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He Cheated, Do I Leave?

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Call Her Daddy

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Alex Cooper
Alex Cooper: 分手前要做好充分的准备,包括生活安排等,避免分手后因琐事纠缠不清。没有必要勉强维持一段不合适的感情,这不仅是对自己的负责,也是对对方的尊重。分手时不必过度纠结于如何避免伤害对方,长痛不如短痛。分手时要果断,避免拖泥带水,以免造成不必要的麻烦。选择合适的时机和方式与对方进行分手谈话。分手时要坦诚,但不必责备对方。分手时要表达对对方的爱意和尊重,并说明分手的理由。“我们不合适”是一个比较委婉且难以反驳的分手理由。如果对方无法接受“不合适”的理由,可以更直接地说“你不是我的那个人”。如果对方在听到“你不是我的那个人”后仍然试图挽回,说明对方并没有真正理解你的意思。分手时最好有人在身边陪伴和支持。分手后,可以考虑与对方进行一次后续的告别谈话,以帮助对方更好地接受现实。分手谈话要简洁明了,避免长时间的纠缠。如果对一段感情有怀疑,就应该及时结束。如果对一段感情有怀疑,就应该及时结束,不要抱有侥幸心理。不要因为害怕再次单身而勉强维持一段不合适的感情。相信自己的直觉,如果对一段感情有怀疑,就应该及时结束。如果对一段感情有怀疑,就应该及时结束,不要拖延时间。 Alex Cooper: 婚内出轨是不可接受的行为,即使婚姻时间较短。婚内出轨并非一时冲动,而是可能存在更深层次的问题。婚外情可能会导致婚姻破裂,并对伴侣造成严重伤害。婚内出轨会严重破坏婚姻中的信任关系。婚内出轨者需要认真反思自己的行为,并承担相应的责任。婚内出轨者需要对自己的行为负责,并考虑婚姻的未来。婚内出轨会严重伤害配偶的感情,并可能导致婚姻破裂。不同年龄段的婚内出轨后果不同,成年后的婚内出轨后果更为严重。婚内出轨者需要认真思考自己想要什么,并做出相应的决定。婚内出轨会带来严重的后果,并可能导致婚姻破裂。如果对婚姻不满意,应该及时结束婚姻,而不是通过婚外情来逃避问题。婚内出轨者应该停止婚外情,并认真考虑婚姻的未来。

Deep Dive

Shownotes Transcript


What is up, Daddy Gang? It is your founding father, Alex Cooper, with Call Her Daddy.

Hello, Daddy Gang. Welcome back to another episode of Call Her Daddy. I have missed you guys. I have been very busy. Aren't we all just fucking busy, right? But I have been very, very on the go, as some people would say. And I hate being on the go. I like to be in my routine. I'm a very routined type of person, just in terms of my work. And I like to be in my routine.

It's so much easier for me to podcast when I'm home. This studio that I'm sitting in is in my house. We've got the lights, we've got the cameras, we've got all of it set up here. So I am back. It is so nice to see you. I have been watching television lately and I don't know about you guys, but I am such a television girl. Like since my childhood, my parents are big movie people, television people. It was a thing growing up that we would all sit down and we would watch some type of television show. Like I said to my mom the other day, I'm like,

I remember when Scandal came out and with Kerry Washington. And I remember I went downstairs to my mom and we were like popping popcorn. And she was like, what are we going to watch tonight? And I'm like, mom, like I saw this one thing online. And I think this new show is going to be amazing. It's called Scandal. And we had no idea what we were getting into. And then my mom and I just kind of like went along on this journey with Olivia Pope and President Fitz for a very long time. And it was...

the thing that bonded us, you know, even though I was being a menace to society, maybe in my social life, scandal brought us back together. Same thing with Grey's Anatomy. Like my mom, my sister and I really bonded over that. And then with sports, my dad, I would sit with him and watch sports. So I guess football season is back. We're all happy that sports are back.

Okay, Daddy Gang, I am so determined to learn another language. I feel like every time I go out of the country or every time Matt and I are out of the country for work, I'm always so jealous of people that can speak multiple languages and I want to learn. Rosetta Stone is the most trusted language learning program to truly immerse yourself in language that you want to learn. It is available on desktop or as an app. Trusted for 30 years with

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I was cooking dinner the other night and it was the Kansas City Chiefs playing some other fucking team. I don't know what team. And is that literally every girl right now in the world? Like, oh, Taylor Swift was playing. I mean, sorry, Travis Kelsey was playing. And then it's like, I don't know who they were fucking playing. Regardless, the Chiefs were playing and I was cooking dinner.

dinner, you guys, it is like, who is she? I know it's rare that I ever cook, but recently I've been doing a really, really good recipe. I've been making Matt and I these tacos with this turkey meat and it's pretty phenomenal. So I'm cooking Matt dinner, like the trad wife I am, a sexy little trad wife cooking up her taco meat and

And then Matt is watching the game in the kitchen. And I tell Matt every single time that Taylor Swift comes on the TV, you have to tell me so I can turn around from the stove and I can see her.

And it's just so incredible. Honestly, like I like football. I grew up watching football. I was a big Eagles fan growing up. Then I went to college in Boston and I became a big Patriots fan. Yeah, I have no fucking loyalty. I know that was like a big point of contention of like whenever I wear like a sports shirt on this show and people are like, is that a Pittsburgh shirt? I remember I wore one for.

It was like when I interviewed the chain smokers and everyone was like, they were like Pittsburgh, Alex, like you're from fucking Philly. And I was like, first of all, this is a vintage random hoodie that I sourced and found and it's cute and it's comfortable. I don't give a fuck what it says. And second of all, I don't have loyalty to these sports teams because I don't really care. Like,

know if that's going to really upset some people, but like I go with what is entertaining me. Right. So in college, I was very entertained for multiple reasons by the New England Patriots. Okay. We had Tom Brady. We had, you know, other athletes that I was

having entanglements with. And it was fun and they were the best and we just kept winning and it was fun. So I switched. I was a fucking homie hopper. I switched from the Eagles. I went to the fucking Patriots and now I watch the Chiefs. It's the only fucking team I really watch. Sometimes I pop in though when the Eagles are doing well, when the Eagles are sucking. I'm a fair weathered fan. Like I don't really care when it comes to, you know, I just want to follow who's doing well or who's interesting, right? Like I remember when

Carrie Underwood was dating Tony Romo on the Cowboys. I was a fan of the Cowboys. Oh, loved it. Couldn't get enough. Was a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader that year for fucking Halloween. Like, I don't care. I don't care. I just want to be entertained. A little bit of pop culture with sports. I'm happy. But yeah, overall, everything else is going well. I'm going on tour. Oh, yes, I'm going on tour. So I went on my first live tour.

tour last fall. And it was one of truly the most incredible experiences of my life. Like, it is an odd thing with podcasting where like, I sit here in my house, and I'm gonna press upload to this episode. And then I go, you know, have a bagel and I sit down and it's like nothing ever happened. But live and tour was one of the most incredible experiences because I

Got to interact with all of you in a way that I've never done before. And that's why I am enjoying these live events with Unwell.

It's been so incredible to get to like hang out with you guys and meet you guys. And so now I'm going back on tour on the West Coast. We did the East Coast last year. Now we're doing West Coast tour. So we're going Denver, Austin, Dallas, Phoenix, San Diego, Oakland, Los Angeles. I hope I didn't forget a city. I think that's it. And I'm just so excited because I

I love creating these fun live experiences for you guys. And I definitely am doing different things in the live show that it's like...

Making me like work on different parts of my career. I don't know if that makes any more sense, but like being live is intimidating and I get so nervous before I go out on stage and then I lightly blackout. And then the minute you guys are all screaming and hyping me up, I'm like, OK, I'm safe. I'm with Daddy Gang. Everything is going to be OK. But truly being in person with you guys has changed.

just made me even more grateful for this job that you guys have all granted me the opportunity to have. And it's not lost on me that like I literally would have none of this if it wasn't for you guys. So getting to do these moments with you just feels really, really fulfilling. And if you haven't, I think there are tickets left. So go get your fucking tickets. It's going to be a time. Okay, so today I have been working

wanting to for a very long time go through your questions because I have a document pulled up on my computer of just so many questions that you guys have had for me that I wanted to properly sit down and talk through because a lot is going on in your lives right so let me go grab my computer and then let us begin questions of the motherfucking week bitch

One second. Sometimes when I wear sunglasses in these episodes, it really just, I feel like I'm activating my freak and I'm going to be able to just give you guys maybe some better insight if I'm really feeling like,

I don't know, weirder. Matt's golfing right now and it's 110 degrees outside. Like, please tell me the dedication that men have to golf. I don't want to say anything too crazy, but like I have been kind of thinking about getting into golf. And when I say getting into golf, I more just mean like, I don't know, in the future, like when I'm like 40,

50. Yeah. When I'm 50, I feel like I want to get into golf. So we've got some, we've got like a couple of decades to go obviously, but it's just something that's been in the back of my mind because I feel like as I get older, there's only so much that Matt and I are going to be able to do. You know, the kids are out of the house. I haven't even had a fucking kid yet, but you know, I'm thinking about the longterm effect. Like kids are out of the house. You know, I don't want to just become an alcoholic and just every day be like,

pacing around waiting for five o'clock. And so, you know, I'm just thinking to myself, like, what is something that Matt and I can do that we obviously will continue to watch television shows together, but that only goes so far. And when you get old, like you want to be active, baby, I want to keep those knees from creaking. I want to keep those hips from having to get a hip replacement. And I want to make sure I'm out there looking cute in my outfits.

So, yeah, I don't know. I've thought about starting golf in a couple decades. But if you guys want to join me, I'll let you guys know when I do decide to start that journey. But again, we have time. So don't go like getting your golf clubs without me. Just know it's coming. Okay, let's start doing questions of the fucking week because...

bitch we got a lot going on right now you know life is fucking tough and life is a roller coaster and some of you are at the top of the fucking roller coaster and some of you are stuck upside down on the roller coaster it's always nice to be on the top but most of the time we're all upside down so let's get you guys to the top what the fuck am i saying i told you the glasses they ignite something okay here we go first question from the daddy gang i can't fucking see what these things are what am i even fucking doing let's try this again okay

I want to break up with my boyfriend, but I don't know how to. Like, I really enjoy time with him and everything, but I just feel it in my gut. It's not the right person. I want him to find his person and me to be single for a while, but I have never really been single. I jump from relationship to relationship and

Oh my god. I mean, I could do a whole episode on how to break up with someone, but...

I think my first bit of advice would be there is no reason to ever stay in something longer than you have to, not just for you selfishly, but also for the other person. Like imagine if your boyfriend was aware that you were just like so not into it anymore. I feel like you are on the right track. Like, yes, you do need to end this. I do think when it comes to breaking up with someone, we overthink it because like we're

You're a good person. You don't want to hurt this person's feelings. And I think a lot of times when you're breaking up with someone like you can sometimes feel so awful because a lot of the times like you do love the person. This doesn't mean that you're not like you don't love your boyfriend, but you're not currently in love with this person. And so you have a lot of love for this person. So it makes it so hard to like what you think is going to happen is break their heart.

And that may be the case, but what's more heartbreaking is if you stay in something and fake it for what? Not for him and not for you. No one would be happy if you knew you were faking it, right? So I think the best case is this that I always tell my friends. When almost like how you used to have like the next thing lined up of who you were going to go to in a relationship,

I think you have to have that in some capacity, but not with another man, but with your situation. So before you completely break up with your boyfriend, I don't know your circumstances. Maybe you live together. Maybe you, I don't know, have a bunch of his shit at your house, whatever it is. I think you always have to plan ahead.

how the minute you end something, be able to cut the cord because there is nothing worse than when you try to end something with someone and it lingers because of logistics or because you weren't firm enough or because you're like, oh, we live together. So I'm breaking up, but now I have to like go on Zillow and now find a new apartment. Like you have to get all your ducks in a row before you make that decision with this person because it's going to make it so much easier on both of you to have a clean cut.

So let's say you are living together. I would say talk to one of your trusted friends or your family. And obviously, unless you can get an apartment right away, but if you are on the same lease with this person, there's so much drama that goes into that. But know where you're going to go, know where you're going to live before you make this decision so that when you are like...

doing this and you're breaking this person's heart and they're like well like can we have another conversation like obviously we live together you'd be like so I am moving out and I have a place lined up right now to like go stay with Bethany or whoever the fuck you're gonna go stay with like line up your logistics so that the only thing you're focusing on is the conversation of the relationship ending and

And nothing else has to fucking linger. Because what I do find with my friends and with myself in the past is like, there are times where it's so, it's so fucking hard to break up with someone. And the worst is when you almost get to the point where they're like letting it go. But then it's like,

oh, but now we need to deal with all of this other shit. So then you keep talking and then it makes it either harder or they try to get back with you. And then you kind of feel so bad that you ended up like not keeping your backbone and you just fold and you stay with the person longer. Like I've seen it so many fucking times. So how now do you have the conversation? So once I think you've lined up all of these dynamics of like where you're going to live, what you're going to do, getting all the things prepared, I would say,

you one day sit this person down, whether it's on a Sunday or a Saturday, I would recommend maybe doing it on a weekend where maybe you had planned to like have dinner in together or something. Just because again, the level of breakup is always going to be different depending on the

person, but like, I just know if you are the one getting broken up with, it would be nice to have like a reset day before you have to go into work on a Monday. So let's say it's a Saturday night and you had asked your boyfriend like, okay, like let's do a night in. I'm going to order us some takeout. I think you sit them down and you say, hey, there has been something that has been weighing on me and I have been thinking a lot about it.

And this isn't just a rash decision. This has been kind of this building feeling that for a while I couldn't really pinpoint and explain it. So this is kind of why I didn't bring it up. But I feel so awful saying this and it truly breaks my heart because I love you. And there is nothing like blatantly going wrong in this relationship, but I don't feel good.

completely fulfilled and happy and I feel like we have gotten to the point in our relationship where we have done everything we could to make each other happy like you've been so incredible to me I am happy when I'm with you I know our connection has been amazing but I do feel like I'm getting to that point where I am starting to think about my future and I am starting to think about long term and I

I don't feel that we are compatibility wise the fit for me long term. And it makes me want to cry and throw up at the same time and saying that to you because I know this would be easier if I was saying like, this is the thing that you did wrong. You did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong. We literally have given this our all, but I just don't know if you're my person. And that is really painful to admit, but it's the truth.

And so I have lined up. I'm going to go stay with my friends and I'll make sure I get all the stuff out of the apartment. Again, I'm literally talking about like logistics, but I'm going to go stay with Casey and I'm

I'm really, really sorry. And I, of course, want to hear your thoughts. But like, this is a decision that I have been suppressing, but I have made up my mind and I feel so awful. But like, I also don't want to waste any more of your time. Like, I love you and I want you to find your person and I want you to be happy. And I know this is probably...

coming as a shock but I love you and I'm really sorry and I'll always care for you but this is not right for me and I can't stay in something that I don't feel completely happy in. I think the word compatibility is

Is always the way to go when you're breaking up with someone that didn't cheat, that hasn't been, you know, malicious towards you or like, obviously, when you're sitting someone down to break up with someone and there is a literal problem in your relationship that you can be like,

I have been trying to get through it. I know I said I would get over you cheating, but I have now like spent enough time where I literally can't get past it. Like it just isn't going to happen. Headphone is literally ripping out my hair.

Um, so yes, I think the answer is it's always easier, not emotionally, but it's easier logistically when someone does something to be so hurtful to you. It's of course easier to end that relationship because you have this concrete example of why X, Y, Z needs to happen. Right. And that's the thing that's weird about friendships versus romantic relationships or even jobs. Right. It's like when you're in a friendship, right.

if everyone is acting loving and amazing and you're happy and you love the person, there's never a reason to end the relationship. You know what I mean? Like why are you ending a friendship where you are happy and you love them? And of course every friend has their wrongdoings, but it's like, you're never ending a relationship because you're like,

You're not the right one. Like, I don't think like you've done nothing wrong, but like, you're just not the right one. Like that never happens. So specifically for romantic relationships, that is what's so weird about those dynamics is like this person can be doing every fucking thing right. They can be so incredible and you can literally love the person, but they may not be your person.

Because in romantic relationships, we need certain things filled up in our cup that like sometimes you can't even explain it. Sometimes it's a feeling sometimes and they're not doing anything wrong. And that's so different than relationships with friends. You're like, why would I ever end a friendship with someone that's literally like the best and makes me happy and I love them? Well, that happens in romantic relationships and sometimes there's literally no reasoning. But sometimes

When you tell someone that compatibility wise, it just doesn't feel like it's a fit. What the fuck is someone going to say to that? If you are telling someone, I don't feel like we are compatible. They're going to be like, no, we are. And then you're like,

In your eyes, but in my eyes, we're not. And again, you can use the compatibility thing if you think that the person is literally going to like make it impossible for you to move on. Like I've had friends that are like literally like, what the fuck am I supposed to do? And I think the compatibility is a good thing. Or I just think the you're not my person. Like I don't think this is this is it. I know this isn't it for me. Don't say I don't think sorry. Rewind.

you are not my person. It doesn't mean I don't love you. It doesn't mean that our relationship has meant nothing to me, but you are not my person. If someone tells you that you are not their person and they still want to be with you, that's the person holding on because they have something going on that they're like, they're basically not, they're not listening to you. If someone said to me, you're not my person, I'm

I don't think there's a bigger insult, not in the way that I can be mad at them. It's literally just like not an insult. It's more just like there is literally nowhere to go. Don't open your mouth and try to fight for the relationship. Don't try to fucking say they're literally telling you you are not the love of their life. They are telling you that they do not see you as long term and they are telling like there's no it's one thing if they're like, it's really frustrating to me because even if it was like something about like your job or your your humor that you're imposing on them at times, that's annoying.

them like what no this is literally just like you're literally not my person and as hard as that is to hear if you're the person on the receiving end that is a very definitive done answer there's no coming back from that so every single dynamic and breakup is different and I wish I could like sit with you on this couch and ask you more questions because obviously like

the way that I would break up and help you break up with this person is going to be indicative of a lot of different factors in your relationship. Like, have you guys been dating since you were 16 years old? Did you meet in college? Like, have you only been dating for a year? Like the point is, is have your logistics set up, have your go-to, whether it's the compatibility or you're not my person or whatever feels right for you. That is basically like, they can't

argue it and you have to be super strong and my other point of advice is when you're doing this you need to have someone in your life that is downstairs when you do it that is my personal opinion when you do this have someone in the car whether it's your friend your mom your dad your sister your brother your whoever the fuck your support system

And have them waiting downstairs because when you do it, what I've learned from myself and my friends is like breakups can go on for so fucking long to the point that you're literally like,

We are going in circles and understandably that person is blindsided probably. So they're like trying to get this like closure in the moment from you. And you've been thinking about this for so fucking long. So you have to give them some grace of a conversation. But what you could also do, which I actually think is, is totally fair is tell them like, I'm going to go. I know that this is a lot and I just put this on you and you, you,

didn't know this was happening and so I want to give you time to process it and I I love you and I want you to know like I'm here if you want to have one more follow-up conversation of any questions you have because I acknowledge like I had this information I'm giving it to you you haven't had a chance to really like digest it and to sit with it and so if you want like I will I'm down to have it like more of like a closure conversation for you

That's if like it's you don't get all of that in the first conversation of the breakup. And sometimes people, if this was like a six year relationship, like you're probably going to need to have another conversation. What I would tell you to avoid, though, is that.

The two hour long breakup. You're going to go in circles. You're going to literally just be like spinning out and continue to talk about the same thing over and over. And that's why I think it's the best decision to have a friend downstairs waiting for you. So you can say like, I like my mom is downstairs. She she's going to like bring me home. And I know like you probably are going to have more questions, but I do think like I need to.

I need to go because I don't want us to also just keep like spinning in circles. And I also want to give you some alone time and me some alone time because I know this is like a very emotional situation. So overall, I'm really sorry though, because breakups are so fucking horrible and awful and there's no right way to do them. I just think the, there's a sweet spot of the shortness period and how long and short it goes. And then also there's those things that you can say that kind of leaves them

There's nothing really to say back, but I'm really sorry and I hope you're okay. And that's the, that's the other thing that I will just say to you guys is like, if you think that you are not with the right person,

You need to end the relationship. We're all too fucking young to be in a situation where we have doubts and we're all too young to be like, but maybe it will get better. It's not going to get better. It's not going to get better. It only gets worse as time goes on. Any problem that you're having, like it only gets worse. And so I think when you have that doubt in your brain where you're like, is this my person? The answer is no.

The answer is no. Like if you're, of course there's like moments where it's come big, like, oh my God, are we going to get married? And oh my gosh, like, am I sure this is my person? Like, of course there's like natural pauses that you have to like assess your fucking life. I'm not saying that. If you have had this like little lingering voice in the back of your head or that gut feeling of like, I love them so much, but the butt is bigger than you love them so much. It always is because the butt is like,

We can love so many people in our fucking lifetime. I truly believe that. I have believed... I have loved many people before Matt. But I feel like there's...

The immediate pain of ending a relationship and the fear of being single for like one year, two year, five years, even those small years of being single and fearing like, will I ever find somebody that you will, you will find someone again. And I would rather restart and get single and have to go through those single periods of like a couple years figuring out what, who's, you know, what you want and who is the next person then spending six,

70 plus years with someone and being fucking miserable it's it's again I know it's very scary for women because it's like we have our clocks and everyone's telling us we have to find our person and oh my god hurry up but it's also like pause for a fucking second there is

There is no need to stay with someone just because you're afraid of starting over. If that is the only reason you're staying with someone, then you need to end the relationship immediately because I'm telling you, like I've seen my friends do it. I've had it happen where it's like, oh my God, you think you're never going to find someone. And then most of the time when that happens, you literally find the person like in a couple months and you're like, oh fuck.

So we're so clouded by like the fear of moving on that we stay. If you have any fucking doubts in your gut and in your head that keep creeping up, they're not the right person because I'm telling you, you will know when you found the right person.

There will always be problems in every relationship. You will always have these little things that you're like, Ooh, like that is upsetting me or something. But the core of like, I don't know if this is my like person that I want to be with longterm, then you have your answer. That is not your person. So any girl listening right now or any woman listening right now, whoever is listening, just please trust your gut. If you have any fucking doubts, um,

You have your answer. Oh, this is kind of like a vibe shift. Does anyone actually eat ass? I'm talking about getting all up in someone's butthole. We had a poll between all of our friends and 60% of them said they have either eaten ass or received it. I don't believe them. Believe them.

Yeah, it's a thing, sweetie. We're eating ass good these days. No. Yes, there is a lot of I remember the first time I got my ass eaten and I was like, what the fuck is happening? I don't personally love it, but I have had guys that like loved it. I remember like the first guy that asked me to do that. I was also obsessed with him. So I would have literally like eaten his shit. That's fucking disgusting. And I actually wouldn't have done that. But like the concept of like giving a blowjob and then going a little downtown and giving him a little whoop-de-doop.

Yeah, that's not that's not foreign. That's a that's happening. That's in real time. Someone as I'm saying this and I'm making this podcast someone right now is eating ass in the world. They may not be loving it, but they're doing it. It's happening sister either get on board or you don't need to get on board. But if you want to get on board get on board get on board. Some people fucking love it. And then some people are like literally get away from my asshole. Oh my God. Speaking of assholes. What is going on with the daddy gang this week? Okay, ready?

Here's a story time. So I work in real estate. One morning I was early for a showing to make sure all looked good. I just had some coffee, so I went to use the bathroom to go number two. I tried to flush and realized the toilet was broken and the water wasn't on. I was like,

Fuck, some people are coming in a minute and I hope it doesn't smell like shit. So I closed the toilet and hope for the best. The property sat vacant for a month until that person moved in. My boss and I got a text in our group chat, a picture of a hardened toilet.

shit and said this needs to be fixed immediately from the new homeowner this was on Christmas Eve and the repair cost to get a handyman over was double the normal the owner of that unit our client was demanding to know what happened and who used the bathroom do I fess up bitch absolutely fucking not

No, no, no, no. You don't have to be like, hey, just coming in to take a little accountability here. You never. What are they going to do? Fucking fecal test that shit and test whose it was? No, no.

No, you don't need to fess up on who shit in the toilet. You got to play it cool. You got to play it safe. You got to play it just, you got to play it mortified. My God, I can't imagine. Maybe it was someone that was like we were showing the house to, laid it down, laid the pipes down, let it all loose and free. My God, thank God it's hardened. That one's going to be easier to pick up. We're on it. We gotcha. We're going to get it out.

It's a classic white lie. You know, I don't believe in like lying in a way that's really going to fuck some shit up. Have I done it in the past?

Yeah, I guess when I was like younger, but lying is fucking stupid. What's not stupid is a white little fucking lie that's going to, you know, uphold your dignity. That's going to allow you to have some fucking source of respect at your real estate job. You don't need to fucking put yourself under the bus here, sweetie. You just keep driving the bus and let everyone wonder who shit their brains out that day. You know it was you. But they don't.

but they don't need to. Okay. Keep that shit to yourself, sweetie. Literally. Oh God. Okay. I'm scared. Here's another story. This story, I was reading this when I was picking this and it gives me like, I have anxiety for you.

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My husband and I got married six months ago. We're currently renting and would like to buy a house. So a few months ago, I picked up a second job bartending at a local place that I used to work a few years ago. It was my first night back getting into the groove of things and I didn't think anything of it. And then all of a sudden, this guy that I used to hook up with prior to meeting my husband walks in with one of his buddies. I completely forgot that he existed in the world, but my stomach was in constant knots.

I played it casual and grabbed them a few beers. They stayed until the bar closed and got pretty hammered. We were locking up and he asked if I could give him a ride home. I told him yes, but if he tried anything, I would kick him out of the car and make him walk the rest of the way home. He agreed with my terms and we were on our way. The whole ride to his house, he was telling me about how much he missed me working there and he was so happy to see me.

I dropped him off and went on my way. Fast forward to present time. He comes to see me almost every weekend when I work. I always give him a ride home and we have now hooked up twice and talk every day. I just can't keep my hands off this man. My husband knows nothing. We just have this undeniable connection, not even just sexual. I can feel myself slowly dissociating from my husband and I don't even feel bad. Is six months too soon for a divorce?

Kim K has had shorter marriages so this isn't even that bad right this is bad this is really bad um there's multiple reasons that this is bad this this literally sounds like a fucking smut novel that someone would write um for a book listen this is in my life so I'm not here to judge you and you're writing in and you're asking for advice and this is my advice

I understand that you had like an on and off again fling with this guy, but it seems like you have an entire relationship with your husband prior to getting married and you're getting married and you're not saying you were even thinking about this man, nor was he thinking about you. He was never reaching out. So this to me is like a complete lust temptation thing. Even though you're saying there's more of a connection than like, you know,

you having a sexual connection, the temptation of you have this separate job and you've almost created a second life, which is

really really concerning it's like I feel like it's when people cheat online and they're like it doesn't even count like they're almost able to close their phone and then re-enter reality and I think that's been like a huge problem with a lot of couples is like online cheating I think this is almost like a workplace relationship type of cheating situation too right it's like

husband is never coming into your job your work at the bar is your own fucking thing and so it almost is creating this like alternate universe that you are participating in and you're not even feeling guilty because it's so estranged from your own life that you're it's like a person from your past it's a place you used to work you're almost like regressing to that time in your life and I'm

I never, ever, ever think that cheating when you're married is acceptable. Like if Matt cheated on me, I would leave him immediately. Like I don't personally, I couldn't do it. I, I, and I get, I get everyone is different. So I want to be clear. Like,

I know there are so many people that have stayed in relationships when they're married that with with infidelity and everything. But I just could never. It's just something that I in my body. I know I would never be able to get rid of it. I know I would turn into the worst version of myself. I know that I would.

feel so insecure. I would be paranoid. I would want to be checking his phone and I don't want to be that version of myself. And so when the trust is broken, the trust is broken. And that's again, that's me. I don't want anyone to feel judged. I think I completely see the other side and I have friends that have stayed and I have supported them. Like

it really really it comes down to your individual ability to move past something with that said what you're currently doing is you're you not having any remorse I'm worried that like are you gonna now marry this man you know what I mean like he never reached out you weren't reaching out this man was not even a thought in your brain and all of a sudden you start this job that you used to have and it's bringing back all these old memories and

But what I can say is aside from this man, because this isn't about the man that you're cheating with. He honestly has fuck all to do with it. The fact that you agreed to put this person in your car had he got there with his buddy. You know what I mean? They can get a fucking Uber. They can get a fucking taxi. How did they get to the bar and how do they plan on getting home from the bar? You know what I mean? He clearly was using that as an excuse to just like get you to drive him home. How did his buddy get home?

So the fact that you put this man in your car and you drove him home, you knew what you were doing. Like, I worry that that's more just telling to like, maybe you are really not happy in your romantic relationship with your husband and your marriage. And that's okay. But I don't think it's okay to just

Start falling into this new thing without giving your husband a chance. Like this is someone that just got married six months ago and I don't know what's going on at home. But like if you're also acting like nothing is wrong at home, this is going to ruin this man's fucking trust for the rest of his life.

six months into the marriage and you're cheating on him with a past person and you're not even fucking remorseful about it like if he finds out this man is going to be fucking broken and I think when I was younger when I thought about cheating I I think the stakes are lower like I'm not saying cheating is okay but like when I

I would see my friends cheating or when even when I look back if I got cheated on it fucked me up for sure but like as you get older and you get closer to genuine actually looking for monogamy if that's something you're looking for getting cheated on in high school is absolutely going to be traumatizing in the moment but you are not getting married to this person you probably don't have a child with this person like the stakes are much lower but as you get

To the point in your life where you are looking at marriage and you are thinking about kids and all those things like it is so much heavier, in my opinion. Again, people can disagree, but.

I think people in college even are like cheating on each other and it's like oh I fucked Jessica and the sorority and the girl's crying and she's like fuck you and then she goes and fucks his frat brother and it's like it's all very messy because no one is actually like I'm gonna marry you in college for sure you could stay with your college person and then you get married but like in the moment in college no one's like getting fucking married in college so it's a little like whatever again not saying cheating is okay then but you know what I'm saying like

The stakes are just lower. And so now you are adults. You are talking about you got this job because you were planning on buying a house with this person. So which is it? Are you genuinely looking to start a life with this person post getting married and build a life with this person? Or are you out? Listen, I love you. And the way that this is written, I know I don't ever have all the context here.

Maybe your husband hasn't been having sex with you or looking at you since you got married. I don't know. You didn't write that here, but I don't know. I just think living a life based on a lie is going to eat you alive and it's going to come back to bite you in the ass at some point. And whether he finds out and he leaves you and then this guy actually is like, actually like it was kind of just like hot for a minute that we like found each other again. But like, I actually am out and I'm like, I have a girlfriend now. Like,

I just want you to take care of yourself and the people around you to know that this your actions will have consequences. And I think you just have to pause and think for a minute like what do you actually want. If you want out of this marriage get out of the marriage as upsetting as that is that it's only been a six month marriage. Yes you can end your fucking marriage like.

It's okay. But I think you have to try to discern like, are you unhappy in that marriage? Was this random affair or something that was just like out of insecurity or lust or temptation? Like first you need to figure out what you want and why you made this decision. And then I think you need to act accordingly and make a decision because you can't keep going at this rate because you're fucking with someone's life right now. Your husband is sitting at home in love with you thinking that you guys you're at your job.

Trying to get more money so that you guys can get a house like this poor man is like probably fucking packing you a lunch or a dinner when you're going to your job being like I love you sweetie like thank you so much for taking on this fucking second job like little does he know it's become a second fucking relationship that you have. I'm sorry it's just.

That's a really complicated situation. But I would my also advice would be before you guys if you are thinking of children before you think of children or if you're not thinking of children before you get this house don't buy the fucking house while you're having an affair. You need to stop it at some point because I believe again I don't know you but I believe you're probably a good person and this is a situation you got yourself into and it's thrilling and it's exciting and it's all the things but you're also like forgetting that the person you fell in love with and married is

It's going to be heartbroken. So I'm sorry. That was kind of dark. We went from eating ass to this. Whoa. I'm like, whoa. Okay. So I'm 23 and I'm a virgin. Not because of any religious beliefs or anything. It just hasn't happened. I've struggled with my weight a lot and my inner voice always tells me I'm too fat for anyone to think I'm hot. But I'm a very sexual person. I think about sex a lot. I started masturbating at 11, but I haven't done anything with another person.

Recently, I've started to get more attention from guys that I actually think are kind of hot. My looks haven't changed though, but I don't really know how to handle the attention. This is so weird for me that guys are just randomly texting after we hung out in a group setting and for guys to actively seek me out in a group with other girls. So I guess my question is, how do I handle this? Where do we go from here? Because I want it to go further. I just don't know how. First of all, I just want to say,

You are so deserving of happiness. And I completely empathize and understand. Like we all have our own insecurities that can keep us from living the life we want to live. Whether it's like you don't go to the party because you're feeling insecure about whether it's your weight or your skin or your friendship standings, whatever it is. We've all been there where you're like prohibiting yourself from actually thriving and enjoying because you're so in your head about something. And I'm also...

want to clarify, like, it may also not be just fully in your head. Like you may have had people say things to you and make you feel more insecure. And so you've been shut down and you feel like you feel awful about yourself in moments. And it's hard to put yourself out there and act confident, especially on something that privately you actually enjoy and you want to do. But publicly you're like, I don't know if I can connect with a guy on this level because is he going to judge me or is he going to be focused on my weight when we're having sex? Like,

that's all fucking normal and I think so many fucking women not even so many women every fucking woman goes through it at some point in their life when you're having sex and you're feeling insecure and you're like oh my god is he looking at this or that no if he's in the room with you and he's courting you and he's and he's interested he's interested babe and like you gotta just fucking in

embrace that. And I know that's hard. I think my advice to you would be this being a sexual person and the fact that you have been masturbating since you were young, that is incredible. You are in tune with your sexuality. And that is a great step. Like there are a lot of women that have never touched themselves or have never self masturbated. Right. And so I think the fact that you are wanting this and knowing you want this now, you just have to put yourself out there and it's fucking terrifying. And I, I know you're going to be in your

head I think you just have to find a way to recognize that half of the reason that we are insecure in these moments is because we're being too fucking hard on ourselves and no one else is thinking the things that we're thinking about ourself right and so if you are getting this like incredible fun exciting attention from a guy you

Go for it. Go for it. And if anyone ever fucking makes you feel bad about yourself when you do go for it, whether it's the guy or people public, whatever it is, they're fucking shitty people point blank. And that's not on you. You know what I mean? Like, I feel like as we get older, it's like,

I don't have time to like judge people or be like catty or mean or whatever. It's like everyone's doing their fucking best. And so you have to just try to find it within yourself. You want something, go fucking get it, bitch. Like go have sex, go enjoy yourself. And if a man ever makes you feel insecure while that's happening, fuck.

Fuck him and his little fucking dick. Okay. He doesn't fucking deserve you. You are fucking hotter than you ever fucking could imagine. You just have to start to believe that you have to look at yourself in the mirror and start to be like, I am that fucking bitch. And when you're masturbating and you're feeling fucking good channel, that fucking energy, when you're having sex for the first time, okay, you are embracing your sexuality when you're alone, don't,

Do it in front of someone else and I bet you're going to feel so fucking empowered. But what I do want to prep you for, like I'm saying, is like,

So many women can relate to this. There are many times I have had experiences with men that they did not show up and treat me the way that I expected them to. We cannot control what other people are going to treat us like, but you can control how you let it make you feel and how sad if a man makes you feel insecure about your weight or your looks when you're having sex. And if that happens, shame on that fucking person. That's a fucking shitty ass person. And guess what? You're not.

So don't own any fucking behavior that is someone putting you down because that's their own fucking shit that they need to handle. I'm not saying it's not going to make you feel bad, but at some point you're going to have to just take control of your life and be like, you know what? I am that fucking bitch. I fucking want to have sex. I want to enjoy myself. I've got one fucking life. I want to do it and I want to get down and I want to get dirty bitch and I'm going to do it. And when little bitch boys make you feel insecure, okay,

He's a little fucking bitch and you're not. That has nothing to do with you. So own that shit, bitch. And to every woman listening, we all have our own fucking shit that prohibits us from leaning in and enjoying certain things. Who gives a fuck? Again, I know it's not easy, but like we got to just start to be like, I literally don't care what you think about me. I don't care if you're going to call me ugly or fat or whatever.

x or y or z fuck you fuck you how do you have time to critique me in my life how do you have time we're all just doing our fucking best so bitch get after it write me in I want to know when you lose your virginity I'm excited for you and I'm proud of you and I'm and I'm really sorry that you've had that experience of feeling suppressed

But I promise you once you open the door, it's only going to get better. And the first time may be fucking shit. I'm going to be real. Don't have the craziest highest expectations. You'll probably prefer masturbating to sex for maybe a minute. And then once you find the right person or you find the right physical connection, it's going to be fucking amazing. I'm really happy for you, though.

Hey daddy obviously love the pod and you I got married in May yay congrats right little did I know wrong I'm 30 so usually I'm not the one going through phones but one night after a couple of bourbons and my husband falling asleep I found myself wondering if he had anything to hide and me to worry about mind you if you asked anyone before he worshipped the ground I walked on

Well, as I dove into his phone, I found he was messaging an ex for a year. Dirty pictures exchanged, but that's not what really hurt. I found he was saying I love you to her, trying to fly her out while on my bachelorette. Oh, my God. We live in a different state. And on the wedding day, sending her pictures in his suit.

I called him out and he owned up to it and I stayed since we're newly married and told him if I ever find anything again, I'd be gone. Question, did I go too easy? We've been through a lot. He beat cancer and when he went into remission is around the time he started messaging his ex. I understand the insecurity and need for reassurance after that, but I went through it too. What do I do?

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I'm so fucking sorry. Like, first and foremost, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine there's...

it's like two pronged. It's like number one, the fact that he's cheating in general and you're finding all of this and it's the worst fucking feeling when you have that gut feeling and you're like, okay, I'm going to go through the phone and I'm really hoping that I don't find something. But how much worse to know that the cheating was transpiring while you were getting married all the way down to the day of your wedding and he's sending a picture in his suit. That is a fucked up

person I don't care if he's like beat cancer or whatever the fuck like that's like I'm sorry and and like we'll get to the cancer thing in a minute but like that is not an excuse for

for betraying you on one of the most important days of your relationship the day that you are committing to each other the day that you are vowing that you will be there for each other in sickness and health as you already proved you would do the day that you talk about your loyalty and your love for each other and this man is sending this fucking girl a picture in his fucking suit

In what world is this man living on? Like that is like a seriously fucked in the head person. And I'm sorry. Now let me backtrack because I recognize this is your husband. And I said this earlier. Everyone is going to be different when it comes to cheating.

But what I do think, even if you're going to stay, is there needs to be some serious, serious, serious conversations. Like you can't just say, I'll never do it again and never do it again. Like this is like a, we need to almost go through a, like a 10 step fucking program to ensure that this is never going to happen again. And that you actually show that you're remorseful. And how did this happen? And why did this happen? And how are we going to move forward? And how are we going to rebuild trust? Like when someone cheats, I feel like there is a lot of

This difficulty around the person that cheated feels like if I'm going to if we're going to stay in this relationship, you kind of have to let it go because I can't keep living in this like I'm under a microscope every five seconds and you never trust me.

I get that kind of, but it is also on them to make sure that you feel 100% confident in this relationship or you at least get to that at some capacity. And so it's on them to put in so much fucking work to build back that trust. And I feel like a lot of times with cheating in relationships, once they say, I'm sorry, and there's the blowout fight and there's the crying and there's the screaming, it's

then it kind of is just like over and there's like some follow-up conversations or there's not follow-up conversations there's just breakout fights when it's like well you didn't text me and I was getting worried and obviously you've cheated on me so I was getting fucking paranoid that you were doing it again and he's like I was just out with the boys I wasn't fucking cheating you're so fucking crazy I told you I'm never gonna do that again like there's this animosity that starts to build and I don't want that for you so number one I think you did go too easy again you only shared a brief

like recap of how you handled it. But I just think that like, there's something wrong with this person, which leads me to think that he may be like, I'm not a fucking therapist. So I don't want to like diagnose here, but my brain goes to, and again, like, please like, don't take my word for this, but like something with him is mentally like mental health going on maybe. And maybe it is because of the cancer that he was going through, but like to be able to

check out and to dissociate and to because a lot of times I feel like and again I'm saying this and this I could be wrong but like I choose to believe that a lot of times when people cheat they're not these like awful bad people like this isn't and again there are those type of men or women that are like so narcissistic and sociopathic that it's like they're getting off on

going behind their partner's back and making these decisions. But I do feel like that's like a two out of 10 scenario, right? A lot of times when people cheat, it is this like,

deep-seated insecurity or need for validation or they have sexual needs or there's a disconnect in the relationship whatever it is they're doing this and they're not thinking they're not thinking about their partner and the ramifications it's going to have and the emotional damage it's going to do to their partner they're being selfish in a moment and they're acting on it and they're not thinking past that if anything they're not thinking they're

So my problem though with this decision is the layer of it being on your wedding day and leading up to your wedding. That is a very, very potentially like emotionally cut off person to be in wedding planning, to be talking about forever with someone, to be walking down the aisle, to be saying I do to someone and all while sending pictures of their fucking suit on the day to their mistress. What the fuck?

So let's make it less about his infidelity and more about like what is going on with your husband that he is so capable of something so hurtful and evil. And we can choose to believe he's not the two out of 10. Right. That's like an evil person. So if I were you, I would say you need to get into couples therapy if you're going to stay.

He needs to get into individual therapy because again, who knows maybe the cancer, like he has lost all capacity to process emotions because he kind of shut himself off during chemo and was just like, I just, I don't know. I can't speak for him. I'm just trying to think of like maybe something in that process made him really disconnect from his feelings and therefore his decisions were

of this person were his like ability to feel something that he wasn't getting from you in a stable relationship I don't fucking know but you need to find that out in order to move forward in my opinion and listen I also want to say like if this happened when you're writing this in and you just found this out because this is you said six months after the marriage or was it six months you said you found this out

Even if this was like two months ago and you're now writing in, you can always bring it back up. And to anyone listening, if you had accepted someone and forgiven someone from cheating and you now are listening to this or you're having regrets, you can always bring it back up in a thoughtful way of saying, hey, I know that I told you I could move past what happened in the cheating process.

And I genuinely meant that in that moment. I love you and I want to work this out and I still want to work this out. But through time, I have realized that I do not feel fulfilled and happy in this relationship in the context of everything that happened. I don't feel like I got full, like,

resolution from that. I don't feel like I still feel anxious. I'm still finding myself being a bad version of myself, like thinking maybe you're doing it again and thinking you're so I realized that in order for us to move forward and to actually move forward, we could where we could try to actually genuinely rebuild to the place, not even that we were to

Not even that where we were before the cheating actually get to a better place, a more communicative place to really get to a place that we've never been. I think we need to go to therapy and I am asking you to do couples therapy with me, but I also recognize this was an individual decision that you made.

I don't fucking give a fuck every time everyone's like, it takes two to tango when someone cheats. Yeah, maybe, maybe in some situations. But what I don't fuck with is when someone goes and cheats and never fucking articulated to their partner what they were not happy with. That's then one-sided. If you have consistently gone to your partner and said, I am not fulfilled in our sex life. We don't connect anymore physically. And then your partner is

is not meeting you where you guys can come together and be like, okay, how are we going to work on this? If you have just been thinking this and you never gave your fucking partner the chance to redeem themselves or to fix something that they were fucking up on, or even if they weren't fucking up on and you just have this need, you have to fucking communicate what you're missing in order for them to then participate in trying to fucking make it all better and to make you guys both feel fucking happy and fulfilled. So don't,

cheating for sure it can take two to tango where your partner is emotionally checked out and you keep asking them can we please schedule a date night can you please pay attention to me and they're never paying attention and then you go cheat I'm not justifying the cheating but I am saying then it maybe is I can lightly agree on that it takes two to tango because you're begging your partner to feel seen to feel heard or to meet you somewhere that you're asking them to meet you and they do not do it fine fuck

Fucking fine. But I would rather the person go and say, I, before you cheat, then you could, I just wish people would be like, I had really concerning thoughts.

These temptations tonight. There was this person at the bar or there was a person at work or whatever the fuck and I had these terrifying temptations and I think we need to go to therapy because I know I voiced this to you but it got real tonight and I want to be real. I would never cheat on you but it is lightly getting to the point where I'm feeling like very unhappy and I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be that version of myself. I fucking wish everyone can handle it that way. Unfortunately, that's not how this fucking goes. So what I will say back to your situation is I

You have to get to a place where you're okay. That's all I give a fuck about. I don't know your husband, but you're daddy gang and I know you. If you listen to this podcast, I feel like I know the vibe of the women that listen to this podcast. And I feel like what you need to do is take care of yourself. And obviously there has been a lot of trauma in this relationship. Having your partner beat cancer, being there through the chemo, being there through all of this. I can only imagine the emotional pain

connection and ties you have to this person. And I completely understand trying to work something out. I do. I wish I could say I was better, but I'm, so my advice is creating a plan where you feel like you will feel better and more resolved because by you writing and asking, did I go too easy? You know, your answer, you know, that you feel like you went too easy and that's okay because half of the time when we are all like,

I feel like whenever I got cheated on, which time? No. When you get cheated on, there's so many like layers, almost like how you talk about there's like the, what is it? Like the X amount of stages of grief. Is there like seven or five? There's certain stages of processing getting cheated on. There's the like,

I don't need to go through them all, but we all know how it goes if you've been cheated on. Of like being so shocked in the moment and hurt and the foundation of your reality has been completely shooken up and the person you thought you were with is not the person that you...

new and now you're like what is my reality but then you're also like the person that you're closest to and you rely on just hurt you so then you oddly want to be closer to them in that moment but you're not supposed to want to be closer to them there's so many things that happen so that is my advice to you I'm so fucking sorry and I'm and I just want to close out by saying I am so sincerely sorry to anyone who has gotten cheated on or is recently getting cheated on because it is a

very very isolating feeling that is so devastating and heartbreaking and your entire world feels like it's collapsing and it's really fucking difficult when you have people around you that love you so much and your friends and your family have understandably are going to tell you

fuck him or to leave. And I, while in moments I do believe that to be true, I think we have to understand that like relations are, relationships are so complex and relationships, there's so much more than that moment. That was the cheating. It's like, this is someone you loved. You live with, you're married to, there's so much, right?

And you have to unwind all of that before you can make a decision. And so anyone that makes it look easy, I can even sit here and like I said earlier, being like, I would leave Matt. You don't fucking know until you're in the moment.

and all of it's going down and you have to personally and individually decide what works for you no one else can fucking tell you so I can sit here and I can give you advice but you all you need to do is make the decision that you know you can live with if you

you know, you will be able to trust this person again and you guys can work through this. And you know, you have a partner sitting next to you that is willing to do the work that is willing to show up for you. That is willing to make sure that you can live without feeling like you need to check over your shoulder and look at his phone and worry when he's out. If you can get to that point, then you know your answer. It's different for everyone. I love you. I'm so sorry. And it just fucking sucks. I fucking hate people that cheat. Like

I think it just, yeah, it fucking sucks. I literally, I remember in college, like playing games as I was, I...

I constantly made an effort as backwards as this was. Like I remember my first like college boyfriend, but he was never my boyfriend because I made a very big annoying point to be like, we're not official. We're not official because I didn't trust myself and I didn't want to be him able to be like, wow, you cheated on me. So yes, I was talking to other guys and was he heartbroken? Yes. But what did he know? Yes. Because I wasn't saying you'd be my boyfriend. Like I think there's a lot of situations where, um,

I know that the beginning days of this show, I would joke and be like, cheat or be cheated on. Yeah. With a lot of men, they're all fucking cheating. But what I know is like,

It just I just fucking think that people that cheat, there's just so much fucking damage and they're broken and there's something really fucking off about them that you can't fix. And unless they're like, I'm getting into therapy, I recognize why I cheated was X, Y, Z. And this is how I'm going to take the steps to make sure I never do that again. I would be out.

And you're going to there. Everyone's going to be different. There are some people that will be like, I will do fucking anything. I feel ill. I feel sick. I'm so fucking sorry. Sure. Words are great. Let's see the fucking actions. If you still feel terrified to open your husband's phone, that's not okay. That's not okay. So, um,

I'm sorry. I love you and you will get through this. And I think don't bear this alone. I said this in my other solo episode of like the Paris episode, like do not bear the weight of this alone. I know it's really, really, really awful to share with a friend or a family member that you're having these thoughts again. And you're, it's embarrassing. Of course it's embarrassing. And you also are like, what if we do get to a better place? And then will they hate him forever? Like,

That's fine. That's on them to that. It's not their relationship. Your relationship with them is your best friend or your family member that you're closest to. Your relationship with those people is when they are having a hard time, they come to you and vice versa. So don't not go to people because they're going to judge your relationship. Deal with that after the fucking fact. OK, you need support right now and you can't deal with this alone.

So find that person. It can be one fucking person that you know you can go to and say, I need you to not judge me here. I need you to know I'm trying to rebuild my marriage and I need your fucking support because this is really fucking hard. And I just need a friend that's not going to judge me. That's not going to tell me to fucking leave him right now. I need your fucking support of just handling this with me in moments when I come to you.

And you should also get into therapy if this is weighing on you. Okay. Daddy gang, Matt is back with my lobster roll. So I'm going to go eat a lobster roll. Hopefully by this time, yeah, new episodes of Tell Me Lies will be out. So hopefully we're just like episode three and four are just going to be riveting and just incredible. And we're just going to be having the time of our lives.

I love you all and I'm so excited to see you all on tour. I cannot wait to see where you guys go for your like pregames and your early like drinks and food. Go get your tickets. Meet up with Daddy Gang. Meet friends. Meet like-minded people and go enjoy yourself before the show begins. And when the show begins, I promise you I have so many surprises up my sleeve. Many, many, many.

surprise guests and um yeah i love you daddy gang i will see you fuckers next wednesday bye

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