cover of episode Hillary More MAGA Than Trump On Immigration Revealed In SHOCKING Video!

Hillary More MAGA Than Trump On Immigration Revealed In SHOCKING Video!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore认为希拉里·克林顿和民主党在移民问题上的立场与特朗普相似,他们长期以来都主张强硬的移民政策,只是在特朗普竞选总统后才将此问题政治化,以此来攻击特朗普。他列举了希拉里·克林顿、比尔·克林顿、奥巴马、舒默和佩洛西等民主党主要人物在移民问题上的言论,指出这些言论与特朗普的政策主张非常相似,甚至比特朗普更强硬。Dore认为,民主党将移民问题作为攻击特朗普的工具,是因为他们在经济政策上与特朗普没有太大区别,因此需要寻找其他议题来制造矛盾。他还指出,许多西班牙裔美国人反对非法移民,并投票支持特朗普。 Hillary Clinton在2008年表示,应该对非法移民采取强硬措施,对犯罪者应立即遣返,对守法者应设定严格的条件,例如支付罚款、补缴税款、学习英语等。 Bill Clinton在1998年表示,美国人对大量非法移民涌入感到担忧,这些移民占据了本应由公民或合法移民占据的工作岗位,并给纳税人带来了负担。他的政府采取了积极措施加强边境安全,遣返犯罪外国人,打击非法雇佣,并取消非法移民的福利。 Barack Obama在谈到移民问题时,表示这不会是一次免费的赦免,非法移民需要支付罚款,学习英语,并排队等待获得公民身份。 Chuck Schumer表示,美国人民支持合法移民,反对非法移民。非法移民是错误的,必须停止非法移民的涌入,才能解决现有非法移民问题,并使美国的合法移民制度合理化。 Nancy Pelosi表示,民主党支持加强边境控制,有效执法,以及全面的移民改革。边境是国家安全的第一道防线,必须加强边境安全,打击非法移民及其雇主。 Bernie Sanders在特朗普竞选总统之前,曾表示反对开放边境政策,认为这会损害美国利益,并使美国人变得贫穷。他认为,开放边境政策是右翼的提议,会让许多人以低廉的工资工作。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Democrats use immigration as a key issue to demonize Trump?

The Democrats needed an issue to run on, as they shared similar economic policies with Trump. They chose immigration to paint Trump as anti-immigrant and racist, despite historically holding similar views on immigration themselves.

What was Hillary Clinton's stance on illegal immigration during her 2008 campaign?

Hillary Clinton advocated for deporting illegal immigrants who committed crimes, imposing stiff fines on those who entered illegally, requiring them to pay back taxes, learn English, and wait in line for legal status.

How did Barack Obama's approach to immigration compare to Trump's?

Barack Obama emphasized that illegal immigrants would not receive a free ride or instant amnesty. They would have to pay fines, learn English, and go to the back of the line for legal status, similar to Trump's stance on prioritizing criminals for deportation.

What was Bill Clinton's view on illegal immigration in 1998?

Bill Clinton stated that illegal immigration was a burden on taxpayers and took jobs from citizens or legal immigrants. He advocated for securing borders, deporting criminal aliens, and barring welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.

Why did the speaker argue that mass deportations under Trump were unlikely?

The speaker argued that there was no infrastructure to deport 20 million people and that such actions would disrupt the economy, particularly in sectors like agriculture that rely on low-wage immigrant labor.

What was Bernie Sanders' stance on open borders before Trump's presidency?

Bernie Sanders opposed open borders, calling it a Koch brothers proposal that would make everyone in America poorer and do away with the concept of a nation-state. He believed in helping poor people within the framework of national borders.

How did Chuck Schumer view illegal immigration?

Chuck Schumer believed that illegal immigration was wrong and that the government needed to stop future flows to address the issue. He opposed using phrases like 'undocumented workers' to avoid acknowledging the illegality of their presence.

What was Nancy Pelosi's position on border control?

Nancy Pelosi supported strong border control as part of comprehensive immigration reform, emphasizing the need to keep the American people safe and enforce current laws against illegal immigrants and employers who hire them.

Why did the speaker believe that big business would not support mass deportations?

The speaker believed that big business relies on low-wage immigrant labor, particularly in agriculture, and would not allow Trump to disrupt their business model by deporting millions of workers.

What was the reaction of CEOs to Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary, Scott Besson?

CEOs were reassured by Trump's pick of Scott Besson, a hedge fund manager with experience in macro markets, viewing him as qualified and competent to work constructively with Trump on economic policies.

This chapter examines the historical rhetoric of prominent Democrats, including Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, on immigration. The host argues that their past statements on border control and deportation mirror Trump's stance, suggesting the issue is used more for political gain than genuine concern.
  • Hillary Clinton's past statements on immigration are compared to Trump's policies.
  • Bill Clinton's 1998 remarks on illegal immigration are highlighted.
  • Barack Obama's deportation record is mentioned.
  • The host argues that the Democrats' focus on immigration is primarily a political strategy against Trump.

Shownotes Transcript


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So now I have this segment in response to, I got a text message from a friend who is a good liberal. And he is overly concerned about the mass deportations of illegal immigrants that are coming under the Trump administration.

And he said it's horrible and the people have lived here for decades and have families. They're going to deport them all, even people who were born here. You can't deport people. Anyway, and so I had to try to calm my friend down and tell him that there is no infrastructure for deporting 20 million people. That was campaign rhetoric.

They're not. There's that's not that's not going to happen. There's no way that Donald Trump. So it should happen. Donald Trump is going to be able to deport 20 million illegal immigrants. Not going to happen. A B. You know what that would do to to prices of produce and vegetables? And they're not going to raise the price of groceries because that's what that would do.

Because we rely on substandard wages to pay immigrants, illegal immigrants, to pick our food and fruit and stuff like that. Not that the work is too hard. You hear people say that. Americans would never do that work. Really? They don't want slave wages. That's right. People would do it for a living wage. People do lots of work. You don't think working at UPS is unbelievably hard? Or Amazon Fulfillment Center? Or doing hot tar on the top of a roof in July? No.

Americans do all kinds of really hard jobs all the time. I know I've done them. I've done them. And they work long hours to do them. I know it because I've done them. Give it to you, Sheetrock. So those are people who never did those hard jobs thinking no one else would do them. They would. And I also had to remind my friend that even the Los Angeles Times now is agreeing with me.

Los Angeles Times said, it's not yet clear how Trump's rhetoric... This has come from the Due Dissonance podcast. This is from the LA Times. This is where I got it from their show. It's not yet clear how Trump's rhetoric on deportations will play out. He and his advisors have stressed that their first priority will be criminals and those who pose a threat to national security. It is possible that most farm workers, documented or not, would be unaffected. You think...

You think big business is going to allow Donald Trump to come in and cut the legs out from underneath their business model? That's not happening. But what I want to remind people is that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats all sounded exactly like Donald Trump before Donald Trump. And I had to remind my friend of that who texted me his panic about Donald Trump deporting all the illegal immigrants and how inhumane it is.

They are only making this an issue and they're only using this so they can demonize Donald Trump because they needed an issue to run on because they're all the same economically. So the issue they chose was pretending that Donald Trump is anti-gay, even though he was the first president who entered the White House pro-gay marriage, first president in the history of the United States to enter the White House pro-gay marriage. He hosts gay marriages at his house at Mar-a-Lago.

But so here I'm going to show you here. I'm going to show you a litany of Democrats, the top Democrats in the country saying exactly what Donald Trump has been saying. First, we'll start off with Hillary Clinton. So I think we got to have tough conditions. Tell people to come out of the shadows. If they've committed a crime, deport them. No questions asked. They're gone. No questions asked. They're gone. Sounds just like Trump. Am I wrong? And who could argue with that? If you're here illegally and you're a criminal, we're going to deport you.

And there she is telling it to a bunch of her Democrat voters and they're cheering it. If they've been working and are law abiding, we should say here are the conditions for you staying. You have to pay a stiff fine because you came here illegally. You have to pay back taxes and you have to try to learn English and you have to wait in line. Wow. That's that's more. That sounds more MAGA than MAGA.

We're going to kick you out for your criminal. If you want to stay here, you got to pay a big fine. She's angry at them. Speak English. And you got to learn English. Yay. The Democrats. This is in 2008. This is in 2008. This is right before Trump. And I remind you that Barack Obama deported more Hispanics than Donald Trump did.

So keep that in mind. So this is just an issue that the Democrats have decided to use as a cudgel against Donald Trump, even though they completely agree with his policy. She sounds more MAGA than Donald Trump right there. Again, I just want to point out, illegal immigrants want illegals kicked out because it's driving down illegal wages. That's a real statistic. Illegals are against illegal immigration. 45%.

of Hispanics voted for Donald Trump. They're against illegal immigration. So here's Bill. You want to go back to her husband? So that's 2008. Let's go back to 1998. Here's her husband. All Americans, not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country, are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.

The jobs they hold might otherwise be held by citizens or legal immigrants. The public service they use impose burdens on our taxpayers. That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring. Hell, I used to run cocaine for the CIA, and even I think it's too much at the border. Am I right? Ha ha ha ha ha ha.

By barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens. In the budget, I will... He wants to bar welfare benefits to illegal aliens. He's calling them aliens and not dreamers. Right. We will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes to better identify illegal aliens in the workplace as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan. So now he's invoking Barbara Jordan, woman of color.

Civil rights activists. And he's saying she's saying we've got to deport him. This is this was the natural rhetoric of the Democrats and the liberals before Trump. Then they decided, oh, here's a way we can beat Trump. We demonize him as a racist. Well, millennials are dumb and don't remember anything. No, this has all been memory holds. This has all been memory hold. Here we go. We are a nation of immigrants.

But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating. And we are also a nation of demagogues who demagogue issues like immigration when Donald Trump runs for president.

They're on both sides of every issue. Yeah, well, sure. If you're on both sides of every issue, you can find common ground at least half the time. Am I right? A clock with no hands is right occasionally. Immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it. And they're all applauding. Look at the standing ovation about stopping immigration.

And then they didn't. And then Trump got in and then they didn't stop it. That's right. So and I say, you know, the biggest if you're worried about mass deportations, the biggest impediment to that is going to be finding room on a bus or a flight since all the Hollywood liberals are backing up and leaving the country all at once. Am I right? Well, we could use the secret flights. We brought them in here on. I bet. Yeah.

How about we just revoke their free money that's more than even Lahaina or Asheville or East Palestine got? And let's remember, that's Bill Clinton saying that the America's first black president. Do you remember that when they used to call him that? Well, he cheated on his wife a lot. That's why they call him that. Now, you got to turn this is going to be low. So you got to turn this up.

This is Barack Obama saying the exact same thing. Listen to this. This is not going to be a free ride. Okay, wait, you got to crank it. This is not going to be a free ride. It's not going to be some instant amnesty. What's going to happen is...

You are going to pay a significant fine. What's going to happen is your kids are going to be trafficked by Oprah, and then you'll be sent to fight foreign wars to create more migrants like yourself to replace yourself. You're going to serve a long internship working ditty parties. That's what's going to happen. Here we go. Here we go. This is not going to be a free ride. It's not going to be some instant amnesty. What's going to happen is you are going to pay a significant fine. You are going to learn English.

And they all cheer. Yeah. That is the most racist talk I've ever heard. Learning English? That's what they say is racist when Trump says that. Gotta learn English. English first. They all said it. Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama. They all said it. You are going to go to the back of the line so that you don't get ahead of somebody who was in Mexico City applying legally.

But after you've done these things over a certain period of time, you can earn your citizenship. And you can do that? How can you earn your citizenship? By enrolling in the military. Because we can't meet our recruiting goals. Because we have a thousand military bases around the world. We're trying to create jobs out there. We need every hand we can get. Yeah. Here we go. More to this. So that it's not...

It's not something that is guaranteed or automatic. You've got to earn it. But over time, you give people an opportunity. Now, it only works, though, if you do all the pieces. I think the American people, they appreciate and believe in immigration. But they can't have a situation where you just have half a million people pouring over the border illegally.

Without any kind of mechanism to control it. So we've got to deal with that at the same time as we deal in a humane fashion with folks who have put down roots here, have become our neighbors, have become our friends. They may have children who are U.S. citizens.

That's the kind of comprehensive approach that we have to take. All right. Wow. He said, learn English. Would you look at that white supremacist Klan leader? Yeah. Getting rid of anyone who doesn't meet his pearly white standards. I bet he only makes love to white men in his mind every day. Here's Chuck Schumer.

American people are fundamentally pro-legal immigration and anti-illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple. Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress on dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants who are here now,

and on rationalizing our system of legal immigration. It's plain and simple and unavoidable. When we use phrases like undocumented workers, we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration, which the American people overwhelmingly oppose. If you don't think it's illegal, you're not going to say it. I think it is illegal and wrong, and we have to change it.

That was before he found out citizenship was non-binary. It's not either or, Jimmy. Do you know how bad illegal immigration has to be for someone who is reliant on the trafficking industry to complain about the problem? Yeah, real bad. When you can pull Chuck Schumer away from his raw cheeseburger flameless barbecue long enough,

You know he's going to immediately spout right-wing talking points because that's his job. The court. Here's Nancy Pelosi. Watch this. Broken borders. That's an oxymoron. Something we can't tolerate. Borders.

of their nature our definition as by the way community note that's not an oxymoron that is just a description of a noun an oxymoron is two contradictory terms like jumbo shrimp or a sober pelosi nation and our protection as a country

broken borders that doesn't, they don't exist. We can't tolerate them. So let's say from the start that we all in this body, and I know I can speak very firmly for the Democrats, support strong border control. And it must be part and the first part of any comprehensive immigration reform.

We have it is an obligation as elected officials to keep the American people safe

and our borders are our first line of defense, one of our early lines of defense to do that. Democrats support also enforcing laws, current laws, against those who came here illegally and those who hire illegal immigrants. Yet the Bush administration has refused to do just this. Imagine that for all of this talk about illegal immigration to the United States,

and going after those workers who are working here illegally, and we should. But we also must have employer sanctions. Where are these people working? Why are we not enforcing the law against employers who hire illegal, undocumented people here? The Bush administration has prosecuted only three

employer sanctioned cases in the last fiscal year. Only three cases. When, yes, when are we going to take this issue seriously?

Mr. Speaker, we all know what we must do. Democrats have long called for strong border security, effective law enforcement, and for comprehensive immigration reform. In all that we must do as elected officials, we have the responsibility to make the American people safer and to make America stronger. We can make America stronger not only at our borders, but in upholding our values and our principles.

Wow, this nutcase sounds like Marjorie Taylor Greene, am I right? With her right wing. Might as well put her in the Trump administration. I mean, if for nothing else, the insider stock trip. Am I right? Come on. I like, because, you know, again, the term sanctuary city, I was curious when the hell that became a thing. Well, the Reagan Bush years.

The Republicans brought them in. Remember when Bernie said Koch Brothers Initiative? That was a Republican thing of insourcing to lower your wages. Yes. So Sanctuary Cities was a Republican idea back in the day. That's why she's saying that against Bush. Stumbling over words. When she says upholding our values and our principles, she's just referring to remaining perpetually drunk while a male hooker tries to kill her husband with a hammer. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

We have an Abu Ghraib. I mean, an obligation. And here's my favorite, my biggest letdown of my political life. Bernie Sanders. This is what he used to say before Trump. This is all before Trump. Open borders. That's a Koch brothers proposal. Really? Of course. I mean, that's a right wing proposal.

which says essentially there is no United States. But it would make a lot of global poor richer, wouldn't it? And it would make everybody in America poorer. Then you're doing away with the concept of a nation state. And I don't think there's any country in the world which believes in that. If you believe in a nation state or in a country called the United States or UK or Denmark or any other country, you have an obligation, in my view, to do everything we can to help poor people.

What right-wing people in this country would love is an open border policy. Bring in all kinds of people who work for $2 or $3 an hour. That would be great for them. I don't believe in that. Open borders. So when he says Koch brothers policies, is he referring to Bill and Roger Clinton? Am I right? Come on. The Koch brothers. They both inhale. The Koch brothers.

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Moving to Minnesota opened up a lot of doors for us. Just this overall sense of community, the values that Minnesotans have. It's a real accepting, loving community, especially with two young kids. See what makes Minnesota the star of the North. New residents share why they love calling it home at slash live. Here's Piers Morgan. And you know that they... So with every war...

They have to demonize and dehumanize the people they want to slaughter, right? So they'll often say, oh, they have rape rooms, right? That's what they said about Saddam Hussein. He has rape rooms. Rooms of rape. And then I don't know if you saw the pictures from Abu Ghraib. Turns out we came over and started our own rape rooms. It's called prisons. Yeah. So...

In the Israeli-Palestinian slaughter, they decided to say that Hamas beheaded 40 babies and threw them in ovens. Well, that never happened. This is a fairy tale. It sounds like Alibaba in the 40s. But Piers Morgan still repeats it. But now here, he repeated that lie. It was debunked immediately by the gray zone. And then Ryan Grimm hijacked the reporting.

and use it as their own. What's the name of their new... The Grim Zone? They started a drop site news, which I'm sure is funded by the same people. They just wanted to rebrand themselves. But anyway, here we go. Here's Paris Morgan going to get caught in a big fat lie. Watch this. If rape occurred, it should have been investigated, prosecuted, and the responsible people should be held to justice. Now the point is...

No, you work in the U.N. No, the U.N. not the U.N. is that there are political appointees and then human rights appointees. And and the commission of inquiry concluded that there was no. So Piers Morgan wrong right right away.

He's wrong. He's saying that, oh, the mass rapes, that did happen on October 7th. He said the U.N. said so. And she just points out, no, the human rights inquiry concluded that there were none. Didn't happen. That's another thing that the gray zone debunked that Ryan Grimm stole and reported as his own reporting. No kidding. I'm not making that up. That's the kind of people they are. Don't forget Ben Shapiro putting a Boston Market chicken photo out and saying it was a baby.

I didn't hear about that. That happened? Remember Ben Shapiro put those fake photos and it was like a rack of lamb? Yeah. They're hanging them on clotheslines. How do people believe this? But I like that woman did not get intimidated. We are at the very end of an era where someone with a British accent is intimidating to anyone. So this is good.

Because she pushed right back on him. Watch. Listen to this again. If rape occurred, it should have been investigated, prosecuted, and the responsible people should be held to custody. But the U.N. says it did happen. No, the point is... No, they don't. No, the U.N. said...

No, the UN, not the committee. The UN is there are political appointees and then human rights appointees. And and the commission of inquiry concluded that there was no in June, that there was no evidence to support the claims of gang rape. But let's assume I don't like how she says gang, gang. Where's she from? I don't know.

That's a spicy report. Say anything that I've not investigated. So let's assume that rape occurred. So does it justify what Israel has done? A lot of people would say yes.

A lot of people would say, do you condemn Hamas? They never say, do you condemn Israeli's 75-year occupation, the Nakba, the mowing of the lawn, the seeds that they're doing, the systematically starving them. Any of that? No, I want to work. No. I want to lose my teaching position at the university. That's right.

The reason why I am curious, I'm curious why as a woman who works at the United Nations, why you would even want to have a specter of doubt about it. I've read so many because of the beheaded babies, because of the claim of beheaded babies. How many journalists, sorry, including yourself. So correct me if I'm wrong. Piers Morgan is like, why is a woman? Would you have any doubt?

about someone making accusation of gang rape to justify a slaughter of people. What? Did he really say that? This is Pierce who doesn't even believe Meghan Markle's assertions that the royal family wasn't nice. This guy, Pierce Morgan, is the kind of out-of-touch guy who would blame Galileo for blasphemy. Here we go. Amplified this news and used this argument of the beheaded babies. What do you think I said?

Well, you have. So she just said, why would I doubt it? Because the beheaded baby story was all garbage and people who use this go along with that. And he goes, what do you think I said? What do I think you said about beheaded babies? Well, here we go. What do you think? You have asked the people, do you condemn Hamas? And you have mentioned the beheaded babies. What do you think I said?

What do you mean what I think you said? She just told you what you said. You asked people if they condemn Hamas and then you mentioned the beheaded babies. That's what she thinks you said. That's what mentioned means. Yes. Add to me what you think I said about babies.

beheaded babies. Did you say that or not? All I've seen ever since... Did you say that or not? I'm about to answer you. All I've seen ever since is that I apparently said that up to 40 babies have been beheaded. I never said that. Well, obviously, Piers Morgan does not understand how video playback works. Ha! Because here we're going to show you that Piers Morgan...

However tiny his dick is, he has still figured out a way to fuck himself with it. Here we go. I was up earlier reading this new revelation about 40 babies being killed. Oh, my God. And some of them being beheaded. And I was like, how can any human being do that to a baby? I don't know. It's completely untrue. You said...

So he just said it's completely untrue. He never said it. I just showed you the video. There's a video of you saying it. You just said there's a video. There's the video. You said it. Chris Cuomo syndrome. This is Chris Cuomo syndrome. This is. Hey, what's the difference between a Piers Morgan and a possum? Answer. A possum can't catch rabies and actually cares about their young. How about that? Here we go.

Oh, no, no. Look, you have said, you have referred to, I don't know if 40, you have referred to the beheaded babies or to the babies killed. I've talked about babies being killed, people being beheaded, which they were, because you know how we know that? It's a mass broadcast on their GoPro cameras. So this is the part of the video where I easily could include the countless videos of Israeli soldiers filming themselves, although not on GoPro cameras, committing countless war crimes day in, day out for the past year.

But I won't, because a quick search on eggs will unearth them all for you. Look, I'm not going to justify or to condone any crimes that were committed on October 7th. My question is, what purpose does it serve? Because the only animus I had when I tweeted what you read, what you just read, is...

Let's try to diffuse the tension because this language, this evocation of the barbarism of the Palestinians represented an existential threat. What about the rape that is documented against hundreds of Palestinians in Israeli jails? Can we talk about that? Because we have evidence of this. Here's what I would say to you.

Of course, when Francesca brings up the systematic rape of Palestinians by Israeli soldiers and police, which, by the way, has been going on for decades, Pierce doesn't want to talk about it. But you know who did talk about it? Josh Paul, the former State Department official who resigned over the Biden administration's complicity in genocide. I think at the same time we condemn those atrocities, we have to condemn the atrocities that happen every day to Palestinians in the West Bank.

You mentioned sexual violence. I was part of the human rights vetting process for arms going to Israel and a charity called Defense of Children International Palestine drew our attention at the State Department to the sexual assault, actually the rape of a 13-year-old boy that occurred in an Israeli prison in Moskvia in Jerusalem. We examined these allegations. We believe they were credible. We put them to the government of Israel. And you know what happened the next day?

The IDF went into the DCIP offices and removed all their computers and declared them a terrorist entity. I think it is vital that atrocities not happen to anyone, not sexual violations, not any kind of gross violation of human rights. We are looking at a situation where there is so much dehumanification, where people are not seen for the value that they have.

And I think that's true whether you're talking about those who are attacked on their kibbutz or those who are attacked in their homes in Gaza or in the West Bank. What we really need is to center the human beings who are at the core and who are suffering so much in this conflict. I actually resent anybody who tries to downplay or mitigate the barbarism of what Hamas did that day because it was utterly barbaric. It was medieval in its barbarism. And the

So, yes, you whistling tea kettle, because of the barbaric actions of one side, the children of the other side must all be slaughtered. That's what people that's the point she keeps making to you. No matter what happened on October 7th, it doesn't justify a the 75 year occupation and brutal murder and rape systematically of the Israelis, of the Palestinians or the slaughter that's happened since. Some people say over 200000 people have now been slaughtered.

Credible accounts, credible numbers of up to 200,000 people. They stopped counting in January when it was at 44,000. Okay, not one part of it, by the way, the Palestinian part, was medieval. They had guns, they used hang gliders, and attacked a rave. There's nothing medieval in there, okay? All the things that he's calling medieval are the fake things that didn't happen. That's right. Such as baby beheadings, and all that bullshit didn't happen. Yeah.

The reason we know that, beyond any doubt, is they were proudly broadcasting it to the world. Pierce, I find utterly horrific any crime against any civilian body or collective. I do not distinguish people because of the color of the skin, because of their ethnicity, religion.

This doesn't matter to me. For me, the life of civilians is sacred. And this is why I'm so horrified by years and years I've spent documenting and reporting on the violations of Palestinians. And I'm someone who has produced scholarship on Palestinians for displacement. So 76 years and even more since British colonialism in Palestine, for 100 years, these people have been tormented.

So nothing, no one right, two wrongs don't make a right. This is the only thing I can say. Okay. The most unspeakable of so many disgusting Hamas atrocities now confirmed. There he is.

Babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated in Kfar. That was true. That's not true. Again, the people who are spreading the misinformation is the corporate media. It's the government, government of Israel, and then the corporate media in the United States. Those are the biggest, by far the biggest spreaders of misinformation, disinformation, and flat out lies would be the government and then the corporate media. And there it is.

Wait, but Jimmy, if we heard fake news about Canada beheading babies, we would go in there and kill all of their kids and put them in a concentration camp. I think you'll agree with that. What happened to Piers Morgan? What happened to that optimistic red cheek schoolboy? What did the royal family make you ritually shove up your ass? That's my question. So we're going to talk about Trump's treasury secretary pick.

He nominated Scott Besant. He's a former George Soros money manager. I hope they're blackmailing him or he gave up some dirt on the Soroses. Time Magazine says, why CEOs are cheering Donald Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary. You know what that means? If the CEOs are cheering Donald Trump's pick, workers aren't. Just so you know.

See, if CEOs are loving it, that means workers aren't. If Wall Street is loving, you can't be pro-Wall Street and pro-worker. They're diametrically opposed to each other. In the words of Wall Street. From the Yale School of Management, Jeffrey Sonnenfeld, Senior Associate Dean of Leadership Studies and Lester Crown Professor in the Practice of Management. Did he write this? Is that who wrote this? Yes. Yes. By two. That's who wrote this. And Steven Tien.

Now, is he saying that as a negative or a positive about this guy? Well, we're going to find out, Kurt. Okay.

The announcement that President-elect Donald Trump's long-anticipated pick for Treasury Secretary will be hedge fund manager Scott Besson is being received well by business leaders and markets who are reassured that Besson finally emerged on top after a selection process and jockeying by top candidates. Indeed, I heard from several CEOs who had been on edge over the last couple of weeks as Trump's search for Treasury Secretary remained unfinished.

Raising different sets of concerns about other contenders. By far, Besant, a global macro investor, was the only contender whose CEOs viewed as qualified and competent and able to work constructively with Trump. As I told the Washington Post, Besant has the backing of everybody on Wall Street. Besant has a reputation as an experienced investor and savvy businessman, an entrepreneur with decades of experience navigating macro markets.

The list of Besson supporters, mentors, and business partners reads as a who's who of Wall Street across institutions and political parties. After getting his start on Wall Street as an intern to a legendary investor, Jim Rogers, Besson worked at Brown Brothers Harriman before joining up with Jim Chanos, the short seller who correctly predicted the downfall of Enron, Wirecard, and other corporate disasters.

Besant then became a partner to George Soros at the Soros. What? George Soros, the lizard man. Yeah. At the George Soros Fund Management, where alongside Stanley Drunken Miller, really, that's a real name.

He was a driving force behind perhaps Soros' most famous trade in 1992, shorting the British pound, which won George Soros, Besset, and their team over a billion dollars in profit. That's a bad sign because Soros is an asset of MI6, and that was so they could keep the pound and not have to lose it when they went to get the euro. And then they pretended like, oh, Soros, you broke the bank. But they wanted that to happen.

Roughly half of $4 billion capital behind Besson's own firm, Key Square, came from Soros investment. Really? Why would Trump be in bed with a Soros guy?

I hope it's that this, now, I say I hope, but it's probably not this, but I hope it's that he ratted out all this stuff about the globalist people. Yeah. And he's in on getting the deep state out, but I'm not holding my breath. Yeah, this guy's a Soros guy, a super globalist. If confirmed by the Senate, Besant would be the first openly gay treasury secretary in U.S. history. Well, it's good he's not hiding it, maybe. I don't know. I'm trying to find a positive here. It's hard. Does it matter what someone...

If they're hiding that they're gay, I don't trust them. If they're openly gay, I trust them more is what I'm saying. Okay. I don't trust them at all because Wall Street likes them. The business community expects Besant to reach out and work closely with business leaders as well as policymakers from both sides of the aisle to create economic growth and usher in the golden age of American economic opportunity, Trump touts.

Unlike some of Trump's other cabinet selections, Besant is regarded as a problem solver who support Bridges' ideological and sector divides. Who support Bridges. Okay, I read that incorrectly. Is support Bridges' idea. So they're saying this guy can work with Wall Street puppets on the left and Wall Street puppets on the right. But is he as smart as Janet Yellen? That's the question. That's the question.

Well, he's a longtime Republican and a loyal supporter of Trump, but he has also given generously to Democratic presidential candidates, including Al Gore and Barack Obama. It's almost like a uniparty economically. Yeah. He was supported in his bid for treasury secretary by individuals as different as former Trump National Economic Council and Fox Business Channel anchor. Oh, Larry Kudlow. Kudlow and company? Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon.

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon, Evercore Senior Chairman Roger Altman, and Hayman Capital founder Kyle Bass. Bessette's approach should help when it comes to key issues such as tariffs, where business leaders are most apprehensive about Trump's economic policy, while Bessette has expressed strong support for tariffs.

So too have many CEOs. As long as tariffs are targeted, selective, and carefully executed. I didn't even know that was a thing that CEOs supported. I thought they all were against that. I thought they all were too, but apparently they're... Well, I guess if you want to tariff something that a CEO makes here in the United States, which I don't think we make anything here in the United States anymore. Trouble.

We make adrenochrome. Besson discounts the inflationary effect that worries most economists about tariffs and the likelihood of punishing retaliatory moves from trading partners, creating barriers for U.S. exports. Many CEOs fear, as he believes, Trump's plan is just to threaten these measures as negotiation tools. What problem is his plan? So he's saying Trump is just going to threaten tariffs on stuff as a negotiating tool. Well, let's see.

uh so this is uh his his he has a 333 policy he has advised trump to pursue a 333 policy cutting the budget deficit to three percent of gross domestic product by 2028 spurring gdp growth of three percent through deregulation and producing an additional three million barrels of oil or its equivalent a day

Billionaire Donald Trump is draining the swamp by filling his cabinet with neocon war hawks and Wall Street oligarchs. His treasury secretary pick is billionaire hedge fund manager Scott Besson, who worked for Democrat-aligned billionaire George Soros. The U.S. is an oligarch. That's what it signals to me. This is an oligarchy. Michael Tracy says Scott Besson didn't always agree with the work done by George Soros' nonprofit, but didn't see a conflict working for him until one day.

when some people wanted to restrict the fund from making investments in Israel. That was a red line for Besson. He threatened to resign. So his morals. So when George Soros, when the people who worked for George Soros wanted to stop George Soros funds from investing in Israel, this guy, Trump's pick for treasury, threatened to quit the Soros administration if they stopped investing in Israel. That's what this is. That's where he drew the line. Yes.

You could do any other George Soros thing except that. You know, like defund the police, all these shitty prosecutors that don't do prosecute crimes because Soros believes it's a history-making moment to have pure chaos. Did you know that? That's Soros' philosophy, to cause chaos because then you can move history. That's in his long, unreadable works that he's always putting out. Parapower Mapping says Trump's Treasury Secretary pick Scott Besson, a billionaire Soros money manager, was president of Wolf's Head.

One of Yale's big three secret societies, Kurt. Oh, it's good. So he's a wizard on top of everything. With skull and bones and scroll and key. LOL. So here it is. In November 2020. There it is. He was the president of Wolf's Head. Big three senior societies. So this is the oligarchy, baby. This is it. Wolf's Head Society. It's a senior secret society at Yale University. You misspelled secret. Senior. Senior.

The society is one of the reputed big three societies at Yale, along with Skull and Bones and Skrull and Key. Active undergraduate members have to have sex with a donkey and drink the blood of babies. Oh, wait. No, that's Skull and Bones. That's Skull and Bones. Now, Wolf said that's an upside down ankh with a wolf on top of it. Nothing sinister about it. Red Pill USA says something is off. You think?

How do we go from Elon Musk claiming that George Soros fundamentally hates humanity to Donald Trump nominating Scott Peson, a former colleague of Soros, for Treasury Secretary? Not only a former colleague, but his company was, the prime investor was George Soros of $4 billion. They told us, trust the plan. Is Elon Musk actually advising Trump on cabinet picks? Who said to trust the plan? And if you did, you're an idiot. Why would you trust anybody's plan?

Look, I will say this. That doesn't look good. However, if you recall the de-bathification process of Iraq, that was a real stupid idea. We need to get everybody associated with the bath party the hell out because the bath party people were the only ones that knew how to run any of the shit.

And then it became a disaster. So if you want to be positive, you go, well, he worked up close to them. And as long as Trump's in control of them, it's fine. Again, like I said, I don't have a lot of faith. So, you know, if you want to try to be hopeful, you can say that. There's a saying personnel is policy. Right. Have you heard that? No, but I believe you. Maybe I'm butchering it, but.

But so it just went, you know, by the people you hire, you're just like when he was going to hire Matt Gaetz and Tulsi. That signals something. And but when he hired Bobby Kennedy or he appointed Bobby Kennedy, that signals policy. So, Will, again, it's prudent to wait and see what they do. Yeah. The Israel thing's not encouraging because it just means some kind of pressure where this blackmail system we have that Israel runs. That's right. They're going to get to pick whatever.

So your best hope is that there's something really secret going on, like Ocean's 13 or something that's going to... Maybe don't believe in government so much is my advice. Maybe find a deity or something. So I'm going to wait and see. And, you know, I have a feeling...

There's going to be, you know, I'm most excited about Bobby Kennedy and what he's going to do with health, right? Yeah. But, you know, he's going to get strong opposition from Republicans and Democrats. Yeah.

Strong. The NSA is spying on everyone. So I beg, I beg of anyone, the spooks who watch this show, knowing to hack Jimmy's phone, please use the blackmail that the NSA has gathered on these people to force them to do the things that are right. Just try it one time. Bird flu is a big problem. Remember that it's going to, half the people, it has a 50% mortality rate. It's going to kill everybody. Right.

Remember they said that? Yeah. Well, now it appears they're just straight up lying about it. So CDC has confirmed an H5 bird flu case. Confirmed. Okay. An H5 bird flu case in a child in California. The patient has mild symptoms. So why are we care then if it gave somebody, one person, mild symptoms? Yeah.

The person received flu antivirals and is recovering. Wait. What? What are those? Wait, was it a vaccine? It's not a vaccine. I don't trust it. Is it Tamiflu? I don't know what. Is it, I don't know. Is it ivermectin? It better not be. It better not be. What about the gunshot victims? The public risk assessment remains low.

But people should start shitting their pants immediately anyway. Yeah. But people should avoid exposure to sick or dead animals. Oh, you know... Like Jake Weeger? You know how much the kids here in California love to play around dead cows? Yeah. Thanks for looking... Are we going to take everything from us? So you should be...

Avoid exposure to sick or dead animals, including wild birds, poultry, cows, and other wild or domesticated birds. You ever play dead parrot softball as a kid? No. It's like softball, but use a parrot. Really? The Centers for Disease Control, the CDC, has confirmed a human infection with avian influenza, that's H5N1, bird flu, in a child in California.

This is the first reported avian influenza H5 virus infection in a child in the United States. Consistent with previously identified human cases in the United States, the child reportedly experienced mild symptoms and received flu antivirals. There were low levels of viral material detected.

Is there any other circumstances? They're just telling us a child, but was a child playing with a dead cow? There's nothing except a child and this stuff. I'd like to know the circumstances of this. So watch this. There was low level of viral material detected in the initial specimen collected. And a follow-up testing of the child several days later, negative. So why are you even telling me? Negative. Negative. Negative.

So they found a very low level. So the people, so CDC has been nonstop corrupt, lying to us about everything. We, we caught the head of the CDC lying to us about COVID and the vaccine saying people who get the vaccine can't get sick, can't press camp, pass it on to someone else. And she knew when she was doing that was a lie. How do we know that? Cause we got her emails that said she knew that that was not the case.

But now I'm supposed to believe them when they say there was low levels of viral material detected. And then a couple of days later, it was negative for the H5 burn flu, but was positive for other common respiratory viruses. What the F? So now you're going to see people at Whole Foods wearing masks again. That's all I'm going to say.

Better you shut your windows and order everything through Amazon and insist that your Amazon driver wear a complete hazmat suit than risk catching something that has given people mild symptoms. And no gas stoves. Yeah. The child is recovering from their illness. An investigation by the CDC, the California Department of Public Health, the CDPH, into the child's possible H5N1 exposure sources, into their possible...

Wait, what do you mean possible? They just said they had it. They just said they confirmed it, but here they say possible. But there's a whole lot of nothing, huh? During the investigation, all household members reported having symptoms and specimens were collected from all those people. All test results from members of the household, negative. Do they not know how to test this properly? That's what I'm going to guess the ending is. The surprise Paul Harvey ending is the tests aren't accurate.

And some family members were positive for the same common respiratory viruses that the child had. What? Did they not have bird flu? So this is what it sounds like. Sounds like they're making this up, this bird flu thing up. Sounds like it. I'm not saying they are. I'm saying that's what it sounds like. But you would be silly to think that. Yeah. Because why would they lie? They're not going to leverage this to control us, right? Right.

Are you afraid of this, Misha? I'm not. You're not afraid of it? No. That's because you don't play around dead livestock. Yeah, I don't value that. Well, Taylor Lorenz plays with dead livestock, and she has to work. She masks. She's immune compromised.

Contact tracing continues, but there is currently no evidence of person-to-person spread of the H5N1 bird flu from this child to others. Nobody that kid lived with either. Is the child a bird? Maybe that's the mystery. Maybe that's the problem. To date, there has been no person-to-person spread identified associated with any of the H5N1 bird flu cases reported in the United States.

You know, I'm starting to not believe any of this animal jumping thing because it all sounds like that old Chappelle joke when they said AIDS was inventive because someone had sex with a monkey. Remember that? And all I hear is a variation of that over and over again, and it all sounds preposterous.

Someone was chopping chimp meat and they cut their hand. Or somebody ate a bat wing. I think they use the same excuse every time for engineered viruses. It sounds like somebody had cold symptoms that we've had for decades and somebody's jumping. So the kid didn't, he didn't shit an egg out on the floor?

Did he lay an egg or not? Of course this is going to be used by Bill Gates to wipe out the remaining egg supply in America. Bill Gates? I call him the Elon Musk who's a good man. I don't like Elon Musk, but I love Bill Gates. This is just in time for Bill Gates to replace the eggs with some kind of genetically altered techno chicken that can be controlled with an app.

We make the eggs from human fetuses. Of course he has to wipe out our food supply, Kurt. Think of the children. This is amazing. I'll never forget Bill Gates announcing that vaccines help depopulate the earth. And he wasn't saying it like he thought it was sinister. He was saying it like they've taken it down. It's unbelievable. Well, you saw the video where he said, we just shoot it right into the vein of a kid.

Genetically altered. You didn't see that video of him saying that? No. I believe you, but that's crazy. Oh, look it up. I'm sure it's on Twitter. Yeah. They just shoot it right into their vein. We know it's safe because we tested on Africans.

So as per CDC, child with suspected H5N1 had only mild symptoms. Eventually tested negative for flu and positive for other respiratory viruses. So negative for the bird flu, but positive for other respiratory viruses.

So there's no way that their initial test. So it wasn't a bird flu at all. Right. Just like I thought. Okay. This is what it sounds like, Kurt. But you would be wrong because the CDC confirmed it.

Yeah, they're less accurate than Joe Rogan, by the way, a guy who believes in dragons. All family. He got dragon flu. The whole family that this kid lived with tested negative for the chicken flu or the bird flu. But they also had other viruses that we're all familiar with getting conclusion. There is much higher chance of lab error than a true case. That's what Mike Scott, M.D., says. That's what an M.D. says.

Yeah, these tests are not reliable, as we learned from the COVID tests that weren't reliable. Just because a child no longer tests positive for symptoms of bird flu doesn't mean we should take him down from being duct taped onto a ceiling where we know he's safe. Here is Mark with the blue check says, whomever is running these posts for the CDC, you're going to jail with the rest of them. So he points this out. Follow up testing the child several days later. Negative, but positive for other people.

The attempt to subvert RFK, this is from the McCullough, the guy who got COVID right, foundation. The attempt to subvert RFK Jr. Senate confirmation expands by weaponizing pandemic fears amid the accelerating H5N1 bird flu PSYOP fear campaign. Let me guess, the only cure for H1N1 is Doritos. Ah. So some people would have a crazy theory that

that they're ramping up the fear of another pandemic to make the opposition to Robert F. Kennedy being confirmed as HHS secretary. Yeah, I'm one of them now. As soon as I heard that idea, of course, that's what it is. As the number of human and animal H5N1 bird flu cases continue to increase, possibly as a result of gain of function,

The only way they could make the, I'm quoting the Redfield, the former CDC director, who said the only way they could make this jump from birds to humans is by through gain of function. Yeah. Chicanery. Yeah. The dialectic, as they say. So they must have. So look. So they're saying this is the result of that gain of function.

Serial passage experiments at the USDA Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory. The Southern Poultry Law Center? The media has clearly escalated the psychological operation fear campaign. That's according to McAuliffe Foundation. Yeah.

Did you see, this is a common trick. Remember with AI, when they tell you a scary story about AI? Yeah. Or like the metaverse, like there was sexual assault in the metaverse. And you're like, why would they do that to promote it? Well, it's the same reason with heroin that Frank Lucas, when junkies would hear about heroin killing people, they'd want that heroin. Yeah. So the reason they put this dangerous, like, oh, AI might be dangerous, is to create a demand because it works.

Like they do the fear thing is the best is one of the best motivators they have. It really it really works almost every time. So Big Pharma's primary business model of creating and distributing unsafe vaccines. That is not I do not agree. I'm I'm just showing you this because it's incorrect. Big Pharma's.

vaccines are safe. But he says... You shouldn't get to see the numbers either. He says Big Pharma's primary business model of creating and distributing unsafe vaccines...

with full liability protection, will be completely dismantled with an RFK-run U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Thus, it's not surprising that the biopharmaceutical complex wishes to subvert the inauguration and confirmation process of the Trump-RFK administration by weaponizing pandemic fears in a desperate attempt to retain control.

unfortunately appears that this subversion attempt has already begun. Yeah. Well, I got to say, after the last pandemic, even though you still see people with masks on, it's actually a good thing because you can see who would still fall for it. That's right. So here's the final slide. This telegraph subversion attempt should be prevented at all costs.

Their fears of public health reform are unfounded. The health of America has continued to deteriorate under the previous administrations. It's evident that drastic reform is urgently needed to reverse these trends, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is poised to deliver it. So, of course, that's all crazy talk. The vaccines are super safe and effective, even though they wanted to hide the

data on them for 75 years the trial you can't sue them if they're not and you can't sue them suspect anything why would you science what way they they have complete immunity from lawsuits if their vaccine of their vaccines harm someone but the only why would you need that would that go wrong

I don't even know why they, why don't they just get rid of it? Because they don't need it. The vaccines don't harm people, right? Do you remember every dumb shit low IQ liberal kept repeating Trump's thing about he could shoot someone on 42nd Street and people would still elect him? Okay, you can't sue pharmaceutical companies if you're injured by a vaccine. So hold the Trump thing in your head and now think of that thing together. Holy shit. I just tell people to trust the CDC. Yeah.

Well, is it wrong? And this is maybe an embarrassing admission, but that Walensky chick I had some kind of milfy attraction to because she looks like she had good tan lines. She does have great tan lines. Hey, become a premium member. Go to Sign up. It's the most affordable premium program in the business.

Don't freak out. Don't freak out. All the voices performed today are by the one and only, the inimitable Mike McRae. He can be found at I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. That's it for this week. You be the best you can be, and I'll keep being me. Don't freak out. Don't freak out. Don't freak out.

Do not freak out.