cover of episode Russell Brand on his Baptism, Big Pharma, Donald Trump, and the Globalists’ Attempt to Become God

Russell Brand on his Baptism, Big Pharma, Donald Trump, and the Globalists’ Attempt to Become God

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Russell Brand
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson:阻碍人们行动的两个主要因素是:孤立感和缺乏认同感。当权者故意让人们感到孤立和与众不同,让人们相信他们的想法是疯狂的,并且没有人同意他们的观点。然而,事实并非如此。你不是怪人,你的想法很正常。你对世界的愿望是正常的,你没有想要统治世界或控制他人的欲望。当权者不关心个人,只关心集体。他们不关心个人隐私,因为他们不关心个人。政府和企业通过追踪人们的行动来侵犯隐私。将他人视为工具而非个体是极权主义的观点。美国建国基于神创造了人,而非人创造了人。我们应该尊重不属于我们的东西。限制言论自由是将他人非人化的第一步。大多数美国人有着相同的愿望,统治阶级花费大量时间让人们互相仇恨。大多数美国人彼此友善,媒体对美国的描述是谎言。大多数人认为极端行为很奇怪,媒体推动极端行为。媒体的本质是分裂,父母希望他们的孩子互相相爱。大型公司收集并出售人们的互联网数据。没有隐私就没有自由。各种理论都是马克思主义的不同名称。 Russell Brand:当今世界很奇怪。这是一个充满混乱和迷失方向的时代,当利益汇聚时,就不需要阴谋。对理性主义和唯物主义的过度崇敬会排斥神秘主义。混乱和危机对当权者有利,制药公司从人们的不健康中获益。美国是一个被寄生虫控制的国家。美国人正在意识到他们不健康是人为设计的。互联网赋予了权力中心化和审查的可能性。国家正在模仿基督教的特征,即时通讯技术既可以用于极权控制,也可以用于反抗。他曾经沉迷于物质主义和享乐主义,文化不会告诉你你需要上帝。他儿子的心脏手术让他意识到生命的意义。生命不是关于你自己的。他没有做出任何决定,只是顺其自然。他通过阅读《目标导向的生活》开始了解基督教。基督选择了他。他认为自己太聪明而不需要宗教。自从受洗成为基督徒以来,他感到自由了。《使徒行传》让他感到惊讶。他认为世俗主义和全球主义正在扼杀个人的自由和神圣性。革命之后,权力结构会再次出现。他的朋友们都是吸毒成瘾者,他们都需要相信上帝才能生存。他认为真正的基督教是将每个人都视为人类。他希望美国在选举后能实现和解。他认为自由主义正在变得越来越极权主义。人们正在基于共同价值观而非党派认同而团结起来。他认为我们应该保护自然和动物。他希望政治能够从捐款和游说中解脱出来。他希望从下到上建立和平与繁荣的社区、国家和世界。他认为英国人民正在觉醒。他认为控制媒体的阶层不愿意放弃他们的权力。他认为共和党是普通美国人的政党。他认为试图审查互联网是为了控制人们。他认为技术可以用来创造更去中心化的民主。民粹主义意味着倾听人民的意见。他认为只有在基督教中才能找到希望和救赎。他为美国祈祷。

Deep Dive

Russell Brand discusses his baptism and God's role in the battle against totalitarianism in the west.
  • Russell Brand's baptism and its significance
  • The feeling of isolation and the design behind it
  • The importance of recognizing one's normalcy and desires

Shownotes Transcript


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I can't believe I me here. Thank you for having me. This is wild.

IT makes me feel much Better. Thank you. Oh yeah. Thank you very much. I can't believe, I can't believe i'm here.

I woke up yesterday morning in the little rural town where my wife and I live with many, many dogs and IT was forty degrees, and I woke up at like five in the morning. The dogs are like, what if you stir early? The dogs resent IT check with the females entitles anyway.

And I thought, I can't believe i'm getting on the road for a month to coast, to coast, sixteen different cities. Weirdly, IT put me in such a good mood. IT put me in such a good mood, and I just couldn't.

I love, I live and i'm totally happy there, but I just couldn't wait to see other people who are on the same page with. I just couldn't wait. I couldn't wait.

And I feel it's really important. I spent a lot of time, i've been fishing very intensely recently trying to think this through. And there is something about being out side in the quiet running water that notes opens up your brain.

And I do think the two things that holds people who have my belief, your beliefs back is, one, the feeling that, you know, you're totally isolated, which is by design, like to give you the feeling that all the things that you're upset about are totally finding. And always been this way, always been this way of crazy like you're nuts. There are always been like all these viBrant by clicking on the sidewalk.

You don't remember that you're freak. You some kind of fascist. Shut up. And you're like, maybe it's something going on with me. And the second feeling that they give you by design is that there's nobody else in the world who agrees with you.

You're just this island alone like sitting fuming in your living room yeah that is i'm not going to repeat the profound ity someone just used to describe IT. But IT is not true. In fact, the opposite is true.

You are not a freak, you are not a fascist, you're not a mouth content. There's nothing wrong with you. You're not the crazy person.

You are a Normal person. Your desires are totally Normal. You have no desire for like world domination.

what? You have no desire to tell your neighbors what to do. You don't stay up late worrying about the sex lives of people in brooklin, whatever.

You don't really want to know the details of the sex lives, the people in broken land because it's weird, but you're kind of happy to let them do their thing. They don't feel that way at all about you. They stay up late worrying that somewhere in some small town, maybe alabama or here in macao canzone, there's somebody who disagrees with them.

And they want to control you on the basis of that because it's not politics. Of course, it's it's a religion for them. And I would guess that a lot of people in the three more to have a religion.

And they don't need to warship politicians as gods. They don't think political parties are churches. They are instruments to give them space to do the things that really matter to them.

Like final mate, have children do something useful in the world? If you have grandchildren, maybe set at the head of the table as a patric, or patric like these are the things that matter. Those are not freakish desires.

That's the essence of what IT is to be Normal and well adjusted, where you have a personal life that you don't necessarily share an instagram because not everything is for public consumption. You're allowed to have your own excentric little opinions. You're allowed to have relationships with other people that aren't on public display.

You're allowed to live a life without being spied upon because privacy is a perreeza for freedom. You state they spent in our decades telling you about the right to privacy, which is really way of saying abortions. Great, okay? But they have no interesting in privacy whatsoever. And anyone who does have an interest in privacy would be concerned by the fact your phone is literally listening to you at all times and that you're every move and your every uterus is being tracked by governments, by business.

Is that privacy? No, that's like something that the north korean government would like to achieve, but can't and our government has, and that's no problem for them at all because they don't care about privacy, because they don't care about the individual and they don't care about your interior life for your right to have one. No, they believe in the collective.

They believe in the group over the person. They don't acknowledge the individual as a meaningful category at all. And so when you know their president is revealed as seen now, no problem, just slip somebody else if IT doesn't make any difference all because is not about the person, it's about the group.

And if you're wondering like what that was, where what everyone in this room has been saying for four years, which the president has no idea, where is they were forced to admit that and all of the same, the guy just disappeared like never saw again once, or rehab a that never came back and they threw in the other chip who, like twenty minutes ago, we are all making fun up for being montel Williams old side piece. And now he said. She's not just the single most accomplish human being in the history of western civilization ships.

He created western civilization. But she's also a religious figure at the little of, say, the buta. She's a font.

joy. You feel joy. IT comes from heart. She's a living river of joy.

Give her thanks for your joy. Montel is the side piece, is the source of my joy. Really, does anyone really believe that? Well, no Normal person believes that. But people who could care less about the individual, the distinctions between people, this sort of person, doesn't even acknowledge that individuals have names and soul because they are created not by the government.

My god, if you don't acknowledge that, and IT doesn't matter who the person wearing the crown or holding the nomination doesn't matter, it's irrelevant because it's about the organization, is not about you. You are irrelevant. You live as a worker, be only to serve the collective.

That's a totalitarian word view. That's not a Normal worldview. That's a deceased world view. That's sick by definition. If you begin to think of other human beings, not as people, as individuals with names and souls and hopes and opinions, but his instruments as little, which is waiting in a bin to be assembled, ed, for your greater glory, if you start to think of people like that, there's nothing you can do to them. There's nothing you can't justify doing to them up to and including really hurting them.

And you've see that in movement after a movement throughout world history where leader decides these aren't actual people, these are whatever their voters, their can and father their worker bees, they don't matter. That's the mindset. And this country, of course, was founded on the opposite precept, the precept that god had created people and the land and the birds in the deer and the dogs over whom we have dimension.

But we did not create them. We didn't create animals. We didn't create mountains.

Somebody else create them. God created them. We can destroy them because we didn't make them. And the country was based on that true idea.

And if you didn't make something, if you don't own something, you have to show respect to IT. It's not yours. Other people don't belong to you.

Actually, there's a limit what you can tell them to do because they're not objects. And IT was on that idea that this country flourishes as the in human history. That idea was a pretty simple idea.

But again, it's an acknowledged of what is true. We don't have absolute. We have to some power. We have standing army.

We've got a massive legal code, but they're limits to what we can do to you because we don't owe you, because you're not slaves, you're free people, because god created you. We didn't. And that so often described as a radical idea, I don't think IT is I think it's table stakes. I think it's reality that just fundamentally to White, you acknowledge IT or not. And our government was forced to acknowledge IT because of our founding documents famously.

So I would say that people on our side have completely misfiled the debate over, say, free speech is not just annoying or a woke when someone punch shes you for giving your opinion is to tell italian is the first step to hurting you because it's a sign that they don't consider you human. You can't tell another human being what to believe because you don't own that person. It's literally that simple.

So this is just a long way of saying what I really wanted to convey, which is how grateful i'm to be a room for of thousands of people who know that, don't just know that intellectually, but feel IT. And I just hope that you will remember, no matter what happens after this, and it's the beginning of september of an election year, so I can promise you, amErica will not look as IT does today in two months at one. Won't a lots gona happen that we can't control or predict? But trust me, you will be a different place by the first week in november. But no matter what happens, and i'm praying for good outcomes, of course, I know everybody in the stream is no matter what happens, just remember that you are not weird, weird, so weird said to castrate your children, people, just weird.

Say that I love you too, and. But but what I wanted to say is everyone, every kind of Normal person, which is the overwhelming majority of people in this country, in this world actually, particularly this country, that no matter where they're from them, what they're they voted for in the past, they know that, they know that, and they all want the same things.

And I would say eighty percent of the ruling classes, time is spent convincing us to hate each other. And you know, one reason such a thrill for me to travel is that they're so little actual experience of hate when you're wandering around. I mean, i've think of myself probably correctly, it's one the most hated people in america.

And no, i'm not wanting about IT. I don't care you know badge ge of honor. But no, I don't want to make IT about me, but just like just ask yourself one is the last time that you were, I don't know, on your front lawn or a walmart or standing line to dmv and you heard one person attacks somebody else in the basis of like race.

I'm fifty five. I've never heard that. Not one time i've litter the whole time. That's actually not with the countries like people really nice to each other by a large people are really warmed to each other. They actually have a lot in common with each other.

And if you watch the way the country is portrayed, riven by racial tension, the horrifying legacy of america, right? stop. You're boring me.

But just so lying to me, that's not the amErica I live in at all. People pretty nice is hard to deal with people individually. And you you don't kind of see them as some alien.

They are like americans are just like you of distress about inflation and their mortgage payments and other kids are doing and they don't want to castrate their kids, please. It's like nine, three Richard ladies to send a Monica want that that's IT. That's just not a common thing.

It's that's just not it's certainly happens a lot. I would say it's a disproportion amount of like fourth great school teachers. I happened to notice someone who married to fourth grade school teacher or know what happened to that group.

A lot of them have gone insane. But sorry, just true. I used to love fourth grades.

I was proud to marry a fourth grade teacher. Are so sweet. This is precaution. Now i'm kind of freak out bt by them.

But but whatever, outside of a couple of small pockets of truly unhappy, miserable people who've never had a sound night of sleep in their life, who don't have a single functioning personal relationship, who hate themselves so much that they have to transfer that hate on to strangers, aside from them, most people are like, they think it's bizarre because IT is. They think all of this is bizarre. More drug admins like, who wants that? Nobody wants that.

There's nothing sadder than addiction. There's nothing sadder than watching people kill themselves like it's just off for and is being pushed on us by people who are truly in misery, who deserve our prayers. But their desires are not an accurate measure of what the country is actually like.

And so to stand in a room full, people are to travel across the country from my weird, little, remote place I live. And in kind or not, a single person who else at me, or just like a man, I agree with you, but it's great to meet or whatever every just so nice. And I have to see if something to spend his life in the media.

I won't go on about this, but thirty three years in the media really makes me despise them, truly, not just for lying, but for the divisive nature of their lives. You know, if you make people hate each other and not sure what there's a graver sin than that know, and if you're a parent, you know, can you imagine anything darker than convincing your own children to dislike each other? Is the deepest hope in the heart of every parent that his, her children love each other.

That's the thing that you leave behind, is the love between your children for each other. For you, you're onna die, but for each other. And that's the thing that gives old people comfort as they pass out of this world, is the knowledge, the certain knowledge of their children will continue the family through their love of each other.

And so as a parent and any Normal parents, you don't have to read a parents in book to come. This inclusion is a product of your deepest instinct and desires. You want the people in your care to love each other and get along, and IT takes a truly sick puppy to want the opposite.

Did you know that there are multiple companies, big companies, with names you probably have never heard of, that keep a living profile, a dc on you based on everything you do on the internet, which is most things at this point, this actually happens, is on a crime show, is on some fancy and television. This is the world that you live in. Everything you do online is recorded and sold to big companies.

S, and even the U. S. government. What are they doing with this information? Well, in some cases, nothing good at all.

It's equivalent of looking through your window, filming you and selling what they see to someone you've never heard of who's doing this. Data brokers are doing this. The vultures who make billions selling something that doesn't even belong to them.

You your private data, again, like filming you through your Better room window. Some people know this already, but they can do nothing about IT. In fact, most people, sadly, have given up on the idea.

Privacy even exists online. It's depressing and it's scary because remember, without privacy, there is no freedom. You don't want to live in a country with no privacy.

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So I would just say two things. And we're onna sit and do a show with one of my all time favorite people rustle brand. Who's such a either way, if I can to say not to the grass, imagine having dinner with me.

It's like no one can stand the topic. But rust brain is such a perfect example of what I was just talking about, russia brain. And I have right about zero in common.

He's from another land he is who used to call a foreigners. What I was at CNN, by the way, I love the word foreigner, and they could silicious, and they came into my office one day. I worked for CNN for years.

I was never liberal, just on the record, but he knows a different time. IT was the nine and I called someone a foregone and the standard and practices check comes to my office and he was, well, I just won't know. It's seen in our standards prohibit the use of foreigners or foreign.

There's those of things foregone, we call IT international. And I wanted to say you were a willing and freak get out of my office before I vm IT, but I was like twenty nine and so I did know I curry. So over the next week I must have used the phrase I have an international object in my eye like six times.

When you work in television, in particularly for like a humorous fascist regime, like the cable news network, you find ways to amuse yourself. It's like the vietnam po w blinking SOS with their ods. Like you just want, you want to feel like you're still human.

IT sees little acts of resistance to keep you joyful insight. But anyway, so russ brand is a foreigner. He's from a foreign called the U.

K. russia. Brand was a movie star. I haven't seen a movie since the late nineties. Russell brand is obviously no kind of like alternative.

If you haven't seen russia brain, you'll you'll know what to talking about in just a minute. And Russell brain has for his whole life been a man of the last. And so like I didn't know that much about Russell grander than he's like international part of foreign famous person.

And somebody sent me a youtube clip, youtube clip about three years ago of russia brand talking into camera. He's remarkably articulate, god given elephants that the rest of us is just really envy. But he was explaining what was going on with the coffee lockdowns and IT was so resonant IT was like something that was continuing fork.

When you hear something that's true, even if you don't have evidence to support that is true, the truth rings in your head differently from a lie. If you've had this experience, when you hear the truth, IT has an effect on you and you just know you just know in your soul that's true. You couldn't defended IT in court but you don't need you because you know and i'm watching this guy and i'm just I don't think i've been that thrill watching a youtube video.

Most of my youtube videos are about trying trade flies. So you know, pretty boring diet on youtube. But this video, I just thought this guy, we have nothing in common whatsoever.

And sure, he hates me and sure, he's on the record hate and on goole myself. So i've never checked, but this man is on the same page i'm on. We're hearing the same music.

He knows what's true and he's in that weird, very small percentage of people who know what's true and her brave enough to say so who've made this decision like I just don't care, or maybe I do care, but i'm to do IT anyway. And of course, the definition of courage is not not being afraid. People with the head injuries are not afraid.

They don't know to be the definition y of cragge is doing something when you are afraid and jump ing out of the airplane anyway. And that's what I was watching this man. And I thought to myself, this guy is really famous, and he's famous in the entertainment business, which has no sense of humor about dissent whatsoever, right? You'll never have been a movie again.

And he's doing in anyway. And by the way, people on the right don't even like him. It's not like he's jumping to his natural home among american conservatives.

Got like a freak. Are you getting who's the long hair? brit? Like, no thanks. And then all of his buddies are going to be like, oh, you're a fascist now we hate you cancell your dinner party invoice like you're done and he's doing in anyway. And that that really has been my experience for the last four years, which is the world that I lived in has gone.

And if you live long enough, you experience that in a sapp inter experience, all the institutions that you loved and believed in, people you were close to, the rituals you had, the places you went to eat lunch, the places you walked with your wife, they're gone, or they're changed unrecognizably. And you can go back going back to your hometown, you know, is an adult. Everything looks so small and sad.

You like, wow, I thought we were kind of impressive. No, IT doesn't happen. You don't do IT super said.

And so that happened, I think, not just to me, but too and awf a lot of people during a very short period, starting around memorial day and twenty twenty, when the revolution began, and very few knew what I was, IT seemed like just some guy was getting roughed up by the police in many apples as what we didn't know. But IT was the overthrows of our civilization. And I think it's pretty obvious now.

So you look back at the cost to you in your own life. The people are alienated from who, just like won't invite you to things, giving the family members who are matter, you won't talk to you and all the things that you've lost. And I bet a lot of people that you would know exactly what I am talking about, the sadness that accompanies that, the feeling of loss, like I really lost something I loved, and I feel I very strongly never get over IT.

But there is a countervAiling force as there is in the universe. It's called good, by the way. It's golf good.

I heard someone's really brilliant the other day say, you know, as a minister said, you know, people always ask me, what do you make of evil in the world? But no one ever asked me, what do you make of good in the world? And if you think about IT, why should any be surprised that there's evil in the world? right? No one should be surprised there's evil in the world, whether it's the five at all with luke ma, it's a world war in this.

Instead, it's evil. So obviously, in front of us, more inexplicable, harder to understand, less predictable. The existence of self is good existence of, like, unexpected altruism. M, when people literally lay down their lives for their neighbors, which happens all the time, you see IT all the time in small and large ways. And I guess the point I would make, and I will stop on this, is you see IT now more than ever.

And i'll i'll give you my text money on this, which is as since ious I can be that for all the friendships that have been destroyed, certainly the acquaintance ships that no longer exist, although people would never text me back, ever, there are so many people i've met who I never thought I had anything in common with at all. In fact, there's someone who I really dislike or thought I disliked. And I turned out we had everything in common.

We had everything in common. And the relationships that I have with people now, including our super, and are so much deeper than any relationship i've ever had in my life. IT is such an abundance of blessings right before this. I shouldn't say this, but it's true. I've given a lot of speeches and been on a lot of stages and a lot of people you know not all of return my text now none of human but anyway whatever um and so you sort of know the protocol back stage or whatever and you sit until the day jokes or wherever you do to talk about one of show or whatever russ brand is up and goes, will you come back and pray with me?

And IT made me emotional. And by the way, if you'd said to me five years ago, a fossil brain to come like, you prome like, no, I don't. I married. You don't go that way, you know, I just wouldn't, I don't know.

I wouldn't even have understood that language at all and I wouldn't I won't been so ashamed just in self conscious and I never would have admitted IT if i'd played with a man back stage like I don't think so i'm not told anybody but that that's too weird and and we didn't IT was just beautiful and now i'm so proud to say that not because i'm like any kind of. Role model. I am hardly a role model, and that's kind of the beauty of IT.

I'm the opposition of a role mode. I worked in cable television for thirty years. You think i'm a role model? No, and that's okay. I'm not going to speak for us, right? I don't think he's always been a role model either.

But when you have a really honest relationship with someone and you have confidence that the opinions of strangers don't matter at all because you're loved by a force that's bigger than twitter. You don't care, you can admit, and you can take deep joy from IT. And that is happening to me on almost daily bed.

I'm not always praying with russia, Randy stage in arenas and phoenix, i'll be honor. But I am having conversations that I bet you are two. If you think about IT, I bet you are two.

You're having conversations that are so much more honest than anything that would have been possible five years ago. Anything and all i'm saying, and I will stop on this, is that is something to be grateful for. It's something to acknowledge dge.

Yes, evil exists. Yes, IT is more obvious than it's ever been. I can't say if it's more prevalent or not.

I'm not god, but I can certainly say it's more obvious. None of of this is political. It's political.

It's political. It's not it's spiritual. Obviously, there's no rational explanation for anything that we're seeing.

The only explanation is the oldest of all explanations, which there is a battle all around us at all times that we cannot see between good and evil. Obviously, obviously, I first kind of inclusion a few years ago. I like, wow, it's such a revolutionary concept.

I don't know if I dare tell anybody this. And then I rise, oh, it's the oldest concept in history. Every book ever written about that fifty five. And I finally figured that out. Okay, kind of a genius.

But anyway, the point is for all the time that we spend looking at things and saying to ourselves that we speak commerce, that I do not much, I can't even believe that's happening. That's just evil. Hurting other people is evil. Period is the definition of evil.

For all the time I spend marinating in that and feeling sad about IT, which is a lot, I spend so little time, relatively speaking, marvelling over the displays, the open displays of love and kindness and self lessons and honesty tween people, which is another way of saying I spent too little time being grateful for all the good around me. And there's so much, so much more than there is evil. And that shouldn't surprise us, because in the end, git will win.

period. I don't know where this goes. I can't even guess where this goes, but I know who wins in the end, and that's good enough for me. Thank you.

I can since nearly say you're one of the people I most admire. I grew up in southern california in the seventies and people who set barefoot indian style and chairs. We're considered not on our side, and it's such an incredible thing for me to feel this soulful in real connection to you and to feel like we have the same instincts ts about things.

How would you describe? I'm going to throw throat out because you're about to find out how much more articulate he is than I am. How would you describe where we are right now as a world?

A bit weird. Whole scenarios rather weird. Thank you so much having me a foreigner.

In your country, obviously was quite easy to get in. No passport, just traps dein across the border. Traffic a few kids over up.

Sorry, so sorry, I laughed that.

Yes, yes. So IT feels weird.

So I guess the question is, I have felt a mixture of emotions over the past couple of months, experiencing things as I do like a dog does, which is instinctively I smell. And I have felt great hope as I express sed what i've also felt things idea about where things are going. So you are spiritually in tune, to put a mildly. Are you hopeful about the future or deponed?

I was listening to you just then. And I don't just mean the bits where you were very kind about me. I paid attention to everything you were saying.

In fact, he was quite difficult. So I needed a week quite badly. And I was listening to you talking about me. I, oh no. I'm gonna miss what would otherwise be a wonderful experience, listening to someone i've admire, talking in front of an arena of committed spirit, al, people about me, because of a primary function in the midst of IT. I felt, you know, after i'd had the way, now i'd had the way, after I felt great wave of optimism, because this has been a time of bowden and delirium. Perhaps, I suppose the recent olympic opening ceremony was a good example of how despair and anny lation can come about from the bold dedication of things that we vividly understand to be sacred.

As your great comedian George carlin says, when interests converge, there is no requirement for conspiracy. There seem to be a great many interests that benefit from, as you addressed earlier at the podium, that is mysteriously disappeared now, probably because of the deep states. It's probably in area fifty one.

No, alex Jones predicted that would happen. Podium will be taken away, so will come to take a podium. Man, the exchange of water supply change. That polian gender.

all true, by the way, that's a crazy world .

I know means extraordinary that without extras like but if anyone else was on the film saying that nine eleven would happen and then nine eleven did happen, you'd have to give that person a few passes.

I think it'll be a national holiday. IT will be called astrodome day if you actually called IT in great detail. And instead you would go, he's crazy, really, that how do you do that?

He's a sort of mistake. And I suppose that our culture makes no room for mister ism because if you worship rationalism, rationalis ism and materialism have at their APEC, humankind and the individual. I spoke briefly by text, actually weren't even a public conversation.

I don't. I'm pretending IT was more intimate connection. And IT was, I had a text message with father Julian of the brompton or tree. I know I asked him back. So I guess he's was he's a catholic priest and he said that the enlightenment inspired that the obvious, many miraculous achievements of science could also be regarded as an amplification of false light, the flight that drowns out the true light.

Now, a character like alex Jones, there's no question alex Jones are said some pretty out there and crazy things, but when you have an undue reverence for just the rational, just the material that and that's not to say that the material and rational don't have place for the two are a creation of the one supreme creator. It's what what happens, I believe, is you end up relegating and gating the mystical. You end up, in fact, if you, I suppose, replace the state as the apex of our hierarchies of meaning, then you can start to replace all of our values one by one.

You can start to remove ideas that a sof sacred, ordinary presumes with new ideas. And this state of bawden ment, I mentioned that the beginning is beneficial. Ze oppose to power.

power. The powerful appear to benefit from chaos. The more there is chaos, the more there is conflict, the more there is beudant, the easier IT is to a authority. And I suppose the clearest example we got of this, or a clear example, was during the pandemic period where the convergence of interest included, well, one would have to argue, pharmacy of companies appeared to benefit IT would seem superficially.

yes, as measured by sheer Price. I think that's fair .

governments appeared to benefit from the ability to regulate IT seemed that there was an opportunity to denigrate and marginalize and condemn people. So I suppose that's an example of how crisis and chaos benefits powerful interests.

And I supposedly, if you have that kind of polarity, a kind of tension, where crisis is beneficial, al, to the most powerful interest in the world, it's likely that you will see a perpetuation of crisis, endless crisis. If the military industrial complex benefit from war, you will have war. If the pharmacy al complex benefit from ill health, you will have the perpetuation of ill health. If they require you to eat food this bad for you and take medicine this bad for you, then you find that this great, wonderful nation in which i'm a foreigner, grapes and willing nearly back, and for that border, almost that will popping in them, cages the obama built.

Then I suppose that what you have instead of this wonderful nation, even though, you know, of course, i'm still somewhat agitated by your Victory, and that the revolutionary war instead of the Grace nation in the world, the world, you have a kind of convey t where we're sort of turned into love eye with parasitic tubes attached to us. One end being pumped of sugar and sea doo, the other end being pumped ful of needless pharmaceuticals.

I mean, as many amends as I can muster to that. But as a long time pizz enthusiasts, lifelong, really, i've lived on pizza actually almost exclusively for many, many years. If you heads, I know it's disgusting, I know.

But if you had said to me that five years ago, I be like, don't come on, there's nothing wrong with we then settle down IT does seem like just in the past, I don't know, year less than in months even that what you just said is resonating with people, even people like me, the pizz enthusiasts who have never thought about this at all. That seems like a move, almost a movement in amErica acknowledging that we're incredibly unhealthy, that unhealthy is by design, and that unhealthy nation can never really be free. Do you feel that.

Yeah, it's really good. Isn't IT that you are doing this live tucher one? Because of course, when you are making live appearance like this, you are able to be in the obvious presence of your audience. You're able to hear immediately how people respond to what you're saying. And I hope that you are able, to a degree, to feel the tremendous and warm for love that these people have for you.

It's funny. As a was, i've never going to acknowledge that, but I feel the love they have for each other, which is way Better and in very, very obvious.

Or can I could embarrassed you to death up here?

You could not embarrassed .

you you to death in phoenix, and you would have to rise in with metaphorical perfection for your own ashes.

So this is a stressful time here, the kids going back to school. Voice over at the height of the presidential election season. There's a lot going on.

You need a good nights left, but it's never been harder to get IT. So we're time of this in the office other day, and a couple people who work here were raving about a product called each sleep. And I wanted to know more about IT IT.

Turns out that temperature has a lot to do with whether or not you sleep comfortable ly and wake up feeling arrested like you actually slap. Now, the makers of eight sleep pot figured out that if you make a climate controlled mattress cover, you can add to your existing, that you don't have to buy a new bed, just the cover that IT changes everything. You get far a few of problems with falling asleep and staying a sleep until you feel rested the next day.

Sleep actually has its desired effect. The eight live pod can be used to warm up or cool off your bed. And that matters because temperatures change seasonally. We have climate change in this country. It's called winter.

And so you can feel comfortable all night long and even adjust to different preferences on either side of the bed, which might be helpful in your relationships if you have one of those relationships where the different partners want different temperatures. And those are pretty common. The asleep podd has been studied, has been proven to improve people sleep and health.

Mark sucker berg, and there would you on muscle the side? Many others use this product, including people here. So try to go to eight sleep dog com slash tucker.

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Yes, I mean, I suppose, look, they took a terrible risk with that internet because the power of the internet grants immersive surveilLance, incredible opportunity for censorship, almost total arian control. And that's plainly the trajectory that they prefer, totalitarian ism and technological feudalism, under the sort of peculiar fail of kindness and protection. In order to protect you, we're enough to control, and citizens manages within an inch of your life.

It's so peculiar that the characteristics of our lord omissions on the presence on the potts are being emulated by the state that they are emulating the glory, that they are replacing the glory truly lusa herrion thit is offered the apostle john, the postal paul and our lord and save you're all say, say, and is in control of the world. In material, there is certain, and I suppose technology is the advance of material. We are in a sort of heightened moment, I suspect.

But while while the technology i've referred to, I suppose in particular, instantaneous communication does grant the opportunity for total surveilLance, IT does also grant us the ability to create a movement in which we can defy in real time, the assertion that we are governed by bike, tree or prejudice. Because if there is, and IT seems among them, there is at least this offering. One message of Christiane that I find deeply honing, of course, the salvation, the redemption, the eternal life, but the kindness, the non judgment, the absolute radical love of our lord.

There is no tribunal higher than this. There is no judgment that I am in a position to offer. We are all in the same category together as fAllen. And perhaps in this moment, with this miracle of communication that could be used for total arian control, this message may spread the message of deep tolerance, deep love and a great ability to oppose what I consider now to be give the radical method a seton's force.

a man. So how did I mean, if you don't mind, describe how you arrived at what you just said and your hate, use our journey, but tell us what happened in your life .

meant lillers.

Good old fashioned. Oh, well, I suppose, taker, what IT must have been is that I am, this is my posty, as a devote of materialism, as a devote of culture, being as accepted into the high cathedral of hollywood, being granted access to the deep privileges of the hedonic of epoca ism, of making pleasure and privilege and prestige and all earthly things. My god, setting up force idols in high alters, worship ing them.

Find, placing myself at the center of the universe. Always worship ing myself, placing myself before him again and again I have fAllen. And again and again i've been shown that there is no answer there.

But the culture is predicated upon serving that impose. I've is fortunate, opposed to have an extreme example of IT. If you grow up a toby, shabby, ordinary little boy in an ordinary little town like grades in ecs in the U K, because we're in phoenix hours only, you may not get the reference. So think new jersey.

If you are pluck from that obscurity and granted the opposite of the shame and ignoring that IT can be to be a part of a blue collar community, to no Normalize normous, and to know neglect, and suddenly to know the lure and light of attention, to suddenly feel, you can feel, I felt elevated, I suppose temptation is not a trivial thing, otherwise the battle would be done. But temptation, i'm pretty weak, and I was easily tempted and easily overwhelmed and easily conditioned. And I suppose because of that, because at my heart, I am deal at my heart, I am devoted at my heart, like all of us, I suppose I worship and love.

I worship and love false things. And if you have, as I have a deep, deep need for god, and the culture will not tell you that you have a deep, deep need for god, then alcohol is your god, heroine is your god, fine is your god, money is your god, sex is your god, pornography is your. They will offer you a vast pantheon of diets to prevent you from seeing the real light blessid ly, as a drug addict, I had to get clean, and that's the beginning of an awakening.

As I say, i'm a very, very slow learner. I'm a fast talk about my slow learner. Eventually, through suffering, through seeing the fame and sex that I had so eager, worship turned and tester ized against me by a machine that loves those that speak out against, that I was forced to recognize my deep, deep foolishness. Thankfully, at the same time, as I was enduring deep, vicarious environ attacks from the culture that I had once worships at the fourth air of my little beautiful sun was born in at twelve weeks old, he had heart surgery at the famous great ormond hospital. When you hand over your baby to the anesthetists, knowing that he will, a ten hour trial, IT looks like calm IT feels deeply bible IT felt like some sort of slab that he was being handed over to.

The anesthetist seem unusually large, the sort of giant and towing men to see a doctor apply gas to this twelve year at week old baby's face and the tears of my wife, his mother, to be in the room downstairs, having left my little son, and to see the milk come through her top, the milk he could not feed, because, as with adults, before major surgery, you can't feed the infant. I experience such a powerful ness and pain, but also such a blessing to be shown that amid the tumor and maelstrom conducted by the spilled and a furious ink of the desperate liars that Operate in the central institutions of propaganda, and the seat that once I was happy to break bread with and feed out, I was shown a deeper truth, thankfully, by the excEllence of those surgeons and by the Grace of our lord god and my person. Save via jesus. Chris, my son is well.

I am a slow learner. So I was shown, I was shown, he showed me, this is what is important to you, these, your former guards. What are your former guards stand for you? Where is IT brought you to? What is IT delivered you? And the reason that i'm honor to be able to pray with you prior to coming out here is because I need to continually recognize that as the great passa ric Warren road, the first for words of his book, it's not about you.

It's not about me. And I I think you are a great testimony to that because before you never seem nervous, you never seem concerned, I see you from time to time. I consider our friendship to be a great privilege. And like you know, maybe you're being massacred in the media toko carlsson spoke to put in chilling. And i'm like, OK.

you're yeah.

Hi, he's not taking IT seriously. Tucher carson is not taking IT seriously. Tucker carson is doing what he believes in.

Tag, arson is not a racist. Taka, arson doesn't believe in dividing people. Taker sin doesn't believe in supremacy of any individual race or group doka cause is a patriotic american.

And and IT .

pains me to say .

this is an english manners or and as a red coat, there's nothing wrong with that.

But then you took without such a wonderful description of what happened to you, but then you took this amazing step of talking about in public and just feel like there's nothing more radical that I mean, you had a drug problem of talks about a million times in public. There's no sanction against that. I I use terrorite. I'm now Better people like go you go rustle brand, you get there, you starts throon the jaybird around. Man, was that a tough decision for you?

Well, actually I didn't really make any decisions I don't like. I didn't make a decision to get IT back ties. I didn't make a decision to start talking about Chris that actually, I don't know what the hell i'm doing. I've been making life. If I have thought about this more carefully, I probably would done things differently for .

style to put shoes on.

But in the midst of the crisis that I described to you, the existent al crisis, and like I note Christians, IT was a lot of Christians that appeared, appeared out of the middle. Now, in my country, I don't know about here. They do their level best to make Christianity as absolutely tedious as possible.

Like to make IT like there's nothing to see here. There's nothing of interest you don't need to pay in the attention. Like but it's quite amazing that god came to earth in the form of a man and was sacrifice, sacrifice himself, that we may be redeemed.

But somehow in england they make his own. The boring. So what happened to me? I mean, like I just tried to, I read that book, the pastor rick warm book, purpose driven life, because I saw him talking about his son taking his own life. And I saw the way that is about that now, bashed and apologetic he was, and how he was just in the pain of IT without, and he was a pride or no.

Let me, because i've been so attuned to ego, I imagined that if you were, and this supose, how I would have categorized, he missed of personal development person, but that, of course not what part is, because there is a difference between personal development and becoming a servant, and becoming a servant of our lord when he was saying, like his son had taken his own life. Wow, he didn't seem like so of embarrassed. All he feels is sad because you know the loss of your child and know they'll be people in here that have experienced that.

Of course, there will be people that have lost children and theyll be people that have lost people to suicide. Sensitive to that, he just seemed to feel the sadness of IT. Now at that time, I was feeling some pretty profound feelings.

The person has to die, the old man has to die, the adam has to die, that Christ may be reborn. There's an argument indeed for saying that the if we don't make our body a temple for his dwelling, IT will be a dwelling place for the enemy and. I think, you know, as a drug addis, you are trying to synths size spiritual experiences.

You are trying to find meaning and connection and purpose. You're trying to transcend self, quick talker, slow learner. I read that book, bear gills of all people, you know, bar grills, like running world with bare grills.

The girls of like appeared in my existence coming out of the shadows. And I said, so would you like me to come and baptize you on the twenty eight of April? And I thought went, yeah, but I mean, no.

I would not like you to come to make plans. I'm very good at temporal reality. I'm always agreeing to things on the basis that those things were probably never actually happen, that that will never actually happen.

And if IT does, by the time we get there, or a form, an excuse to get out of IT an early, I was in florida tucher anywhere I visited due previously. And like, i'd made this tentative plan to be baptised by sa s alec soldier bear gills, which was seemed dod, even as I was mulling IT over. And I was I was at an east of ceremony where three churches, I guess, like a batest meth catholic church, doing the sermon at at easter, I was stand .

right next year .

yeah and like these sort of kids said, hey, we've been like this sort of ganga kid hey, we're from north CarOlina a hey, we've been following your Christian journey hey, you want to get back ties and like, oh, to get baptize I think, well, we can baptize you yeah, we can baptize each other I baptize her SHE baptize me you're not going to gang back tize me.

But I could feel .

that you know went back home to england and shin off twenty eight of April did happen. That's our calendars work. Came immediately after the twenty seven for April.

For those of you that have a nerdish interest in such matters, immediately before the twenty nine, right there, it's SAT. There came bear grills and bear grills. Does he sort of that s survival thing? He does that like all the time, like even when he's in your else is sort of surviving there.

Watch out for that candle, he said. At one point, your fence isn't high enough. He brought some him, I mean, he's excEllent and he played the po.

He bought him, saw amazing. Like, I was very overwhelmed. He was very difficult to have any pretense about being an alf male in the company of their gills.

I just let IT go, you know, like we're on a robot, you wanna pick up a pasta from that to do their back. Tisch, in everything I lived by, the river that was the river that was gonna done in. And it's the river terms, and of course, the terms.

War a been sold off to multinational glamorous who, because it's more profitable to dump sewage in the beautiful and sacred river terms, rather than provide a sewage plant, do dump ed sewage in to the terms companies that are in, not like hong kong and canada, not to shame those particular nations, but probably the water municipal be owned by the community of people that live there and shouldn't be a for profit t really the people should run that not CoOperative thing i've been thinking about anyway. Like when I was, I was put in that war, know they bad ties, they backwards. And I came out there and I saw, felt, the holy spirit.

Although, you know, given what's in that war, I could have been echoed. Something was, something was happening. So there was never a deliberate choice that, but could Christ chooses us? We have been chosen.

I wish I had known earlier. I wish I had thought that I was too clever for the religion of my grandmother's. I thought, I thought that I was too smart somehow, that I knew what was in the bia.

Believe, and without reading IT of, I get the idea, you know, I els jesus readiness, blowing my mind on a daily basis, I can't believe the profundity ity the debt with the incredible beauty, the deep truth available to all of us. And I know there are many ways of receiving the lords truth and the lords wisdom, but it's transforming me very quickly. I didn't make a choice, tucker, and I mentioned the way that you Operate as well that there is A A kind of surrender.

I'm not saying that I am without shame. I'm not saying that I am without fear. I'm not saying that the points, I don't feel compromised and uncertain.

I am saying, since being baptised, since becoming Christians, since surrendering to him, I feel his presence continually. I feel IT now. I feel IT in this moment and I feel free. And like you said.

I mean, i'm studying that bible.

There's no where he says specifically russia I want you to overthrow the government is not specifically.

Keep breeding.

Revelations thirteen is some strong suggestions, but romance for an, he seems to be saying, I don't know, what do I have to work IT out, probably by the end of the evening? How do those things? Are the pressures increasing?

So what, I had a similar experience. I thought I knew I was there. I had no idea.

I never read IT. And I read IT took me a while, eighteen months. But I was shocked, completely shocked, by what was in there. Are you .

yeah as act first of all? Because, of course, the gospel are incredible, the accounts of the our lord and savior, but in particular acts because he is passed and the kind of further fibrillar the advanced alison and zeal of the postles like the absolute belief, like early on with Steven like being torn upon just gone. I'm off like, and paul like, I thought that paul was like, sort of the first among conformists.

But there are trials and ship breaks and jail breaks is incredible. And in marvelously pull, pull a real shifting in establishing Christianity. This just in.

he was in jail so many times, and they never bothered him. He minded they got on that ship breaks.

will trained up on a ship that's gonna be a ship, right? He seems perfectly relax about IT Better write another letter seems to have been his primary response.

So how different was IT from what you thought I was gonna be?

Well look, in my country we have a thing called the church of england. And the problem is .

in the name is that they're not .

a high rq implication in the name church of england. There are these with some of the people in the church of england have been instrumental and educate in me in my very nice and early new journey into Christianity, is the only not A A criticism of those wonderful ministers and teachers and men and women or faith, but the secularism all well and good.

As long as the state doesn't behave like a god, as long as the state doesn't give you some new edict, as long as the state doesn't set up some new apostles and doesn't deliver a new, literally, that seems to be designed to inhibit and prohibit the freedom of the individual, and to diminish the dilute, the sanctity of the individual and the beautiful space that can between us when we live in good faith with one another. True diversity is a glory, but superficial diversity to mass coma genuine yeah I feel yeah when there's homogeneity of one idea, one globalist idea, centralizing power by their fruit show, you know them in the pandemic period, wealth transfer guessed which direction IT was that way wasn't the IT wasn't IT wasn't the diversification of worth IT wasn't the empowerment of people. Who was the centralization of authority? That was the centralization of wealth.

He was the centralization of power. I suppose what IT doesn't seem that there is some sort of a nurse paradise that continually tries to reassert itself. The revolutions take place.

And then curiously, after the revolutions, power structures somehow superimpose themselves once more on the amorphous superstate of potentiality. They exist in the beginning. There was the word, and the word was god, and the word was with god.

Or, as they might say in quantum physics, a super state of potentialities that could become anything that can be spoken into being by us, that through faith can be brought into being by us. That requires that god does not require, as the trilogy lectricity. It's not a movie to that franchise.

I've i've never been Christian about three months enough got a lot to learn. I'd only been chrystie in ten minutes to take someone down the Oscar I was doing, Christian ani, within no time at all. I've been IT in that. Chris is, this is Austin. Thankfully, there's alternative for me to recover.

What is your, what is your friends say?

My friends say, well. You know like even though i'm sort of here because I feel that the circumstances permit IT and you've been kind enough to ask me here and people are kind enough to i'm propertized and talking, but like I don't like to impose myself. You know, like if people don't ask me, I won't like start IT in a map of the Christiani like waiting for a moment when they seem sort of a bit weepy and vulnerable and sort of lean in and go, have you considered chases?

But if I ask.

they're getting IT.

My wife's cradle catholic, my wife's father very deep catholic. My most of my mates are people in recovery. And we have to believe in god, otherwise we can't cope and will kill ourselves.

So we ve got no choice. Like it's funny. It's funny because we're talking about IT more it's becoming more explicitly among us and it's lovely to hear working class british men getting into jesus is sort of like that.

My my mates, like start watching the chosen. And he goes only before we done about ten miracles he'd done pending one episode. I don know what i'm gonna do when I early, but i'm starting like him.

I got to say one of the highlights of my summer, maybe the highlight of my summer, we were in mowcher last month. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but we were more hockey if you're probably invention and Russell was there and he text me because do you want to go to a meeting? I've been over over twenty two years, but I don't go to any meetings because I always thought I was weird and like, whatever.

sure. So we go to this meeting at seven in the morning in malawi, in a tough in hood in malawi, and we walk in, and I would say least fifty percent of the people there are the men there were from a men shelter or some post prison facility. And I walking with russia, like, Russell, what do you do? And man, he'd been there like, going three times for something before I got there and watching, watching your total transparency with the people there, watching your love for them, their love for you.

IT was just like IT. IT was so wild IT was like, i've not stop thinking about IT. So we finish and i'm coming from the hotel and I had someone driving me and I said you right back to downtown our hotel and he goes, oh no, i'm going with this person stripping me this like rain person for the meeting and rock gets in the car.

And as we're going is out now, we're going to breakfast or something. I thought i've never met anyone in my life who's more open to other people. This morning i'm walking to the hotel lobby. I looked and there's rustle in the gift shop, talking in the gift shop owner like this and like, look, rally intensive, having like the world's deepest conversation with the gift shop onor.

And I think there's something about that that is truly Christian, seeing every person as a human being, not as as some total of whatever badges the person has her achievement, but seeing the person who got for the god of the other person, and being totally open, always to the possible, that god is trying to speak to you through the other person. I was telling the people I was in the car that I like, tell rust brand, try to explain what you're like and I said, you'll never see russia brand walk down the street with his head down, like, focused on the destination. He's always totally alive to the possible that goes going to like jump out in the form of some person and like give him a message.

He's looking into the eyes who have every single persons passes. And like, I like russia. Brain, hey, how are you taken by the army? Look right into their eyes.

You mention an experiencing life that deeply all the time. It's just beautiful to watch that. I just want to tell you what I noticed that.

Well, this is a lovely holiday. I must say i'm really enjoying this. I probably wanted to speak back across that border. I might stay here.

I mean, listen, I suppose one of the great opportunities that we are afforded by bringing our faith to the forefront of this conversation is the possibility of deep unity and of forgiveness. Because an election, by its nature, is a time of conflict. And competition is an election.

IT is a choice. IT is a decision. But after this election, you are gonna be the inheritor of the new united states of america. And my hope is that IT will be a period of reconciliation and coming together. And I suppose in particular, I am encouraged by the joining of of trumps republican mag movement by Robert candidate.

Because I have known bobbi Kennedy for a while, not as long as you, of course, but I believe Bobby Kennedy's be a very decent and beautiful, unkind man. And I also note that since he has joined the campaign, he has brought to the forefront, and of course, not be claiming to be an expert in your politics, but I know is that he spoke about free speech and the integrity of that ending war and children's health. From which I can only conclude he must have become some sort of right when fascist.

I think that children's health was the giveaway.

You eve a man.

Bobby, like you, seems like one of those people who had to give up a lot to follow his conscience. And he does seem liberated in a way, he seems like he's cross some line where he had to do the most unpopular thing. And in so doing he became kind of a different person.

That's the feeling I get for I just saw him last week and I was really struck. He seems different. He's just seems like liberated.

Well, yeah, I watched that episode of your show, and he was so lucid and articular when he spoke about nature and our connection to nature and his own love of nature, even though, well, formally, you know, I think you guys like to hunt stuff down here. And I know I do not judge americans for hunting. I've had that argument and i'm never having IT again.

Well, we but to be clear, we hand in release.

They are release them in. Just get you released their we corpses fly. oh.

Non judgment, no judgment, no higher tribunal than him. No point in arguing. I'm not argue with anybody at all. It's is most liberating. But yeah, to your point, I think that you are recent interview with with Bobby, your interview with colima has been fantastic. Calamine is contribution to the conversation about health and nutrition has been invaluable and .

transparently in this room. By the way, should I and I don't know where he is because I don't have my glasses is on, but I just rain into him. And anyone who doesn't know about Kelly means, and a sister casey means that is worth a google search. And their new book is a transformative book. And I think that will .

change the country right minute area is he's drinking .

coca cola for colly.

He's drinking, see oil right now. Oh, colly not another hip, kate. Yeah, he's pretty fantastic, isn't he? So I suppose so you know what i'm doing my own show. What continually saying is because I still have the sort of remind a kind of pay of former or of liberal friends, the sort of sort of a frozen there in time.

I have that, sorry, do you say I have a pump pay a former liberal? That's like, so brilliant, I just have to stop.

And I just unbelievable people frozen .

in place in the little table.

That is what was trying to do with language. It's so good. So like, how can I be? How can you consider this to be an advocacy for freedom?

How can the word liberalism, a word that so the etiology of IT is so into oven with freedom, how can I mean more and more power? How can I mean more and more advocacy for war? How can I mean more and more than fiction of celebrity and empty rapid language?

How can I be more and more condemnation of ordinary people, more superciliousness and holiness and domination? How can I be but that only the superficial, not to kindness and compassion, but a negation of the deepest compassion in love. How can IT be? That's what came up that pum passing. Thank god you appreciate IT.

I love IT. So I guess what i'm i'm interested in the Bobby thing. I love Bobby Kennedy. personally.

I think he's sincere for real, and I think his love of nature and his description of why we love nature, we love nature because it's the highest expression on the planet of of beauty, because god created IT. And and so we should preserve and we should enjoy IT. And the same goes for animals so I feel that way strongly.

But but IT does seem like his entry into is good has dropped out, you know or he could have endorsed the party that his family has been associated with for over one hundred years, but he didn't they didn't want him, by the way. But I would do anyway. IT does seem like the moment that you've been talking about, since I started watching you about this kind of convergence of people on the basis not of party identification, but the basis what they really believe, shared values, shared interests.

And that should be the basis of any movement were together because we have something real in common and something fake like a label. But something real like A A temperament, a goal, a dream and aspiration. And IT does seem like that's happening. Finally.

maybe I would think so because he's an extraordinary ary character to incorporate into that movement. And I think IT will be very difficult to come up with continual condemnation to such varied characters. Trump is easy for them to condemn him indeed as a massager ist or to continue the law for Bobby Kennedy.

Oh, he's a cool. He's a crack pot. He seems to think that the pharmaceutical industry have some interest beyond your willis and your general health.

The mad conspiracy theorists like what are they are gonna summons up about tosi gabor. I mean, as they sort of, you know, what is he going to be? They don't like that streak in our air.

That's the sort of thing a super feeling would have. She's a ladies od. They may say generals or superman too. Sorry, I was obscure. I'm just wondering how that is sort of the creeping condemnation and the lack of clarity when I watched that dnc. And this is sort of a good the excitement for celebrity, by the way, when I was the recipient of the I, I would have happily sort guzzle down like a nosis network. Easier to observe its ridiculousness on the outside.

But there was a failure that came out.

You'll know his name, but he was a sort of a sort of a somewhat poorly billion in he was causing, like preece click or something like that and he came out to say, sort of like, you trumps not a billion air. I'm a Better billion air and I said something like that.

but just before, but what a message .

just before berny Sanders have been outside illian hours, hours of every year. One puts away what we stopped. And then that guy I came out said, there's good billion's and bad billionaire. I no, they don't have any sort of central defining argument, just the desire to win an argument.

And that's what happens, I suppose, when politics has been captured by the donor class and the lobby's class, I wonder when we will see donations extracted entirely from politics, the profession of lobbying entirely removed and mediated a iolaus radical, the centralization radical, federalizing, I wonder, win. Because surely at some point, the possibility would exist to have the experiment that I understand. Founding father were interested in unique experiments in republicanism or democracy.

You can use whatever term, don't offend anybody. But you could have principalities that were responding to the will of the people. And if the people are guided by god, if all of us so attempting on our own, not on our own, but a vite of through ourselves, and throw our community to connect with god, then is more likely that we will create communities and states and nations and the planet of peace and prosperity from the bottom up, not from the top down, not like the imposition of powers structures.

You can see this homogeneity on every matching high street or main street. You can see that is like it's landed on our cultures is is no different really. In my country, we have a similarly global list, lead an authoritarian who claims to care, who wants to protect you from you, yet another macron truda star ma.

These kind of characters that come out often with wonderful haircuts to attend us, that they care for us, and they care for us so much that we have to ever, we have to remain in our homes and cover our mouth, and we must travel more than fifteen minutes. And you sort of get the sense of some dreadful revelations like mark of the beast is about to being planned in on the and all for your safety. Of course you understand.

And I feel like couple just will. I'll look up to me. So all right, I don't need your continual care and I want to be medicated and cared for so aggressively.

Do you I mean, last time I was in the U. K, my, the driver actually in the way to your house was going on about how much you loved you. You couldn't believe he was driving me to your.

He couldn't believe in he was so thrilled. And I said his, is russia brand popular here? And he said, with people like me, this was actually a from bundle at this guy.

And he said, people like me, he's popular, but everyone in charge hates them. And that should not to be true. I can see why, but do you feel like people you know in your country are waking up to what you just said?

I. Think so. I wonder in the problem is that I suppose it's something that you've been very particular about, is the primary vessels of communication appear to be controlled by a particular class of people, and that class of people are somewhat reluctant to unhook themselves from a rava satisfying illusion, the illusion that what they're doing is valuable and important and that it's really vital that they continue to defect to protect whatever target, whatever nominated group IT.

Is this convenient for that purpose from what they regard to be the sort of build and disgusting mass of ordinary people? And if for a moment they were able to consider the that's no longer the congregation, that's not the world they're dealing with anymore, they suppose there was IT for a brief moment after the cultural and civil rights movements of the sixties are kind of alliance between working people and the intelligencer and borja. It's kind of been steadily breaking down.

There's no question that the party of ordinary americans, working americans, is the republican pie on the Donald trump in my country. There's a sense of vacancy. The the party in my country is meant to be the party of ordinary british people, is supposed to be the labor pie, but they hate ordinary british people.

You can kind of feel the clothing dripping in seriously from their venomous aliva as they angrily all write from their secular pulpits condemning you for being you annaly the culture from underneath and nation, the culture from on top, and wondering why people feel the wild desk lizer nature desk alizon the land, put in a screen in front of every face, feeling every belly with sugar. Then wondering why people are weary in this content, i'd feel feel that once that class of people, once for all, lose the battle communication, which seems to be happening unless censorship laws radically increase and IT seems that that's a real possibility because platforms like ex are band in brazil. Those rumble.

The platform that I am on there is there is an obvious attempt to legit I censorship, not to protect us, but to control us. They have no interest in protecting anybody. And you can also see how protect any parent knows that protection and control are on a um and that may be fine when you're an adult looking after children, but when you're a state claiming to protect a population that becomes a nefarious and dangerous ideology.

The only value that the state could offer, I suppose, is international security. And I conceptually one my assume protection against rampant advance and global ism. But given that there's plainly an alliance between the state and global ism in most of the countries, angle phonic countries, western countries call on what you will, then that is a move point.

Plainly, watch required is radical the centralization, radical individual freedom, radical new alliances. And that's why I was so when we first like communicate in, I felt like, oh my god, tucker cars. And I felt like a kind of a postcard. I felt like, my god, what my doing going on like fox news and stuff. But now I feel completely relaxed, probably because you're not on fox anymore.

That's true.

I think some economic miscalculation were made over. There are fox.

I am so grateful. So my last question um is where do you think we are in a year? Do you have a clear picture of that?

Not I don't actually talk a mean i'm word about where we're going to be an off an hour. I'm figured about sprint enough this stage into the phoenix night.

What we're gone to get dinner because i'm starving.

My hope is they are up for some time. Technology has created the possibility for further the centralization of power. IT is clear that this is being resisted by the use of crisis to legitimize the centralization. I wonder, like, you know, when I see that there was, of course, napster would create a disarray in the record industry.

Then there was alert the arab spring IT was clear that the online technology, social media in particular, could create dictionary movement, then then through commercial ingenue mity, in the assertion of power, the wild west of online spaces became tired over by the familiar logos of corporate sm. Well, I wonder if the technology and ingenuity, there's ground IT. For example, uber or airbnb might be deployed to create more decentralized and localized democracy, where people would have more control over how budgets were used in their region, whether whether budgets were spent on education or health, or migration, or security or military complex.

I have a great faith, in fact, and you eluded to this earlier yourself, the wisdom of ordinary people. Populism is being prodded as a term and being equated sort of kind of cleverly. They're very good at this, the way that they can start using terms like joy or weird.

But you we can quickly curate and bring together like packages of people doing IT again and again, these points being reiterated. And there's an attempt to make populism a kind of dirty word, a dirty term. But popular m simply means, as far as I can tell, listening to people and forming government on the basis of consensus from the bottom up, not from the top down.

So there is a possibility with the great work that you continue to do, particularly is conducted with an open heart and radical, inclusive ity and a willingness to form new alliances. There is a stability. There's something extraordinary could happen in america.

And amErica is the one country where are really ought happened, new alliances that absolutely defy their language of condemnation. We must be radically open, high, radically loving, radically forgiving, for who was the most radically being that we have ever known, who love you more than anyone else, who forgive hope than anyone else who gave themselves that we might live. I can think of, I can't see in secularism any solution.

I can't see in politics anything other than Green shoots of possible change in the alliances that we've touched upon. But in our lord and savior, I can see the hope and redeem tion that was promised us and that would be in my path. So i've .

never asked before. We haven't talked about this. And I I mean this in the most open and possible way. Not ever one's gna share your belief from my beliefs. But would you close in prayer?

yeah. right.

I call on the name .

of the lord jesus Christ ter, our heavenly saver, lord humbly in this great congregation in phenix, arizona, with my host to tuck a carton in difference to him, but an ultimate difference to you, our lord and savior, to whom we are all your Younger siblings and your children.

I pray in your name that the forthcoming election be an opportunity for unity for amErica and for americans, for forgiveness and for Grace, that the dark and dynamic forces that appear to Operate at the level of the state, the deep state in the court, britain, global world, to experience your lighting ord, that we are guided, that you guide all of our tongues and all of our words and all of our heart, that we feel your forgiveness, that we feel your Grace. Thank you, lord, for the many gifts that you but missed upon us. Thank you for the glory of consciousness itself in which we can experience you and leave you.

Thank you for the beauty of nature, which we see you wisdom in your creativity and your infinite glory. Thank you, lord, for the many leaders. And thank you, lord, that you were born and died, that we may be forgiven, and that we may have eternal life, not through merry or anything that we have individually achieved for surely all of are fAllen, but in your holy name, we are forgiven by your active redemption, by your sacrifice. In your name, we pray our men.

a man, Russell brain, ladies and gentlemen, thank you.

The big tech company's sensor are content. I hate tell you that is still going on in twenty and twenty four, but you know what? They can't sensor live events. That's why we are hitting the road on a fall tour for the entire month of september. Coast to coast, we will be in cities across the united states, will be an anim california for vac ra swami call water springs with tosi Gabriel salt lake city with a tosa oklahoma denboro geno cans a city with Megan Kelly, which had top would charreton curr malawi with Larry elder rosenberg, texas with Jessie Kelly.

Grand rapids with kid rock party, pennsylvania of jd vance reading pencil, Alice Jones or were texas with rose and bar rainfall south Caroline with margry Taylor Green sunrise ed for of a john rich Jackson, bill forward with Donald truck junior, you can get tickets at tucker carlson dot com. See there. Thanks for listen and tuck or cross and show. If you enjoy ID IT, you can go to talk to cross in that calm to see everything that we have made the complete library cross dock.