cover of episode Tara Reade says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993.  After talking publicly about it, she says she's so fearful for her well-being that she left the country and moved to Moscow.

Tara Reade says Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. After talking publicly about it, she says she's so fearful for her well-being that she left the country and moved to Moscow.

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Tara Reade
塔拉·里德详细描述了她对前参议员乔·拜登的性侵犯指控,以及她在公开指控后所面临的法律和人身安全威胁。她声称司法部和联邦调查局对她进行了秘密刑事调查,并窃取了她的社交媒体信息,但她并不知道指控的具体内容。她认为这些调查是由于她坚持公开指控拜登性侵犯,以及媒体对她进行了负面报道。她还谈到了自己面临的来自美国政府的持续骚扰、死亡威胁以及名誉损害。她还提到,在莫斯科接受采访后,她收到了警告,称她可能因违反《外国代理人登记法》而面临指控。她最终在俄罗斯寻求政治庇护,以避免被捕和可能的引渡。她认为,美国媒体未能报道她的遭遇,并对媒体报道中存在的偏见和不实信息表示不满。她还谈到了自己女儿和自己遭受的骚扰和威胁,以及她对未来能否返回美国的不确定性。她强调自己从未犯罪,也不是俄罗斯间谍,只是坚持说出真相并要求拜登承担责任。 塔克·卡尔森作为采访者,引导塔拉·里德讲述了她的经历,并表达了他对塔拉·里德指控的可信度的认可。他强调了美国政府对塔拉·里德的调查和行动的异常之处,并质疑了美国媒体在报道此事件中的角色。他表达了对塔拉·里德人身安全的担忧,并对美国政府对塔拉·里德的处理方式表示批评。

Deep Dive

Tara Reade recounts her experience of being sexually assaulted by then-Senator Joe Biden and the evidence she has to support her claim.
  • Reade alleges that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in an elevator.
  • She has contemporaneous evidence in the form of her mother's call to Larry King Live.

Shownotes Transcript

Former Senate aide Tara Reade credibly accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. Now the DoJ is after her and she’s moved to Russia seeking political asylum. We spoke to her in Moscow.

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