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Tucker at American Principles Project

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The Tucker Carlson Show

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@Tucker 认为,美国正面临着巨大的社会变革,基督徒群体受到迫害,传统家庭价值观受到冲击。他建议人们通过说真话、提升个人品德、从家人和朋友那里获得力量以及保持积极乐观的心态来增强个人力量,从而应对这些挑战。他还批评了当前的教育体系,并建议家长们采取更积极主动的方式来教育孩子,例如组建家庭学习小组或进行家庭教育。 Tucker认为,当前的政治环境充满了谎言和操纵,许多政客为了个人利益而不择手段。他建议人们不要被这些谎言所迷惑,要勇敢地说出真相,并保持积极乐观的态度。他还强调了家庭和信仰的重要性,认为这些是人们获得力量和支持的重要来源。他认为,那些为邪恶服务的人最终也会被其所吞噬,而那些勇敢地说出真相的人最终会获胜。

Deep Dive

Tucker discusses the prevalence of the anti-fertility instinct and its implications for society, questioning why having many children is seen as revolting in some cultures.
  • Anti-fertility instinct is seen as revolting in some cultures.
  • Not reproducing means missing the point of life and contributing to societal death.

Shownotes Transcript


Thank you. I just wanted start official. Thank you much for having me. I'm I i'm just like a host person is how I Normally dressed.

But I tried to up the game a little bit this morning as I left my house and realized I had no shoot pants. none. I mean, that I not one gray pair treasures and fifty four, you think i'd have one.

I throw them all away. It's was a measure of how just totally off the grid I am. So it's it's a blessing to be a room full of people.

I I know I have the room and I like the other half too. So it's been a long time and sit on this many people I like. And I got to say here, seven children.

He makes me ashamed to be a protestant. Honestly, when I hear that, I mean that IT does seven children. I don't care if you are sentenced life without parole and lead a disGraceful life.

If you have seven kids, you beat me in some fundamental way. And by the way, if you're in a church, IT doesn't encourage you to have seven children is not really a surge actually, it's something else. And I grew up in world where in in a church that maybe not explicitly, but nothing explicit about the physical church, everything is very implication.

But like that would be like a revolting if you had seven pups and tradition up to a pycke ble church or something. Service entrance, please. Just like why actually why the anti fertility instinct in so many ways?

Obviously the former suicide mean that's actually what IT is. If you're not reproducing, then your not what you're missing the point of life for one thing, but you're also there is a way in which you're dying and will not a way in what you are dying. Your people are dying.

And this was very dark and is taking me so long to realize that, you know you have to overcome all kinds of as you age, all kinds of ingrained assumptions that are rooted only and like the domed possible justifications like I group that way um but to be a room full of people with lots of kids and the seat children in the room, I know that always makes me emotional. But I love IT anyway, just really welcome. So thank you by the.

Way none of that panda since I guess a lot of europe thic I really mean all of that I see gary about but I don't think he's catholic but anyway you don't have talking about ah so I loved what Terry said about you staying cheerful in a moment like this. And I really is a moment like this. And the issue that you are, are the most famous for really tells you everything.

The trands issue, which I ve thought an off a lot about, I didn't sort of expect to make IT to middle and be thinking about trends, stuff. But the main question i've had from the very beginning, like, what is the point of this? I mean, I grew up in a world where they were. I grew in southern california and affluent IP code, where, like everybody had a freaky personal life, like everybody, and I was sort of taught not to judge them. And I was be told the answer was still kind of there.

I just not that interesting getting involved on their people stuff, even if I just approve of IT, maybe especially if I just prove of IT, but they have made IT impossible for me to live the life I hope to lead, which is just like leaving other people alone because they're wap on my face with, you know, i'm a girl. No, you're not. Yes, I am.

Shut up and i'd be happy even leave IT there. But it's like we're going to punish you unless you repeat the trans catheter m and you have to ask yourself what is that? What's the point job and announced I think I just saw a peace in which rally gains I love um is responding to joe biden's declaration that trans issues are non negotiable really of all the issues that this this is a question, especially in the country where everything's kind of crumbling at once.

Any of these weird conversions are like one thousand different irresolvable crisis. Why the tran's thing you know, I mean, IT defends a lot of the country. Certainly every Christian believer has to be offended by.

And as Christian entity today is not, but it's not Christian magazine anymore, that's why. So but an actual Christians be like, no, i'm not gonna repeat that. Probably that was so Candy, I couldn't control start us some more. But like.

What is the point? Why would you want to defend people on purpose? And then you realized, oh, that is the point.

That is the point. That's the whole point. That issue is appealing to the people who promote IT. Most of them are not trands, and wouldn't ish that on their children.

Because why would you not want grandchildren? What was going to reach the lives of your own children? Like very not natural. But the people who are pushing and are pushing IT precisely because IT is so offensive to believe in Christians. That's exactly why right there.

And what is that? Well, it's like for told in some tail and documents that I could refer to called the new testament. There is a point. I mean, this is like kind of the core promise of the religion that you will be persecuted for adopting IT mean, unless I missing something, kind of says that in black and White several times, if you believe this, you'll be punished for believing IT.

And so once you sort of remember that, and i'm hardly a bible scholar, but because that is so often repeated and emphasized of the exclamation points in the original al tex, but that certain ly jump right off the page, sign up, you're gonna suffer a lot. It's like my favorite ite pitch ever so great. That's how you know it's true, you know.

I mean, it's not like this is kind of going to make you lose thirty pounds and cure ed. It's like you you'll probably be beheaded. Actually really a will.

Yes, you will. Okay, so awesome anyway. But we should not be surprised. And actually if you think about IT, virtually everything that is happening in this country, and also, I would say, around the world and marketing in the foremen ic exam, sure, everyone disagrees with me.

But if you look carefully, Christians have born the brunt of a lot of what's happening around the world in conflict that we did. What did the state department not notice when all the Christians in iraq a genocided? Like, did no one notice that ninety percent of we're gone? They're not all dead, lot of them, or did.

But they will live in a rock anymore. Well, the U. S. Government was, like, in charge of that.

Did no one noticed that? I think I could be a priority because, by the way, they are religious minority, but they're also Christians, as is the majority of our population. The country was founded by Christians, and no one noticed. Of course, they noticed that they liked IT. That's the point the same in a lot of countries, including syria, whatever.

I am not getting to to my centric views, but i'm just saying this thread, whether you agree with me or not on specific conflicts around the world, if you decide to assess what's happening in this country and around the world through that one ones, how does that affect Christians? Well, you see IT a lot differently. In fact, you'll find yourself taking the position that the mirror image of the position you're being told to take in every country and on every issue in the united states.

I mean that and just when you're alone and don't tell anybody because you're going to have forbidden thoughts, the most forbidden of all is like you're allowed to care about what happens, other Christians around the world, what you've been told relentlessly where if you know or not, that you're not allowed to care about, and sorry, with respect, most of your churches don't care. Make a real point of not caring Christians get killed you here about and said, you know of question that's embarrassing we got submission to people who you know and i'm totally in favor of missions to people who aren't beliefs and you warn americans and all that is a universalist religion is the best thing about Christian and he applies to everybody so i'm not arguing against that. I'm just saying why does no one ever mention this because you're not supposed to that's why you're not supposed to and you i'm opting out.

But why shouldn't mention IT? And IT does sort of point up the core problem, which is that people who are upset about what's happening now let that happen to them. And that's just true.

I know what guy called bill ackman, who who's a heads phone manager, center left, very smart. And I know him personally. I've argued with him about some things.

I agree with some other things. Are not car to attack bill ackman. The bill ackman is a harvard guy. You get on money harvest. Very mad about the way pro israel students are treated and not good for him as far as i'm concerned, which is a donor.

And i'm strongly in favor of people giving to things they agree with and withholding funding from things they disagree with, like why would anyone do that? So bill, action is in a total. You know, he's very upset about what harder is doing to people who are poisson el who go there.

And again, I totally support that. But you have to sort of wonder, like where? Okay, because he, because he cares about issue.

Great, but what about people who are Christians? Like, try being like a bible believing Christian at harvard. How would you get treated? No serious.

Ly, how would you get treated? IT. Not that there are any because they're not a loud there actually.

And a lot of us have ancestors who like held, built harvard. Actually we went there or yale or prints in, or any of them the fabled warton school. And they all take IT is just like, well, it's just kind of power for the course.

Of course, you can't like talk about the bible or express views that reflect what's written in the bible, because then you're like a freak and you just sort to put up. But then I got to go to some other school, and so everyone wants up a hill. Dell, which I strongly support, because I love hills.

Dell, no, I do. I talk to Larry on yesterday, but you do sort of wonder, and I think hill deal is thriving and will continue to thrive. A man, so my smartest people i've ever hired came from hills.

Dell, but you sort of wonder, like what happened? Every other school, like the ones your grandparents want to, well, you're not welcome. Your kids are definitely welcome there. If they're out of step with the prevAiling view, which is very different from the view of the people who founded IT, you may or may not be your ancestors who doesn't matter. The americans and like conservative Christians, are not welcome and nobody says anything about IT.

So I guess my point is not attack bill ackman is to say, you go, bill ackman, I want to be a little bit more like you is I resist what's happening to people who share my beliefs or my own children. And that kind of is the problem, is that people with our views, and particularly Christians, I will say, are passive. Now I actually believe in the Christian on violence stuff.

I believe in self defense completely, and would exercise IT unhesitating ly and sleep like an animal afterward. So i'm not in any way. I'm i'm a gunna take. So obviously I feel that way. But I don't think Christians should be celebrating violence all over the bible don't do that in the old testament, which is incredibly violent.

And David came into a lot of violence and he felt really bad about IT and ask god, forgive us for all over the sons reading yesterday, so like we shouldn't be enthusiastic about killing people. I'm sorry. That's just not part of Christianity after the cluster bomb religion.

sorry. Guess despite what they tell you on the hill is just not maybe use clubbers could you have no choice but you're you're not acting is an event. Ical when you do that um you're a violence worshiper and that's like the oldest forms of sense.

So anyway, the point i'm saying is I don't think Christian should ever be violent ever unless they are forced to to to defend themselves, their families but um I don't think that they should be worse and don't think that they should say, well, you know everyone hates us how about take the bacon approaches? We'll putting up with that for one frequent second. How about zero tolerance for that? Like, no, I was born here.

I'm not putting up with that. No, you can't humiliate. You can tell my children evil because the way they look, you can try to convince my children to adopt, you know, sexual practices that result in no grandchildren.

For me, that's the end of my family. People don't think that was the end of my family. I have met the shillings today, like one third of the entire family.

Ah IT made me emotional. I like the world's handsome family ever overwhelming. I said, so what happens you to go into restaurants like they're afraid, but we tip so it's cool.

I had the opposite experience. I was just like, oh, this is just this is what abundance is and they're trying to end that. They're trying to end that.

So in all the words, they are trying to take everything from you of value and not through higher capital gains taxes, but through extinction, which is a little worse. No offence to you policy guys. And so how do you respond?

So really quick, I want to go right to the before I get so radical that I get arrested. But 耶耶耶, baby. Uh, I just wanted just a couple of things that some of them are sort of and code, but that i've been thinking about about how to respond to all this.

And I spent thirty five years in washington. I got here, you know, in high school and left at fifty and um some not an expert dc, but i've certainly watched IT closely and I ve watched the whole on profit conStellation of which I have been apart. My first is a my politics have been rough. I always been on the right. Never had one of those liberal phases.

If you have a heart, if you're cruel, you're a liberal um because you can justify hurting people um by claiming its compassion so I never been liberal so but I watch the whole thing and I one of my conclusions is and I mean no disrespect, is that we might emphasize a little bit too much legislative change in winning elections and the only as I said, I think elections are super important and occasionally I get wiped into a frenzy and like try to help somebody always doesn't work because I should not be around politics at all, obviously, but i'm totally for that. And those are levels of power. And good people should use them to the benefit of their children if they can.

But that is hardly the most important thing you can do. The most important thing you can do by far has become strong, is by far the most important thing. And especially now because Terry eluted to this, and I won't go into detail because everybody here knows, but like we are entering a period and there's just absolutely no chance that this country will be the same country you are from today.

Not a chance of that in december seven, twenty, twenty, for a lot of things will be different. One hopes they'll be Better, someone not be Better, but that will be definitely different, like Better on that. So how do you deal with that? You only one election between now and then.

Its outcome can be controlled by any single person in this room, or even the room. Collectively, that is literally be on our control. As me, we can do our best.

What is in control is how we behave and live, and that's the most important thing. And so again, urge your lions prepare yourself. If you thought you had to run an iron man a year from now, you probably stop, eat and figures you just want.

I mean, I wouldn't, which is why I would never make IT. But so what does that look like? Well, the first thing, the first way to become strong, I believe, and I mean in your soul, not in your body, though I think that's worthwhile too, is to tell the truth, that is the fastest way to become strong.

IT is an observer able IT is an observer able phenomenon that you will experience if you do IT. It's clearly has supernatural roots. In my opinion, words are the most powerful and enduring thing, far more than cluster bombs. Words, you know, endure r millennia. Weapons don't. So if you say something true, that has a greater effect, and I think here or someone else wise, maybe his brand said that tonight, the words or the most important thing, telling the truth out loud is the most important thing you can do.

Even though IT seems like you're shouting into the wind so often, if you wondering if that is reverse engineer IT and ask yourself, what's the one thing that they don't want me to do? What's the one thing the founders decided I had an episode right, to do first on the list? And that, of course, to speak what you think is true.

And if you do that, you will find yourself becoming bolder and stronger and harder to dock down. And I mean, real truth, actual truth, not simply in your public life. I think i'm Better. I'm not calling for confrontation.

I think it's awful because on the recipient very often and like hastings people in restaurants or do you know you mean you see you chuck tumor on a subway platform and scream atam that's not the truth. That's rude. Don't ever be rude.

It's kind of productive and bad for you, obviously. I mean telling the truth in a way that is courageous and doing IT again, not simply in public, but in private. I think part of the key is too honestly, if i'm being honest, become a Better person like that's what you need and not accused and anywhere bad person, i'll say that I am.

And so this is something that I think about quite a bit in my own life. If you want to be strong, live a life that you are not ashamed of, be more virtuous. That's actually true.

I think that actually works. Every time you do something that you know is wrong, you become weaker, not just vulnerable to blackmail, but weaker inside, live decently. And if you resolve to do that, and it's not complicated, everybody knows what that entails.

I mean, there's no magic formula. You know when you're doing IT and when you're doing IT, you are people can feel that they feel IT coming off. You you're not someone to mess what it's like.

You know, you read this talk, people been to prisoner, whatever. There are some people in prison who could have all immediately and sold for a pack of cigarettes on, you know, on on the yard. And there are other people that nobody messes with.

And it's not simply a matter of your bulk, it's a matter of your vibe. And if you are a truth teller, people can feel IT and they listen to you and they mess with you far less. Okay, that's the first thing.

The second thing is, remember where your strength lies. okay? And that's in what's in god. But in this world, it's in the people around you. It's in your family.

I have to say, rally gains came to a visit us in main last summer, two summer girl, whatever I always said, people coming up like the heart of some controversy. And I really hate interviewing color students because it's what we call on television stunt casting. And like someone who's in the news.

And you know, we should interview this personally, never been to say, and it's all fake and the reading, talking points or whatever, so really ensures up. And I like this check is totally for real SHE really means that and she's completely unafraid, and that's such a rare thing at a person. That age is much easier when you have no mortgage in your kids or at the house.

It's like what you going to do to me now I really don't care. That's my morning CAD ism. But but really, again, is the beginning of a life. And i'm like, what is IT about then? I found out really against is married.

And as the first thing I said when I started tonight, I I wanted me, your husband, and why is that interesting? I mean, everyone's married, right? And well, actually no one outside the room was married anymore.

But Young people don't get married at that age. And I thought that was so unusual. Never forgot that I called my wife.

I was like, you left the stick. She's married. We got marry twenty two. And the reason that significant first was good for a whole bunch of other reasons.

But IT makes you so much stronger to have a teammate to have that car at home. I literally couldn't. I'd be terrified if I didn't have my wife.

Nothing she's going to like protect me in a first fight or something. She's like one hundred and ten pounds. But because when I go home, I know there's one other person who understands me completely and is on my side totally and forever.

And that assurance right there will allow you to walk through a wall. And I do think that's one of the reasons that. Rilly gains had this vibe like, no, i'm not joking or not reading talking points at some foundation gave me, I really mean IT, you can intimate me, congress person, whatever your name is.

So focus on your spouse and on your children and on your employees and on your parents and your siblings and your cousins and the people in the immediate orbit around you, the people who were put there by god for you to serve and community. It's accident. You find yourself coming into contact with people.

Nothing is ever an accident, in my view. And those are the people from whom you draw strength and who get IT from you. And if you focus on that first, you will become immensely stronger, immensely stronger.

And the third thing I would say is to, as Terry, I thought wisely said, state cheerful, state cheerful. I've actually think that's like a command. I think that's important in all circumstances, especially when it's fake.

I really believe in faking IT. I do. I've given the selections of my children many times, are saying, you don't why be authentic and always pretend to be happy and they're not stupid and some of them have caught the internal contradiction there.

Wait a second, don't live, but live up being cheerful. You do that. It's like a zen cone.

IT doesn't make sense. Write at first, but meditate on that. You'll get IT.

But it's still true. I don't care if IT doesn't make logical sense. It's still true. And there are couple reasons for this.

The most obvious is, if you pretend to be cheerful, guess what happens after a while, you hear your own voice and you convince yourself to be cheerful. The second thing you do is you elevate the spirits of everyone around you. And either way, you don't bore them because there's nothing more tired than anything to something.

Complain about himself. Ve, ve, oh, really, you're the only person never to be sick or bankrupt or fired. I don't think so.

stop. You're not special. But IT IT gives the people around your heart. I saw two family members to this summer and close file members. Very, of course, it's incredibly sad, but I will say that there are older people who come from a different time, both women.

And I would say the thing that distinguished both of them in the end, and I was there, was that both of them, both of them maintain their dignity. And I mean, to their last breath, to their last breathe, they just were not gonna undignified. They were never going to complain IT didn't matter what happened.

They were always going to force a smile. Look, you straight the eye, even when their eyes were cloudy. And I had such a remark about so on them right before death looked me straight the eye and was just unbred by the whole thing. Both were beevers, and I think that's where their strength came from.

But the effect on me seeing someone facing some like that, which I don't care, how deeply religious faith his mother, Jerry sa, was afraid to die, everybody, he's afraid to die at some point, on some level, watching that filled me with courage and strength and left their dignity intact in the tough st. I mean, everyone here, most older people here, have seen what i'm talking about in the toughest possible circumstances. You could retain that in that moment.

And I was honestly an act of will and a different from god. And I think we should maintain that at all times. There is nothing worse than hearing someone bitching and complaint. I just can't deal with IT. I mean, I I grew in an affluent family, an affluent world, but my father was no raised an orphant and legs are bent from wickets.

And, you know, I mean, he was like one of these guys, my father, my brother, I were having breakfast one morning in the time we group in in california law, a hot climate are always bugs, and although yet it's lovely decade and creepy also. But whatever lovely and don't get me going know why money is bad for people but I ve but and we live just my data. And three, I was with breakfast, like three meals a day.

And remember, one time maybe was dinner, we reading breakfast. Al captain cranch, of course, and my brother goes pop to my dad. pop. There are bugs floating in my cereal.

My father's like, gave us the rich kid actually always oh, kids in like, you're imagining books in your eyes, you know that you're actually the bugs in the shero and he hold over my father and I was little bugs floating around the milk and my father was like a dar. What was like bugs and it's the whole thing looking at us like that. They're good.

Yeah, the bugs or i'm sort of fight a bugs. I won't even eat bugs, eat your bugs. He was the only personal know how you have those services. Anyway, that's a true story, I promise you.

But anyway, it's not just that is tiresome to complain, it's that people who are winning don't wind, who is in a good mood, people who who have succeeded or who know that they're right or who know that they have some great reward awaiting them, whether they liver die, that's their posture. And so you have an obligation, in my opinion, an obligation to assume that posture of cheerfulness and lightness. You're not wait down by IT.

Yeah, everything's calling part is give me economic clubs. Oh yeah. Could we have a nuclear war possible? We have tens of millions of military age men went around the country.

Are they some kind of foreign? My probably are. They come in to my house. Totally possible. In my concerned yeah and my panics never under any circumstances i'm right in the ship to the bottom. Not only I get to get the brass pin to play a song, i'm going to dance to IT.

That's what people who are strong look like, really strong, not just the whatever weird supplements strong, but strong inside where IT matters. And if that vibe comes off, you nobody can stop you and you will scare the crap at the other side because they are weak. And one of the reasons, you know, they are weak and dying inside in an agony, one of things we forget about evil IT doesn't just destroy people, destroys.

You can do IT through which IT flows. IT destroys the person who conducts IT every time. Because it's it's it's a purely destructive force.

Evil IT is binary, actually. Sorry, it's constructive destructive. You build, you tear down. They're only two categories. I says everything through that ones, okay.

And the destructive category, which is raining supreme on the earth right now in every area, not just realized what a global affairs is purely destructive in the people who are, who are its servants, are themselves being destroyed. That's just totally real. And one of the reasons, you know their week is that they will never apologize for anything and they will never admit fault.

And that's just to tell right there, like the one thing every monotheistic religion has in common is you begin with, i'm not god. I'm sorry, I pretended I was that also, by the way, the first thing you do in AA or in any program or theology that uplift people, gives you any chance of becoming fully human and doing god. The first step is admitting you're not him and that you aren't in need of help.

Number one. So if you find people who were unwilling to admit what they've done wrong under any circumstances, you're looking at people who are serving the other team, no question about IT, and you're looking at people who are being destroyed by their service to the other team, they're terrified. And you can see in their eyes they are afraid. I interview to congress in the other day, Thomas macy from can tuck, use one my all time favorite members of congress, and is such a mathematic that he doesn't even realize. I think that a lot of things he says are controversial is I go two plus, two is, four just is.

And people like, shut up time as if you break IT anyway so we're having I love that guy they were having this conversation and he said, like I was at the classified brief ing the other day with toria new lan and he said was like, wow, 我 tory noon is giving classified briefings to congress I last our tory noon and and say two thousand two and he was in dictating SE office and at the time she's the person that he is now no interest in the united states of american fact, a very obviouslyhe stilly to the next states. No interest at all in this country and SHE is the she's the origin of every bad idea. But he certainly want the architects of something that really hurt the country.

Now, trust me, you know, i've gotten behind all kinds of bad ideas, but the different, and I I hope i've admitted every single one and repented for IT. But no one like everybody else. He's just one example in this city.

They read something, they get promoted and they move on to the next thing. Now I would hire, and I have hired, a bunch of convicted felons because i'd like redemption stories. Once was lost, now I was found.

I mean that too, there's nothing. In fact, I like more. As a former drinker who's been sober twenty one years, I love that.

But i'm telling you, the one group I would never hire or allow in my house is the person who commits a crime and never admits IT, because that person is scary, damaged, also very boring, because everything that person says is about hiding the why don't want to deal with that? That's the entire U. S.

Government right now. So I just end on this and and then i'll take your hostile questions. If you want to survive this moment and protect what you have and have even a possibility of making this country and the world Better, you can do a lot. You can achieve that, I think.

And you do IT by telling the truth in a way that's completely unashamed at every possible opportunity, in a gentle, polite, thoughtful, compassion, maybe even empathetic, way to the people around you, but without ever stopping, without ever being embarrassed for a minute, without ever not smiling, without a single skull or any hostility. No, that's not you. The rally gains method, that's just not true and you'll never make me say that is true and you want to kill me now, totally fine, totally fine.

You're marching me out to the goals. I am not gonna say that men can become women by wishing IT so because that's a lie, IT won't take many people to adopt that position before the entire system comes crumbling down because it's built unless and not just and not just lies that are politically expedient or in some way make the people who tell them richer. That's like one of the domestic analysts ever oh everyone whose lives doing so because they are making money.

But wild people are making money on games. Everything is game at this point. But that's not why you're doing IT. They're telling lies for their own sake for the pure animal thrill of lion and that's how you know what that is and the clipt tonight that stop that is the truth right in their face every freak time and you'll survive anyway. Thank you, and I will take your questions.

This man, as a hostel, one why you were in cake? I trousers in a black thai event. Okay, I would make.

Yeah, just a short way, davy is really, hey, do you like millennia? Do I like, I was like, i'm za like a lot of flavor. Ite, I mean, the form for city, of course.

Yeah, I like, I don't know, really. I met her a couple of times. I mean, our council this week about you'd be an excEllent P.

OK. I mean, thank you. I'm quite well suit to politics as you can see. I'm sorry, I know there are politicians. You're right. I just can help IT and I know you're not none of you in this category, but I just hate anyone who wants power. I just think it's a super ugly thing to want.

And increasingly, as I get older, I hate anyone who wants too much money too I think, I think, I think grades a category. Sorry, I think that remember that when they're like, oh, you know you know how to say greed is real. What you mean is not real.

That is totally real. I don't have agreed that I do have glutton y so but whatever it's all kind of I want to say I think you'd be great. Well, thank you.

I don't I mean, and zon Cameron not, but I god would have to yell at me very loud to do that. What you I mean, you know, you mean my four kids are gone in. I live the most ideal life, you know, with my wife, and are many dogs in nature and everything.

And I just are doing around politicians no fence, by the way, support your commercial and Victory but ah it's so repulsive to me. They're so awful. Not all of them.

I mean, I just was a huge fan of years and massive and there a couple others I really like, and my family members were composed and all that i'm not is but but most of them are just the worst. So sleezy. And the other thing I will say about IT is it's a hall of mirrors.

Everyone's got like nine different motives, but only declaring one is like, what is even going on everything some weird bank shot try to manipulate this person to get bad and like, that's exactly the environment I detest. I wouldn't have a single person like that in my life. Not one person.

Every person I don't in washing intelligence is considered a moral category in my life is not like I think my dogs are find people and I mean that and they're not genius by human standards probably probably go to like elon, not columbia you know, to be in so it's not like a matter of cleverness whose smarter or not it's whose straight forward, if you have to question a person's motive for a single second, I don't want to have dinner with you. In fact, I won't. I can't even deal with that.

And politics is like every creepy, weird, sexually ambiguous high school class president comes to the same city and then just attacking each other. No, no, you don't mean, yeah you serve there talk about weird personal lives, wholly smokes and it's totally and i'm coming out of a lifetime and television where people have like I was pola ister, whatever is pretty dark but is nothing compared to the congress oh my gosh, it's not even fun, you know, doesn't look that fun anyway so take your question. Excuse me.

right? Well, I would never look, I have no interest in that. I would just be told, clear, no, interesting, have no interest in that.

I've never been in politics to you are the thing I I really believe in. If you know anyone who works for me, I only give one lecture, which is stain your frequent lane. I really believe that stain your frequent, and that is at theological point for me, as as well as a matter of observers.

reality. I don't think you can be whatever you want to be. I think that's like that.

The most ridiculous I ever is some postwar fancy that comes out of the G I bill, like so many bad things. And that's just not true. I believe in human nature, which is immutable, able IT never changes.

And if you're interested in reading books from two thousand years ago, you will see people motivated by the same they're the same people. They're just like baby onion, but they're recognizing people because that people don't change. And so that's what I believe.

And I believe every person is made with strength and weaknesses, skills and deficits. And I certainly see IT in my life. There are some things i'm really good at and some things I can do at all.

Parallel park, do my taxes, like I would even attempt either one of those things. I'm just lexical and or whatever. So do the thing that you are made to do.

And when you do that, you'll be happy. You probably make some money doing IT, because high skill tends to produce in this country y's success. But the last thing you should ever do is decide because you're good.

And one thing you'd be good in another, but what I really want to do is direct that the girl was best actress. No act. You're good at IT.

You know, I mean, lebron James just bounced to bowler. whatever. Stop telling me about the facts you don't like. Stay in your frequent lane.

And so the idea of going from pant, i'm at a control and I know that I know that, I know that, but the idea of going from my job, which is like say whatever you want, especially now since I have not unemployed, you know it's like awesome. But to go from being like a well paid street corner schizophrenic, like a politician, like just kind of hurt your invision, you know. Last question make you a good once.

Well, this is a tactical question for you. Since you talking about the first.

let get in. okay. Sorry, sorry, sorry. No, no, no.

But now they're getting into tactics. I'm going to need some chemical assistance. It's not a thing. It's not a sin. I'm just saying, told you i'm not the only produce that any O O K ready first.

Well, thank you, Terry. So much for your leadership. So grateful. Um so i'm a mom of five kids and my and were actually I want to U C C N ago in the holiday we moved here from california.

About four years ago, we went to the fairfax county public schools because we were told when we moved here that fairfax county was the best schools that you could be end. So coming from california, trust me, IT was actually a little bit Better. That being said, and covered really opened our eyes to the curriculum, right? And so like many parents, we moved our kids to a private coc school in mclain.

And what's happened is the schools are still fAiling our kids. That education is not very good. And when you question your you're kind of a stuck because the same teachers that are not being held accountable are the ones who give your kids the recommendation on the next school that they will go .

to works right?

So you have like my kid who was a super started map instead of feeling her grade on the on the state uh test last year SHE in fifth grade SHE was on train to be an honors math SHE went to be an architect six grade you felt her class I had just been the entire summer tutera her through math class we are debating whether not wanted to put our kids out of catholic schools to home school then.

And so now i'm just thinking, like, what do we do if I go back to the school and say I want to hold you accountable? The recommendation i'm to get from my kids to get to another private school is going to terrible. So the tag question is, what do you do? You have the public school's stem though it's master kids and forced the vaccines, uh, keep them out of the schools index ate them and then I have the cathode school's is basically not holding their teachers countable. What is the answer? How do you hold this establishment, the allegations of the education system, accountable for what they're doing to our .

it's such a great question. Is the obsession of every parent with kids at home. And I just have the true blessing of having missed a lot of IT. My our Youngest is twenty one, our fourth child is twenty one.

Um are all this is twenty nine so that you know IT was bad but IT wasn't like now we're going to destroy your kids lives, which is where you know where IT is, especially in the private schools. And i'll just be honest, we send our kids, we literally send our kids, all our kids the same high school that we went to my wife and I so be onest. We didn't really think about IT that much.

We educated our kids the same way we were educated that, the same way our parents and grandparents educated like we just followed a they were only now in midlife realizing was like insane. And and we're just so grateful that all four of our kids turned out as well as they did, and there is close to each other into us as they are. But I could eventually very, very differently.

And so I think the first thing is knowing you clearly already, you do know that this matters really more than anything with a child, not simply because of the material they're learn or not learn but because they're molded as people by their peers in these schools away from your attention, all they want um and we didn't only fall understand the stakes of that at the time, again, because of the circumstance ces, we are in just like repeating the same formula that had been applied to us as children. Um so I would just remember that the recommendations of other parents mean nothing because ninety percent of the parents in the affluent zip codes i've lived with my whole life and care mostly about prestige doesn't mean they are bad people, but they're trained to care about the brand name. Oh, my daughter goes to nce. You were sidwell.

How are you serious? You freak. You literally send your kid to sit.

Well, friends, no, come on now. You're joking. I'd rather send my kid to, like, work in the carnival. I'm serious. Go be a carney. I'll see an x ring when IT rolls through town like the outcome is Better then sending him to some place like natural cathedral school or and that in the world I have knows like a hundred percent of that.

And so no other parents are not at all, not because they're bad people don't love their kids but because they don't get you're not throttling and they're the way that schools are set up in the I is particularly private schools and colleges. It's it's a prestige system. IT doesn't no one even knows what happens at princeton and nobody even cares.

A little dealing gets in the prince. That's a massive win. And if little Dylan like becomes a complete self hating freak or trans or something in printed, at least you went to printing, then you tell your friends, I mean, that is little with the attitude among good people who love their children, they are not evil at all.

They're just thought less than shows, like most people. And my feeling is, especially now that i've reflected on, i've already told you that I was thought this shelters like how we want to boring. Sure, you're going to.

It's not a good. It's a good reason. And my children are so nice to me that they never throw IT at me or not.

Very often, occasionally, there's too much wine that IT does come up. But but be thoughtful and I think it's really simple, like your kids are your treasure. The most important active creation you will ever commit is having a child is reproducing.

And the most secure duty you will ever have is to protect and guide that child through childhood. And everyone knows that. Of course, that's not a controversial statement.

But how many feel IT? And now I think more feel that because the the stakes are obviously so high and the perils are so out in the open now so out in the open. Keep molested in the bathroom and fairfax county and then, you know, you get arrested for for thanks me.

But anyway, last thing i'll say. Here's what I don't understand, why don't parents get together? I don't know what a cathos will tuition in fairfax county is, but you know it's a lot per kid and certain in private schools a lot.

One of they get together like like three like minded families and just hire a tuder and teach all the kids. I don't understand that. I mean, home schooling is obviously the best.

They went all the spelling bees, that's all I need to know. And schools are terrible. Homeschooling the reason we never do as we have time. And but we if we had taken the tuition that we spent on saying Patricks a pital day school emotion to see probably the world school in this country, all for my kids, went there, if we taking the money, we, but I worked a second job to pay for that. I hosted the morning show, try that for four years, okay, to pay for that.

If we taken that money and just said we're onna hire like three bright kids just had a college to, I don't know, read the idea allowed or whatever i'm serious or like how to read the bible, we won't been so much Better off and we could have gotten like an awesome hunting cabin west Virginia with the left over money. Why don't people do that? I mean, that's not like a super creative solution is IT.

If you find a parent in this room who lives in your county and you have roughly similar views, why do you get together? Be honest. But how much you're spending on education asked yourself, oh, how we're spending one hundred and fourteen thousand dollars or whatever IT is this year.

Could we hire smart person to teach our kids together? They wouldn't be weird and isolated like those home school are supposedly are. I don't think that's true, by the way, teachers union prop again, but whatever, just ensure that they don't become weird.

They're all together in your kitchen learning great stuff. Why is that bad? Why is that hard? What does no one do that? Because people aren't radical enough in defense of their own children. That's why. Thank you.