cover of episode Nessa Barrett: My Journey with Borderline Personality Disorder (FBF)

Nessa Barrett: My Journey with Borderline Personality Disorder (FBF)

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Call Her Daddy

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Nessa Barrett
Nessa Barrett: 我从小镇女孩到TikTok明星的经历,包括我因脑震荡而放弃足球,转向社交媒体,以及在学校经历的被排挤;我喜欢关注,并在TikTok上爆红满足了我从小渴望被关注的需求;我在TikTok爆红后在学校的经历,包括一开始的受欢迎和后来的被孤立,以及我因此而厌恶学校并最终辍学;我和父亲的关系并不理想;我17岁时离家出走并前往洛杉矶的经历,包括我如何偷偷买机票、父母的反应以及我到达洛杉矶后的生活;我和Josh Richards的恋爱关系,我认为这段关系在某种程度上是为了满足社交媒体的需求;我早期在社交媒体上塑造的虚假形象,以及我如何逐渐展现真实的自我;创作音乐帮助我更好地理解自我;我和Josh Richards和Jaden Hossler之间复杂的关系纠葛,以及网络舆论对我的影响,我详细解释了与Jaden Hossler关系的来龙去脉,以及“最爱的人”的概念对我的影响;我否认Jaden Hossler对我身体上的不忠,并认为我当时的精神状态不佳;我寻求他人关注的行为与我当时的情感状态有关;我从6岁开始的各种心理健康问题,包括焦虑、注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)以及多次自杀未遂的经历;家人在我自杀未遂后对我的反应,以及我当时渴望被爱和支持的心情;我在住院期间的经历,包括我对被监视和限制自由的感受;我被转到另一家治疗中心接受治疗的经历,以及我对在那里被隔离和限制手机使用的感受;我18岁时被诊断患有边缘性人格障碍(BPD),以及这种疾病对我生活的影响;我简要提及了我童年时期遭受的创伤经历;社交媒体对我心理健康的影响,以及我虽然知道应该远离社交媒体,但却难以做到;失去挚友Cooper Naga对我生活的影响,以及我处理悲伤的方式;我因Cooper Naga去世而再次自杀未遂,以及我随后寻求帮助的经历;我对生活的新的看法,以及我对寻求帮助和保持心理健康的重视。 Alex Cooper: 作为访谈主持,Alex Cooper引导Nessa Barrett分享她的故事,并对她的经历和感受表示理解和支持。她提出问题,引导Nessa Barrett深入探讨她的心理健康问题、人际关系和社交媒体的影响。

Deep Dive

Nessa Barrett discusses her childhood, her journey to TikTok fame, and the impact of online attention on her life. She reflects on the challenges of balancing popularity with her personal struggles and how she navigates her identity online.
  • Nessa Barrett gained popularity on TikTok during her school years.
  • She experienced both positive and negative attention online.
  • Nessa's father was a musician, which influenced her career path.
  • She moved to Los Angeles at 17 to pursue her career.

Shownotes Transcript

Nessa Barrett joins Call Her Daddy and isn’t here to hold back. She reflects on her childhood - and why she ran away from home at only 17 years old. She talks about what happened when she blew up online, her relationship with Josh Richards and the internet drama surrounding her dating timeline with Jaden Hossler. Nessa opens up about their recent breakup and directly addresses the cheating rumors. Nessa gets vulnerable when speaking about her mental health struggles that began when she was only six years old. She opens up about her Borderline Personality Disorder diagnosis. Nessa describes the times when her struggles became unbearable and reveals the pain involved around getting help at a mental hospital.

This episode discusses adult subject matter, including descriptions of self harm and suicide and is intended for adult consumption only. Listener discretion is advised.

Resources: 24/7 Crisis Hotline: If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

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