cover of episode Lil Dicky: Learning to Love My Dick (FBF) [VIDEO]

Lil Dicky: Learning to Love My Dick (FBF) [VIDEO]

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Call Her Daddy

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Cooper
Lil Dicky (Dave Burd)
Lil Dicky: 我是一个以喜剧为核心的喜剧演员,将喜剧融入我的说唱和电视节目中。我的节目《Dave》真实地展现了我与朋友们追求梦想的成长历程,以说唱歌手为背景。我认为喜剧比说唱更持久,但我并不排除将来继续说唱的可能性。我的童年大部分经历都很美好,但唯一的不愉快经历与我的生殖器有关。我在婴儿时期就接受了多次手术来治疗尿道下裂,这影响了我的性生活和自信心。由于手术,我的阴茎敏感度降低,更喜欢润滑的手动自慰而非口交。我拥有美好的童年和父母,并与现在的犹太裔男友关系良好。我父母的严格管教,以及我对生殖器的强烈不安全感,让我避免了高中时期的饮酒和性行为。在节目中公开谈论我的生殖器问题,让我摆脱了长期以来的不安全感。正视并公开承认不安全感是克服它的最佳方式之一。我高中时期严重的痤疮也让我在性方面感到不安全,并采取了各种措施来掩盖它。我在大学期间才开始喝酒,并尽量避免酗酒。我高中时很受欢迎,但并非因为外貌或运动能力,而是因为我幽默风趣。我在19岁时失去了童贞,这让我感到如释重负,因为我担心自己的生殖器功能。我在高中和大学之前就大量手淫,但从未与女性发生性关系。我害怕尝试新的体验,这与我回避不适感有关。我在与女性发生性接触方面的经历,以及我父母对我的性行为的担忧,都塑造了我的性格。我在高中时有女朋友,但会巧妙地避免性行为。我认为许多女性可能并不完全了解阴茎的正常外观。我阴茎上的一些黑点被移除后,导致我排尿时出现两个孔,这让我在公共场合感到尴尬。公开谈论我的生殖器问题,是为了帮助那些有类似经历的人,并以此来塑造我的个性。我认为在性方面,温柔和真诚比技巧更重要。公开谈论我的生殖器问题,让我在与潜在伴侣交往时更加自信。我选择“Lil Dicky”作为艺名,是为了与说唱歌手的传统形象形成对比,尽管我本人并不喜欢这个名字。我在编剧室里意识到自己过去在约会中存在自私和特权的行为。我与女友的相识和恋爱经历也让我对人际关系有了新的认识。 Alex Cooper: 我对Lil Dicky的自我认知和反思能力印象深刻。我认为名气会加剧权力失衡,并影响女性对约会关系的客观判断。

Deep Dive

Dave Burd, aka Lil Dicky, opens up about his childhood penis surgery due to hypospadias and how it impacted his insecurities and social life, especially around dating and intimacy. He discusses his early life, strict upbringing, and the anxiety he experienced around his medical condition.
  • Dave Burd's rap name, Lil Dicky, originated from his childhood penis surgery.
  • He underwent multiple surgeries for hypospadias.
  • The condition caused insecurities and anxiety, particularly around dating.
  • Dave grew up in a strict household with early curfews and stringent rules about alcohol and gum.

Shownotes Transcript

Dave Burd (AKA Lil Dicky) joins Call Her Daddy to discuss the evolution of his dating and sex life as he navigated deep insecurities with his penis. Alex and Dave both open up about their experiences with acne, the extreme lengths they went to in order to compensate and how it impacted their self worth. Dave discusses the liberating feeling of facing his insecurities head on and the conception of the rap name Lil Dicky. Dave and Alex chat about his current girlfriend, porn taste, and a potential sex tape.

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