cover of episode Hillary More MAGA Than Trump On Immigration Revealed In SHOCKING Video!

Hillary More MAGA Than Trump On Immigration Revealed In SHOCKING Video!

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The Jimmy Dore Show

Jimmy Dore
Jimmy Dore认为希拉里·克林顿和民主党在移民问题上的立场与特朗普相似,他们长期以来都主张强硬的移民政策,只是在特朗普竞选总统后才将此问题政治化,以此来攻击特朗普。他列举了希拉里·克林顿、比尔·克林顿、奥巴马、舒默和佩洛西等民主党主要人物在移民问题上的言论,指出这些言论与特朗普的政策主张非常相似,甚至比特朗普更强硬。Dore认为,民主党将移民问题作为攻击特朗普的工具,是因为他们在经济政策上与特朗普没有太大区别,因此需要寻找其他议题来制造矛盾。他还指出,许多西班牙裔美国人反对非法移民,并投票支持特朗普。 Hillary Clinton在2008年表示,应该对非法移民采取强硬措施,对犯罪者应立即遣返,对守法者应设定严格的条件,例如支付罚款、补缴税款、学习英语等。 Bill Clinton在1998年表示,美国人对大量非法移民涌入感到担忧,这些移民占据了本应由公民或合法移民占据的工作岗位,并给纳税人带来了负担。他的政府采取了积极措施加强边境安全,遣返犯罪外国人,打击非法雇佣,并取消非法移民的福利。 Barack Obama在谈到移民问题时,表示这不会是一次免费的赦免,非法移民需要支付罚款,学习英语,并排队等待获得公民身份。 Chuck Schumer表示,美国人民支持合法移民,反对非法移民。非法移民是错误的,必须停止非法移民的涌入,才能解决现有非法移民问题,并使美国的合法移民制度合理化。 Nancy Pelosi表示,民主党支持加强边境控制,有效执法,以及全面的移民改革。边境是国家安全的第一道防线,必须加强边境安全,打击非法移民及其雇主。 Bernie Sanders在特朗普竞选总统之前,曾表示反对开放边境政策,认为这会损害美国利益,并使美国人变得贫穷。他认为,开放边境政策是右翼的提议,会让许多人以低廉的工资工作。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did the Democrats use immigration as a key issue to demonize Trump?

The Democrats needed an issue to run on, as they shared similar economic policies with Trump. They chose immigration to paint Trump as anti-immigrant and racist, despite historically holding similar views on immigration themselves.

What was Hillary Clinton's stance on illegal immigration during her 2008 campaign?

Hillary Clinton advocated for deporting illegal immigrants who committed crimes, imposing stiff fines on those who entered illegally, requiring them to pay back taxes, learn English, and wait in line for legal status.

How did Barack Obama's approach to immigration compare to Trump's?

Barack Obama emphasized that illegal immigrants would not receive a free ride or instant amnesty. They would have to pay fines, learn English, and go to the back of the line for legal status, similar to Trump's stance on prioritizing criminals for deportation.

What was Bill Clinton's view on illegal immigration in 1998?

Bill Clinton stated that illegal immigration was a burden on taxpayers and took jobs from citizens or legal immigrants. He advocated for securing borders, deporting criminal aliens, and barring welfare benefits to illegal immigrants.

Why did the speaker argue that mass deportations under Trump were unlikely?

The speaker argued that there was no infrastructure to deport 20 million people and that such actions would disrupt the economy, particularly in sectors like agriculture that rely on low-wage immigrant labor.

What was Bernie Sanders' stance on open borders before Trump's presidency?

Bernie Sanders opposed open borders, calling it a Koch brothers proposal that would make everyone in America poorer and do away with the concept of a nation-state. He believed in helping poor people within the framework of national borders.

How did Chuck Schumer view illegal immigration?

Chuck Schumer believed that illegal immigration was wrong and that the government needed to stop future flows to address the issue. He opposed using phrases like 'undocumented workers' to avoid acknowledging the illegality of their presence.

What was Nancy Pelosi's position on border control?

Nancy Pelosi supported strong border control as part of comprehensive immigration reform, emphasizing the need to keep the American people safe and enforce current laws against illegal immigrants and employers who hire them.

Why did the speaker believe that big business would not support mass deportations?

The speaker believed that big business relies on low-wage immigrant labor, particularly in agriculture, and would not allow Trump to disrupt their business model by deporting millions of workers.

What was the reaction of CEOs to Trump's pick for Treasury Secretary, Scott Besson?

CEOs were reassured by Trump's pick of Scott Besson, a hedge fund manager with experience in macro markets, viewing him as qualified and competent to work constructively with Trump on economic policies.

This chapter examines the historical rhetoric of prominent Democrats, including Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, on immigration. The host argues that their past statements on border control and deportation mirror Trump's stance, suggesting the issue is used more for political gain than genuine concern.
  • Hillary Clinton's past statements on immigration are compared to Trump's policies.
  • Bill Clinton's 1998 remarks on illegal immigration are highlighted.
  • Barack Obama's deportation record is mentioned.
  • The host argues that the Democrats' focus on immigration is primarily a political strategy against Trump.

Shownotes Transcript

Think Donald Trump is the most anti-immigrant presidential candidate in history? Think again. You won’t believe what 2016 Democratic standard-bearer Hillary Clinton used to say about immigrants.   Plus segments on Piers Morgan lying about having lied about October 7th, Trump’s Treasury Secretary nominee’s ties to George Soros and the CDC’s fevered efforts to gin up fear over bird flu.   Also featuring Stef Zamorano!