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Thank you. See what I am here, you said was chatty up a storm. Yes, I was in the back by things like a teenager or another thing.
Thank you so much. You're having me. I'm always rolled to coming to this consent at the third time i've been here in the last six weeks. Yeah, I met a control I actually feel guilty about and I feel like I should be paying taxes and was good.
And I hear so much we come not that i'm going to a disapprove your governor, but they may make me we're just talking back stage most people for this concern. So I can say this to you going tomorrow on our annual musky and grow trip right at the top in vials county. And how did you let michigan take the top of your state? I don't understand extra mission.
So I think it's a hand and I didn't realize that the hand was a grasping hand that steals things, including the top of wisconsin in. And I don't know. I mean, I don't like actually really like you're state government that much, but is Better than michigan and mussell isn't in the state government and wisconsin.
You should get your national guard and take a back and they can have the part of the U. P. That's over you know at the top of the mechanic bridge that's totally fine.
That's clearly michigan that makes sense. But the party is over. The top of wisconsin is just a stolen land.
And if mexico can claim texas, you can definitely claim the approved. And you should, and I mean that have some self respect with concern. Sorry, i'm not pushing separatism or anything like that.
I'm just pushing justice, and I hope you will be done. I know one because people in whose concern are so nice and so happy. And that's the main thing I noticed when I come here. It's not just about your birds in your fish, which I do love. It's about the state.
And this time actually last time last year, two weeks ago and we are going on one of our long walk to was concern and with my wife and I was thinking that the thing that I like most about the state as its its cohesion that came every time you go to, feels like an community, not to fake communities they are always hearing about from politicians, the community, the communities they are talking about, like a millions of people, you know, I mean, that some racial groups as a community, the White community, right? I've never been invited to join. What are you even talking about? They're fake communities.
They describe voter blocks and communities. And there's something about that, that infuriates me because the community is a real thing. It's a living thing. It's an organism to human organism, and it's a beautiful thing when you see IT. And it's increasingly rare in the united states, a place where people actually know each other, have something in common, maybe have ancestors in the same grave you are go to the same church, go to in the state, go to the same bar.
Um people we say I was constant people sent to, you know my town had five bars and six churches are six bars and five churches whenever the bar church ratio was that is something that people joke about and it's very noticeably as you drive around the state. But from my perspective is an outsider. What I noticed is not simply the number of bars versus churches that I do hope churches, when it's the fact that each of those places a bar and the church is a place for people from the actual community to meet.
It's a place for people to come together in a town. And that is what strikes me more than anything about the state when I drive through IT is how many places there are for people to meet. And what that tells you is you have social cohesion.
And IT is a product of your history, of the people who settled. This stain is the truth. And I noticed IT and I was loved going to the the twin cities. I no longer go there because they're disgusting, but I would always go there, many apples and sample, and I would always notice the difference between the cities and the differences from an outside perspective. For really the product of the people who live there, so many apples was, i'll just be one, my people, that skin in in the protesters, canna vans.
And think paul was much more the irish catholic, catholic germans and mini apple is always struck me at, you know, very clean, famously clean, but also kind of stereo and atomized like the skin and Evans mean that kind of want to drink alone, to be honest. My father, who sweet this should always say, like the scanning AV, is just sort of kill a bottle of vodka staring out the winter with the sleet and film rose. There's a lot of truth in that whether the irish and the germans would get together and get boysterous the'd drink the same amount.
But I do think the germans and the arrest ted, ted, in a much more healthy way. And then you drive in a same paul, and you really got the sense that was, that was the working class city. That's not what I noticed.
I noticed a city where there were actual neighborhoods. I noticed this in maloka too. I spent a lots of mowcher this summer, went twice.
Everyone beats up a new waki. I like nooky. And every time I go there, I think there are still sort of neighbors ods here. You know, lot of the city seems like against other city, but there are parts of the city where you're like there's a pretty good chance people live with within walking distance to the grandparents.
Even now I noticed that, and IT seems to me like that the main thing worth preserving in our country actually like that thing right there, the fact that you can live in a place and have some connection to the other people who live in that place that's worth more than, you know, any amount money you could make to live in the place where grandparents are buried, that's really important. I think that steals people soul. That brings peace.
That is truly, truly valuable and that is under threat in a way that I don't think we've even perceive and is by design because, of course, if you have totalitarian an aims, if you want to have total control over your population, you have to break them apart from each other, you have to atomium them, and you begin with the family, of course, and you encourage attitudes about gender and work that make IT impossible to have a nuclear family. And they certainly done that for the last sixty years. That was the whole point of the program was to break apart the family.
There wasn't a liberation movement, sorry, IT, was a movement about destruction, the destruction of the essential unit of any civilization, which is the family. And they've done a pretty good job of achieving that, in case you have a noticed again. And they did IT never in a straight forward way.
It's all through passive aggressive. You, the right is aggressive, the left is passive aggressive. So if you make someone on the right angry, I got, got an air fifteen.
If you make someone on the left angry, IT just, you know, whatever you think of every fifteen is like pretty right forward. Push me too far. I'll shoot.
Okay, got IT. There's the rules obviously on that side. And I think that's the orrible side actually because IT is straight forward and honest. It's direct here the rules.
You go here and break IT and you know it's going to happen, okay, you know, message receive, the left Operates in precisely the mire image way and you know, you make that matter and I like, oh, I think you need counselling and we're going to be to set you up with some heavy set monopoles lady who's going to elect you about how your kids should be transgender. You know, you mean you've really just eternally zed you White supremacy. And we need to, we need to educate you.
And I would argue that that's a much more in citi st way to bring about the teletext an ism and much more comfortable with the people in military uniform ers marching down the streets of my village and threatening me because at least you, I can join the partisan movement and fight against them. And we know what we're up against. It's the guy in the tight trousers and the leather boots, like that's the guy we have to kill to be free.
No, i'm serious. You would much prefer to have in invading army that calls itself in invading army, rather than invading army that calls itself refugees, which is what we now have, where you've got, you know, twenty five million people in your country and they don't seem to be working. They're all being paid with your money to do what exactly? What is that? And most of them are Young men.
And let's an invading army. Actually, that's exactly what that is, and that's why they're here. And I would just be much more comfortable if they were in a uniform with firearms because at least the rest of us could go less an opposition to them.
But instead we're load to sleep by the promise that, no, this is compassion. No, of course, is not compassion. It's an attack.
It's an invasion on our country. And its aim is to destroy our country and to destroy its communities. And they're very sort of intent on this. And I would so I would just say this about not to be too dark, but as I drive through the state, which I do sincerely love, i'm not just saying that.
And you know, i'm not saying because I come back multiple times a year, mean the fact that you tire boats up next to each other on your lakes. I just find that the cruel thing i've ever seen, and there is the question like where's everyone being? I do always think that no one ever no, I once at something like, you know, I don't want think about IT.
So there's that you know, when everyone's drunk, does anyone drown? Not really, which is also kind of amazing. But the fact that people and was constant want to do that, it's hot.
Let's tire boats up together. That's what I noticed together. I just think it's beautiful. That's actual community.
I mean, it's boysterous and loud and don't there's like, how many times can you play the same kid rocks song? No, a lot. But there's something about that that strikes me as wonderful.
I could drive through townson and was constant for the rest of my life. And look at happy people on pontoon boats getting loaded. Oh, it's so great.
No, I mean IT, I mean IT, that's worth defending. That is worth defending. And i'm sorry that i'm using the face social cohesion because it's kind of a stereo sociology type phrase is the language of of the humanity.
It's it's academics studying human behavior. And so IT makes IT IT sounds very abstract. But what IT really is as love, that's actually what that is, that's love is love of people for each other.
The pure animal joy of being with other people, which is the greatest joy in life, in fact, is the only real joy. Know today is that i'm sorry he doesn't come from making money. I got to both things of that.
I've had to saw my house and then I made a lot of money and you know, sort of seen at all. And many in this room know the feeling, and like making tons of money. Being out of debt is good, i'll think that.
But beyond that, IT doesn't IT does not make you happy at all. actually. IT just reduces the pain of being in debt, which is painful and bad.
Puppy on that. This is not a source of joy. The only source of joy, this is obvious to Normal people, is being with each other, sitting in a table with people you love.
What did jesus do? And as less down to earth, he dinner with his friends, IT tells you that that's the highest expression of our love for each other, is being together and enjoying each other. And I just see that all throughout your state, all throughout your state, even in your cities, that people make fun of.
But i'm not going to compliment medicine because obviously it's a horrible place, but I can not just safe because I cannot resist. And I want to end everyone in this room. If you're an outsider and you don't know how evil medicine is when you go there is like this places beautiful because IT is actually IT is I know it's bad, but is charming IT is sorry, i'm not going to move there or anything.
But I heard the first time I went there was all my life people had made fun of. Medicine was constant. It's horrible. Medicine was constant. And I thought I was going to look like gary and Diana or something, but IT doesn't like, oh, I would live here. Course i'd be linch ed you.
I couldn't actually live there, but I can drive through in a baseball hat, sung glasses, and feel like this is really pretty, because IT is. But here's my point. As you assessed, the threat and it's a real threat is not a political threat.
It's a much deeper threat than a political threat is a threat to your culture. And I would say of the states specifically and of the fifty states, I would say wisconsin has maybe the most certainly one of the top most distinct cultures. It's not like illini.
It's not like michigan. It's just not I don't even know if you're aware of this, but when you come here, wow, this is was constant and that is a great thing because was consent for whatever reason. I'm i'm quite sure why.
Maybe because you have so many small towns may be that part of IT, maybe just have deep tradition. You've got families that have been here for a long, long time. Whatever IT is.
Wisconsin has remained in a way that so few other states have in annoy and mission. And for example, IT is remained distinct. IT is its own thing.
Here I can even hear the accent difference. Maybe i'm imaging, and I think I am, think that was constant accent is different from the michelin accent. And that is worth preserving.
There is a reason that increasingly, if you're my age fifty five, and you remember going from state to state and feeling like, oh, wow, this is really different, like south tryon is different from earth. Ronan is totally different from georgia and appears no resembles to florida, you know. And by the way, florida and colorado are like different countries in california, is a completely different thing.
Now you driver on the country, and I just to know everything, is when these and jeffy loob and some kind of sad residential hotel were owned by some giant in everything is wed by a chain, nothing as local, everything as national, everything is amazon and walmart, some giant trillion dollar company. And the effect, I think it's not just about maximizing profits or efficiency. I think the point is to homogenize, to make everything the same, to raise distinctions.
And when you I like your garden, i'm choking out of emotion thinking about jeffe lob. There's nothing of against changing oil. I'm like totally for that.
The point is when you race differences, what you are racing, you are racing culture, actually. And if you have a culture and if you have actual communities, those are worth defending. And the point of immigration is to is to destroy all that.
That is no point ever says all the point is new voters. Well, of course, the point is new voters, obviously. And the by administration is found a way to let people in illegally and then immediately let them vote.
In some cases is legally. It's not legal. It's all illegal. It's all a crime. I mean, I care what how they paper over the crime with some bureaucratic documents to crime, your community crime and you're destroying democracy. But the intent actually, the plan actually is deeper than that.
It's to destroy the cultures and the communities of the people of this country by adding new people with whom the people who already live here have nothing in common. Now let me just say, they shut down this debate completely. No one says anything like this because they don't want to be accused of hating immigrants.
So let me just say, because it's true now I do. I not hate immigrants. I really like immigrants. My best friend is an immigrants, totally for immigrants. I've met very few I don't like.
I've even interviewed criminal immigrants who had things I liked, you know, takes a lot of holes to write their train all the way through mexico, appear. I like guy, respect that. I respect the charge that takes.
I respect the gunman, the bravery that that takes. There's a lot about immigrants. Ants I really like. Okay, that's not the point. The point is not whether the people coming here are good people.
You've sent, you know, tens of thousands of murders and rapists, as you probably know, but even if they had, even if every person in the twenty five million allowed into the country in the last several years, even if every one of them was like a sterling person who was destined to in a nobel prize for some scientific innovation, IT would still be an active violence against amErica and our culture. Because it's too many people. It's too many people.
The economic affects that this are obvious. Housing Prices go off off the charts in the debate the other night I was I laughed out oud actually something i'm never done. Debate when tim walls, as I can with advances like, well, you know, putting tens of millions in new people in your country, Spikes housing Prices and walls is like you have a study to confirm that you free at more on what you have, a limited supply of something, and all of the in demand triples.
Does the Price razor or not? I'm not an economist. I'm not a paul krugman. En, okay, I didn't win the nobel prize for economics. People are so stupid, but I think that's called supply and demand.
And I think it's an iron war that can be changed much like gravity and photosynthesis. Have you heard of its supply and demand? That's why sand is cheap and diamonds are expensive.
Do you understand the concept? no. Do you have study to back that up? no.
Okay, freaking more on. anyway. They SAT the moderators, like we fect just that. We have to study on this. I think the federal serve bank recently commission on to study.
I need the fed to tell me that twenty five million new people into my country is going to increase the Price of housing stock. I think I knew that. So there's that there's the effect in community hospitals, which i've totally been destroyed.
If you ve been through emergency and recently don't go, you can get service. The hospital you pay for you can use because this credit with people may be they're all great people, doesn't matter too many people. So there's that and there's the crime problem.
And they're always telling us legal limbers don't commit crime at a higher rate, the native borne first. Well, any crime is too much crime. And someone who broke out a lot against in the first place is absolutely to commit any crime.
You know, you shouldn't jay walking, but you're lucky to be here, but we we're paying for everything for you. It's outrageous. But actually, the jails in Venus soil were empty as they were in cuba in one nine hundred and eight during mario, of course, because governments, like a aweigh open border here, take people we don't want.
So actually, there is a huge cost to american citizens measured in lives. And a lot of people were murdered, including in this state, by illegal aliens. So republicans are talking with that to some extent, not the ones in washington who have made this possible, by the way, for some reason, really a sick group in the leadership of the republican party in washington.
I don't know what their motive is. I don't know what which mcconnell seeking to accomplish the total destruction of the united states. It's true, it's true, which was completely in favor of open borders.
Why is that? I can even begin to guess. Yeah, maybe he's nobody.
He's like eighty three. He doesn't care about getting rich. It's deeper than that.
He's already rich because of his wife's tied to the chinese communist government. So it's all really it's all a pretty wholesome scene in dc. I don't have you've been recently.
It's totally cool. No problem at all. I think DIY spent quite a bit of time in washington dc.
Are you reporting? Dd, why? Don't know. New di was a month ago, really. My di.
Am I? Who's diddy? What's his first name? Pop for something anywhere where.
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That's talker F O R hildale dot com. The point is, there are all these obvious effects of mass immigration, but the one that nobody ever mentions is the most important and long lasting effect, which is the addition of millions of new people that you have nothing in common with from a completely different culture will destroy your communities. And that's the most important thing that could be fixed.
No elections going to fix that. No hiring of a million new cops is going to fix that. All the sudden, people aren't going to be meeting at the churches in the bars, not because the new people are bad people, but because they're different people and you're nothing in common with them. And I don't know how we've been intimated into not saying that someone we have you're like a racist if you think that first i'm not a racist um but I don't Carry you call me that's true.
And by the way, in case you're looking for an academic study to support what's very obvious, there's been quite a few of them, including most famous sleep by harvard professor, a book called a bowling alone on this exact topic and he discovered what you already knew, which is, when people have nothing in common, there are no civic institutions. The amount of diversity, quote, diversity in your community. They want real diversity, by the way, like diversity, ini ons that hate that.
But diversity people from different cultures, all of a sudden no one gives to charity anymore. It's set of people are not meeting in bars. They're not having cook outs on the church long.
They're not doing raffles. Bingo dies, like all the things that make an actual community of the dumb little traditions, halloween, all the things that we took for granted. And some of them were kind of a stupid like, what is halloween? I don't know.
My wife is always mad about a halloween and she's really sincere Christian. I think it's creepy. And my god, it's, of course it's creepy.
Are you kidding? Ghost costumes yeah, it's creepy, but it's also like american and i'll take a little bit of creepiness and exchange for something that unites the whole country in a common tradition we all grew up with. And yes, there probably a razor in apple once in a while, but I don't know.
I'll take the risk because it's halloween is the thing that we do and we do IT together and we do IT every year on otobu thirty first and this kind of cool. And when is where I came from? And i'm sure IT has some sort of dark spiritual quality to IT.
But when you live in a world where everything is pornography like that's the least creepy thing that's happening actually. But the point is IT was part of our culture. In fact, if you add up enough of those dumb originals tanging the boats together, going to the bar in your town, three hundred people or whatever, that's what a culture is.
A culture is common traditions, common history, a common unspoken understanding of what we all have in common, and begins with a common language. And they're making a concerted, explosive attempt to destroy that. I saw video the day of tim walls, speaking of creepy, wow, that I was a football coach at my kid's school.
They would be, they've going somewhere else. Okay, not invited. The baby said at my house. But I saw a video of him from two years ago just repeating the Normal slogans and talking points that they are all required to repeat.
You know, it's always the dumbest things, the most untrue things you required to say over and over again because they aren't true. And so it's only through forced repetition that you can accept them. You don't question them, right? Climate change know there's a scientific consensus that people are causing climate.
No, is not what we had glaciers ten thousand years ago. The climate has dramatically changed throughout all history, all history since the curling cooling of the earth. Did my suburban do that? Shut up.
There's a consensus, but they just keep we're repeating these slogans and ultimately, you don't even think about their substance. You just accept them at face. That's the whole point.
So he is repeating the domestic of all, which is diversity is our strength really? Is that really our strength? Shut up.
racist. I'm not racist, so there. But it's just let's consider the idea, the less we haven't common, the stronger we are HMM.
Is that true in in your marriage, if you couldn't speak the same language as your wife, if you practice separate religions, if you group up in different countries, if you have in common, would you have strong marriage? Of course not. You have a failed marriage.
Is that true in your office? The less your employees have in common, the Better they work together. Would you even talking about no unity is our strength.
Unity IT doesn't mean you have to be the same color or from the same country, but that means you have to have something in common or else you can hang together. That's just a fact. And I don't care how inconvenient the fact is.
It's still true. And so he was going on about this because he is, in addition to everything else, stupid and stupid, in the sense that all of our leaders are stupid, like they would say things they don't understand, they haven't thought through. They don't only mean IT into the exchange minute.
They don't understand why they mean IT their children. Okay, where with russia? why? How's that going to end? Oh, shut up.
A, you were for putin racist? Okay, got IT anyway, that they're dumb. You would never hire them.
They can get jobs. That's where they would created this whole system where useless people get rich and famous. It's called the U.
S. economy. But anyway, here's the point. He was saying, you know, it's so beautiful. I go to these little towns in in a sod and there's one, this particularly diverse werk town where at the school, fifty different languages are spoken. And it's just wonderful.
And I thought, wonderful, in what sense? Wonderful, if you like our translator, maybe, but is IT wonderful for the kids are not tacking me the kids at all. I love kids.
I'm career from what they look like. I like kids a lot more than tim walls leaves kids, mister, and financially. But whatever, that's all separate thing.
And i'm like, how do you learn anything? Fifty different language doesn't bringing you together and divides you actually, because you can understand anybody. And the only way to form relationship with people is by talking to people.
And if they don't even have the ability to talk to each other, they can have relationships, they can love each other and they can have a community. So what you're actually doing is dividing people. You're dividing people by putting people with nothing in common and close proximately to one another.
And by doing that, you're destroying their communities. And you're doing that and purposes exactly the reason putting public housing in residential neighbors ods, which they are doing and they're calling affordable housing or their using climate change to justify IT. But no, there's nothing to do with climate change or just as of any kind of putting housing projects in residential neighbors ods.
And that's never one time in history can tried. Many times since i've ve been renewal for last sixty years has been tried, and not one time has that ever happened or didn't destroy the community period. Now you can blame the people whose communities were destroyed.
Oh, White flight. They moved away. Okay, why they moved away? Whatever you you can call people's motives into question, you can attack them. You can blame the rural people for the country's problems. Yeah, they're the problem where on the brink of nuclear work as rural people did IT, our economy is on the brink because rural people shut up. You can blame people all you want, but it's still just true.
You d destroy communities when you in organically move populations around, when you know that people live where they want to live and live the way they want to live and have their own dumb little rituals, when you decide you know Better and everyone has to live, a certainly when you homogenize things, you destroy people's communities and you destroy their lives, you just struck their lives. They can't raise their kids in the town where their parents are buried. There's no amount of money that can compensate for that.
And in washington, respect my life. It'll tell you, well, what he does move. There's no opportunity in your town.
The milk maybe don't want to move, you know, maybe to a high school here. Maybe my parents are buried. Ed here. Maybe my parents have been, my family been there for one hundred and fifty years.
Maybe I just like you, maybe you should shut up and go back to your stupid aspirants to to forever you're from, you know I mean, go give another AI lecture. These are, yeah, i'm sorry, I mad a control. Please don't keep money to AI really the worst people in the world.
Not the worst, the very worst, I wanted to say. But the point is they will and I mean that and I know that because I know them so very well because I live next to them for only forty years, not a big deal. But they would lively just say, what why don't they just move? But why don't you move?
Actually, you know what, we send fifteen thousand hatin ts to your neighbor od and then call you racist when you don't like IT or fifty thousand belgians IT doesn't matter people who aren't from where you're from into your community, how we do that in marthe's? Sv, they will do IT in bethesda. You know the mean, they will do in an aspin and they will try IT in Jackson hole.
What do we do that? What do we do in belair, california? I'm serious.
What do we do IT in every lincoln, massachuset and everyone of the richer suburbs of boston? Where's going to move thousand hastens and everyone of those towns? And if you don't like IT, if you dare to move, we're going to call you racist on the front page of the new york.
Ds, why do we try that? And what do we do with a gunpoint, actually? And of course, we're not going to do that because people live in those towners.
You're doing that to you and it's an act of hostility. And they've called the rest of us into silence with moral black mill. Well, they live in places like I buy the way spent on one time and all of the towns I just mentioned.
So I know exactly what they're like. And they don't have high density housing, whatever they're. They're quite public causing projects.
They don't have any of that. And they don't IMAX immigration at all because they don't want IT and they're imposing on the rest of country. They're going to impose IT on this state big time.
And i'm sure they are doing IT. Now i'm just guessing, but I just know what they're like. And this is the kind of place they don't like, because retire boats together in the summertime. And the side of that drives them insane because you're loyalty, your neighbors, to a great change in your loyal to them. So they must destroy that loyalty by deluding your communities and destroying them.
So I will stop there and just say, I hope every person who lives in this state that my second favorite state, and I can say my first favorite, I lived there, but this is my second favor state and that's a high component. okay? It's not just you're beating new jersey, it's that you're beating montana.
Just to be honest, not many states get to beat montana. And I think you've crush him because you ve got fewer californians. But the problem with being in an incredibly cool place is that often the people who live there are so happy that they take IT for granted.
I was the lasting, and I was talking back stage, and I don't mean this in a creepy way, a very non creepy way. But I was saying to someone back stage was like, I just like the women and was concerned, always like them and he's like, why, you know, they so hot was like, I don't know, they're happy and i'm married to a happy woman. And I ve always thought that happiness is the root of female beauty.
There's nothing pretty than a happy woman. I don't even know what a happy woman looks like. I just like him.
You know, mean, I was so well, I don't married so long, and I know you look like, I think you're hot. And the reason I think that is because she's happy. Midwestern person from neighbor state, the one that stole the top of your state.
And but I just noticed that about people is consider just happy. They don't seem to all of anxiety at all. I mean, maybe medicine, they do certain words in nooky, they do bit and generally they don't you know, they may find an unhappy person, and I don't know, show boy again or nina, there are not too many.
And so maybe if you live in a place like that, you can't even conceive of the idea that you could change and that people from outside look at your happiness and are incited by IT and angered by IT and want to change you, want to destroy. But i'm just telling you, I don't mean the record night. They are angered by IT and they do want to change IT.
You should fight like animals, animals like a corner, one bat, if we're trying to get a cat in a box. Okay, have you ever tried to get a cat in box? Is going to take in airplane, I want admit, ever having on the cat.
But I have seen that. I'll just say. It's total resistance. Total resistance.
And that should be your posture as they try to destroy your communities with immigration and high density housing. And I mean that you should not be ashamed. No, I grew in the state.
We have a wonderful thing going here. You're not going to a racket bear your teeth because if you don't, they were record. Thank you.
So I think you vantage all my questions.
So I don't remember what I said, but he was hard film.
He was today, IT is an anniversary, a very special anniversary for us here in. So we're going to start out there because the fair still continues in our country. It's horrible what happens to people who want step forward and do really good things for their country, their state.
And they find themselves first being intimidated, uh then being uh harassed and jailed and threatened, gagged. So loving years today at the crack of dawn, some folks, some really good friends of mine who are in the audience, had the beating of the their door lights, guns blazing, coming in their house around, sacking all of their personal papers IT. They were given that they couldn't tell anybody that that is what happened.
All of their family were terrorized for years before their items were returned to them. IT still continues. So we have an ownership, a very ownership government, that tries to control us when we want to talk about our freedoms.
So what do you say to people like that? I know president truman has been experiencing that. We seen Roger stone. There's a lot of people that have been attacked. We've got lawyers that try to defend us that are also attacked, also some of those layers in this room. So how do we get government pushed back in the proper place so that our freedoms are not taken away from us?
I remember that so vividly what you're talking about and what happened during the water reminder straying one of things where i've worked for a big company, td company then, and was one of the tories for, like, what is this when you live in dc, things happen in the states and you think yourself like this is something i'm missing.
Like what what happened in last president elections in Green bay, for example? I was like that can really be what happened. I mean, they that was totally fraught on, sorry, you know, this and the Walker thing was the first I member thinking, and I am missing part of this, is this, what is this just like fascism? IT can't really be, it's was concerned, but IT really was.
And you, subsequently, i've had a number of friends go to prison, a friend of prisoners. Now Steve banned for no no reason actually um I could born with how IT was unjust, but IT is purely political. Why would I say why have a lot of thoughts also being super create one you know american civilian reunion for a hundred years, really from the first world war, up until the trump administration, was a left in organization.
But IT was, IT was a civil liberty organza. IT was. And IT would take cases defending americans, suggest violations of the build rights and including right winners, because he had principle.
Now IT has no principle. All this is not, we're going to to left pushing the transit enda, people who believe in the bill of rights, whether their right, left, center, mostly right. But it's not all at all.
Bobby Kennedy, not wasn't a right when you know what he is now exactly well, he's a trumps er, get now. Um there are elements of the left, the traditional left, who could make common cause. There was a huge rally on sunday in washington to illustrate this point.
Traditional left, traditional right, together to defend the country against totalitarian ism, they need to forms of an replacement to the sale, a nonprofit where people who sive liberties are being a bridge to facing prison for saying their political views out loud can go for legal representation. And the big firms won't take these cases. As you know, the layers in the room know this well.
So that's the first thing. And the second thing is much more personal. You cannot abide by gg water. It's on constitutional. They can tell you can talk your first one right to say your opinion period and don't provide buy IT.
And if you need to go into hiding and continue to speak on x, which is a really the last at scale, free o free, meaning open media platform we have in the world, you should do that. You should never abide by backwater. And i've had a number of friends facing prison who i've said this to and that you don't know what it's like to face prison.
That's true. I'm sure I will if come winds. But it's a matter of principle, is a matter of like what kind of country do you want your children and grandchildren to live in? They cannot tell you. You can give your political opinions, period under any circumstances.
And there's a judge of motion called amy berman Jackson, full fascist and democratic partisan, about its italian, who told Rogers stone that he couldn't, he couldn't explain what the government was doing to him because IT would somehow bias the jury pool whereof course. Federal prosecutors leak every leak this text messages to the new times. And this happened, I mean, my text messages one up in the york times.
Not to wine, but they're liars. They're not upholding a principle they're taking away. You're god given right a right that you were born with, that the U.
S. Government exists to protect. The government does not grant you that right.
It's inherent. You were born with IT. That's what our founding documents say, and that's just true. Those are human rights. And first among them is the right to say what you think is true, period.
And if anyone tries to take you away from you, you have to be willing to go to jail to uphold that, right? That's just a fact. And by the way, if you're in that situation, you've ready entered into the political arena.
You have to be cognition in the risks. If you can hang, let don't enter. I'm sorry to be mean, i'm just being being honest.
I don't get involved if you're not willing to stand on principle to the end, you don't have to hurt anybody else and you shouldn't you're Christian, as I am. You should not heard other people, period. But you have to be willing to be hurt if you're going to save the country.
And the gag order stuff fishes a really clear line. They have no right to do that. And if you allow them to do IT you're giving them the right to do IT you're establishing a precedent that you're children gna have to live with that will destroy this country.
If the government can tell you, you're not allowed to tell other people what the government is doing to you illegally, then we're done then were to see germany. So if you need to you hide out at a friend's house and tweet from your basement about what they're doing, do that. And enough people do that, this will end.
But until they do that, I will continue. So the burden is on us to be brave. That's my opinion.
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Again, it's the isolate that they want, right? Of course.
the fear you got. I just spent a month, the month of september, on the robot into sixteen different cities, speaking to in the main reason I did IT, really the reason I did IT was I wanted to be in a room full of ten thousand people who believe in human freedom. I do.
I just wanted that. And I wanted everyone else, them, to look crinkly like, i'm not crazy. There are other people here who want to live a totally Normal life, who don't want to bring amErica back.
The anaBella want to bring him back to one thousand nine hundred eighty five. IT was not that long ago, like IT was a free country. I lived here in thousand nine hundred.
And ty five, I remember I was dating the same girl in thousand nine hundred. And ty five, IT was a free country, and it's not too much to ask to bring you back to one thousand. And ty five, that's not the stone ages.
I don't care what they say. Oh, you're nand felt really ninety five. I don't think we wayless racial tension. I think fy that we have now you ve brought to back the stone nature and you blame us for IT.
As usual, no people need to be willing to say, I was born in a free country and I will do whatever IT takes short of violence, not going to commit violence, I will be the victim of violence. If that's what IT takes, I will be. And I mean, IT, that's the only way that changes.
If people are deadly serious about you cannot eliminate the bill of rights, won't stand for IT. And unfortunate we failed the test, shamefully doing of IT we meaning we failed. I failed.
I didn't go along with, I never wore a master, took the stupid shot. Obviously I didn't socially distance, obviously, but I should have been way more aggressive than I was. I should have gone on TV every night and totally disobey this, totally disappear.
What are you, even what they're telling you. They're going to ask you if you have a public protest going on, the public protest to be arrest to fill their jails, fill their jail with distance, which is what you are have. And I just joined them myself, and I didn't because I was living on my word, little island, like, I do not want to do what any other stuff.
You know what I mean. Have fun in your collapse in country. I am sorry.
I'm embarrassed. I spoke up more than most people, but I didn't speak up enough. None of us did. And I just prayed that if that happens again or like really for your own safety because we're not war with russia where war with iran, they're trying to start both those words right now to strip our civil liberties. I start because they care about those countries.
It's about what they want to do to was we're IT warn now you're not allow to say what you think. Well, i'm going to say anyway. And I hope that every person in this room and every person you know, will do exactly the same because, again, it's done about us. It's about our children and the kind of country that they live in. And if you let them continue, they do and cove IT again and we .
act like sheep again. We're done so. So order to cope with all of that, I mean, I totally agree with you, obviously, but in order to to combat that into protect our rights and we have good people that run for office and sometimes those good people don't stay good people right in office.
And now we're fighting with our own people. Instead of trying to save the country of against fast ism socialism, we're fighting on people. What you say to get our representative government back.
just have zero tolerance for that nonsense. I mean, and let me be clear about what the nonsense in the republican parties there are, foreign policy. It's disgusting.
It's disgusting. We don't have the money to help the people in western of colonic because we spent on fema helping illegal aliens. We don't have the money somehow to defend our southern border because we're so concerned about ukrainian israel, not against suu kanine or israel.
I'm for america. Let just be really clear. There's not I don't know, any republican office holder who would say that because that's like bad something.
What eu represent our country is not against another country. I mean, I sentinal don't have any problem with. I like, i've been almost every country in the world.
I like them all, actually. I just like other countries. I like other cultures, but they are not mine.
I'm american. My fame has been in for hundreds of years. I hope that my decision will be our hundreds more.
Your job is our leader is to protect our country and its interest. And if you have realty to another country, you're evil and you've just just qualify to yourself for leadership, period. And we don't say that enough.
And I mean, I saw republican commerce from the other night who I like and he's like, really, really trump is there's us wrong is trying to assessing and trump to my free good liar dude, that's not true who's trying to assassin trump leftists? The last time assistant was a neocon trying to shoot him on a golf course. The guy actually went to crane to volunteer.
He's the same position as dictated ing. He's not anian is ohio or something? What the thread is domestic is right in your face. You're telling me it's wrong. You're free liar.
All the brief ers there are what? So the ca, which killed kandy, is now we trusted source of information for you. You're a liar.
And I said this, right? You was face. And I like the guy, but he didn't like that at all. Nicky hated me.
I said in for one of his staffers, I was like, you tell every other country to fight your own frequent wars and good luck, but we ever we're being invaded right now by twenty five million people, and you've done nothing. I said it's the government, texas, who's like a perfectly nice guy. I was at a party with him at someone's house. I made a total scene.
And you don't have a national guard. Tough guy. why? This was three years ago.
One is in the border right now. What was very complicated, really complicated. How complicated is IT? You're in bed with your wife.
And also as a home invasion and you're like, i'm not GTA check the laws and whether I can defend you with deadly force sh'll never sleep with you again for one thing because he now knows that you don't care about her. I don't need to check. The us.
Is my wife. She's being threatened. I love my wife more than anything. My duty is to my wife.
If you're the leader of a state, where's your duty to your state? If you're lead of a country, where's your duty to the country? If you love the people you lead, you will do what IT takes to protect them.
And if you don't, you want, is that simple? They don't love us. IT couldn't be clear.
And the republicans in washington, with some exceptions, don't love us as much as they love ukraine, period. And that's not just a flaw. It's disqualifying. It's disgusting.
And if you push them on IT though, this literally this guy system me well know, really, you just get the bottom of russia game, okay? They always do the same thing. They throw you the to say cable news, read me like rush.
I got IT. I know what that was about. I want to know, I ve going to know what my government is doing to me, like you should to classify.
They're over a billion classified federal documents. What I own that i'm a shareholder in the government. I was born here. I owe that government sort all of you.
And so for you to tell me, I don't have a right to know what my government is doing with my money in my name, you can represent me. And if your loyalty is to some other country and I know by how much money you spend, then you can represent me. And we give republican leaders a pass and i'll go.
It's foreign icy. It's got out of your debt. These are people who don't speak the languages, is in the countries.
They are shutting money too. We don't know. We never been there, don't know anything about the country.
They don't know anything their children and they run around studying out like their enry kissinger or something. It's very complicated in the dunbar oh shop you're like some finance guy from national. You don't know anything.
Okay, but here's what I know, is that american sizing your duties to me, that doesn't mean I hate the people. Ukraine, I feel, start for the people you ugine. Actually, I feel sorry for all kinds of different countries in, but they're not americans.
And if you really care about them, how about you sell your house and set in the money, but you're not allowed, as a leader of my country, to use tax dollars to help other military with their borders. Well, our borger is open and our people are dying as a result. So yeah, we have a huge problem in its own foreign policy.
And if you ask them about IT theyll be like they'll like throw you some thing about. They'll like trying to push all your rosen's zones to make you feel like they're on your side. Ask him about foreign policy, how much are we sending to these countries and what are we getting in return for, oh, it's very complicated. nato. I was the summit.
That's why bother what I say, why all these republicans publicly announce they're voting for commoner? Rs, if you told me ten years ago the bill Christan, who I spent five and five years working for dick training, who I knew, his creepy little daughter, who I knew very well, mike pants, all these people, they're all voting for commonly hairs. The bushes all voting for commonly errs.
George of you, bush, jeb bushed voting for commonalities. How did that happen if well, but they are, that's the problem. They just don't care about the country.
They are mad that trump might have one fewer war over the next four years. And that's like IT really is a clarifying moment. And I think this very often, i'm really grateful for how clear things are now it's really obvious who's on whose side.
And all I care about is preserving the country that I grew up in for my kids. That's not too much to I don't want you to change radically. I don't wanted to become much worse.
Economic cycles come and go, but a culture, a people that's permanent, that's permanent. I do ten years of recession. I'd sell my house in exchange for not having a society completely transformed by foreign. Okay, that's the truth. But not I mean, IT.
And there's no republican who will say that it's all about GDP and growth and whatever it's like you what you're saying bears no resembles to what I want, which is a stable, happy country. That's what I want, a stable, happy country. And I lived in one.
I know it's possible you destabilized IT with your stupid wars. And last thing i'll say, now I mat toilet a control. But these people should all have to answer for their foreign policy.
At the last twenty years, I covered that stuff. I was the first plane out of dc to the midday east after september eleven. So I just not an expert and never pretended to be one.
But i've been all the wars, i've watched all the stuff. And I don't understand how the people who planned all that are still making the decisions, and no one's ever had to apologize. No one never asked john bolton like, why haven't you apologized?
You said we're going to get one thing. We didn't get IT. We spent three lions of dollars. We killed almost all the Christians in iraq. I am question. So I think it's Better to ask, like what what was that about and you never apologized and my kids get to be an english class. They have to apologize because that's that's what OK that's a difference between a human being and associate path.
A human being grows by admitting fault is called repentance and it's absolutely essential there's no sin that I personally will not forgive, I mean, IT, and there's no that I would not personally forgiven another person if that person was contract and ask for forgiveness because that's what my religion demands. But if you're not even forced to apologize or express condition, and instead you continue to rule my country, misrule IT. We have a system that's so far out of wax that i'm surprised we even had some kind of revolution because it's crazy.
Tea party was one of the revolutions that .
is like the tea party january six, like the most Normal people in the country. What was like? Not one percent of generation six were Carrying a firearm.
What were they caring? Pocket constitutions. Pocket constitutions. So, like, and they went to jail.
Like some sixty five year old die, but a grandmother, really, that's an insurrection. No, it's not. There were people who some of them did browse things that i'm opposed to.
I hate vandalism, okay, but the overwhelming majority of them wanted to preserve the system. That's why they were mad. They're trying to overthrow IT.
They were trying to preserve IT, and they were washed our system in the process of being overthrown, which IT has been. And they're the villains. I don't think you're the villain actually.
If you want to preserve the greatest country in the world in some recognizable way, you're not the bad guy. You're not the radical. I'm often called radical, and the least radical person were met.
I think the most moderate. I just want things to big. My parents got the worst.
I I don't want change. I don't. I mean that i'm not a radical.
Just the opposite. Like IT was that way last year. Let's keep IT that way.
I can't like that. I got the rest of the same thing that i'm not a revolution. Hey, revolutionary revolutions never make things Better.
They always just rock stuff. I ain't recking stuff. Took someone a long time to build that and took you two minutes to racket.
You're the villain. And so this grandmother, who's like the constitution, says this, she's the radical, know, you're the radical common hrs. You hate the people of this country.
You hate the way things have been done. You despise our history. You despise the people who created this country. You're a scary bully. Pic radical, we're not retire boost together.
SHE is, however, the one that talks about joy.
The girl of chester husband with a maskin is talking him a joy. The whole point of kissing is lip on lip. I don't want to be, I don't want to work blue here.
I don't kids in the audience. If you're kissing your spouse with a mask on, you're a freak who knows nothing about joy wearing some mouth condom. It's discussed. Joy, what was the last time you experience ted in out? I don't think it's always been a while that since you dated montel Williams, have you felt.
well, I am.
So we do like.
She's the most afraid person i've ever seen. I can't hate her because I feel bad for her. When that debate was trump, which I hated, like most people who are going to go for trump.
I didn't like the debate of pioneers, but the first thirty seconds on her face, go back and look the tape. She's like, oh my gosh, how did I get here? Like, i've never done anything in my life at all.
No one has voted for me and yet i'm presidential. Canada, democratic party. She's like, terrified.
And I just saw that I was like, you know, as someone who actually likes women and like her, how does SHE treat her female staff, can you imagine? But we know, because if you get the higher turn over a washing. But I felt bad for her. I was like, this is, this is affirmative action. This is what IT looks like.
It's same tim walls, he has that job because he's White guy like, we need a White guy and he's a confirmative action higher also and he saw afraid he was he said, it's not medcath tic at all that I do not earn that job or like, oh, sort of sexually non threatening beta mail White guy over sixty from the midwest. You okay and like all affirmative action to higher, she's like, I have no idea what i'm doing here both of them anyway, sorry. But he keep, but he kept.
but he kept staring like he was turning, understand.
because he's totally freak out. He's like, I can live on here. Well, they ever find out my terrible secrets, which he clearly has. I, me, wow, I don't know what they are, by the way, but he has terrible secrets that if anybody have ever seen in public life as terrible secrets as tim walls like he's just waiting till they find out if the daily mill gets a hold of whatever document.
that's why he keeps trying.
Oh, totally.
you can feel the finnish.
I don't know what IT is, but that guy, wow, I don't want to be in the polygraph when he takes IT. I don't want to know.
So we've talked about wanting to go back. We don't like change. We wanted go back to one thousand hundred and eighty five. I think I heard that seems like a fair request. So we have a lot of Young people. I've talked you about my grandson earlier, yes, in all of his friends, I use them as my focus for um they want to start their businesses now they are in their early twenty years. They one of them wants to be a farmer, one wants to be a decent mechanic, one wants to Operate a machine shop. They know that what their government is telling them right now about how to start those businesses with all of the subsidies and cilla heroes plans for startups, what do we say to them to make them know that if someday, like I remember going from to my Carter days, toronto ragging days and life changed, life got a lot Better, how do we talk to our Young of folks and have them understand that you will get Better?
I think IT will get Better um but I think it's me very different. Um so the american culture and economy have allowed us for at least two hundred years, lease to the industrial ization of the country to have the system where middle class families raise kids and then they send their kids off into the world and the kids moved to some far away place.
Cheap air travel has accelerated this and all of us have kind of grown up in this world where it's not weird to be from chabot gan, but have kids in malawi u or or whatever in the Walker know we it's out and there's no expectation that families take physically close to each other or did they work together at all. Our economy has sustained that. Like, you could I I rip in an affluent town, pretty affy family.
And at twenty two or fourteen actually, I left to, went to board school and then twenty two I get married and I was like, good, lucky Christmas, not giving any money, you know, was just, but that was america. I mean, i'm fifty five, like, he was different, was different old and IT work fine. Now, I think people understand that there are so many hostile forces coming at us and people feel this.
I've talked to a lot of people know last year about this, and they all feel the same instinct like I want my team close, like maybe that model was worked at in the time in place in which IT was popular. But we need a different model. You've got to have people you love and trust near you and is IT crazy to hire your kids.
That used to be kind of shameful to hire your kids. So they were IT was nephew sm, and like, it's like, no, the model for all human history is you work with your family IT was only until the steam engine transformed everything that everyone lived together and worked together and that like kind of worked for all recorded history. Um so I think people feel this instinct like I want to try around me and I you need your people around you.
I really feel that strongly. And I know at the top in among rich people, I know bunch people is like i'm building a compound I don't care and not like even a andy. We were compound not with the emphasis on firearms and guard towers, but just like a we all, which is not that Better way, but we all live near each other.
I mean, like why would you buy one hundred acres and everyone gets a house you don't like? How much is that mean, literally, that's less expensive than buying a high and condo in miami. So why wouldn't you do that? right? And i'm sure people in the drum have done IT or no people are doing that.
That's an expression. Most people can do that because it's expensive, but it's an expression of the same instinct. Draw close to your people because hard times you're coming, they clearly are coming clearly.
I mean, obviously, they're coming. Everyone knows that follow your instincts on that doesn't need to to be apocalypse IT doesn't need to be terrible. We've really worth the tail and of the longest sort of not just bull market, but sort of bull culture in history where nothing really, I was born in sixty nine.
Nothing really happened since then. Know we won the cold war. And you know what I mean, like the nine eleven. But nothing really bad has happened. Bad things are starting to happen that a lot more going to happen.
Obviously, we shouldn't start crying and run away or dive into the zane's pool or where you don't need to freak out, you know, I mean, we will be OK. People are not going to be extinguished, ed, and you couldn't thrive. People were happy after the fall of rome, you know, the roman senate wasn't happy, but the visitors were happy.
But no bit truly like, even in the midst of chaos, there has been peace in the family and villages as like. No matter what happens, people will still be happy if there are sort of smart and aware and preferable and like it's it's okay actually, but you have to draw your people close. I really believe that.
So I were twenty two. I'd think about like the people I love first, like I married immediately. If run was consent, there's like an overabundance of awesome girls to marry.
So just marry one and have a bunch of pups that's super important. Building an army. I'm not joking even a tiny bit.
And all the message is is from on high like what's the main public health message? The main social message of our leaders, the criminals in charges, anti fertility, everything, is about not having kids. everything.
The only right you have is not to have kids is seven emotion. That's the only way you have, you know, free speech, freedom assembly frame, to buy what, you know know. The only right is abortion.
Okay, what have you feel about abortion? Like why the emphasis are not having kids? All the messages are about not having kids.
So on that basis alone, i'm like HMM. If all the world's most evil people think I shouldn't have kids, i'm going to have ten. I'm not even more men.
I'm protestant and and there's a reason they don't want you to have kids because when you have kids, IT becomes really obvious who your most loyal to your kids and maybe less common areas who doesn't have many kids. Not to be mean, but he doesn't. And so she's heard of the perfect, just like every european leader, they had one of the map. Kids, they don't care about the future.
Why would you? It's all about vacation. And saint barts are getting rich for the moment. There's no longitude or thinking at all and said, married, have tons of kids, work with my family, pick a place. I think places is really important to disconnect, disconnected from place in america.
I really noticed that if i've spent a long time in other countries, and people are really into the place, this is the town, this is the place. I don't know, few americans have ancestral homes. Maybe he was constant, but most place there's no ancestral anything make that this is my town.
I'm staying here. And you can, by the way, thanks to technology, right? I think it's a whole different way of thinking, but let's get on a plane more, build your fortress at home.
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I think cover has taught us that, right?
Yes, that's such a great example. That's what we learned once like, oh, the tragedy of COVID and whatever I mean a roomful of generally affluent family people. I bet the majority of people in this room really kind of enjoying coit.
Maybe no want to admit IT, but if you had a coherent family and you could stay at home, and I want to gloat. Lot people suffered and died during coffee, but I know a lot of people, and that's the great test time overhead. All my kids came home.
I got to see the grandkids like IT was. There's always an upside. Nothing is an unalloyed good or bad in the temporal world.
Everything is a mix. blessing. And look at the bright side, like, what do we learn from? covet?
Well, I don't have to go into new york city. I know I never into new work city again. And I work for company based in york city.
I was like, your companies disgusting. Your cities is disgusting. People are sleeping in to investigate. Ls, i'm never going there again, and I never did and talk about an upside.
You and great.
I'm fine. I'm a lot happier, you know. I mean, but we learned that like you're not subject to all the rules.
And I do think I just said, I hate change and I hate revolutions and shakeup and everything. I'm not in charge of history, unfortunately, so I can control these things happen. But one upside to them is that does sort of, I think, getting really sick does the same thing. You those of you who have recovered from serious illness, you know that like IT is the moment.
Like, why am am I doing at this way? And I really helping the people around me, and my doing something meaningful is there? I hate to use the words since commons rect, but is their joy? And this, is this the right thing to do, like i've done at this whole, like my whole life, we should stop doing IT. And I think there was a lot of good that came .
out of IT a lot. yes. I did you. yes. So we talked about a lot of things I want to talk about.
How do weak? Because there's a lot of doors in this room. We want to do things. We want to change things.
No, you don't like change, but we want to restore our country, right? We've had a lot of people that have come for us, that have fought for us to be here today. And we need to protect what they did.
We need to to do our part because we're here. So one of those ways is elections, right? elections.
Everybody says forever. This election is the most important election of my lifetime. That's true of all election.
This is a moment though, however, because of the invasion at the border where there's a lot of uncertainty about what may have, we've had some really bad to things that people have thought were bad outcomes from previous elections. And there's a lot of people in this room that want to protect this selection coming up in working save act as one um that is being uh talked about in dc. The past are in the house needs to pass in the senate.
Do you think that will happen? And then also in the state of which contain in november, we have a constitutional amendment up because we have a governor that won't sign a bill to protect the right to vote. So we're working very hard to try to protect only citizens voting. Do you think that we will be successful in those endeavors knowing what as has cross our border ers already?
I mean I sure hope so um of course I I mean I think again it's a religious question we're commanded to. It's not like a by productive a Sunny day, just like a duty faith what and love is like everyone focus on the love every wedding in the world, faith, hope and love. The great is love.
You have the greatest love. But hope is also on the list. And it's something that you do, not something that just happens organically.
You know, I A dark scanner, A B and soul. I have to make myself hope. You know the main and and I do.
So I am always hopeful as the specific act that you refer to you that has died in the center. I happened. I have dinner with one of my favorite said I don't like most senators.
They're elude sum. But one I really love is from youtube, who's one of the only republicans i've ever seen ever get Better in the senate and not drink the cool aid. And he was just in my house for dinner two years ago.
And we're talking about this. And of course, it's the republican leadership, including with the democratic leadership to kill IT. And it's so frustrating, it's hard to believe it's happening.
So I another great yet that I would I don't know what's going to happen. I have a terrible record of predictions. I'm always surprised.
I would just say two things. One, have hope and to remember that the outcome is never what you think it's gonna be, ever good or bad. How many people do you know who worked their entire lives to build a company sold to A P.
E. Firm, get ridiculously rich. In other words, succeed. Reach the goal they were working toward for their entire lives and get way less happy. What about ninety nine percent of people to sell pt from seven experience, i'm sure.
So you've lived IT, and that is just one of a million different examples of often your Victories are your defeats and your defeats or your Victories. And we need to remember that. And that is, by the way, for those of you who care Christian principle as well.
The first will be less the mixture and heathy er or how do the me inherit the earth? We don't notice them. They're often the quarter being nick.
How do they get to be in charge? Like what I think jesus is describing is opposite day is always opposite day in the world, is the opposite of what you thought was covered. The perfect example.
I spent a year like playing my hair, and I was so mad, I was so mad about everything I was seeing in our country that I missed all the blessings right around me, which were my four children living in my house for the first time since they went to boarding school to fourteen. Like what do we do that? I have no idea, but but saying.
And so what we should remember is that, again, what you think is Victory is often defeat. What you fear is defeat is so often Victory. Have you ever learned anything from winning? Have you ever learned anything useful on vacation? Ever do you even remember vacation after the first day? The answer is no.
It's only through suffering. It's only through loss. It's only through some unexpected, a horrible event that you find joy. And so I would just remember that going. And i'm not saying I think trump s is gna lose that trump is winning as a right now.
That's the fact the internal polls with the only ones you can believe on both campaigns, because the only ones have known instead of the lie, both have trump up in in the case sufficient to get to two seventy electoral votes. So I don't, but I don't know, it's onna happen. All I know is I think if trump losers, do I think trump t lose in a free and for election? Of course not.
Do I think twenty twenty was done. IT was done. That's what are allowed to say. IT you think you you think there's a reason one of the things you can question on youtube, the bags and the twenty twenty election um I mean, I just know my own life if i'm lying about something I don't want to talk about.
IT, you mean I don't talk about that? H, I don't talk about that because i'm wine. That's why are you worried about talking any about talking about anything you're talking the truth about, of course, that you're happy to talk about? IT is of course they're going to do IT again or try.
I don't know if they're going to succeed or not, but I know that people are so aware of what's up now. They're so aware of what's up. And um i'm actually really hopeful about where things are going.
And by the way, you're mike lea conversation. Yes, the best ever. I had no idea he knew the constitution insight out. And if you have not heard the conversation between senator markley and talker, you need to go find IT on his network because i'd listen to IT twice because I was so fascinating to me.
And IT was all hinting fascine. I was I was like saying there, like, I mean, my job is cool because especially now and I would have to talk as much, you know, you can really listen and like i've covered this stuff my whole life and I don't understand a lot of IT and just getting smart people like mike lei, I can't tell you how different he is from most other, not all, but most other republican centers to follow this.
A very familiar are where they start out there like i'm representing my people are really conservative, know i'm against the the powers that be and then they're like, I got to invited to the munich security conference, okay? And the next thing you know they're like got a defeat. Putin was, know what about ash? bill? Oh, that's not important.
You know, they all wind up there and lee is for some reason something cork of personality. He's like become this incredible figure I mean, I really hope that he serves in the trip administration. I don't know if you will, but I want him to be a great .
conversation. He's so good. Um so we have about five minutes left, its five minutes people flew by again really quickly.
Um but to get our country back, we need all people voting now. And there's a huge block of voters, potential voters that we're trying to get out. It's the hunters and the sportswomen all over this country. They don't want to leave the woods and go vote yeah um which is really .
no I I don't want to leave the words.
So the question really is, is can you talk to them because you are hunter, you are sportsman, can you talk to them about the importance of of them getting out of the woods and voting?
Yeah I mean, you should. I mean, I tried IT because I do you spend my I brought my dogs there here and was constant today and not for the first time. Yeah, I love my dogs and they're hunting dogs and they're spaniels and I think they're really, really smart.
I know they are smart and but they don't speak english really at all, and they don't have a higher education, no degree, but they really get things. And one of the things that they're so good at detecting is who doesn't like them. IT was an elevator with them today in the hotel that were in in, this lady gets in and my dogs are attractive, I must say, if they are women y'd be .
smoking hot. They are beautiful .
and they're great grown dogs, but sleep on my bed. But this woman is and she's like, oh, dogs, you know, my dog is that nice of dogs average? Like, H I hate dogs, I could just feel IT on.
And my dogs like, oh, you hate me and they get back up. They is instantly know who hated them. And I wish hunters were the same way and Fishermen were the same way. They hate you, hate nature.
That's what they're bulldogs for us to put in solar panels, really, how is IT Better for the environment to bull those pine trees, to put in some plastic garbage from china? Maybe you get rich from IT. Okay, fine.
But if you're telling me that Green, how was a Green to build those my forest, or cut off the top of my mouth s right next to my hours, which they have done to put in your stupid windmills. That's Green. It's Green to destroy nature.
Like not a genius. I didn't actually go to harvard or even graduate college, but I know that that's because it's obvious and I don't understand. So they hate nature.
actually. They don't know anything about IT. They spend no time in nature. Name three bird species.
What's if you that connect M A deciduous, do you know? Oh, but also actually be about climate change. Shut up.
Go away. You don't know anything. You don't live in a place where you can see the stars. You don't care all about nature. In fact, you hate IT because god created IT, and it's pretty good than anything you could ever create. That's what you build public causing and dollar stores to desperate nature.
And so the people in charge are our enemies, people who love nature, who spend a lot of time in nature, particularly sportsman, who think a lot about what animals think. The one thing that that experience gives you as humility, because you're not in charge of nature, you never will be its way bigger, more powerful than you. God created IT.
You didn't. And so you come out of that experience knowing that you're not the wisest, most powerful person in the universe. God, is that what you and what do you believe in? Got or not, you know that you're not more powerful than nature, but if you're carmilla haris, I need these people who spend their lives and some dry, well clad room and the drop ceiling for us.
And ding, they can convince themselves because they can live digit on african internet, that they're the most powerful, wise person in the world. They can lie themselves. Sportsman cannot.
And so they are our enemies. And the fact that hunters and Fishermen don't intuitive ly understand that drives me insane. So all of you were like, oh, harness and Fishermen like i'm in charge of hunters and Fishermen I think, please, i'm not for sure.
But the idea that they don't vote is so crazy I don't really don't really understand IT or maybe they're telling us something even deeper, I don't know or maybe they're just in the woods because election season does come during bear season, deer season, grow season depending on your region. There's a lot of game you know out there during election week. So maybe that's what is I don't know what IT is, but they should be voting forcefully.
You know southerland doesn't .
disappear from them. The land, right? They're they're using your tax dollars through land trusts to tie up land for the worst people in the world.
So you can like only mountain by garnet or something or drive your electric bike. But you can't hunt or Fisher camp. They use tax dollars to tie up this land where I live.
And I used to give a ton of money to land trust because I was just like, I mean, just I don't know, rent a rich person like, oh, you're for nature. I'm on your side where we going to give money. We give money to land trust.
And turns out they are using tax dollars to tie up the land and keep people off the land to keep people from enjoying nature. And they're all from like new york and they all a political agenda. They're disgusting.
They hate the locals. And I would just say the last single say is, if you love nature, you have to respect rural people. If you have contempt for rural people, go back to my Walker or new york or los Angeles, leave.
If you show up in some place because you actually hate diversity, you send money to black lives matter, but you don't want to live your black people, which is so true of all these people. They run for the mountain. They all go to bosman, okay? Because they are hypocrites.
It's the waist place they can find and they move there. That is totally real. I can't even go to bosman anymore, going there my whole life.
I can go there anymore because people yell at me at the organic grocery store. You were from ela, so I get out to hear. But the first thing they bring with them, along with their bad politics, is total contempt for the locals.
The people have been there for one hundred years of land. Grand family been their fortune years, and they have their own weird rituals in their way of living in. These people show up, and they have total contempt for them.
That's not allowed. That shouldn't be allowed. You can move into someone's community and have contempt for them.
I've hated for them, for their traditions, in their culture and their way of speaking and thinking. Yeah, they drink a few beers in the truck. Leave them alone. I mean, IT anyway.
We are sure. Yes.
I don't want to end with leave me alone.
No, but it's is true. If you claim you love nature, if you're going to election me about climate change, then how dare you move into a rural area, start getting up to with the people? The hardware store like that is the worst I cannot deal with that, right? Like we have entire disgusting concrete suburbs that you can live in outside boston.
You can craw back to the theater maryland in your artificial hell and go to whole foods. But what that how are you doing in my town? Hell, yeah, they're doing IT here too.
especially there's a coffee pot at the hardest. Yeah right. One last question. And then we're gona really have to go. We want to end on joy. What is joe freedom or lily liberty really need to do now moving forward that will preserve our liberty.
Oh, live like you're free. The main thing people need to do is get off here in IT and live like you're free. Lead by example, live a free life with your own opinions if you don't aware to the other, and don't wear IT. We are the aluminum chemicals and IT published link. But live like you're truly free.
Say what you really think, be cheerful, spend your life making beautiful things, have a job that actually makes the country Better, produce something worth heavy if your job consists of a pressing people say, with debt, maybe you should rethink what you do for a living. I mean, IT too. If you want to make amErica Better, make a Better, and indulge creative impulses like that, is, apart from communing with people you love, the other great source of joy in this life is making something beautiful, whether it's a house or a handy.
We judge cultures are judge entire periods of history by the things that people made with their hands, that is, the purist expression of the culture. What do you make? It's one of reasons I love my waki is screw up, as IT is, I would say, every time of mowcher said in my wife, every day we're mowaffak like we should want the germans.
I don't love, by the way, we put them in charge building all over cities, because look at what they built in. The germans, in their weird, constipated way, were totally committed to building beautiful things. They have apartment buildings.
I really like apartments. They have apartment buildings in the Walker that are like breathin ly, beautiful. I was coming out of an a meeting in some sketchy part with Bobby Kennedy junior, some sketchy part of my walking.
But we get a mug down street. So the part of who built that, someone took time to put these corners in, that we're just beautiful, a terraced roof, really, on an apartment building. They went so far above in bm, what you need to do to house people in a honeymoon building, just because they wanted to create something beautiful.
And I thought, I don't know who these long dead german architects and builders work, but god blessed because their expression of what was in their hearts. Beauty lives on long after their names have been forgotten. Be that person, build something beautiful.
Whether it's children, whether it's a front lawn, whether it's a flower bed, the work of your hands enhances the community, the society, the civilization that you live in. Keep that in mind. Make something beautiful.
And you are making a Better country. I think that beautiful. Thank you. Thanks for listed tucker crosson show. If you enjoy ID IT, you can go to talk, cross that calm to see everything that we have made the complete library rosing.
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