no one worse than Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton. They're all the same. Right, because right then what he was talking about was the insurrection. I'm supposed to be really afraid about the insurrection. You know what actually I feel? I feel sorry for any of those people who've been imprisoned because of that. Because of it. Yes, me too. The billion that you are doing! Shut the door.
You! There's blood on your hands! Blood on your hands! Good for them. Good for them. And you know what? That takes a lot of courage, believe it or not, because most of the people around them want them to sit down and shut up. That's right. That's right. So...
Here's Obama, Biden, and Bill Clinton are in New York City today for the Democratic Party fundraiser. The NYPD has the area outside Radio City Music Hall heavily barricaded. Pro-Palestinian protesters are chanting, Biden, Biden, you're a liar, we demand a ceasefire. And here it is. Wow.
Biden supporters berated by pro-Palestinian protesters after leaving tonight's fundraiser in New York. You want to see it? This is kind of fun.
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They don't call it insanely wealthy for nothing. These people are disgusting. Look at these people. It's like, yeah, I support genocide. No problem. I support genocide. I support strike breaking. I support denying people health care. I support open borders. I support suppressing the wages of Americans. I support war. I support the Ukraine war. I support starting a nuclear war. That's what that is.
Uh, credibility, Russell Dobular, friend of the show, credibility accused rape, credibly accused rapist Joe Biden will be appearing tonight at a New York City fundraiser with even more credibly accused serial rapist Bill Clinton. And Democrats want to talk about E. Jean Carroll like they actually give a shit about sexual assault. Too much. Well said. Well said. Uh, Bill Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet over two dozen times.
was seen at Epstein's private island and is credibly accused of violent rape and now stands shoulder to shoulder with Obama and Biden at a fundraiser. Democrats never cared about women or girls. That's not these motherfuckers and certainly the people who vote for them. In a show of force, his campaign is calling the most successful political fundraiser in American history. President Biden raised more than $25 million.
More than 5,000 people attended the sold-out event at New York City's radio. They said they raised guests paid anywhere from $225 to $500,000. This regular grassroots organization. The massive haul comes as Biden and his allies have sought to present their growing financial advantage in the race against former President Donald Trump as a broader sign of strength and momentum.
The highest paying donors at the event had access to perks such as a photo with the three presidents. Look at me, I'm with two rapists and a war criminal. Great Christmas card. Legendary photographer Annie Leibovitz was on tap to take portraits of donors with Biden, Clinton, and Obama. All these people, you can't look down your nose at Hitler or that Lainey, what was that woman's name, the photographer who did those movies? Yeah.
I tried to say her name once and people made fun of me because I don't know how to say it. Because that's what that is. That's what Annie Leibovitz is doing. She's the Hitler photographer because Joe Biden's committing a genocide right now. This could not happen without Joe Biden supplying the weapons and the money to do this. The three presidents were greeted with a standing ovation and Clinton and Obama turned toward Biden to shower him with praise before they sat down. Holy shit. This is... What's her name? I can't find it right now.
While campaign aides did not say how they determined the 25 million haul was the largest ever, Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg, who also is part owner of the Young Turks, gave them $20 million. He's the campaign co-chair. He's the campaign co-chair. The Young Turks sugar daddy is Joe Biden's campaign co-chair. And now you know why Cenk Uygur is going to tell you to vote for Joe Biden come November.
That's why it was a safe investment for Jeffrey Katzenberg when he gave $20 million to the Young Turks, because he knew they would always tell you to vote for the Democrat. And they do. He described the event, Jeffrey Katzenberg, the sugar daddy to the Young Turks. He described it as a true reflection of the momentum behind Biden's reelection. Oh, man, he's got momentum. Where was Rob Reiner? Lenny Reifenstahl. Is that how you say it? I think you would say Lenny. Lenny Reifenstahl? Yeah. Yeah.
Where was Rob Reiner? This was the event of his lifetime. He should make a mockumentary about it, Rob Reiner should. Call it Final Tap. If Democratic voters at large are wary of Biden's political standing, the star-studded event in New York offered a joyous counterpoint. This is from the Washington Post.
offered a joyous counterpoint to the sense of angst. It featured musical guests, including Queen Latifah, Lizzo, and Ben Platt. I don't know who Ben Platt is. I'm out of touch. But I know Queen Latifah and Lizzo. Queen Latifah's from my era. And Lizza, I know her because I saw her one time. She blocked out the Chrysler building in a video. I was like, what's that behind Lizzo? I can't see. Oh, it's the Chrysler building.
Mindy Kaling served as host at one point, joking that who is Mindy Kaling? You know, Mindy Kaling. She's an actress, comedian. She was on The Office. I'll show you a picture. Mindy Kaling served as host at one. So. So, again, you understand how people like Hitler, Pol Pot. There's there's there's not an exaggeration. Joe Biden is a blood maniac. He's he's doing a genocide. Oh, can I see?
I don't remember her from that. I didn't watch The Office. I watched the English one. Mindy Kaling served as host at one point, joking that it was nice to be in a room with so many rich people. That is. It's always nice. Well, at least she gets the award for the only honest thing said at the entire evening. An after party for 500 VIP guests was co-hosted by First Lady Jill Biden and DJ D-Nice. Come on. Ha ha ha.
DJ D-Nice? That sounds like a Disney DJ. Like if you were the DJ at Disneyland. DJ D-Nice. Right? Yes. It's DJ D-Not Offensive. For the evening's main event, comedian Stephen Colbert. Oh, he moderated the conversation. Oh, God damn it. I like someone put that joke. He was in coitus. That was a great joke. Whoever did that.
Was Colbert dressed up as a syringe for this one, or maybe he's dressed up as a smart bomb? That's the next big musical number he's going to do. We need your land with the genocide deniers, dancers. The program was not without controversy. Yeah, some protesters. A large crowd of demonstrators also. Okay, okay. Yeah. So there you go. Great fundraiser.
You live in a sick society. That's what that tells me. You live in a sick society and celebrities are, they have no problem with hanging out with genociders and rapists. They have no problem. None. No problem hanging out with genociders and rapists. No problem.
Here's the proof. So do you know when Vivek Ramaswamy says that this is a political prosecution by an attorney general? Just like when Donald Trump says that the attorney general in who's doing this to Trump is Letitia James. Now, she's I'm going to show you where she's lying. Here's a video of her lying, saying that this isn't a political prosecution and that she didn't run on promising to prosecute Donald Trump.
So let's watch that. So this is if you need proof that Donald Trump's prosecution by Letitia James in New York is political. Here it is. I'm going to give it to you. So here it is.
The President of the United States has complained that I'm engaging in some sort of political witch hunt, that I've got some personal vendetta against him, that I campaigned against him. That is not true. This illegitimate president who sits in the White House. That president, because he's not my president, he's an illegitimate president. His days are numbered. His days are numbered.
We've got to get ready to mobilize and we've got to get ready to agitate and irritate until victory is won, but more importantly, until Trump is defeated. We will all rise up and resist this.
and ultimately will bring him down. This illegitimate president, I'm going to give you the same level of respect that you gave to President Obama, and that is absolutely no respect at all. Donald Trump has got to go, hey, hey! Donald Trump has got to go, hey, hey! I'm a day of Donald Trump, I'm a day of Donald Trump!
Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! That is not true. So when she says, when she says that Donald Trump's lying about her. The president of the United States has complained that I'm engaging in some sort of political witch hunt, that I've got some personal vendetta against him, that I campaigned against him. That is not true.
So that's a sociopath. Those are the kind of people who are drawn to politics. She's a sociopath. She's a sociopathic liar. And she's more corrupt than Trump.
I just showed you. That's really incredible. That's incredible. I had never seen that footage. I mean, you're the top prosecutor in New York State outside with a bullhorn. Lock him up. Lock him up. I mean, Jesus Christ. That's unbelievable. I can't believe that video. Her political enemy, her number one political enemy, she's on a bullhorn screaming, lock him up. Not just the number one political enemy. She's the top lawyer in the state. She's the prosecutor. She's supposed to be the people's prosecutor?
And she denied that. You're leading a rally? Lock him up? Lock him up? She denied that she campaigned on locking him up. That was her campaigning on locking him up. Here, I have one more. I have one more for you. We've got to stand up to bullies. We've got to stand up to an administration which is too male, too pale, and too stale. Ah!
Too male, too pale, and too stale. Too male, too pale, and too stale.
By the way, male, pale and stale used to open for Belle Biv DeVoe back in the day. I don't know if you remember that. Now, that that that's one of my favorite things is combined sexism along with racism, because that's what that is. Now, there's no I to me, that looks like racist and it and it looks like sexist.
So if you're denigrating someone because of their sex, because he's a male and because of his color of his skin, that's the opposite of what Martin Luther King's dream was. Martin Luther King's dream was to judge a man by the content of his character, not by the color of his skin and certainly not by the sex. But that's exactly these people are regressing. These people are these are not progressives. These people are what they used to call regressives.
The they've regressed all the way back to I don't know what. Well, I don't even know what words to put to this. But this is disgusting. If could you imagine if Donald Trump was on or anybody, a white politician was on and saying, oh, she's too she's too dark. She's too female. She's too stale. She's too dark. Could you imagine that saying that? How do you get we got to get rid of her? Why? She's too dark. She's too female.
But you can say the other thing and somehow that does that really bring people together? And she's standing there in front of three of the whitest motherfuckers in the world saying that they're all ha ha ha. Are you do you hate yourself that much? You hate yourself that much that you hate that you're white? Well, I don't even know what to say. This is this is the opposite of what political leaders should be doing. It's the opposite of bringing people together. It's what you go ahead. Can you jump in?
Well, I don't think paleness is anything to be trivialized in that way. I'm too pale. I've always thought of myself as too pale.
I got the lousy end of the gene pool there. You know, I'm half Mediterranean, half Eastern European. I have the hairiness and sweatiness of the Mediterranean with the pale skin tone of the Eastern European. A lousy combination. Oh, well. But no, that is resistance liberalism in a nutshell. I mean, that brings me right back to 2017. That was the entire critique of Trump, even when they had the tax march, which was you would think a tax march would be against, you know, rich people paying taxes. No, it was about Donald Trump having cheated on his taxes.
Right. And identity politics was obviously the core of that entire argument of that entire movement. I imagine this must have been somewhere around that time because she's been attorney general for quite some time now. But that had to be if I had to guess. Yeah. Twenty seventeen. Twenty eighteen. Takes you right back. That is. And there's this. I stand with immigrant New York right behind. So this is. And now the black mayor of New York is saying we can't handle these immigrants. Right.
And we need more help from the federal government. That kind of divisive language, that's all that is. That is appealing to the worst in people. That is what that is. That is not Martin Luther King Jr. That is not Martin Luther King Jr. That is the opposite of Martin Luther King Jr. And what has happened to the liberals in this country because of a sense of
since 2016 is remarkable. They've become everything they claim to hate. They are now the worst version of themselves. They're racists. They're sexists. They embrace it. They embrace it.
Well, yeah. Well, they had to. I mean, they painted themselves into that corner very easily because they had to reject everything that Bernie ran on because they called Bernie a racist. They said Bernie was. And so all they had to run on was identity politics after that, because all the substance that could have existed in a Democratic Party system.
policy set was filtered out when they when they got rid of him, when they smeared him and make sure that they kneecapped him. So at the DNC that year, yeah, all identity politics all the time. I tried to and I made the case when I was a Bernie supporter back in 2015, 2016. And I'm like, if you're going to call Bernie Sanders a racist and a sexist, if you call him a sexist, well, when you call Trump that it's not going to land. Right. Because now it doesn't mean anything.
And it doesn't now. Everything that everything that the Democrats don't like is racist and sexist. Everything except Joe Biden, when he's credibly accused of rape, then he's not sexist and he's not racist. Even though he voted against busing, he said he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle, even though he brags about the crime bill, which is why black and brown people are locked up at way above their population.
Not because of Donald Trump. Why do you think Donald Trump is now winning with Hispanics? Why do you think more than almost one in four black voters say they're going to vote for Donald Trump? And they keep doing this stuff. They won't stop doing that. They're just running on racism and hatred. And you're exactly right. So once they got rid of Bernie Sanders policies, which were super popular, popular with Trump voters, a lot of those people who voted for Bernie Sanders went on to vote for Trump. Did you know that?
Right. Yeah. No, they can no longer be for universal health care because they smeared that along with him. So that was out. So the only thing they had to run on was representation. And Trump represented, oddly enough, the exact opposite of that in their eyes. And that's what they ran against him on the whole time he was in office. And, you know, now.
To the extent that they're going to try and revive that, part of the reason why the bottom has fallen out for Biden, I mean, the Israel-Gaza thing has a lot to do with it because you can't run on a message of anti-racism when you are helping a white settler colonial state genocide indigenous brown people who have been locked in a pen for 75 years. So that just doesn't fly. That's a dog that won't hunt.
But the other part of it is part of the reason why Trump's coalition has gotten more diverse is it's because it is more a coalition of working people. You know, working class people skew more diverse, upper class people skew richer. And so as the Republican Party makes inroads with working people, they're going to make inroads with black and brown people. And the thing about working class people is they have real problems.
And this kind of rhetoric does not appeal to people with real problems because this kind of rhetoric solves no problems. It is just guilt management for neurotic white metropolitan libs. Do you think Christian? So what we need is people to do what Christian Smalls did, the guy who organized the first Amazon labor union on Staten Island. And who did he do it with? He did it with Trump voters. You think you think he led with racism and sexism?
And trans rights, or do you think he led with, hey, let's all get together on an economic, on a class basis? We're all the same class. We all have the same interests. And so if we can get better working conditions and if we can get better wages, that helps everybody. It helps white people, black people, brown people. It helps LGBTQ people. It helps trans people. It helps everybody. That's the message you have to have.
And that's not what the Democrats are doing. They'll never do it. It's over. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.
Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't freak out. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't, don't.
Do not freak out.