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If Bill Maher and Jon Stewart were actually pushing back against the establishment, they wouldn't be given a contract by the establishment they're supposedly pushing back against.
And I love to show this to people. Jon Stewart and the Pentagon honor a Nazi at Disney World. That's for real. Wow, that's almost as embarrassing as how Tucker sucked up to Putin. So this is, and here it is. There's a picture of him. He's giving a medal to a Nazi. Now, Jon Stewart knows that people know about this.
he did this to get in good because he told it on rogan a lot when kurt was on rogan he brought it up at least a couple of times uh that john stewart pinned it and met a lot of literal nazi and you could we could discuss why he did that he did that because he's a tool of the establishment and he won't actually cross the establishment in a meaningful way where he has to pay a price when he told the truth about where the
originated from, from the Wuhan lab. He did that on Stephen Colbert's show, which he's an executive producer of. And he was castigated and he was kicked out of shit lib society for a year because of that. Yeah. Which I guess means what, Twitter stuff? And so to get back in with those people, he literally had to go to Disney World and hang a medal on a Nazi. And then he had to interview Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton, two of the most bloodthirsty
soaked warmongers in the history of our country, and he had to be nice to them. Then he had to bring on four vaccine liars and pretend like he was examining the vaccine. He wasn't doing anything. He was doing the bidding of the establishment. He still is. - By the way, Jimmy, if they didn't directly say to make up for that, saying the truth, you have to go put a medal on that. If they didn't really directly say that,
John, you should say they said that. The alternative of I want to do that is a very bad explanation. This is the best case scenario of why you did that. So here's Jon Stewart. So Tucker Carlson recently went to Russia and a couple of other countries, and he showed that other countries are actually cleaner and have better functioning infrastructure than the United States. For instance, the subway. And the subways in New York City are filthy and dirty.
rat ridden and so tucker carlson was just pointing this out he was doing what you call reporting and what is reporting reporting is sticking your head down the street taking a look and reporting back at what you see and that's what tucker carlson did when he went to russia and john stewart got in trouble the week before because he mentioned that joe biden is really old
And so the same thing that happened to him when he pointed out that. It's a good joke. He made a good joke about Biden. He did. The same thing that happened to him when he pointed out that the virus came from the Wuhan lab happened to him then. All of his friends in shit lib society came down on him. And so he had to come back the next week and pretend that what Tucker Carlson did was somehow bad. And let's watch a little of it right now.
Because the difference between our urinal-caped chaotic subways and your candelabra-beautiful subways is the literal price of freedom. But the goal that Carlson and his- Wait, I'm sorry. What does that cost? About two pounds of shit on the sidewalk? What is that price that he's talking about? The literal price. I don't-
So he's, I don't know what he's saying. It's not freedom. By the way, it's not freedom for everybody. It's a freedom for a select few, John. Probably the friends of his, the company you keep, John. So he's saying the reason why our subways, in his words, are a urinal caked nightmare. Isn't that what he said? The reason why is because we have freedom. Okay, Jimmy, just want to point out real quick, two weeks before,
He did a whole show about how we need to take everybody's gun rights away. Yeah. Where's that freedom? The price of freedom, John. So some prices, such as a very dangerous, awful subway that really sucks ass, that's a fair price. Yeah.
He's unbelievable. So what he just said doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make sense to him. I know it doesn't. He just doesn't want Bruce Springsteen to be mad at him. He doesn't want Bruce Springsteen to be mad at him. He wants to be friends with the people who watch The View and Stephen Colbert.
That's all you can think of. That's all this is. I did a show in his town. We were in Red Bank, New Jersey, which I was told he lives near there. And I invited him to my show there. You know him? And I even said, hey, we're going to have a Nazi there for you to hang a medal on. And even that couldn't bring him out. Really? He's changed. So let's listen to what else he has to say.
Is that there's really no difference between our systems. In fact, theirs might be a little bit better. The question is, why? Why is Tucker doing this? I mean, a little bit better in the subway area, though. Well, it's certainly better when it comes to health care.
Everybody in Russia, Putin gives everybody health care. Joe Biden has vowed to veto a health care bill if it ever gets to his desk to give Americans health care. So Americans still go bankrupt if you get sick. That's what happens in America. And then you become homeless. So I know this is speeches. I was going to say that. Well, don't fuck.
So I don't know what he's again. So what what's this? How does he know this? Like, has he been to Russia himself to go look at how people live there? I mean, it's not the U.S. So what John Stewart is saying here. So what John Stewart is doing here, I just want to cut out the spoiler alert. He's doing pro-war propaganda. This is called pro-war propaganda. And John Stewart is a neocon.
And he's pro-war. And that's what this is. That's why he hung a medal on a Nazi. He's he's for he will never be pro-war. It means he's a total bitch. He'll tell never tell the truth about Ukraine ever. Like he can't tell the truth about Russia. And when someone does, he comes in to slander them. And that's what he's doing here. So let's so he's now going to try to figure out why did Tucker Carlson do actual reporting on?
From Russia. Why did Tucker Carlson tell you the truth? Remember, nobody got mad at Tucker Carlson when he was lying. It's only when Tucker Carlson started. When he was lying, he was hired by MSNBC. He had his own show on MSNBC. When he was lying, he was hired by CNN. He had his own show on CNN. When he was lying, he was the number one news show on Fox News. It's only when he started to tell the truth
Truths that Jon Stewart will never tell you. What are those truths? Truth about the war machine. Truth about Syria. Truth about Ukraine. Truth about big pharma and truth about COVID. Those are truths that Jon Stewart will never tell you. Why? Because he's a simp for the establishment, which is why he's hired by the establishment.
There's only six media companies in the entire country, and he works for one of them. So there's a handful of billionaires that are controlling him right now, and they've controlled him his entire career. But he doesn't need controlling. Just like Noam Chomsky pointed out, the reason why he's able to wear that suit and sit behind that desk is because he already thinks the way the establishment wants him to think.
And now he's going to slander a guy who's actually doing real journalism. Tucker Carlson is making a clown out of Jon Stewart. And so Jon Stewart needs to fight back with disingenuous bullshit, which is what he's going to do right here. Jon Stewart should have to wear his old bow tie as a punishment. That's right. As a punishment. The bow tie Tucker Carlson threw away, Jon Stewart should wear that.
And if Tucker shouldn't have was bad at his interview, okay, John, maybe that was terrible how he did. Where were all the real reporters to talk to Vladimir Putin? That's right. Because there's been no news for two years from him. So here we go. Here's why. It's because the old civilizational battle
was communism versus capitalism. That's what drove the world since World War II. Russia was the enemy then. But now they think the battle is woke versus unwoke. And in that fight, Putin is an ally to the right. He's their friend. Unfortunately, he is also a brutal and ruthless dictator. What?
Like Justin Trudeau level? Not that bad, right? Is he as bad as Joe Biden who would censor the leading doctors and journalists? Is he as bad as Joe Biden who's literally killing our most decorated journalists of our generation right now in a Belmarsh prison? Is he that
bad is he as bad as is he as bad as joe biden who's now funding a genocide right in front of your face is he as bad as that is putin doing any of those things putin's not doing any of those things but john stewart is going to do pro-war propaganda and that's what this is and john stewart doesn't have the balls to come on this show he doesn't have the balls to take a question he doesn't have the balls to go on joe rogan because joe rogan's going to ask him about why did you pin a medal on a nazi
So let's listen to the rest of his garbage. I'm sorry, Mel. You'll ask him nice. He's just curious. No, no, I love it. It's good to hear. It's crazy. Now they have to make Americans a little more comfortable with that. I mean, liberty is nice, but have you seen Russia's shopping carts? And Tucker would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling assassins.
In a statement to the New York Times, Carlson said, quote, it is horrifying what happened to Navalny. The whole thing is barbaric and awful. No decent person would defend it. You know, I'm going to defend it. I don't give a shit about Navalny. I never have. I don't know why you're trying to make Navalny happen for me.
I'm going to defend it. Navalny tried to overthrow his own country. He's a Nazi. Oh, he's a Nazi. Oh, that's why John's upset. That's why John's upset. John likes Nazis. This is the second Nazi that John has not only given a medal to, but has defended.
And no one's in. So that's so what? So what's going through John's? John's a pro war neocon who's an establishment simp. I'll tell you exactly what's going on in his brain. And he'll never come on the show to answer for any of those things. He'll never go on anywhere. They never go anywhere where they have to answer real questions. You know, he's got nothing to say about that guy. By the way, a guy that I never cared about or followed or liked.
coach red pill or whatever that a foreign country ukraine murdered because he was said something about the war a country we give money to for the fucking war yeah well yeah we can murder your citizens if they don't so what about so where's john stewart's are you gonna do something about gonzalo lera or
Who Ukraine just killed? Who just killed? Are you going to do something about Julian Assange, who Joe Biden's literally trying to kill? Are you going to do something about the genocide? So this idea that Putin, so what he's doing, again, pro-war propaganda to paint Putin as some kind of demon that's somehow worse than Joe Biden in the United States. Joe Biden in the United States are the world's terrorists, not terrorists.
not Putin in Russia. We have a thousand military bases around the world. We're the one who killed a million people in Iraq. We're the ones who killed all those people in Libya, turned it into a failed state with open slave markets. We're the ones who occupied Afghanistan for 20 years, slaughtered those people. We're the ones who slaughtered all the people in Syria and are currently occupying a third of Syria, which is the part of Syria that has the oil. And why are we doing that? For the oil. We're the world's terrorists. It's nobody else's.
It's the United States, which is now funding a genocide in Gaza. And he's now want you to think that Putin is a bad guy. Dictator dictator. This is this guy could not be a bigger joke. He addresses Gaza, right? Go ahead, Mel. Go ahead. I mean, also, I just want to say the same people you're talking about are funding the controlled demolition of America. I mean, what are we joking? It's the same people that these people.
People are done with America. They're done with all of it. They want to have their parent company take over the world with their stupid agenda 2030. This is all about a global governance. They all think they'll be living in Pan Am and we'll be in one of the wards and that's going to be the future for them. They bought into this and that is the only logical explanation of why they're all in on it. And we have to remember, it is not left and right. It is not Republican and Democrat. Our country is fully captured. Larry Fink made this speech.
before the plandemic where he talked to all the bankers and all the CEOs, corporate CEOs, and he had the speech, I call it the going direct speech, where Larry Fink kind of says, you know, the globalist plan is not going as, and you have to remember, Larry Fink is also on the board of the World Economic Forum and architect of the Great Reset. The inventor of woke.
Right. And I have to tell you, what he was saying was basically the global governance plan is going off the rails. We're going to go direct. What he meant was that the banks and the corporations were going to skip the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and basically our government and go right for the people. And that is exactly what happened six months later when COVID kicked in. And we have been in that cycle since. And what we're talking about here with Jon Stewart is it's so stupid because.
he doesn't even seem to understand that america is being taken down from within by the same forces that are doing everything it's order out of chaos worldwide so that we all just give up and say you know what
fine parent company over there you for people take our countries and we'll just go along with your track and trace surveillance technocracy totalitarian future and give up everything purpose and freedom and privacy and that is really the goal here and he's just a useful idiot at this point anything said everyone else is but it it's really up it's sad these people you know you live in hollywood I was there a long time I really think that they're so sheltered that they really have no idea what's going on outside of their bubbles
New York is worse now. New York is actually worse now. New York is actually worse now, believe it or not. I think it has to do with the rent never coming down.
But I have so many friends out there. I just was on the phone with a friend today who had no idea people were mad at Jon Stewart when he made jokes about Biden. A good friend of mine goes, no, people are mad at him, right? I just moved. I just moved from Manhattan four months ago. I went through the entire pandemic lockdowns in New York City. And I'll tell you, the stupidest people on the planet are the ones that before the lockdowns I thought were the smartest. The people with the MBAs from the Poison Ivy League, the people that teach at Columbia, my friends that work in finance.
They're wearing two masks. They're terrified. They're on their fifth booster still. I mean, they still are. It's incredible. They've got the kiosks all over Manhattan that are, I think, brainwashing these people. I mean, but the smartest people in the world, the smartest people in Manhattan during the lockdowns to me were the Yemeni guys at the bodega at the corner that the whole time were like, can you believe that they're overthrowing America with a virus? Yeah. I like Yemeni guys. I get caught from them. Let me listen to the rest of this.
Decent person would. Okay, oh, hang on. Any decent person, holy shit. Hang on. Let's watch this without me. Because the difference between our urinal-caked chaotic subways and your candelabra-beautiful subways is the literal price of freedom. Not having bathrooms? But the goal that Carlson and his ilk are pushing is that there's really no difference between our systems. In fact, theirs might be a little bit better. The question is, why? Why is Tucker doing this? Here's why.
It's because the old civilizational battle was communism versus capitalism. That's what drove the world since World War II. Russia was the enemy then. But now they think the battle is woke versus unwoke. And in that fight, Putin is an ally to the right. He's their friend. Unfortunately, he is also a brutal and ruthless dictator.
So now they have to make Americans a little more comfortable with that. I'm friends with BDM. Have you seen Russia's shopping carts? And Tucker would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling assassins. In a statement to the New York Times, Carlson said, quote, it is horrifying what happened to Navalny. The whole thing is barbaric and awful. No decent person would defend it. Correct. No decent person would.
Yeah, of course, decent people now defend Nazis and give them award medals, right? Decent people bend to power. Decent people now excuse genocide. Decent used to be good. Now it just passes off as a so-so meal at a noodle shop. That's what decent is. Don't make weight. You know what you're getting. No surprises, no waves. That's decent. Decent. Well, don't make trouble. I'm trying to earn a living.
But he also doesn't understand what they're doing to Julian Assange. Do you wonder? I mean, do people fully understand that Julian Assange is like, no, people getting him are the Intel community in America. The fourth, the fourth branch of government I'm talking about, the fifth call
Julian Assange is being terrorized and tortured because he knows the truth that there was no Russian hacking in 2016. And he can tell people that. And ever since that came out, they held a bit till the Mueller report came out. They didn't look into it. Nobody looked into it with Durham or Barr or whoever. Because Julian Assange has the keys to what happened to our country. And that's a big problem. You know how evil that is if you stack it up that he's being tortured for what? Exposing Russiagate was made up?
They don't even do that. You could leak a goddamn flying saucer information. You would not be punished to the level of Julian Assange just revealing some bullshit thing from 2016 that really they should just cut him loose and let it go.
So what about, Jon Stewart, what about all the other countries with clean subways besides Russia, right? Is cleanliness supposed to be hand-in-hand with despotism, or are you still processing some neat freak shit from your childhood upbringing? Did your mom vacuum your weed drawer? Is that what happens? Because this sounds like revenge now. You know what it sounds like? It sounds like on Seinfeld when his girl, he actually dropped her toothbrush in the toilet, and then she used it before he could tell her, so he had to break up with her. Yeah. That in New York's a lot of that.
Let me just go ahead. They have the money to make our subways look like that is the truth. I mean, I did. Of course they did. But then it wouldn't be freedom. The homeless industrial complex in New York City alone has billions of dollars that go nowhere. Nobody knows where that money goes. The subways in New York could look like that if they wanted them to. They just don't care. No, they defunded everything that that that is positive in New York to make it what it looks like. He's totally lying.
Well, they're funding illegal aliens. That's cool, too. So I like what Jason Smith says. Oh, John thinks Americans have freedom. And then he thinks that's why it's okay for the United States infrastructure to be rotting. It's so cute. Just not to move anywhere or do anything. You don't have freedom. Did you see what happened? At all. You don't have freedom at all. It's called the Patriot Act. By the way, the Patriot Act, which was on the shelf way before 9-11. Yeah.
They just they just use 9-11 to institute the Patriot Act, which is why we're in our surveillance state. And the Fourth Amendment no longer applies. Every email, every text and every phone call that you make is being surveilled by the government. They also got rid of habeas corpus in the 2011 defense authorization. That is they got rid of habeas corpus.
which means that you don't get a right to a speedy trial. All they have to do is call you a terrorist, which they do. So now they can call you a cyber terrorist if you print what they consider to be misinformation on a social media platform. They can now throw you in jail without a trial. That's called...
Not having habeas corpus. Habeas corpus is in the Magna Carta. So they repealed the Magna Carta. Who did that? Barack Obama. And so now we're operating on a liberty view from somewhere around the 1100s. And for Jon Stewart to sit there and pretend that Americans have freedom is him just doing pro-war propaganda. Jon Stewart is a liar. He's a betrayer of comedy. And he's a pro-war maniac.
That's what Jon Stewart, and he's a gutless coward on top of all of it. Wait, Jimmy, I just want to say, remember during the great... He's the Bono of comedy. Yes, I told you. Bruce Springsteen, Jon Stewart Bono.
Back during the Great Iraq War, I don't remember if we won or not, but I remember we all laughed. It's still going on. Yeah. It's still going on. We all laughed. I remember this. Oh, these freaking Muslims. You can't even say something about the prophet or draw a picture of them. What babies they are. They would kill them.
Name like three things you're allowed to fucking say in America about things that aren't even as important as somebody's fucking religion. Yeah, I'll take, you know what? I'll take them restricting my ability to draw a picture of the prophet. If I can say whatever I want about the vaccine, if I can say whatever I want about Ukraine, if I can say whatever I want about the military industrial complex. You gotta say women have dicks. You look down on Islam? Are you kidding me? It's exactly right.
Is everybody high? Oh, our freedom. You can't even... I've done a podcast in two years with friends who are having a great time. At the end of the podcast, we got to get together. Oh, could you cut that part? Could you cut that part? I don't want to get in trouble because my... Everyone just lives like this, like fucking idiots. And then you get... Oh, Islam and Russia. Fuck you. I know. Here's another tweet by, I don't know, Al Farabias. He says...
That's strange that the United States has to accept dirty, dysfunctional subways as the literal price of freedom, but Tokyo, Seoul, London, Madrid, etc. don't seem to have that trade-off. Isn't that interesting?
uh yeah london's coming don't worry uh echo chamber says john stewart was always a fraud but he used to be ostensibly anti-niacon now he's shilling their talking it's not a fraud he in his mind he he has squared it now i told you like remember kyle kolinsky why does hair go blonde because the cognitive dissonance in a lot of these people it fucks with their brain and it comes out it had like you know cutting your hair to control your life
It starts coming out in their appearance. He has to hold these illogical things together in his head. It's hard for him to do. He can't always do it. He ends up being funny. And the liberals have always embraced the neocons. You just need to give them a little time, right? Yeah. Like it didn't take long for a genocidal maniac. Bush gave Michelle Obama a mint. That's right. How many genocidal maniac years did it take to rehabilitate George W. Bush and have him dancing with Ellen DeGeneres?
Today's liberals very much like Donald Trump because their convictions don't hold. Well, it turned out he was less of a psychopath than Ellen DeGeneres. We didn't see it coming. George Bush is a sensitive person. I think he's probably the best one in the entire Bush family.
Think he truly because his paintings are very sensitive. He's got a great memory. Okay. Remember he was a drunk Yeah, his memory is like really good. So how do you live through living in that family? Okay, you got to go to Yale and do a weird magic ceremony with your dick out. That's right Your family's into the most evil shit in history. He probably is a nice guy that had to drink to forget about that Yeah, and then he found Jesus and they all like you believe in that thing that we made up and
to control the world and he's just a nice guy now he paints and and little slips come out oh the illegal invasion of iraq i mean ukraine i mean ukraine i think he is a good guy deep down and he's a slave like john stewart the people hot all the people going up the top are bigger slaves than the people that are shitting in the streets none of them are good guys none of them are good guys they're all done with america i feel like they will show if you believe in morals in the
the future with America being Venezuela in their minds. They're done with America and it's only the American people that can stop this because they're all sold out. They sold out to this global idea. None of these corporations are American corporations at all. Their big money comes overseas. So the Larry Finks that own that guy and the Black Rocks and Vanguards that own everything, they're done
with america they they just are trying to to you know sun sunset it in the best way possible yes that's the term they're doing a sunset that's a great way to put it hey you know here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member we give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week
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This Katie Kaye lady. Oh, this one. So watch this. This is like a minute and a half of pure insanity. Let's watch this. Times, Joe. Look at the state of the U.S. economy at the moment compared to all other industrialized economies in the world. And it's not just the state of communist California that's doing so well. It is the United States writ large. So she's going to tell you how good the United States economy is doing. Anyway, did you?
I think she's doing some cultural appropriation with her eyes right now. I don't know what she's doing exactly. Oh, a facelift? Is that what happened? She's like a Biden. Yeah, the Kenny Rogers eyes you get when they pull your face back too tight. Okay, I think she went to Kenny. Here we go. Growth is higher. Inflation is lower. Unemployment is lower. In global terms, this is a rocket ship. You read it. I read it too, Jared. Oh, I want to ride this rocket straight to hell. Ha ha ha ha.
So our economy is like a rocket ship and everything's doing great. So just ignore everything your eyes and ears tell you when you walk outside your house. Just ignore everything. Ignore the fact that half of all senior citizens have to cut their medication in half because they can't afford it.
People are under mountains of debt. There's a whole generation of people who say they'll never be able to own a house. People still go bankrupt when they get sick in America. They have homeless people, children living under every bridge. You know that great economy you talk about? 40% of the people who are homeless actually have jobs. That's how good our economy is doing.
So no, people don't know this is called. This is what Chomsky calls manufacturing consent. They're there to make you believe that the economy is doing well. So you won't be upset. You're an idiot if you think the economy is not doing well. You know, I wish they would manufacture. We don't make things anymore. They don't manufacture it. They just want consent.
They used to manufacture the shit. Here we go. Listen, she has more. Because article about the state of Russia and the state of the United States saying how absurd it is to compare Russia to the United States at the moment. He makes a very funny comment at the beginning and a kind of spoof saying, yeah, that's because there are so many immigrants queuing up to get into Russia at the moment. At least they don't have an immigration problem because millions of people are not trying to get there. 100.
First of all, maybe because Russia has control of their border. Right. I mean, that's so stupid. I bet you Russia doesn't even give their illegal mass immigrants millions of dollars in gift cards, even. Right.
That's probably why no one wants to immigrate there. They don't even just give you all the citizen shit the second you get there. God damn. Stupid commies won't even give out free money from their citizens' taxes to non-citizens. That's the problem with communists, Kurt. Eventually you run out of other people's money to give to non-citizens like we do in our free society.
as we close down community centers and hand them over to migrants that are being let in through an open border policy that is being manipulated by the international global billionaires that run this country. Nobody in this country wants... Dennis Kucinich.
Was that who's such a lefty? The Democrats gerrymandered him out of his own district. Dennis Kucinich was on this show a few weeks ago and I asked him about the board. He said, you got to shut it down. You got to shut down the border. Everybody knows you have to have control of your border or you don't have a country.
And right now, I still have to take my shoes off at the airport. But you can let 7 million immigrants in when not knowing where they're going or what they're doing. And hand them a gift card at the same time. And this is not to demonize migrants. The 7
million Venezuelans who left their country in the last few years? They did so because the United States has sanctions on their country and we keep trying to overthrow their government and we're trying to make their lives a living hell in Venezuela. Why? Because as Trump said just the other day, we want to steal their oil. That's what this is about. When I found out there was more oil in Venezuela than there is in Saudi Arabia, I knew we were going to have to bring democracy to their people. And that's exactly what we're doing. And we're
creating this crisis that makes migrants want to come here and then we don't call so it's this is not to demonize the migrants it's to demonize the billionaire class that creates them and then opens the border to let them in they are doing that to to suppress wages and also to fill our military because nobody's volunteering they can't make their recruiting goals okay uh let's there's more to this stupid smell you want to say something quickly
Yeah, I just want to say there's another thing going on at the border besides the obviously the destroying our social social service fabric and everything. Cloward Piven strategy. Another thing is to make sure that there is no unity in America. Another big part of that. Yes. Shipping them all over the country is to make sure that there is no pride in being American. There is no shared history. There's no shared, you know, camaraderie. The people
that are coming across now, they are not coming across to become American citizens like in the past. They're not going to go to the, I've gone to the ceremony with people that became American citizens. It's really, it's amazing. And they're so excited. These people don't want to be American citizens. They're coming here because they're being lured here by the UN and the, you know, all these different NGOs. And it's really just to make our country unable to unite enough to fight back against the people that have captured our nation. As long as we don't see them, it's, you know, we're in a color revolution. It's, it's, it's
Color Revolution 101, and this time it's our turn. Remember in Tucker's interview when Putin, they wouldn't let him in NATO? Yeah. None of these assholes mentioned this. Very important part. Well, I think because Russia is big and kind of tight-knit and they couldn't break us up and balkanize us. Right. Like they did to us. That's right. Right. That's the bigger goal, too, is to make us break up. And the other thing that they said, the other thing that came out of the Russia interview was that Putin said, as you have said and I've said all along,
Putin has no, he doesn't want to go take over Poland and the rest of Europe. Why would he? He has all the resources he needs. He's got 150 million people. He's got the biggest landmass. He doesn't need all these countries that are around him. He just doesn't want Ukraine.
Ukraine to have weapons on his border, whatever the case may be, there has never been him or anyone else saying that has any kind of voice that his next goal is to take over the rest of Europe. And that's what they're pushing now is that once he takes Ukraine, he's going to go get Poland and everywhere else. There is absolutely zero evidence that that is even in the cards at all. And that is how they keep going.
forward is with that lie and put in said in that interview I have no interest in going into Poland and besides Poland actually is a NATO country so why would he go there and the saddest part is nobody's talking about peace nobody nobody is talking about peace and well as genocide that there's anyone dying on planet Earth over back over border issues is a total farce this is all about bankers
are the winners in every war. It's order out of chaos. The same people are paying for both sides of all these wars, and they're the same people who benefit. Well, Mel, here comes the craziest part. Hold on. Here comes the craziest part of this. send their kids to university? It's here in the United States. Where do people want to come into this country to work? It's here in the United States. None of that is true of Russia. I mean, it's just...
Joe Biden for you may not like Joe Biden if you're a Republican. You may not like the expansion of government. You may not like the CHIPS Act. You may not like the Inflation Reduction Act. You may not like the spending that has gone on during this administration. If you are a fiscal conservative, you may have concerns about it. But to say that, you know, Joe Biden locks up his political enemies or if you're a journalist, you get thrown into jail if you report critical things.
of this administration or that there's any, that the justice department is warped one way or the other. It's, it's ridiculous. Somebody should tell Julian Assange that, that Joe Biden doesn't lock up journalists that reveal. He didn't. They all do. They all do it. I mean,
MSNBC is Intel television. First of all, that Zig Brzezinski's daughter is actually treated as if she's a journalist. And Andrew Weissman of the Mueller Report and all of that has a show analyzing the Trump cases when he's the architect to them. I mean, it's such a joke. MSNBC is so, it's embedded with all Intel. It's so insulting. Hey, listen, she's Micah Brzezinski. She doesn't have to buy eggs. She freezes eggs. She...
She just said that Joe Biden doesn't prosecute his political enemies. They've got four different bogus lawsuits trying to get Donald Trump thrown in prison. One more bogus than the next. He doesn't have authority to do that. That's the deep state's job. What is she talking about? That's right.
So right now they're literally they're they're indicting using the RICO statute, which is only supposed to be used for the mafia. They're using it against the number one political opponent of Joe Biden, which is Donald Trump. And the same RICO statute and the same grand jury that indicted Donald Trump in Atlanta are also being used to indict Trump.
People who are protesting the expansion of the police state in America, which is the stop cop city protesters. So you could be the former president or you could be a powerless protester. They're going to use the exact same things on you. And that's the part I tried to impress upon on Cornel West. And Cornel West is a simp for the establishment, which is why he doesn't have the stones to tell the truth about what's happening to Donald Trump. And he doesn't have the stones to tell the truth about what's actually...
Because if it's going to happen to Donald Trump, it will also happen to Cornel West or anybody like him if he actually becomes a threat to the establishment. Luckily for the establishment, Cornel West has a half million dollar tax bill. So he'll never stand up to the establishment in a way that matters. Right. And in fact, he's there to do the bidding to make sure Joe Biden gets reelected. So this what what what just what you just saw there was just black is white up is down in his out right in your face.
Julian Assange is being imprisoned in a Belmarsh prison. They're torturing him and killing him. He hasn't been charged with a crime. What the hell does that mean? Trump equals sign with a cross through it? Navalny? What does that mean? Trump equals Navalny? I guess that's what they're trying to say. They're saying Trump doesn't equal Navalny. Even though Navalny wrote a tweet that Trump does equal him. Navalny's way more racist than Trump. Navalny's more racist than Trump. I think the other thing
The other thing that we should all also understand about this fourth branch of government, this intelligence branch, is that all the same guys that were running the Mueller investigation that did all this to Julian Assange, ran Crossfire Hurricane, ran the impeachments, all of that, are
put themselves back in power, and they're still running the whole thing. So Weissman and Eisen and McCord, they're above. They're in the fifth column. They're actually writing these memos and sending them to Lisa Monaco, and they're funneling them out. All of these cases are the same team that were involved in the Mueller team, and they're not about Trump. People have to understand this has nothing to do with Trump. This has to do with protecting the institutions that they built to spy on us and anyone that goes into power to keep power in the hands of the
the billionaire class, the globalists that fund them all at their NGOs. We have been captured. It doesn't matter who wins the presidency because they've usurped the presidency. And we have to start looking at it still in the point of view that, okay, so Trump's there for four years, then what? We are screwed if we don't get this intelligence community and the Patriot Act and all of the usurpation done. And it's a small group of guys. It's coming out of Brookings and Just Security and all these other groups. It's not left and right. The Atlantic Council.
And they're all funded by the globalists that are destroying America. Hey, that's anti-Semitic. I equate globalists with Jews because I was told to by MSNBC and not look at it as an overall anglophile, capitalist, fucking psychopath network. And you know, when they passed the Patriot Act, I think that was also the creation of the FISA court. The FISA court, which is only supposed to be used to go after, to get
If you want to get a phone tap and all that, if you want to violate someone's constitutional rights, you go to the FISA court because you have to say that what we're really doing is fighting terrorists. And we don't have time to go through regular courts where you can have an adversarial process. So if the FBI goes and wants to get a phone tap on you and they say you're a terrorist, they go to the FISA court. You're not allowed to...
to present a defense against that in that FISA court. Only the FBI and the CIA are allowed to present it. And so it was found out that, so immediately they say, we're only gonna use this for terrorists. They use it against Donald Trump. They went to the FISA court and they went and they lied to the FISA court, not once,
not twice, not three times, but 17 times the FBI lied to the FISA court so they could get a tap on Donald Trump and his campaign. They got it. So they also got what's called a two-hop rule.
So if you get a phone tap from the FISA court on somebody, you not only get to listen to their phone calls, but you get to listen to anybody they talk to's phone calls, who they talk to. That's called the two-hop rule. They got that, and they still couldn't find a crime that they could indict Donald Trump on, except when he put a pause on funding weapon transfer to the Ukraine, right? Yeah.
And now the only reason to vote for Donald Trump is because he would pause funding to the Ukraine is now an impeachable offense. That's the world we're living in now. So that's how they took this thing that's only supposed to be used against terrorists, just like the RICO statute, only supposed to be used against the mafia. Now they're using it against former presidents who are the number one political opponent of the establishment and the donor class. And they're using it against top cop city people opposing the expansion of the police state. So that's...
So this idea that we live in a free country, going back to our previous segment with Jon Stewart, the liar, is that that's a joke. Anybody who could look into a camera and tell you the United States is a free country is a liar and a simp and a stooge for the establishment. Let me just say- Yeah, what else came out of it? Don't
forget what else came out of the Patriot Act, the DHS, the DNI, the TSA, all of this stuff. And like you said, it was written well before 9-11. And then once it came out, then when Obama and Holder went in there, that's when they started the Department of Justice Division of National Security.
which is where a lot of us are being spied on through. And it's just, it's one after another. And guess what? They have no oversight. They unilaterally can say, any one of those groups I just mentioned, that somebody is a suspected terrorist and they can get taps on any of us. And our IP addresses. Secretly. They went into a deal in 2021 with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. All these groups are all tied to the same, you know, apparatus that came from the Patriot Act.
So let me here's what Glenn Greenwald said about that segment I just showed you from MSNBC. He said, first, someone please tell me how if the U.S. officially had state TV, it would sound any different than what you just saw.
Second, Katie Kay is repulsive for denying that the United States locks up journalists who report critically on its rights as Julian Assange extradition hearing is going on. Right now, who has broken more impactful and consequential stories, Julian Assange or Katie Kay? Why is Katie Kay in an MSNBC green room while Assange is rotting in a high security UK prison that the BBC calls the British Guantanamo?
Elon Musk chimed in. He said, almost all of the legacy media just parent what the government tells them. So I'm
I'm very skeptical of Elon Musk, but sometimes he says the right things. KDK, here's a revolutionary blackout network says KDK is also ignoring the fact that the Biden administration is trying to prosecute the Uhuru black socialist movement for being pro-Russia. Coalition with DeSantis on that one, huh? This reporting is why the mainstream media is going out of business and these networks are laying off massive amounts of employees.
Let them be their own downfall. Here's one more I got for you. I grew up with state TV, says Ahmed Bozid. He said, I grew up with state TV. Whenever I go back to the old country to visit, I just watch it for kicks. I confirm that MSNBC is no different than state TV. One narrative, the state is never wrong, no dissenting voices allowed, all is well and good, and nothing unexpected is said. Ha!
You know, anybody, especially friends of mine at Lean Conservative that blather about China...
You live in China, moron. You live in China. The same exact news. You get Chinese propaganda level news, probably not even as good as China. That's right. And half the people just wear masks for no reason. China, you live in China, but without the nice train. That's right. Here's one more I'll show you. Responding to Katie Kaye saying that Joe Biden doesn't lock up his political journalists who expose his lies. We
We literally locked up someone for memes, not stealing steak secrets for memes. Well, stochastic terrorism, Jimmy, that's a real thing. Douglas McKay was a Twitter user who posted memes and misinformation throughout the 2016 election. He was sentenced this week to seven months in prison. McKay was originally charged in early 2021, was convicted in March of conspiring to deprive others of their right to vote and faced up to 10 years.
So I think what that guy did was post memes that gave the wrong election date and stuff like that. You can vote from your phone. Yeah, you could vote. They're setting it up. They're setting it up as an example that this is what they're doing. And then the craziest part about that, I hope people understand then they can get over their Trump derangement syndrome. Julian Assange is literally being tortured because he has everything that
could blow up the entire Russiagate, Crossfire Hurricane. Everything that happened was based on the idea that Russia hacked the DNC server, which didn't happen. And Julian Assange told Rohrabacher that went to see him in 2017 that it wasn't Russia. I have the goods. I can tell you. And within a few weeks, he was indicted. And they kept his indictment sealed until the Mueller investigation was over and didn't allow the Mueller team to look into the origins of Crossfire Hurricane.
And then they had Bill Barr and John Durham cover it up again. So it's not one side. The entire intelligence community is conspired to keep Julian Assange in this position all this time to protect themselves. And we really have to understand Bill Barr knew all of this. Weissman, Mueller knew all of this. John Durham knows all of this. Whoever's in...
All these people now know all of this, and yet they're still going to take the Julian Assange thing. I bet anything he gets extradited, and they're going to shut him up for life. And he's the one person that can actually blow open that intel fourth branch of government, and that's why they want to kill him. And he's the best thing that could happen to us is if he goes free and speaks out, because that is what they're most scared of. And it's very sad that they're willing to go this far. And then for anyone to say that that's not happening here is such a joke. But you know what's so crazy? He...
Because Trump, you know, didn't pardon him like he should have. And I think he was like, well, tell everyone who your source was. So because I'm getting blamed because it's Russia. And Julian Assange, he's the only journalist with integrity I've heard of in 20 years. Because I've never heard him say, you know, my personal opinion, it was Seth Rich, right?
I never heard him say who it was. I mean, if he's about to die, I hope he spills the beans. I hope he lets go of that burden. You know that just last week, the FBI held back the evidence they were supposed to turn over to Ty Clevenger on Seth Rich's laptop and said it's still ongoing? This is all about them being caught...
Being being traitors. They're all they committed sedition and treason, whether you like Trump or hate them. They did. And all these people are you know what? They're throwing our country under the bus, killing Julian Assange because they don't want to go to jail. And that is what I feel like we're dealing with. This intelligence community has gotten so warped that they'll do anything, including have a civil war in America, have wars all over the place, open our borders so that they do not go to jail and they end up running Pan Am and we're all just traitors.
Can't taper off a Ponzi scheme. You got to get desperate. Did you hear about this? New York City to offer migrants 53 million in prepaid credit cards, the report says. Boy, finally, everything Americans have been clamoring for. Am I right?
This is going to be a real winner for the Democrats come November. That's what I think. Now, have these cards been meat tested? Meat tested here. So cards will be loaded with different amounts depending on the size of the family and whether they have income. A family of four could receive $1,000 monthly or $35 per day. Cards will be refilled every 28 days. That's better than the money they gave to the people in Lahaina. That's the first thing I thought of when I saw that.
And so guess who else is upset about it? This is Stephen A. Smith, the guy from ESPN. So this guy's been... Okay, let's listen to what he says. So you can pick and choose. What it came down to for me is this. I see homeless folks in the streets of New York all the time that are American citizens. I damn sure see them in California.
We've got poor, impoverished, starving people who were born and raised in this nation. How in the hell do we come up with a $53 million pilot program for illegals? But folks who are here legally are born here. We don't have enough of them. Just like we could come up with billions for Ukraine.
But somehow, some way we can't fix the homeland problem. I'm down for helping Israel. I'm down for helping address the situations with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Okay. I'm down for helping the Ukrainians and fighting off Russia. What about poor and desolate citizens here? How the hell do you print money for foreign countries? But you don't print that money to help eradicate
folks that are starving right here in the streets of America who were born and raised here. This is what I'm talking about. And so when you have something like that, what's the one way to eradicate it? Yes, you got to have a flourishing economy. Yes, you can't have inflation. Yes, you can't be on the verge of a recession. Milk don't need to cost $7. Bread don't need to cost $5. Don't get me started with how much sugar costs.
You can talk about employment all you want to. You can talk about the labor participation rate. But guess what? If you ain't making no damn money and you got to get two jobs to pay the same prices or to buy the same amount of stuff that you used to buy and the price is higher than it used to be because of inflation, then guess what? What are you really accomplishing? I feel like this is why Trump is on the verge of getting elected. Because when he was in office, there was a flourishing economy.
So I feel like this might be a good time to plug my book, Your Country's Just Not That Intimate. And look for my upcoming follow-up to this book, Your Country Wants to Cut Your Dick Off and for You to Kill Yourself. What are you going to finish? Is that before justice is coming? We'll beat a more timely fashion? I think so. I really do need to write. I wrote this book in 2015. So I need to put it. We didn't listen.
So this is almost 10 years ago I wrote this book. Wow. I need to redo it. Wow. But here, let me just show you this. So this is like the fact check or the puts this in context. Oh, thank God. But I don't think the context makes it that much better. Well, let's listen.
Some lawmakers are expressing outrage over a New York City program that they claim will give millions of dollars in prepaid cards to migrant families. One Verify viewer texted us to ask if this "free-for-all" is actually happening. So let's verify! Our sources are the office of New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the New York City Comptroller, and Mobility Capital Finance.
These claims need context, and here's why. We verified that it's true on February 5th, Mayor Adams announced a pilot program to provide 500 migrant families with prepaid debit cards. But these cards can only be used to buy about $12 worth of food or baby supplies per day, per person. They're not free money, as some of the online claims seem to imply.
What? That sounds like free money. Sounds like a WIC card. Yeah. So I guess it's not actual cash, but it does exactly what actual cash does. It buys you stuff. But only so much per day. But only so much per day. You can't buy lobster like welfare. Remember that? Welfare, they're buying lobster. Yeah, that's right. But that contradicts.
Okay. Wait, see how fast... I heard it before it said up to $1,000 a month. Yeah. And then you could renew that every 30 days. It's welfare for illegal immigrants. That's what it is. Okay, so he just flashed on the screen...
What like little details of it. Yeah. Quickly. It cuts away from those details. Yeah. To like, you can only use it to buy food and you mean like money? So yeah. And by the way, they have to swear an oath that they'll only use it for money. So why don't, would they have to use an old, anyway, here we go.
New York will reallocate $53 million for the pilot for money that is currently being spent to cater and deliver meals for those in the program. And Adams says it's expected to save more than $7 million per year. It made no sense delivering the food. And there's some of the food that we were delivering, people didn't want. So here, here's your debit card.
with a dollar amount that is a lower dollar amount, smarter way to do it. So while New York City is giving out prepaid cards to migrant families, they can only be used to buy food and baby supplies. And it's a replacement for how the city currently distributes emergency food supplies. Whether you are Verify, I'm Brandon Lewis. Okay, so again, that contradicts
what this says, a family of four could receive $1,000 a month. So a family of four. Or $35 per day. Per person, right? So he said only $12 a day. Per person, though. But it's per person. And this is for a family, right? This is for a family.
So $1,000 in one month is more money than they gave to the people in Lahani. Quite a bit more. Yeah. Give them $700, and I think it took a while to get there. And it took a long time. It took quite some time. So this is what I've been saying. Just like what this guy said, I got no problem helping people. I got no problem helping poor people. I got no problem helping migrants. But when we have Americans and veterans sleeping in the streets...
There's homeless people all over the place. They're practically other dimensional aliens at this point. Yeah. No one can see them. No one can see them. I think they're building new particle colliders. So we one day may be able to encounter the homeless. When you hear report after report of senior citizens having to cut their medicine in half and we're giving away tens of millions of dollars to 500 families.
that aren't even citizens again this is not to demonize the immigrants or the migrants they call them migrants it's to demonize your government this is to demonize your government so you can so you have to flip of it you can you can provide money and aid to people who aren't citizens
By the way, who are here primarily because the billionaire class wants to lower your wages. That's what this is about. It's a big part of what this is about. Have them police you too. That's what Urban said. And join your military because people don't want to join the military anymore to go fight. And we can send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine.
Hundreds of billions of dollars to the military industrial complex. Tens of billions of dollars to Israel. We can't send a couple of billion dollars to America to fix homelessness. Ten billion dollars would pay for community college for the whole goddamn country. They'll never do any of this. So again, this goes back into my theory.
that the billionaire class, this is not only in the United States, but all over. They want everybody on edge, just like we were during COVID. So it makes us easier to control. And it makes us beg for authoritarian solutions.
That's what this seems like. It seems like this grand plan, not only to lower wages and to fill our military with the foreigners, but it also seems like this to keep us on edge, to keep us begging for authoritarian solutions to our problems. And they've got the money. Again, they printed $5 trillion during COVID, and they didn't give it to you. They didn't give it. Again, you can fix homelessness for $20 billion. Right.
They won't do it. They won't do it on purpose. There isn't a politician I've seen run in the last five, 10 years that even mentions homelessness. Even Cornel West, when he came on the show, didn't didn't didn't didn't make it, didn't make it to his list of priorities. His priorities was demonizing your neighbor as a neo-fascist.
I think the much larger issue here, after that great context they added, was they tried to make it better by saying, well, it's actually cheaper than what we're spending now. So what you're telling me is it's way fucking worse than I even knew. Yes. That's what you tell old people who live in New York. And by the way, here's a real cheap solution. Shut down the goddamn border and stop being a goddamn sanctuary. That would save a lot of bucks too, I bet. Yeah, I bet you that would save $53 million just off the top.
Like, that's crazy. Again, when a guy like Dennis Kucinich, who's so far to the left that the Democrats gerrymandered him out of his own district in Ohio, when he says we have to seal the border, this is no longer a left-right issue.
This is exactly what Bernie Sanders said was happening in 2015. Bernie Sanders says an open border policy is a Koch brothers policy, which means, what does that mean? That means the billionaire class wants this. And why? Because it suppresses wages. That's the first thing.
But it also destabilizes cities. It makes people on edge and it makes people beg for authoritarian solutions. Also, I'm going to look more into this, but I'm getting text after text from people saying that they're trying to make it OK for illegal immigrants to vote.
Yeah. Have you heard about this? I thought we showed a clip of the lady saying it'll be great to have their vote. Maybe I watched it. Maybe I wasn't here. Maybe I was on the road and you did it with Kurt. No, I might have saw it on Memology. Oh, okay. But yeah, she said it and then it backfired. I can't remember even what state it was in. It was in Chicago and New York.
She goes, well, no, it's, oh, New York. And it's going to change our, there's an even more important reason. It's going to change our. And I don't want to call people, again, this is not to demonize desperate people who are coming to the United States. Well, I was going to deflect that way and say that's not what you're saying. So I could deflect from your point. Right. But when people in America can't pay their bills, when people are working two and three and four jobs just to pay their bills, when senior citizens are taking half the medicine that they're prescribed because they can't afford it.
When people can't afford housing.
Eggs are 50 bucks. Again, you know what? When they give you the instruction on a plane, hey, if we lose pressure and air masks fall from the ceiling, make sure you secure your mask first before you secure your kids. Why do you think that is? Because if you pass out, you're not going to be able to take care of your kid. So we can't take care of our own country, yet we have people flooding our country and we're taking care of them or
Or trying to. Or spending tens of millions of dollars in one city alone. Jimmy, they're busing. Okay. This is crazy what's going on. They are busing them in on purpose. Do you know that? This is crazy. They are busing them. It's not just people, oh, I'm desperate to cross the thing. They got goddamn in other countries on the way up. They've got encampments set up. It's various charities. There's one called the Catholic. James O'Keefe just showed it.
But they've been showing a bunch of stuff. They're busing military age men across the border. So you don't even need to explain that shit. Because if you think if somebody out there thinks that's what it is, oh, it's just desperate, like a mother and her child and a dreamer. It's not that it's a coordinated only young military age men for the most part, then kids who disappear.
that they're shipping on purpose, and it's the open society, all the greats are funding this. The WEF, all that you heard about, it's so much worse than whatever anybody's thinking. So you don't even have to worry about blaming it. Your own government's busing them in.
Like that, we saw Dick Durbin say what this is for. I saw, I showed, I showed Dick Durbin. So it was every, how many times I got to tell, do they have to tell you what the plan is? Every, let's think of all the new things. They're all to isolate you, sterilize you. And then like Canada's like, Hey, and why don't you kill yourself now?
So, and by the way, they're saluting Nazis and we're doing, they're doing a eugenics thing right in front of your goddamn face. That's what's happening. This is, this is, this is stunning. I, that's all I can say is this is stunning. And when a guy like this, when a guy like him, uh, who's been on television since I can remember watching television, I don't know how long he's been on TV, 20 years. So this guy is in the, he's been a millionaire for a long, long time.
And when he's upset, when he actually when it actually affects his mentality again and they and they just keep trying to prop up this demented Joe Biden. Well, you know why? Remember, replacement theories are racist conspiracy theory that from white supremacists. Well, look, turns out there are plays in every other kind of color of people from America.
Nobody born here matters. They need to be thinned out. We're going to bring in some new blood. I don't know who the hell's the top of the pyramid making those calls, but here's the mind control they use over the elites. It's called money. They give you a big shit pile of it, and then you'll say whatever the fuck. They don't even get to tell you any secret shit. A big pile of money. That's how they do it. Well, if you're pissed off about this, I'll see you Friday in Philadelphia, and I'll make some jokes about it. This Friday, what's the name of the theater?
Theater of the Living Arts in Philadelphia. We'll see you there this Friday. This is nuts. Okay. You know, Jimmy, I just wanted to let you know that according to AP November 3rd, 2022, the claim is registering non-citizens to vote. That's a false. Voter registration in California is restricted to U.S. citizens. This is in New York. Okay, but that's just in California. Okay. What you just read was just about California. Okay. They're also counting them in the census.
People are called undocumented. Again, this is not because I have a chip on my shoulder against desperate people who are coming to the United States. I have a chip on my shoulder. That's the system that allows that to happen in cities that were not even taking care of the people who are here already.
If you don't see that often, I don't think you should have to explain jack shit. They're shutting down schools to put undocumented immigrants in. Stephen Smith notices it. This is genius. So if this guy notices it, this guy who's lived at the tippy top of society for the last 20 years, he's noticing it.
I have a headline from New York Times that says New York City's non-citizen voting law is struck down. And that was from June 27, 2022. What does that mean? What was what is a non-citizen voting law? What does it mean?
Is this they had one in place? A state Supreme Court judge from Staten Island said that the measure which would allow more than 800 non-citizens to vote violated the state's constitution. So they are trying to do that. Don't get it through. Don't worry. So they are trying to have people who aren't citizens vote. Where the black swan event happens that they're worried about. Yes. At MSNBC. Boy, that sounds like fear-mongering conspiracy theory. There's a black swan event coming. Right. We're bussing up military age illegal aliens here. Is everybody crazy? Yes.
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Do not freak out.