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Welcome the tucker carlson show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. They're not sensitive, of course, because we're not gatekeepers.
We are honest brokers here to tell you what we think you need to know and do IT honest. Check out all of our content. A talker, crosson dotcom, here's the episode. How do you live on the internet without having to destroy your brain?
I went through that twenty seventeen, and where I felt like my brain was become a little bit document fried. So for me, I just said, I just do last, and I want to, D. C.
last. And I did last of, I made myself irrelevant in a way. So there was a point I was on a, and I was on real art to be a big deal.
And then my brain was getting fried. I looked videos and myself, my facebook, all red. I was just help us information because the course l and I was getting calls from people in D, C.
Three, four in the morning, and I was breaking a bunch of stories. So I was like a phone kids. And I realized I was losing myself to this world, this digital world.
yes. And then I like the socks. Do i'm gonna .
to figure? Mean, it's quite as all. What does that mean?
A stress for? Mt, so when you under stress, find a flight response, you have corus all and then cortile and flaming. And then that's what makes a lot of people who maybe are healthy look a little stressed out because you blow, you hold water.
Yeah, there's a lot of things ago with IT. So a lot of people, when you lose a high, when you leave a high stress job, people will be all, I lost ten pounds. No, you lost about fire, ten pounds of water. yeah. Because you're not.
which you felt like you are succeeding too much.
Oh yeah. Yes, I love that objectively. yeah. And then most .
people thought about not being successful.
Now, yeah, but I is. How you to find your spiritual world are how you to find what you want to do with life. And I noticed that I got hard to people like, for example, like me doing this episode with you.
I almost didn't do IT because I got on, man, i'm going to have a bunch of people texting me. How do I get on talker? What's talkers number?
Can you get this thing every? Yeah no, I know the people like over the place.
so but they're so incapable they can't find IT. And then my deals would be blowing up and and that was the problem is people will get this to down june or I saw, I saw that you are a thing. We're done juniors, get this to trump and I go, no, man, this is not really what is about.
So the the only real wait to describe how I ended up in this weird world was IT. IT was a guns that was a ride. IT wasn't a deliberate, calculated move.
How can I become a whatever? Because I was influencer before. There was a term influencer.
I was recognized in public for what I rode on the internet. This is before you can make any money doing IT. This was for their brand deal. This was just people had blogs or people on social media blowing off steam or goofing off for whatever. And I was, I was very early to what's now knows known as an input answer .
but so you you start I mean, you had a completely different life, your a lawyer um you live in california, a bike up from there. You this you're not basically where you decided where you thought you would be go, but you started succeeding in this new world. But I still not understand how IT came to you that you don't want to be as successful as you are.
I decided I want to become irrelevant.
And the reason is because that's the most people want.
right? I wanted to be, I, I was, I have a story about this. I won't say who is, but I was having dinner with a friend of mine, and I was working on my next spoke, which is called audacity, how to go from nobody to somebody. And IT was a discussion of, again, influencing before people knew them as influencers.
And that was about brand building, getting your message out reti c, and I was having there with my friend, and he goes, you know what, by the time you finished this book, you're not going to publish IT and you're going to call IT how to become a nobody and I kind of laughed and said, a ha H E. He was right and never released a book. And so if you wrote the book but didn't publish IT, yeah, just felt that was too vang's ious, felt that was too self celebratory.
I felt like my ego was seeking a extern validation too much. And then I was losing who I was and losing what I wanted to do. And this because I my whole philosophe.
how did you come to that?
Did your wife mentioned to you or no? no.
I find at moment you realized you're gonna become a worse person.
You just, you feel so a little things and little gestures. You, you would google your name. I don't have a google.
Learn my name. I don't know anything. People occasion similar. Have you seen this? No, and i'm not trying to act like i'm too cool for school, but I I don't do that because you'd goal your name E, D, named such yourself on twitter.
What people saying, do I get ta respond to this? And you become a little, you become a brand, not a person, right? Or you become an account.
That's how they refer to people on x when they known as twitter. All that's an account. And I say no, but that's what happens. You lose your humanity and you no longer humanity. You're more like a cyborg or you're living in an augmented reality of social media where you, whoever you are, doesn't exist and you are engaging in some kind of performative dance for a mob of people who are who necessarily don't necessarily have your best .
interest in mind. Who said that? Completely crazed chick who has the mental breakdowns on camera that shows .
the washington post .
from grandage yeah, yeah tell and yeah on one hand is loser. But every time I ve ever seen her, I just have to many daughters. I feel so sorry for her because she's clearly been destroyed by what you're describing.
A A lot of people do. There is a certain look some people have in there in front of a camera. And where there, this is where they want to be, right? The ham up for the camera.
yeah. And I had always been the opposite. So for me, my biggest if if I had an influence on this IT was, I don't have you ever watching doctor or gene Scott on satellite radio.
Actually, jeans got from my child in california.
So there you go. Even Better, the universe dro.
Yeah, the guy, the the guy who .
would t in a when I.
when I was not like six or seventh grade, my brother and I would fire a ball and watch her watch doctor gene and he hated his views. He would say, you're not. You're disgusting. I told you to send me money on this phone, bank pine.
And that's the guy. The voice is is a faith. He was sing, yeah yeah group. So we had a boot league satellite radio transmitter and we picked up doctor you, gene Scott and he, he's probably the greatest influence on me and how I do media, because i'll go on these.
really, anyone listening to this and watching this, just hit pause. Go to youtube, see any other hetta be long. yes.
Yeah, yeah. He died years ago. One of my life regrets, I never went on to the university theatre before he died. And that was one of my moments morning moment.
So he, because his his effect, his way of communicating was like, so strange. How was he an influence on you? You see, much less strange.
okay? He sets around reading books, the the most obscured knowledge, and would go down these deeper abbot holes that nobody really cared about. And then, am I boring you? Am I boring you? And he was scream, and I boring you? Do you wanted hear more? Did all the telephones, and then they have these horses videos because he is forceful.
And you have see these horses videos. And I thought, this is the college fo that i've ever seen in my life. This guy is amazing, and he is A P, H, D, is a brilliant guy, genus guy.
He knows this trivia. And I thought, man, that's cool. I can't want to be that guy when I grow up.
And to anyone else on your block want to be doctor or jeans cott.
I don't know that anybody in the world, the, I don't know anyone else but me, found in this to be an aspirational character. And I would washing for hours a week, especially because that was the only thing that might, because we are very strict, uh, how? So we could watch my dad would let me watch him forever.
So for me, that was one of a few things that I could watch. And I could watch you with my dad. And I was, I was obsessed with his delivery style. I thought I was cool.
He just SAT around to read books, because if you think about people, go, what do you do for a living? And the answer is that I read books and write about what I read and want to find interesting. That's IT, and there's no more there to than that, but there's a lot of there there if you look at IT in that context.
So he would be framed by piles of books. And IT would be the most weird stuff, at least growing up in a small town book he never heard over. I didn't have amazon got come back then, and I thought that be cool.
You just sit around, read books, talk shit yellow. People who are watching you stream, go on tight rate, smoke cigars. Where do I sign up for this?
How do I do this for watching IT was almost like a massive tic experience because he hated you, but he came, ended your attention and then told you to send him money. And a lot of people did. Well.
I don't know that he hated you as much as I, because I like grab and watching processing till I view IT more as a bit because I think he had a genuine smile effect to him, and I think that he did. I think that he was happy and enjoying what he was doing. I've viewed that much of less that he had contempt his audience, but more that he was a rebel rouser and he was doing a bit of A A processing bit.
He was a heal. He was an intellectual heal. So if you look at rick flair, was ric flair a good guy or bad guy? Work fare didn't hate the audience, right? The bad guys would run in the iron sheet, would run in, causing people out.
And he, his audience, that was a bit right. So doctor jean Scott, that was his bit. He was a heal and intellectual heal and he was having fun. And I think the audience was was in on IT. And if the audiences isn't on .
the bed and IT becomes fun, no, that's that's a much deeper reading that I I was capable give to, right? So you decide to disappear, become less relevant. How do you do that and do the work?
Absolutely work. I don't have people asking me to to find out how to get in touch with anybody and the trump s campaign or anybody who just pull .
back from politics that well.
less I pull back from politics. I did this video and I I thought one of my epiphanies was I was reading a book. And because IT goes both ways, so I don't know if you've ever going to a minor bookstore more is pretty depressing.
And then you see a book and you'll see the author is some crank on twitter that is completely not credible person. So I can't read history books anymore because I read these historians on on x and I got all they're lying about trump. I can't listen to a dan carla podcast, hardcore history.
I can't listen to this because when you read what they're writing about contemporary events, you realized there's nothing about them that you can trust in any of their story. And then I reached another pivi where I was reading, I like polo acqua books a lot, and he, he's famous for the outcomes, but he's rent a bunch of other, the little cyncoed books I read happy recently. And I thought, I don't know what this guy looks like.
I won't know if I saw this guy in public. I don't really care what he had for dinner, but I like his books. And then I thought, I want to be more of a book as a metaphor.
I'm a book. You read my x account. You grow, you read IT that interest. You get mad because I maybe more things in a way that you don't like, but you don't really care that much about me. The the person right is more of the words, whether when I was doing a lot of life shopping, a lot of videos, there becomes more of an emotional component to IT. Because TV is way more powerful videos, way more powerful than audio videos.
way more powerful than the written word. But listen during.
So in my mind, I thought i'd do fewer streams, because I would do this very popular life streams, nice, quick doing them. And I found that that made me significantly less relevant.
but happier.
more content. That, you know, there's a great book on the happiness hypothesis. I've studied the philosophers, fossil, major college, and I learned that happiness is a dragon, really is not a destination, is more about the economy obtained indirectly. So I think less about happiness. And I I kind of rejected that.
Or are you happy? And more along the lines of, is that meaningful, is an impacted fully, is significant? Is that having the desired outcome for the world and the desired outcome for me, and in that regard, much less relax, much less stress out, I have much less cortisol pulling through my body is, as for sure, and I can wine down easily. So, for example, that I can bada a hike four hours and raw dog and hike means no audio book, no podcast, no radio. Just me and my .
thoughts call raw dogging when .
you don't have elected onic dog, let's open. Yeah, but that's how it's an achievement. Me, well, I hate ah, it's get there.
Yeah, but if you can do that for hours as rider or headphones in the gem. So I did. I did much less disconnecting from the augmented reality world and the virtual reality world, and spent more time in physical world.
Rod dogging, I thought that was like, no condom.
that is, but means change and language usage change.
Amazing and amazing what's going to happen in this election.
Nobody can, nobody can know, because the democrats have all these tricks up their sleeves that people aren't prepared for that. For example, what they are doing now with motor voter registration is they're registering illegal immigrants who come into the country. And the gist harvest's baLance, right? It's really easy to do you we have ten or eleven million people in her over the past couple years on the by definition ration.
You register from all the vote IT doesn't matter because they're not going to vote. So there's no voter prosecution and there won't be any record of voter voter fraud by them. But you have all these names now. And a swing state.
Remember, elections excited not by the popular vote is to decided by fifty two hundred thousand votes in three to four states, right? So are you do if you need eight eight thousand votes in georgia, push them through, right, twenty thousand votes in a arizona, you have all these extra names now added to the voter roles. Push him through, right was concern has those um drop boxes back, push them through and you don't need to do one of the scale in millions, you just need to do IT strategically.
And ten thousand here, twenty thousand here. So that is why we don't know what's gonna en. And remember, there's no way to know if .
you wondering how big tech got powerful enough to avoid the first woman to the conclusion, the united states, I don't get big enough to knowledge. Y, the founding documents of the most powerful company in the world. Well, simple.
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Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee, and they're been raising IT without even telling you this gets consumers and every small business owner. In fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden White busy cheer. The fees, VISA and master card charge americans are the highest in the world, double canada, and eight times is more than europe. That's why I take an action, but I need your help to help get this past. I'm asking you to call your senator today and demand they passed the credit card competition act pay by the merchants payments coalition not authorized by any canada or candidates committee W W W merchants payments coalition dot com.
I mean, if that's correct, that's so ark. I must don't want to do well on IT, but then that that's why you you will be fine of finding .
state done well. We want by tyrone's. November, I think, is the weakest candidate that we can have.
But there is a new enthusiasm happening, knowing that if bian says in the race to have to say biden, because now this real pair, people look up for grain and that is going to win, democrats especially. And now they're thinking that he might not win, that i'll drive more democratic to turn out. It's gonna holy contested man.
It's gonna holy contested people saying trumps up two on this poll, trumps up three in this pool. None of that matters is going to be hotly contested election. And people are getting relaxed days ago.
Well, yeah, I mean, there's a huge scramble in washington is to you know why I wanted be secretary this or secretary that or I mean, they're acting like it's it's done yeah.
they're acting like you've one, which I don't like. There's lot of a lot of congressional races that are close. The people need to watch out for democrats might take the house.
They think you're gona take the house was being done there. And unfortunately, not much. Unfortunately, people aren't running on the issues that they want to run. And so for example, I was talking about this yesterday on ex and in orge county, there's a real concern that orange colney could become like the bullshit c run los Angeles county so a guy ran, tossed its ran .
for next door.
ran for dish to turney, his camp pen, his camp tasks bits ran for um this return. Y so yeah, the dishes return. Y election.
The campaign slogan was no L A and O C. He won by two to one margin. Orange country, he melt.
No crime. No crime. Waves like to have none of these homeless accounts. None of this bail reform.
so called .
happening on, yeah in a way you feel like mentally stunted that you have these conversations, right? No, it's it's your year in a surreal parallel l reality where you go, oh no, you see the way to win republicans if you want to enforce the criminal code against people who murder people, you want to actually put criminals in jail. And then you have this weird, surrealist moments in yourself where you think, did I say that and I stupid.
This is banal. Why are we talking about that? It's right and you go, no, but IT is but as utterly stupid.
And yet that's where we are as a society that you do have to talk about. You have to talk about all the time. You have to remind people of this all of the time, because that is the dumb world that we live in.
And IT does feel sometimes you demoralizing because you feel like you're talking below your intellect, right? As a writer, as a speaker, you want to talk about issues that are interest you and interest, and that you find novel. I read this book, was this booky read what's fat about?
I went on that rab hole at school, and so much of our time, unfortunate has to be devoted in OK republicans, crime is bad. People don't walk crime. You're running. You need to talk about crime, and then you see them talking about everything. Book crime and you think, no, okay, I have to grab you by the shot.
Sport did talk about crime .
number one by two to one in a fifty fifty .
so that but I would think that every other republican .
as Michelle deal, as is orange county canvas members, how much you are talking about crime as Simon s last time they had a press conference about crime oh, but i'm running for congress is a national issue? No, is not. Is local, right? Running for congress is not a national ballot, referendum IT is a local election. That's right.
You and they don't understand these things, then you think, how do you not understand these things? And then I think i'm wasting so much in my time with mediocre people who either have no will or they really are this dumb. And what do I do with my life? Says where you have .
this exception, al crisis, right? I been. But why wouldn't you know? I mean, crime, there's no defense of IT at all.
So and you're republican, you don't have to be for crime. You're not for rape. So why wouldn't they talk about IT? IT can't just be stupidity.
They feel pressure. Not do I think that they don't understand the issues in the way they should and that they get too much caught up in the D. C.
Think tank ROM. And I don't think that they're being told you can't really talk about crime. I think that and they are guilded world, they don't understand what issues really are concerning people.
They don't have any kind of concept of how bad is in certain parts. And I do think that they afraid d to the media attack. So when the orange county, they should to turn your run for office, the media course attacked m mear.
M refashions m far right, this fat but he over overwhelmingly one. And as you know, republicans are controlled by the media in terms of the narrative. They're so afraid of a hip piece, right? They're so afraid of negative press coverage that they allow the media to dictate the agenda.
Why would you let your enemies control you?
That's the first sal question, right? That's the questions why republican sophistic. And I ve spent a lot of time thinking about that.
And I think that there is a strain of Christian activity that people don't like to talk about because then that seems like you're, oh, you hate Christians now certain with you, your anti Christian and I say, no, if you read the versus and bibble, I say you got ta be general aliza dove. But wise is a circuit, right? Everybody, everybody skips over that part.
And you have to ask, where's the certain type wisdom where you not understanding these issues, where you not thinking, where you're not being shot? And they aren't. They have this negativity and they have this golbin, and they have this weakness that comes from being too nice.
So the biggest problem want to need is great criticisms of Christians that I think has held up well with the inversion of morality, and how Christians became a more of a slave type morality, which is self sacrifice, self admiration, denial of yourself. Well, in one way, these are good Christian virtues, which is, if you think you're eagle is getting out of control, that might be good to become a little bit less rovin IT might be good to take us back back from the limelight. This might be good things to do for your heart, but that doesn't mean you let somebody kick in the door and taught you to death, right?
And but there rape your wife or or kill people.
whatever the case is IT isn't you don't let the end up like this, are, uh, lined up against the wall with your fame while they will ls for kill you, right? There's too much of that strain of weakness that has infected a lot of the the modern Christian traditions where they don't have really understanding of IT. They're the net fenders, all biology. Can't we all get along kind of types? And then because of that, there are more open to being persuaded by evil forces, because they don't have that strong grounding and that courage to standing up against people.
Will they certainly like courage. What's evil? how? How are we defining evil?
We to find evil as anti human. If you start from, I like C S. Lewis, take on this, which is whether it's true or not, I think is a good way to by true, I mean whether it's a metaphor or is literally true, people can debate.
But if you think of the the fall of the Angels, and then you think of humanity, you would understand that the demons are at war with god's creations, humans, because humans still have god's love. Humans are still capable of experiencing divine Grace and experiencing god's love, whether the demons who were built during the fall or not. So what they want to do is implement anti humanist policies and have human suffering, and to have human despair. And you can feel that force, again, whether is a literal one involving actual forces, or whether that's a metaphor, you can say the evil would be entire human.
But I mean, IT almost has to be a supernatural phenomenon, because by definition, human beings would not be inclined to be entire human, don't act against their own interest .
in almost document. Suicide is a lot of strange elements of the human condition. A lot of that suggest .
outside forces that are not human acting on human.
Yeah, humans given to despair in a way that animals don't despair would be incomprehensible to other.
That wonderful D. H. Lawrence poem, d jon says a great poem about watching a bird. It's two lines long, dropped dead of cold and fall from the bow dead to the ground, and not feel a moment of self pity.
I mean that that is kind of the difference.
right? That's us. I remember one time I hit a dear with a friend, and the dear back broken and just running to try to live, right, whether a human would immediate think, oh, my life is over, right? So we have this fatalism and something bad happens to us, and we defind IT in all my life is over.
No IT isn't your life in the best pot, right? IT socks IT might suck for a while, but your life is not over, right? So then what is that despair? So I think when I think about these terms, and I think what is evil, or what I think is domestic, I think in terms of the worst thing you can do as a person is despair because one that rejects the directive of Chris because you're rejecting that you can be saved because if you're desperate, then you're saying that I reject Christ, right?
That's probably, if not the greatest and one of the greatest sense, because i'm in despair. okay? Therefore, you don't believe Chris can save you.
You're completely under control of the forces, right? The dark forces. And then I think of evil in terms of causing human suffering and being entire human. So that's interesting.
But how do you fight? I mean, if you've got your head in the the internet all day and the civilization that produced you was collapsing, and evil is on the present and hurting people before your eyes, including people you love, how do you keep from despair?
Well, because the the time lines are different, right? In our primitive minds, we think all this is the worst. Everything's falling apart. No, no.
What is that? We're not even in bulgaria air. We're not even in common china air under mw. We're not on the camp audio and genocide. So there's a lot of and this goes back to maybe why republicans are so weak.
A lot of us have been so psychologically cuddled that we view things as being insurance able problems that we can solve. I think that was more who said that americans would break if there were ever a war in america, and we've never had. World or two, everybody was bond.
That was real despair. We were the guys over there help in the british bomb people right? In america.
We are not being bond. We had women had to go work in factories and other things. But IT was nothing like a europe in their wars.
So in amErica were so psychologically coddled that we think over like we're losing our country. You're always losing our country. We time does not stop.
The world is not static. There always force is being pushed. As always, a dialect IT. There's always good verses able. There is always been lower points in humanity and hired points in humanity. So we don't know where we are even on the cosmic timeline, on god's timeline, on the demons, on the Angels time. And I won't even know where we are.
First of all, that mistake number one is that we are in our own mind gods and we understand the moment that we're in and we understand that the moment that were in so unique and that there's a narrative arc happening that is either over and we've won because you never win or we're losing. And oh my god, we fall into despair. So the problems I call like the marvel, the marvel movie is captured, well, you don't watch T, V or movies, and I can't even want you because they're so formulaic.
But the idea is, here are the people. Bad guys come in, destroy things here emerges. Good guys come in.
Good guys beat bad guys. Good guys kiss girls. The end right? And that's what we love in the american mind. But if you looked at IT, assuming out not from that simple narrative art that we love as americans, you would say, when all these buildings were blown up, people are dying, people have lost sons and daughters, people are wAiling and agony in ways that we can't begin to comprehend.
And you have to even one, because love be another bad guy loving, another bad guy coming down, right? You have what you mean. One the good guys.
One know the good guys have resolved the conflict in their favor. And now you have to rebuild. And they do know how politics and people fighting as a rebuild.
Who's going to get the contracts, who's getting ripped off? You have all these kids now that you have to watch out for where you do with them, right? So when when you think of IT in that way, you can either make you despair more because you feel tally helpless, oh my god, these problems are way worse than I thought.
Or you realized how we're going through a thing, right? We're going through a thing. okay? This is a bad thing. We're going through. Let's see what we can do about that. So there's a there's a term that I picked up from the the I watch kind of people and that little scene and I think IT comes from addiction and they say the only way I was through, right?
Yeah and this sounds sort of glad the only way asked through what does that even mean? But IT means when you're in the shit, you're in the shit, you're in the shit. Bro, what do you want me to do? You, me hold your hand.
You want a milk and cookie. You want a little snuggle. You want a baby bottle.
You're in the ship. Bro, what going to do? Sit there. Hire yourself to sleep.
No, you just keep going the only way out there, right? So when you adopt that as the way you live doesn't mean you don't bad days, but you really, I am in the share. okay? What am I going to do? Call mommy, get a little blanket.
Maybe I have bottle soccer, my sum little bit. No, you know, I going to do that, right? You just keep pushing through.
What's the closest you've been .
to despair. The I mean, I been in despair and the human roll over money in hand sight, kind of laughingly small amounts of money. But at the time when you don't have any and you like, I wasn't approved for student loans.
I got a proof for student loans, and then I didn't get approved. And then I thought I was going have to drop out of law school because I get, we could get my student loans. And now looking back at is like what I was bugged out over that, right? But at the time, that is a whole world.
yes. So the smaller you to find your world, the bigger problem seem right. So if you want to have less .
despair to find smaller you define your world, the bigger your problem seem yeah as .
wise yeah so that I looked back at that now I think, oh my god, I was borland suicide over just a financial like ecologist work for whatever, right? There's hundred different ways to solve IT. And so I had an alternate spare there and then i've i've definitely had despair over despair.
Maybe it's not the right word, but close to a where we get trump over the finish line twenty sixteen and he's going in and all the sun, the people who got him in there pushed in the side, and all the people who oppose them take over. What do they say that the people who start revolutions, rai finished them? yes. And I thought, we're live in this right now.
And I was bomb man, and I was bomb that we took all these personal rest, that we made this happen in impossible feet, and all of the people who are never trump ended up in the administration, ended up staffing things. And that made you feel like despair, maybe less of a word than powerless, where you like, we did the right thing. And sometimes you feel out away with these republicans, like, we gave you congress, we, we gave you trump, we gave you the White house, we gave you congress, we gave you the senate, and we can do anything. We can do anything.
Now nothing is changing, right? Or we get, no, we get um republicans congress in this last election and they still send all of my ukraine. And you're thinking, what what do you guys doing? They were confirming all these radical judges in the senate and they go well, linsey gram's robbert stamping all these appointments.
Will black and committee do something right? So you, in a way, you're screaming ing into the void. What like? What are we doing? what? Why are we doing this? Why do I have all is great hair is over that stuff. yeah.
And if I, but again, that's that's me in my own eager to find the problem small, right? And then that's while defining the world is small as everything is based on that one issue and then that makes the problems in bigger, then I just try to give out remind myself on a larger time line or on the timeline of infinity, do what we can do. That doesn't mean give these people a pass.
But the despair that then when you think what like, what more do we need to do, right? We we've given you guys everything. And even now a trumelle trump is go on against the project 2 up, twenty twenty five people, and those were his most loyal staffers. These are the adults in the room that he's gonna if he wins.
And bunch, you never trump s her at this year again and tell the issue statements going against all of these people and you realized, men, we're we're gonna leave two and seventeen but by and so bad that we got of over trump by the energy is in the way that was when we vote to for a trump between sixteen we were not voting the lesser of evils. That was why a lot of people like me who didn't care about politics, I didn't really care of vote, got involved. Do I really care if john mccain broke obama? Hundred percent I don't.
Hundred percent I don't feel. Do I really care if it's mitt romney or b obama? But I don't, right? Because mitt would have done more wars, so obama to do things worse on social issues.
But mitt would have had us in war with russia. 科 的, so you think, okay, do I care? Not really. Clinton versus trump are talking about the fate of human civilization. Yes, I say this to this day, and I believe with all my heart, that the people who voted for trump in two thousand and sixteen did the greatest act of human charity and maybe human history, because tens of millions would have died had her clinton one.
They had the whole game plan, bro, they were in to go get some kind of world of syria that would let us some shoot out with russian mercy areas in american special Operations troops. People like joe can can explain all that our prince explain all that. The table is set for war through russia. We were able to delay that. So we were able to.
Can I ask you just a dumb question, but why would anyone wana war with russia? Like what was that? So you're saying back even in two thousand fifteen, sixteen goods like killing plant were planning on war with russia.
Why would they need a big war? They is just big war.
But why russia.
because they're a legitimate power that would be a real war. They were tired of these little tiny land disputes where we're winning. They need, they need massive destruction.
And why? Because they were, I mean, they were to bible. They want more humans to suffer.
If you look at war from, yeah I mean, so if if you look at war and you start with the fundamental definition of evil and what evil is, then you would realize that the demons don't care which side of the war they're on, all they care about. Our humans are killing each other, right? That's their own agenda.
So that's why want to hear people talk about things like all have civil war in the U. S. Like a best demonic. Anyone even really show on demond influence.
Would you think of civil war is like, have you looked at what happened in euros avia? You look at the aftermath that that show me where show me you have a civil war. And this is a good outcome, but this is something that you want to never idealized, right? demonic.
But they don't think that like we're the good guys and we're not be an oppressed by the bad guys, that that is domestic influence. We are the good guys. They're the bad guys.
And I first will do believe for the good guys, and I do believe the other, the bad guys, but once that leads you to down that road, then near the demons are smiling because they don't care. Oh yeah, you are the good guys. You're the moral.
You're the righteous. There are the evil ones impressing you. They worship demons.
You, you're the good Christians. You need to go to war with them. You're still on that frame. right? To everything about human flourishing is trying to escape that frame, the framing of the entire humanist forces, real or metaphorical. And then you realize that there are people who are obviously convening with these evil force is conciousness unconsciously.
Do you think? In some cases .
is conciousness? I I am not, I don't believe that because. There there's not enough wisdom that you would have if you were convening with the with the entities was just good for yeah yeah it's not something that you would you would know like I can tell if somebody's been down that route and you're have known of these people.
They don't have to there .
there's um there's an infinite divine wisdom that you access when you pierce the fail between the man's world in the spirit world and when you go over that veil peers to that veil, you are immediately humbled because you laughed at how much pride you might have as a person. Yes, think, oh, W I was nothing here. I'm nothing here.
Oh my goodness. okay. And that's probably why is able for me to be completely relevant over the years because the dangerous then you become too eagles and you don't do anything, right?
yeah. tRicky. right. Am I living in pride in my living in both of this? Okay, don't wanted do that.
But if you don't have a little bit of pride, you don't have a little bit drive, you don't have a little saul, then maybe a messages to get across. Two, is concept this concert tention right? But the the spirit world wrong? And show me early.
I mean, that is tension. Not always. Tension is always right. yet. Any yg, if you look at the the medical staff to serpent, you look at DNA two strength. There's always tension, which is why despair happens when you think that there is a final outcome in one way or another, and then complacency happens when you think nothing matters, and then hubris happens when you think that you've won and the game is all over yeah and you realize sister kit scope in the back by his reference and supporters.
great. The cold war ended, but history has not ended exactly.
And that once the once you just embrace the dualistic struggle within yourself, then you realize, okay, I do need to do a little bit of this, but I, but I can still struggle against the base or illness of myself.
I I didn't mean to pull the conversation with, not the direction. So thank you for explain that two thousand and sixteen, if Hillary had one millions, who would have died in the war that he planned I think that's absolutely right um voting for trump stop that at least for the time being but you felt despair because you felt that trump himself was subverted or allowed himself to be converted by people who hated him and that made you feel the moralized .
yeah this is probably continue on so despair what maybe be overstating ing IT but on the continuing might be demoralization and and what you think? Mn, I can't believe that really. I can't like if you get your kid ding new car and the kid crashed the car right away while drunk driving.
Yeah, you think, oh, brother, why right? No, why? why? why.
And there is but that but did magical intensity. yeah. Because that was the country.
Most of us will actually, all of us go through a daily lives using all sorts of, quote, free technology without paying attention to why it's quote free, who's paying for this and how think about IT for you. Think about your free email account, the free messenger system used to chat with your friends, the free either weather APP or game APP. You open up and never think about it's all free but is IT no, it's not free.
These companies are developing expensive products and just giving him due because they love you. They're doing IT because their programs take all your information that who were up your data, private personal data and sell IT to data brokers and the government. And all of those people who are not your friends are very interested, ted, in manipulating you and your personal political and financial decisions.
It's scary as hell, and it's happening out in the open without anybody's ying anything about IT. This is a huge problem. And we've been talking about this problem to our friend eric prince court year.
Someone needs to fix this and he his partners have and now where partners with them and their company is called unplug, it's on a software company. It's a hardware company. Actually make a phone.
The phone is called unplug and it's more than net. The purpose of the phone is to protect you from having your life stolen, your data stolen. It's designed for a privacy. First perspective, it's got an Operating system that they made us called messenger or other apps that help you take charge of your personal data and prevent you from getting passed around to data brokers and government agencies that will use IT to manipulate you.
Unplug game in is to its customers, they will promise you and they mean that that your data are not being sold or monetized or shared with anyone from basics like its custom libert s Operating system, which they wrote, which is designed from the very first day to keep your personal data on your device. IT also has believed IT on a true on off switch that shots off the power, actually disconnect your battery and ensure that your microphone and your camera are turned off completely when you want them to be so that not spying on you and, say, your bedroom, which your iphone is, that's a fact. So IT is a great way, one of a few ways, to actually protect yourself from big tech and big government to we claim your personal privacy.
Without privacy, there is no freedom. The unplug phone, you can get a twenty five other discount when you use the code tucker at the checkout. So go to unplug dot com slash tucker to get yours today. Highly recommended at a public o .
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up pay to customers, tax sewer. Have you felt despair in the last couple years?
Um I mean, I felt the spare in spirit travels during those those um those sessions yeah you feel you get in touch with that human emotion of despair. You get in touch with a the darkest side of energy and the more chAllenging parts of being a human, for sure.
But you're not driven to the spare by the news on twitter.
All that such a small potatoes compared to spirit world. This is, uh, small potato. Es, it's so trivial compared to the real war happening and the real forces at work that is hard even takes seriously to the point that I have to real myself back in. What you do have to take this seriously, even if IT is small, small stakes compared to the real, compared to the real conquest.
So what are the real stakes?
The real stake is one on individual ever you a model soul, that's the real stake. The the greatest chAllenge that I have everyday is trying to santiago my heart, my own soul. Because what i've learned through various experiences and then reading a lot of the old authorities, Christian was done and learning actually how Christiani was supposed to be, IT was more, and why I never really resonate with protestant's.
M, if you want to go, I mean, so problem is, I feel like is very mind driven. Here's a scripture. This is what the scripture said. I'm a baptist. I can't drink alcohol and somebody else would say, all will the jesus turn water into wine and you're fighting solis crept. You're fighting by citing different references in a book that is sometimes contradictory, right? And then, but the real spiritual traditions, remember Christian, he started out as a mysore tradition.
We look at now or here, the bible and the bibles were a god, and you really is now the, if open authors books the body and you have even read, right, you guys is still fighting over whether the book of enoch is real or not, right? What do you, what do you doing? You think you think you have the answer do you think of? For sure? I think IT is.
And what i've learned is that you you can learn from the heart. You have to learn how to think from the heart, rediscover beyond your own conscious, but realized that your heart has his own intelligence, which I thought would be what kind of laughter ble stuff, right? I i'd read these books like the four agreements.
Um stand while the wise. I think his name is down. The girl's in the wiz.
I would read paulk willow, and I would think I would would about, to be honest, like what a much of you put its right. Come on, i'm a man. I don't want to read about my heart.
I don't want to read about crying. What a fuck. What do you person? You know, who are these people, right? Honestly, that was my reaction and assessment of a lot of the stuff.
And then I realized that was my own foolish pride, my own hubris, that was realizing that I was afraid of the heart. I was not strong. I was weak because of my own mind.
I convinced myself the high from the heart, because the heart is the source of your pain, also the source of your great in love, right? So if you live in mind and you live in ego, you constantly paper over heart and you think that's because you're wrong. I'm a real man.
I don't cry, right? Where that come from? Your real man, you don't cry.
Why are you RAID to cry? I'm not afraid to crying. That's an interesting reaction, right? So as you do, as you study, the more of the mission ism in the real spiritual traditions, and how was practiced, then you realize that the heart is his own intelligence. And then you're trying to rediscover the intelligence, the heart.
And once you rediscovered the intelligence, once you rediscovered the intelligence of heart, that's the higher morality. The hime morality isn't the words we create, the rules we drafted out, the higher morale is in your heart, but we become so disconnected and attach from the heart that that sounds ridiculous. That sounds like pushy, you know.
wool l pushy shit, right? IT doesn't in in my hearing anyway, but IT does raise the vital question. You know what? What is good look like? You you describe the evil. But so how do we know that the impulses of our heart are the right impulse?
Yeah, good is love. Good as human fishing. Good is flowers blooming. Evil is we feels being cut down in ukraine as people kill each other.
People who are brothers separated by a line in the sand kill each other. There's no flowers. There's no children dancing.
There's no gardens flourish, right? That's evil as death. Life is love as human flourishing. Flowers blooming ing. Children laughing, right? C. S. Lewis once said that IT was a great feeling of his, that he didn't find the laughter of children's aswing. He found a come annoying, right?
yes. And he had never had children.
right? But he, but even not having them, he realized he was missing because that's heart. Yes, heart is you hear a kid crying on a plane, I hope the kids, all right yeah, me being a asal, such a fucking and kid up don't you control your ID?
You know that the the ego, the male and that part of me that I was trying to get away from, and that I been still trying to get away from, right? The male egos worried me. I'm so great.
I'm so rather share my stuff, read my stuff for the president. Read this. I know this guy.
This guy is important. That's the mAiling o and just spending on a control forever. And then the heart is, man, I kind of snap on my kid.
I feel bad for my kids. Okay, you know, I shouldn't snap on my kid. Why to snap of my kid? Oh, because I was in that moment, the kid was marrying something about myself .
out like that's that's the truth thing. Like there we explain that a little more.
Well, we and this goes back to even as follow why we why we judge. And we often judge harshly and others that which we don't like about ourselves, but often weren't denial above those aspects of ourselves. And so we don't even realize that we're doing we're judging them because we don't like that part of yourself.
And you don't realize now is that part of yourself is broken. That's what you want to fix, right? Yes, that's what you want to think about and unfortunately not about people talk about IT or IT sounds wu, or you get down a certain tradition or .
your that's just the most obvious and real thing ever for every parent. I mean, if you like your wife, I speak for myself. I, when I see my wife's good qualities reflected in my children, I love IT. When I see my bad qualities reflected in my children, drives me crazy.
right? And and then what so what do you take away from that when that happens that .
you know I should be more patient and less judgmental and in fact, if a child is displayed one of your ugly qualities, you know, you know what it's like to struggle that quality, so you should be more compassionate. But of course, who was being for myself and less? I hate that.
right? So I I think that some language that I found that was useful and what you're dealing with deal with what will always do with for us our lives is a lot of our work as parents is closing those loops of childhood trauma or closing the loop of whatever your issue is, right? Because the way we perpetuate, mechanically, our worst parts of ourselves as to raising our children, right? And what I try to think of is closing the loop.
And when I see something and in my kid that bores me, or trigger something in me, I think, why is that happening? And then I think, how can I have that child not continue, continue this, right? How do you, how do you break that? How do you break that cycle? And how do you, how do you close that loop? And I think that becomes a lot more important than getting people liked in office. And I think if more of us did that.
well, how do you do that? You you see something ugly in your child that you know comes from you. You've transmitted something either genetically or through conditioning to your child who you love most in the world.
Of course, that is like bad. How do you? How do you fix that?
Well, the more you've learned about yourself, the more that you can transmit knowledge. The kids, i'll give you a very basic example. My, my first borne has first show energy, and that's very nice.
First child energy is leadership knowledge, often gifted this inclusiveness. She's always reading books. He had a slow, robust cube and now share saying that watch youtube video how to saw the rescue.
All great energy. First burn energy. But a lot of first born kids, because there put into that role, maybe that we as parents have to watch out for of being a caregiver for other children through.
We want to ask yourselves one, am I robbing my daughter of the magic a childhood and the wonder a childhood? Hey, go watch your brother. I ve got to do this right.
Maybe i'm robbing her, the wonder child. That, okay, I need to calibrate that. Sometimes they do got, you know, life is life.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do, but at least by mindful of that. Or am I having her group too fast? okay.
One, I just take a walk with her. One and one, just take a walk to just talk to my daughter just about her was going on to her mind. Let her rainbow on.
Let her talk about what he finds interesting. Don't don't ask questions to try to direct the conversation, just kind of like let a flow. And then when you're doing that, you're closing the loop of a cause.
In my case, I didn't. I was sort of robed in my childhood always. And because I wanted to grow up, I wanted get out the situation and you rise.
No, you let them be a kid. They still have to. We all have to live together. And IT isn't perfect all the time, but they're learned to kid be a kid or I I think first children do is because they have to look at the well being of everyone, don't negotiating and themselves, right?
My daughter, I don't know, I want to ask for this dad, what you, what you want to ask for? She's, I don't know if I should ask for because I think my other, my sister, I think once ice cream, but I really want this and I would say, well, don't negotiate against yourself. Ask what you want.
I can still tell, you know, maybe I won't work out, but let's close that loop because I noticed that I won't negotiate myself against myself sometimes in business dealings. And that was something my wife point out, where especially because I was never really like a greedy money to have a person. A lot of times I would be more complaint that you would expect giving my personality, right? Giving my personality, you might think, put IT out on the table.
He's going fight me. I think, why are we fighting? A result is as stupid. Real is as dumb, but people will take advantage of that, right? So I had to learn a much later in life, unfortunately, to my thorium.
And even now in my late forties, I had to learn, no, no, you don't negotiating inst yourself. They're worry about them. They're worried about themselves.
They're self interested actors. They're going to try to get as much as they can out of you. Let them worry about themselves, you worry about yourself.
And I realize all this first show energy, because I was always worried about everybody OK, everybody doing alright within the family. Rm will keeps that your family. So with my first born, I do want you to negotiate against yourself with the family.
Thank you. I want you to think about everybody, the family, but I want you to know what you're doing and then have tools to know that when you're going into business, you're doing dealing with other people. Put that energy aside.
seven and half, do you understand?
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. She's an old soul. yeah. So a lot of my a lot of my virtue is of a lot of my um existential thread.
I have very, a lot of exceptional drive, a very Young age. So one day, for example, SHE was on maybe five or six, but he was Young. I mean, he was Young.
And I was waiting for this and hoping a one happened. We were hanging out when they sure was dad. I feel weird.
Why do we have bodies? I thought, oh, man, oh no. The genetic, whatever spiritual curse or blessing that has been passed on for all of these centuries.
And Milly's is with her, because that was very much. I fall like a cat. I felt like this body isn't mine.
Why am I here? This doesn't make any sense. I've always felt alienated from my animistic materialistic body. I've always felt like I was weird that we had bodies. I was a nasty as an early kid.
What is this thing that i'm? What torture am I being a subject to too, by having to live in a body, right? And there is nobody I could talk about this kind of stuff.
They lucky up like a not house, right? Sounds like a little thing. And I was so I told shi said, well, she's asking, you know, she's asking these kind of questions now, but I am able to treat them differently. Maybe that I would have been when I was a kid, or maybe then I would have been treated IT when I was a kid. H.
what did you say? I said is.
is, where isn't IT? What are these things fop around, right? IT feels weird to be kind of disconnected, alienated from your body. And we're here on a spiritual mission, and that's why we're in these bodies. But these bodies is part of the spiritual mission that we've been sent on for since of the ending of time, and that we're on a spiritual mission to discover the mystery of the human body is run and run a mission to elevate humanity, to elevate the human condition. And you have these gifts, but along with that comes the responsibility to elevate human condition and the elevate society.
But that that is weird. In noral future, you told you old an obligation to elevate .
the human condition. When was five, four half .
light times in the certain of its also, how did he respond?
please? Okay, okay, dad. Yeah, I don't know that SHE because I don't want aware that is a burden, of course, right but she's like, okay, dad.
how do you get over? You are telling me a dinner last night. I won't betray anything that's up to you but um I think it's to see you had a like stupendous ly city out like almost never a story like that before. You don't seem you wait very likely you don't seem tormented by IT. How do you get over that .
reading a lot of self help books and yeah yeah nothing nothing deeper than that realizing that your past isn't what defines you. The lowest thing that happened to you, as I define yourself. And then that's what brought me in the media, was the brain is inherently to the great book on this wide for story, where obsessive stories, right, can't fire.
Tell me a story. Yes, for gail ourselves of stories, that's how we transmitting knowledge, but with our own brain that that is hijacked because we tell ourselves certain stories, and then we often frame them in the most miserable, disappointing way. So me, I defined as the story of my childhood.
Mean, that was wild, and I got out of their alive. What a, what a trip. And you can to find IT that way, or you can to find IT as here.
All these things that happen to me, i'm garbage. I don't matter. I'm sum.
I don't deserve love. I don't deserve good things in life. And then you can to find that is your story. And if you to find that is your story, that the path to despair, that the path waited presso.
you made a conscious decision to see your childhood. This kind of male stream that you escaped and feel grateful .
is the thing that happened to me. And then, if I want to give the ego a great thing that I overcame, or if I want to forgive people, love people, I can say my data work, should factory jobs, never cheated on my mom, never smoke a cigarette, never hit us other than the traditional spaking culture that exists the time, never got drunk, never, he never did anything. He did the best that he could with the knowledge that he had.
And what a sacrifice did he have. And am I grateful and office a sun to to appreciate that, to understand what would you like to be broke, to be on welfare a little bit, with a shame that a man must feel when he loses a job? My goodness ness, what if my dad go through, I get on my own, my opa, remember, you know, we always wanted to find the world larger than ourselves.
The more we focus on ourselves, the smaller we define the world, then every problem is so big. That's right, right? So then I think, oh, man, what how heart was that? How how generous was IT that my grandparents paid off the mortgage of the house, because that was the two hundred dollar among the payment, which was on the money back then.
And how different of my childhood been, and how lucky am I that I got out, and how many things could have gone wrong in my life, and and completely, all of the course of my life. So hey, buddy yourself, proud yourself. You think you're such a great overcomer.
How much luck was there? How much that was divinely inspired? Maybe a little bit of a was? Maybe you need to get over yourself, maybe you need to get over a little pity party and realized that things could have gone a lot differently, right? So i'm always consciously reframing the story of myself in the in the narrative of my life in a way that is, that is zooming out wider and looking at what are other people's problems what were, you know I A friend of mine, you know you do I wash he was beat up as a kid and he was, um you know how I was your experience and he saw himself getting beat up as a kid and he saw dad but he saw that his dad was beat up as a kid and he was like all my god, my dad was be to as a kid whole shit that's why he did IT and he doesn't excuse the child abuse.
But when you when you zoom out and you realize that was what has happened, then you don't blame yourself. And then if you don't blame me yourself, you can forgive yourself, right? Because it's not that you're unworthy.
It's not that if you don't, don't deserve love is that that person felt that way and they transmitted that knowledge in a really horrific way and then you're allowed to forgive them and then you allowed to move on and you're allowed you to heal yourself because that wasn't really your issue, right? And and often these realizations are hat is very easy to talk about, like it's nothing. But when you're in the shit, when you're in the work, these are not easy conversation to help with yourself.
So I I get in the shit and I go into those places and I go into the the darkest experiences that have happened to me. And then I do feel that tormance, I do feel like i'm being attacked. And then not the only way through, and you keep gone through IT.
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What's going on with Whites and not just in this country, but in every White majority country, Whites are becoming the minority. Uh, they're hated. They hate themselves. They're not reproducing.
And the amount of energy expanded by our leaders sort of openly disparage ging them, encouraging them effectively to kill themselves or to want to kill themselves is overwhelming. I'm not saying this is a White man though obviously I am um but it's just it's it's it's very striking and is global. What is that .
I had to wear experienced when I was in south africa visiting. And in south africa, you have a basically a cell. You lock yourself in a cell.
When you go to apartment, you get an arb. And b, you open the outside cage, you go in, and then you open another cage to go to the bedroom, and then you locked cage. You have to have all these layers of protection.
And I remember talking to some White south africans about that, and they go over and just payback for apartheid. And they shrugged IT off. And I said, I can understand maybe a little looting as payback for apartheid. I can understand a little corruption as payback, but horrific, violent crimes is not a proportionate response to something that people did before you were even born.
And ever since then i've been been shock with the mystery of this collective racial guilt that White people Carry around that nobody else does if you look at any other um ethnically racial group no one Carries around the strange guilt for sins that were committed before you ever born. And I don't understand IT I don't understand where that comes from. I don't understand the biological basis for the spiritual basis for IT because Carrying around collective gill, racial gill is actually inside ration doesn't make any sense at all and is a not that I haven't been able to unravel.
I mean, IT does see my they're disappearing that just like there's a numbers matter and even saying that is forbidden, which itself is really revealing. I mean, if this were true of, you know, command cheese or pollution islander's or upon chinese, you know, if they were diminishing a number really striking ly really quickly over short peer time, what that helps going on?
Philippines s mean they're not reproducing, everyone hates them, they're dying. Um but even to say that about Whites is like somehow bad or something and that tells you that we've all internalized this hate way. People think you really don't know where that comes from.
Well A A great example of that is that if you look at gun death, this is how they they bring this death on death. They go out there, fifty thousand gun as a year. When you look at IT, it's suicide is almost exclusively White mee suicide via firearm. And I always said that if you really cared about guns, you would do an intervention into White mill suicide because that is the primary usage of going, you know.
White men who killed themselves personally?
Not personally. No, I know a friend you had over this with a opioid. So I guess .
I know I probably i'm several years older than you um but I know a lot I know like five at least so yes, that's that's interesting.
right? So if you cared, if you cared about gundeck, you would know that the lowest hanging fruit is White mill suicide, right? You would know that you're not onna confest people's guns that would cause social, a lack of social cohesion that none of us even want to think about.
All of that is fake. The real thing you would go after is ganging violence. And you'd go after, why? Mail suicide.
If you care, if you actually care about gun test, you wouldn't point out the occasion tragic school shooting, which is statistically very unlikely, even though the horrific when they happen, you would say, okay, we have a gun violence problem solve. How are they being used? Okay, most of the people killing each other with them are ganging banks.
And then you have White meal skill themselves. Let's do an immediate I me, it's it's laughed to imagine this happening in a world that we're logical and not driven by hatred. You would see all kinds of interventions, public service announcements happening about White mill suicide.
IT would be one of biggest issues people talked about. You would say, did you have any idea? Most people don't. Most people think you're lying about the story time. Oh, no. Half half of the gun death that they bring up our suicide and White man or three point five times more likely to kill themselves anyone else and people at that can picture how well you can go back.
One of the most press group in the united tes that is an article of faith for everybody. We hear that every literally every day um but the suicide among black women is like negligible.
Well, nobody yeah nobody y's ever been able to square the circle of how media imaging suppresses the self a steam of black americans who have almost no suicide but is building up the White self steam but then the White of the ones killed themselves. There's no there's no life, right?
So it's so I guess that kind of my point is not to whine about IT because I hate winning about anything quick about race. However, it's so biological, so like absurd that IT suggests there's something deeper going on, which is people are kind of happy and White .
die and that's obviously true A A D pyr .
and IT IT will be lot easier if I weren't wait to note this because you're waite premises if you know IT but even that it's like stop complaining about people dying because if you complaining about IT your evil or something like that whole formulation .
is so a sick that yeah the the me is not only you can't talk about IT, if you talk about IT then you'll be labeled the White nala the what supremest you think you know i'm talking about decide I thought you wanted you were going, you telling me that you want if you are going this and i'm telling you here's a way to do that and now you're saying, no, that's actually racist to say that that's a way.
So where does that come from? I guess that's my questions. Where does that impulse come from? As IT is IT env? I mean, White men, if you know, created a lot the overwhelming majority of technological advances, for example, in the twenty thousand th century electricity, the airplane at a um is IT that that makes people angry.
Is that is or something spiritual going on? Like what is is this IT doesn't be helpful as to acknowledge this is absolutely real. The number show IT the mass migration around the world into majority weight countries to make the minority weight countries clearly driven by hate obviously um but whether that hate come from what is that .
the ethnic rs have always hate each other like the rWandan genocide for me was always a hard thing to wrap my americanized brain. Yes yes because if you're american, your whole world there's White people, black people. Once you go there, no, no, they is.
The cambodians hate vietnam and the of other, I remember everyone hates the chinese and self is right. Then the han chinese hate the other chinese, right? yes. So any way you look, there's always been ethnic strife.
And I think that that's why the agenda, the anti human agenda, is to just cram as many different people together as they possibly can, knowing that this will create some kinds. strive. So there are cat.
They're be order, right? To look at. Yes, i'll look at IT again, real or metaphorically, demons are chaos. God, as logos got as order.
Yes, right? So when you look at forces driving chaos, then you can usually say that the entire human, that's the domestic element, because, again, the demons don't care who comes up ahead. If the demons could somehow inside a racecar, they don't care what side wins.
They only care a lot of people kill each other, that there's a lot of spares, that there's a lot of suffering, that they can harvest a lot of that negative energy. That's all they care about. So then when we talk about these issues, for me is always chAllenging because one, you don't want to make people feel persecuted.
You don't want to do exactly. Yes, I totally agree. I've struggled this a lot as i've watched the entire weight hate kind of define our country and destroy a lot of people.
I know it's hard to talk about up because I care about being called a racist and not a race st. I don't care if they call me that, but because I don't want to inspire self pity or a sense of persecution. People, because it's really bad for people.
it's exactly right, right? And then I can add to the tribal ism.
so you want .
White men thinking, oh, boy, ought to get us. And now I agree. So a lot of time you throw hand up and everything.
How do I how even hear this dress? Because IT isn't issue. O, P, O, overall, death aren't issue. And the way that I try to address IT in a spiritual way is I try to focus on a general aspirational message. So I get into the weeds on politics, I get in the mud.
And that claim me to be some great goal, whatever, but I would if you read me long enough, you know that I, generally speaking, believe that if you decide to not be a loser, you can live a good life. You're not gonna maybe live you your dream life, right? You you're not going to be in the yankees.
I was never on the yankees. I like Alice regis. That's fine. You can you can just accept that you're not gonna that. But if you decide, you know, I just go on to be sympathetic, loser, angry all day about politics, getting fat with my mom, who has enabled this behavior.
And if you read along, if you know, like I believe in you, I don't think i'm not gonna tell you a lie and tell you that you're gonna anything that you can want to be because that isn't the way embody that works. But you can live a good life. And there's a lot to be said for just live in a good life, right? There's a lot to be said for living a nice, Normal life.
yes. And so for me, instead of focusing on a lot of the attention issues, I do point them out and identify them, but it's always about, look, man, IT starts with you. The system is break.
My dad didn't get a job because of a form of action, a stay police shop that was proven when there was a class action segment. I can point of real things that have happened racialized sues where we were on the receiving end of the oppression. But if that's all you think about is the world is rag.
I can't really do anything now you're given into despair. The world is red is always been right, bro. World world one year get drafted and thrown in to fight in europe and the trenches because the french in the english can I get along and the germans and the australia and hungry are are beef ing again.
Because the european right. So the timeline is always helpful too, at the micro level. The micro level, you think, and this is the message I kind of is teachers usually directed towards men, is there are a lot of people who are despair mongers, and they want you to think that all women are terrible.
You're a White man. You are pressed. Nothing you do matters. Everything is.
Or you're an oppressor, yes.
or you're oppressor. Feel guilty about that. There's a whole different way to spend IT. Whether I just start for the proposition, I just decided you don't want to be a loser and take the first step.
So let's let's get specific. I love the way you're seeing this because you're absolutely right. IT is try to acknowledge what's actually happening.
I don't think you should ever lie. IT diminishes you to lie. Lying is evil. On the other hand, marginal and IT clearly doesn't help. So you're a nineteen year old american man. A lot of things are actually speaking stack against you, but you don't want to be a loser and be mad about politics and fat living with your money. See so nicely described um what you do and what do you avoid yeah .
the biggest thing you want to avoid is that enabling pattern of behavior because most of these guys didn't have a of dad figure or their dad was kind of some cock checked out guy. And so as bad as my childhood wasn't a lot of ways my dad did make me take marsh liars when I was getting bullied. He did say, like, what I am, you're getting bullet.
You gotta like, do martial arts. And that was a very matter of fact. That was because that was the old school kinds masculine thing, which is, ah I mean, you're a chubby kid, you're get picked on, you gotta a learn how to fight, is gonna to fight people.
And that just the way .
is gonna be IT where the mom the feminine wants to nurture, right? Which is good, but then also enable. So everything, if you look at things, is energetically damascus draws boundaries, but then I can become too harsh and unforgiving, right? And that's why god has man and a woman.
But the woman will enable, oh, baby boy. Oh, your sad. Let me give you some mice cream. Oh no, you have a bad day, right? And you say you have to have that duality of energy, that struggle, that creates a complete person or a whole person.
So if fifty, you would just want to have a you everything starts with you with piece paper and a pen and you're just a session where your life is right and and you're asking yourself, I don't know what I enabled by a overly nurturing mother. Maybe, maybe not. Maybe your problems different.
Maybe your dad is a dick. I didn't give you love and so now you struggle, love and you you're too harsh, right, whatever is. But you just sit down and start assessing where you are in life, realizing that specially for nineteen, everybody whose old in rich would love to be one thousand again, right when you have all the wealth in the world, even if you don't think of IT that way.
And I was somebody told me with that when I was Younger. Warn, buffer, trace places with you in a second. Here you can be me as eighty old billionaire, and you can all be nineteen again, with whatever bad position you're in, what would you take to deal every billion? Or would you think both gates won? Take the ideal.
That's why they are obsess with transfusion ism. They're trying to fight out a way to get the Younger bodies right. That's what ultimately trans humanity is about, is the first mortality rejection of the rejection the so when your own mind, you're thinking, how can I? How can I be in a Younger body? So one is like, what are you crying about, bro? right? You, what are you crying about? You have time to fix that.
It's going to take five years, get on a five years time and everything on the short right if you're in a bad position. And you probably seen this with people who when they given despair, they're just not thinking of the timeline. So oh, your business failed.
okay? You're providing me broke due for couple years. You're not gona be like not broke in a day, but you actually to be broken five years if you set yourself on the right path or whatever your problem is.
This is gonna time, bro. Take five years, but start taking immediate action right now, in whatever way you can. For me, the thing in the world to do a fear, Young man, you start remote books as just what books go on the great court.
Go look up the great books of western civilization. Read, read one hundred great books. Go to the G M. Four times a week. Call me in a year. You won't call me here because you'll be kind of figure out things out, right? So what happens is, and again, I blame movies and I blame narrative.
I'm actually of I learned a lot from the post modernness, even though they're often attacked on the right, the idea of postmodern m and examining narrative structures and how narrative structures control thought. So the narrative structure is you're a man, you find the Green horner ring and you become some kind of superhero, or you're a man, and your longest father is actually half god, and he's gone to send you on this heroes journey. And they are going to send your soldiers field, right?
If you look at mythology and you look at the nature structure people have there's even if people don't recognize that they will. Now they listen unconsciously. You believe someone's going to save you. The mentor appears.
If you look at the here with a thousand faces, if you look at the hero and you look at all these negative structures in bedding or unconscious is one kind of set at home. And can skyWalker, on a desert island, orphans adopted, whatever the case is? Oh, the jet I find me.
The jet I trained me, and then I go on my journey. The mentor appears, but the mentor doesn't appear. That's fake. Okay, so get IT out of your mind that the mentors gone to appear and rescue you from your situation.
You've gotta be your own mentor, right? And then once you start from that at a deep level, realizing nobody's coming to save you, and that's fine. That should make you afraid you have to realize that was what's holding you back because you you kept waiting for the great awake ing the great moment to appear, and is not going happen.
He is going to get older in decay and give an entropy. So here, your own mentor, go over the great books of western civilization, got a gm three, four times a week, and then tell me where you aren't a year, and by that time you'll find your path. But you have to believe that you can find the path, right? And nobody will do that.
what? What are the traps, the stumbling blocks along the way for Young men?
thousands? You get somebody pregnant. You lose yourself, you drink. Don't think anyone .
gets anyone pregnant anymore. On one team. pretentious.
This is still happened. I mean, people are still forcing, even if on outside the internet, there's there's more portions happening .
so and more celebs y .
in voluntary, but the top guys are having more women there. There is more involved ary policy. But you want to look at Charles mongers had a good line, don't raise trains or do cocaine, right?
The and the message, the sentiment of that was, if you are sending a Young man on his path, you want to say, here are the big things that you don't want to do. You don't want to get a woman, the wrong woman, pregnant. You are with her if he doesn't have an abortion.
For twenty twenty five, you were tired now to that person quanti cosmic and materially and physically for decades now. So you don't want to do that. That's a big problem.
You don't want to do that. You don't want to kill yourself. You don't, anna, drive your car drunk.
You don't want to raise cars. You don't want to raise a train. Can I be the train, right?
You don't want to to jump off Cliff of fifty feet in the water? You don't know hot, deep, but is right. But it's glib.
And I know me to be glib, but that's how much belief I have an Young men to know. They hear, to hear some guard rails figured IT out to, to start reading books, go to the gym because they want to happen. People are afraid to let things emerge organically.
The male brain. And i've seen this for people I know who are increase successful, but no kids, because in their brain they talk about everything that can go wrong. Oh, what if I get married? This woman sheet vorce made in the brain spirals.
They've created a thousand new problems. That one, you're gona have problems anyway. You're have problems anyway. Of course it's gonna happen.
What if I start a business? I mean, yeah, you're going to have a piro problem at some point. You might have to get a line of credit there. Ways to do IT.
You are going to sleep because you might think you might go bankrupt and you might think people are make funny you and you might feel like, why did I do this? Yes, all of this is gonna en. Who gives a fuck? You know, it's like you wanted to shake these .
guys well so that you're describing what strikes me as the bigger problem. So the examples you gave a second ago all sort of unbrightened masculine and energy needing, as you said, guard rails, right? Don't drive drunk.
Er jump off Cliff. S I don't see in a Cliff diving or impregnating going on. I at least in the class of people that i'm around IT and maybe you know work from different rules, maybe that's IT, but IT seems like Young men are afraid they're too cautious. They have like some sort of hormonal imbaLance and makes them more female. More, I don't know, less likely to take big risks.
Yeah, I can save them. I tell them to go to ch their churches, their their institutions that help those people. So in terms of my messaging, I always think about who am writing for, yeah, why am I doing what i'm doing? Why am I wasted my time doing this bullshit? Know where I get attacked.
Smear called. Every kind of name got investigated by moller. Know that i'm on the regimes like target.
What the fuck am I doing? This is stupid, right? I could just go live a nice, quiet life disappeared off the face of the earth, smoke the guards, or they hang up.
My kids go to gym. What are you doing? What am I doing this? right? And the answer is because i'm writing for who I was when I was nineteen, twenty, twenty one.
Just tell me what to do to give me the playbook. I'll figure that out. Give me the playbook. I'm not for the guy who arms so depressed. The world is so read.
I'm going to go watch in a semi c podcast all day because the jews, the jews are holding me down, you know, then those are not my people. Those are lost souls. And IT isn't my spiritual obligation to reach them.
That's the obligation of the church. That's the obligations of pastors because i'm not caring enough to reach them, right? I don't want to hear how you're a sad panda that you're just i'm not the right person for you.
There are people who are the right people for you. Go walk with church. I'm afraid I feel awkward. Go to church to cite with what? Give me a break, dude.
At some point with these people, you wonder where, how are enabling them by talking about all systemic problems, which are real. But realizing go to a church, that's why pastors exist to nurture you, to kind of put you on the right direction to deal with your fucking beta cocked bullshit. But that's tough for me.
I'm not here to save your soul. That's the church churches that to save her. So i'm here to take someone whose maybe had kind of fucked up home life, maybe had A A wrong turn in life, but they will do things with IT on the knowledge, right?
Some thinking, how can I give them knowledge? What do I with somebody told me, what's the knowledge you need? What are the the pitfalls that you want to avoid?
Here you go. Here's one page piece of paper, file the instructions, and then you're gonna need me because you're you're the mentor. You're the mentor.
Your own mentors appeared in your own mind. You are your matter, right? That's the name of structure.
And they go on your heroes journey. And then here is journey are gonna have perl? Don't tell me what if?
What if I marry this moment and sheet voices me, well, what if you don't marry her? And he had a car crash and he loses a leg. What are you doing? Worried around like a worry word.
Go join a dating circle, right? Go join a editing society home. So we, no, that's called true in the fat, right.
And and I used to be kind of kind of an insult, right? You call somebody a bobble boy, are you? Like order to sit around you in the fat like cows with cutting their mouth, right? And you're think, sure, all these things happen and and business, i've lost sleep, thought we're going to go bankrupt and I ruin my life.
Do I have to cash my retirement account to keep things going? Who gives a shit? Of course, you're going to go through that, right, of course. But then I know people who had great jobs that just got downsides to one day and then they had nothing.
Another have to rebuild their life at fifty, right? You think having a business is hard, how about you rebuild your life? Bankrupt to fifty, right? That's hard. And like again, that all comes back like we going to do to sit around me around all day and there's too much enabling of the moving around behavior.
Do you think that um so if that is a line no uh and it's hard to know exactly where IT is between sort of ignoring this you know this the systems that are repressing you, which are real and then feeling hopeless and whining and self pitting because there like you, you need to push back against injustice but you can't all our the existence of injustice to make you feel, you know, hopeless.
People had kids during the great depression, right? The great depression, twenty percent unemployment rate, soup kitchens. Men with their dignity trying to keep their dignity as I can you see their family real problems.
Man, this shot that we're going to right now isn't good. There are problems that are real. But in the scheme of humanity and the the link of humanity, we're not deal with ship pro. We're not deal with anything, right? All life is.
So are you online for a soup kitchen? Wondering if your kids are going to stuff do you have to select in cambodia can see their kids, right? We can take you other parts of world.
And that isn't a way of excusing the excesses of regime, because I fight the regime. I'm a targeted regime. I've been smear in every kind of publication, right? But that doesn't mean I sit around all day thinking that I can do anything. You still have to have that.
but totally, why you against porn?
I asked. I, I think most people who participate important less of his kids. So then that puts you downed am of the the pedestal cycle of behavior.
So for me, I just, my heart just breaks that people do IT because I I went from a somebody, the ego, self satisfying, right? This with ego wants to do validation and self satisfaction. And you realized that these are broken people and you're participating in the spiritual damage that was done to them, and you're spiritual and damaging your self.
So IT isn't oh this a thing you're going to go to hell go's gona strike you down a thunders more. You're damaging yourself spiritually when you engage with this material, and that person is even way more damage now you're caught and the cycle of molestation and problems that these people have dealt with. So why in the world would you want to be downstream of that level of trauma, right? That cosmic trauma? Get the hell, get to the hell out of that.
And you didn't see that before?
No, no, because I just look up. I was in cultured. We were all groomed, kay. There was a know, grooming is a big term now, and everybody blames them on drag queen story are whatever.
I watched a documentary on woodstock ninety nine IT was the the radio of words fac. And there was a point in there, a small plot, and IT was delivered by the document file maker because I understand a propaganda. I know when the propagandising, but they are right.
IT was very much when you were of my air gena. Oh, girls gone while I show you your tips. They're going to, marty, grow everybody, get drunk.
Show your tips. That's vulcan. I look at that now as vulgar, disgusting. But that was completely Normalized on us.
How would terminate to a radio show amErica also in the fourteen? When do they turn a sexualized a fourteen year old? But it's like a dave Foster wall said, is efficient.
That is in water, right? When you're in water, you don't know you and water, you know, when you're out of the water, right? When you are water, you don't know.
We are all swiming the super, not realizing that we are being groomed to forced to sexualize people who are way too Young to be sexualized. And that was all being groomed on us. So that just becomes like a Normal thing.
Oh yeah, girls go well. Oh yeah, grow, get strong. Shows her tests. SHE pride was a pride, the lowest point of her life doing that when the videos come in and she's sober.
But if you don't have a hire awareness, you're just another participate in the back out carnival of degeneracy, right? But you don't realize that because you're swimming that filth. And then as i've try to get out of that, sure.
And as I work more and more to to scientific and purify my heart, you realized, oh, got, how could I watch this self for me? I didn't even take more power. And I watch IT.
I just said, how could I, how could I wash that, that make my hearts that you can, you can wash this images like, okay, so five, six, seven years ago, whatever I was like, I can watch this anymore. And that was, that did I wasn't a struggle. That was heart. And that's where we know. We talked earlier about the difference to me, the heart in the mind and relearning the, the, the heart is its own form of consciousness, its own form intelligence.
The more you live in your heart, the less willing wer IT takes IT doesn't take Wilson wer to refuse to participate, and cycles of trauma when your heart is talking, because your heart will say, what are we doing? But if, if your mind, you think, oh, man and I I got a few minutes s to blow off some kind of board and let you see what's new and then of course, it's been proven that when they watch ponoko y you watch worse and worse stuff. You don't start with the national geographic topless pics of the tribes, you know? And then you end there, you start there and you end at just really sketchy stuff, right? And what? So that tells you right there that is demonic. Because if IT we're centrating, if pornography associating, you will say, okay, here's a seventy era bad movie or SHE comes in and he's pretty that there was a certainly ast elegant art to IT you would be fine ending there. How many people in there right is a gateway that keeps corrupting the soul.
So i'm interested in what you said that you know it's demonic because IT doesn't satisfy you, right? Explain that.
What is that the demons don't want you to have in her peace? The worst problem for the force is the evil for the demons. For the negative energy is when you're existing in a state of love and your existing in the state of flow, of light, of being, of lightness.
That's the worst thing in the world for the demons, because that's how they lose you. They want, they want to drag you down into the muck as much as they can and take you as low as they can, because then you feel like you can't be reached. You can't be helped.
You've gone too far, right? So you, once you realize a sphere component about to you think, you mother fucker, I know what you do, and you know, they give you a wandering. I so IT be .
fair to say, according to this principle, that if something doesn't satisfy you that is bad.
if IT doesn't sociate, you're probably leaving the realm of the spiritual space you want to occupy. If it's not locating, right? And for other people, struggle with different things. For some people IT can be food, for some people can be drugs. Sex O O yeah sex .
right so any kind of sex that um say SHE you doesn't satisfy you, probably not. The sex you should be having .
is right letting you down the bad path.
Do you think people are becoming more spatially? Where in the .
next states I think that more conversations are being had, as more as more people who are friends are not french, open these conversations. So you like I I think about in two ways. One is, I know that in my spiritual weighing ing, such as IT, is which I am still baby, in terms of the cosmic timeline is, I said, you know, I never believe in god, but you guys showed me the devil is real.
right? I felt the same way.
So something is up, bro. I don't know what is, I know. Jesus, crisis a sa garden.
He returned his aside, and they should only pass the severe. 对, 哒哒 哒哒, right? OK, we can have.
And that never, that never called to me. That was never where that OK believe, even god, this is the truth by, oh, the evil is so aver. Obviously, i've been blind spirit ally for some reason. So obviously there is something else going on here that that isn't really good.
That is so precisely what happened to me that I wonder how many other people that happened to A N. B. I wonder if the existence or the the overt nature of evil isn't a kind of blessing.
Well, that, I mean, if you go in the spirit, will they take and have light without dark? This one of the the principal is, I guess, the spirit world is you can have light without dark and dark springs, people, the light. And if you really do believe in god then, and you do really believe in the incident, you realized that everybody's a kind of has a different path to to the light.
or maybe a Better way to put a big god uses evil to draw people to himself.
or he lets, or is just what C. S. Lewis and all the Christian pology tics say, which is that he gave us free will, and the table was cast. But on the timeline of god, what might seem like insult, able, suffering, toss is completely different.
So we don't really know on this world what that means, right? We could say, well, you know, for example, one of the big propriete y problems is the problem of evil, right? The problem of evil, right? And I would say having ventured through the spirit world is that, to us, is a problem we should talk about philosophical.
But on the spiritual around the timeline is so different that the way would, the way would even out by god, is incomprehensible to our minds, of what we think is why is got allow evil? You will see what, because guys on infinite timeline and what we perceive evil is over run a flash, and that there's a scientifically process and people rejoin god. So we're fighting over this only because we don't understand in the spirit world, and we don't understand infinite time lies a play.
So because that what we're kind of fusing over as philosophical, distracting us for myself. So rather than get into apologetics, why is god to allow evil is because we will. We're still in mind, right? We're still in mind and in heart. You say, what am I doing to scientific my heart? Is my heart full of lost pride evolves.
Did I lose my temper today? right? Am I getting greedy? Am I trying to take advantage in a business deal? right? What am I doing to thank to fy my heart a lot of these analytical discussions, which are available to have, and I ve read all the books, is still a distractions, the eagle's way of distracting from the heart. So everything about this whole mind fuck world is the ego keeping away from your heart? So I try to focus on as much is reawakening the the mind, the full conscious ness of the human heart, in my own human heart.
of the disapprove to achieve that?
Well, I said the jesus prayer a lot, because I think is very humbling. You know, jesus Christ, sina god, have mercy on the center and .
that's the entire the er they're .
called the air praus cover press because people overthink praus right? What do I say my prayers? What do I just this books, you know, can you repeat?
Yeah as jesus Christ, son of god, have mercy on me a center and the reason that that has a certain impact on people is because is a reminder that you you didn't need to fine mercy as a reminder of your eagle thinking your such hot shit and you're so important and you're so great, is such a great man of history, right? You're so important right here. Cause me, I strugling with pride.
Yeah, everybody has a difference and they struggle with, I don't struggle with slows. And i'm ambitious, right within the flip side of that as Price. And I shower with pride.
So then you're remind in yourself, I need the divine mercy of, I need the divine mercy of god. I needed by mercy cries. Having again seen IT through the veil, you realize how inconsequential our troubles are.
So for me, that sister, I do that all the time, and especially before band, just reminding myself of cannon hac M A center and not in the judge me away, but just, you know what if I done and then if you do that yet more raps in, you can catch yourself more because is all about catching yourself only on right, like your kids at IT gets mad, the kids are bcc ring and the fighting in your bottle I lose IT with the, you know, why are my kids fighting whatever that helps ground you right? Helps mind, you need mercy this moment because you're weak, othe wise, you won't care. Your kids are kids are kids.
They are becker who kids a shit, right? Well, I care because my ego tells me that there should be more order or they're disturbing my train of thought or whatever whatever bosh egos going to wrapped up in so then you remind, if not, I need, I do mercy. Because what a pathetic great.
I am losing my temper because kids are bickering, because kids are being kids, right? Like, wow, pathetic. Actually, I think i'm so great. But this is what beautiful human being you are, right? But you, but you remind yourself that's why you need to divine Grace and divine love.
So we we eat up for kids um my all this is like thirty years older than your Youngest. So i'm done with ah with the things that you're doing now. And I often think to myself and said to my wife, man, am I glad we're not doing that now? We don't have little kids now in this world because it's so hostile.
Children, I was like, hostel to children. how? How do you? How do you do that? How do you raise children right now thoughtfully to become the kind of people you want them to be?
I don't know that. I don't know, at least of my own experiences, that the world is hostile. The kids, I think that that wave is passed.
But that still within the media, the media world of D, C. world. What i'm seeing now is the resurgence of very involved dad and very involved parents.
And there's probably a split where a lot of kids are getting left behind. But I would say i'm seen way more parents who who are like way, way more involved and parent. And my parents were probably than years.
I guess, no, I more precise, pushing weird sex hit on kids, which when I was a kid, would have been caused for gunfire. Now, IT just seems everywhere.
right? yeah. So resisting the word temptations are what we went through two and then realized IT britain spirits on the T.
V. We have had different spiritual fights. We just did maybe realized that that we are being groomed.
That's why I say, we were groomed. You were groomed. I was grown. Everybody raised on w. Gross on wall was groomed.
Everybody raised on, show me your tits, a song you and me, baby, at nothing but animals, let's do IT like to do in the discovered channel. Very popular song. When I was in high school, realizing the music was programing you for forties, for violence, for drugs.
We were grown as bad, worse than the kids were. Now IT is IT finally resonated to us in a way that clicks are constructs on maybe what what's too far. But we were groomed terribly, which is .
didn't realized that wise point. And actually there's something kind of comforting about drag time, drag queen story hour a minutes, people pissing on each other during pride marches. So it's like it's so in your face that you know what IT is.
right? So there's there's A A new resurgence happening as a result of that. And the spirit of conflict goes on forever IT IT does an end.
So what we do personally is all very much concerned about the bubble. We could. Anybody tells your kids, anybody who tells you don't shelter your kids? Gram, shelter your kids.
Why do you? why? Why tell me not to shelter my kids?
You say, don't lock your doors at night, really? Okay.
you're an on robber where don't show my kids how. okay. Now there is a big shelter, but there is a shelter.
Yeah, and your kids should have shelter. How you do. And everybodys really concerned about peer groups for all the bigger wars are over a screen time. And how, how much should kids be allowed to watch T, V devices, especially hand held devices, which you try to limit, but then you're on a flight and you give the kid ipad. So those are the bigger struggles.
What's unfortunate is that the change mania is primarily hitting the poor people, right? The people who don't have a lot of time, who are very tired, who are very stressed, and they kind of raise their kids and default, right? So if you imagine the IT takes a certain amount of leisure time to be politically informed, right? Airstrikes said, you shouldn't be involved in politics until you're thirty five because you, by that point, maybe you have some leader of time, but before that, you need to live your life and have some kind of achievement that, right?
So if you are, if you're an intact family, which is becoming more rare, dad, mom, both work, they come home tired processor diet, because we've transition away from where when I grew up, we call that people find the defensive. Now I didn't find the defensive, but you call the peasant food, poverty food. We eat beans, ham, hawks and beans, right? Chicken and dumplings.
You would eat things that were cooked. You'd often cook at home, even if you're poor, you could afford to cook. And everybody's raised on process foods, and that's having a lot of problems with some people.
Climb oils are the problem. But whatever the case is, we know that there's a problem with a that's how long and health effects, right? So you eat, you, you are, you wake up, you get wound up on a donor coffee.
You work a little bit monster energy, drink a lunch of process food. By the time you get home, you're exhausted, right? There's your kids and you interested your kids to the school and you don't have all the time of the world to to figure out best parenting practices.
right? You're beat down, man, and you're just trying to make IT. You're trying to keep your head above water. So the tragedy is that and IT is hating the rich kids too, because I do have a side point and that the tragedy is that this really was hitting the poor kids first.
So if you go through the training stuff.
yeah, if you go through any small town, I saw the gender bending stuff happening, and all these small towns and any kind of small town road trip, and then IT percussion up to elite opinion, and then sort of the oppos. So remember Susan, the C. E.
O of youtube, who, being conservative circuit, die of overdoses s in her world, because SHE banned people like me and sensor people like me who were antil that the people, the forces are, were working against those compounds that in their mind, what can happen to me? Where do you? Elite, no, you're not due.
And SHE, I was wonder SHE have self wearing, like what SHE feels at night in a moment of self awareness, realizing that he created a culture that killed her son. If we're being completely honest, and I don't one saying that is the truth, SHE created that culture of the open borders, the drugs coming in block, everybody who's against the open borders, 呃, call people who are anti drug cooks, or ref, madness pro, right? All of that degeneracy has hit thy elite now.
So they thought, this is gonna something to happen to poor White trash to use their terms that mine there, whatever, who cares about them? And now they are realizing they are not me. You to their kids are gender now, kids are on oppos now.
Their kids are doing only fans. Their kids addicted to pornography. Their boys are having problems launching in becoming active participants in society.
They're dealing with the problems too, right? So that, so that is the predicament with that. awesome. I P, why there is some kind of hope, because people are realizing as their own interest to get things together, although unfortunately the ideology of the left, we're willing to let communism for sh everywhere and seem to be OK with that. So maybe not, but us are on the individual level of the parent level.
You want to we listen a parenting podcast while is looking for parenting tips that just seem like if you want to get in shape, you listen to gym p podcast, right? Because you're called of being the habit of the mind on what matters most, which is your kids. So always about staying in tune with the trends and being mindful, being mindful higher, raising them but fundamental. You're protecting your children from this horrible secular world.
What do you do at school?
We do home school. We taken to a home school cup. A home school now is a beautiful. There's a revolution, thanks to, ironically enough, covered so cove IT.
The only reason were having these conversations is because of the cover like downs, which shows that good can emerge from evil. If the covered lockdowns had happened, nobody would know anything about these schools, right? People don't think about that.
People go all the like. Dogs destroy the country. The light downs harm the country in many ways. But we would not have known any of these problems were happening at school.
If people and have some school, right? So zoom school happens, people start paying attention and then they pull their kids at the school. There's more home .
school is now than they're you actually.
they are not even learning. You're realizing i'm sent of my kids to daycare. Maybe we can find a way to make this work financially for my wife to stay home, or maybe we can find some kind of solution.
So what became kind of popular as a home school, coptic home school pod? How does that work? You will pull money together and hard teachers. So let's say your kids run school. There's teachers to want out of public school system and you you have three to five friends and you say, why don't we just hire the teacher to teacher teacher kids right?
So certain ly hospital, you're making your own school sounds yeah.
but you do a part time, then you school them at the house too. So home, the biggest misconception home schooling is that you're like little house on the purse and your kids are in the bench. You're the mom on the front right in the park that was never home schooling anyway. Home schooling was always self directed, teaching kids how to teach themselves and then helping them coach them along through the material as they struggle IT because are generally naturally curious and will figure things out in in their own way. But you're providing them enough structure to make sure that they just don't play outside.
I mean, barra don't know more about, of course, I love the sound of IT, but how common is IT for friends or neighbors to get together, pull their money .
and higher teacher in Austin, silicon valley and in certain areas, I won't call a common, but it's not anything that would be way off the bin path. Are you doing IT? We do something similar. Yeah there there was a structure created and we pay we pay uh tuition, so we pay whatever fees and then there's an on proper attached to IT, so we donate IT to profit.
So remember you must get quite ite in trouble because he said he gave all this money to a non profit with a nonprofit teaches these kids and you're like, well, they teach other kids too, but isn't that where you would want to donate your money, right? Like if i'm going to donate to an our profit, what I want to donate IT to home school supported charity, right? And so yeah we where our kids do a part time, they do a part time schedule.
What are the expenses like as compared to private .
catholic school, probably IT will certainly cheaper than these hot twenty groing catholic schools groing I mean, private schools yeah IT would be a part of what the cafe school vision .
would be working yeah are .
you satis so far with results worth yeah worth world and what we do as because again, home schooling is in what people think. We're still voluntarily tracked by the state. So the state has somebody checked with my wife, they interview the kids and then my kids.
I'll take the standardize pass to make sure that they're on path. The curriculum, which we're fine with if if school or school we search is a public school, if school or hey, here's your course material, here's what you learn, here's how you take. We still homes school, honestly, but which cause I just do.
And but we don't have a problem with the testing and everything and ideology. So where ground track, our kids take the test, the enormous I will take. And then they they talked to like a leason who's in teaching and she's a wonderful person and is very helpful. And they just check, check with kids, make sure kids, kay, which i'm fine with.
that down this.
I mean, sow upside, you know you never want to see so downside because I mean, you're high, your own supply, right, right? But they they socialize with other kids. They there with kids of all age groups that way. Remember we we go school, you're in a class and with people in your own age. And when children talk to people of other ages, they become more advanced with their communication.
Yes, so.
so people often think that my older daughter is other than he is. No, no. SHE just spends a lot of time talking to adults and talking to eighth graders and seventh graders and sixth graders and fifth graders, and is all a kid appropriate because the model of the the cow or they they probably don't even call homeschool cop, they call up Price something else.
This probably different terminology, but as well or faced this nature based is based on the wonder magic of you go and is very much about storytelling and participating with nature. And that's the one that they go to. I have friends who they set up one, and it's more tech based. There are a lot of tech guys. You want their kids kind of coding, which I don't think five million to learn to code plus the coding language .
you knows will even be .
ten years anyway, right? But every but there are people who are trying to find solutions. But the flip side is a lot of parents do want to daycare aspect. So home schooling, if you don't like your kids, then home schooling is a very has is a huge downside. The right .
right yeah because .
if you I mean you .
don't like your kids .
cious and i'm a world worldly man, I want to be secretary .
state like ah we work .
to right and over so what right point .
um so people becoming more spiritually air, people looking for alternatives to a dying school system. These are huge positive developments, I think, in american society. Would can you think of any other since you believe in an optimism and despise despair? Oh.
I mean, more people change to suit. More people are starting their own businesses. More people on, more people are awake to the problems, even if the problems are way bigger than they ever could have imagined. More people are having open dialogue about real, real issues. People have left the grid right ten years ago because, you know, my experience, if I was, goes way, way, way back at time.
But if I talked about that too, relatively recently, that fifty one, they say, what are lunch, right? And now people like all, I mean, I know he's probably illusions, whatever, but it's like in the conversation, right, which the over ten window on that has shifted. So there's a lot of good energy being put out too.
There's never been a Better time, in my opinion. This is why I don't like to despair from en, when I was kid, you couldn't just learn things. You were, you were in a school.
And then whatever your parents taught you as kind of what you learned, if you're seventeen and eighteen and you want to learn how to start an internet website, e commerce business, you might not have anything to sell, but you can do that. You can literally learn anything that you would need to know to survive. I didn't know anything about money.
I almost bank up at one point because I just didn't understand money. I didn't understand about credit or paying bills on time or how any of this stuff worked. I just didn't know you .
have a lot of experience growing up with.
right? But um you could just learn anything. So if you're actually a Young man in a hurry or a Young woman in a hurry, you can go learn whatever you want.
And there's obviously more temptations and in other influences. But you can you can carve out your own path in a way that you couldn't have forty years ago. Forty years ago, you're born.
You're born in the town. That's probably were going to end up maybe the od boomy, right? That didn't happen.
We're not get draft for the v nm. More, right? We like to mash the bombers a little bit, and I enjoy that too from time to time. But they were drafted in a warn set of vietnam. I know if he has ever been caving in vietnam, but try to walk through a cave as a six foot tall man and imagine that that's what we did graduate high school, you, via ambre, and that should build Crystal as somebody. You met romney then, of course you were fortunate.
the last I checked, he didn't. And romney, yeah, I check t weren't .
a guys love. I thought they take .
that opportunity, the channel, right? So if you look at, if you look at the problems, they're real. But if you look at the problems in a historical context, I would rather live now than the draft of the vietnam war when you yeah, there are several rights, rights in the sexy detroit is burning, right? That was happening in the sexy crime wave in new york in the seventies.
We have we've always kind of have this problems that is good to get over on my oppoa. And so is, this is the human condition, man, this is the human struggle. Role is gone to have IT you never when you never lose, because even if you take you when you can have all taken away, you that you can drive out, i've made IT in life, you can drive out, hit a moose, lose a leg, lose both legs, die.
Your kids can get die in a crash is never over, right? But in our, in our human brains, with the ego, we either go to am a winner and in a static place of winning, or am a loser. Everything is so bad society. And this is where where am. So in your own mind, what you wanted do is break that neither of art and realize you're not a winter, you're not lose or you you're to give in point time and anything can change for the Better of the worst in a moment to do the best you can right .
now while you're here and he pushed forward my mind so the last thing I ask you about um I just wanted take a really dark turn if we could um is estein done a lot on this first to give us the overview. What was that? What is the truth of his life and death? And when are the rest of us going to get all the details on this?
We will never know the truth about what happen, Jeffery. Obscene because that was clearly an intelligence, a Operation, right? IT was clearly a form of blackmail and a form of keeping people can find to the narrative.
So the estein documents, the way they came about was uh friend of mine who's a lawyer said i've never seen anything like this. There's this litigation going involve in jeff rey upsetting and everything is reduction. This is flowing for record and as you .
know you don't win .
was this twenty sixteen h twenty seven and he said, you won't believe this. You can do that because if you want a confidential dispute solution, if you can do mediation, arbitration, if you're in public course in litigation, your social curial numbers reduction but why you're suing and was alleged is not .
reduction or yeah, it's a pop. It's a public, the system.
Yeah yeah. Good to arbitration if you want to final. And he was the one we just file emotion and seal.
And I thought IT would be some like a little side project and wouldn't so much money being naive because this was so impressed in IT that IT shouldn't cost a lot of money. IT is up, costs twenty, fifty thousand plus. With him giving a break on that, we thought IT cost ten or twenty.
And the because if you are looking at IT through the structure of the way the law is, you would say, and this is there's no such thing as an easy when a mob, but to the extent that there's an easy when this is low hand fruit, let you go ahead, get these files and reacted. I want to take them a china money. Oh, the opposite.
The judge ruled against us after sitting on the case for a long time call on privacy grounds. There was no again that somehow the law works. Law isn't that you have the right to privacy and public ligation.
You don't you give up the righter privacy and public litigation. That shouldn't happen. We think, go, god, this is more more than we realized.
Let me go to appeal. So we appeal the second of appeals. Meanwhile, money just, and I realized again, in hindsight, I was like, wow, you were name.
If you thought that was just gonna so easy when, but I didn't really know what I was gotten, that right is like, pun, a tiger by the tail around a little hike. And to see something sticking out, you kind of grab IT the next thing that was a bengal tiger and face. And you think I didn't I didn't know that that's what I was grabbed. And my own negativity, I didn't realize with the whole estin situation was that was gonna a really he was still .
alive at this point.
He was still alive, was been arrested. So this is, as last night you said, I told a lot of stories you didn't believe. So this is another problem. No, no, I just say to believe that you unbelievable.
You tell you about your child to the sometimes get self pitting in in my go. My life was so hard, and I hear .
about yours .
very serious to that really happened, right?
right? So this is another unbelievable story. I like a forest of, how do I involve with just resting in just some rain? Am going on the internet, twitter, hobson's me and marketing does was the lawyers or in doz and mark ro.
Doz said, hey, why not we just get these unsealed? You are always talking about pedophile stuff. This is such an easy way for you. And he goes, in the case is interesting to me. So I cut you break on fees.
We both thought going in that he was gonna something that you could get done for a reasonable amount of money in a reasonable one of time. And IT took years. So we file the suit and the motion unseal, and then the judge rules against us.
We appeal the second circle court pills in new york. And then during this is during the trip, administration have seen and Steve has been arrested. A friend of mine, one of the good guys in the intelligence ence community, said, hey, just so you know, you should mention estein anymore.
You you're in a real problem then you got into something really that you didn't know you will get into and I go, okay, what do you want to do? They go to stand by year in court that all work is way through. But you you need to not draw attention to this issue yourself and I said, okay, that's message received and this is someone in the is credible.
This is a intel world. This is guy who is me, a twitter worried about me after a divine vision yeah, is a real, a real, real thing. And so I didn't talk about IT for about a year.
And then what happened is the miami hair, or Julie Brown filed the same motion to unseal, kind of that I had filed and picked back on me. And then that's what started to break up the abc thing. So then my guy and the intelligence role said, okay, you're Green right now.
They are not going to kill Julie Brown. And I held everything to talk about IT. So let the chip forward.
They may. So then I reentered the discourse on IT, because there you can't kill everybody. Kind of how they say, right? Yeah, you kill one guy. You can have one guy in a car crash, but you're not going to go after my, my hair, all the other people.
Now what is very sad to me about the upstate story is if you look at the timeline and you look at the why abt in became relevant again. And this isn't Julie Brown. Julie Brown, to her credit, had the right motors, but jack up and others didn't know about any.
Alexander casa was a secretary labor of Donald trump. So you now have a orange man and bad angle, because Alexander costa was the prosecuting attorney who oversaw the original p agreement, which after reopening, which could only be defined as as we are pleased, define any kind of logic. And the media now had trump bad, because a cost is trump abstention.
Mp, the trump abstinence. Le, right now, the media suddenly care, or pretended to care about the issue because they could use the up in issue to get after trump. So then every media outlet wanted access to the obscene files because they were hoping there was a trump ing, too.
So suddenly he became a big deal. So we go up before the second circle, core appeals microdot n ja, woman, argue the case. And by now the meters, like turn in. Man, i'm like, stress. And dude.
and you and you're paying for this.
Would they gave me a break on fees, but they were Normally charged. Anybody else would have been a million of legal fee plus the but we had some of us prob onus. But I was still pain. Oh yeah, I was still sent a big checks just .
because you thought I was interesting.
Yeah yeah. And well, and I didn't know if I had known how big was going to be, I might have had second thoughts, but the because they did me good on that. I will make IT seem like a complaining. This, this is the nature of the american legal system.
Because that's why people, oh, well, you see that person, they said something about you like, I don't know I I don't I write to check with three point five million dollars to litigate a defamation case against somebody because they called me something on the internet. You know, people don't understand that until they are in that world. And they realized how much all of this, of course, and I even here, the problem, spent two million on fees.
And so they argue the case. The second circuit made IT abundantly clear that they were going to unseal the files, because there was no way in the world under establish law that the file should have been sealed in the first place. And our argument happens is so clear that they're going to unseal IT.
I think our argument happens on friday. And i'm like her. This is good. Two days later, I seen was arrested flying back from france. The only reason he was arrested was because the files are going to be unsealed.
because he was told he was not going to be arrest, right?
The map of Operation had worked, but for me, and more importantly, but for Julie Brown, because I think if I just been me, they could have just buried the case long enough. They couldn't issue an unpublished opinion that wouldn't have precedent about, because the way, the way that works is a trial court judge is more likely to make up the law institute in a palace, because in a palace court i'll have presidential value and apply other cases so the trial court could just they gave me a fake ruling because who cares is my sound of each and then the second circuit could have moved into a shadow docket and rule against me but once july Brown in er the case.
You can ignore the miami herald, right? I think i'm a big deal, but compared to my my herald, I don't have any legitimate at all, right? And then every other outlet got involved too.
So then the regime realized, well, the absence stuff is coming out. We Better look like we're doing something. And then, so Jeffery, absence was at least a couple.
I was arrested a couple days after an argument because they realized we have a mess. Now what do we do? So then up thing is arrested.
And then, do you want to keep going? And I actually feel about so the channel that gene Scott, get on the telephones, get on the phones. So then they charged up stein, but a little bit like legal trivia.
I went there for the press conference that really entitled, and the additional ment was what you would charge someone if you wanted to create a media narrative that you are prosecuting them, but that under the law would be chicken ship stuff. The lowest thing that you could possibly charge him for, but you could say we're going after him. There's a reason that did this way.
They charged him for paying for a sages in his new york apartment through, I think, the period of two thousand and fourteen to two thousand and sixteen, somewhere in the timing massages in his apartment. That's all. They charged him for the four course endangered.
So why did they only charge them? For that was a reason he had a place in new mexico, he had his island, he had his place in paris. He had another place, I think, in west pal beach.
And if they had charged him for trafficking, the FBI would have had a simulator, read every property under a man act. The main act, may said the crown, to transport a woman. Yeah, an international too.
So he was flying back from paris, and he was flying women models all over the world, models, you know, not to diminish what is doing, but that was history. He was flying under age girls and some of age all around the world. Well, what you would do with the S D N Y, which, as we know, the S D N Y, they go after you got problems because they charged the most aggressive.
They're too aggressive, in fact, in how they charged cases, what you would charge IT, if you were concerned with being a prosecutor, you to charge you under the main act, and under the international version, the main act, you would assimilate inly searched and sees every property taken all the evidence. Instead, they arrested him. Had a little press conference, is over missions in new york property.
They searched the new york perty. What was happened in the island? We don't know.
What happened in the island? We don't know. Because the I. P.
I said we can search IT because nothing that he was charged with concerned the because of course, the FBI is very concerned now with due process yeah you know yeah they're really know we don't want to go overstep our lawful so we can't go RAID that island so they left all these properties unattended. And then that's when the map Operation commenced. And they got whatever compromising cds and dvds and other information.
they got that from the the television mini. Got that from in in two thousand.
No, by the time I came definitioned and our and .
eight nineteen, okay, right? So IT would have been bill bar, the republic general, his second time as a tourney general, he would have been aware of all this, correct?
All the yeah. I am not sure bar was. And at the time we'd have to double check whatever as ag absolutely have been aware of IT.
And I think IT was bill bar because Billy bars and one who said that he watched footage of absence committing suicide and he knows, but we can watch the footage of our company suicide. Bill bar can, but we can. That's a little sas, right?
Yeah, we build covered up the murder of evista.
Well, clearly, right. But i'm i'm just saying like what i'd like to do, which I found helps me be more persuasive, is I will meet you with what you claim even when I know it's a lie. So I know the bill bar is lying, but I was just for the sake of argument, except IT is true.
The billboards saw the video i've i've seen killing himself. Well, therefore, you'd have to explain why you can't released that video or show IT to other people. Because if the video exist, the public will clearly have a right to see IT or design native.
Trusted in the media is what? So rather than say will build boris lying, i'd like to just say OK, buddy. And by the way, this a trade of lawyering a lot of police detectives use.
I too was I i'll follow along with your bullshit and then i'll just start pull and pulling the threads a little bit. So yeah, would have been Better bar. And so I get charged with low is possible conic that he ever could have been charged with.
And all all the properties were left unattended. Some mop of teams went in there, took whatever they need to take out there. And then i've seen commit suicide stand.
The story, what's to talk about, all gone at the ending of the usual suspects. Psych never existed. What happened? The evidence, the ebt hollies apparatuses have IT .
so but we read that the other hundreds, thousands hours of video tape from his various properties and that's .
a fact that's not a yeah that's not something that was in.
So where is all that tape to know?
Volts, volts in washington. See a fort knox wherever bill bar had a sent yeah wherever physical location bill bar and whatever five agencies he was working with store that they have all that black material people to this day and they are released IT if they need to. Everybody's kind of playing ball.
You find out that bill gates was there often. Where are the videos? Where's the proof? You'll that long with the agenda, bill clint, who along with the agenda, read hofman.
He's a very vicious person going after people in the media gives him a past even though he was with I love, here's my love about cancelled culture, why you know it's not not sincere. I would support the universal enforcement, cancel culture rules. So if the rule was you did a bad thing in your life and you've kind of beyond the norm, beyond the pale, and you now allows acceptable society.
If that were univerSally applied, that would mean bill gates is anywhere right? Bill clinton would be cancelled. Bill clinton, there's all this, I all this witness test me about bill clayton.
A read half will be cancelled. But it's interesting that if you post a bad tweet or a bad video clip on a context, or chopped up, or even the deep faker, even somebody makes that up. Now you're your toxic, your toxic waste.
But everybody get to hang around estee, and they can still speak. The dnc and their holiday is the media and propped up. So clearly the media was in on the absence stuff, because otherwise you would hang bill gates to his dying days. Those gates would never get on stage without you ask him much jerey up.
And we know for a fact that read off of you is a totally poisonous person. Uh, he was a because the webster es.
the world journal reported on emails where the read hofman was trying to introduce people into absent world and read hofman stories. Of course, what I was trying to raise money for MIT, he's got his own narrative. But yeah, this has all been reported in authenticated by the welshy journal because I would never say anything unsure about read hofman that's for sure because they make up stuff to sue people over anyway. So you definitely .
I think he funded .
the suit against yeah he he's funding all the against people and trying to take people kind of one by one. And if we had a legitimate media, you would hound him every time I mean, how many times the people when when you were on fox, your staffers would get hounded for a brain, a post they would make on twitter, or they .
tried to destroy lives.
Yeah, you're trying to go after some staffer over a post that was maybe poorly worded or didn't have sufficient nuance in a on a platform that doesn't allow for or didn't allow for the time sufficient nuances. But you're like all our coolth, all these other people, though they are the good guys, and that shows you to them. We don't have a media.
We have prop and out for the intelligence community. And there are been kindly given the marching orders on who's allowed in the discourse and who's allowed to be propped up, and who is allowed to get away with things that they got away with. And then all of up things associated.
They're fine. Nobody got the damage. How many people's lot reputations were solid? I would give an example of compare has been done to somebody like Peter bram alo or j Taylor, who I obviously do not do with a lot of their stuff. But you have to add those qualifiers, unfortunate, but compare them. Two people .
who powl around with that.
or the, or billionaire criminal charges are bowing, which just did a civil fine for all the people they killed because their cover ups and their crimes, what what they get away with. So you're if you're in in a world where you say something offensive, maybe unintentionally, you're you're done that at least in terms of how they can't to find the discourse in the way they once did. But you're solid forever.
You have a scarlet letter on you forever and you have to learn to accept that and overcoming. But you you're there's a ceiling on you for sure. And but you can be a friend with apstein because the media and the intelligence communities are all working together, so they'll make sure that your life isn't made too difficult for what you did.
We ever gona know more? Do you think about everything?
No, by twenty years, I mean, there is that book chaos, which was about M, K, S. Around the trials, mean, said so in fifty years when nobody can be damaged and nothing can really be done, will learn about, will learn about the truth of IT. maybe.
But there's a great conspiracy theory, which is the government, or rather as a mean about conspiracy theories which they dismiss. This is a conspiracy irca theory twenty years ago. Then they admit IT, but now they tell you whatever you are accusing them of today is a conspiring theory. And IT keeps getting pushed forward.
Last question, do you know the effect of all of this? The evaporation of like recognizable reality is made everyone super paranoid and um I have noticed probably too paranoid because it's not helpful to be the paranoid. D but um do you think that the U.
S. Government is working aggressively to spread this information within opposition media? Do you think they're like lots of feds running around actually?
Oh, I think there are all kinds of feds embedded within the writing movement, writing movement and the conservative movement.
You think that's real?
Oh yeah, to just create people that was the SHE. They there is a book coena pro. You can read the C I M anyone how you disrupt movements, which I read, and what they would do the C A A would do at the time they're doing into the black pants as but now they're doing IT to anybody whose deem Christian or go so cathos church as they have very tactics.
And one tactics they do as they call IT stone. Um what do you call IT when you keep talking full of bus string? So you you have a group and you have two different agents put in.
One is gonna to feed trap you like they did a michigan. We need to do more than just talk. We've talked for too long. It's time to take action.
And then that only works on the really desperate people who don't have anything going on, which happened post nine eleven in a muslim kids that are being fully honest here. This isn't a new thing happened to us. And what was us? IT was happening to muslims.
And a lot of conservatives didn't really care all that. You F, B, I stopped to another terrorist techno. Didn't they found a poor muslim kid who was lonely, maybe mild, the autistic, and they planned the whole thing for him, where he had non .
mainstream opinions, but was in heating. But way you're allowed to have non mainstream opinions, in fact, that's the whole point of this country. So you would have not mainstream opinions, right?
So now is our turn in the bail. So on the one hand, they'll try to do that with low hang fruit. On the other hand, they'll have people who fill poster and make IT so that nothing can really get done right.
So there will be the more elegant way to disrupt a political movement isn't to feed, trap people, is to run off the clock. So I think, for example, cue the cube thing, trust the plane. E, I believe that was an intelligence Operation done.
The reason I think that is because if you go back to twenty eighteen, the entire narrative being spread to magical world was there is going to be a massive red wave in eighteen. We are gonna take congress, and trump is going to accomplish all these things. And millions of people, maybe tens of million of people believed IT.
Well, what happened? What happens when you believe that everything is gonna? OK has been worked on. 我。
You don't push, you don't press your guys, you don't register voters, you don't turn out to vote, you don't do all that boring grinding because in your mind, trust, the plan is all being taken care and might look like president trump is get rolled by the deep state. But he's really not. This is a faint. And what really is gonna en, is all these mass arrests going to happen? I believe I have no direct evidence of this, but my personal belief, and I think is a rational one, based on the very manual that the F B I N C I rote was, I believe the entire cun on movement was made by the intelligence community.
Do you think that what happened two weeks ago at the debate, like what was I I mean, there are so many levels are trying to figure out what that was. Everyone's paying attention, knew that by had some sort of a logical disorder, but the media never admitted IT until like four minutes and the the debate, all of a sudden the story became, this guys retarded. We gotta do something with what was that?
I I have friends who thinks, I have friends who believe that the debate was orchestrate by the deep state or by handlers. And that's why ended up the way I did. I don't believe that. And here's why my belief is that CNN wanted to create a nara for trump, dodge the debate with biden. So they kept imposing more and more owners terms on trump.
So me, and this is why trump I have have a lot to say about trump in the way he handled things, and I have a lot of proms with trump, and but I will say that only trump is trump, so nobody but trump t had taken that CNN interview because trumps magic power. But also as greek fatal flaw, right? The greeks would always say a great idea.
is he so obsess with mainstreet media that held interview these people and talk to them all day, even though they hate, gives some ratings? Meanwhile, when he was president, I said, why don't you just talk to the daily color everyday, give them everything, and then everybody has to watch the daily caller, or give you a bright potter. Why don't you build the conservative media ecosystem? No, because he's a boomer.
He's obsessed with prestige media, or what I would call a regime, media regime propagate. So anybody else, because i'm not walking into A C, N, N, A ambush, the terms that this are stupid, vulnerable, will be trumped by by. And that's a good news that they are wrong with.
But instead, trump said, oh, you're going to turn off my microphone. sure. Oh, you're going to make me do this.
Okay, sure. Oh, you're going to this. Sure, sure. So all of the terms LED to the debate having to happen even though was a set up and then buying shows up.
We've known for a while he's been sundowner and they had IT at night. They should have had IT during the day. That was therefore ault.
There was really nothing they could do the game, seven day's arrested game of drugs ckt il. But they have to show up. They couldn't have him not show up.
And they were hoping maybe you'd have a good night because, as you know, people with dementia, sometimes they have a good night. That's right. Sometimes they have a medium night by and had a terrible night.
But that's the gamble you got ta run. So one reason you never despair is the enemy gets a vote, and in this case, trump was the enemy to the regime. Trump said, OK sure, i'll show up to your right thing because I love the media.
Anyway, trump arty preceded a narrative and magical to explain any failures. The whole thing was read anyway. So the the narrative as arty seat of trump, ed had a bad night.
IT was because the debate terms were so uncomfortable that he never shoot a data, but he did IT anyway. So he goes in there, presses the advantage. Biden had a bad night, and unusually bad night probably. And I don't I don't think we need to cause I don't view the the deep data regime is unusual.
I view them as evil, bad faith actors, but they are actually less smart than we are and the less robust because for people like us, we've been through the crucible somebody times, and we know we going to be in the crucible again. We can dog ourselves a little bit differently than they do there. There, like you have to remember your speeches from in high school, Julie season.
And I want one of the speech er's idea memorized in high school was, let me have minute about me out a fat, sleep headed mins and one that sleeping at night. Young Cassie has a lean and hungry look. You don't want to lean and hungry.
Look, people around you write, we're the lean and hungry people. We're the people that we know that one one misstep, we're in cartoon. We know that the regime frameless for crimes.
So not only are we're not doing ethically questionable behavior because, boy, then we would really be given neck, we know these mother focus are going to frame us anyway. So are you like, oh my god. I wonder what, like, what they're going? Like, make up about my shit.
Where's all the fat people? The spirit ally. Fat people are so weak to bed because they are the ones cooking everything up that they don't know where their weak size are, right?
So when their fat world, they're thinking, will just put back up there, maybe he has a good night, we lock out if is a bad night, will will be OK. But they didn't rose how bad IT could be whereas someone like you were for that's also the danger of these people there are. So they don't have any counter narrative.
So they had somebody like you there, me there. We have been saying, and maybe this is a good idea, because the right, the problem of the right is we, we self please too much. We should self please, may be a little bit less.
The problem of the left is they place away any kind of opposition view, and they allow every crazy in the ted. So for us, we know who the crazies are, and we know who the fans are. And we know to think in those terms whether if you're on the left, nobody y's crazy.
Oh, l haoma, she's great. Oh, what was he doing about october seventh? What she's SHE did to? No, no, no, no, no.
Guys, you're not you. No, no, no, no, no. Pretend, at least pretend for one data care oh my oh, now we have a real problem with us.
We're used to having to police ourselves and the people around us. So we maybe don't walk into the the traps or unforced areas that that biden debate was. So that's a very long way of saying I don't think the regimes are initial.
I don't think that, that was a move to take him out. I think that that was pure human group think and action. And they thought that they could get trump to not take the debate because the terms .
were so rect very sort analysis, as has everything you have set for past couple hours. man. So thank you, my pleasure.
Thanks for show.
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