it can see a side two were a bean, Chicago, grand Rapids, Michigan, Delofe, Georgia, right outside of Atlanna, Jacksonville, Florida, Tempy, Arizona and Burbank, California go to Jimmy door .com for a link for those tickets this is Jimmy, who says?
Jimmy i just want to call your show and call to listeners and continue express the message of the Trump and twenty twenty four campaignyou know?
sure yeah what whats that?
what is that message?
exactly well!
were kind of figuring that out as we go you know just really listening to the voters yeah, uh more specifically how loud they cheer at various, irresponsible incentiary comments we make during!
i see!
so your platform is literally being crowdsourced by seeing what sort of dog whistles people respond to most readily but wanting our messages defining, anything resembling the radical left in this country and the current state of the democrat party okay, could you elaborate sure Jimmy what the love is saying today just does a resume with regular Americans you know theyre just weird ah, why we the stuff that they they is weird?
it is like not having kids can you imagine a political party telling Americans not have children how are we call democrat saying that exactly well, when i claim that they do in rallies and stuff people blue?
they are blue well?
okay that i guess and look at what they attackme for look at what the media is trying to due to jdv we speak all these clips to me talking about crazy cat, ladies and whatnot im sorry but thats where regular Americans think about people dont have kids you know regular Americans do not think that childless people are quote socio paths as you have said regular Americans i talk to do they do think that you know they never occurred you that you may not be talking to regular Americans Jimmy ha ha im sorry but that sort of my old thing yeah hello actual regular American here so i get to say what regular people American even is and then by extension what weird American is and democrats are weird be lefsister weird people without kids are we people without kids or weird hey that guy over there is weird hey hey!
you know what im im Mary did i dont have kids and my weird my associate path!
no then yeah youre weird and so weird me being childless i cant demand like whats even the point of life you know duty blame things on would you subconsciously try to make as a miserable as you were be made to be when you were young if you didnt fatherchildren how do you prove your Indian wifethat you were masculine enough?
i guess to answer your question the point of life is for it to be whatever my wife and i decide to make it, alright obviously senator your physician on Trump is changed over the years right?
not really uh at 2015 年 yousedinsultingthings about of an ouh your srunning made you never change your mind have you never evolved sure but college friends of years have come forward and said your current believes dont resemble at all the jd vades they used to know that you seem to have altered your stances for politically expedient reasons Jimmy ibeen writing online for many years you can go back and look at my work and see that i remain pretty consistent Ive always been this jdv sayoutalking to now from the heartland a regular guy you know with a traditional outlook on life and masculin an afformation woman but i can literally grow a beard OK well。
Google JD VADES 28 see what comes up?
dont dont Google that look under jd haml how did you use a penname?
that was my name back?
then thats your birth name?
one basically on my fourth name did you know that could you clear this up?
please so target of having to explain this i was born James Donald Boemen what my mom prepared a guy name?
so i changed my name to James David Hamll i figure dirgoing in there anyway, masswell switch out the middle name to get a new one for free then i went by JD Hamel then it 2013 i changed my last name to Vans in all in honor of my meemall like what is weired about this?
what what is of meemall?
oh yeah and then more recently i took the period out of jd so now its not jd vans its jd vans circle change but i like it my analmastic surgeon did a great job ah im, sorry your what anomastic surgeon its like a plastic surgeon but for your name, my guys doctor John Kugrmelon camp, hes been with me for every main change and with jd events we both agree that we really made my name exemplify and reflect to i am on the inside this is really weird youre weird totally normal everyone does this say our byte says who one camp uh Nicki Haley others yeah right?
or should i say James get Jimmy is a nick?
jabvy is a nick name for James and literally everybody knows that OK sure its fine of a liberal does it but the god fearing man French mappulate you decides to tweak his own moniker only the fancy people get to do that i guess well?
i think ive getting a handle on your pandring ways good to see i look forward to watching how your campaign goes and ifyouname changesaeven again, can you call back?
somei love attention thanksforgiving it to me all my best to you and your fans for me yours truly jd prinsker!
so we have our special guest one of my favorite if not favorite, the twitter accounts with us Ian Carol is a citizen journalist, online educator and a small townburgejoyenthusiest whose model is follow the money, seek the truth and do your own research dont do your own research your whitesupreme anyway, he also host the online showcancel this and his TikTok currently both more than one point six million followers welcome to the show in Carol how are you thanks Jimmy good to talk to you man no how being here how have you not been kicked off a ti?
i get, but banned from TikTok already dude i do not know im im hovering it to strikes but i very like strategicallyentered with very basic like black rock conspiracy content that is totally allowed and i grew the con i grew the platform relatively big before i started talk about people like the cia and Jeffrey Upstine so i think i gain the system just barely OK alright all right OK um i so youre you and i feel very some patical uh with you and your point of you on things and um you have the done deep dibs heel hell go in and do these explainer videos that he post right to twitter because i dont go to any other social media accept twitter jolly when i can stand and i dont even know how Instagram works i dont know why people go there i dont stand it doesnt it and Facebook is just as that anyway, so anyway, um i saw you, you, you tweeted this out, this video and this is exactly, ive live through this and so ive been ive been uh saying similar sentiments like this, ill ill make a joke in my act that you know uh im for freedom of speech, im for bodily autonomy, im anti war and so you know, im a rightwinger uh anyway, so here we go and youre basically saying that your elementing the loss of the democratic parties adherence to those values unless just listen is the Democratic Party is currently the cia party OK?
if you arent aware of this, open your eyes。
so i just wanted i have sorry i have to stop it already but when i was still work that the young Turks right, after Hillary Clinton, lost a Donald Trump, the young Turks, junk user and everybody else who works there accept me was repeating cia in fbi talkingpoints on critically about Donald Trump and Russia and Russia gate and Julian a Sang they just are not and they just uncrypt this not one skepticism of anything theys they would say oh re the re Russians hacked into thirty one databases of our election and im like thats that how do you know that?
the fbi said so yeah there s and of course, it turned out they were lying about everything but as you just point out, the Democratic Party has become the party the of the cia and the fbi at the intelligence dont even hide they dont even hide it they just repeat them i mean look what junk user and Anna casparian did uh about Julian asons they disrepeated a boguest story about uh him being visited by trumps campaign manager and that he was working for Trump and they said he couldnbe trusted they they still have that video up on their channel anyway。
our else ill try not the stop it again im sorry the Democratic Party is currently the cia party OK if you arent aware of this。
open your eyes, i do i im from there, i am one of you guys and clearly it has been coopted i i was once a liberal, and i was once a democrat and we used to believe in antiwar you know the anti big corporations uh you know!
regulate the big corporations, like big pharma!
like big aggreculture!
like the military industrial complex and the banking sector, we used to believe holding the powerful accountable in freedom of speech because that is essential to journalism and somehow a whole bunch of people have been tricked into thinking that the Democratic Party now stands for OK!
i have to stop it there so those i want i play the rest with a second but yes, how did this so this happened because of Trump thats what i blame the son we used to you know before covid and before Trump get a hold the covid the people who were the most virulent saying you have to take a mandated experiment a medical treatment used to be protesting gmos right our a Neil Neil la whatever is name is with zero Hana was this nate nil a the musication nil a anyway doesnmatter 啊 neo young!
neo young young young to protest gmos and then he took his music off because Joe bigor because Joe Rogan was saying sensible things about an expermetal medical treatment, so i think it happened because a Trump and Trump is the blanket excuse to become the democrats have become more mongers the democrats have become uncritical of the intelligence, community or big pharma or corporations or the oil or anything what do you say to that?
in i would argue that Trump was when they pulled the major swap, but i think it started with Obama and start with Obama the banks right yeah, cause everyone brought Obama and this is like i grew up in this i was young i wasnt you old enough to vote for Obama the first time in 208, so i also wasnt old enough to notice what was happening when you go back and look at it you you realize that city bank gave him a list of people to put into his cabinet and then he put them all into his cabinet and then bailed out all his banking buddies that had got them there in the first place and that went totally under the democrats right are cause he was such a powerful or writer and like Politician really and so i think that Obama was the start of that walking they that sort of sleep walk the Democratic Party into whatever they wanted to say and then when they were presented with Trump, as the opposition that just gave them like free range to do whatever they wanted to their peoples minds because anything to stop Trump right?
so i have to remind people because uh uh ifolder in you that Bill Clinton was no friend of the working man and Bill Clinton when he became president, he could do things that the Republicans couldnt like what Jimmy well, first of all he got after passed right, because uh Joe George Bush, the first Herbert Walker could not get nothing to passed, but Bill Clinton came in and he gave cover to the blue democrats in the south so they can then passed after which cut the legs out from underneath the union movement for a generation right, then he went on to gut welfare as he ec exploded the prison population, he consolidated the media, and then he derregulated Wall Street with lead to a crash of our economy within ten years and he wanted to privatize so security except that got stop because of the bj。
thats literally the tree all well flying around getting bjs from his body jeffry at at he so different his body jeffreys friends yes!
and and because a Monica luinski that came that scandal broke and that put the Kabash on the secret deal that he had with new gingards to privatize so security, so when Bill Clinton became president, he went to wallst, he went to the milk to industrial complex, he went to big, he said he were open for business its no longer, were the parties of workers, which is why the workers have nowhere to go anymore and that they they that you see them going back to the Republican Party um so that is what a Remy people that it was built Clint that axy started and Barack Obama put it into overdrive for sure he didns he didnt end any wars he expanded those words hes he took some two wars a seven he dropmore bombs than George Bush people dont know that right and then according to pro to prosecute journalist more than all the presidents combined before him so this idea that Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy that else some kind of unique thread is both shit because the people actually prosecuted journalist with Barack Obama, hes the one who started it rampted up and of course, Joe Biden can disconvicted him of a felony Julian asentfor doing journalism alright!
sorry throw it throwback to you i mean i think youexactly right and what it the more you learn about history and actually like learning for yourself, not what youre told from the news you realize that theyre very good at juggling back and forth between both sides of the pendulon right they need to get some stuff done thats easier to do from the right theygive you a right guy for a while thats right that naturally want makes us all want to swing back to the left they give you the left guy thats going to get the same things done from the other side of the island so its always policies for the club and its never policies for us and they just keep i mean i i would argue maybe since since Kennedy got shot that was probably the last time that we had a president that might have us in mind hundred percent yeah, just did a deep dive into him thats actually, what this clip is from is from a video about the candidas ination drying similarities to the attempted trumpus as ination and looking at kennedi and what it meant when he was killed for global politics and what he was trying to do versus what they did after they killed well, after someone that we dont know who killed them but right?
so hold that docs i do want to ask you about that in the similarities to the Trump um but so i catch a lot, a grief because i dont have the same kind of iron for the republicans as i do for the democrats, i have more iron for the democrats why because i was a democrat my whole life and i never voted for a republican i voted for democrats right, and i get screen over by democrats um they never came republicisnever, came asking for my vote gas who did democrats right and i gave them my vote and i helped lot to them get elected and then they cheated us, repeatedly, lied to us and governed like because there is, there is no different we now know that we dont live in a democracy thats not high pervalely that was proven by a princent study over ten years ago now that we live in a bonified oligarchy, which means your vote doesnt matter that the peoples whos vote doesmatter is the donor class the people who controlthem and heres the different inheris the rub so let Eric Eric Schmidfrom Google is the big democratic donor then Peter seals the big a a republican donor they both work together yep they both work together so that were being so it is a uniparty and so it the the thats the word so what you said is a hundred percent true and there only and i ive have arguments with people who are college educated smarty plans people who will to their dying day say the democrats are better than the republicans what do you say to that?
i mean i would say that they should hit resource the history the cia because who do both Peter deal and airxmit both work with the cia is all of the i mean like the cias job is to control elections, to control governments, to control the global situation, so that its pro us and that inevitably from the start i mean it was founded by corporate lawyers and that has been doing the bidding of the corporate oligarchy ever since it was founded whether that be over throwing the government guadamala for United fruit or you know having nothing to do with the queue in you grain in 201 四 um and im not trying to say that the cia is behind everything im just trying to say that that is a good representation in learning learning the history the cia is a really great way to learn whats going on behind the theader that were all shown because they they present us the news, which is you know coopted by the cia and that is the hide the way theyactually all just working for the corporate club the cia included the cia is not some American intelligence agency it is a corporate well。
the i i the the listof things that that cia isnt involved in is much smaller than the list of things they are if the Arab spring everybodythought that was some kind of organic operations of course, it wasnt it was a it was instituted by tons of cache by the cia and thats how we got libia, thats how we got Siri the Syrian war theybntrying overthrow serious for decades in decades even a uh Christian omen poured new that in two thousand three, when she interviewed a side, saying wow, they really want to get that was a two thousand that was ten ten years before the Arab spring OK, so the arb spring was was completely manufactured by the cia just like the Syria, just like the isis just like that kind of we invent all these things uh so we could have a boogie man we could and we work with them whenever we want um, we play the rest of your video and then well get your your commenter war at all cos otherwise youre gonna kill?
democracy questionfizer or any big corporation because they have your best interestin mind as they pay for your advertising on your newstations dont hold any one accouneable least of all the banks post 28 as Obama comes in and bails, them all out the fuck up into the democratic part about time we go back and take back the left not even to mention that like now suddenly you can be pregnant and a man like science well!
just edit science let me remind you that science is built on questions the whole foundational science is that anything scientific is replicable as in ifits true。
you can replicate that experiment and youll get the same result and its only through asking questions forminghypothecies and testing those hypothecies that we know whats real and anyone can read science, anyone can understand science, and anyone can practice science, and if youre not supposed to question the science。
thats not science, thats dogma?
thats corporganda that is totalitarian bullshit shob down your throat so hard you cant breathe okay and i dont mean like i took a fuck load of fentno and im about to die cant breathe i mean like openyourfucking eyes gets so my question you is uh why do you hate the lgbtq?
and and why are you widesupremises after the things of that that just that the if your questioning science, your widesupremises and and if you dont if you think a man can not get pregnant than your depth you know what interesting about that point that you made, what because now now we are to accept that a man can become president pregnant because a man can transition and and then get and have a and have a vagina and a womb and they say moji for it so, but they say having of a but they say having of agina doesnt make you a woman but they are now currently saying that about a boxer and the Olympics that that boxer is a woman because that boxer has a vagina theyre using that argument even though that boxer has an x y chromizon, which yous supposed to be male chromizons thats why thats what ive always been taught maybe theyre changing that, but x x chrome is own those are for the ladies and x y thats for men but theyre now saying no this this boxer is a woman because because this boxer has a vagina well what about the Trans man who gets pregnant he is of agina doesnt that make him a well so they whenever so god you if you what you could speak to that i just want that that once super interesting that just broke and like its this whole thing on twitter right now um and i was doing a bunch of i was trying to dig into it and trying to like address the nuance to because i i try not like sometimes its just ballshit and its just like clearly bolshit and when there is nuance。
i try to address it so that its not just so youre not just new plastring over it and im not clear yet whether so i think that the claim the mainstring claim is that she is squire syndram S w Y e r which is where you have an x, y chromizon but theres like something wrong with your your endocrine system and so you present as a female from birth and youre born with of agina and a room and over reason everything despite having an x, y chromizon um but if thats true if she has squiresyndram an enexy chromizum then my understanding on very like very easy do the research that squiress syndrew means that your hormones system doesnwork properly from birth and so youre on replacement hormones your whole life and so then the other part of the reporting is that she failed a testosterone a a test her having really high testosterone last year and was disqualified from the other boxing association and and so those two things do not line up because if you have swire syndrome, you dont have elevated testosterone unless, youre taking it exogenously and if you do have elevated to sausterone, and youre not taking testosterone exojiously, than you must cant have squiresyndram because youre not able to produce ormoneyourself and so theres this like mismatch in the story that seems to employ that either theyre lying about swire syndram or shehastwiresyndramanatselogit but then shes taking exhaussionist testosterone in order it really high testosterone, which is also not allowed so so im not clear on whathappiting yet but regardless of what is happening its really weird and its not not good and its yeah i understand that there are there is nuanced to that story im this?
im this is zerowing in on people making the argument that that boxer has a vagina so shes a woman well obviously, suddenly they can define what a woman is but there but thats that but youve told me now for at least a couple years that doesnt make your woman so but now i also understand that that boxer has testies but theyre internal so i dont know anything about her test is OK so i i, i get i!
i didnt mind and make this a segment about that so im not but i does the whole the whole linpix has been a total shit show when you combine that with the reporting about their first lady?
it gets pretty interesting you mean about the candaso when reporting about her first lady well!
candisoones is very strategic to report about the reporting that the French journalisted yes, so she knows how this game is played yes!
there are some French journalist that reported um that the first lady of France was was was not border of female thats the reporting that theres no photos of her before the age of thirty and that her brother is missing to be thats the least weird part of that story the most the weird part of that story is that ipretty pretty sure she was forty years old and she started dating a sixteen year old kid my rog about that yeah her her student her student i dont know if it was exactly forty but yeah she was a full blown adult teacher manor woman!
and yeah started teaching her dating her she left her family she left her a ledget husband and children in order to start dating a child how old is macron president of friends?
here heres his age i wanna ill get his age and her age uh why wont they just say it why would they make me read paragraphs OK, so he was born in 19 HES 4 十六 hes 4 十六 how old is macrones wife, ridget macronthatername so hes 4 十六 and theres a 25 year difference 25 year age gap so they got together when he was fourteen fifteen or sixteen so that would make her so if hes forty 71 shes 71 now you know a lot of dudes who are 46 anyway, i dont know any thats the only one who are into seventy one year old ladies thats what recall a pedifile her so her so she was twenty what was i say twenty five years difference 26 year different 26 years older than him when they met so wow!
so she was his highschool teacher right yeah that would be like me a 31 year old man starting to date my eight year old student Meanita little different if you studen is a in like in puready。
but its still completely messed up like so sixteencompletely on Excel she according year old man Macron she was 40 he was fifteen at at la Providence high school were she the Jerry signed found he was a student and classmate of her daughter!
thats the thats this thats the sug yeah and missing brother who would can find that theres a legidly still alive and just very private and everybody just look i know friends has you know theyre much more relaxed than not uptight about stuff like that but come on yeah maybe they should not be so relaxed about it if that was a forty year old dude with a fifteen year old girl。
i think some people would raise an eyebrow about it thats all im saying yeah and i think a lot of people today especially dont realize the ongoing imperial nature of France and there sort of African Empire Frances had domain in overall of like subsahare in north Africa for decades and decades through their monetary control and i think a lot of Americans think Frances just France yeah, Francis still been an Empire for a long time and its just now crumbling Africaas breaking free of France so theres a lot more to France than most people realize its a lot more powerful even ationbehind the scenes yeah, Americans are informed about yeah!
we we covered a little bit about that and um yeah, how they theyve had these exployed of financial deals with countries in Africa and countries in Africa are now ready to theyre now pushing back on that um great but yes, there empire still um so, so yeah!
thats the i thats what ive been trying to uh i ive been trying to come to terms with that the people who i my whole life ive been align with politically are now turned into what i used to call right wing theyve now theyre pro war but now a lot of the right winkers i know are against war so now i dont know we even know that i think the do you think the left right paired i means anything anymore not really i mean it should wordsmatter but youre right that the roles have completely flipped like and and i think that i i hang out with and i bet that you hang out with a lot of sort of like generally like right wing identifying people but theykind just center because there are all of these Republican voters out there that are also very pro war and anything that the Republican Party says there for it and so like there there is capture on both sides the political while but i think that a lot of the voters that are behind Trump these days are a lot more antiwar pro free speech therekind of people that are just like more fun to hang out with like i dont want to hang out with people that are gonna you know that im Gonna have to sensor my own thoughts around so thats why i used to like hanging out with put people like that were lefties because they were profits!
free speech, anticensorship, and was always the Christian right that wanted to sense or lyrics and all that and movies in playboy, magazines and all that stuff so i was always for freedom of speech and i centers i want to hang out with those people has always anti war Pro Pro war people creep me out and then i was always automy right so now when it came to covid all those people who were probably automy my bodymy choice that all went out the window right and now was not greater good right its for the greater good and now its the its now its your body the someoneelses choice the governments choice the government the governments choice for it and its not even a medicine that has long term studies to it was an experimental medicine that there are metal gene medicine um right, um i i know that its approved by the fda and i dont i dont know that it was safe and effective and you two will clearly put a note down below thats right formed about all the facts thats right i know dont read rfkido new book about it dont produv you do dont do that dont do dont read about it so um so thats to get that and but now thats all flipped so now ive you find more people who, vote who considered themselves conservative who are for bodily autonomy, who are for a antiwar and who are for free speech should its the its the wheredest thing people well what they are like they go what are you a free speech absolutist yes!
that that the antidote to bad speech is more speech they make they make it outlike its about the goddamn countries founded on free speech but they do everything they can to try to disconnect us from the founding of the country to try to make it feel like thats an outdated concept and i i have a theory that they realized somewhere in the bushobama years they realized with the internet coming in its changing the nature of just society and civilization and at some point it really looks like they flipped from the from thinking like it used to be that the right was more controllable by these sort of like deep state actors because the right was moreline with corporations and more align with it was it was just easier to manipulate the right and the left was so profree speech and it war that they were not playable but i think at a certain point they realized that the left like inherent to liberal ideology is this idea of the greater good the whole point of of like left in liberal thinking is that we work together to accomplished more for the greater good through government verses like concerned or like no leave me alone do it the old way in like individual liberty and at a certain point if you start to manipulate that concept of the greater good you can get a lot done in the internet age because you can start to create group things you can start to create this like massycosis that will forcepeople to take an experimental medication against there will for the greater good so you get the same kind of garbage that ive been getting for years now is again like i said that uh i dont i my mission here is to point out to people that there isnt difference between the democratic republicit and to pop that bubble of idea and to disobuse them of that idea that the democrats work for someone different than the Republicans do them talk about the establistring republicans in the establishment democrats right now i and but you know youll talk about before i i have blocks of lefties who come to my show stuck hippies so i hip i have hippies who come to my show i have uh we uh pre a worker organizers union organizers come to my show i remember the hippys i i forget where i was i was maybe in domain and these hippies were like what this is right when i it started the happener like what the hell happened to that everybody were supposed to be anti war were supposed to be skeptical of big pharma what the hell happened to these people and i was like im with you im a hundred percent with you so its?
its, its while to watch the let the extreme the lefties and writes come together uh and realize that theyre being lied to by the same people on i just want to show this heres the kind of push back that you get when you tell the truth about the Democratic Party, she says its obious at this point that youre not a good faith actor either you never were or you sold out after becauseof because of you did this rant that ran were you just spelled out the truth that the democrats are the cia party theyre not proviley automy there, pro war and there, and there for a big pharma so after you did that she calls you a sellout youre not a good faith actor i get that actually a cia plan they go you started your following by exposing corruption across the board now, your divisive and pretend only one party is the problem youd even sound genuine anymore, when i pointed out this there using the same Reco statute in the same grand Jury to prosecute general Trump as they are using the same grand jury, the same the regular statitude, the prosecute stop top city protesters and i go so now you see the game thats being played and he said sounds like you like Trump more than youletting on so that was when i was done with him he was dead to me and now he goes on to which with his stupid my message of the democrats are the lesser evil and then he does a rally in Harlem any gets five white dudes to show up hows that working out free a core now who do you think was wrong in that argument who do you think was right uh the right me i was right now ill help be out good you can figure that shit out i was right and youre wrong OK yeah the thing about this galls comment to is that just add context like the what when i say that the democrat party is the cia party im not just guessing like your member hunter bytes laptop yes!
cia got 51 CIA directors and aged like all of the top brass of the intelligence community for the last twenty years they got them all the signal letter saying in if you read the actual letter, it says in it, we have no evidence whatsoever that this laptop is Russian disinformation but our experience in the Intel community makes us suspect that it could be so you should like so trust us its probably and so that letter was what gave the media their new cycle of top 51, top cia analyst declare the the laptop of hooks, but they clearly said in it they dont know theyre just gonna give you the sound bytes you can run with it but the people the signed that letter were people like John brand like the first two names on the letter were people that purged themselves on the stand for line to us about the nsa spying activities lying to us about quantonymobee and Abu grave torture programs like it was a bunch of certified lires from the cia signing this document to basically get that laptop out of the election just before the election so that Biden could get elected it was very theys stepping in its so instead of instead of people like that and ive sure this shes a nice lady but what what what im saying is what whats mind boggling to me is that youre not upset about the thingsthat e?
and just said in that video youre upset thats somehow you feel like hes not at the same time saying something about another part of the uniparty like what youre not upset that the cia lied and the, and now the cia is lying at be half at the behalf of the democratic nomini thats what they say that doesnmake you go ho what in the hell what that the cias on the side of the democratic nominey for president and is doing this actively fighting against the Republican Nomini and the reason why i think that is because Donald Trump didnt come up through the normal channels right, so they couldncontrol him quite they they could control them a little like thats what Russia gate was all about Russia gate was trying to deem discredit him and and minish him so they could control him and thats exactly what truck sumer said to nrachel mad out that Donald Trump shouldngo against the the intelligence community because if you do they have six ways the Sunday to get back at you and what truck schumer didnt realize he was saying he was giving the game away, which is the game is that the cia in the intelligence community doesnt work for the president that the president actually has to make sure he keeps them happy its not theotherway around so the next question that Rachel metal should ask was well then who does the cia in the fbi work for Chuck if they dont work for the president thats the question and they oul tell you who the answer is the answer is they work for the donor class they they work for the the read hofments and the Papi Peter deals and the Eric Schmits and the Jeff Bezos and the bill gate thats who the cia work for the military industrial complex, the the rockefelders they dont work for the president theres a theres, a permanent state and instead of people being upset at that they want a somehow say oh why dont you hate republicans more its crazy that people can see that this is all corrupt。
but then not realized that everything theyve been feed about Donald Trump is coming from that media that is from the state apparatus and so they havent unpacked how much they hate Trump and realize that like you dont actually know anything about Trump because youve never viewed him with untainted eyes thats when you view with untainted eyes theres plenty to not like about em hes no saint theres so much to not like about em but its totally different than when you just got in your hatred form from the media and you have a really interesting similar take to me i think about trumps rise in the like kind of blackmail circles and how he seems to be on blackmail and like he doesnt party, doesnt drink, and so he has this weird relationship with a lot of the sort of like blackmailworld, which seems to indicate that they cant control them through blackmail, so theyve gone through all these other channels and try all these other techniques s everything short of shooting him though that was clearly a ran um yeah that was clearly!
a ran yeah look no further into that so thats the co thats the next question is what what we have to jump to rumble so lets jump to rumble and well be right back in a few minutes everybody jumble give me one second were almost ready to go to rumble so cuz thats good thats the question to me in its like so if there is a uniparty, which there is and the cia controlls both of them, which they do do they not controltrump as much because why would they quote the reason why we know why they did to John afkenity they assassdated John afkenity because he said he wanted to break up the ciin to a thousand pieces。
and he also wanted to keep Israel from getting a nuclear weapon now iview is also about to get apac to register as a for an agent that letter he sent them he had theybeen in contact for a while and he sent the paperwork to them like two weeks before he got shot and then the week after he got shot they sent a letterback saying no its cool we wont do that。
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look this uh estonias colleance thats her name shes a fierce, Russian critic wow, finally!
a fierce!
Russian critic for once she has now the new European union foreign policy chief, and im gonna go out on a limb here and say that she is so clumslily an evasively full of shit that id say she qualifies to be head of the secret service she could help she could be header the new ghost busters when and why do i say that watch this so shes theyre top shes now the top diploma right so shes not the eu form policy chief and listener what the European unions form policy chief has to say about negotiating with a nuclear power to end a war watch this to me the question why talk to him?
i mean why she means puton why talk to puton to me?
the question why talk to him?
i mean why thats a good point why should she talk to put in seeing is how shes not you craning and also you cranisin part of the European union so its really not of her fucking business right?
of course you sh of course you why negotiate with the nuclear power thats winning the war that its in right now why negotiate with them boy shes like got the new ursual milfinance or whatever that yeah?
to me the question why talk to him i mean why hes war criminal i mean uh im, a im!
a lawyer by profession and i i look up get your outbecause youre all war criminals so now you have something in common, the definition of war crimes and a genocide for that matter and well dont get it to depth shes gonna shelook up the definition of war crimes and genesides wow, hey, remember isale is nick at endingplay the osagae hello!
OK or is the willingness to get rid of a you know a part of the nation or a or or a whole nation and and he has express this will is intention he has done steps for this and and hes war criminal and and uh if you say that the you know, there is no outcome of talking to him then why talk to him because i feel i dont see into his head of course and and into gramlands walls but but i feel that if everybody is constantly calling him, he doesnt get the message that is isolated so uh so if we want to get him the message through that that actually, youre isolated dont call him?
why would you talk to him?
because thats how you and wars youre?
a lawyer you should see your lawyer so this so what the lawyer so what this tells you is that the a guy like um read hofmen made sure she got installed so a billionour donor person who makes money off of war yeah and or maybe and sells probably a energy natural gas to year they make sure she got it installed in this position because they dont want this word and just remember what Juleana sanch told us the wars are not meant to be one theyre meant to be ongoing and that so they can keep transferring money from the treasurys of governments into the pockets of the war machine and the international security state thats what this is about?
thats running the western fucking world and its run by billiners look at those guys and that look i imagine them all in red robes gathered around an owl and a fire and whatever the help they do so thats did did you hear the craziness she just said why talk to a guy whos the head of a nuclear power thats in the middle of winning a war while hes a war criminal every president in my lifetimes, a war criminal right now, Joe Biden is funding a geneside the one you the definition you just look up, would you start talk to him OK, so thats so against so you know shes just alignful she shes clearly another out of nowhere figure that was actually shut from some dark anti universmirror into this world to bring her completely opposite from rationality or decencytakeon politics was she trained in Israel, its a class its like an estony i mean from a stonia so thats clearly where there its like a factory to get more those wef leaders you know for the eu and you want to see how horrible she actually is so you remember i showed you kernel McGregor said that the people who want this were in you crane they have this idea in their head they thought Russia was actually weaker than it was so right now theyre in the middle of splitting up you Crane in hanging it over to black rock in Vanguard, which theyre doing and Bill Gates and people like that they thought they could do the same thing to Russia that they could break up Russia into smaller parts and then sell it off to Vanguard in blackrock and all those things wework in America thatright, thats what they thought they could do and now thats what kernel McGregor said well, here shes just going to tell you the eusenew chief thisisfrom Arnold bertron the eusenew chief diplomat who doesnt seem to understand the very conceptive diplomacy whytalktoputonyhesaworkcriminalwhmaybecausethatsliterallywhatyourjob is trying to talk to warningparties in order to bring an end to awar thats ruiningtheunion you represent because right now the year be in union is paying way higher prices for a energy than they would be sensed we blew up the nordstring pipeline and its killing the economies what is it weakening Russia Jimmy whos a right, whos a bigger war criminal the side thats ready to negotiate and to the war or the side that insights that needs to keep it going without and inside no matter how many lives are lost in the process so thats what her position is?
thats what Joe bidanceposition is the person who wants to negotiate and the war spoon so and by the way yes, the same goes from the so i want us so heres the part i want to show you here she is the deranged virilly Russia fobic prime minister of Istonia and the new foreign minister of the European union she wants to break up Russia she just says it that thing that kernel mcgreggers said that you thought he had inside knowledge well now shes just saying it out loud i think if you have more like small nations, its not a bad thing if the big power is actually much smaller!
if a you would have a more like small nations, its its not a bad thing if you if it big power is actually much a smaller so im glad?
a stony is not bigger i could like that well, good thing a stony is smaller because the look how smaller is it turned you into a more on i mean she really is a check that should have been born in bred to be one of trumpswives but for some reason shes in charge of a country up Russia hey!
theyre not the beetles, so thats her big and why is that a bad, why is that a horrible thing well, this is an insane thing to say not only becauseit makes winning the war all the more existential for Russia now Russia has to make sure it crushes becauseof it shows weakness and you guys are gonna come and try to break up the country i by the way Russia who as a reminder have the most nuclear warheads in the world。
but also!
hypersonic missiles we dont have。
and they have hypersonic missiles?
which we dont have they even need to break into the nooks they can hit us with conventional weapons that you can actually use that we cant stop。
but alsobecauseitbetraysastunninglack of understanding of geopolitics in history, it would absolutely be a bad thing if Russia were to be broken up, because its basic common sense that the more divided a geographical air region is the more unstable it actually becomes black rock it sounds like an add for black it does solid add for black rock stunning lack of knowledge port sounds like a good campaign for Harris slogan the stunning lack of knowledge about history and jupolitical events so there is a reasonwhy both worldwars started in Europe and why the Middle East is consistently the worlds most explosive region in fact, no us officials, such as Jack f matlock, the last us ambassador to the sovia union Ron record saying that one of the United States objectives at the end of the cold war was to prevent the breakup of the soviet union, and the fact that it eventually did breakup was in his words a defeat for western policy well, this is because they understood full well, it did create new foundgeopolitical tensions between the new states and that of course prove correct well, says like jackf Matlock wasnend on the plan all the way sounds like hes only in on the plan where you think Americasa country and not right a thing for the George hw bush new world order he goes out he finishes his tweetby saying this is also incidentally the prime reason why the European union was created with the support of the United States, because the more broken up a dresion is the more unstable it is, this these are the cycle paths im not i dont know from allowed to say that what on you tube i dont think im allowed to call people that name cycle oligargs oligargs im not a adopath im not allowed i dont think so i have to retract into announce myself oh, i want that shes not one shes just acting like one!
how you can be in a leadership position without being?
so here linson gram i just want to remind you the kind of people the mentality of the people who actually are running things herese heres him saying that vatimer puton can not be allowed to access that money so Ukraine has trillings of dollars worth of critical minerals in their country flat report on cannot be allowed to access that money and those resources because he will share with China, so this is it about anything again except money and natural resources here it is good theyre sitting on ten to twelve three in dollars of critical minerals in an Ukraine, so they get they never brought this up for two to halfyears all of a sudden all now weve got a another reason to stay in the war right theyre sitting at ten trilllion dollars of natural minerals, so thats this is about just sitting there why can we just do regular business deals?
theyre sitting on ten to twelve three and dollars of critical minerals in an utrain they could be the richest country and so thats what this a cog this conflicts really about its not about the Ukrainian people or the freedom or cry me or the dongbat but thats what this is really about hes let liberating their minerals thats right!
all of Europe i dont want to give that money and those assets to put into share with China if we help you Craine now, they can become the best business partner where were dreamed of that tended twelve three dollars or critical mineral assets could be used by Ukraine and the west not given to put in China this is a very big deal how you train is lets help them when a war we can afford dellose lets find a solution to this war, but theyre sitting on a gold mind to give puton ten or twelve three dollars or critical minerals that he will share with a China is ridiculous i i want so the weired old ladies right better for every Ukranian to die in a losing war than the let Russia share minerals with China?
and what what is he mean by the way give them to Russia, he said first, he goes theyre sitting on minerals i dont wanna give them to Russia well, you should theyre not your minerals do theyre you grains?
what do you mean?
you dont want to give the oh you mean someones gonna steal their shit if we dont steel, it were bases letting Russia steel it that cycle path thats what that cycle path is saying we i dont give that to Russia by not taking charge of their stuff that doesnyou crane already had an economic deal with Russia?
whenyanacovitch was president that was much more beneficial to the people of Ukraine so now hes comments say were gonna were gonna have to do a war get a bunch or get a million people slaughtered so we can do a deal of economic deal with you grand thats what these were sitting on our minerals dude yeah are you sitting on our stuff guys?
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