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Welcoming the sucker curls in podcast. It's pretty obvious ous at this point that the corporate media are dying quickly. But why? Because they lie.
That's right. They lie and they died as result, but attack across the outcome. We do not lie.
We promised to bring you honest interview in commentary without fear. Here's our latest episode. So everyone who's paying any attention all knows that more people are coming across the U.
S. Border from foreign tries illegally than any time in american history. And the american population is changing faster than anytime in the last two hundred and fifty years.
And that's not just true for the border states arrived on a new mexico, california, texas. It's true for at least forty eight of the fifty states that continues ous states. I mean, small towns in wisconsin, I will look completely different from what they looked like two years ago. So this is changing the country in a way that can be underdone. There's no bigger thing that ever happened in american history than what's happening right now.
And the questions, how is IT happening? Why is IT happening? And who's allowing IT to happen and to to answer those questions to some extent, we had a pretty remarkable conversation about a month a half ago with bread wiest, in whose course the scientist in an academic now has a fairly famous podcast called dark ers a with his wife. And he went to the darian gap, which is literally the gap in the pan american highway from south amErica to the united states in panorama on the roughest places in the world famously and he went there with a man called Michael yan who is probably the most experienced or corresponded um in the united states. Here's what he said about Michael.
Well, I I wound up there because Michael yan had been sending me materials, uh, thinking that I would be interested in what was taking place in panama. And of course, I was utter ly fascinated by what I was seeing. Now some of your viewers may not know Michael. Michael is a former Green berry who has refashioned himself.
Well, the last time was on your program I talked about goliath ah and if there's a goliath, there's a David and I would argue that Michael yan is like David's eyes he's been traversing the world trying to understand a story that as yet has no name and that story is partially in the arian of panama a and it's all sorts of other places, including uh, in very un installations. There is some story that is difficult to piece together. And he's been he's been physically traveling to all of its various epochas and showing.
So a year ago, I would been pretty hard to find in english speaker who had been to the darian gap. Again, it's famous. This region is famous for being the most law, is in dangerous place on planet earth. Michael yan is now spent about six months in the dayan gap shooting film interviewing people. We're going to show you a lot of what he's found during the course of the interview you're about to see but one piece of tape they caught A, I can't, remarkable, a town of about three hundred indigenous people, only about a dozen working toilet deep in the jungle, completely overrun by thousands of migrants, small of the world, including africa and asia. watch.
那 建筑 员, 你 这边 的。
All moving to your country. Now it's happening. That's the end of the united states, the country that you grow up and irreparable forever. People in washington, the people who control the congress and the White house seemed to be in favor of this. And just kind of say, IT out lab shock summer, probably the darkest member of the united states congress, of course, the head democrats in the senate. He's telling us that we can't deal with any of that because ukraine border is too important, and ukraine is only about ukraine struction.
Let me make IT clear. We made the overwhelming sentence in the meetings we ve got to do ukraine. Now there are other issues, including border, which we should address, but not now.
right? So if you want to know what evil looks like in two thousand and twenty four, you just saw it's struck humor OK the embody man of IT right now um but we did want to see more tape and hear more first hand account from what IT looks like at the other side the dayan gap the beginning of the journey to our country where this invasion is beginning and so we are grateful now to speak to Michael yan who spent more time than made in american my good and thanks so much for joining us. Um so could you to start with the with the overview what role and may be i've mistake IT, but what role is the daring gap play in the invasion under way of the nine states?
It's absolutely vital. Tucker, you know, as soon as bin was installed, I was actually in dc for the quote and quote, uh you know whatever IT was where they installed him and then I flew straight within about twenty four hours to equal to A L passo. Uh, because I thought that the aliens would start flooding across the border and they did.
And so from there I F flew down to columbia to the other side of the dairy gap um because I thought that the bering gap would end up being a major pathway to the united states. And so went into the daring gap on the columbia inside just not not very far, just about an hour inside is very dangerous over there. And that was there with msk, got have the famous japanese journalists and chuck holton, a work correspond friend who just got strafed yesterday in barma.
But so we were out there in the daring gap on on the colomb aside within flu, over to panama, and went down into the daring gap on the outside. And so I recognized this would likely be the major invasion route of the united states. And so I just started spending a great deal time down there.
I got to know many of the embark indians and corina indians and others down in the jungle. And I started mapping out the pathways that they're coming in, getting to know members of the government and that sort of thing. Now keep in mind, a lot of people have no idea who I am, but i've spent most of my life down range out overseas.
I am in american born race, was in the us. Army, that sort of thing, and but most of my life has been down range for, I would say, two thirds of my life has been in middle east, asia, deep and know. I spent a year in and around china, have written three books on chinese information, more that are only in japanese actually, because i've been working to wake up japan for years.
So in other words, i'm not coming into this flat footed. I'm not coming into into this is me who looks at a map and thinks, hey, this might be the rat. I'm looking at this as someone who has travelled in about one hundred countries or lived in in so many countries. And so I realized this would be the rouse, likely the rouse.
So often when you see me leave panama N, I actually go to another, uh, vital train, which is never once right and was there with A B of losing a brook and that sort of thing who you know? And so bottom minus, there's a lot more going on here than just, uh, the invasion. Obviously, the invasion is a kill shot to the united states.
Now, anybody, they can get their feet anywhere into south america, which is pretty much most of the world at this point, they can get to the united states very quickly, and they can do this through the day in gap. Now, keep in mind, a lot of people ask, why don't they just fly to the united states? Many people do.
Actually, many people come on student visas and that sort of thing. And anybody that can actually land closer, like many of the chinese, will actually fly to mexico s first. Some will go to cancer and go on vacation first. And if they can get a via of mexico, y'll got to like cancer, and i'll meet there. What they call snake kids and Mandan is what we call coyotes.
Coyotes that the chinese calm snake s meet up with their snake s and in canada and mexico city or top acua and and then they had to cross up that, you know, texas and what not you are all these sorts of things. And by the way, i've been across the entire us. Border from space x all the way to say the ago, uh, quite a lot.
And on the mexican side, also quite a lot. But i've been across the entire U. S. board. So now many of the actually chinese will come through the northern border, as do others, but back to daring. So they don't all go through darran.
Mini actually use what's called the cvp one apps and application that they can use to fill out this form and get on flights and fly straight from bogota to the united states, or they fly from guadala to the united states. I was just over and automotive checking that out actually. And so many people do flying in the us.
Is is flying them in twenty four or seven. Not everybody can do that. So now we have maybe three thousand a day coming in.
The number is constantly changing, but we know the number quarter over quarter is increasing coming to the day and gap because more infrastructure is being put in. Uh, so it's facilitating IT. And in the main funder, by the way, is the united states, is the united states.
I hear people constantly talking about how we should punish columbia or punish pana ama or a stay in mexico. It's all nonsense. The people that are talking about stay in mexico policy have zero idea what's going on.
It's like teaching calculus to somebody who doesn't actually know how to add yet. Ah the united states is the one that's behind most of this. The main engine is something called I O M, uh, which is the actually most of the board patrol l agents I talk.
We've never heard of the dying yp, and they've never heard of I O M. I O M is the international organization for migration. That's the main engine that is doing this, right? They are part of the united nations.
They have a, they have a big office down in panama at the city of knowledge is right on the panel can now actually and there's more than more than five dozen ngos down there, ig, OS and non profits. The main one is I O M. You can see people going through airports every day across nine states in europe and asia as well with IO m tote bags and that sort of thing.
But I actually has the probably the best office space in all of panama. It's in building one ten at the city of knowledge. I was just there about seven days ago.
And it's right. They fly their flag. The city of knowledge in panel city used to be fort plain of veterans of a panama.
And what i'm talking about for clients with the U. S. Army south headquarters, right, that's one of the most vital pieces of train on planet earth. There's almost no place on planet earth more important than that little speck of land that overlooks, overlooks the mere florist locks, panic, the panama canal railway and the faster ferry bridge.
The fetcher fy bridge is the bridge for a highway one that goes all the way down from, while the tip of south amErica up to colombia. And then there's that gap. That's why they caught the daring gap because there's a break in the road, which they are they are about to hook together and and then that goes all the IT that road and bread widest. And talk about IT on your show.
Brett did excEllent down there, by the way, and that that me and love the jungle, but that that highway goes all the way to pluto bay, alaska and uh and and and uh and so that's a key highway so you've got uh panama, such a vital piece terrain uh because first of all, the panel can now and secondly, the panel can now railway as important, believe or not in that road and panel just the location is vital. Now we need the panama out for trade for one thing, but we also needed to get our navy through, right? And so we're slowly losing panama. The ngos that are causing these invasions, like I om, highest half of charities and so many more are also taking over garments.
Now ask you to please ask you to post for second IT. Sounds like from your reporting that the the ngos and the U. N.
Are vital like that. This wouldn't be happening without them. So let's just pause if you don't mind and explain.
You just mention three. You mention the U. N. Agency for migration, the one devoted to destroying the united states.
What are the second to one? Was catholic charities. And what was the middle one?
All there? At least two hundred and fifty. But in in city of knowledges at least sixty two, sixty three i've got somebody doing uh a study on on now but the um highest is one as the hebron immigrant age uh society uh and that's uh actually interestingly dug my gregor who moved out on your show, uh told me uh back when he said, you know uh mayor's ali, mayor's homeland security chief uh was actually a board member on highest so and then he moved over to the part of homeland security, which you know recourses back to what I was just mentioning.
These ngos are working hard to take over various countries. For instance, uh, highest, you know, the board member, mayor chest went to take over the department of homeland security. Now, mayorkas was down there in there, and I got word that he was going in two thousand and twenty two.
So I got in front of him and I waited for for four days in the darran because I suspected where he might land and he did four days later he landed in front of me four black ox. He went right into a and a camp which I call china camp and he was there with um with the um uh with the south comm commander law richer ton. He was there with um also um the ambassador upon to and some others and so basically he was coming down.
There were fishful ls of money to increase the size of the camps. And increase the flow through the camps. So i'll show you drown for tage. Actually.
I given IT to you, I mean, part my dum questions. But why would the head of the department of homeland security wanted destroy the united states? Do you have any idea?
I can't read this mine, but I can read his actions. He's clearly doing IT. Uh they're clearly doing IT. And in highest highest has an office forty ards away from the front gate, you know again, bt widdin. And after Chris Martinson were down there and we were down the daily, and I said there is highest right there course that and heard of highest, I waited until we were right in front of them to explain what they were, because higher is right there at the camp, forty yards away from the front gate.
That's the, eh immigrant a society usually I hate catholic charity and what not but I I started hiding high highs because uh because uh uh um we saw the impeachment proceedings with mayor chest right and so that's why I lifted and shifted from catholic Cherry others and started focusing on highest of course you know the anti I might reMarks come up and what not but the bottom line is he did come from know as you know, mayor is is a migrant from from cuba, right? And so both of his parents were a cuban, a juice and that's why he was a board member on highest, right? So this all fits together.
So the bottom wine is the united. That's why I say to stay in mexico. Policy is absolutely irrelevant.
It's ridiculous. It's not going to work. We're flying a in every day. They're coming across the canadian important night and day. So in other ones doing IT.
i'm started to ask you to possible, but I just this this feels important to confess my grants right up front. I never heard of I, yes, until right now, but I have heard of cathode charities. What's their role in this?
You know there's many cathos charities. By the way, theyve got a distributed quite a lot. How many year in florida might be A I can get back, might be eighteen? I'm sorry, I forgotten.
They say they they have many different groups, even here and all over the place, all over the united states. The catholic charities is is I think, catholic and name only perhaps. But if you go down to the border and texas or mexico, i've been the catholic charities in mexico as well.
You'll see them running the camps, running um you know near metal on all over the place. I mean very serious human trafficking. They they bring in at least hundreds of millions of dollars.
I can get you specifics as numbers, of course, change year by year. How is is the same? I mean, these are big players, but keep in mind the main engine is I O M. So all of these groups are .
working to to, I mean, they're working to violate federal law, which in a democracy, we send our representative to dc to vote on, right, reflecting our will, supposedly. And so these are obviously criminal organizations. So why is no one do anything about .
IT straight up criminal? I mean we go for hours about that uh in the you know the the headquarters for for I wm is actually in that and and geneva right and and that's what the amy pope, the american is in charge of uh highest i'm sorry of of I O M and amy pope took that position maybe five months ago or so and and she's bragging about IT she's got a little sign on her desk up but and geneva boss lady me know SHE backs at the united states as the number one thunder of IO m and and we are in the number two founder as germany and the number three is, uh, is canada interestingly, I was just up in our side or I was just up in hondas and automobile and and where else in basically have been in every country in central america.
But the bottom line is is in our outdoor, uh I am sharing office space or sharing a building with the a canadian uh embassy so in other words, again, canada is the number three donor to I M. They're and up in honduras. Uh, I am is sharing office space with uh with the canadian consulate there as well so they're in the same building.
We physically went there, right? So I O M is literally with the canadians in both of those countries, right? It's unbelievable.
The things that we see when we go on the ground. So I hands out rape kits. I brought some of these great kids to some congresswomen up in washington.
Actually, we've brought an indian up there, franco a. gopi. He's the mayor of twenty nine of the ebra indian villagers. He spoke with about twelve congressman.
But I M actually hands out rape kids because so many of the women and children are rape in the jungle that they started handing out rate kids with, uh, male cooms female condemns those after you rate pills, abortion pills, those sorts of things and yeah, I will show these things extensively. And interestingly, I just got a message from the jungle. Ah you know there is a team out there right now.
I'm looking at IT right now. I'm looking at their location, but bin burkham is out there right now with Oscar blue. And, uh, they got, uh uh, just last night, uh, actually I sent IT to your team.
A bunch of a people came in from different country, is three three long a bangladesh. H pakistan. This was late at night, deep, deep in the jungle.
This they went in by helicopter. They're there are right now. And that and so they were out of sync t synth t is sort of the panamanian sort of water patrol, police slash army.
Panama doesn't have an army. But there sort of like those three things blended in. They're extremely professional.
They're very fit. They're very well trained. And there. And so this team right now is out with A A special forces team of sennet t in the jungle.
And last night they they came up on this, or this group came up on them, two groups, a and the center front said, another group of terrorists just came in, right? Know, what's very interesting is venezia a the main most of the people coming in at this point are venezia a, right? And there is a large presence of hassle.
Law in venezuela is quite interesting because hesba is extremely dangerous, right? So we've got has blot out there who speak spanish fluently natively actually. Actually, there's a village in lebanon where they speak spanish.
There's a lot of bounce back, back and forth. But but the bottom line is iranians can fly in the Venus eua, get a new passport right when they go there. Venezuela has a close relationship with china, and of course, with russia.
And I mean, his blows is thick in Venus. Well, in nine hundred and ninety four there was a spla bombing in argentina. Three hundred at a two thousand, three hundred and eighty five casualties, eighty five failed, about three hundred wounded, and was then twenty four hours.
There was a bombing in panama, A A airplane, a blew up and killed, I think, twelve jewish people and about ten others. Actually, I met recently with one of the family members of three of the jewish people that were killed, and hess blaw did that. The mastermind of that hesba w bombing is now believed to live in venezia a and has a bar.
You can't make up the stuff on marketing to island, right? So I mean, they know who is, they know where he lives, they know the bar that he runs. And yet, highest continues to help hesba get into the united states.
You can't make up this stuff. literally. Jewish money is helping her house and has blogged IT into the united states. I mean, this is Stephen king stuff. yeah.
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says its best, their credit card costs are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grip VISA and mastercard have on us. Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee, and they're been raising IT without even telling you.
This gets consumers and every small business owner, in fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden s White busy cheer, the fees, VISA and master card charge. Americans are the highest in the world, double canada and eight times more than europe. That's why I take an action, but I need your help to help get this past. I'm asking you to call your senator today and demand they passed the credit card competition act pay for by the .
merchants payments coalition not authorized by any canada or canada tes committee W W W merchants payments coalition dot com. So I mean, you're just you've just given us a lot here and I hope you'll come back. But let me ask so you're a worker respond and I think you spent more time in bedded in the rock than any any other journalist.
Um but you certainly know the business of journalism. How many other journalists from american news organizations are spending time trying to figure out how this invasion is happening? How many new york times is corresponds? Do you run into endre an for sample?
Well, that's a funny question. I was just down there of law humor, and I took a poc times and some others, and i'm doing what's called force multiple cation and vender steel. And I have, we started something called Operation burning edge.
In fact, we saw that you went to colony ridge, which very good, sir, which was that north of houston, that's that big, A U two hundred thousand strong colony that's being built north of houston, you were probably their derivative of our actions once we realize that colony ridge was that um was what I was taught. Bensman died me in a taught by suman, and I is an authority of former intelligence guys, a friend of mine. But he wrote a book called over run in the last chapter of his booky talks about colony ridge.
So i'm going somewhere, i'm going to answer your question, but i'm going around the block to do IT. So taught now we went to colony ridge because taught thought that I could kind of blow that out of the water. And and so we went there with drones.
And the drones won't get high enough if you've been the colony ridge. So I said, let's go get a helicopter. We went to the airport and we ve got an airplane.
And so we went back over that day and flu over, and I said, this thing is massive. Let's go get a helicopter and come back with some other guide. So so that still, and I started colony ridge, I started them, we started Operation burning edge.
And then we brought over daily wire, we brought over a couple of congressmen, we brought over quite a few people, and and we got them up over colony ridge with the express intent on blowing this up so that people like you would pay attention. Now, we then went down to space sex, and we spent two or three weeks down there at space ex. We never reached out the elon mask.
We never even detail their message to space x. We just, we went there with the intent of padding elan to start paying attention to the border. Space's at bocage a is right on the border.
So you see literally people coming across the border and on to space sex property. And so we got, you know, video photos of that in the next thing, you know, uh, you know you see, elan must paying close attention to the border. Now i'm saying all that to set the table for what i'm saying next.
So when we go down to the daring gap, or I go over to netherlands, i'm doing what's called force multiplication, right? And vana sy and I, we've taken a lot of people down there. We've taken a lot of journalists. We've taken a lot of intel people. We've taken to congressmen to the daring gap, uh, just a lot.
And so so how many people spend a lot of time down there? That would be me um but and trying to understand this on a global scale, top besons trying there are a few but tadd bsb e's not really a journalist but he's written books about this sort of thing but there are a very few of us but we would fit in the short bus now people who study this on the larger war level uh and and have done this for years all over asia and that sort of thing in a study chinese information war and that that's me right uh so when IT comes to the top level stuff and the reason I go to places like netherlands and i'm watching all of these rounds, there's more to this than just the invasion right there is there's energy at stake. For instance, uh, you see that the north stream, uh, was destroyed, obviously now long before north stream was destroyed, I was warning that north stream might be destroyed, and I was warning that for very specific reasons.
And I went to B, A, S, F. What i'm going somewhere with this at all relates to the to the so called migration, the invasions. Uh, you know you you need that natural gas to do something called the harbor bosh process.
The harbor bosh process is one of the most important chemical process is ever invented by men. That's where you take the hydrogen off of natural gas and you combine that with the nitrogen that we're breathing. And you make a, you make a ammonia, you make ammonium, nate ammonium.
So you make real, you make these night of fertilizers, right? That that process was first envisioned in one nine hundred three by a german chemist, me for its tober. He wrote IT in a book on thermal dynamics, but IT was very difficult to do in in nine hundred and eight, he finally made some.
And then that was very difficult though. So another german chemist came in, carl bosch, and he started, he brought industrial, and he did that first at B, A S F, at lud vx, off in germany. That's the biggest chemical company in the world.
I'm going somewhere very important with this. Yes, that chemical company, B A S F, is on the ryan river, which is like the missionary river of europe, let's say. And that dumps out at rather damn right dam is the biggest harbor in europe, is one of the top tin in the world.
Just south of rather dam is antwerp in belgium. That's the second biggest in the world, right? And not the second biest in the world, the second biggest in europe. So these are main order in the europe, right? And so now rather than is also there is a railway that goes all the way from shanghai and other fears in china, all the way across egypt, IT dumps out at rather than right.
That's why i've been to the shanghai side has been about a year running around china out to bet sorts of things and IT goes all the way across asia and IT goes to rather than that's why netherlands is highly target with this uh, destructive migration court. It's an invasion, right? And and and the the world economic form and the chinese communist party, keep in mind they're consented.
They're inseparable at at this time, they are going to end up fighting in the future. I strongly believe the chinese government is party in our economic form, but they're working to make something called tri state city try state city. Three state city will be most of netherlands, part of began and part of germany.
This will then include antwerp. And rather than right and replacing with thirty million people are coming in with, right? So you see the dutch farmers that they're knocking out amount with those dutch farmers a lot.
They're doing the same to the Fishermen. Anyway, we can go down that rabbit hole. Let's go back to, let's go back.
I'm going somewhere very important with this. Back to B, A, S, F. So I did two tours or so in in B. A, S.
Before the ukraine war, and because I thought we're actually as IT started, because I thought, uh, north frame might get erupted, and I thought this for various reasons and because of my trojans fertilizers, right? So we're in the plant is a huge plant. And I said, I was there, masco gonna, the famous japanese journalist actually and I asked the tour guy.
I said, um what happens if north stream gets interpreted? And he said, well, B, A, S, F is dead right? And, and and and then I bought on an ipad, which I kept besides me for months.
sorry. So I need my water. I have a long history with water. And, and so so I ask him, me, what happens if, if, if, if that, if, if that goes. And he said, B, A, S, F is dead now.
So I kept an ipad right beside me, uh and and I just i'd bought that ipad only to keep this one website open that monitored the through north stream right? And at one point IT went to zero and I said, wow, IT has gone to zero. So I started calling a few people.
I said, yeah, something wrong with that website or did they just hit IT? And well, IT bubbled to the sea, right? And so in everybody y's like, well, we didn't expect that you're not paying attention because that was obviously on the menu.
So then, uh, well, now you can see B, A, S, F is moving to, they're move in their main facilities over to china, right? You see why I go to be A S F and why i'm watching these things. Now, last march, I left panama and I flew back and never went, uh, for the election, for the election. Or where are you going to say something?
Well, I again, I hate to reveal my girl since I try to pay attention to this, but I didn't realize B, S, F, obviously, company in the world, probably most single, most important company in europe is moving to china. I didn't know that not all of IT.
they're also opening facilities and other places are increasing presence in the united states as an example. But that hit on north stream was a directive. Now I also move, they're not leaving germany, but but you know, S, B, A, S, F goes, you might say germany goes, right? So I told that to Jordan Peterson.
I had Jordan Peterson, a farm and one, and that sort of thing. Jordan, watch lord stream. I mean, you know, that was before I was gone. And so anyway, it's gone. So last march.
I went up to you. So the by administration is responsible for the destruction of north stream. okay? So and like that.
either space alien.
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I'm bedding by the minute. I mean, they did IT okay, and they said they did IT IT effectively. But why would the by administration, why would the secretary state, tony bankin, want to destroy europe, which they've they've done? Why would they want that?
There's layer reasons for this. And let me let me continue to say something else and then will request back to that because it'll help answer that question. So last march, I left the area in gap and I went back to netherland.
They had elections as there for the elections and and then I went to growing in gas field, which is the netherland, that's the biggest gas field in europe. And I was warning that I think they're gonna close grown in next. And people said, you're crazy I said, well, wasn't crazy about nord stream was like, and now they've close burning IT right? Running is also close now, right? And there was IT wasn't destroyed or anything.
They did IT through information more. As you well know, the highest form of warfare is information war bottom line, right? So it's information war that sets the table for these actions.
So your your question, why would they do this multiple questions if the paradigm that i'm Operating under is accurate and appears to be is highly predictive? By the way, I since I was a Young child, I was deeply immersed in physics. I always thought I would grow up to become a, and that's all I cared about.
I was basically fAiling school because I was just rain man on physics. So that's how I kind of learned. My bed thinking process was reading people like Richard fineman and that sort of thing, right? And one of the things that there was very serious scientists of the day would say, as if you have a theory and it's wrong, then throw IT out.
You know, you may have to throw the whole thing out. I called the so I over time, since I was a Young teenager, actually, i've always worked on paradise that do two things. One is they don't leave me surprised, because if you feel surprised, and I don't mean waking up with a snake on your face in the jungle, that's a different kind of surprise, but if you feel surprised, then your paradise is wrong, right?
Uh, so you need to either tweet or throw IT out. Never get emotionally attached to your ideas. They're not that important unless they turned out to be right. And also your your paradigm should be predictive, right?
That's why when biden was installed, I flew straight to the l pass or board and straight down the columbia at the daring gap and straight the panama t the daring yp. That's while. Daring yp, that's while, you know, thinking that they would do what they are doing now, what they're doing, which is increasing IT making at a major invasion around.
That's why i've gone to be a sf twice. That's why I was warning in writing, in, on interviews. I think sometimes onna happen to be IT B A T or to north, actually, which would cause B A S F to crumble, which is, S, B A S F goes, germany goes.
And I think that they were going to close, for instance, growing in gas field. Now they have right? And it's all just based on listening to people like finland and running with IT for the rest of my life, developing paradigms that never leave me surprised and that leave. And they're highly predictive.
right? So now why are describing is a world and work?
There are clearly people trying to drive us into global famine. I started warning about global famine in january of twenty twenty, right? It's clear that if you want to set the table for global famine, you want to knock out those night tragic as fertilizers.
That's one thing that you want to do. You want to take those off the table. Because in one thousand, nine and fourteen, when the panama can open is actually when they also started doing that, that charge is ferlie er production at the same year in thousand nine hundred and fourteen at B S F ludvig off in germany, right?
So you see the world population starts to explode. Then IT didn't just explode because we had faster ships, bigger ships and faster railways and that sort of thing. But that part of IT, and also exploded for other reasons as well, like refrigerators and electricity, but also not service feriz ers, is a huge part of IT.
So if you're gonna cause them and what would I do? Let's see, I would, I would cause a war in ukraine, right? That's one thing I would do.
That's why I was over in lithuania before the war in ukraine, worrying that something may happen. I was down in moraca. I was watching moraca push westernized migration into suta and millia.
These are two spanish cities that y're in maraca. So you've got eu cities in africa, right? So if you can get into suit or mella, you're actually in the E, U.
So I was down oracle and watching them, you know, basically needle of spain and in the E. U. A with websites.
Ed, migration, by the way, I want to be very clear. I'm not talking bad about moraca. I love moraca, and you're the first country who recognized.
I always think morok's what I see him. You know, mara always say, yes. No americans realized that moraca was actually one of the first countries to recognize the united states when we declared independence.
Ts, we have a long relationship. It's quite solid, right? But they definitely use repetitive migration against the eu.
In spain, right? So I was down a moraca and we watch front tex. Front, tex did a report.
Front tax is is sort of the all of the E, U, A equivalent of border patrol for the E. U. They are basically useless. But they told us that the, that the a bear was trying to push migrants in the poland and lithuania, right?
So I lived in poland for two years, and also I knew the list when is quite well, because I was with them in the war in afghanistan. So I called up the senior officer in the lithuanian army and down a moraca. Why is belli shing trying to push people in the lithuania? He said, fly up here and will take into the camps.
So the next day I was in Billy's, sitting in front top members of the government and staying there for five weeks, they gave me complete access to the camps. I was with him in afghanistan so that I was, they know who I was and that sort of thing. So was quite helpful.
So I got to interview many of the aliens coming in and the routes and that sort of thing. And as you see, when I was actually in lithuania, I started to warn some things up. This weapon zed migration didn't just come out of the blue, right? I mean, when you're doing information war and you're doing, I always watch the information works first.
But weapon zed migration is often a precursor for something bigger, right? And but sometimes the weapon zed migration is just that is the main weapon like for instance, when I was in tibet, excuse me, hold on, let me we go back to china. I'll talk about web migration. I love world.
And um the the weapon zed migration is um is is an old weapon of war, has been done in since space in time and tibet you know some of the of the tibetan um genocide, that's what I was IT was connected of course, but a lot of its just matter, just harm chinese coming in in mass and just moving in an Albert, they are doing the same in gen. Jane, right now, the week is right now. When I was in hongkong, I got kicked out of hong kong.
There was sort of famously kicked out of hong kong. I was a bad boy. But one of the ways that the chinese communist party took long kong was they recognize migration.
They were just bringing in han chinese every day, one to one hundred and fifty years. So per day, not many, just enough to keep below the threshold of making people go crazy. And they took positions as teachers, professors, they open a confusion institute, of course.
Uh they um uh politicians, police that sort of thing, right? And so they slowly took over the cockpit until they just took on on. And and so that's a uh, low level form.
You know, I was just down in honduras and france, and I I had dinner with A A retired army, a journal there. He was like the chairman of the joint chief. S actually.
And I asked to have dinner with them. So we had dinner, went on and in. The reason I wanted to have dinner with him is because he's of chinese to set. I think IT was his grandfather came to honduras and in two thousand and are sorry, one thousand nine hundred and twenty thirty and and and so he's what the chinese commits, party calls and overseas chinese, right? And so the chinese communist party works very hard in their information game to recruit people like that.
So I had specifically ask to meet with this man because he had been invited to china, right? And he had been invited there to the village where they said his family came from. They had a parade form.
They always do that. They had a parade form. They took him to the graves of his family. They always do that as well. And then they're now they've had him in china seven times now, as I talked with him for three or four hours that night, uh, over dinner in honduras a few months ago, he said china is not coming to take up to attack the world.
They're coming to become the world and I said exactly because again, i've written three books on chinese information where I can go on for days about IT, but the bottom wine is I understand how they're doing this. I was just over instance albar and know you've been over there talking with president voi. He's done a great job cleaning that place up.
There is a big library downtown with a big chinese communist flag waving at front seven floors. I was just in that library because I always go to libraries, I always go to museums, I always go to archaeology digs, and because i'm tracking the, the, the trail heads of information war. And by the way, that's why I went to honduras, because the chinese communist party is doing an archaeological dig.
There they are trying to persuade all the mine indians and others that you are actually descendants of chinese, because you came over the language, and then all these bad White spaniards and everybody else came and took your land. So those are not called overseas chinese as are called our cousins, right? So you see, for instance, uh, a lot of formation war is all about .
to go so well. I don't I don't even know if I can digest, and I think we're going to have to break this in the multiple parts. Not so much going on.
Um that is, is I think i'm going to need to pause and i've got about i've got too many questions. Maclean, um that was an amazing conversation not at all what I expected, a much more than I expected um and I hope we see you really soon. Thanks for listing in the tucker curls in podcast.
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