Alright, this is called her daddy with all with me. And I always, like, crushed my finger in that.
I just want let you know no one's ever done that.
H, really? I always, when I see this, 就是 不 垮 垮。 别 man.
camera rolling. yeah. This is sort distracted by rebel Wilson and produced by, written by starting .
what is .
your daddy game? IT is your founding father, alex Cooper, with call. Rebel Wilson, welcome to call her daddy.
Hi, I hi.
I'm going to be here. I'm so happy to have you here. I'm obsessed with .
your outfit of thanks. What's actually my girlfriend designed? good. And that what we doing now, guys.
the one day that i'm not wearing a fucking in hoddan sweat pants because I wanted to look professional for rebel and he shows up in my exact that i'm usually, and I love that you are one of the funny actresses of our time and sessions. You're so talented.
This is great for myself a day.
You're also a new mom to give you the name is, how did you pick this name?
I wanted something that started with r and then, and I want to something that I didn't think anybody else had. And then I came up with royce. I don't know. Maybe I saw a roles royce or something is some store here in west hollywood called something like rice interiors or something as well. And I saw IT a few times and was like, yeah, royce like that could be cool. I don't know if anybody else he's called their baby that and so I was like, we have like quite unique names and my family, like my niece is called sovereign and I was just like, uh yeah voice sounds like good and then I told my family and I know that's a shit name like and my mom sends me like a list of fifty other name standing with our like raven or thing thing and i'm like, no, for some reason I just like, right so that's .
going to be I love we call a little .
rock y which is cute .
are you going to get a role voice?
Maybe maybe oh .
my god, can you imagine that would be amazing? Your birth name is actually melani.
yes. So at school, like primary school and high school, name is mill, really.
we and so when and why did you decide to start going by rebel?
So rebel was always my name. I was named after a little girl called rebel who sing of my parents wedding like a little six year old little Angel. And my mom loved.
And because my mom's school teachers, I was in my mom's class, and so I was named up to her. And then my father said, there's no way we're putting that on the birth certificate because i'm gonna to a Christian school. So they like, they won't accept her if her name's rebel on the birth of and whatever. So I grew up like knowing my name was rebel, but on my good certificate was melani Elizabeth. But as soon as I was an adult, I was like, well, now i'm going by rebel like, and I kind of work out like, I obviously wasn't that I wanted a stage name or anything, but I was like, all, that's my name and that's what what i'll start using as an adult and it's just, yeah, that is wear some only people that have known me since childhood would call me mail sometimes. And IT freaks me out now.
But IT is kind of cool if you look at ego.
yeah kind of like a set of use situation. But like, but I don't know, but this is not like my personality change or anything. IT was just that I officially changed all the documents over, look over a rebel and then that kind of worked to out because I was only a law student at that time. So IT worked out that I became an actress and have a cool name.
So you grow up in in the australia, what was your social life in high school?
Like um okay, so I started high school.
We started in like when you're like twelve years old, high school is is a little bit different when I have middle school like here in amErica and for some reason I in the cool group so I get I start my new high school and I get in the cool group and I was like, oh my god of my god like how did I even do this? And then like the girl say, um we're going to go smoke behind the jam so are you coming or what? And i'm like I don't smoke because like I didn't know what else to say.
I didn't smoke and so they kicked me out of the group and then all the other little groups I went to all go school, and all the other groups had formed, so and like, literally like that are beating a little circle in the quite jungle and know a bit like gossip girl, whatever. And and but all the other groups, there was no room in the circles they already made. There are little circles.
So everyone had a group, except for me. And so I had to, my first year of high school every day, I went to the library on my lunch just by myself, because I, all the other groups had formed, and I had no group now. And I mean, but for three days I was leaving IT up in the cool group, like, they're like, how did you get in the cool group? whatever.
And I was just like, what you know. And then, but then I get kicked out and had zero friends for the whole year. And then luckily, the next year of high school, these other goals go meters at the language labs, but at launch, and I like, what are they gonna try to beat me for? I was like, so scared.
And then I come. And then they had all these candies and stuff, and they like, surprised. And I was my birthday.
I was like, how do they know that? And then they threw me a surprise birthday party lunch as a way to say, we would like you in our group. And then that so I got my first group of friends at high school. Group thing was like the clicks, like in mean girls and stuff like I was very much .
also that so much like a movie, the fact that you're like because I didn't smoke, yes.
I was out in three days I was and like australites and I had no friends and yeah I was terrible but I but then in high school like then I slowly started um coming out of my shell all is pretty shy start of high school and then started coming out of my shell and forcing myself to do stuff like public speaking and debating and and then I became read the most popular girl at the school so I I went from I know what is like to be so unpopular that you literally have no friends and just like so depressed and to being like the most popular in my sixteen my sweet sixteen birthday party had a bus loaded gay crash from my whole school that like just heard the party was gonna be super cal and light calm IT was of the police had to come like four times as like one of those parties you seen movies like turns into a total nightmare for me I was because I thought the house was going to get burned down on some shit and then but my sixteenth was just like the most popular thing so I know what is like have beyond both sides of the defense of popularity.
And I can heavily relate that because like when at my freshman year I had like stick aconite to .
the point where and and that the only reason I ever accept .
a compliment for my skin is because I was like, I ve been through, like forests, cked and rounds of acute. But I remember the first year I was like, I am like going through IT. I don't even want to be friends with myself because of how bad I look like holy fuck. And then by junior year I was like, I am like thriving, most popular like so I felt the different yeah lifestyle yeah and I .
know what is like. I really know it's like to have zero friends and then I know what it's like to be the most popular and you have different problems to get on. Yes, but I had, like this, snagged teeth.
And then I had this chain. My mom was like, I had a tooth up in the roof of my mouth, pretty great visual. And then anyway, my mom decides she's going to get in hospital.
And they onna put a chain up on the teeth to drag the chain to the teeth, lily to position. So i'm like, got this chain inside my mother, and like the doge's girl, the status. I know what they couldn't just remove the truth or a little chain, or just slowly drag IT down and put on my face. Why do you think now that Randy yes, IT looks great. Yeah I going to have my ah you like guy .
know now now I like be like a tiktok try really like kids have changed on their buckin teeth back day.
You like getting bully. Yeah, but I was painful. I imagine a oop being over. And then.
but how was your dating life in high school? Okay.
so I had one high school boyfriend got of people don't listen to this in australia. I had one little high school boyfriend called Peter. Hi Peter, if you listening. And he went to the boy school next door. And so how we met the boys was that we did theater productions, and that was our any interaction with the boy.
So as like hill here, i'm going going to audition and gonna in the shows and he was the stage manager at the the boy school and then so he was my visual boyfriend and then what happened is I went on a family holiday to disney y land and then he kissed one of my friends at a party so I was like, god are is over with, although I feel like I dumped ed in. But I looked back at my diaries recently and apparently he kind of just said he wanted to be friends with me and showed me that by kissing one of my other friends. But IT was such a big deal at the time, because by that point I was very popular.
And so all the girls had to come to me on the first day of school when I got back from school holidays and say, Peter kiss leanna. And I was just like that seat. Then he's dumped in.
I tried to be tough, but I was like, really upset by IT and then I I think I wrote in my hand with the letter just yeah because this was before cellphones of going and then then I was just over with and then I was like, that's IT boys a trouble. Like, i'm never to like day again. I'm i'm just gonna have a career and I knew, I always knew, like, I want to have a great career and I want to to live overseas and do all this stuff with my life. And I was like, yeah, boys or distraction, I fuck them and I be yeah and cause yeah wasn't a great first experience. But like, I never was upset with my friend that I kissed him.
that was your direct free. Yeah, he was in my group. What SHE to say for herself well, SHE was very apologetic, said IT just happened.
But because he told me the full story, he didn't. I was like, I was always supportive of her and SHE SHE was a good friend. I don't know how. Yeah yes, I should have been been a little bit angry with yeah, I still, I still, I actually really just got her tickets to do this land when he came a husband. Yeah.
just recently. So that's amazing.
You're so closer.
SHE was a great girl. How I blame him.
I do. You have that? Yeah.
we're yeah like you totally like we weren't just reading the diary entries like two days ago. Yes, we're over. Did you have any childhood or teenage experiences that heavily impacted the way that you feel around the idea like falling in love?
God, probably the biggest ones was all my parents got separated when I was sixteen and and that was like, awful, like I just awful. Just like parents fighting going, you're having to lose the house and move out. And my mom was a single man with four kids, and so are at that point.
So I was like, my idea of marriage is not not like I never saw any good marriages or happy people in relationships. So I think and then my mom was like, year, go out into the world and have a career so like, don't be like me. SHE had me twenty four and he was like, just get out there so I basically put like blind as like horse blinders on myself.
I was like, okay, i'm gonna go to college. I'm gonna um have a career. I'm gonna make a name for myself. I'm going to make money and and I was like, no love, no relationships because that it'll only bring me pain and I know now that that's not true but as a teenager witnessing like what happened to my parents, I was like, oh, I don't want .
that so you feel like you kindly stayed to yourself for quite some time yeah and you didn't have .
any urge today no so what happened is in my twenties I never dated anybody. Not one single person and not like people lining up trust me like they were they were like as I know still a bit feral um they so I legally went on not one day. I was only really when I became a successful holders wood actress that I started started kind of softening and um yeah but before that I was as kind of like, I guess like olympic athletes how they have this focus because to make IT in the entertainment industry is really hard, especially when you like no one from australia and you come over here. And so I just had to have like these blinders on and was like, I thought that if I was in a relationship or something that just wouldn't help me as a person to have a career.
Now looking back in hind side, would you what advice would you give yourself in your twenty?
Well, the way thing is that worked like, but I was very lonely. And again, I look at my daughter good. And did you I like, oh yes. So finally I could have love like, like, just like all these sad things I write in my bloody diary. I found them the other day.
That's why I was like, I looking at them and I was like, holy should like such a lisa but it's just like, but then the thing is that worked like, I mean, I had to be very focused on my career to make IT the odds of making IT is so small and. And and and I really did work. And maybe if i'd found the love of my life at twenty five, maybe I wouldn't have ever come to hollywood, and I would never of meta in that that bigger way. So I kind of worked, but I sacrifice and I didn't have really any social life or or .
love life back then. What insecurities did you have within yourself if you were going to try to date?
I'm like someone. He's so like a body positive person. But I think at the same time, you can be so confident, but you can also have, like, I don't know IT like not confidence, and that's terrible way of explaining IT.
But so like, I had a thing could pcs, so when I in college, I rapidly gained, like how many kilos? Like almost fifty kilo. Like says a hundred pounds, I rapidly gained IT.
And then I was playing kind of like, the fat funny friend is an actress. I was like, never never the love interest or never like. And and so I just kind of thought in my real life that I was a great friend to people. And like, if i'd meet guys or whatever, like they think of the areas and like, want to hang out as a friend. But I I did always, I think that will they never romantically like me because I was so over way, which is truly the wrong way to think about IT. I just wasn't loving myself but um I think it's hard to explain sometimes because I can be so body positive and confident in some ways but the one way where I wasn't was in my love life I just I didn't know I was just like um people say as a thing called chubby chases or whatever like I never experience anything like that. Being a big girl, I only experienced where people were like, you know are they just wanted be my friend and got IT after you know or I think i'd going on a date and then I was like, I just wanted to hang out you are fun and but yeah.
when I think about like pitch perfect in the movie, you your character calls herself fatting yeah and you're like, i'm going to claim this name like if I say no one else can did someone write that for you?
Did you come up with IT so well, weirdly, i'd played a Carry to called fat Mandy in australia on a sketch show where that character goes to fat camp essentially. And he's like, oh, I thought this was about celebrating fatness. I don t know this camp was to lose weight.
Like, how should is that? And IT was a real like body positive thing. And then I got sent the script by k canon, got back in the day over facebook, and and he sends me this script and goes, I hope you do not offended, but the character is called fat amy. And and I looked to the script talking, and then I read IT. And I was like, no, fat amy, I think is like the best character in the whole movie. Like, of course, i'd love to play IT and um and so and I really didn't defend I guess you know it's not IT was like to me that was kind of distinctive about the character and I love play her like so much and like we got we had the best fun on pitch perfect movies and to me like IT, IT was just awesome to play because he is just so confident and bosie and I have like part of IT is me like a lot of the beautiful of ics not really acting and just like us hanging out um but like but then there was another part of me. He wasn't confident and he wasn't confident around guys and was like, god.
did you struggle with that your career of people like wanting to be like you're this character and you're like, hey like I want to also work on myself for what .
like whatever was a kind of I mean, I did wait until pitch perfect seem like IT was over. I couldn't I couldn't lose a massive amount of weight um because I was in the contracts for that movie. You can't lose I think is more than not more than ten pounds or gain more than ten pounds. Yeah you have to kind of stay at the way it's like in your contract. Um and but i'd been thinking for a while like I wanted to get healthier um and I was stereotyped um in playing that fat funny friend which is so hard because I love those roles like I mean I love doing the roles, I love those characters but then I did wanna do more things but I I felt like, yeah being the bigger girl you're just more more pigeon house and then as I was approaching forty was like and I was like, well and really IT came down to IT like a fat lily thing I went to see a fatlings doctor and he was like, well, you know you'd have a much Better chance um with futility if you were healthier and I was like on god what's he's talking about because like my life is like eliza song where i'm like, you know bad bitches clock all that stuff like that was my life and then i've got this stranger and yeah but you not healthy look at you and and then IT really hit me hard because I was living a fantastic big life and then didn't have any serious diseases or anything and uh was like, oh SHE and then that made me kind of reexamination like more yeah if I think about I mean doing things that aren't healthy and because I didn't have a great love life. So I was Normally like at home at nights to eat ice cream, eating chocolate, whatever and which was confident at the time but IT wasn't like a great move overall and so I was like slowly as turning forty, then became became healthier.
So when was your first like, real adult relationship? And how did you find yourself like meeting this person?
And what was the I I think i'm a pretty light blue when I comes to level, and that's why I try to tell Young women out there like don't stress about IT because you can be fine and have great sex and everything like IT just might come later and that's that's alright like you don't need to be stressed out about that but yeah but I think my first way relationship was thirty five, which is really quite late.
I mean, not in new york standards, whether average age of marriage like forty. But but yeah, but I was, I thirty five. And basically one of my other bellers had a mi had set me up with this guy.
Peach, perfect. T too would just come out and I was just like, and he was just so competent and lovely and that was my first like, serious religion, where, like, know, he met my family and and all that stuff. And I looked very serious at the time. And then, yeah so I was, yeah but that's late. I know a lot of people would would say, like I if you're stress .
listening to this, like I haven't found the person for me, like you're testiment like don't stress out yeah if .
you're like early twenties, I think you should just be like working on your skill, like working on your business and just like not even worrying about IT really.
because IT IT will come. I did read that you decided to say yes to every single day that you were for a year.
So basically because I knew I was not very experiencing da, I didn't date all in my twenty years. So I think IT was twenty nineteen and I called at the year of love and I was like that i'm going to on dating up, i'm going to like anyone who asked me out, i'm going to like, have to say yes doesn't matter who they are nobody I like, I advertise this so the people in prisons would be not running to me um but I just I told my friends and then I like, okay, if you ever and carly, like we went to aspen to kick start at right so the first day, january first four dates like back to back and we would like the concious point.
Like what the hell is going on in that hotel room in our band four do she's with and I was like, that's how I wrote so we started off strong and and I actually went on about truly data, about fifty people in that one year, because I felt like I needed and and that was true intentions, like I wanted to find love. It's not like I was trying to use people or anything as trying to find love and I trying to make up for last time and and just go out on in these states. So I got very good at going going on dates. And you have some funny stories like people like because it's sometimes on the dating apps, you never know with people but you've got ta give IT to go to yes.
we okay, that is fucking iconic because what is that jim movie where he's literally just it's like, yes, man, yes everything that i'm the pictures you being like so exhaust and someone ask you going to date you like yes, yeah, yes, yes what .
time yeah because it's so so much effort dating you go do you got to get a blow out like, you know and then because sometimes know you go on the date and then you can tell within the first minute like this is not I think but i'm such a polite person i'm going to see through the whole dinner for like two hours and be like tell me more about your cat was something like and I just like because you pull I and they've put in the effort to come and you like and then you could just go home sad because IT worse.
right? I feel i've never felt more alone because I feel so disconnected from that men and his cat like, yeah, you just can't be me. I just rather be alone. I assuming there were some .
wild okay there was one guy apparently worked for some space program or something because you know who is um and he was like brought of rose and said, would you mind like putting this rose in your mouth like earth and like an all deep and would take a photo like what yeah sure like and then I never heard from him again and I was like, did he just go on the day because he wanted to take a photo of deeper me, kind of with a rose in my mouth IT was so we did the photo ever.
We surface. I know. I yeah, I don't know what he did with the photo.
I, me ever again. I know. I thought we had a nice lunch.
Is a go weird patch?
yeah. But really, like, I K, you've gotta be safe when you made random's from the internet. So I would always so as lucky I was never in a sketchy situation because I like always met IT. Like i'll never go around to somebody's house. So whatever like way um but trying to think what what one way like you think the guy is Normal height and then I made him he is quite small and IT just would have looked weird like I would you know he wasn't for you yeah wasn't IT wasn't for me and sorry, I was just like but I I tried for the two hours that yeah have a nice conversation with him and then yeah but I just you know and then you just feel like you've wasted a whole night, whole saturday night. I think, gosh.
that's what I feel like. Most people, when they're on the apps and when they're trying to get out into the dating world, it's like, how did you keep the mentality of like to go onto the I just feel .
like this one year, yeah you know, and i've got ta put in the F, L. And you just is like a numbers game at times and you got ta get put yourself out there and get used to putting yourself out there. And even though it's hot, like it's annoying ly hard, I like h go is much easy to stay at home on the court I take away but I was like not OK. I'm doing IT for this year and focused on IT, and I didn't made some awesome people.
Do you remember what like the best date was where you were like, okay, that was like, buckin Normal. Like, think god .
trying to think there. Oh, his lovely guy called Chris, who who I dated from rya the dating up and he was in the music industry. Bet was just like a really nice guy, loving guy. And then just how we kissed me after the first date and and I was just like, like, he was so nice, yeah, I was so nice and he was just gentlemen and like, yeah and say that and and I did end up dating him for a few months yeah you know.
it's funny though I remember going on a series of dates and always wondering, no, like, do I really like him or did he just come right after a really bad? Yeah, now I he's in bare minimum. He like, opened the door and like, I like, this is, this is right. This is a good .
from all that experience, you kind of learn what you like and what you don't like. And that was something I didn't have from going to an old girl school and they are not dating what. So I mean, we'd like that thing about the bare minimum.
I've seen a lot of girls put up with the bare minimum and and settle for dudes that not like quite giving them a lot like it's not a fair deal in a way. And so um then there was this one guy and then I don't know, I took him to like a rm L A rams game and like some nice dates. And then then I noticed he's not setting up any other dates is like mean inviting him to stuff all the time.
I like, you know what? I don't like that he's not putting in effort. That's IT and then I dumped him and he was quite shocked and quite a good looking guy. And then I was like, well, you didn't put in the effort and if you not and I but I would never known that yes yeah I not gone on all these dates and seen how know yeah people treat you and saying what I liked in line.
When you look back, what do you feel like you like really learned about yourself throughout that time.
even though IT was, I called a year of love and a IT was really about me finding like myself worth through IT. Even I thought I was about finding husband at that time as I kay, this is what it's about IT wasn't really about about IT was really about um self worth and knowing that I was lovable and finding that and I know I was like a big successful movie star but you still struggle with like, well, maybe I just meant to be people's friends or my life or you know not never posed to find that one the person and a connection that's amazing. Did you ever .
struggle with that of wondering if the person was like in IT for the wrong reasons of like there with me because i'm famous or i'm funny .
once I became like, pretty internationally famous from pitch perfect, really. Yeah, as thirty two, like I did, then started you do for a hot second go. But then I had the opposite of a guy who came to a premier and had a panic attack because of the the kind of attention and I had the opposite so where the fame was a hindrance um to him wanting to date me so but the majority of the time you find this, what kind of like a guy with the panic act like.
wait, I love you.
Let's keep you right yeah I I wanted to date him more after that sexy panic I can .
never seen on some.
but IT wasn't meant to.
What is the hardest break up that you've ever been through? And how did you come out of IT?
Do you know what's weird? I am, I am the one that breaks up with people i've not been going out. No, i've not been like apart from that high school thing, which was a bit great area yeah, apart from that, wait, no, there was one person.
There was one person. He said they don't want a relationship with mean like crush me because we would like texting and messaging the ages for that month and months and then they go know they have to focus on their work and not on me. I can't have a relationship. And yes, that time I can't believe .
I forgot about that. You blind incited .
yeah because you know if you're messaging someone every day, like multiple times a day and stuff you. You think there's something there? Oh yeah, but then we wear in the same city and then they're like and then I was thinking, well, why are they messaging me all the time? Yeah yeah no, that that one actually but that wasn't I wasn't in a relationship. I was just a communicating .
with texting relationships yeah IT be completely addicting where it's like you're safe space and like, but it's also really detrimental sometimes because it's not real. You can have a complete separate life and no one know who you're texting and so and .
IT was like this thing I had in my mind and I was like thinking, oh yeah, well, when we do get together, then it's going to be this whole thing because we know each other so well from the texting and you know, voice messaging and everything. I love a good voice message. I do like five minutes a little liquids on the phone all the time so it's just like I felt like there was something that when I asked my friend Matthew, he goes ah you know you were thinking of the castle when you had never bought the land yet and and as I was like, yeah you're right you're right I was thinking ahead, thinking this was going to be something and then yeah and then I was I was let down but that was that hurt that really and it's a person in the public eyes i'm not yeah so I was just like all but you know, I was investing a lot texting every day.
but and cracked me by wrong. You probably never did that type of situation again, right where you was all.
Now i'd never some people call emotional mater bating or something where you like you, if you meet somebody, then you like, h my god, OK kids would look like this. And we could live here. And well, I could, yeah, i'd give up parts of my career for them. And you think you've picture this whole future and you even they having even yeah like vents even had a relationship. I was I oh yeah, it's going to be great.
It's gonna this life for this person. I like rebel. We haven't even like a sex. Yeah see you. I won't take .
you out in public.
Wow, okay, so daddy, game listening. Remember, if you are like in the world, taxi.
you have to meet the person. And that's why when I met my current girlfriend, romona started with testing and talking for two weeks before we met in person. But I was like, fuck this. I'm getting on a plane. I'm going to meet her because i'm not gonna get into another situation of texting.
Yes, let's talk about your relation here because that was my next question. Like, so you how did you meet a mutual friend?
Could you set us up who had known me like eight years and her for like five years and but we'd never met readily and and he was just like, I was having all these problems with guys and he's like, maybe you should the state ramona and and I like, I who's this? Ramona and he like introducers, but we had this like immediate connection, unlike the voice text like I heard a voice and as I I yeah that sexy but then I was like, okay, i'm not going to make the same mistake. I'm going to go and meet her and I flew from australia just to meet her .
and to confirm with this your first relationship with the woman.
To confirm with this your first relationship with the woman? yes. So were you surprised that you were like falling for a woman?
Well, there were signs. When I look back at, back at things that was definitely sign. I I thought I was straight, like I didn't think I was a hundred percent strike, but I lab and and especially on the dating apps and stuff like where they like you have to tick what you are as something and I didn't like that right um so so like they would definitely signs and I kiss a woman film a lovely french checks a shalt gains burg so classy and french i'd kissed her about six months earlier and that was, I see IT that there's like an opening of we love had a few friends who have kissed women in TV shows on movies and then kind of went into the same sex relationship because i'm .
interested not like after that film moment where you were like, yeah you just didn't do anything .
about just was like wasn't such a big deal I oh I just kissed a woman is not even that big of a deal, right? Because I guess when I grew up in a very Christian environment, IT would have been a huge deal in a high school to say you are also attracted to women or like, yes, so I was just a part of my personality I never quite explored. Yeah and then yeah and then I kind of, I think having a few little things happen and then meeting ramona, I was just open to her. I was still bit scared, like, because I was different to dating guys and and bet then I was just like, he was just so awesome and we had just had such a good deep connection like right from the get go and so like, and I felt all, yeah, I felt right.
So how did you navigate because you're such a public figure? Like how did you navigate coming out publicly?
Well, like IT wasn't something we hid. Like I remember we went to the vanity feed Oscar's party stuff together and and like IT wasn't a big I didn't think like in this day age you have to like come out or anything. I didn't really didn't have to. No, it's so I so IT was that we won't high to get. We were just slowly telling people um and our families and staff and and I wanted to make sure was a really real thing before I told seven people.
And then so yeah but then these journalists threatened to out us in australia and so I had to do an instagram posted make IT because I didn't want him to his story to tell IT it's mine and so as I will screw you, i'm just onna put IT on the internet then which was probably I was probably close to doing IT anyway. But I just kind of sped IT up and I meant my mom had to go around to my grandparents house in middle of night to tell them so that they didn't find out on the instagram as they would have felt out of the loop. And I got two grandparents in the nineties, and so that was pretty funny.
And harmon grandpa promised in the loop, but the psycho e reporter over here about to drop a bomb shell.
So let me tell you, yes. So I let me tell you, i'm dating a woman and her name is remoter.
They love her now, like, like, yeah, I was going to ask, coming from like a, you know, Christian family, like how did your parents and your family handle .
IT family was just so amazing. IT was incredible. I was like, and I go, mom, you remember romona you've heard on the phones like here I dating her and she's like, ah, i'm remain as a woman I like, yeah and you're dating her and I go, yeah you know that's great, darling like, literally not a second of um I don't know I didn't you don't know sometimes you can see your parents are cool with gay people and whatever but you don't know until you actually tell them as daughter oh I am now in the same sex relation you don't know how they're onna react and but he was nothing oh my god my family was so supportive romas family there a bit even more. They come from my asian european counties. So in not as accepting but hopefully it'll yeah it'll turn around so you know but my family was like, that was so awesome.
Do you have advice for maybe people that are not in the industry that are wanting to come out to their famous and like don't know how they're .
going to react, but like physical, like I and I was like a forty two year old woman and I A very successful in a boss bitch in so many ways. And so it's hard, like it's it's awkward.
And you GTA have these conversations, and not just once, like often a multiple occasion at first said down, my sisters and i'm like, guys, I have something to tell you, come in this bedroom now and they come in and because they come over for the super bow and then I was like, so you've meeting somebody tomorrow, ramona, and i'm dating her but like, because that was, they were the first people of family members, I told, and god, IT was awkward. Like, and luckily they just said, oh, that's great. Like they didn't care yeah but you feel like it's such a big deal. And I don't know why it's because it's not like with straight people they have to talk about their sexuality, whatever I can evered when I was dating, guys never had to have that conversation like, hey guys, i'm dating this guy right um and yeah so I was just I don't know, like it's I really I understand how how hard IT is for people in and especially if you come from a conservative family like I have like how hard he is to to do IT but I was met with nothing but love and positivity by IT so was like, and I was so nice, so so nice and I think the best thing is just to live your authentic life. And like I do, you see people in the industry hiding who they in in public and staff and I just was like the moment I met remona and I knew was a real thing and we just we were slowly telling people but but yeah that whole ah yeah I I just didn't wanna hide IT I I thought god is twenty, twenty, twenty two now like you can just be whoever, when you look .
at this relationship with, how is this relationship to you, who you are in IT. What IT means to you, different from, like all the past, dating experiences and relationships that you've have .
IT was from like dating all these dudes. And then I will always be like complaining. Like, ah well, that do like is not romantic.
And in ramona, from our first ever valentine's day, I mean, SHE ve gave me this little racethat. This got two hearts to signify her in my heart thing from Tiffany. And then he made me like waiting one room while SHE decorated the whole house.
And like, SHE had a whole menu of activities of valentine's day. Like, i've never had that like whole menu of like activities and things. And sh'd brought all the decorations and like was the most romantic thing ever.
And and I was always saying, we do I like they're not romantic, like I put an effort and and try to do nice things and then they never do nice things. And then he was somebody they're just like, blew me away with health, beautiful. And kin SHE was in Carry and was like, insane. I was like, the best valentine day i've had.
That's amazing. What are you in the process of having a baby before you met? Remote like conversation like.
so i'd already been doing the fatlings of um and and i'd already had sorry guys and so but I didn't want to because I had an experience with where I did. I didn't work out.
We had a miscarriage with the first arrest and so with the second one I wanted to wait to like the first trimester I was over but this was like literally a few months into dating romona and I have to say, oh gott am having a baby um and I know this is something that you didn't know um and so if it's too much for you and you wanna leave me like I tally understand you're going to set up with a sad face on if you want to leave me like you can and he was just so great about IT and was like, oh my god. Like I I adore you and i'm gna adore you. You a baby parly even more.
And so he was so great, I wonder whether I was a dude if they would have being that accepting of a child that wasn't their biological child. And I do think, god, maybe IT was fate. And I was meant to meet her then and and then romona was right there at the birth of the SHE wasn't originally supposed to IT was just going to be me in the room.
And then we like our remote. You like, yeah, yeah, okay, calm. And we watched the baby pop out like.
how has motherhood changed you personally?
A lot like IT changes your life and but I feel like I was in such a place like ready and and been trying for a few years to have a baby and so like she's just my little miracle, little roy, and she's just so cute but it's so hard like to all the mums out there watching like is so hard I like yesterday, I don't think I put on close to four pm just in my night down walking around with a baby like like I get so feral on some days I mean, obviously i'm put together today because i'm come to talk to you but I was like it's it's really hot. I guess it's hard. I have to probably be more concerning about what jobs I take now um but I was so in a place I was so ready and so stable have such a good life that ready to like give a lot to my child now and it's but it's such a lesson but it's so .
hard totally. How is your relationship between you and ramona change since having this child?
I think it's like only gotten stronger with like such a team and like I think it's just made me like an instant family. And yeah we d dating for like almost a year by the time when he arrived.
Lets talk about your new dating APP fluid OK why did you start this? What has your like experiencing with apps in the past? Tell me about well.
like i've had a bit of experience with Daniel because I was on rya. But then I was like, what if is somebody they like me that doesn't quite have a label on the sexuality um because I was weed when at one point I went on ray and tick the box for interested in women as well. I felt like because you take interested in men, interested in women and I was like you just felt weird to have to label myself for category myself.
So I was like, what what if there was a dating up that didn't have to do that and they this so many studies that um um like there's one study in twenty twenty with jensie saying the forty eight percent of people in genie identified being sexually fluid, I was like, okay, it's gotta IT i'm going to like create an APP with my friends call IT fluid and it's where you don't have to category or describe either yourself or what you're interested in. The APP just learns by how you vibe with people and how you what you like, you know the profiles you like and stop and IT will learn kind of what your preferences are without you having to say, oh, i'm buy sexual, I pan sexual I straight on this. You don't have to say, um it's just you're open to love and you can get on there without any labels or judgment and black yeah find a find a match.
So when can we cutting edge? Guy, cutting edge and you can delate valentine's day that's part because it's the day of love, is the day of love yeah. And Normally I was the kind of person who like, so sad, and I have no love by myself.
flowers. I did that in high school ones. I bought myself like with an anonymous card. And then I walked around all the other girls with my bunch of flowers going on. Somebody dies like really attracted to me, like an idea. Um I love you, but but I guess know, I mean, it's such a awesome place now. And so the creating fluid was just like to create something that I didn't feel existed and and to help other people find, find love in however form that will be, which is awesome.
I have one more question. Okay, so I had adam .
divine on last week.
Yes, last week. And so I asked him, I want you, if you can, to impersonate rebel and that i'm going to have her impersonate you. That's so hard. I feel like she's just going .
to be just would like.
weird energy is balancing all over the place. Okay, I got IT. Okay, hello, it's the british.
Hello, it's a mate. Rebel Wilson on the late singer of the BIOS. I can do IT out.
I can't do IT, but it's so good it's so good. I literally I was trying to do IT earlier and I was like, that's why she's iconic. I can't do IT.
I'm rebel Wilson. The um I play base in a way is and she's a stronge. She's not even from england, but I don't know doing english and english.
I austral he was struggling .
so hard is like, fuck like, why can I not get this? I play.
I'm really hard to impose.
And I so hard.
no one can do. They tried to do me once. S, N, L, and they're like, not. And my voice is really hard today. Yeah, right.
I mean, you're very unique. There you go. Do you think you could do an impersonation of adam?
He's like, I am just justle these faces. Like, I like, like that percinet of like and then he does his dance moves all the time. He does this a lot and he does the man split, which like he's frequent flexible and he does but but his voice on now I get, no, it's like a south like that hey guys um IT he's but he only does these traces and he does this a lot like that does that so accurate? Yes but yeah, I call out of my work husband because if we worked together and so many things and is just the key, so good rebel.
Thank you so much for coming .
and call her that he is such a pleasure.
We don't you feel like rya I used to be on IT. Rya is so interesting to me because I went, I was living in new york. I used to be on IT yeah and I would be swiping around IT was like new zea, england, california and I was like, I can't go my first fuck and date to australia although like bend looked beautiful and IT looked like.
I think I went out and guy could bend was he like, super hot, probably the same .
guy we have totally dated the same.