cover of episode Devon and Sydney Carlson: WILDFLOWER (FBF)

Devon and Sydney Carlson: WILDFLOWER (FBF)

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Call Her Daddy

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Alex Cooper
Devon Carlson
Sydney Carlson
Alex Cooper: 作为主持人,Alex Cooper主要负责引导话题,并对姐妹俩的经历和观点进行总结和评论。她对姐妹俩的亲密关系和创业故事表示赞赏,并引导她们分享个人经历和观点。 Devon Carlson: Devon Carlson主要讲述了Wildflower品牌的创立过程,以及她在创业过程中遇到的挑战和收获。她分享了自己在一段长期恋爱关系结束后,如何重新开始生活,以及如何与妹妹Sydney互相扶持。她还谈到了自己对伴侣类型的偏好,以及她在处理与妹妹伴侣关系方面的经验。 Sydney Carlson: Sydney Carlson主要分享了她与Devon的姐妹情谊,以及她在一段充满挑战的恋爱关系中的经历。她讲述了这段恋爱关系如何影响到她的身心健康,以及她如何克服困难,重新与家人和朋友建立联系。她还分享了自己对伴侣类型的偏好,以及她与Devon在处理感情问题方面的合作方式。 Alex Cooper: Alex Cooper主要负责引导话题,并对姐妹俩的经历和观点进行总结和评论。她对姐妹俩的亲密关系和创业故事表示赞赏,并引导她们分享个人经历和观点。她还参与了“谁更有可能……”的游戏环节,增加了节目的趣味性。 Devon Carlson: Devon Carlson主要讲述了Wildflower品牌的创立过程,以及她在创业过程中遇到的挑战和收获。她分享了自己在一段长期恋爱关系结束后,如何重新开始生活,以及如何与妹妹Sydney互相扶持。她还谈到了自己对伴侣类型的偏好,以及她在处理与妹妹伴侣关系方面的经验。她坦诚地分享了自己曾经跟踪前男友社交媒体的经历,并表达了对这段经历的反思。 Sydney Carlson: Sydney Carlson主要分享了她与Devon的姐妹情谊,以及她在一段充满挑战的恋爱关系中的经历。她讲述了这段恋爱关系如何影响到她的身心健康,以及她如何克服困难,重新与家人和朋友建立联系。她还分享了自己对伴侣类型的偏好,以及她与Devon在处理感情问题方面的合作方式。她坦诚地分享了自己被男友欺骗的经历,以及她如何从这段经历中走出来。

Deep Dive

Devon and Sydney Carlson discuss their personalities, family dynamics, and memorable moments from a recent trip to Vegas.
  • Devon and Sydney are sisters and best friends.
  • They have a unique family tradition of clapping for anything.
  • Their trip to Vegas was a surprise birthday celebration for Devon.

Shownotes Transcript

This episode, Devon and Sydney Carlson join Father Cooper. They’re sisters, best friends and business partners. Devon and Sydney recount how a bathroom run-in with Miley Cyrus led to the overnight development of their company, Wildflower. The sisters spill all of their secrets while playing a game of “Who is More Likely to ...” Which Carlson sister is more likely to get kicked out of the club and who will be texting their ex once they get drunk? Which sister gives better head? Devon and Sydney do not hold back while discussing their dating lives. Devon reveals the extreme lengths she went to in order to stalk her ex on social media and how she struggled being single after a long term relationship ended. Sydney opens up about her ex’s drug addiction, the effect it had on her mentally and physically, and how it ultimately led her to push away from family and friends.

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