cover of episode Jackie Schimmel: Confident Girls > Mean Girls (FBF)

Jackie Schimmel: Confident Girls > Mean Girls (FBF)

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Call Her Daddy

Alex Cooper
Jackie Schimmel
Morgan Stewart
Alex Cooper对Jackie Schimmel的到来表示欢迎,并就她的着装、工作室装饰以及她们友谊的起源发表评论。她们回顾了她们如何成为朋友的经过,并讨论了她们对播客、时尚以及人际关系的看法。 Alex Cooper还对Call Her Daddy工作室的装饰表达了不满,而Jackie Schimmel则解释了她对工作室装饰设计的理念。她们还讨论了使用超强吸收型卫生棉条的经验,以及Jackie Schimmel一次在海关时卫生棉条意外脱落的经历。 Jackie Schimmel回顾了她童年和青少年时期的一些经历,以及她如何逐渐变得自信。她分享了她不喜欢待在家里的习惯,以及她更喜欢独处。她还解释了她童年时期患有牙龈炎和戴头套的经历,以及她对青少年时期外貌的看法,以及她如何看待网络上对她童年照片的评论。 Jackie Schimmel分享了她对自信的看法,以及她如何看待外貌在获得自信中的作用。她认为比起外貌,个性和观点更重要。她还解释了她伪造UCLA文凭的经过,以及她当时的心态。她分享了她自信的来源,以及她对“坏女孩”的定义和处理方法。 Jackie Schimmel分享了她对卫生棉条的看法,并表达了她对“轻度”卫生棉条的反对意见。她还分享了她使用超强吸收型卫生棉条的经验,以及她对塑料吸管的偏好。 Jackie Schimmel解释了她对“坏女孩”的定义,以及她处理“坏女孩”的方法。她认为“坏女孩”通常是因为缺乏安全感,才会对他人产生敌意。她分享了她处理悲伤的方式,以及她对处理悲伤的建议。她还分享了她对缺乏同理心的看法,以及她如何处理朋友的抱怨。 Jackie Schimmel描述了她Zimmermann连衣裙从车上飞出去的经历,以及她对这次经历的看法。她还分享了她去家得宝的经历,并表示她喜欢在家得宝购物的感觉。她还解释了她对成年人中的“坏女孩”的看法,以及她如何处理与“坏女孩”相处。 Jackie Schimmel还分享了她对处理悲伤的建议,以及她对在朋友失去亲人时应该说什么以及不应该说什么的看法。她建议不要对悲伤的人说一些空洞的安慰话,例如“一切都会好起来的”或“这是上帝的旨意”。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why did Jackie Schimmel fake a college diploma to get a job?

Jackie Schimmel never attended UCLA but lived in off-campus housing among UCLA students. She faked a college diploma to get a job because she was uninterested in community college and wanted to get ahead in her career without formal education.

How did Jackie Schimmel handle grief after losing her mom?

Jackie Schimmel used humor as a coping mechanism and decided to commemorate her mother's life by living fully. She emphasized the importance of emotional boundaries and not seeking attention for grief, advocating for moving forward and making the best of life.

What advice does Jackie Schimmel give for dealing with mean girls in adulthood?

Jackie Schimmel advises being direct and using humor to defuse situations. She suggests getting ahead of the issue by addressing it head-on and making it clear that you won't engage in petty behavior.

Why does Jackie Schimmel defend the ankle boot?

Jackie Schimmel defends the ankle boot because she believes it can be stylish and versatile, contrary to Morgan Stewart's opinion that it can be unflattering. She argues that the right ankle boot can complement different outfits and enhance one's appearance.

What is Jackie Schimmel's stance on plastic straws versus paper straws?

Jackie Schimmel prefers plastic straws over paper straws, arguing that paper straws are less enjoyable to use and that there are bigger environmental issues to tackle than single-use plastics.

How did Jackie Schimmel lose her Zimmerman dress?

Jackie Schimmel lost her Zimmerman dress when it flew out of her convertible car while she was transporting a trim piece for a home renovation. The dress was caught by the wind and ended up missing, likely picked up by someone who found it on the side of the road.

What is Jackie Schimmel's opinion on dealing with grief through social media?

Jackie Schimmel believes that using social media to seek attention for grief can be counterproductive. She prefers to process grief internally and move forward without making it a public spectacle.

How does Jackie Schimmel describe her teenage self?

Jackie Schimmel describes her teenage self as super obnoxious and annoying, with a love for doing characters and bits. She had gingivitis, wore headgear, and was often told to go play on the freeway by her parents due to her constant antics.

Alex and Jackie recount how they became friends during the pandemic, starting with Instagram DMs and eventually meeting in person for a podcast.
  • Met during the pandemic through Instagram DMs
  • Initially ignored each other's DMs
  • Started talking and following each other on Instagram
  • First in-person meeting was for a podcast

Shownotes Transcript

Jackie Schimmel joins Call Her Daddy and she has a lot to say. After roasting the CHD studio, Jackie reflects on her personal evolution and how she went from a gingivitis-having, headgear-wearing preteen to the beautiful Bitch Bible creator she is today. Jackie is so recklessly confident that she faked a diploma from UCLA in order to get a job - and it worked. We’ve all encountered a high school or college mean girl, but how do we handle mean girls in adulthood? Alex and Jackie discuss their experiences with mean women and give advice on how to respond with humor. Jackie opens up about the loss of her mom. She shares how she handles grief and advises exactly what NOT to say to someone who is dealing with loss. Jackie comes in hot this episode to defend the ankle boot, praise super-ultra tampons and compare her local Home Depot to the Victoria’s Secret runway.