cover of episode Bill Maher PROVES He Knows Nothing w/ Wild Accusations Against Palestinians!

Bill Maher PROVES He Knows Nothing w/ Wild Accusations Against Palestinians!

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Jackson Hinkle
Jimmy Dore
Neil Oliver
比尔·马赫在节目中发表了具有争议性的言论,他指责所有巴勒斯坦人是恋童癖,并认为以色列与美国在价值观方面有很多相似之处。这一言论激起了Jimmy Dore和Kurt Metzger等人的强烈批评。他们认为马赫的观点是错误的,并且忽略了以色列对巴勒斯坦人民的长期压迫和侵犯人权的行为。他们指出,以色列为恋童癖提供庇护,并授予他们荣誉奖项,这与马赫的观点形成鲜明对比。他们还批评马赫对以色列政府资助哈马斯的行为视而不见,并认为以色列对巴勒斯坦的占领和压迫是导致哈马斯形成的主要原因,而不是仅仅依靠资金支持。此外,他们还指出马赫对以色列在性别平等、言论自由、同性恋权利等方面存在的问题视而不见,并认为马赫的观点是基于对事实的歪曲和对以色列的偏袒。 Jimmy Dore和Kurt Metzger认为,马赫的观点是基于对事实的歪曲和对以色列的偏袒,并且忽略了以色列对巴勒斯坦人民的长期压迫和侵犯人权的行为。他们指出,以色列为恋童癖提供庇护,并授予他们荣誉奖项,这与马赫的观点形成鲜明对比。他们还批评马赫对以色列政府资助哈马斯的行为视而不见,并认为以色列对巴勒斯坦的占领和压迫是导致哈马斯形成的主要原因,而不是仅仅依靠资金支持。此外,他们还详细列举了以色列在性别平等、言论自由、同性恋权利等方面存在的问题,并认为马赫的观点是缺乏对事实的了解和对以色列问题的深入思考。他们认为,马赫与以色列领导人的关系影响了他的观点,并且他未能认识到美国自身在战争罪行方面的责任。 Kurt Metzger强调了以色列为恋童癖提供庇护的事实,并指出以色列政府授予恋童癖强奸犯荣誉奖项的行为。他认为,马赫将恋童癖问题与巴勒斯坦人联系起来是错误的,并且忽略了以色列自身存在的严重问题。他批评马赫的双重标准:一方面批评恋童癖,另一方面却为以色列辩护。他认为,马赫对以色列暴行的纵容是不可接受的。

Deep Dive

Bill Maher makes wild accusations against Palestinians, claiming they are pedophiles and that Israel is doing them a favor by getting rid of Hamas. He compares Israel's values to those of the United States, but ignores the fact that Israel is an apartheid state with a long history of human rights abuses. Maher's comments are met with laughter and agreement from his guest, Matt Duss.

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Hey, come see me do stand-up on tour in Ontario, California, Davenport, Iowa, Las Vegas, Nevada, Chicago, Illinois. It's a special video show with stand-up and Grand Rapids, Michigan. Go to for a link for tickets. Establishment media sucks. All gaslighting, so good luck. Bullshit we can't afford. Why he's fomenting this? Watch and see as his jetpack

So this is amazing. Here's Bill Maher with the good progressive. He's with the good progressive Matt Duss, who I think it was Bernie Sanders for policy advisor, sitting and nodding along saying Palestinians are all pedophiles. Wow. People are saying wherever you go.

This is coming from a Zionist as he's defending Israel, which is literally a safe haven for pedophiles and gives them honorary awards. Oh, name one time. Ready for this? Here we are. Because values and customs make a difference. OK, and the people of Gaza, by the way, if the Israelis did get rid of Hamas, they'd be doing a giant favor to the people of Gaza. And we all know that the best way to deliver a favor is through the front end of a missile.

Right, Kurt? Come on. I mean, what a favor getting rid of Hamas. Not as big as a favor of not creating and paying for Hamas on purpose or not keeping Gazans in a concentration camp. But still, it's a huge favor for the surviving for the surviving Gazans. It should they should view it as a favor. Yes. Hey, thanks for putting your cigarette out. My brother's neck, America. And did they thank us for our service yet? Wow. OK, here we go.

Let's do it again. Because values and customs make a difference, okay? And the people of Gaza, by the way, if the Israelis did get rid of Hamas, they'd be doing a giant favor to the people of Gaza who hate Hamas too. But let's just go through the list because the Israelis look like us in most ways values-wise.

Boy, they look like us in most ways value-wise. You should have just stopped at they look like us. Mighty white of them to add that last part, though, wasn't it? Yeah, but yet they still bomb the U.S. liberty, even though we look so alike. Did this guy study? Anyway, here we go. Maybe we're not doing it the right way. I don't know. Religious timing. Maybe we're not doing it the right way. No, you think?

You think maybe we shouldn't be destroying other countries to defend the right of your smarmy ass to crack wise about Beverly Hills' hopeful checkout lines? Okay, he just did a thing about the Nickelodeon molester documentary about how there's a problem. Okay, and then he goes, Israel looks like us. In value-wise. So what does that tell you, Bill, that the problem is real big there? Epstein worked for Gaza. That's who Epstein worked for. Moron.

Because values and customs make a difference, okay? And the people of Gaza, by the way, if the Israelis did get rid of Hamas, they'd be doing a giant favor to the people of Gaza who hate Hamas too. But let's just go through the lists.

Boy, if they're so horrible, why do you think that the Israeli government, the Likud and Benjamin Netanyahu made sure they were funded? Why do you think that is? No one ever asked that question, including those assholes sitting there on his panel. They'll never go, hey, why do you think that Benjamin Netanyahu, who's a psychopath...

and the world's terrorists, why do you think he funded them? Isn't it amazing they never bring that up, Kurt? Also, how would you possibly get rid of Hamas? First of all, he's the one that looks down on Noah's Ark stories, right? Okay, fair enough. Are you that much of a stupid child that...

you just lived through 20 years of making fun of the last war on terror. Yes, right. You know, we can't get rid of the terror. We actually end up working with them. So what in the fuck are you talking about? They would get rid of them. How are they going to do that when they keep making more Hamas? Maybe you stop occupying their land and stealing it from them. Maybe you stop locking them up without trial. Maybe you stop shooting their children. Maybe you stop doing all those things. But that makes more Hamas is even than paying them.

Really, honest to God, the last 23 years of the fucking war on terror, he's learned absolutely nothing. He knows less now. He knows less now than then. Yeah. He's amazing. Because Israelis look like us in most ways, values-wise. Maybe we're not doing it the right way. I don't know. Religious tolerance, that doesn't exist in Gaza. You're either Muslim or an infidel, and you better be a Muslim. Female freedom, free and fair elections.

Free speech. By the way, free and fair elections. You know that one in four Palestinians has a legal right to vote in Israel elections?

Hey, do you know Israel is about to topple their leader for messing with their democracy? Remember that? Just before October 7th conveniently happened to save him from that? Did you know that under Israeli law, Palestinian journalists can be held in what's called administrative detention without charge for up to six months? And that can be extended indefinitely. Ha ha ha!

And they kill Christians too, it turns out, which a bunch of people got mad at Tucker for having the guy from the Christian church there talking about them. And their Noahide laws, which are a lot like Sharia law, believe it or not.

They're called the Noahide law. They don't have no constitution. No, they're not like us, actually. It sounds like a... They're not like us. Well, I guess it's a Nazi thing in that way. Free and fair election. It doesn't exist in Israel either. You know why? Because it's an apartheid ethno-theocracy with no constitution. You're not allowed to take a DNA test there. Because someone might find out you're Minkowski and something and not Netanyahu. Here we go. Gay rights. Gay rights.

can i just finish my list of peta yeah first of all gay rights they almost beat sasha baron cohen to death uh first day did you know that gay marriage is not allowed in israel nor any civil marriage that isn't approved by a psychopathic far-right insane rabbi there is no civil marriage that was one of the things they were protesting

And thanks to Israelis' blockade and bombing, you're permanently preventing Gaza's gays from ever getting to Fire Island. How are they ever supposed to nude sunbathe with a sexy casting assistant in West Hollywood if you're keeping that hot dick locked up in an open-air prison? Whoa. Because that's what they're doing. Yeah.

Okay, there's more. He's pedophilia. Pedophilia? I'll put that under don't ask. Child brides and so forth. Pedophilia. Wait, are you telling me Jeffrey Epstein was working for Gaza? Child brides and such, you say? So there he was blackmailing people for Gaza and not for Mossad?

Didn't Bill say they look like us and didn't Bill just do a one of his new rules about Nickelodeon and their pedophile documentary in which he said we have a huge problem with child predators? Yes. Israel looks like us, Bill.

This is amazing, the memory holding he's doing. He just talked about it a week ago. Hey, remember Afghanistan where our allies, the Northern Alliance, who were pederasts, and we trafficked boys to them, and soldiers who had a problem with it got dishonorably discharged, had their careers destroyed. They got PTSD from listening to our allies sexually assault children in the tent next to them, and they were told to shut up about it.

So what are you talking about, Bill? Like, whatever it suits us, we do that. What about what about massacring thousands of children, Bill? Is that one of our values that it's OK to massacre 14000 children? Is that also part of our values or even more? Thirty six thousand. It's just amazing the squiggly line of morality with Bill Maher.

What equality of the sexes? I'll categorize that under don't make me fucking laugh. Bill, you ever seen a frumka? That's a Jewish burka. You know, the real crazies have their own version of burkas that they put the women in. It's called a frumka. I love how equality of the sexes don't make me fucking laugh. Yes, much better to control a woman's womb with a 2,000 pound bomb you drop on them. Yeah, I hope the Gazans are grateful.

Grateful for this. So dropping 2,000 pound bombs on them is okay because they don't have equality of the sexes. Well, I know here we don't have it because some women with dicks are way better than the other women. That's right. How do you even criticize that when you, the fun house that you live in here? The fact that, you know, these people think that this is where they should be aligned with, that these are the values that you support. I think.

But I guess, again, the value of... Well, here's what...

He says the rest of the list is also deranged. Free speech, equal rights, gay rights, outright lies, as progressive Matt Duss laughs and nods, a long, vile scumbag that he is. But pedophilia? Israel is literally a pedophile rape cult masquerading as a society. So are we. I don't want to hit out too hard. You want to know how I can say this? Israel's becoming safe haven for pedophiles with laws that allow any Jews to legally return activist claim. That's from The Independent.

Also, the Times of Israel says many accused Jewish pedophiles in the United States flee to Israel. Here's CBS News. How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel.

You're projecting pedophilia onto Palestinians as a Zionist? That's what Bill Maher is doing as Matt Duss laughs and nods along. The Israeli parliament just gave an honorary award to a pedophile gang rapist pop star who has the number one hit in the country.

This guy, Eli Golan, the Israeli Zionist arrested for gang raping and trafficking children with his father, came out with the song Amai Yisrael Chai six months ago, which became a viral hit in Israel. And he regularly does events with top politicians and the military, a pedophile gang rapist. Jeez.

But Bill's going to judge the people of Gaza because their value. And so that's why it's okay to slaughter their children. He talks to Bibi on the phone, so that's probably what Bibi told him. That's amazing. He's friends with them like that. So that's why he doesn't know anything. He's friends with the head psycho. Bibi, by the way, when they go, oh, it's American evangelicals that want this final battle. Yeah, there's also a very strong Zionist group. The Book of Daniel is their book of revelation. Yeah.

And it turns out BB, whose name again is not Netanyahu. It's not Netanyahu. It's a fucking made up name. His name is Polish with the ski at the end because he doesn't want you to know that he's from. He's a Hobak Lubavitcher. He's an occult. Yeah. And they're a messianic cult just like the crazy Christian ones that people are apparently upset about. It's the same group.

How you can look at what Israel's doing in Gaza and the West Bank and what they've been doing since the, what was it called, the Nakba? Talk about their culture. They did the Nakba.

Also, the claim that Gaza under Hamas is some theocratic Taliban like society is deranged. There are nonreligious armed resistance factions like the PFLP operating in Gaza. There are Christians in Gaza with churches. Your precious Israel bombed them.

Well, I mean, killing other Christians in our supposedly Christian whatever country, that's a time-honored tradition. Going back to Iraq, going back to everywhere where we made it worse for Christians while pretending to be crusaders. Here is Israeli army destroyed more than 200 archaeological sites in Gaza. The Israeli army destroyed more than 200 archaeological sites, ancient sites.

Out of 325 that were registered across the Gaza Strip in the course of its devastating onslaught since October 7th, the Gaza media office said that the sites included ancient churches, mosques, schools, museums, and other different historical and archaeological sites and monuments. The ancient and archaeological sites destroyed by the army date back to the Phoenician and Roman ages. Others date back between 800 BC and 1400, while others

Others were built 400 years ago, it said in a statement. This is their culture. That's the Israeli culture. That's what they do to a place. That's what they did. Wow. It's really hard to just make me, after all the bullshit of the last 12 years, to try to lean on this like, Islam's really bad though, right? Pull that shit now to try to cover over this is crazy.

You've got to be a very old rich man who only rents whores to his side house to think that way. Here it is, Kurt. Israel drove suitcases stuffed with cash into Gaza to keep Hamas in power. But it was a strategy, okay? It failed. Okay. They're doing their best. So we'll see. Can you believe this is the only show like this in our culture? Bill Maher?

He's supposed to be some kind of truth-telling comedian? No, nobody's allowed. If you tell the truth about things, that's not being part of a team. Right. If you're not going to be on Team Woke, you better be Team Daily Wire. You get two choices in life, right? And you better go along with one, but you don't get to be unaffiliated just telling the truth as you see it. You need protection from a larger entity. Shit, they'll pay Hamas. They'll suppress you and pay Hamas to exist. Right.

That is quite a segment he did. That is wild. It's just a drop in the book. We're better culture. That's his whole thing. No, we're not. His whole thing since 9-11 has been him and Sam Harris. 9-11 happened because of our despicable culture. On purpose. They say how they have in the Koran yet that you could slaughter infidel. What do you think the United States Christian army has been doing

Since 2001. Since before that. We've been going around. We set the Middle East on fire. We killed a million people in Iraq on a lie. Still, we have a better culture. What do you think secular humans do? We took Libya, the most successful country in all of Africa. We slaughtered their people, killed their leader, turned it into a failed state, bombed their waterways with nuclear bombs, with depleted uranium.

poisoning their water, and we turned it into slave markets. That's because we have a better culture, Bill. Look what we did in Syria. Same thing. We did it for freedom. Look what we did in Afghanistan for 20 years. Look what we're doing right now in Ukraine. Or he doesn't know what's going on in Ukraine. He doesn't know the real point of that war or how it started or what it's about or anything because he...

He reads the paper. He reads the Washington Post and the New York Times that it's owned by the guy who's in bed with the CIA. Jeffrey Bezos has a $600 million contract with the CIA. Do you think that the Washington Post is telling you the truth about anything?

Bill Maher does, and that's why he's allowed, just like Jon Stewart, they're allowed to have a show on legacy corporate media. That's why. Because if Jon Stewart for a second told you the truth about Ukraine, they would bounce his fucking ass, just like they would bounce his ass. The one time he told the truth, they fired Bill Maher from ABC. He said the terrorists weren't cowards because they were willing to give up their life.

You get a great joke. How come after Iraq, the only one who got fired was me, which I thought was a very accurate, totally on his side. That's weird. You couldn't say that one thing, but these people get everybody killed. That's right. And just keep doing it. And you haven't lost faith in the whole thing. And he'll never, he'll never tell the truth about another war ever. Hey, by the way, do you know who, remember they short on 9-11, somebody short sold? Yes. You know who that was? Deutsche Bank.

Wasn't it wasn't even the Jews it was a German in fact the guy who used to work for the CIA Who runs Deutsche Bank because I don't know if you know about the CIA

They say the OSS turned into it. Well sort of we had an OSS and then they merged with the Nazis the remaining Nazis So the CIA out of the gate was a Nazi organization And that's why our friends Israel probably don't like us and have to blackmail our leaders Yes, and now it's become an utterly corrupt like fascist and pervert pipeline to all the good jobs in the new world or whatever the hell they're doing Don't trust none of these things

And I think Bill, honestly, I don't think he's, I don't think they are blackmailing Bill Maher. I think he really believes the shit he says. Him and Sam Harris. Sam Harris is like a mindset. Anybody tell you there's no free will? That's because they don't have any. That's right. That's because they don't have it. That's right. And they desperately want it to be that way because then they're not responsible. And then they're not responsible. For the vile things they're supporting.

And it really takes a lot of the pressure off them, even though they're atheists and shouldn't care. Right. Hey, you know, here's another great way you can help support the show is you become a premium member. We give you a couple of hours of premium bonus content every week. And it's a great way to help support the show. You can do it by going to, clicking on Join Premium.

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So listen, so the reason why I have you on, there was an election now, and I want you to help explain. You understand it more than I do, I'm sure. So this is from Bloomberg. It says, Macron and Schultz get trounced by far right in European Union elections. And here, the European Union parliamentary elections or parliamentary elections indicate a good number of lefties

are getting kicked to the curb. So far, Macron has resolved France's parliament, and Belgium's prime minister is going to resign tomorrow. Also affected Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, eh? And the right probably doesn't have the majority of the 700-plus seats, but it's sending a huge message. I thought he dissolved it. He resolved it? Why did I think he dissolved it? He dissolved it. That's what it is. So just...

It says French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz suffered massive defeats in the European Parliament election Sunday as far right parties made gains that could sway the bloc to take a harder line on migration and upset ambitious actions to protect the climate. Despite the defeats...

On the national level, center-left and center-right parties across Europe are set to preserve their majority in the European Union-wide ballot, which determines the makeup of the bloc's legislative assembly. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, she's evil. European People's Party was projected to finish first. So tell me, so they had a vote yesterday.

And what the, so they're having any good Ursulas. That's my question. There are no good or, but tell me what, what, what happened and it, and it wasn't really a rejection of the lefty immigration, climate change, woke policies.

Yes, it was. Essentially what happened was you had the European parliamentary elections, which are different than any single state's parliament elections. So, you know, the French parliamentary elections are... Macron called for snap elections to take place, I think, very soon, like next week or in two weeks or something, because of the massive turnouts of Le Pen's party in France. And

And Germany also saw the current government, the Schulz's party, they suffered a huge defeat. I think they took third place in the elections, in these European parliamentary elections. So overall, it was a complete rejection of the status quo that we've seen for the past two and a half years in Europe, with the exception of countries like Hungary and

And Italy, who's recently, you know, they elected Maloney and her coalition. But what this really is, I mean,

There's obviously a lot of factors at play. The United States doesn't want a strong European Union because they are worried about a challenge on the dollar. They're worried about the European Union growing up and having different views from the United States, different views about China, for example, different views on immigration or woke issues. They're worried about their views on Gaza, of course.

But ultimately, uh,

What the United States is looking at right now in the European Union is they still want it to be weak. That's why they forced the European Union to apply all these sanctions on Russia, which caused the complete collapse of the economies in Europe. And that's the main issue here. I mean, yes, a lot of Europeans are upset with this nonsense gender issues and the climate policies that they're pushing. But the biggest thing is...

how the sanctions have impacted the economies of Europe, namely how the sanctions have impacted Germany, which was the largest economy in Europe, and produces a whole lot of not just cars, which is what they're known for, but the major car manufacturers are Volkswagen and these other big German ones. They produce a lot of the

you know, like civilian goods that are not related to cars. They produce a lot of military items that the European states use as they prepare for this eventual war with Russia. So there's a, there's a lot to be said. The U S doesn't want a strong Europe. They want them weak and they want them to break apart. But,

But they also understand that through the sanctions, the only people that have gotten richer and richer and who have prospered is China and to a lesser extent, the United States. So overall, the United States is in a bit of a pickle. They understand they can't have a strong Europe. They can't have a strong challenge to dollar because BRICS is already doing that and they don't need another. But they also understand that, you know, you can't allow the US

the status quo to continue in the way it has because China will continue to become more powerful. So this is then is also a rejection of the Ukraine war and all the

economic sanctions on Russia, right? I never understood why Europe wanted to go along with it anyway, because it hurt you. I mean, Germany, which is the economic engine of Europe, now they're paying two, three, sometimes four times as much for their energy as they were before the Ukraine war because we blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.

And so that's got to be horrible for their economy. So now there's a... I'm so dumb. I don't understand anything almost about it. So there's a European Parliament, right? And so whenever I see Claire Daly and that Mick, they're speaking there. That's where they're speaking in the European Parliament.

Yeah, they're members of the... So when you see their tag, it says MEP. That means Member of European Parliament. Oh, okay. And then anything that's just MP is Member of Parliament of a given state. And so they had this vote yesterday, Sunday, and now is there going to be another vote coming up? In France, yes. Oh, so France... Yeah, what made Macron dissolve his parliament?

I don't know the exact reason behind his logic, but there was a turnout, the likes of which I don't think anyone really expected from the right wing Le Pen party. And it was so overwhelming that Macron had to call for these snap elections because it was just it was horrific. I don't know if you saw the maps, but it was a turnout and a bloodbath.

that we haven't really seen anywhere in recent, you know, political history, modern political history, especially for that of a right-wing party. I mean, even look at like Trump, all the elections have been close. You've never seen a country that has gone so far in one direction and that direction being the right wing. But I'll also say that, you know, these right-wing parties,

Though they might have some people that are tangentially associated with them or build coalitions with them who are objectively good on a lot of issues. Most of them are still Zionists. Most of them are fiercely anti-China.

And most of them, while they campaign on being anti-NATO and peace with Russia, you look at Maloney, she gets elected and she starts sending more weapons to Ukraine. So the proof is in the pudding. We've got to see how they act when they're actually in power or have some leverage on the government. So...

It's not all shits and giggles. Well, here's what you were talking about. In France, Marine Le Pen's national rally won with 32% of the vote, while Macron's Renaissance Party trailed with 15%.

In Germany, Schultz social democrats crashed to their worst ever result, falling behind both the opposition conservatives and far-right alternative for Germany. The president can't just remain deaf to the message sent by the French people. Jordan Bardella, the head of the national rally, told supporters, we solemnly ask him to take note of this new political situation, to come back to the French people and organize new legislative elections. Well, that is what he's doing.

As the bloc's biggest economies contend with an easy grasp of power at home, the outcome highlights how elusive it is for Europe to find clear leadership to drive the European Union top policies.

Macron's warnings about the rise of authoritarianism and appeal for European unity in the run up to the vote failed to boost his results as concerns about inflation, security and immigration saw Le Pen support increase.

ahead of the vote he presented the election as an existential fight for the continent and pivotal for ukraine's battle against vladimir putin the french president's reputation as a reformer and steward of the economy has also suffered blows in recent months with the government forced to seek tens of billions of euros in savings

After its deficit ballooned and the S&P global rating downgraded the country's credit rating, the center-right EPP group is set to win according to the first projection for the formation of European Parliament, giving it and the socialists and Democrats and liberals a

A combined 398 seats out of 720. The far right, European conservatives and reformists, along with the identity and democracy grouping, will have 133 seats. The Greens were slated to drop to 53 seats from 71. So these two...

Results mean that the bloc's top jobs, including the president of the European Commission and the European Council, are likely to be dished out among leaders from the mainstream parties. That could confer a degree of continuity on key policies at a time of immense geopolitical uncertainty with Russia's war on Ukraine raging to the east and China becoming even more assertive. OK, so what do you so what what do you make of what's your assessment of all of it?

My assessment of all of it is I think the United States is getting what they want the most, which is a weaker Europe.

I mean, you've already seen that in the stocks today and the speculation on various European currencies. Europe is hurting. They're in shock after these European investors are hurting. They're in shock after these election results and the subsequent call for snap elections in France. And I'll also add,

The stat you read about the 30-something percent vote for Le Pen's party, it sounds like it's not a lot, but if you look at the map, it's kind of similar to how we have the electoral vote system here in America. If you look at the map of France, it's just completely covered with her party. So regionally, her vote counts as very diverse across the whole country.

And she won almost but a few small regions of the entire country of France. So they did very well. But ultimately, what is this about? This is about doing what the United States has done for a long time, having a weak Europe, breaking it apart. I think many in the United States financial sector would love to see a weakened Europe with more and more countries that are

causing disarray and causing the further division of the European Union, which will ultimately weaken the euro and cause more difficult times for China even in their relationship with Europe.

Hey, and just to give you an idea of who won, this guy won. His name is, he's from Poland. His, Gregor Zbran. So this is how he handled, they had a menorah, and this is how he handled the menorah. Have you seen this, Jackson? Watch this. He's great.

What is happening here? He was pissed off. So I don't speak. He's saying I need a pierogi, I think. But I don't speak Polish. So he was definitely upset that it's a Christian country and that the... So he isn't saying the animatic slur of come back to Poland. Yeah.

and that he thought that the Jewish people had, the leaders had too much power, and he's like, so that was what, but a lot of people, that led to a lot of memes like this. So, yeah. So, by the way, the reason I show you that, he got kicked out of the European Parliament for that. He just got re-elected. Wow.

Oh. He just got reelected. It was not like he stepped on a gay flag or something. So he said, it's not like he did something bad, like somebody pride flagged.

We have this guy, Chris Cuomo. Now he's running around because he got vaccine injured and he's taking ivermectin. And he's talking about how we were lied to about ivermectin. Meanwhile, he spent three years shaming anybody who told you the truth about it. And when only taking a Google search for him to find out that ivermectin was a human medicine.

and that they scared you by saying it was a horse to worm or don't take it it'll make you sick that it's only for animals that if he it would have really literally 30 seconds of a google search he would have found out that it won the nobel prize for human medicine it's on the who list of essential medicines and now he's running around going all the clinicians knew that ivermectin was safe and it was a human medicine and he says i know that now because i'm talking to them well i guess he wasn't talking to anybody for three years when he was shaming everybody

And so now, you know, what do you make of those people, right? Does it take somebody to get a vaccine injured to come tell the truth? And now they're trying to absolve all their past sins. And the people who aren't trying to absolve their past sins are trying to memory hole them. Like, oh, COVID's over. Let's move on. What do you have to say about that? Yeah.

Memory holding is right. One of the most sinister aspects to this, and the thing that has me most enraged at the moment, is the number of the people that were pushing it, that were cheerleaders for it, that were instigators of it, that helped to choreograph it and led it on and did all the shaming and the ridiculing and the name-calling and all of the rest of it. And they think that it's already time that we've all forgotten.

I find, as you say, with someone like Chris Cuomo, who seems to think that nobody kept receipts, that nobody kept recordings of things that were said just a couple of years ago. The idea that they can already absolve themselves of all sin is

and pretend that they were on our side of the line the whole time without at any moment pausing to draw breath and say, I really messed up massively. My behavior was inexcusable. I'm ashamed. I look back now and I see how I was and I see the way that I treated fellow human beings. Othering, making out that human beings who hadn't taken an experimental medical intervention were vectors of disease, unclean.

I'm, you know, mea culpa, I feel so terrible about it. But they've missed that whole, they've missed that bit out altogether. And they're now just, they've just jumped the fence. And they're now pretending that they were here promoting the efficacy of ivermectin and encouraging people to my body, my choice all along.

That's the sinister bit. It's how quickly they think that everyone has forgotten. And maybe, I think people, I think many, many people who took the products

And many people did it to keep their jobs and because they were genuinely frightened and because they really thought that they were doing the right thing and because they had been persuaded that it was the right thing for their communities and all of the rest of it. And now those people, I think so many of those people just can't believe that they did it, which is understandable.

And so there is a big appetite out there to forget and move on. But I think it's absolutely beholden on people like us to say, no, there's a stage we've got to go through. And it's owning up, taking responsibility, accepting responsibility and acknowledging responsibility.

what was done. I mean many people, you know, like Jordan Petersons and many other people out there have said that in the West we all grew up in the second half of the 20th century or whatever believing when we watched the movies that we would have joined the French resistance, that we would have sheltered our neighbours, that we would have been the heroes.

You know, that was the way everyone was invited to think. That was the vicarious thrill of those maverick characters that were invited to worship on celluloid. But the COVID experience showed so many people that actually, actually, when the single choice of their generation came down the line at them, they were Gestapo. They were ready to don the uniform and kick the doors in. And I think that's an incredibly difficult realisation for people.

When the choice was finally there, when we were being sorted, when that sorting of people was going on, so many people went the wrong way. And there's an enormous reckoning that has to be lived up to and lived through and accepted.

And unless and until that happens, people like me are going to keep on banging on and banging on and saying, no, we got there. It's all on record what you did, what you said.

And the extent to which COVID was simply used as a tool to open a door to bring in this technological revolution, which leads to a digital archipelago, we can see it. It's plain, it's evident and clear. And, you know, as long as it's incumbent upon enough of us just to... Because it doesn't take everyone.

It's incumbent that there just be enough of us that say, no, we remember exactly what happened, who said what, and the consequences that need to apply.

Well, Dr. Fauci, who was the biggest pusher of all the propaganda around masks and the vaccines and mandates and six-foot social distancing and locking down schools and locking, shutting businesses and masking children and toddlers, and he was the biggest one screaming about that always. He's now being questioned in front of Congress today in the United States, finally, in 2024, June.

and you have Democrats who are running cover for him as if it's some kind of partisan attack against him and they've made it political in the United States. I don't know what it's like in Scotland, but they made anybody who questioned the establishment narrative or questioned the science that they were being told was the science, which is how science works, you question it, and if you can't question it, it's not science, that's religion.

And so what what all those people I don't know if it was like that in Scotland, if you question it, you were considered a right wing conspiracy theorist. Crazy. Is that what I know?

By now, Jimmy, I mean, four years in, because for me, it started with COVID. I started for the first time really in my life. Well, I mean, I spoke out about COVID, but then I've spoken out about everything else since. You know, I've spoken out about the Ukraine war. I've spoken out about what's happening in Gaza. I've spoken out about the climate hopes. You know, I'm a way out where the buses don't go. And...

And I have been called everything. I've been an aluminium hat wearing crank. I've been an anti-vaxxer. I've been a granny killer. I've been a Putin apologist. I've been anti-Semitic. I've had everything labelled at me. But to be quite frank, four years in, if you're not being abused in that way or if you haven't been the subject of that kind of flak,

then you're not in the fight. You're not in the game. It's a badge of honour to be treated in this way. And I mean, it's worth remembering anyway that no good deed goes unpunished. That's just a fact of life that predates all of this. People are in a hurry to forgive themselves and to forgive each other for the sins that were committed.

But what will never be forgotten and will never be forgiven are the people who were just right. They called it right. That'll never be forgiven. That's unforgivable, having been right about this stuff.

And as I say, nobody goes unpunished. It's extra. You know, if you're complicit in the general crime and you go, well, we forgive each other. I'll forgive myself. Will you forgive yourself? Yes, I'll forgive you. And let's all move on. But those characters over there that called it right and asked the right questions, we'll get them later.

you know, we'll let the dust settle, but we've got their names in the tennises. I mean, that's what it feels like. Well, that's how Trotterby's mind is always. You'll never be forgiven for being right. Well, I'm so happy to hear you say that because I realize that when I would bring on comedian friends of mine who were pro-mandate, pro-masking, pro-lockdown, all the propaganda, people who do shows that are

are called exposing government secrets came on and just didn't have didn't care about the secrets didn't question and they came on and they were a hundred thousand percent wrong and they wanted workers to get fired for not taking a mandated experimental therapy and all kinds of stuff like that and they i what i what i had said i realized it's like i can forgive them for being wrong but they will never forgive me for being right

And that's exactly what's happened. No one has ever come back to me and said, hey, you know what? I was wrong about that. You were right. I'm sorry. No, they still call me a right winger. They still all those all the names, the conspiracy theorists, the racists, the now the anti-Semitic and all that stuff. Have you encountered Vera Sharif in your travels so far? Yes.

An older lady, she was with her mother when she was about four or five years old, she and her mother ended up in a concentration camp, the Jewish mother and daughter camp.

And they survived the camp. And Vera Sharif has lived most of her life in the USA. She's at least in her 80s now. I brought her onto my show on GB News because she had brought a documentary called Never Again Is Now, a five-part documentary series, where she was pointing out the fact that she was with great pain in her heart

was watching tactics that she had seen used against the Jewish populations in the 1930s and elsewhere in Europe. She'd watched some of it surfacing again, this othering of people on the grounds of being unclean, being vectors of disease, being liable to infect and therefore being the sort of people who should be shunned.

And she was saying that, you know, these are the warning signs. You can't allow this. This is the on-ramp to a motorway that goes to a very dark place. Vera Sharif has been convicted of being a Holocaust denier in, I think, Bavaria. But she is in absentia, in absence. She is convicted of denying the Holocaust. Now, she is a survivor of the camps.

And I had her on and I spoke to her, you know, just for a few minutes, really. And we talked about our documentary series. And it was in the aftermath of talking like that that I too, I too was labelled as anti-Semitic at that point.

Now, that's upside down through the Looking Glass, Alice in Wonderland world. I don't know where to begin to process being perceived in that way by some parts of the mainstream media. It's so ludicrous. It's a magical curse now. I didn't look at it because that's so absurd. That's so ridiculous that even to dignify that with a response would be difficult to process. But

It's, yeah, you're absolutely right. Your friends, they will not, I've had hatchet jobs done on me in the national press by people who were friends of mine years ago. They suddenly appeared out of nowhere, hadn't spoken to them in a long, long time, but they'd come on to, you know, to deliver hatchet jobs about, you know, if I'd known what he was like when I met him at the time, I would, you know, I would have crossed the street to avoid him.

You know, all of that has gone on and we will never be for, we will, that will never be the case. You can be as wrong as you like. And then there's a mutual forgiveness goes on. But if you were, if you were right, you,

That's unforgivable. So I'm, you know, I, I know how they're in a hurry to memory hole it. They tried to say COVID's over. That's yesterday. Who cares? Uh, I think we need to have a South African rec truth and reconciliation kind of happening, you know, and, uh, it seems like it's starting right now with Fauci today in Congress. I don't know if you saw any of those videos. Yeah.

So this was an interesting thing. They had a panel talking about Gaza and the Israel conflict, right? With Mark Miley, who, by the way, early adopter of white fragility when the book came out. Are you shitting me? No, he said, I want to get to the bottom of white rage. Oh, that's that guy. He said that? Yeah, that's the one. I saw that video. Anyway. I wonder what it could be.

So here is retired General Mark Miley. He says that the U.S. has committed so many war crimes over the years and has no right to criticize Israel's. So you think I'm kidding? Let's watch. Before we all get self-righteous about what Israel's doing, and I feel horrible for the innocent people in Gaza that are dying, but we shouldn't forget that we, the United States, killed a lot of innocent people in Mosul and Raqqa.

that we the United States killed 12,000... So when he says, "I feel horrible about what's happening to civilians in Gaza," he means, I mean, I'm gonna get over it, obviously. I've gotten over way worse shit than this, okay? Okay, let's forget how many civilians we killed in other wars, like 90%, and we didn't even win those fucking wars, okay? Okay, so here, all right, let's back it. Before we all get self-righteous about what Israel's doing,

And I feel horrible for the innocent people in Gaza that are dying. Sure you do. But we shouldn't forget that we, the United States, killed a lot of innocent people in Mosul and Raqqa. That we, the United States, killed 12,000 innocent French civilians. And here we are on the 80th anniversary of Normandy, on the prep fires for Normandy. We destroyed 69 Japanese cities, not including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It's like he's like, ah, the good old days, huh? All right, here we go. He keeps going. Slaughtered people in massive numbers. Innocent people who had nothing to do with their government. Men, women, and children. War is a terrible thing. Is it me or do you think he's getting an erection as he does this?

It's the worst. It's like he's... So in a nutshell, if you're going to slaughter... Okay, let's go. He's got more to say. Let's do it.

But if it's going to have meaning, if it's going to have any sense of morality, it has to be a political purpose. And it must be achieved rapidly with the least cost. And that can be done by speed. That's a Hitler quote. So if you're going to slaughter innocent people, you've got to do it rapidly as possible because it starts to leave a bad taste in people's mouths. Like a blitz, if you will.

When he was reciting all those stats, didn't it sound like he was given an induction to the speech of Hall of Fame of fucking war criminals? It's like there were some generals up in heaven going, please, you're embarrassing me. Thank you.

He may be retired, but he's still got it. Am I right? Come on. You can take the military, you can take the general out of the military industrial complex, but you can't take the war machine out of the fucking general. Joe Biden wants to take Palestinians and bring them here and they should all go live in the bags under his eyes. Look at those things. Ha ha ha!

So here we go, there's more. So this guy, so this guy here is the CEO of Palantir. Now if you don't know what Palantir is, it's a CIA cutout intelligence organization. From Peter Thiel, which don't say his name in vain, by the way. That guy is scary as shit.

I think he funds Rumble, which is the irony of this, what's happening right here. So he's funding this and here we are. Anyway, so...

But I still am not going to stop. But here we go. If I have to go to fucking Twitter, I'll go to fucking Twitter. It's almost like free press. Here we go. So I'll be backing up. Here we go. Personally, very frustrating. The peace activists are actually pro-war activists and were the peace activists. So you don't want... Did you hear what he said? The peace activists are actually the war activists.

1984. This is 1984. Do you know why that guy wrote that? Because he hung out with the people that planned this. That's where he got the idea from. I would love to see this guy's logic on mushrooms. That's what I'm... So let me back it up so we get the whole... ...are actually pro-war activists and were the peace activists...

So you don't want war, you better be strong. You have to scare your adversary and you have to be willing to act. Why do you say the peace activists are war activists? Because if you're the useful idiot of Iran and China begging to... Literally there are people on college campuses saying, be doing a pro-North Korea mantra. If you think that creates peace, you are literally... Why would Hamas ever give up peace?

They have you marching for them. They're never going to give up. You are an infection inside of our society, and they are the reason they're not going to give up. If you want to stop these people, you have to be willing to be fierce. They're up. So if you're against genocide and the bombing of innocent people, you're like North Korea. Wait, how is it? That's what he's saying. Did I support Hamas more than the president of Israel with money for 2014?

100% they paid Hamas millions of dollars. So Kurt's point is that I don't support Hamas. You know how I know I don't support Hamas? Because I never gave them money. You know who did give them money? Israel. And Benjamin Netanyahu gave them suitcases full of money, which is a front page story of the New York fucking Times. And why do you think they did that? They gave fucking money to a terrorist organization so they could discredit the terrorists.

non-sec the secular non-religious non-terrorist organization the plo so that they can say look we don't have anybody to negotiate with so they can always use their attack of october 7th so they go in and take the land like they're doing right now that's exactly what's happening and if you don't see it you're propagandized that's what's happening we have to scare china and then be like

Oh, I hope you're scared, China. Now make these viruses for us. You know, it's like this really isn't about hostages because it was really about hostages. Why would you be selling off the land already? That's right. Why would you shoot your own hostages? They shot their own hostages. What you guys should all look up is this Israeli EFT. It's called MCSI or MSI.

MSCI and it was shorted on the Israeli stock exchange the minute it was set for right when the October 7th attack was supposed to happen and it ended right when the attack was over and these guys made millions on it guess when else they did that they did that on 9-11 they shorted I believe it was American they shorted the stock you sound like blood libel

So, by the way, this guy is called Alex Karp. His name is Alex Karp. He's the CEO of Palantir. And he's a philosophy student. And he brags about being a meditator. And because, you know, bunker busters come from your seventh sacrum.

You know what Palantir is, right? The crystal ball that the bad guy used in Lord of the Rings, Saruman, that corrupts you utterly. You can spy on anyone, but it turns your heart black and you serve Sauron. They purposely named it that. I did not know that. No. Yeah, this nerd knows it. He knows it. Not, not, not, not, not.

You don't mean Jeff. Not Jeff. No, that's not a fucking Jeff. I don't know anything, really. No. You know, Alex Karp, you know, he's a billionaire, war profiteer, and he has a heart of gold. Yeah. Like Charles Manson. Yeah. Do you think he's related to Jensen Karp, who found a shrimp tail in his Cinnamon Toast Crunch? By the way,

By the way, I looked up Alex Karp and if you go online and look up Alex Karp, every single video on YouTube about Alex Karp, the comments are disabled. Sounds a little bit fishy. Am I right? That's stochastic terrorism. That's stochastic terrorism. I'm supporting a terrorist organization whose very written charter calls for the death of

all Jews, not just in Israel, worldwide. I mean, come on now. If you're going to support that, you're on the wrong side. So that's not true, by the way. The Hamas charter does not call for the death of all Jews. It's actually, they recognize the existence of Israel's state amongst 1967 borders. It does, however, designate Palestinian hummus as superior, which is the real reason for the ongoing genocide.

And by the way, the Hamas isn't calling for the annihilation of Israelis, but Israeli officials are 100% calling for the annihilation of all Palestinians. That's right. All Palestinians. That's right.

It's not even close. It's so insane to me how it's one way, not the other way. So if you've heard that before, that the Hamas charter calls for the wiping out of Jews, well, here's a woman who actually looks it up, and she'll tell you about it.

Where are y'all getting this information? Where are you getting the information that the Hamas Charter clearly states they would like to exterminate to kill all of the Jews? Have you actually read the Hamas Charter from 2017? Because I have, and I have some news for you. Item 16 of the Hamas Charter, revised in 2017, clearly states that Hamas affirms that its conflict is with the Zionist project, the Zionist project of Israel, the creation of the State of Israel, the Nakba, post-1947-1948.

Not with the Jews. Hamas affirms that its conflict is not with the Jews because of their religion. This is not about religious persecution, it's about the resistance of settler occupation and colonialism.

Charter point 16 goes on to say that Hamas does not wage a struggle against the Jews because they are Jewish, but wages a struggle against the Zionists because of their occupation of Palestine. Now to be clear, I am not excusing what happened on October 7th, but I am saying we can't make the claim that Hamas charter says they want to kill all the Jews when the Hamas charter makes it very, very clear that their conflict is not with Jewish people as a faith, not with Jews as a group.

This is the peddling of fear. This is warmongering. And I am not going to sit quietly by and claim that what you're saying has any legitimacy when I've actually read the Hamas charter from 2017 and found that they directly contradict your claims. The charter goes on to say in point 17, Hamas rejects persecution of any human being on religious grounds and that the Jewish problem that is...

Wow. So anyway, it just sounds like... That's why TikTok is banned, ladies and gentlemen. That's why TikTok is banned. 100%. And if you still think that the Hamas chart... Anyway, I was going to make... I didn't think I'd get that much information from the sexuality scholar. I'd be pissed off if that came up. I'm like, what the fuck is she talking about? What if that was General Motors? Where's the boobs?

Oh, by the way, so this guy makes a great point. He says the first speaker, which is General Miley, he fails to recognize that Geneva Convention was instituted after the slaughter of World War II to make sure that it doesn't fucking happen again. So when he says that, oh, we did all this shit in World War II, that's right, then we had the Geneva Convention, so we don't fucking do that shit anymore. That's the whole point of that. Also, we didn't drop those bombs on Hiroshima at the very start of the war. Right.

It was after a long time. He's arguing the way my niece argues. It's just like to look at something old and go, well, every country has blood on their hands, so just reference a thing and go, well, actually, if we're going to be self-righteous about our things, we should look at our... Shut the fuck up. You have an obligation to pick the lesser of two evils. Okay.

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Do not freak out.

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