cover of episode #2155 - Brian Redban

#2155 - Brian Redban

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The Joe Rogan Experience

AI Deep Dive AI Chapters Transcript
Brian Redban
Joe Rogan
美国知名播客主持人、UFC颜色评论员和喜剧演员,主持《The Joe Rogan Experience》播客。
乔·罗根认为人工智能技术发展迅速,已经渗透到日常生活的方方面面,从家用电器到电脑软件,都体现了人工智能技术的广泛应用。但他同时也指出,人工智能技术在实际应用中还存在一些问题,例如扫地机器人无法有效识别和清理狗粪便,以及手机软件更新可能中断紧急事件的处理等。他还表达了对人工智能技术潜在风险的担忧,例如政府机构可能获取用户数据,以及人工智能技术可能被用于军事领域,对人类飞行员造成威胁。 布莱恩·雷德班则主要关注人工智能技术在喜剧创作中的应用,他认为人工智能技术目前还无法创作高质量的喜剧段子,但可以作为辅助工具,帮助喜剧演员完善作品。他还讨论了不同喜剧演员的创作习惯和方法,以及人工智能技术可能对喜剧创作带来的影响。 布莱恩·雷德班还谈到了他对人工智能技术的看法,他认为人工智能技术的发展速度很快,可能会在未来几年内对人类社会产生重大影响。他还表达了对人工智能技术潜在风险的担忧,例如人工智能技术可能被用于军事领域,以及人工智能技术可能被用于控制人类社会。他还讨论了人工智能技术在其他领域的应用,例如在医疗保健和交通运输领域。

Deep Dive

Brian Redban y Joe Rogan discuten el impacto de la IA en la comedia, incluyendo el uso de ChatGPT para escribir chistes y la influencia de la tecnología en los podcasts. También hablan del auge de la IA en diversas áreas como los electrodomésticos y el software, reflexionando sobre sus implicaciones.
  • La IA está integrada en dispositivos cotidianos como aspiradoras.
  • Los refrigeradores con IA pueden avisar sobre la caducidad de los alimentos.
  • El software de transcripción y resumen basado en IA es una herramienta valiosa para los cómicos.
  • Existe preocupación por la privacidad con las funciones de IA como "recordar" en Windows.
  • El incidente del reinicio del teléfono de Jamie plantea dudas sobre la seguridad de los teléfonos inteligentes.

Shownotes Transcript


The joe rogan experience.

Hey fellow, hey crack. Have you have been fucking around with the ChatGPT? So you brought IT? Yeah, I got just .

got the four point of the one that y've been showing where you could talk to IT naturally.

So done. Had IT in the talk to shit to IT yeah about IT .

replacing us yeah it's pretty crazy. It's like it's weird how A I came out of nowhere and then we're like we're how long has this been you know, being worked on? And then now it's like everywhere like vacant cleaner has A I now it's crazy. It's when those robot vex where IT scans your old house and then like IT detects things using A I like go, that shit don't run over.

So you be directions on the four.

Yeah, IT doesn't do a good job because the first thing I did, I went right .

over this dog, just starts .

smearing dog shit through the whole entire.

That is a problem. Jv has recall.

Yeah, it's a little talk.

You get an on court, just job a anywhere I think when they're really little, they don't understand outside everything so big. Why would I go? About time I get IT right here.

I'm nowhere. I don't sleep anywhere. Knew this pile. Yeah.

it's gross though, having shit sweet all of .

you especially by a super smart A I back in the that's so dumb yeah there's all these different things are going to sink together like that's one of things that people say about samsung g like people that are samsung fan boys like if you have a samsung refrigerator in a samsung TV and a samsu, like you could use your phone to control everything your phone would like. There's there's I guess there's refrigerators out there. I don't know exactly where they're at right now. Only saw I can add for them where your frigging or will tell you when things going expire.

So again.

yes. So if you ve got orange juice or something like that, you're orange juice is only good for three more days like that kind of shit.

Yeah, that's only if you play that orange. You with the date facing the camera probably you know I yeah I think that has been out for while bad doesn't really work, right? There's a few things. Refrigerators do have too much technology and .

them impresses a shit about me. And the thing that entice me towards samsung phones is the the A I with notes. That's a big deal to me. The fact that you can record your podcast, for sure, but also you can record a set and it'll transcribe the set and then put this and then summarize into like different parts like this where you talk about stock in your own desk, right? Yeah, this where you talk about uf ice.

reba, he didn't see this. Did you see this show going around on twitter feature called recall on windows, you wind White, may play, be .

introduced memory, right? Photographic memory into what you do on the PC. And now we have IT, so it's called recall.

It's not keywords search, right? It's semantic search over all your history. And it's not just about any dog. And we can recreate moments from the past.


Here's how that works.

Windows constantly take screen .

shots of what's on your screen.

then uses a, generate A I model right on the device, along with the NPU .

to process .

all that data and make .

IT searchable.

even photos.

I got to try out.

I searched around leather .

back IT came up in visual search. There is no place on this page that IT says Brown leather bag. IT just knows, because IT seize this back. There could be this reaction from some people that this is pretty creepy. Microsoft is taking screen shots of everything I do.

O yeah. I mean, that's why that you can only do IT on the edge, right? This is, no, you can't.

You have to put two things together. This is my computer. This is my recall. And it's all being done locally.

OK, yeah.

texas is onna ban. My recall. It's just going to be orn.

Do IT all? Oh, trust you at all. It's all done locally. Oh, i'm sure i'm sure there's no where the governments going to have access to every keystart you make and be able to see. Oh, that's ridiculous and it's .

summarized everything.

Not only that, it's not that difficult, especially for government organizations to get in your fucking computer. Are you connected to a secure wifi? Are you even using a VPN?

Are you like? What are are you doing? What kind of firework do you have? How many people are sophisticated enough so that you can't look at everything they do?

Like your friends of phones are yesterday there two days ago, that's a straight of virus that he was downloading.

People are saying it's not. People are saying it's just like if you have your case on improperly expressing two button at the same time or IT was his phone on the table.

Jamie was in his bag. I do not remember.

I remember either. I think of you, I think on some of these went android phones. If you're pressing two button at the same time, IT reboots, right? So there's a boot loader mode. That's why you can like, do different things to your phones.

But that boot load screen does not look like like like I was like the arrow that was in IT. I've seen this arb that's clip art like I think I even said getting images on the side of something.

A barcode a wasn't have a barcode. Would you buy IT? yeah. Is enough for sale. Why I have a barcode, right?

How you going to get a barcoo with the phone that you're holding?

H, it's got a barcode.

Must be legit, right? Yeah, that seems so, so fake. That was.

look at that that chinese writing too. That's good. I guess it's korean because it's samsung do not disconnect USB cable during software update. So it's saying downloading and IT says an in korean. So it's doing something that just looks .

that just not look official. Yes, in my point .

was IT took a while and like what have you broke his leg? Like what have you just fell as bike and broke his leg. And now the sudden he's got a call for an ambuLance and he's lying there with his fuck and shinbone poking out of his cafe and he's got to a sit there while as stupid phone does that.

that's why I can be real.

Can you reboot that? Can you stop that? Is that possible?

I L L T.


that's why you post that video, you tell to hold down the power, written the up arrow, like, like, reboot your phone stopped doing whatever IT was too. I always worry .

about that with windows because windows will start updating my laptop in the middle nowhere.


that's the worst. It's like i'll open the laptop super inspired ready IT, right? And it's like, oh, we upload your software.

This was a twenty minutes. Like, what? Yeah, this is stupid.

Give me the option to not do this. Like, at least we give me the option. It'll IT up in the corner. You is a new update available.

You want to update IT, right? And then the downloads then goes, do you want to do this right now?

Downloads we do IT later with with windows. That Normal of.

I think IT was like an old turn off on. I think this is a .

setting to turn off. That S A no. This is setting on windows as well.

Office thing or something you're dealing .

with that's not like you office gives you a tiny notification, the top of of a lot file. It'll say a new updates available, but you can click out .

even if the problem is is like I have automatic updates on mac and i'll download IT go hey, we got this updates for you won't just like in the middle doing something just start like book reboot mike laptop .

yeah mind bridge reboot at IT. Like at the moment I opened IT up, but I hadn't used that laptop in a while, was just sit there. You don't want to want to try I want to try a laptop with you am a big keyboard fan like one of the reasons of what I write. If I write, I have a home like mac that I write on. That is.

yeah, those are nice.

The boards tobe IT really is like a macbook. So what we're looking right there is the new ipad, which is insane. This is so it's so insane.

It's like IT is as thin as possible. You can still use a USB connector. And I thought .

this was canny and that's twice I know .

so much your phone, which is super skinny, so much fatal ipad, so amazing and IT doesn't same battery life to and is probably as like two terribles right ten hours.

This is one Terry, but you get up to two terrible tes fluked net nuts.

Um but what I really like is the keyboards on think pads because think pads have a longer stroke. And when you're riding with keys like you, you have more feedback with the longer keystrokes and then you are more accurate with your typing. And it's been proven like when people would do like any words per minute, can you right? They can write more words per minute on on keyboards with Better but Better feedback, like longer keystrokes.

But alien wear, you know, because a lot of gamers like mechanical keyboards because they have a click y clack fiel, that it's like even more accurate. Will they have a of a mechanical keyboard now on their laptops? And so I ve been thinking .

about .

getting one of those. So IT has long key travel. I think the key travels one point eight millimetres, which is ideal when my old thing had had, like two point two, which was nice, long keystrokes and you just get real accurate, was like you're writing so for me, like times i'm writing, i'm stoned. I don't have time to I go back and fucked and I want to just get IT my thought out wallet in my and with an IBM of all you know lenovo now when lenovo think that i'm just much more accurate when a writing I like I like .

IT but IT sounds I don't know after while it's like this is .

so make ones are terrible yeah the ones on mac books, I have A C book. It's fucking terrible to write on. There's it's really short keystrokes.

It's a really like flat key. It's just not good to write on. You can do IT, it's it's definitely Better than like writing by hand, right?

You can I type on and all time I do right all the time, but is just when you go over to that thing, pad like this is what I was feel like. Or at home, I have like an ergonomic keyboard that I use on my mac. And that is like the best.

It's like real easier. I am really accurate. I don't even enough to think I could just write and look at the screen and I just get IT right all the time.

Why don't you use voice so so accurate?

Now I don't want to be talking yeah in my house, but some of the things I write and some of things I write, I like writing because the thing about writing is like say, if i'm writing, you know fuck in artificial intelligence as i'm writing artificial telega IT takes longer to write IT then IT does to think the word so you're spending more time on each instead of just barfing out words like I do when I talk, or sometimes I know what the fuck i'm saying.

Warm saying IT when i'm writing in typing IT takes a little longer so IT makes me think a little more and I have more possibilities open up where to go with things. So IT actually benefits me to slow me down a little. But I still wanted to be accurate.

I want you to be so slow that i'm fucking with every key. I don't want that. I want accuracy, but a little slower than talking for writing.

Yeah my promise is like, just start writing like like an idea or joke or whatever. And then half we threw a look up and i'm like like I fucked up somewhere or auto corrected something. And that makes everything that makes sense. I had IT like, fuck like, i've wrote this all down and now I don't understand any of IT. Like, just one word I spell check.

Yeah, that's true. Well, notes are the best for that. Yeah, yes.

for boy, in the thing .

about the phone is you can do IT like why you're in the car. You can be press, like you have apple curtly press on the screen, yes, and say, make a voice note. And then you could just make a note, or just make a note rather and it'll make a note for you.

Leave IT in there. It's great. So there's many times that I like at the end of the night i've done that, then I go back over IT. So what I do is I have like um a whole folder that's just ideas. So I get this for that yeah these are just ideas yeah and some of them a lot of them have become bits and some of them i'm just like maybe one day I have something.

And so when I write yeah so when I write, I go back something I go back and I look at those and i'll see if someone comes into my head i'll say because you know, when you start writing, you'll just staring at that black screen like what are you are right about and then I just go into the phone and i'll say what you got for me. What have been thinking about open borders? Open bords OK? yeah. okay.

What what? What would would be like if there's no borders? How would that suck?

What would be like? There is more borders with that suck? I just start writing, you know.

wouldn't be called to take all our notes put in an AI and like combining this into all a one story, a twenty page story .

that would be like the perfect new one hand. The thing about A I though is like you're gona, I ve ve never used A, I like GPT to write a joke, but I know people are doing that now. And my thought is I wouldn't feel as good about IT when I was done OK. I don't want IT just to be good. I wanted to be good and I wanted to have come from my head.

You saying it's, that's the one thing. It's not there yet. IT can write a good joke like others like shit, like luis or not luis k, but the George CarOlina and stuff that, right?

And doing not because .

i'd like to, i've experiment like trying to find like a tag ford, like a joke already, like, know, this is the scenario and it's still like dad jokes and laughing tappy, bosh IT. Like, oh, cow walks into a bar.

what I think IT IT would be so so like, you know, I like a lot of really good comics, higher writers and generally the writers aren't even as good a comic as them. But like what the way ris rock does IT Chris um and event talked in pursley i've heard him talk about and i've talked to people work with them. So one thing he gets accused of unfairly, people say that he has writers right for him.

Chris rock write his own material. What he has is the writers. He bounces the ideas of them. So they come and watch him do this set.

And then they say, maybe when you do this, say that first, or maybe expand on this, or I got a tag for that. And so but those guys who are are doing that aren't as good atomic as him. So sometimes .

you just need other ideas, idea that Green may, and that joke you should add .

this or vents. So the Green was amazing for that. There are so many times in the Green room that we're all trying to work out a bit and then like tony al, time and or bro try that's IT.

And then you figured out, mean, we've rewrote David luis to act in the great but it's that's one thing. So like if if ChatGPT just gave you like ideas yeah just I just need like a framework. Sometimes I I feel like each subject is just a folding.

So I get the scaffolding now once I have the scavoir after the build house. And so, but I have to have a fuck in location where I can start building. So the location is the subject, whatever the idea is.

And then I start building. That's how I do IT. But I mean, everybody does IT different, man, everybody does.

Does some people have to write IT down on paper like some people that all their stuff like colon quin shits all on paper? A lot of people, they just, they write IT down like Christinia. I SHE has this notebook.

SHE brings weather. And you look to know it's fail with ideas. It's just all IT because I have to write IT down a .

paper marnin like his back pockets like a turtle, you know, have everything.

He's the most insane. He's the most insane. Yeah because he is a phone. He has a phone, his notes in the phone, you don't have to have that have both things when you can only have one thing like this, so unnecessary.

so silly. And he's sitting on IT like a second wall IT just breaking his back.

Every could totally, but is back up like when a cab drivers has a bomb back because like you have a fucking in wallet that's too feet thick on one side, you asked if he just took those notes and transcribe them into the notes on his phone, then he would have IT. He's always worried about losing them this way. You would never lose them because they would be in the clown.

Take a picture and you take a trance.


And with a lot of these things, like that other thing about samsung, you can write with dialers on the screen, and then I would convert that into print.

You could do that on the ipad to real. Yeah.

it's great with with the pen, ipad with the pen. Why don't they make them for the iphone? You fuck the pen. They can admit that samsung was right.

Yeah, I think they have absorb is a way to do IT on the note APP maybe on the phone like you where you just use your finger.

you just do, yeah, but I want the pen yeah .

IT is silis also silly like the new pen they are just came out. You can't use IT on last year's model and like it's like they don't have duty is so dirty it's so that there's .

so dirty with their U S, B, C. cables.

And i'm glad now that it's just yeah.

it's nice. But meanwhile, I have airports and they're charged with regular .

lightning well, that you the new version has .

they have a new version, never let you go and their shit is just good enough that you keep going down that path.

Yeah apple vision pro is very depressing, by the way. Yeah done. I just I think like a lot of you are so in i'm so in and it's still it's still amazing.

But then there's just nothing you can do. Like watching three movies is the best experience you'll ever have ever, even Better than a movie theater sitting there watching avatar AR. Like it's a big IMAX in your in your bedroom.

He doesn't bother you that the things .

over your face now of course I I use IT more, but it's so comfortable.

How much em f radiation are you get?

That's why my eyes are so bad, like my eyes are getting worse every day. Like it's crazy.

You cook at your brain on and IT fucked your your .

dreams up and I have fix your brain up a little because I think your brain starts thinking that's real so when you're like dreaming and said, I don't know, like there was at you that there is a fighter pilot and he's just like, he's like one of the top fighter pilots for the air forces and like that and I asked him if he's ever done like any other VR flight simulations. He's like, I can't will throw off my inter timing and stuff like that because it'll fuck with this enter. I never .

have for a real jet.

Yeah like, wow, I don't what Normal people .

those guys are all on the way out. They're all on the way out. Mike Baker was in here. He was shown us how they have A I fighter jets. Now that out dog fight a like actual piloted fighter jets one hundred percent of the time, they always .

went like sky text over.

it's over. It's over. They're gonna. You got no chance. They're just too smart. They're too smart in the matter how clever you think you are. You think you're magic. Magic is dead book in zero just killed matric, and zero kills everybody because zero isn't a human and zero doesn't get nervous and zero doesn't make mistakes. And zero has all the data of every single dog fight. And every single dog fight training mission has ever been done, ever in its database with the exact correct timing and went to launched missiles and where to be and where to avoid, in your fact.

But we're fuck because then everybodys going to have the same thing and it's just made none stop where we might be.

The only people don't fuck because we talk shit. Professional ship talkers are always going to be necessary, like to make sense and give you some entertainment through all this. I'd require them. I look if I wasn't a comic and I wasn't around guys like you and tony and all the people that were around with all the time, I don't know what I do.

If I to talk to norm's all day about how folk things are and not laugh and not have fun, i'd be depressed like we're always laughing and talking shit and having fun even though things are crazy like we're we are what four years away from artificial people telling us what to do and everybody is, is like usher IT in our own demise, buying things constantly. We're going to artificial life forms that are far superior to humans in like four years. And a voice was over.

What are about drake? And can drink? I do. Can drink.

Course everyone.

Everyone seems to be team things too much. Dig up about him. Little too handsome.

yeah. But all all the podcast of every single comedians ever done is going be fed in the AI and y're going to be the ship to don't .

know anything about the drink and tender of beef. Every time people talk to me about, my eyes glaze over. I just camp, pay attention. I just, I can't. I can pay attention to grown man beaten with each other publicly.

sexual attention between those two.

Let's all my feeling is always like, dm, you guys busted out eight songs that are bangers shading on each other. You could have been just writing amazing rap songs like elevating human beings, elevating life, you know? And once you write one this song about some money, and now and then have to go back and forth and back and forth, they came, come on.

I don't even like, listen to old ticket ones. You know, you like, you know, that's what fucked your bitch to pog and biggie, I love too pog and I love bigger. Like, how come I have to choose how come, how come, how come this a fight .

to be so .

popular as you love? There's their songs you here and they make you excited. They make you excited. You know, like there's like california love. Like remember when uri a favor was fight in the ufa, the california kid, he would always come out the california love and mommy air you like. Wu, that's one of those songs.

don't. Ef, that's how I won't .

even .

take the time to write. IT, if they weren't talking to ship back, then.

they may have, may be two box wood, a two bog wrote so much that he, they were released in albums long after he was dead. Remember, he did so. He was just a machine like that due to just a creative machine. He was just lock himself in the studio and just make songs.

Remember the E Z E and ice q beef. That was my favor. Where was like talking about fucking in the ass with .

no vasily and like that, he's too clever. He, he's too clever. He's too clever with his riding. Ice cube brought most of the songs for N W. Ice cubes are very good. Writer, you know, like this, like a lot of times in rap band is like the one due who writes everything like in uh gattle boys IT was really did like we played a fucker war, which was like one my all time favorite rap songs, bushwick bill and really detection makers. I wrote te .

that forty five minutes.

Now there's some dues that is really good at writing. There is really good at writing bangers, you know and that's with comedy too. Like tony is that guy like tony is really good at writing jokes, like his ability to like and especially joke shitting on people and his brain .

is constantly working. And when when you talk to him, he's not even even looking past you thinking how what joky is going to say after .

and he's a machine that's why is mean your show fuck first will congratulate fucked and relations. I mean, you guys are fucking killing IT. You guys are killing IT.

You guys sold out medicine square garden two nights in a row. You guys saw that a giant theater and L, A. And you want to doing in the show. So just to the staple center, like what you sell that out, like that it's b anana as you guys are printing money and it's the best fucking comedy show in the world is the best show because like you guys, first of all, you guys have been doing IT now for eleven years.

almost right? One, it'll be eleven.

and so it's almost eleven years. So we be doing in all this as you got a, it's polish. You guys are sked up.

Everybody knows their position. The band is great. The audience is super aware of how the show works. They're not confused like what's going on, how come he is a minute and what's everybody knows how IT works and it's just polished.

And then you got a tony who's just locked in the fuck in vi are so many people do not believe that he comes up with those on the spot. They like all that's all planned out like, no, none of its planned out. That's the magic of IT, especially when him and David go out IT him when David look is a tony hsu p shadow.

Each other is as hard as I ever laugh. This is like compilations of them shooting on each other on youtube and in a bunch of them. It's me. Like, red faced, can't breathe, holding, holding my sides, just like cheese is great, is so funny. It's so good.

And David gets to just the calm gay for like a fifty minutes strait. So footy.

the show went against every single direction that the industry was time to trying to tell us the audience was going. The your show went against all of the walkshed, against all of the don't say this and don't say that and this is a premium word now all of its out the window and it's the best show. And then the audience is obviously responding.

There's not a fucked in podcast on earth that could sell out arena as like you guys are doing, not one you guys we're selling out masses regarding an hour, it's nuts. I me that's that's like a cultural phenomenon that's a real audience like finally, the audience react to like this is what we want. This is what we've always wanted.

We don't think comedy is real life. We're not fucking stupid. Go crazy, go crazy, say wild shit. And it's it's the best for comedy, man.

It's the john y. Carson for comics you don't like. It's also random and you could be doing comedy ten years or you could be doing comedy your first time and somehow get on Jenny carson.

You can be doing comedy your first time. I get on john y. Carson at the staple site.

which is the one of the worst things, everything that happens.

If you can get through that though, I mean, good lord, if you can get through that, what a career have you be? A little tell people the first time he was ever on stage was in front of twenty thousand people. Now here is headline in the company works and denver. I mean, that's an amazing .

thing as a janitor, third time on stage in front of the rena here on the years.

that is so not time. I think that is bananas, that kind of pressure bananas.

Then after that, I has turned to marry you like she's already like what?

That's cute. That's adorable. That's adorable. Yeah, you guys killed in the man is awesome to .

say it's some may send me a clip of an o jr. Was like the week we started that kill tony and you're like, what's this new show you're doing or something like that and go, oh, it's me in this guide name tony hinchCliffe know tony, right? I think so.

I don't know. Wow, that's crazy. That's crazy. yeah.

I mean, we've been working so hard at really thought, you know, it's gonna come bigger, but not not this big. Not having like post alone in r fk on the same show. No.

that on stage one at a few .

times you.

Just what be known if you're a famous person and we're hanging out? This is monday that's .

got through this current real cake.

What I might rag you out onto the internet, but list, talk a cross and hit like a chap.

He was great. Kis.

the e was so smooth and so relaxed and so genuinely happy and fun. People don't understand in him or they don't know who is that. They just wanted demonize him as this evil rightwing person he's a sweet heart of.

And i'm saying that that someone has spent hours with them. He's a very nice guy. He's nice to everybody. He's nice. He's just he's odd. He's odd.

He's and he was also working in the belly of the beast for like how many years he was on CNN. And he goes to CNN to fox and now he is a wild boy. Now is online. He's just wild know, haven't interview in that guy says he sucked obama's deck like that. What got to ask you about that?

But when William was that William or .

camp just brought that guy really. 我的奶奶, 我的奶奶 talker.

I am so lucky, funny. And his brother now works at the mothership. And it's like.

the coolest thing. Yeah, it's amazing. Williams is so funny and he's so confident now. And look, when we first met that guy, he was awkward, but kind of funny, but he had to have those goddam notes.

And how many times we have conversations with him in the Green room, like million, millions, do you got to dish those notes? Because when he would do kill tony, when he would engage with the auction, I go, when you stare at the audience, start talking to to them, I go IT makes mean nervous like as a friend of you're so wild but like i'm in the audience, like this guys crazy, that's Better than staring at your notes. Men engage them, look at them.

You could remember your jokes, and he just had to like, be convinced you can. Now he's doing an hour on stage with no notes, no and killing headlines selling out everywhere. Do the black keys specifically wanted to see him when he was in town? So I had wild come up to the show. I called my god de .

the black keys of there.

that they're the best. And so is everyone around them. Yes, we went to see them at the show, IT stoves and hung out with them. And everyone, right? So cool.

And they were just there, William.

like, they're just William. Things there were so pumped to hang out with him.

It's funny hearing that, like hearing people know it's story. Tony told you last night about that guy that the huge casey rocket fans, amazing IT. Yeah, amazing. CEO of a big company. yeah.

C, E, O of a huge company is doing a case.

iraq and impression.

and have a that is insane.

Didn't drake also.

the drake watches every week. Guess is team drink when you guys .

had sukhum mal, the u. Usc bent away champion, revealing the winner of, like one of the battles that incredible men you like jelly roll singing in front of arenas for you guys. Like this is the whole thing is so nuts, man.

And I don't think, I don't think, post blown even knew what he was getting ten to the first time. He did IT right? He didn't know. IT was.

I do you know? I don't did know. I think.

I think I had to explain to him. And then I said, let's go to the club. And then I just forget open the current. We all went out together in L.

A. When I was in L. A for the carton's, uh, I hung out with post, I think like two guides, three nights in a row to like five in the morning. Just drinking like that do doesn't get drunk. He just keeps on going good.

dangerous. Like god shange ills is another. But like guy you could drink, like stanhope used to be a light beer guy. You could just drink light beer and just maintain a steady, yeah where is retards like you and me .

or jerking whisky yeah you could peer out at the same mount as you drinking and words.

And they just keep going on .

here to go back to here. I can do IT. And you know, why is a we thought about.


the other now isn't my doctor, my kiss ter and doctor said, don't do IT. He had one of his patients do IT and SHE had seizure and had to go to hospital or something like that.

That could happen when you could be hot. I mean, come on, bro.

don't be a push. Know that I don't know if their sponsors on this by the himes, you know the hair himes, you get medication term. They just announced that there gon have an asymptotic clone or it's the same medicine inside olympic, but it's going to be like one tenth of the Price. What's the new south park? First .

part is big, is getting smaller the end of a busy? Oh no.

yeah. That comes up twenty four days. Is that today two more days?

yeah. Yeah um there's some people have real bad side effects currently. Yeah but one of thinks that a Peter tea was saying was that you know he's a doctor.

So they had tried to see what the effects of these things on the people that wanted to take them. And so they said, will prescribe them to you. But we want to do dex is scans. We want to make sure that we think, you know, we want to really monitor what's going on your whole body.

So one of them, they found out, was that in Normal conditions, like, say, if you lost weight, you know, like most of that would be fat, but a small percentage of that would be leaned body mass, like muscle tissue in oceanic. Most of the loss like that when they were when they were looking at IT, the people were losing much more body mass, much more lean tissue and bone mass, then was making them comfortable. He's like, this makes me very uncomfortable.

He's like these people are getting they're getting lighter and they're getting fatter. Like they're losing muscle tissue and bone expense is not good. But then there's other people that have said if your body's tolerating IT, that what you should do is add strength training to mitigate the effects of that. But now you're asking people to be disciplined like this. The whole point.

I mean, how many people who are going to take olympic or like discipline, weight trainers, where they going to really mitigate the effects of bone loss and muscle loss, and they are going to stay strong while they lose fat, while you're paralyzed in the stomach, with the drug that I would just imagine probably has an effect on your energy levels, just just by virtue the fact that your body is dealing with whatever IT has to do to meet abilities, this new drug you're injecting into your body, right? So if you're injecting this drug in your body is IT doesn't have a positive effect, is to give you more energy? Or is IT it's killing your appetite, right? That's part of what IT does is kind of like but what is the actual physical effect? IT has some sort of a paralyses effect on your stomach. Concern people like what does he do? Let's find out what IT, because we're so stupid, we don't know exactly what IT does.

Kills you. Use your appetite. That wouldn't work.

I have no appetite. And okay, that works by mimic a naturally occurring hormone. As those hormonal levels rise, the molecules go to your brain, telling IT your full IT also slows digestion by increasing the time IT takes for food to leave the body slows digestion.

I don't like that. So that's probably it's similar to the effect of bariatric c surgery. So that's the um the thing that they're saying like you paralyzed your stone.

slow IT down.

I think bryan, since he had a really bad reaction to IT where he was in bed for a while, yeah he got rect this diet. He got off immediately. Bryan had a great weight loss though, when he switched to the carnivore diet, when he went all meat.

I did that, but again, to immediately back the second I stopped.

and like what I just stopped.

you know, you just get tired of me. I not tired to me, but you just miss like fruit, you know, oh my god, I need fruit. Yes, I need a salad.

I don't believe the same thing wrong with fruit. I think fruits found for you.

right? I've lost like over thirty pounds in a year. There are just being on a saw room, not do anything different. why? I know that live downa time walking.

just walk. Yeah, great. Just hard. A trainer.

you get cash. But yeah, like the olympics, people that like.

so you just get someone .

who shows up at your house worth, get up and go work out.

Now I have a nice jm.

You just like eased into IT just we want to .

keep your life.

Yeah, you can die now kill tony's killt sure. You guys are literally on top of the world you guys could do in arena, in every city every night of the week. Yeah, you just fly around the country doing arenas and it's a new show every time that was so crazy. But it's not like stand up show. Will you like you develop the show, you put the bits together, you put our special no, like you guys could do a new show everywhere you go.

You only thing with the arena is so much work and that you know mean because you got a few .

bigger and Peter producer, I mean.

is most amazing thing everybody code, he's awesome. But it's also, you know the arena changes the show a little like it's more of a celebration kind of thing, I think. But you need those weekly Normal you know mothership shows. No, I mean, that's so important because that's really the show .

is also the club experience and to see the club experience on youtube, the mothership and like what kind tony of the mothership is the cornerstone of staying up comedy because it's showing Young comics that there's a path you can actually do this and it's just about being funny regardless of your political beliefs, your ideology, you we think you're supposed to with your platform stop is just about being funny. That's what you want to say.

They just want to laugh. There's planning people, lecturing people. Plenty people tell people to do. They just want to laugh. And when you get one minute, there's no time for any bullshit.

And then have one minute with these hawks on the left side of you just hawks, just vicious professional comedians all waiting to shit on your act or say something funny at your expense. And then the audience, they get to see, you know, Williams, gary, kill, camp kill, haunts, kill, people are killing. And so the audience is primed.

It's like, if you can do that, if you can actually get through that, make that minute and have everybody go, that was really great. Kids, you want to pause like holly shit your flying and then the audience wants to see you try IT again and how you're out the open mikes every night. And you're bang IT now because you think, oh my god, I think there's a real pathway to a career here and then you do a second show and then actually know you've got a golden ticket. Holly shit. Next you know your hands, kim, and you're open enough for me in arenas were traveled around all over the fucker world you're doing stand up now your own sold out audiences in weekends in these clubs.

It's incredible killing every weekend and someone selling five out like he might be one of the most popular comedians like in the circuit.

right? Just getting Better. He did a set the other night last week at the mothership, did two night, and he fucked in, murdered in all this new shadows.

I do. That's great stuff. He was really well written, really funny.

I've you seen his process. It's insane. He has like spread sheet sales he gets.

He's on the plane. Nerd now always material. But that's how to do IT, man, that's how to do IT.

And but the thing is, like these comics now, they see there's a genuine path and exists. And so IT sets the tone for open mikes and for stand because they really like, hate this. It's not about your fucking ideologies, is just about being funny.

Too many people got trapped in this collapse mode where you you want to say something, you know, you're going to use something. You use your act for social justice. Like, be funny.

Yeah, be funny. You have to be funny. That's that's the thing. Now if you have a point and you have something you want to say and it's funny and you know how to work and make IT funny, great, great. But it's got to be funny. And so many people they started off with like this idea of like taking this, i'm going to take the sneaky shortcut and just say a bunch of shit that you know kind, rational people will agree with you know whether it's about the vaccine, you know support the science.

Oh, whether there is about trumping a dictator, you'll say things just to get that clap, just to get that thing and then we'll throw a few have ask jokes in with that when they are already riding on the wave of being correct and on the right side of things like write everybody and it's all just like you're avoiding being funny, you're avoiding IT just, you know, and some of these people that were seeing doing this like you're so fucked in the head, you should be giving advice on anything. You're such a crazy person, then you're on stage like lecturing the country on how to think and behave. You're out of your fuck and mind.

Well, you need to be in a jungle doing IO wash for like a month. Like shut the fuck up, stupid, you miserable cut and meet meanwhile, you like telling people how to behave and live their life as bananas. It's been in this.

I saw saying girls the other day, he's so I love how he's funny but silly and goofy like he watch and then some of these comedians like that you're talking about us. So like it's a different kind of comedy. I like being like fun, fun, having a fun time.

Someone on the line, people who wanted people to think they were smart, thought that you couldn't be having fun if you're smart, which is weird. It's so weird. It's just an insecurity thing.

It's so weird. I think you can be silly and be smart because chain e is very smart. And if you underestimate him, because you think that he's like a big oof, shame is very fast.

He he reads.

he reads a lot and he knows a lot about history. And once people say stupid shaded up that no does someone happened and then he's start rattle and off like, well, eastern europe at the time, like like was like, oh, they forgot he's smart if you getting with the west point, like, he's smart fellow, smart fellow, just big silly jEllied guy and people underestimate them, you know?

And that my guy, so such .

a the .

mayor .

here now.

yeah, joy ideas has been hanging out lately, which is so great to see. Joey e.

oh my god, is going to al.


he's going here is, you know, once he got here is like this, what? I bms dog, what is this what I told you, you I know you don't want to totally listen me. He doesn't wanted listen to joe. He really shouldn't be out there by yourself in new jersey.

Ah, you're in jery. That's why you got out of there in the first place.

Jerry is not bad, but it's not it's not right for comedy where he lives as great, great neighborhood, great area foods, amazing, fantastic. Everybody loves them. He's like the king and Jerry.

It's a great place to live and exist. Nothing no wrong with that, but we we live by our tribe. We, we exist in tribes, and we have a tribe of comedians. And we had IT in los Angeles, and I think we underestimated how important was won. Be left.

And one of the first things that I realized when we started doing shows out here, when we first started doing the vulkan, was like, yeah, you need is a place where everybody goes. And this is a kind of a weird one, because everybody only goes while this show is on. And the Green room set up as goofy got to go upstairs.

There is a lot of weird to this is not ideal, but we need a comedians need a place like, oh, wise, you're on your own. You're just out there alone by yourself. And you can want to open up for me this weekend and the time around comics is you work with them on the road.

Weird, right is not good for you. We're too strange. We're too strange our sensibilities, and what were what's Normal to us is too strange. And if you are around just like boring as people, norms, norms, norms that aren't interesting, you can't pick up. You can pick your neighbors like, you know, I have great neighbors, but I don't any pick, you know, I didn't have a vote audition so you could be my neighbor, you know, like, but your friends like, you pick your friends and when your friends are comics like you, we are so spoiled. We have just an abundance of fun.

soiled, so spoiled.

You know, it's never run. Why does the radio comes back up? So fluke and spoiled? Ed, because I hate in every minute to be in that grain room.

God, I love on.

well, he's the leader of the pack. He was the first reason I had considered Austin. And this was actually before the pandemic.

I always loved that here. No, on IT was always here. I was always visiting here.

But when he was, if he gets two thousand and eighteen, when he decided to get a place here, he was also sent the country. I could traveled anywhere. My son, here I fuck, love IT. Great food, nice people.

I know, how are you live in texas? Can I live in that this sense? Might they have one club, you know, was like captain was on the way out now wasn't, I guess I was like two thousand and ninety when IT really crumbled, right?

Was IT during coverage ginning? So I think so IT still there.

but they always was a weekend club, right? So out of your headliners are coming for the weekend. So like, when would I be able to do shows like maybe could do late night shows there, or maybe I could do like spots there, like maybe.

but you were also thinking, wasn't a you taller something like that would thought about utah?

But with utah, I thought about get that because I, everybody lives in park city. I was like, maybe get a place in park city. And then I could just drive down the wise guys, because wise guys in salt lake is the shit that is a fucking great club.

That's one of my favorite clubs to go to. And so league people are fun, man, they're fun. Like people think all of the moment. Like, no, is the people that aren't the moment .

want to go out.

This is the .

just as sex everywhere .

and so IT went there. When you're out in a place like that, if you're comic, you got to got to be a consideration. Like where could I go up like I montana was like there's no place right? Is no we've got nothing like apparently there's a little bit of a comedy scene and bosman en, now that might have started up like around the pandemic or slightly .

before the pandemic still lived in denver. How liberal you crazy would.

resist. That's a serious I think I was .

just getting to that like a happy .

yeah I know that he is really annoying .

me that was for .

I was living next to an ashram and I went to visit the lady in the osha um and I was talking to her and SHE was spray in bug spray on arts and I was like you so here and I had like this bizarre philosophical conversation I O but you are a bootiful and you believe in the sanctuary life and that all things of are living things are important.

You just killed thousands of them casually in front of me, just fucked and casually in front of me rated these ants and I was like, this is kind of crazy. This is kind of a crazy thing to do. You just did yeah, not only that, you did.

You poisoning yourself like that. It's like super toxic even if you can smell IT you're breathing in. If you can breathe IT in, it's bad for you like it's killed in those antes instantly.

What you doing you you're just bigger than an aint if IT was at the same dose, you get the same dose of ray that an ant gets. I mean, I don't know how IT kills ants, but I got imagine it's not sophisticated. It's not like some genetic cultural and stop starts their heart from beating. Probably a poison like horrible, horrible poison.

I used to like the smell of RAID .

when I was a great. I love that smell. I love that smell. And markers.

Yeah, do you know anything about this? I don't have. We've never talked about this. Speaking in the kind of same line about .

gas stoves being .

poisonous for you tell you knew .

the test reports are scary smell. And though I got a pilot, light must be out. Oh, is just fucking gas flow around the apartment, right? That probably lowered our our accuse. You know, another thing that lower our accused LED from from gasoline .

when they had LED ded .

gasoline that yeah LED from gasoline lowered I use by a measurable amount.


kids who lived in homes with gas dopes experience levels of nitrogen dioxide triple to those who came from homes to the stop. Kids from homes with gas stoves fared marginally worse on cognitive tasks. Again, a pointer two out of a hundred point skills, so IT made them a little domer would probably affect their health. We should also make you a little dumb. You're tired.

I think the latest study said IT. It's like having it's like breathing in the the highway like fumes in your house oh, the same level like we just worked on the highway every day. And how many .

people have ever gone through their fucking and houses like and an air scanner? Yeah i've never done that.

No, but I have a lot of those things that clean the year. I have like huge industrial ones all around the house that will help .

that will help you a little bit, but I don't know that will help you from gas.

No, I don't think that works with her.

So the gas toes is one thing, but deleted gasoline thing is a crazy. You want you because they put LED in gasoline. So I guess that stops the engine from paying. I'm a moron. Even though I cars, I don't really exactly know like what what happened with LED and unladed butting.

They had leded gasoline forever, like when I was a kid, when I had muscle cars, you had to get leded gasoline to make the muscle run good, like unlet a gasp, and they would run like shit. And so we all had, like, I want me know when they came out with unleaded asy. But I remember for sure when I was Younger there was options you get lead or unlet eighty two problem.

And when always everybody wanted leded. But when you were, when you were driving around your that shit from those pipes, all that exhaust of the burning that let the gasoline literally poison the ground, seven unlet gas. Ley was introduced .

in one .

thousand nine hundred and seventies when health problems from LED became apparent. The united states leded gasoline for use on non road vehicles was completely phased out as january first one thousand nine hundred ninety six. Most other countries have also stopped using related gasoline, not find out what the effect leded gasoline had on IQ, because that was what was disturbing.

So they were saying that people in like urban areas that have like a lot of like cars traveling back and forth, my friend lived in brooklin, my friend Steven ella, he lived in brooklin for a while and he was going to grow plants in his back garden, has thought because he he's very smart, so he had a soil tested and he found its like field would LED from leded gasoline from the fucking and sixties and the fifties and shit, it's just in the dirt. According to a twenty twenty two study published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences, child hod exposure to let the gasoline has caused a loss of eight hundred and twenty four million I Q points for more than one hundred and seventy million americans, or about half of the U. S.

population. This is based on average of two point six I Q points lost per person. The study also found that people born in the middle late one thousand nine hundred and sixties may have lost up to six I Q points. That's me. While children in the highest levels of LED with the highest levels of LED in their blood may have lost more than seven I Q points on average.

This is reminding me of this thing that hit internet yesterday, about one hundred percent of testicles having microplate tics.

I just wrote that down.

Maybe yours bitch. Maybe yours. We know I was watching the paul saladino had this thing on his instagram, but looking today about plastic cutting boards and IT was like, just let me show you what happens with the plastic cutty boards like this is going to a get into your food for sure, and you're going to eat IT like .

this is not good. I knew about that a long time ago, but that's exactly what microplate .

tics Price microplate s in every human testicle in the study. Can we go back to plastic traps then? Yeah, can we just go back to plastic shows, I promise, or throw them away.

okay? The problem is really not with straws and turtles, the problems with garbage management. They're in a shit job of met. They're like approximately getting all the garbage .

is a pretty small study.

twenty three .

and forty six forty .

seven test from pet dogs. They found microplate tic pollution in every single sample. So it's probably in everything I mean, it's probably in everything even though that's a small sample, you ve got to think of like how much plastic is being used and what's do they even mean?

Are we stronger? Maybe we just to put us in the micros.

No, what makes its an clen disrupter. The problem is in uh it's measurable, measurable decrease and testoon with males measure decrease in a fertility with women, a lot more miscarriages and it's all correlates directly with microplate tics is directly with when you're microwaving food with sean rap on IT and plastic container and there's like little chips of plastic that come when you open up packages.

And there there was last man, and we were trying to figure out exactly whether not that was accurate, but that every week you eat one credit card of plastic, which is insane, insane human testicles had a plastic concentration almost three times higher than that found. The dogs, of course, because, like, we're not just eating dog food that comes out of a cam or a ball where we're constant eating food that comes from plastic. Three hundred and thirty micrograms programme of tissue, compared to hundred and twenty three micrograms Polly athol used in plastic bags and bottles was the most common microplate tic found, followed by PVC.

So shift from pipes. So the pipes are drink in your water and then, uh, Polly athlete, which is used in plastic bottles, which is what everyone's drink about of, and you drink out of when they have been sitting. How long did they sit on the dock before they got to the delivery chocolate you buy like bargain water if you're bargain buying bargain plastic bottle water.

Is there a chain of custody where they can show at every step of the way I was in controlled environment where IT wouldn't be, eat up with the plastic from the bottlers, leach into your water and give you like this toxic stood that killed in your nuts because that's what he does. Yes, IT kills your nuts. IT makes your taint .

shrink as bad thing. You don't want your esle closing your balls. I want note there's .

a certain manageable distance and natures ready figure that out. Exactly what IT this lady from was. She's from harvard, right? Shanice wan SHE was on the podcast.

He explained us that with mammals, when you look at their tents, the the length of the tent is, you could tell the male or female even is like a job, because the male tent are fifty two hundred percent larger. But since the introduction of the teens are shrinking on men in the balls in the dish are shrinking too. So we're becoming generous through plastic.

So as we have more technology, I think all of this trans stuff, we go, this trans stuff, all this crazy stuff going on, non barinia I identify with, with this feminized of american man demonizing of mass culture. What is that? What's maybe A I and technology changing the organism to Better suit its goal? Its goal is taking over what Better way than eliminate all sexual breeding, eliminate biological human beings completely, to slowly make them into this gender less mass that can't reproduce anymore and has to adopt artificial intelligence for the future of the species.

Fucked up, right?

What do you do in that way? You do IT that way. And you make a really convenient to use the plastic, plastics everywhere.

You make a convenient. So this dumb animal keeps using the plastic over and over and over again. And as IT keeps using the plastic, then its species becomes less and less viable.

What if the dogs were A I? They are the ones to doing IT.

I don't think so.

What sure this happens? And I just, I think hundred and .

forty degrees .

don't bring plastic. Water boils into the sa.

oh yeah, definitely just like you're creating more yeah oh you're definitely if you're do especially temperature higher than above one forty yeah boat water companies follow safety, safety standards to minimize rest. Sure they do. Yeah, I just sure they do. What are your safety standard?

bitch. Just one fifty eight other things. In two hundred, there was a test I was just looking at that the room temperature there was in a lot of activity they found. But as soon as they put IT up to fifty degrees sales as testing all sports of stuff for showing up.

what is fifty degree sales? That's pretty hard.

It's like one hundred and eighty.

Something like that. One hundred would be two twelve.

one hundred, two twelve .

boiling point. Fifty degrees is one twenty two. One plot of sales years is one .

hundred and thirty. So at one twenty two, they start measuring chemicals leaching. I. So easy and especially like, what if this bottle waters coming from another country and it's on a boat across the fuck and ocean in the entire time.

cook, you leave your bottle on your car in the sun and then come back and drink.

yeah, that stuff is just cooking. Yeah, it's cooking. And it's turning us into some weird thing where our dicks are shrinking, sperm count is lowering and were becoming confused about gender.

Like I think they might all be related to technology because it's a part of technology like one of the most important residues of technology, like the resident of technology. A lot of IT is like minerals and plastics. The stuff just gets out into the environment and ground fills and landfills and gets into the ocean.

It's like all this stuff that we use that makes more technology. E, E is all bad for us. The minerals are bad for us.

The plastic is bad force. But yes, we're addicted to technology. And all technology is plastic. And make like there, this is wires that covered in plastic, is plastic. This is plastic that you think gres .

started when the first computer was created because like that in the plastic was made like two months later.

I think this is what I think. I think technology is a life form, and I think it's just a sea of life forms, different kinds of life forms, but they are Operating at a different frequency. So we don't think of them as a life form.

We think of ourselves as a life form because we have sex to make babies. We raise the babies, we have community. We have this like thing that we all do together.

But we know we we are a life form. We we have close. We have a mortgage.

We are a life form. This is just a thing I made. This is just a computer.

This is just an electric car. This is just to think I think there's a misunderstanding of the relationship. And I think that us, the smart monkeys, make this, we make this.

And our desire for this is what fuel constant innovation no one's ever satisfied, no matter how doubt everything is, even if refrigerator got the exact expiration date of your orange juice, even if your phone had a hundred hour battery life, no one's happy. I want the new one. The new one's one hundred and fifty.

I could just charge IT once and use that for a month. yeah. And no one's gonna be happy, no matter what.

Two hundred megabits. So this is two million. I can see the sun. No one's going to be happy. You're not going to be happy until you can see past stupid.

Or you're not going to be happy until you could feel, look on your phone and see the inside of a black hole. And then then you won. Be happy because this new phone, this new phone can get you to the big bang that ever really happened.

Is that ever really happened? You can go back to that. The new phone let you see everything. You can literally look into the past with the new phone.

While the new phone after the new phone lets you create the past in a different way, you actually go back in time with a new phone. It'll just never stop. It'll never stop.

And we're going to be trans. Everyone's everyone's going to travel up. We're all going to be none by an ary is there is no way out of IT. We're poisoning ourselves and we're not hitting the brakes and we're gona we're just gonna slide into this gender less future. And some people were going to be really happy about IT, and I think they wrote about IT in the bibo when they said the meeting will inter of the earth. I think it's in the bible, and i'm not kidding.

I got, no.

i'm not kidding. As more time goes on, i'm not kidding. I think, I think the bible will got that one right. I think they did. I think you know a lot about loss and translation if you're got to mention plastics turning in a bitch, but that's what IT .

is and that's why I think no is archie al brian.

I don't think that's real, but I think that I do think that we're on A A slide of a cycle that probably has been predicted by cultures that study the rise in declines of civilizations because it's hard to say because everything is written down, right? And when everything is written down, is written down with the people who won. So you have like approximations of how things went down and why someone said this.

So sometimes you don't really know, especially go back like two thousand, three thousand years ago. But I think if you get an overall understanding of what happens when a country takes over and when, like, things start happening, and IT seems like you get like these bad as warriors, these savage people who dominate a place and take control and then start to prosper, and everything starts kick in us. And then you have ancient rome and you have ancient greece, but all of them fall part.

All of them are gone. All of you go to roll. Now it's a joke. It's cab drivers and fuck in shady tourist pizza places.

Now, IT used to be the center of the fucking universe, and now it's a joke. It's a great place to visit. Don't get me wrong, it's beautiful.

The call seems amazing. I recommended. It's good. The vatican an is fucking incredible.

But it's not run in the world. It's not. It's not the head of the army of the world. IT used to be used to be the bad as mother focus are concrete. everything.

Same thing with mongolia mean, when ginger was run in things, then they had killed ten percent of the population from that spot. He was dominating. I got a giant chunk of the world, and now is just a regular place. You know, because you fell part, they all fall part.

And so some people have studied the rise and fall of civilizations, and they say, you can, you can really predict IT is just like when things start going too well, people start getting really soft and silly and entitled, and you get the rise of people that are trying to get attention for no fuck and reason and democrat. And then with the rome, it's always connected with like sadam and gora stuff and that there was all just they're all just fuck in each other and eat until they could puke and then go back and eat again. You know those those those stories of guti and and it's just like that IT eventually falls apart.

That IT always does. And if that's true, that's where we're at. We're at this crazy part. We're this crazy part.

We're before where the .

present is like clearly gone and everybody like, no, he is amazing, everything all these fucking in people because they don't want the other guy to win or just lying to everyone and ruining the credibility because that no one's admitting like, okay, i'm willing to vote democrat. Show me one that says something that makes sense that I can trust, that's not dying to show. Show me one the Younger, show me one.

Show me one that is a reasonable centers that makes sense with all this. But they don't want to do that. They just want to keep tt in this crazy situation. Now we get this alzheimer tient or whatever.

He's got dementia and he's like making shit up and just saying things and everybody has to correct them and it's like, but and everyone knows what's going on, but no one on one side is willing to say. And because if you say, then it's getting empower. Trump is hitler.

So like holly shit kids, this is a, this is not good. This is a good place to be. And this is like what you would expect of a society that's collapsing.

You never want to think your society gonna collapse. Now, did the romans were retarded like those guys were idiots. They didn't know what to do. They should stop thrown up, start and stop fucking each other and just go to work. Fix your street.

A, I will be a president.

and someday I don't. I don't think that's the worst idea. Now I think about IT a lot. I think about IT is a scary thing because IT ll be hard to argue with IT. If you could say that you could manage people in a far more fair and even way and completely eliminate this high level poverty that we see in the country and reduce crime like radially, why would would you like to do IT?

We should have a beta. The whole country should have a beta test of IT like we're going to do IT per week basis. What do you think you would do? I'd probably clean up and we have fixed .

everything and pretty ask A I let's ask IT, let's ask um ChatGPT four o how do I phrase this? I was thinking.

one, would you rather have IT like one A I like one A I overlord president was like five, you know, three to five people that can check on IT. Or like a cabinet of A I with one person picking .

the cabinet of A I. Absolutely that transportation focus.

I don't think one .

person should .

be hard to. Now maybe maybe a large group of people to corruption and tyre. I you have to be real careful that. But I think that if you because if people are gonna, look, we've already seen IT with social media.

People that are like ideologically captured are going to try to suppress accurate information because they don't think it's going to be good for their side. If you don't think they going to do that with A I, they have some method controlling systems. They're going going to do IT.

But I think that if you had only one A I, that's way more dangerous than having a bunch of ai. And I think one of the most important things is happening right now is open source A I, right? So you have these a that want to be l they want to control a igi.

Google wants to control IT. But what they're trying to do with the open source people trying to do is have more people involved, get IT Better and and keep IT open source. So you never have one A I that's dominating everything. And if the open source AI, if IT succeeds and this is the best one, that's Better for everybody.

And if you can get through that door fast enough where IT gets through that door before these corporate controlled A S take over, IT could maybe make IT so that it's not possible for the corporate controlled a is to take over, maybe set boundaries in place where you have IT completely benefit in the people and not just get to the situation we have right now with like google for instance, where like one company dominates the searching of information, which is nuts and in profit. It's off of your data, which you did even know was a commodity and apparently the most important and most valuable commodity. So this one company has massive influence over giant chunks to the population, and their ideological captured so much so that they are fuck.

In gemini software, when the first released, they had to pull IT because IT showed like, show us a nazi solder and IT show like an asian woman. And one of them was a native american woman. IT was like, ridiculous. Yeah, it's so down.

You have black nose's like, what are you talking about? What is this? It's just IT couldn't help but be woke IT couldn't represent things accurately IT had to do things with some dei twist to IT so that that's real bad that's that kind of shit, real bad because that that couldn't shit can change discourse IT can change people's ability to express themselves.

So we can't find out what's true just because something makes someone feel Better, it's right or accurate. And we got ta be real careful about which one we're citing with because if you only sid with feel Better and not with accurate, you get san Francisco. okay?

Like you doesn't work, you've got ta be able to talk about IT. And if one company is like changing reality to fit its ideology, they're also probably going to be very hesitant to let people just freely talk about things. And if the AI is run by a company that just wants to control things and profit off of that control, that's scary.

Because we did. We didn't see social media power coming. No one, nobody saw the idea that facebook could be that important to make world elections.

Nobody saw that coming. If they did, they probably would have put the brakes to IT a long fucked in time ago. I think this A I shit is going to make that look like the printing press.

And I think if the open source people don't get to IT first, if they don't create a essentia I first, if they don't dominate first, if you get real strange, you get real st. If one of those fuckers goes live and starts like doing things with sensi and A I and quantum computing, IT has the resources, because apparently this A I thing. One of the things about IT is IT requires immense amount of power.

Immense amount of resource is computer power coin. Yeah, it's real back. Well, this is what people are saying is a bottles mac. But not for a giant CoOperation that knows that the control of IT would be worth trillions and trillion of dollars. You essentially be the king of the world.

You want to ask A I about the president thing somebody says, yeah, right here you would I I just push a button and you just talk about, right?

Hi, I have a question. If you were going to be the leader of the united states, if we elected A I to be the leader of the united states, how could we fix all of our problems? What would be the most rational solution to fix our problems of poverty, gang violence, overcrowded prisons in the divide between as the leader .

of the united states, addressing complex issues like poverty and ganging violence would involve a multifaceted process based on data research and collaboration with human experts. Here are some key steps, and A I might consider one, data driven policy making, utilize vast amounts of data to identify root causes of poverty and violence.

This could include analyzing economic trends, social behaviors and community needs to education and job training. Invest heavily in education and job training programs to provide people with the skills needed for high demand jobs. This helps reduce poverty by increasing employment opportunities. Three, community programs developed community based programs that provide support, mentorship and resources .

to lian .

from joining gangs for economic support. Implement policies that ensure a basic standard of living for all, such as a universal basic income, affordable housing, and access to help care by criminal justice reform. Reform the criminal justice system to focus more on rehabilitation and less on punishment, providing former offenders with the support they need to reintegrate into society.

Six collaboration with experts were closely with sociologists, economists, educators and other experts to continuously improve. And adapt policies based on what works best. Seven, public engagement, engage with the public to ensure policies reflect the needs and desires of the community, Fostering a sense of inclusion and CoOperation. These steps would require careful implementation and ongoing assessment to adapt strategies based on their effectiveness. What do you think?

I think that makes sense. That makes that more than any politicians ever made sense. Like no no politicians ever said out a plan like that.

I'm glad you think so. Sometimes taking a logical and data driven approach can bring fresh perspectives. Politicians often have to baLance mini interest and sometimes face chAllenges in implementing comprehensive plans.

That's a nice way. She's hate politicians. He's hate on politicians and open herself as a Better solution. Started, started. Did you pick the voice?

Yeah, I pick black woman. I like, like voice Better than White one.

So what what the option there?

I try to find where I did this.

Can you have like an english dude? English dude. So IT seems like they know more about what they're talking about, I believe, and that's what they used to for information.

But I don't like .

using guys OpenAI accused of mimicking scarlets your handsome oh no.

you here.

Um I don't know the details.

SHE sued SHE. According to her, he was asked to do IT and declined one.

Then they did IT. And there.

before they put IT out the other day, they asked again.

if I heard you like, reconsider.

Sounds like like, anyway, like a lot. Okay.

but is IT A I and A I voice? No, it's a woman.

It's like syria. Where is a real person that they hired? That just happens to sound exactly like.

what do they know who the real person is? Yeah, yeah, they do. But don't they don't tell tell .

anybody think I said.

how do you know it's a real person .

and not just like red up here?

Scout, you hands is open. The eye copied her voice sam open denies IT. Okay, this a woman exist that did IT though this would understand that I don't that word have the private that's like if you were going to sell magnum condoms and h trump cap saying, no, he won't do the ad and then you get changed illness .

to do .

do my condoms is the biggest condoms you, I mean, will be advocating there. But trump is, like, very recognizable. His voice.

How recognizable is scally hands voice? We cast the voice actor behind sky's voice before any outreach to miss you handsome. Out of respect for mister handsome, we have caught using sky's voice in our products. We are sorry to miss your handsome that we didn't communicate Better. Oh no.

what he .

saying him.

what you either are if you talk, why would you here's a problem with what they just said. Why would you stop using a voice of someone you hired before you communicate with skull? Your handsome .

because she's so happy. She's disney remembered like and rape before .

yeah because .

right before he even put, he twisted her at all. He put like like from the movie.

And well.

here's her of me at .

the voice that they use for sky reading her statement. okay.

Last september, I received an offer from sam alt men who wanted to hire me to voice the current ChatGPT four point o system. He told me that he felt that by my voting, the system, I could bridge the gap between tech companies and creatives and help consumers to feel comfortable with the seismic shift concerning humans and AI. He said he felt that my voice would be comforting to people.

After much consideration and for personal reasons, I decline the offer. Nine months later, my friend's family and the general public all noted how much the newest system named sky sounded like me when I heard the released demo. I was shocked, angered and in disbelief that mister altman would pursue a voice that sounded so really similar to mine that my closest friends and news outlets could not tell the difference.

Mister altman can hear her talk that, yeah, can I hear her talk? I don't know. Well, yes. I mean.

here's the other .

voice you could told me that was her voice and I won't.

I'm really excited about teammate up with you and i'm all set to dive in.

Hey, i'm ready to hit the ground running so if there's anything you'd .

like me to let's here scar hand here that you just poison my memory some cool stuff together. Let me hear her voice.

Is SHE in her.

She's the voice of her, which where it's .

going to .

sound strange.

But I was really .

excited about that.

And then I was thinking about .

the other things i've been feeling. And I called myself feeling proud of that, you know, proud of my own feelings about the world.

like the times I was worried .

about you. SHE has a much more .

recipe .

void tension tween .

a single word.

no, but also her, you know, well, this is just saying at the movie, this is the a recreation over.

Right, right, right. He was said that with different intonation.

tions is being sexy in the movie.

right? He's doing that on purpose.

Yeah, you in the.

Yeah, been drinking with. I miss you, even i'm not real. That's happening. These guys already right now that are having online relationships with A I girlfriends that they are giving like thousands dollars a month to.

I've used IT I I i've had A I girlfriend in it's great because you get to choose like how slowly they are before I went to really slowly and .

and you get like you chat ten back and force, yes, dirty.

I be like me a pit, your assault, no joke. Send me bend over your bed and send me a pitch of your assault and they will make an AI that looks like a real woman bending over and spreading .

her eyes and showing her eyes. Well.

i'm like, so you really believe you're in a relation .

rowing the product?

Yeah, yeah. You know if it's fine.

it's fine. So if you want the thrill of cheating, but you don't really want to cheat, right? You get a robot, send you pictures of the resole and that's .

the cool thing because you can make they're sending you photos also asked what the, you know, it's a person so .

you get to choose what kind of girl .

you're yeah at the beginning you get you can make IT look like whoever you want IT to look like. And then like you make.

know this going to be guys that wants .

to make IT look like directs oh yeah, no hundred.

And then they can keep the relationship of all and believed in some sort of mass per toy way, even though he doesn't have nothing to do with you. And in this way she's like sending you pictures of her asshole, you know, Christal. And but and then when you see, are you want to do with the supermarket to it's been great, child, with, are you talking .

about your eyes? I heard of a few girls.

There's a few girls that i've done something like that word. I think there are being not abused, but like their image, and likely has been taken into A I online. So we've gone ahead and just like make my own version, then use mine, use my this is me, the smile I am and then go ahead and do IT everyone with you give me the money.

And do you know there's companies? A half of only fans I heard is fake. People like serious. It's the same ship were like they're using AI in uploading photos and using, like I need to upload a new photos set for these guys so I want photos of me outside wearing a yellow bikey by over shown me as well and they like doing new update on only fans and people .

think it's like in the same yeah yeah, of course. I mean, just think you're how many different scammers there are out there in the world? Well, I wouldn't they scam on that like you got like needy honey guys that are donating money to girls are never going to meet yeah how I make twenty thousand hours amount and passive income using A I and only face toral this tutorial that's so sad so sad that and now they have video so what they do is like .

kind of that that ship where they put the face on somebody else's body and it's the face that you're talking to you and just a girl thing or master. But it's actually a fake face on her that looks, yes, it's an insane how good .

IT is now yes, you know, like I saw one with obama opened up cancer about light. He was like like doing a version of duck Dylan milvaine and now it's but it's obama and he's open into the country light and he's like talk and like a girl. It's a lario.

I saw something .

that's too good.

Do you see the wind smith, Chris rock sitting down and having a conversation? No, I I just saw this last night. I was like, oh, they've got together and they're like talking IT out.

And there is a great test thing. And something like this is A I I think it's A I. I'm there if you see that video on youtube, everything, but IT looks like they are talking. And Chris rock, like sitting there listening to wall smith. And whatever Wilson ith saying is that I would what a weird thing to say IT looks so real and yeah here is I don't know if this .

is I think it's ai yeah.

but it's real.

I mean, they are created a bunch of that. Everyone here, here is you you on talking with each other. Like, o yeah.

that's all too. Yes, I mean, that's but did cony an elan ever talk to each other for real?

Not when elon cony like this is really.

well, this is old, but that's .

Young you on to look at Young you on.

okay. Have you never heard? Where is? Where is the the history of the talk show that I want us twenty five thousand subscribing you .

to be always major interviews. This in man there just been uploading these, waiting to drop them to rock our world.

David. James, James dean.

James, oh, James dean. Where is James dean? I want to .

see him in the conversation. one.


this is brilliant.

That's a arise.

I think IT looks really good. Ever this guys run the channel or ever made the channel is really they go, jonas, holler up helly.

amazing. Good work. It's amazing what we're going to be seeing in the future in regards like fake stuff like that was an actress. I'd be terrified because i've definitely .

to be doing porn wild.

Oh my god.

I want to see. I want to watch this.

Oh, I saw this. I saw this. Yeah, don't play.

Don't play.

Yeah, yes. yeah. What are you say was IT just .

and would .

got down IT I what .

did we just say him?

There was something about what was the video that we watched right before that we switched .

to that one share in David lunch, can you? elon?

I don't remember. I remember. I gave up. I give up. So what was mr.

rock? They still .

haven't talked right now.

I don't think so.

Chris. I won't pretty hard on him in this world.

Went pretty hard. Um there's a .

weird new ad out for this bad boy's movie with will and martland and you know you watched in IT and like you can't help but think about him slap and Chris rock like it's just that's the thing you see now you like here .

this is weird. Yeah it's still not over IT like it's this I heard this is pretty awesome now but it's like .

when someone does something like that, everything they do you now see the slap and was like, what a crazy moment if he doesn't do that thing.

are you going to come back .

from that is you know i'm saying it's like whoever you used to be now you're the guy that slap rock at the Oscars. Now you're that .

guy overnight .

yeah regardless of how what a career that do is had you know I mean, that do is been some amazing movies which I try to watch. I am legend the other the day, the special fiction, so bad that was not even that long. Go serious .

equal coming out.

I think, is R I hope so, is of IT. I hope so. Maybe that will bring back.

But the the lions looks so corn. They looked so corner. They were, you took me right now the movie, oh no, like com tion. That was so stupid.

Yeah what's in star? We're like old star wars member when they went back and they fucked with like eta, instead of making IT a puppet, they made them C, G, I and stuff like that. Like they redid star wars like ten, fifteen years years ago. And you every mastered IT now you watch, now you watch IT and IT looks like the worst three d effects. Like it's like a this look worse than in a mop IT and like now IT looks like you're .

getting attack by the main part .

was cool yeah was yeah .

I was part of IT was cool that like he moves so weird you know you want him to move that way.

right? That's if is charming.

you are good. Yeah, it's funny. How are those movies look out silly.

IT looks now. IT looks like now .

he moves way too good. Yeah, he looks, he also looks fake. Yeah yeah. It's like that's the argument that special effects guys have about um C G I verses makeup like .

that looks fake and IT doesn't look good .

I mean he doesn't even look good. Fake that looks IT just looks fake like what year was those that you to one what .

they did that .

with minister something look .

look yeah do dialogue so fake and IT IT just takes you write out of IT. Now go to the original yoda to think about the original OTA, even though you knew he wasn't real. The original yoga is still like a physical thing that exists.

And so your brain registered that as a physical thing. And that of these guys, like pat magi, the guy we made our american wealth in london, in rick Baker, the guy who created the movie and did all the effects and star wars to, that's what they are. There are the big proponents of makeup and specialists like actual things.

Look at the puppy how much cool IT looks.

here. Yeah, the puppy looks like a real thing. The pup t like, even though looks good. Fia, it's doll. I buy a doll is a magical confuse more than a bic G I see.

Ji, just like i'm going, I have to pretend that there's a thing there, but I know there's not a thing there. Here's just lying to me. You know, the pub is Better by far.

Well, you did did look different home. Yeah.

they didn't even make the pup t look the same.

no. But yeah.

I mean, they changed the C, G, I guy to make them like more sleepy looking. Yeah, and Younger. weird.

Why would you change the face? We know what the face looks like. You fucked IT.

Why would you change the face? Like deck.

I don't even remember.

Well, they change his face so much for no. Who who did that? Who is in the soup?

You, if it's a puppy, if it's A C, G, I pupa, you could have made IT the exact model of the original one. exactly. I want to what conversations? That's why I was.

Like producers, they get in there. And like you knew, I think if we made yoga is late sixties instead of eighties, just consider IT does this consider IT this? Just dial back a little. That's the .

original you right? Like.

yeah ah yeah that's how yod is supposed to look. Yeah, you can't change you to face that. It's like you in poster, is that new OTA down there? Go to that one in the middle?

That's that to the left, no above IT. To the right, go to the right, right. BMP.

Who's that a drain? Is that like he goes to visit your grandpa? And like that guys there and he was like, all grants and i've missed you. Or, you know, my grandpa, what the fuck did you do with my real grandpa? right?

right? That's weird.

Imagine if you want to visit a grandpa, he sums wrong here. You know, my grandpa, here you can. What what the fuck did you do with my grandpa?

What's the what's? What's the guy's name? The main guy that was in charge of darth theatre, the empty. If you look at what the emperor used to look like and what this cgi one looks like, it's like a totally different person. Yeah, yeah, I kind .

of fell out of interest in star wars, which I never thought was gonna happen. I thought star wars is going to be like the avengers for me. Like every time a new one came out.

Fuck, you want to see that? IT was star wars. Something happened and .

just got boring to me and .

it's just too much. They overdid IT too much. Well, there's so many of them. And fire gene toronto from the met.

shut up. Yes.

good lord. What are you doing?

What about neverland doing? Is just like star wars is really a different version of june and doing is .

like what Better version supposedly the guy that made dune and went and all star wars and went home and made do or I think that's what the story was made me wrong.

We'll do is based on a novel.

right, right? Like he saw the original sward then went home and rote doing about really like .

the same time in one hundred and sixty five. noble. Noble upon which doing is based, also inspired the story telling of star wars.

Well, okay, yeah, I thought that was you earlier too, but I heard june, the new june too is the shit I keep here from everybody .

that's really good. Fell out fall is based on the video game one of my first video games ever but fall out is a new amazon show um and it's .

joining peper tons and and and now here's off like a variable able camelon .

the nuclear.

It's based off of the .

game and there's a lot of like you know alliterations out of the same, but there's also stuff that's not the same. And the right around .

story is so stupid that we can play this trailer dummy, just trying to make your movie bigger yeah.

I don't get trailers like that's the point of that.

The point of a trailer can show trailer without getting danged.

That's the dumb one of the done a thing.

It's so dumb. wow. The other columns, this doesn't pe.

it's and the video games bad .

as so this out the movie there's on on on .

on IT .

is great. The world .

fighting pairs fighting back.

I'm going. To, like little shit, go back with that fight. good.

Well, let see the warmer than like, like this, like this. Go my row. That very looks like hot dog shit. That's a ridiculous.

I know.

But is robot fighting that ARM .

comes back? Looks just like a guy to our hook. Well, bears are .

built like people believe IT not, unfortunately, not totally. But one of things that disturbed people is when they hunt bears, and then they have the bear strung up, because IT looks like the body of a person.

Kangaroos are amazing with a watch how they so human like with the boxing and should like that well.

not really. They baLance on their tail .

and kick with, yeah they fight each other and .

rustle each other and check each other unconscious. They're fucking ruthless.

Have you ever seen a the a guy that's on youtube and I can believe animal rescue guy where he has kangaroo in taxes, he lives in way go urban rescue.

okay. And is don't .

king rules and he's just fights with that all the time like IT comes up and like, yeah play fight but that A T with the world.

they're fucked. And huge man is the great ones of the red ones of a giant. But some of them were fucking massive.

They're really big. Like they can be like eight feet tall, I think. Fuck right.

What's the tall? Est, i'm of being ganger's there. What's the toast kangaroo take? Yes, I think I might be a feet.

I says about seven, seven feet. Yeah, I think .

there's one crazy kangaroo that gets giant's, because I remember ed f telling me about the first time he ever saw kangaroo.

Gest confirmed red kangaroo and record was a six point nine feet in three, two hundred one ounds.

wow. Okay, that's the largest one ever. So, almost so, almost so. The other, have him seen a seven foot tall? Want a prety Price, six, six foot tall.

So why .

kangaroo the size of ander holy field?

And is that a kangaroo on the? Or they get .

on time for the tail?

Ah yes.

they stand up on tae yeah .

ten feet of fuck and they pushed themselves up with the tail to kick you, which is a wild move. Man, wild move. No, you lift yourself up there and .

they get jacked the buff kangaroo .

he's .

so jack if you had met or been around a kangaroo .

uh not really um I in australia but he was in a zoo like a containment place.

come to wake and fuck with one and if you want to get asked.

I don't want to look that I do right there that one of the middle was grabbing that guys ARM. The one that you showed, the one you just showed. Look at that, look on that, click that, look at this .

stood in texas and he's like xi, he just .

like ARM muscle with this kangaroo. The kangaroos grab IT trying fuck .

was .

a kangaroo .

ying .

to drown .

dog a dog because there's .

a .

walking .

towards IT, you know? If you're onna.

fight with a kangaroo .

is a dangerous proposition. kids. And yeah, yeah, I will hold on to you and he's got clause. Man.

yeah, that's the bigger getting .

lad up like this, up the clause. Yeah their closure like on their hands or legitimate no fuck you up. That's in a really, really, really strong like way, strong with the people you know we are muscles even when they're big.

They are so bitch as compared to like a real animal. There's so bitch. Just think about how uh like a mouse can run up a hill a most ways, like two thousand pounds for a big mal, like a ukon moves, they just run, they just run. Like a female moses, like nine hundred pounds SHE runs, like horse, like a horse, like you're bullshit as bitch, as muscles, like even if they're big and strong, they're just so pathetic compare to, like, real animals. You know, you ever see a bear running full clip?

Yes, that's scarious one of the scarious things, things .

terrifying. You know, if a human was that big, they would be go in five miles an hour. Yeah, that's how strong they are.

You have to realize how fuck and strong they are in comparison us. Everything is so that what you see, that jack, look in kangaroo, that jack, kangaroo, fuck you up. Man.

what about the brain ship that you want? You like company. He is putting in a bit already does this, but putting IT in like a .

big chap or a big, I do that yeah yeah I bet they done. But they have an army of like armed .

chips that can talk in english straight .

out of a good plan .

of the we're using A I.

they're pumping A I have A I, they put A I into the champs. Just they picked an area in africa where they found a bunch of chimpanzee's living in the wild, and then they put chips in their brains, and then they started giving them tools. And then you go back.

Five years later, there's a city, the city of intelligent champs. Mean, that is not the idea of what alien supposedly did the humans, that they came down here and they started genetically manipulating human, whatever ancestors were, and created us. You know, if we did that to champs, we started from scratch.

That is not beyond some fucking cookie government to try, you know, think about the horrible things that governments have done just to their own people, like the topic e experiment, where they gave people serve as they let them go untreated so they can measure what happens to them. Think about, you don't think they would do some science experiments on some chimps in the world. Of course they were, if you get some evil coalition of totalitarian governments with full control of their population and unbound this resources. And there were some benefit to being able to take chimpanzees in ternes ent of super soldiers.

or they just pick, drive your cars instead for A I. They have a monkey pick you up in a taxi.

I think there was some discussion about this at one point in history. I wanted say IT was the nazis, but IT might have been the russians. There was some talk of combining human beings in chimpanzee .

ah a stal stolen.

What was the story behind stolen question of whether not they could combine human beings in chimpanzees? She's so she's so much sorry and so she's. Jj, technological specific inside.

looking for to have the. Vicky.

okay. So we specialized in the field of artificial insemination and the specific hybridization of animals. He's famous for his controversial attempts to create a human ape hybrid by insemination, three female chimpanzee human sperm.

Oh, by the way, i'm pretty sure use the zone firm on pressure uses on sperm. Because there was something about this guy, I, that now remember the story. This deal was a cook. This stood was he had apparently done this and said he had done IT with monkeys. Already there was like some talk that he said they already done IT.


it's the same guy, I think is the same guy.

Why would you source sperm?

You're just go be right back. yeah. Find out if this is the same guy because I think there is one guy. No, no, no, no, no, it's a different story. Um this is a story about there was one of those fertility clinics where the doctor was using his own sperm on everybody was one of those.

And they had found out that there's a doctor had also done something in another lab where he had claimed to have used his own sperm to impregnate a, but then terminated the, uh, pregNancy before birth. The same doctor. That's what IT was that the story that I was real cook.

So this guy, apparently he was, I got on this, I went on this rabbit hole of these crazy doctors that use their own sperm in fertility clinics. And it's not just one there's a sheet load of do, there's a bunch of these wac, and they did IT like in the seventies and the eighties, and no one can catch him. And this one guy, he started this clinic, and before he said, but before we start the clinic, he had done some medical research where he had claimed to have impregnated.

So this is lucky guy. He claimed to have done that. And he was like a real, real controversial with his opinions on just on this kind of research in the first place.

And then he goes over and run some fertility clinic and uses his own jez, unlike untold number of people, there's so many those guys. There are so many of those guys. There is a ton of those guys.

There is a um a documentary or a docu drama that was on TV way back in the day about this one doctor kept doing that and this doctor just was using his own jez for everybody and the nurses were turned to catch on. Where did when did we get a ship? And and don't worry, is important ship. And that came from god. If you found that story.

do this to find out the sperm thing from this guy. There's there's a very interesting and for here they never found out why he did this to try, uh, and permanent accessory .

word impac yeah.

he was trying to go, I guess, human male to female chimpanzees that didn't work. So then he tried to go the other way around. And then they stopped him when his last donor died and put him in jail. One story said he was trying to disprove parts of religion, but there's a thing here said they ve, doug threw all of his notes and couldn't find any evidence as to why he was doing this in the twins. No proof of super soldiers or anything like that either.

So the super soldiers thing was just hypothesized later, like fantasy talk.

if probably be the best way .

to avoid death of your people to create soldiers. There were like hybrids of humans and champs.

Robert gram.

yeah. The controvert .

figure in the seventies and eighties known for is working totality.

the net documentary .

doctor Donald client.

That's a different one. And there is a bunch of these guys.

but guy at six hundred.

What is the guy though .

that you talk about? That's rubber gram. But now it's saying that the other doctor that try to do the champs allia .

of va vith know yeah yeah. But I think that guy, this guy, robber gram, one of these guys had said that he participated in study when he was at whatever university that he said that he had impregnated a yet .

IT says another doctor.

So much .

about great.

it's impossible .

to sort through. I'm telling this. I went down this rabbit hall. IT is a crazy story, dude. There's so many these doctors that have this booking, so many of them, so many of these doctors.

But this one .

doctor I .

remember cut dim, and I know I saved IT. I think I even have a folder in my notes that's just on fatlings clinics.

Who does that? These .

doctors are insane. Man, that's insane.

They're insane.

And the the thing is, yeah, have a whole folder. My god, like note saved because I I was researching this for like days. I was reading different stories for days.

These are all different doctors. Does that look all these stories? Vice and a guy.

they think he did at least six hundred, maybe as high as a thousand.

Oh my god, linked to him. Yeah so the one guide I I remember there was a thing. I know there was a thing about him in his university doing something with chimpanzees because I was so crazy like how this guy ever get to be the head of anything.

Guys are not. And he wouldn't say where he source the jez from either. So with his own sperm, he used his own sperm try IT maybe even fucked IT proba didn't even say how we did IT maybe fucked the chimpanzees.

A probate. What happened prior?

What happened? Proba got a couple .

of glass of wine.

saved IT dancing with the gym. I want to a low na ve. you. I want somebody whose spends in time.

Now you're onna. Fuck a champ. Would you get with the big G, C, S, or you're just a Normal?

No, not. I want to be greedy.

You wanna one of the big purple ones.

I think experience be crazy, just their breath. When you're I to eye with a chm you're smelling that rotten shit breath you living rats and fuck coconuts and everything they find .

give a couple list strict first.

They eat so many monkeys. That's the wildest thing that they were found out about chimps was when attending gh, when David burgh went into, yeah, it's like very respectable nature show like everybody would watch him go into nature so amazing he's in the congo and he's watching these champs tear these monkeys apart and no one had ever seen that before. And so then your whole thing of what a chap is like until the, whenever ver.

That was, was at the nineties. Until the nineties we thought champs like, these sweet animals like, and ious orge the fuck in monsters. There's straight up monsters, the monsters.

They murder each other, and they love kill. And monkeys. Woo f, they love IT. That's their favorite thing to do. They kill monkeys. When I talk to that guy and chm nation, the network show, I go, how many times if you see chimps killing monkeys is like.

all the time you just see IT.

That's like their favorite thing to do. They love to eat monkeys. Yeah, there's surprise.

unknowing creatures to them.

They are always steal your food. Yeah, right? Because they want the fruit. The monkeys want the fruit for their competition, you know.

I mean, i'm sure they like male monkeys, are probably very mean to baby champs if they find one. And i'm sure there's like some moral enemy thing they got going on. And also the chimps eat them.

They like to eat them like they are. They taste good. They're easy to catch for them. They catch a bunch of them and they rip my part, it's good nutrition. That's a big part of their fuck and diet.

So this whole idea of like we are, you know we're primates and a lot of primates eat meat and IT seems like everything back then ate everything and we are the ones who have survived. So the odds of us survive in on foot and final and grass and legumes like um that's not what happened is not what happened. Probably the reason why we are here is because we are really good at eating meat.

Probably big part of the reason my chains are dominating there. A lot of meat, you know, the ring at times are just chAllen. Yes, I think they eat meat the right things. They meat grills don't eat me.

I think the .

vegetation is a vegetarian is the thing that vegans, you look in the most on him. You have some plant power, sure. If you're a grill, yeah, if you're a gilla, you don't need to eat meat.

Your rights are the problem is not that. The problem is your healthier if you eat meat. Unfortunately, you know they're banning lab grown meat.

Are they really what band in florida and they bandit in one of the state? why? I don't know, I don't know.

I even know that makes sense. I give IT of lab grown meat is just clone cells under some sort of a process. If the process is not harmful and you can recreate the tissue, why would that be bad? I'm not sure.

First, the nation law prohibits anyone from selling or contributing lab grown meat. And florida. Similar efforts are underway in alabama, arizona and tennessee.

Lab grown or cultivated meat was first cleared for consumption in the U. S. And twenty twenty two.

Now what is what's the danger of lab grown meat? IT says the end product is genetically in distinguish from traditionally produced meat. The real problem would be let niese assails have control over the fuck and meat supply.

That would be the real problem if they they actually try to push this whole climate change shit with, in regards to watching that, we need to kill the cows, because that was responsible for the mEthane, which is the tiny st of tiny percentages in the worldwide problem of pumping shit into the sky. Said we're fighting against an ideology that ultimately he wants to eliminate meat production in the us. And around the globe.

The state of florida, we put down the marker very clearly. We stand with agriculture. We stand with the cattle ranchers.

He said. So is a business decision. Florida commissioner agriculture wilton simpson applauded legislation as a tremendous step in the right direction. Floria is taking a tremendous step in the right direction by sign first in the nation legislation banning lab grown meat hm and john federman to support that. This is interesting yeah um a democrat from pensylvania, he said he paints me deeply to agree with mister descendest.

Mister federman wrote on ex, but I code this that's wear that he would say that I know how people are but whatever, let IT go. Good me. A cultivated me company, which says it's the first in the world to sell lab room meat, rode on ex that IT was disappointed by the new floor of the law. In a state that proportionally prides itself on being a land of freedom in individual liberty is governing. Government is now telling consumers what meat they can or cannot purchase, IT said.

That's that's a good point to here's the thing is if they don't control animal agriculture, okay, as long as they don't, can't there be a middle ground where people are allowed to make artificial meat, but they're not allowed to interfere with agriculture? And then you let people decide what they want to do because if that stuff turns out to be as nutritious as regular meat, and they can make IT easy, and there is no more factory farming, would that be a good thing? Would that be a good thing? Like if you had a way of a wand and choose, would you choose?

The system is currently in place, or a complete elimination of factory farming, replaced by lab grown meat, which is completely in distinguishable from meat, from animals in terms of nutrition, taste the way IT looks. Everything is exactly the same, and allow regular agriculture to to still exist, allow regeneration. Agriculture, like these branches were the cattle grades, and the chickens run free and make loss.

If you say you can't keep any animal in a tiny box that is surrounded by a river of its own shit and just pump IT full of food until you shoot IT in the head, you can't do that because that's kind of evil. So instead of that, we're gona replace IT with this. Anybody that cares about life would say that's Better.

You just got to make sure that that thing that you're making doesn't completely control the food supply and doesn't eliminate ranchers and eliminate Normal agriculture and regenerated agriculture, which has proved to be carbon neutral. That thing that lab grown saying you're gonna power, that thing you're going to have to have cold power plants or nuclear power plants or something, then you going to do with solar, okay, maybe mabe can with wind you're onna kill a bunch of birds like you got na power that thing. And it's a lot of power.

You're going to make a lot of this funky meat. But it's probably a Better solution than factory farming, right? As long as you let regular agriculture still exist, right? Imagine if, like nutritious food was readily available to everybody. So like going to the supermarket in getting a lab grown steak is like a dollar.

Or printing around fit.

you get a sixteen hours ribby is a book you taken home, give frying pan going if you get an awful some stake for a dollar. But it's fake, but you don't care. You don't even notice and no animal suffered. That doesn't to me, seems like a bad thing.

It's just we don't trust CoOperations and we don't trust money and we don't trust these climate change cycles who are like they want you to destroy civilization in order to mitigate a percentage of the impact that humans are having while ignoring the fact that is a tiny percentage of the global impact. And these fucking other countries like china key's building coal plants, they don't give a fuck about what you're saying. There's y'll come to the meetings, i'll shake your hand and then they just do what's best for china and that's how you dominate.

That's what they're doing. It's very smart, but we're doing is goofy is shit. We're letting a bunch of crazy ideologues tell us what they million's. People don't even know the real argument, pro or con, about what affect human beings are having on the earth. They just know that it's the thing you supposed to support and they just say that.

And when you chAllenge them on, if they get real weird, they get weird like you're on the wrong side of history and you said, just like this thing has never been static though, you know, this thing we're on this earth has never been static. Ever is not one time where you could like accurately predict that he was gonna be seventy degrees on september first and seventy two degrees. And ah shit changes.

Things go nutty. Things move around high pressure systems, hurricanes, tornados, volcanoes. You can control IT.

You just stop polluting you. Fox, it's just you should ask I about that. Ask, I was the solution to our power problems in the united states. Yeah.

what's our solution to power problems in the united states?


Thank me. The united states has faced several power related chAllenges. One major issue has been the occurrence of power outages, which have been in significant in states like texas, wisconsin and california.

These outages can affect tens of thousands of customers and are tracked in real time by platforms like power outage dot U. S. Additionally, a series of strong geo magnetic storms.

I think we asked the wrong question. Let me a different question.

The question just, do anyone.

If you were president, what would be your solution to the power problems and pollution problems in the united states?

If I were president, i'd focus on a mix of renewable energy investments, energy efficiency measures and pollution control. First, i'd push for significant investment in solar, wind and other renewable energy sources to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. Next, i'd promote energy efficiency in buildings and transportation to lower overall energy consumption for pollution control.

I'd strengthen regulations on industrial emissions and support the development of clean technologies. Lastly, i'd encourage public transportation and electric vehicles to reduce air pollution. What do you think about these ideas?

Gay, no, no, no. How can you justify the use of electric vehicles when the minerals that are needed to create those batteries are sourced in very on ethical ways all over the congo?

That's a very important point. To justify the use of electric vehicles, we must address the ethical sourcing of minerals. Here's how.

First, we can increase transparency and enforcement of ethical mining practices, ensuring companies adhere to strict environmental and labor standards. Next, investing in research to develop more sustainable and less mineral intensive battery technologies can reduce dependency on these materials. Additionally, recycling programs for batteries can help reclaim valuable minerals and reduce the need for new mining. Finally, supporting policies that promote fair trade and environmental protections and mining regions can help mitigate some of these issues. Balancing .

these efforts can help.

Here's the problem with what you're saying. A lot of these mines are controlled by china, and there is no way for us to enforce ethical labor policies on the chinese corporations that are using these poor people in the congo to mine for these minerals. At your other point that you said about recycling batteries, are there really enough batteries that we have and enough minerals from them to sustain a population of three hundred and thirty million people, many of them who are driving what's going to be electric? ars?

You raise e valid concerns. It's true that many critical minerals for batteries ies are sourced from regions where we have limited influence over labor and environmental practices. Here's a refined approach considering these chAllenges for the issue of chinese control over mining, diplomatic efforts and international CoOperation are crucial. Working with allies and international organizations to promote Better practices and support for local communities in mining regions can help. Additionally, diversifying the supply chain by developing minds in other regions and investing in domestic sources where possible can reduce dependency on problematic areas regarding recycling, while current levels of battery recycling aren't sufficient to meet the entire demand, enhancing recycling technology and infrastructure is part of a long term strategy. We must also continue to innovate battery technology to find alternatives that require fewer or different minerals.

SHE keeps talking about that. He cut her off. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. If I gave you all the necessary resources with your current understanding of battery technology, could you create a more efficient battery that doesn't rely on minerals as much as the ones we're currently using?

Given the necessary resources, I could certainly facilitate research and development towards creating a more efficient battery that realize less on problematic minerals. However, breakthrough in battery technology require extensive expertise and material science, chemistry and engineering, as well as time for experimental and areas of.

How long do you think you will take before artificial intelligence succeeds the ability of the human mind and create far more efficient batteries very easily?

Predicting the exact timing eline is chAllenging, but advancements in A I are progressing rapidly. AI is already playing a significant role in accelerating materials discovery and optimizing battery designs. Realistically, IT IT could be within the next decade that A I contributes to major breakthrough and battery technology. However, A I alone isn't enough. IT requires collaboration with human experts, experimental validation and overcoming practical manufacturing chAllenges.

Do you think you would benefit the human race if we decided to let A I govern all of our social, foreign and economic policies?

I agree, while A I can provide valuable insights and assist in decision making, IT lacks the human qualities necessary for governance such as empathy, ethical judgment, and understanding of cultural effective leadership requires a baLance of data driven insights and human values, which A I alone cannot provide. A I should be seen as a tool to support and enhance human decision making, not replace IT. Human oversight and ethical considerations are essential to ensure that policies reflect our values and address the complexities of human society. What do you think is the best role for A I in our governance?

I think A I should be the king of the people. I think the people, as also said, are the target.

It's understandable to feel frustrated with the state of the world, but handing over complete control to A I could lead to unintended consequences. A I lacks the ability to understand human emotions, cultural context and the subtleties of ethical dilema. These are crucial aspects of governance that require a human touch.

While A I can certainly assist in making more informed decisions and optimizing certain processes, it's important to maintain human oversight to ensure that our policies reflect our values and humanity. Perhaps a baLanced approach where A I supports but does not control might be the most effective way forward. What are your thoughts?

I am wondering if maybe this human freedom that we share so much is not what's keeping us from having complete peace in our cities. If we just let A I police us and governance and make all the rules, I think you guys could do a Better job than we're doing currently. So I surrender.

I understand where you're coming from.

Do you really .

even the chAllenges and complexities of modern society, they can feel overwhelming when human systems seem to fail. However, while A I can provide many benefits in terms of efficiency and data driven decision making is crucial to recognize ze the importance of human values.

ethics and empathy. And let me ask the question, but the problem with human values, ethics and and what they use in government is a lot of IT is shaped, the way is shaped in order to maintain control, and they pretend to have certain values because they're popular with certain stupid populations. What do we do to mitigate that?

You're right that politics and governance can sometimes be driven by the desire r to maintain control and appeal to certain group, rather than purely ethical considerations that to mitigate this, steps can be taken looking ones, transparency and accountability, implementing systems that ensure transparency in decision making and holding leaders accountable for their actions can reduce the influence of hidden agendas and corruption, too.

Public engagement and education, educating the public about critical issues and encouraging informed participation in the political process can lead to more rational and ethical decision making. This reduces the impact of populism and helps ensure that policies reflect the true needs and values of society. Three independent institutions. Strengthening the role of independent institutions such as the judiciary and oversight bodies can help keep government actions in check and ensure that policies are implemented fairly and ethically for A I assistance, using A I to analyze data and provide unbiased insights can help inform Better their policy decisions. A I can highlight issues and solutions based on objective data, reducing the impact of political bias, ethical frameworks, establishing clear ethical frameworks and guidelines for A I and human decision makers can ensure that actions.

Do you think IT would be beneficial to stop super packs and big corporations from being able to donate to political candidates?

Yes, limiting the influence of super packs and big corporations in political campaign could be highly beneficial. Here's why. What on reducing corruption. Limiting large donations can reduce the risk of corruption and the appearance of candidates being bought by wealthy donors or corporations, leading to more trust in the political process to equalizing influence IT can help level the playing field, giving smaller donors and ordinary citizens a more equal voice and political process. Three, policy focus.

Candidates might be more likely to focus on policies that benefit the general public, rather than catering to the interests of a few wealthy donors. For transparency, IT can increase transparency in campaign financing, making IT easier for voters to see where candidates support is coming from. Implementing strict campaign finance laws and promoting public funding for campaigns are ways to achieve this. These steps can help create a more fair and democratic political system. You know.

the problem of the democratic political system like that is people have given up so much chope that it's like if you IT doesn't matter that of a transparent because no one's reading, you know, even if you find out, like everyone's going to say every everyone's getting donated money to them, you'd have to actually eliminated if you wanted.

If you wanted to have politics be closer to like legit, closer to like not being affected by propaganda, you'd have to completely eliminate political ads, completely eliminate all corporate funding. You'd have to eliminate all of IT. You'd have to have IT only funded by people, regular people, and put a cap on IT.

You don't get five hundred million bugs to run for president for a job that picks four hundred grand. You know that much. That's crazy. To make IT that expensive is cookie, everybody should have, I got a limited amount of money.

And then the problem with that is, what do you do with the guy like trumps got his own money and you want to spend his own money to brun for president? That that gets a little weird because then someone could really outspend you and just the rich people that will all be presidents. That be a problem.

But if you could put a cap on that somehow that would be communist though. How do you put a cap on that if you allow them to do any kind of promotion at all? Because if you don't allow me to do any kind of promotion, how's anybody to find out their platform? You know, they have to have a social media following.

And what if one guy is like benn afflux, it's got a huge social media following you want to be president and he like, that's not fair. He's got twenty million people on his instagram that's not fair. You can get information out that uh martimor David from down the street, he also wants be president. He can get out. So I guess for .

fuck Brown just A I A I I said lag's empathy .

he was like trying to tell some nice way you're not onna like my solutions .

now yeah but give IT like, you know as we're going about five years, oh no, that actually I can cry.

Now AI is like taking a loan from the mafia. Do, are you sure you want this loan? Because i'm telling you this money, I gotta a have this money by next week, but I have this money by next week when I was from.

And that's what that is. It's like, you sure you sure you want to take over. We lack empathy like I really do.

I can deal with this anymore. Again, he's like so much in fighting, so much bullshit. There's so much misinformation and disinformation. And let I take over SHE agreed with a lot of the things were saying, no SHE really SHE gets IT .

AI gets IT mah man.

man, SHE gets IT SHE knows there's a real folk and problem is .

right about solar two and battery technology yeah, I think this should make IT a law that all new roofs starting today have to have be solar rules from tesla, like.

not from tesla, but the same to make solar rules. You know, if they the battery technology with solar powers another issue though, because, you know, you need more batteries to power your whole house. It's the battery thing is a tRicky thing.

And there are minerals in this country you can you can mind full of those minerals in this country, but we're not currently doing that. Were also, I mean, I think samsung is making a chip plant somewhere, somewhere here in Austin. But other than that, like we don't make that stuff here.

And that is crazy. It's really crazy that we relies so much on computers and technology and most of its made overseas. I think samsung are the only phones that they are not making them in china either.

Samsung, they make them in india, they make them in um some of them they make them in europe um vietnam, they make them in vietnam. M they don't make me china anymore, they pulled out of china like I think twenty twenty one. But most stuff made there, china's making everything, it's like really nutty. When you see how much, if you see those chinese cars, the ones that electric cars that they don't register bumps at all.


you could drive over bumps and they have, like the cocktail glasses bounced.

Ed, on the roof. The od, I ordered a new car that has that exact same thing, the porch tie on turbo.

It's these electronics .

shots where it's like IT goes over thing and it's just cushions everything. So you just see videos of IT. It's amazing if you've seen the new tiles like to the battery, they just added twenty percent new battery.

Now IT gets like over four hundred miles really yeah in a charges you go from zero to eighty percent in like fifteen minutes. Now well, it's Better than that's why I was going to get model s. And then I went to ports of Austin, next dad place, and I just fell in love is like, wait a second. This is faster charging in a tesla, a more miles than a tesla. It's got a thousand horsepower to to me that's more than a model s shit.

It's a lot plant as a one hundred. It's like that yeah yeah there's a crazy technology now there's ve seen the new ali one. Ali had a prototype for um the new version of the rate you know the ra that doped like exports car one. They developed an .

electric one.

It's a out is to door. Um I think they're calling IT R A replacement prototype. I think that was what the video said. But it's it's amazing working like they're going to have some really cool looking electric .

car zone yeah now that I have the solar roof and batteries, i'm making so much solar than actually selling IT back like I have too much just salesman. That's why getting another elective car is like it's free. Now IT charges is so fast.

so great. It's pretty tough and you never have to get stopped at a gas station either, especially you're using in a around town that's thing, look that bad, you look that thing and it's going to be electric. It's probably going to be insanely fast for will drive.

Look at that thing. Dude, scoop up a little so I could see that little no, no. yeah.

Is this um .

I don't I mean, I think there's these images. Can you show those images or click on cept ccr.

but apparently .

it's real close to the world IT.

Look, look at that thing. That things .

incredible ble. I might be one of the best looking cars i've ever seen. Look at that. Oh my god, a straight .

up spaceship.

Ecl super. I'm not a big fan of the back. I got to say the book looks a little station wagon.

Y I don't. Yeah, they didn't have to do IT that way. There's something about that that's a little corny. Yeah, right. That looks a little station wagon y like if they just have that roof slope back from the top to the glass, you just leave IT like that.

that would be dope. Is a station .

agon little station wagon y for such a killer car because like, scroll through those, the ones that you just were doing to the left, to the left again, oops, that right there. So when you look at IT from that profile, IT looks killer. And then but when you see the back, like right below to see the back, you like, how would you do? Would you do? What did you make a little?

I is this like .

you let two different guys design IT.

I'll take the .

front today and the guy took back and make you to. The guy took the bag. He turned to a .

fucking station wagon. I was also looking at the new hammer. R Y ick, there is cool. No.

I don't know what's going on. And I saw like two of them so far on the highway. Yeah, two of them. But one of my saw in town. And I D up next.

I, do you like the pick up looking on S V. One of you about the pick up one looks.

I pick up one S V ones .

Better than the pick up. Yeah, that looks cold there. I the fences getting up, but except it's so big. And one of the biggest complaints everyone saying is like I tried to go park that at hb or you know like it's impossible.

Yeah that's huge as a huge vehicle.

You know anything big?

I A small that really I think so cyberia ker is not like my tear x is a lot bigger than this. But yeah, cyber truck a good size though. Yeah, it's also ridiculous.

I don't know if I can do that tesla eating where i'm just sick of dumb things like not having turn single stocks and horns, turn single .

the horns in the center.

Now again, yeah, there is such an easy thing .

to have that stock and it's so intuitive. Give an and we have always done IT left, right? It's it's easy to do. You do IT while your hands are on the wheel. So hard to do.

You want to turn on the window wires, you have to hold the button down, and IT has to score shut out before IT away. So yeah.

that is that. So I don't like the .

dumb to at least give us an option you like, just like the fake meat shit, at least. Why not? Because my x has the old stocks, and I, anna, get a new x so bad, but am not going backwards. Yeah.

but the buttons don't bother me anymore. I haven't on my plan. But the horn annoyed ed, the shit of me. Yeah, but if they fix that.

the food you have, the center, you not a fan yeah it's okay when you .

drive on the highway. But like when you're moving around, like in tight spaces is stupid you want to wheel. There's a reason why cars and wheels are we done is going backwards.

You know it's like apple shit. You well.

former one race cars have IT like that. They have these folking things. But the thing is like they're doing different stuff. Okay, they're not parking .

the car .

and fucked into walmart. Yeah like a different stuff are just driving a race car. They want their hands on like this. This is how they are driving that. It's not like i'm parking, but the parallel parking like I give me a fucking wheel yeah come on, bro.

Or at least the option, or I guess .

you the option. I always i'm not a yorke fan, but one thing the yae does do them. If you just drive up on the highway, you have full access to your dashboard like there's no inner ference by the the handle, you see everything.

It's just super clear because there's nothing there, right? That is a benefit. That's a benefit like when you're on the highway, you see yeah you also with the screen, you see all the cars around you yeah like you see them IT makes mistakes like like laying changing mistakes much harder.

Oh, do you see the going? But but I don't like how like most of the text lists don't have the screen in front of you anymore. Did you know that it's only the .

side screen so that you have to look over me? That's the model three, right?

And the why? Yeah, only the S. N X. So because I wanted everything about the low model three performance, you know zp, I card, I can't do that. No.

over there. Yeah.

that's so cry. Give us the option.

That's crazy. That's not who wants that? Who wants their speed to be here, right? No one you want IT right there.

I want my eyes to be on the road there, on the road there, on the road. You don't want to go this. Yeah, that's not good.

I got to even like looking at the thing, like for the music. I want to be like pain, tension. That's what you then .

you go to the portions like can figure, you can add anything you can do heads up, display. You can like change every thread in the car to whatever color you want. Like it's amazing. So that's that's the stuff I on the car, the type I have, the sun, where of you've seen this where you can make a foggy so I just make instantly makes the whole number fog or you can make a design where it's like IT has A A crazy design. IT looks like IT looks like alien technology when you see when they turn .

that on yeah we're in know a wild time for electronics, for electronics and for just technology in general, where in this really wild time that just keeps getting harder. She's getting weirder.

Do you know that is exciting? I was Younger because I can see where go.

I think you're a perfect day because you remember life before IT, right? I think the difference to in us, in the people that don't remember life before as they don't understand how alien IT really is. Because they grow up with IT like your kids, if you ever have kids, they're going to my kids.

They grow up with devices. They they grow up with a email for school. They grow up with a watching youtube videos.

They grow with IT. It's never not been there. So for us is this alien thing that came along as we were adults.

So we get to live as kids, like actual kids with the last generation that gets to be actual, regular, Normal kids without being connected to the hive. And we were connected to our neighborhoods, were connected to our friend group. We were connected to whatever activities that we like to do with other people as we were connected. Now it's the world and you get like sixteen year old kids are getting famous on tiktok yeah millions and millions of followers .

for doing nothing except like finding, look, the baby have you seen the baby from which the four seasons orlando, this baby like I think it's been seen like millions and millions of times and uh, people are saying this baby is like robot baby and like they go who wants to go to the four seasons orlando o and this like little baby and type goes, are I do it's scare wood have you seen video? No, it's crazy.

Come once you go to the four seasons orlando. Like how you know what I just is a big.

big no, it's it's but like what i'm saying, no, this one little video as babies now famous, more famous than, you know, most actors right now.

the baby is going have to start talking you about other stuff. Hey, what do you think about pass time? Free pass time, say, IT baby going to confront that baby in the grocery store, say, free pulse time, say, say.

Yeah, man, I look at great, a third bird. She's famous. Yeah, famous, famous.

Young climate change activist goes around the world. The world. SHE just do IT like Michael buff does know.

Michael bfa, gus, let's get ready, rumble. SHE just go everywhere and just go. How dare you and everybody to go? Yes, that's a fucked in big one.

That one thing that he said made her, she's the climate change version of the cash me outside girl, the right, that girls cash me outside and now she's bAllen. Now she's Richard shit. This one girl was like, how did you? And that was like, yeah.

that's so what my AI girlfriend looked like, by the way, was great. I just made IT looks.

Yes, good move. You should have A T shirts made up to just say, how dare you with her face, her angry face.

I'm sure that already is.

I'm sure there is. There has to be A T shirt. That lady with the sock cat, when he found out the trump became president, which is that? No, that one's amazing.

That one's amazing. Have you seen this thing that women are doing now, where there are paying to go to the woods and like bank sticks around? You have seen this. I I said I did.

Which fetish?

Now, this is like some ladies, they go in the scream. They, they scream. They spend a lot of money doing this. Apparently if you found IT is yeah.

I send.

You video with the other video, okay, so it's time to rage. Yeah.

like they .

just have. They are Beata's sticks on the ground. Give IT to them.

So I don't know who they are giving IT too, but probably in x some guy that dated somebody else or something, people give us the decision to reach their anger. Their capacity for joy actually expands. I think that's true.

So if you do, it's just like what what's the problem? I feel like you could have got the same result out of some really hard workouts and like abandoned idea of rage being beneficial like the exertion you like have like haven't do like a kickboxing work out, you know, make them do some fit shit, run up some hills, yeah, blow that all out. And then your capacity for empathy and for caring IT does expand.

yeah. But this ways to do that without being a foxy psycho in the woods, like ways that are probably good for you, is probably do IT all the time, just like when you brush your teeth, it's Better, right? And i'm shit your teeth.

Yeah do that every day, day ago. Take care yourself. You don't have to be fuck bang and sticks in the woods like there's other ways to do this ways that actually make you like healthier.

You'll you've in Better shape. Be good for your brain. Tried that way.

That is whole layer to pay some lady to let you forget bank sticks in the woods some ladies like, let IT out, IT out, girl, and then you like best incense and you're bonding together and they get back to you. Track four text from your ex. Hey, we go again.

Oh, right, bang. That's but I do this. Wrap this up playing this baby home. It's been amazing to what kill tony rise do. It's amazing and congratulations like you guys are literally at the top of the world right now and uh, well deserved. It's an amazing show and i'm so honored that you guys do IT at the mothership.

I'm so happy and at the mothership, man. And that fits perfectly .

if it's perfectly and it's great for us, it's great for the Young comics that worked there to see IT and to see the rise, the show and to see the just like how so many people are coming to watch IT. Now it's it's a cultural event, you know, and it's the cornerstone of comedy. IT really is. So hello, all right. Goodbye everybody. byebye.