cover of episode #2235 - Mike Rowe

#2235 - Mike Rowe

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The Joe Rogan Experience

Joe Rogan
美国知名播客主持人、UFC颜色评论员和喜剧演员,主持《The Joe Rogan Experience》播客。
Mike Rowe
Joe Rogan 认为集成电路的发明以及其他科学发现体现了人类思维的某种独立性,即使在不同地点、互不了解的情况下,也能得出相似的结论。他还探讨了“形态共振”的概念,指出不同个体之间存在某种信息共享机制,即使相隔很远也能互相影响。此外,他还讨论了弓形虫感染对人类行为的影响,以及过度的安全措施反而会增加风险,因为人们会潜意识地补偿这种安全感。 Mike Rowe 则从自身经历出发,探讨了在工作中安全与效率的平衡问题。他认为在许多工作中,“安全第一”的原则并不总是可行的,有时需要权衡风险和效率。过度的安全培训可能会导致麻木和懈怠,反而增加风险。他以自身参与的节目《脏活累活》为例,说明了安全与风险的复杂性。

Deep Dive

Mike Rowe shares his unconventional journey into television, starting from his time at QVC to his experiences in opera and eventually developing his show 'Dirty Jobs'. He discusses the unexpected opportunities and challenges he faced, highlighting his passion for storytelling and the influence of his family background.
  • Mike Rowe's early experiences included working at QVC and crashing an opera audition, which led to unexpected opportunities.
  • His passion for storytelling was influenced by his family, particularly his grandfather.
  • Rowe's journey was marked by a series of serendipitous events and strategic thinking, leading to his eventual success with 'Dirty Jobs'.

Shownotes Transcript

Mike Rowe is the creator and host of "Dirty Jobs," "Somebody’s Gotta Do It," and Facebook’s "Returning the Favor." He is also the CEO of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, a nonprofit championing the importance of skilled labor and addressing the critical workforce gap, and host of the podcast "The Way I Heard It."

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