cover of episode Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way

Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way

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The Tucker Carlson Show

Mark Hyman
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson认为美国正面临着严重的健康危机,医疗成本高昂,慢性病患病率居高不下。他认为,这一问题与食品体系、政府政策以及利益冲突密切相关。 Mark Hyman博士则详细阐述了美国慢性病流行的根本原因在于食品体系。他指出,食品工业为了追求利润最大化,生产和销售大量的超加工食品,这些食品含有过量的糖、淀粉和有害化学物质,严重损害了美国人的健康。此外,食品行业对儿童的垃圾食品营销以及政府的农业补贴政策也加剧了这一问题。他认为,解决这一问题需要从田间到餐桌改变食品体系,改变政府政策,以及提高公众对食品和健康的认识。他还强调了生活方式干预在预防和逆转慢性疾病中的重要作用,并介绍了他创立的Function Health公司提供的血液检测服务以及十天排毒饮食计划。 Mark Hyman博士还讨论了癌症、阿尔茨海默病等慢性疾病的成因和治疗方法。他认为,癌症细胞以糖为食,减少糖的摄入可以抑制癌症;阿尔茨海默病可以通过积极的生活方式干预来逆转。他还指出,大多数美国人患有代谢紊乱,胰岛素水平升高是导致肥胖和慢性病的重要因素。他认为,美国医疗体系更关注疾病的治疗,而非健康的创造,并呼吁政府采取措施,改变食品体系,提高公众健康意识,以及改变医疗报销制度,从而解决美国慢性病流行的问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the American food system contributing to chronic diseases?

The American food system is driven by industry interests, particularly the food, agricultural chemical, and seed companies, which profit from making people sick. This system supports commodity crops like corn, soy, and wheat, which are turned into ultra-processed foods that are not technically food but chemically engineered substances harmful to health. These foods are ubiquitous, marketed heavily, and contribute to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

How does ultra-processed food affect human biology?

Ultra-processed foods, which make up a significant portion of the American diet, disrupt normal appetite regulation, causing people to consume more calories. They are designed to be addictive, hijacking biochemistry and creating a vicious cycle of hunger and overeating. This leads to weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, and a host of chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

What role does the government play in the current health crisis?

The government subsidizes commodity crops like corn, soy, and wheat, which are then turned into unhealthy ultra-processed foods. Additionally, government food assistance programs, like SNAP, allow the purchase of junk food, funded by taxpayer dollars. This systemic support for unhealthy food choices exacerbates the chronic disease epidemic, costing the healthcare system billions.

How can changes in food policy improve public health?

Changes in food policy could include banning junk food advertising to children, implementing clear front-of-package labeling, and enforcing higher standards for food safety and nutrition. Government procurement policies could prioritize healthy food for military, schools, and prisons. These changes would reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods, improve public health, and lower healthcare costs.

Why are farmers struggling despite government subsidies?

Farmers are struggling because they are caught in a toxic loop of government subsidies for commodity crops like corn and soy, which are not profitable when sold as whole foods. They are forced to use expensive seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals provided by large corporations, leading to high debt and a 350% higher suicide rate among farmers compared to the general population.

How does the food industry influence public health policies?

The food industry exerts significant influence over public health policies through lobbying, funding research that promotes their products, and controlling professional associations. They create front groups that appear legitimate but push industry-friendly messages, often hiding the harmful effects of their products. This influence distorts public health guidelines and policies, prioritizing industry profits over public health.

What are the long-term effects of ultra-processed foods on society?

Ultra-processed foods contribute to a wide range of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, which place a significant burden on healthcare systems and national economies. They also affect national security by making military recruits unfit for service and impair academic performance in children. The economic cost of treating these diseases is enormous, with taxpayers footing the bill for much of it.

Why is there resistance to changing food assistance programs to promote healthier diets?

There is resistance because the food industry profits from the current system, where food assistance programs fund the purchase of junk food. Changing these programs to promote healthier diets would cut into industry profits, leading to strong opposition from food manufacturers and distributors. Additionally, there is a misconception that healthier food is less affordable and less convenient, which the industry perpetuates.

How can healthcare providers better address chronic diseases?

Healthcare providers can better address chronic diseases by focusing on root causes such as diet and lifestyle rather than just prescribing medications. This includes educating patients on nutrition, encouraging physical activity, and providing support for behavior change. Healthcare systems should also integrate nutrition services and incentivize providers to focus on preventive care rather than just treating symptoms.

What is the role of sugar in the development of chronic diseases?

Sugar, particularly in the form of added sugars and refined carbohydrates, plays a significant role in the development of chronic diseases. It contributes to insulin resistance, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, and it fuels the growth of cancer cells. High sugar intake is also linked to obesity, heart disease, and cognitive decline, making it a major contributor to the chronic disease epidemic.

Dr. Mark Hyman discusses his radicalization towards understanding the root causes of chronic diseases, particularly focusing on the impact of ultra-processed foods and the food industry's role in driving these epidemics.
  • Chronic disease epidemic driven by food
  • Food industry's deliberate actions to make people sick
  • Blaming the victim for obesity and chronic diseases

Shownotes Transcript


So okay, Bobby, canada year long time friend, looks like he's gonna the H H. Secretary access. Did you think that was gna happen in life.

not in my lifetime? No, suck. We're in the historic moment ah where amErica is waking up to the fact that it's spin the frog and boiling water slowly getting sicker and sicker and sicker.

Bankrupt in our country with almost five trillion dollars and health care cost one five dollars of our economy. Eighty percent of IT or more is preventable, ninety nine percent of medicare dollars to spend on preventable chronic disease. And ever this conversation has happened in the political discourse until now.

which is little crazy, because you hear people talking about health care of time.

My health care is the way limiting, entitled for medicare for exactly.

Everybody's upset about head care on some level for some reason, but I haven't heard anybody until recently in the public sphere address like why is so expense? So the .

question I know I A function from medicine dog, my focus is on why? What's the cause? What's the root cause? The cause? The cause, the cause.

Welcome the tucker carlson show. We bring you stories that have not been showcased anywhere else. And they are not sensitive, of course, because we're not gatekeepers.

We are honest brokers here to tell you what we think you need to know and do IT honestly ly check out all of our country. And I talk her crosson dot com. Here's the episode. Shouldn't that be every doctor?

I, yes, but I really not sitting my office years ago, and I had a debate of patient come in. I realized I can't cure. Divides in my office is clear on the farm. And the food we grow, it's cured in the food manufacturer process, is cured by by people, by the grocery store, it's cured in the kitchen. And so we really have to look at the road uses of our food system.

And so where where are my patients eating this food? Well, because the food system, well, why do we have the food system we have in the, in the way in which is Operating that drives this chronic disease epidemic, which now is the biggest killer on the planet and is caused by food? Food has out pay smoking as a number one killer in the world, because eleven million people year one million, it's the biggest united tes.

Why that happen is because are are our policies are driven in large part by industry, by the food industry, the and state chem seed companies and those the companies that are profiting. This is the biggest food, biggest industry in the world, over sixteen trillion dollars when you aggregate all the food companies, the fast food companies, the agricultural chemical and see companies. And and this is enormous force is driving our political process.

And so a lot of the policies we have, either by know just kind of miss, miss alignment of of our expectations and the sentence. So what happened all because of deliberate actions. And the food companies have actually driven of food system, is making a sick and and we have an illness industrial complex.

We have an assistance, is driving disease. And every boy's profit inform, and only to dress that before. And this is why we have the system.

So we're supporting commodity crops. We, cn and soil, they get turned into alternative food, which is basic chemical science projects that our bodies are not used to. They are not technically defined as food.

Food is something that hopes, you know, nurse a human being, quite life and growth. These things don't. They do the opposite. They cause disease.

So we sort of slowly, again, in the system where the enormous who rise in chronic diseases over last few years, you tucker, when I graduate medical school, the cost for health care amErica was half a trillion dollars. Now it's almost ten times that in my lifetime. When I graduate medical school, there was not a single state with b create over fifteen percent. And now there's no one one under thirty. And almost all over forty, forty two percent of americans are obese.

We've seen in all fifty states.

all fifty states. Here I will see. And you know the highest debates, mortality rates are in red states, fourteen of the fifteen states with the highest abe's mortality, or red states who is affecting everybody in america, doesn't matter whether you're red or blue or purple. Biology is by partisan on heart disease, cancer, dementia, diabetes. And they don't know what who you voted.

So what radicalized me? So when I grew up a little Younger than you, but roughly the same generation, I, there were no fat people, people no zero, every area still no zero five. And I always thought that IT was like a failure of will.


And then I came just for my own experience to realize that if you just go about your life as the way americans do is what's presented, you and you don't make any effort to to fight IT if you just tried all things being equal, yeah, you're gonna be like seventy pounds over O D D to me. I wow, i'm going to be super fat and if I don't really struggle yeah all the time yeah that's weird.

If we make the hard choices, the the healthy choices and the easy choices, the unhealthy choices.

So that well, that you made me think that actually people who are obese are not the the perpetrators.

but the victims of this is a really important talker. You just hit on something that is so critical, which is that we have blamed the victim for this problem I have is your fault, your fat you're gotten, you're lazy, yes, and it's your fault. So just stop being in that crap and get healthy and you're save america. That's bullshit. okay. So I really .

feel Better to hear that. But here I think that's true.

It's actually to the n an incredible study where they took a group of people and they fed them for two weeks. A whole foods diet match for protein, fat, carbs, fier. And they fed them an ultra cess diet.

And they saw what happened to their biology, the entry process food, which is what sixty percent of our diet is, sixty seven percent of kids died, is seventy three percent of the food on their grocery store shelves. When you eat that food to this regulates your appetite. You eat five hundred calories more a day in a week at thirty five hundred calories.

Thirty five hundred calories equals a pound of wake in in a year. That's fifty two pounds. So if americans are eating this food, which is everywhere, which is ubiquity, which were marketed to death on, I mean, kids get targeted, fourteen billion dollars the food industry spends on marketing junk food to kids.

They see an area of thirty thousand ads a year. You can talk your kid breakfast, lunch and dinner and snacks about healthy food. And you're not going to be the marketing.

And this, this to me, is criminal. Most countries have banned this. Most companies, county, don't allow this. And amp. L chili has gotten all the food marketing to kids off between six and morning and ten and night. They have no more tony the tiger on first flakes, no more to can on the losing frosted .

flakes or a highly process food.

Of course they are. I mean, i'm a serial killer, delicious. I am a sero killer, I think serious.

The worst dread to humanity. It's basically seventy five present. Sugar is sugar for breakfast. It's deserve for breakfast.

What would you be eating? So what happens there are are are a ways in which we are, uh, making IT so easy for people to make the wrong choice. And when you're expose these foods, you're going to gain way.

You're gonna be just regulated. You're gonna troy, your micro bomb, you can great inflation tion. You drive charges, cancer, diabetes, dementia, automated diseases, all these things are coming at explosive rates.

And I looked at the data and and even though we're spending more and more, we would be fine if we're spending five trillion dollars in the amErica was getting healthy would be five if we're spending four hundred and eighty five billion dollars on drugs if they are working. But for to the drugs that we're using for the disease we have are not the right treatment. The right treatment is changing.

There were even, and if you look at heart disease is up thirty percent, cancer up thirty percent, sixty percent higher in those under fifty. So I think cancer is rising. And the Young, we've never seen.

even though Young people don't smoke.

Secretary, no, it's the food calling. Canter is a bigger.

but it's just a little crazy. Again, this is the benefit of being in your fifties because you should of remember what the the previous lives were. But like if we get rid of smoking, endorsing smoking, the cancer just gone like ceased to exist.

Well, certain cancers like lung cancer and other cancers have have gone down. But when you see cancer rates increasing in children like five thirty percent, you see automated diseases up one hundred percent. You see mental health issues of eighty percent.

You see I M up a thousand percent, A D D of twenty percent, diabetes up four hundred percent, alth time is up one hundred and fifty percent. So we are growing up here big time by not dealing with the reality, and we're spending on all those conditions two to three hundred percent more on drugs. So where we're almost like, you know, were increasing by one or two fall.

These diseases and the drug use has gone up to a three fourth and we're losing. So if IT was working great, but I ain't working and and was happening, is that now most we will not realize IT, but that one of every dollars of your taxpayer dollars goes to fund our health care costs in amErica of that four point nine trillion dollars, which was half a trillion high tragedy american school that's paid for by the taxpayer. And it's mostly reventlow.

We're probably adding two trillion into our federal deficit every year because of this. And also the the amount of money we're spending is forty percent of all health are built. So if you look at the total health care bell, when you add in everything, the government that just medicare, but any health service, the military, often their employees, all the programs that are the government is funny.

And health care is forty percent of the total health care bill in amErica is paid for by the U. S. government. And we have enormous power to change how those those just spent and how croda is addressed. Sed this country. And for the first time, take this on and not just try to find the pill for every ill, but to get to the root cause. And it's really from changing our food system from field to fork, and is addressing the conflict of interesting government, is dressing and age funding, is addressing what we pay for with you food stands is so many areas that we have policy, we will just .

define a couple terms. So when you say ultra process foods can be precise, yeah for sure.

So the number of classification and there's many different classifications for different kinds of food processing, and there is present cause with each ones. So there is no perfect system, but the novel classification was developed by scientists in brazil, is now their standard care for their food programs and dietary guidelines.

Non processor is a tomato and egg, an apple? You know an omen? You know what that is, right? But if you make omand butter, well, that's a little bit of minimally process food if you make a candidate know that process.

This is another level of you know proposing that you using cooking is a little more sort of processing of things. But it's not it's not made from anything other than real food ingredients. The fourth classification is older process. And this is essentially where they take commodity crops, which are funded with our federal dollars supporting farmers who are losing the game.

That's corn, soybeans, corn, soybean.

wheat. And by the way, the farmers are sufficing so bad, you know, tucker, there's there's a three hundred fifty percent higher rate of suicide in farmers. And there are in the rest of population. There's four hundred and thirty five billion dollars of farmer debt that they Carry.

Just got us and those and their stuck between the the crafts insurance and the government playing the banks, which are providing them the loans and the agr chemicals and seed companies that are providing the fertilize of the seats in the chemicals that they're spring on the form and they can they can get out of that toxic loop. And there they are struggling. The real communities are struggling so bad and that can be fixed. And so um when you look at the process been changed in complex, so what .

happened is they grown these commodities .

rops that the government busy supporting them funding a we corn and soy, but you're not eating White berries or whole grain. You're not eating true whole soybeans. You're not eating just corn on the cob.

These are reconstructed, in fact, in factories and science basic science labs into their molecular components, are torn part and and rebuilt into these chemically excluded food like substances of all color, size and shapes that are not, by definition, food. If you look up the western ship, very definition of food is not actually technically food. And so when most americans are eating a stuff that actually is harmful, is causing the and killing people, it's it's literally think about IT. The equivalent of two holocausts .

a year are caused by the food, are eating, according to the global sea person office.

labeling food a big issue and is one of the our key initial I think if if we move forward in this administration and has to be addressed, people need inform consent, being empowered, the right information, they need to know what they're eating. Well, it's good, bad for them. And now you need to be a PHD scientist to really nutrition label .

or really ingredients and know that means so avoid away for that.

Look at you. Look at the ingredient list. IT should be stuff, you know, which is a tomatoes. So there.

so that's the measure if you see stuff.

Thank you. Beautiful ted. Hydrox you tell you in probably not something you want to be eating. And many these chemicals that we use in amErica are are outside in other countries, in europe and singapore, in many other countries. These compounds that have been validate to show that how harmful they are human beings have been removed from the marketplace, and we should follow those standards here. So labelling is really key, and we're going to work on that. But right now, if you if you're just trying to figure out here, look at the ingredients list, if they're stuff there that you wouldn't have on your kitchen counter or you wouldn't have in your pantry, don't eat IT if he says, mother dean, where's your mother deca jar in your spice jar? Where's your beautiful de hydroxyl all you and you spinky out on your salad?

No, you see if you don't understand that.

don't need them. Yeah I mean, yeah I mean, things can have a longer ingredient of indian foods that have lots of spices that's fine as real food. But if if it's something that is is a in land that you don't understand, can pronounce or IT has a health claim on the levels are not good for you.

I mean like lay's potato chips now says they're gluten free. I mean that's ridiculous, right? Ah it's looking free is only no I know it's and free.

This is no way in .

part but it's coco cos bloom free so like my rules and the health claim on label.

don't need IT.

There's a health clam. The government says if is low fat, high fiber, low clue's al, if it's no sugar, if it's gluon free is hiding something. They are hiding something, right? It's just food. I mean, you know, tomato doesn't say gone free on the right is just a tomato.

so that I mean, that limits your options. Well.

you lose weight just .

from it's mazing.

I had this view that that he was people's fought. They were fat and and I went down as part of this movie called fed up that I did a kd curry. And I, David, about ten years ago, we went to south CarOlina inner, and I went to easily south CarOlina, one, one of the poorest areas in america, one of the worst food deserts in america.

There's something called the a retailer environment food index. How many fast food and junk foot, uh mogas are our computer grocery source? They like the one and and this family of five lived in a trailer.

They were on disability and food stamps, and they want to sort get healthy. And I asked why I wanted to get healthy, because I like why you want to be in this movie. This will my dad, forty two.

He has to diabetes from the forty eight. He has kidney failure. He's on deal sis, he's gonna die unless he loses forty pounds.

And we can can to lose forty pounds. We don't know what to do. The mother was well over one hundred and fifty pounds over away.

The sun was in sixteen years old, almost died. Tic, fifty percent. Body should be ten, twenty percent.

I went as a brother. Give me a lecture about what to do you want to eat. So let's go to, let's go your house, let's go shopping.

Get some simple foods that are inexpensive, that are whole foods that are healthy to eat. So we made turkey chill, was from good, good food on a tight budget guy from the environment working group. I said here's turkey while he's had a roof, three patos here, such fice gres. Here's to make a salad from such as iceberg as but some real here's all about .

being is not relent us.

No, it's pretty, pretty much nutritionally that the food, yes, I mean that I mean, it's fine if you want to either not it's not fully dance fit with the chemicals and iterations, you know. And so so we easily show them. And I went through their covers, everything in their covered.

They had a love at this and cool thought I was healthy because they said, no transfer s the fda with the inclusion with the food dusty, loud, a food to say no transmission, have less than half a grandpa serving so basically they they're just duped american public and and we need clear transparency and information. And they didn't know what they're eating and everything was frozen or package or can or box. They never cooked anything.

They have cutting board, they have knives, were cooking thing in kitchen. And they made turkey, china. We made this whole meal with that and aid IT. And he was so delicious.

And the sungod docker, do you like this server family? Every one thing? Yeah, I do. And IT wasn't hard. IT wasn't difficult, didn't take much time.

And I said, listen, you know, I don't know if you can do this, but here here's this guy to hide well for less. Here's here's my cook book on on how to actually eat healthy and try IT. And I on the plane, I sent them cutting boards and knives because they did.

They didn't have anything. We're a cutting like with a button knife. Trying to cut three potatoes was really heart potato. Es, they don't know your pencils.

And that nothing not for cooking, right? And so the first week, the model text actually marked the last eighteen pants, I like, amazing. And a year the lost over two hundred pounds of the family.

The father lost forty five, gotten a kidney, the model lost one hundred plus pounds, the sun lost fifty. But he went to work at about jangles again, IT back. He said he was like putting an alcohol to work in a bar.

And, and, then, and then he gained all the wait back and and then he called me fearless mark. He helped me and say, yeah with a dog him but know ah I said, yeah and so I coached him garden last one hundred and thirty two pounds, and he's the first kid in his family, got a college. He sent me a letter.

He's mary. Can you, can you write me a letter recommendation from the school? And now he's a doctor, so if he know he lost all that way. So so that taught me was that is really about about education, about information, about skills. I do you know the story in .

that all there's, yes, but you can know the right path and not take IT. There's a compulsion attached to certain kinds of food.

hundred percent. And this is well documented, a talker. IT is well, d well, document studies are published. There was a large study published that we're doing all the literature, food addiction.

And there's something called the year food diction scale, which is questions you can you can look at online. You just ask, answer the questions and he tells you if your food added just that can do a question. You tell you, you are go.

Fourteen percent of out of population alcoholic, fourteen percent of people are food addicted, and twelve percent of children are food addicted by by the scientific definition of food addiction. Not not just, oh yeah, this is addicted, but actually biological addictive. Measuring, measuring the the things you need to measure to determine addiction.

And so that's true. Know you say compulsion, but it's really a hijack of our biochemistry. So the food industry is designed foods to hijack biog.

There's a booker by Michael moss called salt shack and factory interviewed three hundred food industry executives and, wisely, blowers and scientists, and easy. They said, look, we we have taste institutes, very higher craving experts. These are, on their own terms, create the bliss point of food, which is the maximum lighting up of your brain.

And and then we go for targeting marketing to heavy users. So they're not going to get me to drink a cana code, but they are going to get someone already having code to try to drink a toler bottle, right? And they know how to do that.

And so so the the the defects of these, whose are so harmful on us, and they they know, they know what they are doing, and they they actually design them to be this way. I mean, the tobacco companies bought a lot of the food companies packing souvenir, R, G and a bis o film, more craft. And they, they, they build this whole industry of water processed.

There's not six hundred thousand ultra cess with products. Eighty percent of them were foolish sugar. And and there there the things that are driving most of the things that are wrong with america, if you look at food, is the next is for everything.

One, I C C, chronic disease, all the things we mentioned, hard disease, abeles, cancer, alzheimer's in diseases, I mean, just digestive, all the things, depression, mental health is linked to all your process food. There's really well documented science on this, that these who is cause depression exciting. So we have all these, these, these fuses that are are being, uh, causing disease.

Then we have the economic burden, which we talked about almost five million dollars. We have the effect on national security because seventy cem percent of military crews are rejected because they're unfit to fights. We have a national security crisis, and seventy two percent more evacuations or fr obesity party, more injuries from iraq.

An agha istan. Think about that. No, in a war, more, more soldiers were evacuated because of obesity than because of. Or entries, academic performance, where thirty something in the world, in math and reading, we are where where kids are suffering. Our kids are, are on A D, D medications.

So makes you dummer certain .

kinds of twenty percent, makes you guly impaired behavioral issues. I mean, there was one study talker where they they took two kids and juvenile and centers, and they gave them healthy food. Swap that out for the junk food.

Ninety seven percent reduction in behavior issues and violence, seventy five percent reduction in restrains and one hundred percent reduction in suicides, which is the third ending cause of death in the teenage boys. This is, this is documented science. This is not something making up, and it's, I wrote in my book, food fix, which is really how to save our health, our economy and communities on our plan, at one by to the time.

And IT talks about the nexus of all these issues. And then, and then we have the effect on on our, on our soil. We've lost so much soil carbon.

Soil has been healthy to grow healthy plant. And a heavy plant is what crazy healthy humans and the nutrients plants have gone down by fifty percent. Even if you're eating a broccoli, it's less as triceps. And IT was fifty .

years ago.

He got you twice as much you do that. But so the best .

Christmas president are the ones that you would give yourself for this Christmas. We are recommending a gift that we do give ourselves. Meet from mary weather farms in wiring.

So about six months ago, we didn't interviewed a bunch of different health specialist doctors and nutritious about food in the united states. And the consensus is not very good, particular the meat. So we decided, let's search across the country and find a source of good, clean, tasty meat.

Not all of IT taste very good. The clean step, by the way. So after trial and where we settled on our all time favorite merry weather farms, and we really settled on IT.

So every time we have dinner with the gas before the, which is often we serve the exact same thing, stake mary weather farms. And every single time i've an excEllent, every guest has loved them, lead them at home and at work. So we can recommend this with total heartfelt sincerely.

And this year, marry weather farms makes IT very easy for you to send their meat as a gift. They ve got all kinds of gift boxes, their famous stakes, including wa beef, rose burgers, hot dogs, beef sticks, snacks, everything you could possibly want you can send to your loved ones. For mary weather farms, the address mary weather farms doc com slash tucker, use the promote code tucker Christmas for a discount. This year we eat that. We recommended mary, whether it's M E R I W E T H E R farm dog com slash tucker promo code talker Christmas at checkout, highly sincerely ly recommended.

Tucker says, at best, the credit card comply are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grip VISA and mastercard have on us. Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee.

And they're been raising IT without even telling you this sorts consumers and every small business owner. In fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden s White busy cheer, the fees, VISA and mastered card charge. Americans are the highest in the world, double canada, and eight times is more than europe.

That's why i'd take an action. But I need your help to help get this past. I M asking you to call your senator today. And the main, they passed the credit card competition act pay by the merchants .

payments coalition, not authorized by any canada or candidates committee. W W, W, merchants payments coalition, duck com.

Tucker says its best, their credit card costs are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grip VISA and mastercard have on us. Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe p and they're been raising IT without even telling you this gets consumers and every small business owner.

In fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden White busy cheer. The fees, VISA and mastered card charge americans are the highest in the world, double canada and eight times more than europe. That's why I take an action, but I need your help to help get this past. I'm asking you to call your senator today and demand they passed the credit card competition act pay .

for by the merchants payments coalition not authorized by any canada or candidates committee W W W merchants payments coalition dotcom and and then we have also the effect on bad diversity. Because of all the chemical are using, we have seventy five percent less pollinated. No pollinators know is hard to hard to have agriculture.

We have thirty percent last, and birds species from your grown food we have. But the struck number waterways, because we we use fertilizer that IT runs off into the rivers and lakes and streams and causes beautification, which based grows L G. Because of the extra fertilizer and then sucks all the option out of the water and all fish die.

These dead zones, the size in new jersey, in the gulf, mexico, there's four hundred around the planet. That feat, half a billion people. So this is often the first lizer, which uses actually two percent, the world's glove energy to make fertilizer.

But you don't need to do that if you use regena agriculture, which is what actually one of the things that I think this new mission should focus on, which is how do you fix the farming? Because you gotta start the field to fix food. And no, I think a wilbarger said, IT beautiful.

He is a poet and a and a farming man, amazing man, he said. He said, we have a health system that pays no attention to food. And a food system that pays no attention to health.

We fix that. So you first couple times to the connection between what we eat and cancer rates, can you .

be a lot more solution.

scare people and eating Better .

cancer on the right over going .

to defeat IT with .

our warm? Ka, well, I was nick and he he wanted to. But the proof is we're barking up the wrong tree.

If you look, there's there's a real clear data on on two drivers of cancer. One is food and particularly sugar and starch into into his environment. taxes. It's cars and agents which are ubiquitous. We were supose to taxes everywhere, and we can reduce those.

But the food part is really interesting because when you look at the growth of cancer, says they feed on sugar, is a home, many of a of cancer, where if you use a kid gene die. And this is work being done to columbus a by sid, mock, argy and others. Can jack dizzy a treatment for cancer to actually shut down the cancer or cells because they can only feed on sugar? We are like a hybrid engine.

We can go electric AR, or we can go gas. We can go carves. We can go fat. Cancer only go sugar. So you start the sugar and you, you kill cancer.

So the amount of sugar and flower eatings about one hundred and fifty two pounds of sugar per person per year, and one hundred and thirty three pounds flower, that's a lot. That's the most course of hundred day of sugar flower for every american. And what that does that fuel the cancer cells.

And so pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer, urn cancer, proc cancer, even some cancers, and the this document go up with, in some resistance, go up with obesity and go up with diabetes. I meet about this function. Ninety three percent of americans stucker are met about the broken.

This is, this is extraordinary, the american general crowd ology. And what this means is that IT was somewhere on the degree what I called diabetes ity. Direct ity is prediabetes to type abeles.

And we cut off at prediabetes, but that no one in two americans has prediabetes or type diabetes. That's bad enough. Thirty eight percent of teenage boys.

I mean, when I graduate medical school, there was no type two diabetes. There no type one diabetes. IT was juvenile diabetes, which is an automated disease, or out on subsidies.

Tes, which is a food Green disease. And so now we change the names to protect them guilty. And and so now we see kids, really, yeah, three.

The names were changed for task, the cause of type.

I mean, yeah, I mean, because kids are getting us. So how do we called juvenile diabetes if kids are getting typed to diabetes? Says younas? Two or three years old is not their falt.

They're being fed sod. And I, once he was working in an urgent care in california and understand community. And this woman comes in a backpack, got a baby and a baby cage, and he's drinking this Brown liquid.

And like, what is a seven? Just cocoa. And why give me baby? Coco should really likes IT. I mean, this was happening, and so we're turning our our whole society into this many broken society.

And and this is the driver of all the disease were seeing cancer, heart sees diabetes, dementia, their come altimeters type three diabetes, because of how it's connected to sugar in some resistance. You know, I could find a company called function health, which allows people to get insights into their own. And what we're finding, tucker, is that is that ninety six percent of the people were testing have metal balis function, ninety six, nine, six.

So how do you get inside into our .

biology is so so basically no health are system is broken. I believe that now I could work for fifty years, and maybe i'm wrong. Maybe with this administration will leave prog and things of changes I am very hopeful for.

But we created a company with a number of cofounded ers called function health, allows you easy access to your own blood test, uh, is is simple, five minutes to sign up, fifty minutes going to hold quest lab to get your labs drawn. And you get over hundred and ten biomarkers or lab test that gives you insight into everything is going on, your body that you're not being checked for your regular doctor's office get five times more diagnostic. You look at your hormones, your manolito healthy, cardio healthy, 说, i mean your immune health we've sing.

We en forty six percent of americans have some degree of auto immunity, which is crazy, one of the biggest cost drivers, the style ard automatic or other automatic, or create automatic, or seeing sixty seven percent of nutritional efficiencies. And these are the library, strangers that are quest. These not, these are not what I would think at optimal surviving d for example, should be over fifty four and five fifty.

The reference changes just thirty. But still we've got a huge amount of people efficient at that level. And when you're under thirty risk of getting sick and dying, covet is seventy percent higher. If you invite me, these over fifty risk of death is zero compared to the looking at these really .

a dumb question, no dum question, a basic question. So you get blood, your company does, maybe others do IT, but you get a blood test makers. And of what's in your blood, how do you know what they mean?

Great question. So we really use the technology to help us build a database of up to date scientific information, inform all the scientific literature, and you have a clear description of what every backmarker means. So if your instance or bug sugar or your cluster particles are abNormal, or you have positive auto anybodies, we tell you what that means, why IT happens.

What the root is are not so just with traditional medicine things, but went the new science things around root causes. We give you all the self care, and I think you can do yourself to optimize your health so you can upgrade your biology with insights from science literature, from knowledge experts. We've brought in the pop scientists and doctors to help form the content.

So like having a thousand doctors in your pocket member, the ipod was a thousand songs in your part, thousand doctors in your pocket. IT gives you the ability to do self care. And I, like I said, diabetes isn't current. The doctor's office is cared in the kitchen. And and that's really what most trones diseases can be fixed. And I see this over and over after the for thirty years i've writing almost twenty books and and what I see is when people follow the guidance without having to go to help your system, they can correct these things and they can fix really. Yes, it's quite .

amazing talker. And by these things, divisible heart.

reversible alzheimer. Now, Richard zen is done amazing work, shown how we can reverse alzheimer's using aggressive lisle interventions. But what? Yes, this is incredible data, why I just .

want to speak up as a non doctor. We know for a fact that alzheimer's inco nothing can make IT Better.

Well, that's actually not true, I know.

But i've been told that.

of course, of course, because we've spent this is a great example. We spent about two billion dollars in over four hundred studies trying to find drugs for alzheimer's, and nothing has worked. The drugs that approved are extremely expensive, have marginal benefit, lot of IDE effects and cost a huge amount of money and made the layer entering to nursing home by two, three months.

That's a win that's not very good. Now there's a couple of trials that even done the finger trial out europe and in the pointer trial, which is emerging. This showed aggressive lifestyle venture, diet, exercise, managing stress, sleep, optimizing all these factors was able to not just slow the progression of alzheimer and dementia, but to reverse that.

This is publish data. This is not my opinion. Ix and also was publish this data. And so now using bywords ers and we can actually test with function sooner, adding biya kers for alzheimer and is blood test for for for alzheimer, so you have to wait till you forget your keys. And also for cancer, you asking about .

cancer do a multicanal er at what age?

Great question. So on imaging which is very expensive and difficult in not in imaging yeah brain imaging you can see the changes up to thirty years before you get alza mera a symptom with blood test is it's not as as far as that. We're still figuring out out know what what those times are.

But you can see start these proteins start to develop in the blood that that indicate there's something happening. And you can then interview early. And the thing about alzheimer's is, is that is if you're to mean early, you can have an incredible benefit to help slow the progression and and delay IT and actually reverse IT.

I've seen this in my patients. I read a book about this vulture, my solution. Fifteen years ago, the Albertson read a book called the albans end of alzheimer's, and documenting that we had .

to get through causes h on this.

No, there are no I and and this is what me the same. We've spend so much money, we've gotten really no results.

I don't think you're a crackpot, but if I mean, here you are sitting on cameras, I know else schema is reversible. Yes, that talk about a headline. Why isn't that in the new york times? So i'm seriously tion so either you're crazy or their dishonest.

Yeah I think I think it's it's it's a it's a medical parana shift you know think is most doctors are in the world is flat world. They don't understand that the world is around. We've shifted a paradise scientifically from uh A A disease based diagnoses system to understand the body as integrated ecosystem.

And so the work of people like the hood from the institute for systems biology fenne project is mapping out how our understanding of diseases is completely wrong. It's based on labelling people according to symptoms and where IT is in their body, rather than on mechanisms and causes. So I read to book a Young forever, which is about longevity.

We talked about, I think, last time I was on your show and and in the book I talk about the scientists who come up with this model love one of the root causes of aging because we think aging is just it's going to happen. And if we're going to a get sick, were going to get older, we're onna get fare, we're going to get a week, and we've identify the underlying biology behind that. So we cut heart disease and cancer from the face of planet. We might extend life five to seven years.

You can get the same thing with meaning and purpose or playing tennis, uh, but if you actually drove with the hallMarks beijing, the things that really go wrong, inflation tion, that a kind of nutrition you you can act, and your microbial, all the things that under line disease you could extend by thirty or forty years, which means living to one hundred and twenty, which is a crazy notion, right? So we now understand biology in a very different way than we did before, and IT hasn't translate into the clinic. And so why, why I co fa functional health with my cofounder, ers, was to help accelerate this gap, to kind of a prove over this osf ed system.

But we need to change. It's just kind of crazy. You're say, if you take three suspects, like the whole point of medicine, I presumed was to exchange, improve life, yes, right, keep you from god, be healthier and you happier. And so if there is science that shows that that's possible and everyone's ignoring IT, then try to use profit.

But like what is that? Yeah well, it's a good question because we we have a fillings, medical, industrial food, eg. Complex, the profits of of people being saying.

but so you write a books thing or someone else several doctors write books thing, I can show that alzire is reversible. And what is whatever other doctor in amErica they don't read the book and heard of IT yeah they just kind of a provocative theses because I think of alza a is like AIDS in one hundred eighty six. Like is the worst thing.

There's nothing you can do about IT. No, remember that person is. And I can tell you that, isn't that my clean clinic? I worked with, marine suba, and he was there. He was heard, the dementia research center.

He understood to, he honed to these mechanisms, these biology, the science is there, but there is no funding for, because what are we talking about, tucker? We're talking about providing less of interventions that they are intensive, that people need support. They need to change our diet, they need to exercise, they need to optimize their sleep, they need to stress.

Then you take the right nutritional supplements. They need to modify the rise factors aggressively. Ly, this requires a very different reinforcement system.

We don't have evidence. Space medicine. Tucker, we have reimbursement based medicine.

Doctors do what they get paid to do, not what the right thing is. The right treatment for diabetes is not, or trunks or exempt. The right treatment is diet. You know what .

sound like doctors aren't really in control.

I mean, they're doing the best they can.

They're responding to .

forces bigger than themselves. Medical education, great example, like doctors graduating, know, in the fifties or forties, were dealing with infective disease in A Q care medicine. And we have the best q care medicine system in the world barna fear.

If you have an a cute infection, if you have set this, if you, I see you are going a car crash here, car crash, damn, am going to hospital. But that system doesn't work for chronic illness. And that's what we're facing now.

And so the eighty percent of the conditions of doctors are seeing a chronic diseases for which drugs are not the right. There be most of the time they can be helpful as adjures. But the fundamental drivers of our quanta cy epidemic is the food are eating and and also envionmental taxes that are adding to that. You add those two things together, IT explains most of the country epidemic.

I mean, a lot of smart people, you included your definitely the earliest, but are saying varieties of what you're saying now. So I mean, IT was thirty years ago or so that the congress hold the heads of the tobaco companies rental and film hrs and laid on camera. And like you knew, you're hurting people. You do IT anyway, right? Is that going to happen with the disco anytime soon?

I mean, are there class action lawsuits there being now raised around these companies to look at called them accountable for what you're doing and they know and there's been for request in information requested. I actually read about my book that the show they're na various behavior, for example, targeting minorities and targeting poor income and low income people to focus on by more junk food step program.

Perfect example of that. Yeah I mean.

this kind of crazy talk going to think about IT when the american taxpayer is paying through the nose for everything all the way along. The companies are privatising profits and we're socializing the cost.

So so we basically fund the growth of commodity crops with twenty billion dollars of subsidies in crop insurance for corn, wheat, soy, the farmers, which puts them in a really tight bond because they can change their system without support changing to more a regents system that they are going to make more money, they going to grow Better food. They're onna have, you know, Better, uh resistance of the real economies and not completely comment suicide of the way they are doing. We pay for that and then we pay for uh those foods for our our snap programs.

So we have about one hundred and twenty five billion and snap, which is our food stand program and supplement nutrition assistance. But there's no end in. There is just food security, which means calories.

So they're you when you get through E, B, T benefits in the begin the month, these food companies don't advertise in the bodega. They have get your two leader bola coke with E B. T. And they let giant ads in there and they know exactly when they're in their cards. So we we specially fund.

you can buy coco.

Seventy five percent of the food bought on snap is is junk food. Ten percent is sota. So you think about twelve billion dollars of soda.

the american pain. Why would soda be federal? Why would if giving out nutritional assistance to the poor, why would we pay .

for so obvious question ducker.

Yeah, if that's just crazy.

it's crazy. It's crazy.

And we know wanted to hurt the poor.

You do that, I think we know beyond doubt and know we can talk about her process food, this argument system in that way, in this way. But the food initial say if it's we're going to take away people's choice, we're going take away convenience for going take away affordability, make food less safe for people on alter process with these are their talking points. It's not all it's all about calories.

Is that moderation? So you can have you so as party your diet as long you don't exceed your calories is basic your fault that you're fat. So you fix IT, that's the messaging, right? It's something from every food dusty message, from every professional association message.

from the medical of, but I M that we have .

to pay for IT pay. Well, that's IT. So we pay we pay for probably thirty billion or more servers of sorry, for the poor every year.

And then we paid for math payers are sending all this money. Cola.

the biggest uh prof center in amErica for coca cola is twenty percent of the profits except food stamps. Bomb t gets, I don't know, something like, you know forty billion of that a footmen bill. I mean, it's crazy and and we pay, we pay on the .

other this numbers real.

Yeah, I can get you. I can get you to the warm and numbers. But yes, it's really high. And then we and then we we have that shocking and can paid for medicine, medicine on the back end when people get sick from those foods. And then we pay .

all the other cocoa .

in the is yeah .

I me live at .

the french paid the cheko counter counter is not the true cost of food. The true cost of food, the rocket film foundation report, is for every doll spend on food, the three of dollars in cloud damage yeah, to health.

pay for the crack and .

the rehab yeah exactly. It's totally .

pay for the .

hookers and we can fix this. And your andy Harris, you know who's who? A A A A congressman. I wanted to do a simple pilot study, just a pilot study to see what would happen if we eliminated soda from food stamens its in a couple of locations just just to monitor the impact on the health of those people.

And and he couldn't get IT through as a as a pilot not to change the entire U. S. A policy.

Just is a pilot study. So imagine how anti science this is. This is truly.

and you just I really believe in naming and shaming. IT works. Yeah, just call people out you know bring some sunlight IT and let them defend IT exactly so i'd love to know who's behind that. And by the way, i'm not saying you should know by cola, so I don't want to pay for IT, right? You know that's fair .

isn't a hundred percent. I mean, we the government in the united states should not be funding the the crown of dies epidemic which currently are they are they they're either by the policies they were put in. You know that we're innocent or .

by me but it's so perfect. It's like when I learned that we were funding I is in syria was like that kind of perfect, actually like both sides are taking amErica and .

money yeah yeah, it's kind of crazy. But we we have the opportunity changes. That example week, which is women instance and children's food program, is based on.

Only allowing people to buy food is gonna be healthy for the mother and child. Why not apply that to wake? You know, why not school standards being changed so that actually kids can have healthy food?

I know that that I think wait is like the center of profit for the formal makers. Yeah.

that's another problem. But yeah, for example, chilly, they allowed foreign marketing for kids. They allowed the advertising, the kids they ve got about all the junk food school.

Federal taxpayers be included, you included, be paying for baby formula. Why would be encouraging formula over breast milk? Well.

it's a huge industry. I mean, it's all it's it's really it's it's a you know there's A A group from the W H O has has put together some initial papers since coming up for next year about the commercial determinants of health. We just have multi national transitional corporations in food and egg and alcohol.

Tobacco are essentially driving across the epidemic. And they are privatizing the profits, are burning public health and socialized in the cost in the governments are the ones who are strugling with this. And so so there are many other country governments are paying for.

There are governments are painful. And and you look at the healthiest countries, there are the ones like japan and singapore in spain, italy, they actually have policies that are protecting their citizens. They are educating about who they are.

not allowing the same. I just don't pay for. I mean, we start there. So Christmas is coming and winter is coming. And that's the perfect combination for cozy earth.

Kazi earth is a company that makes exactly what IT sounds like, products that are close to the earth and that are quite cozy, and you should consider them in this Christmas. They have the best sheet available. They are made out of bamboo, believe IT or not, and hard to believe a great there until you try them.

We have, and they are great, great foot for everybody in your shopping. Let what sets them apart. Well, their fabric temperature regulating that means they keep you cool and cozy or warm and cozy depending on the temperature.

And they have ten year. So if when anything goes wrong with your sheet, you get free ones, go to cozy earth dock com like stucker. Use a promo code tucker up to forty percent off. And if they ask, tell you, tell them the tuck across and show sent you. Everyone here uses those sheep and love them.

And IT does raise like some pretty interesting questions. This modest thing I for this year, I think it's a common phrase now, is that the point of the system is its outcome. If you're wonnerful about motive, look at what the system produces and that describes the motive. Yeah right we don't have to guess so um if governments are making their citizens more and healthy, yeah I think we can assume that they want .

that outcome. No, this has been the frog and and boring ing water slowly that hit them so fast because of, yeah, bring, bring all these fast hit companies, bring all these american companies to help us with their food nutrition. Let's get fast hit everywhere.

It's americanization of the world, right? We basically created the worst that in the planet and exported to every country in the world. And we see now in the developing world, they call the double. They call the double burden of disease, chronic ic disease and infectious cy. So they are diamond betes and tubercular to danger abeles in the aria.

I hate to say, but i've travel lot of counties this year in the best food I had in any country was in a country under such severe U. S. Sanctions that know U.

S. companies. I'm not named the country, but I think would be too controversial.

And IT makes me.

makes me, I think, a truly yal american in america. Never leaving but to go to a country whose food is amazing, best i've ever had in my whole life ah yeah and IT also happens to that country is no american food of being in kind because it's not allowed here.

Maybe there's a connection, maybe the connection yeah so exactly. And these countries have been unable um participating in what they thought was growth in economic development. But what is done is sick in their populations.

And so now there lot a lot of these countries are are standing up like the U K. Just ban advertising of junk food. France has cleared labelling on their front packages to make IT really clear what you're eating.

Chili and south america, you go there. And this being just warning signs on the front labels. We've done all these policies that have actually been studying to work.

So we have we have covered in united. Why should we be allowing things in in the united tes? So we don't. These other countries have determined.

painful, what should stop paying for IT? You know, people in this some weird self instructive behavior, not interested in rooting and out of showing up at your house.

making sure, you know, if we want to pay for, and, you know, government procurement, hundred and sixty six billion dollars the government spends on food for military, for correctional, silly, for schools, for everything. When you look at the fat bill, do you know how much that could change the food system?

If we we said, based on these set of nutrition principles, which are, I think, well accepted, the nutritional science community of being, what is food? If we just follow that and didn't pay for all the junk food and all we just took that out, that would change the food system. And yes, because all the industry would change. If you take one hundred, six, six, six billion dollars out of the food economy and say, will only buying healthy food from farmers and produce healthy food, it's going to change everything from feel the fork. These are simple things that the government can do the easy.

And because they control the people, I know, i've know what, people go to prison more now than ever, and they get fat in prison.

I assume .

that's because.

of course, I mean, in prisons they did study, mention the juvenile detention ers. They swapped out prisoners food for healthy food, and they found there was a fifty six percent reduction, violent crime in the prisons in an eighty percent reduction if they added a multi vital. So there's so much nutritional efficiencies in countries like japan, they put people on a super healthy diet in prison, and all their final behavior costs down.

Very amazing, really, really interest. They died only different like a microbot like very kind of like healthy diet that gets them completely reset. And we know, we know the mental health crisis also.

Why don't we do that? Since it's a captive pulag.

we show that that we can. I mean, the problem is this is A A very I don't want to send a spiritual al, but i'm telling there is A A very loose organization of industries that are working together to keep the system. That is, quote, they don't want changes in our agricultural subsides.

They don't want changes in farming practices. They don't want changes and how we fund snap, they don't want changes and how we remembers health care, they don't want to changes in our food labelling. They don't want changes in ingredient center, our food. This this is, this is stuff that so entrance that is essential for their for their profits and their success.

I mean, prisons, if you think about IT, have been used as because IT is captive of the population of a prison. They've been used as, you know, testing populations for sellers and the scenes and lsd and all kinds of horrible. And you feel so sorry for the men who had to endure that.

Why not use persons? The elst was bad for them, but.

White bulger was was at alcatraz as where balter head of the winter hill ganging in boston and a mass murder. And he got dose really hard with elsy at alcatras in the early sixties and wound up effectively a sero killer. And his brother didn't wound up the .

powerful politician.

Anyway, here's the point. Why not use prisons as A A kind of federal prisons as an national test now for the outcome of the diet? Your suggest you do that. I mean.

you do. I mean, there are worst studies that we're done in mental institutions years ago, but there's ethics. And so in four percent yeah .

not feeding people oros is an ethical like yeah.

yeah, yeah well, I think the year I mean, the considerations are really in four .

medicine we gave rules about I .

just in like but .

we could we could .

not get form consent and fifty .

cents an hour to work. I think the pressure they can vote, they can on firms, they see their wives, like everything about IT is horrible. why? Why wouldn't you use the opportunity .

to improve their health? And and I think we did do every sector of society where the government has a hand, school lunches, the military, all of for our food programs. These are easy interventions.

But but the food industry blocks IT by huge loving efforts in washington, IT might not profit food fifth campaign, which is really about educating and advocating for policy change to really improve the health of americans. We went with over one hundred fifty centers and congress in both sides. The air and everybody seems to get this issue and they're not hearing about IT and they're starting here but had IT because people like you're talking about IT.

But i'm just one guy of a little not profit. I'm not fun by industry. I don't having .

you like conflicts of interest.

and i'm just trying to know what are the big lobbies everyone says to be? What lobby groups? You've got all the egg lobby groups, I mean collectives. They are the biggest group of liba washroom exceeding all the other living. And and they're very powerful, and they control a lot of what happens in much.

And I detailed a lot of this, and my book, food fixed, where so I can are funded by COO cola or is becoming any fun both sides, they fun everybody, of course they you know and so they've got a lot of locked up and they're missing ducting. It's the information of this education of our uh, policymakers and and government officials because they are only hearing one side of the story. They coming in with their brief ing books, with their scientific papers, with their justification, with their regulations written with the legislation, and and they live given to them.

I've been in conservation centers off. This is amazing. Mark, could you write the legislation for me? I like what I don't know how to do that. I have people on my team to do that. But let's like IT was of IT was part of a startling kind of revelation that that the people in congress need help and they need guidance, need direction, and they're overwhelming and they're overwhelm and they are good people and they wonder the right thing. They're not hearing the other side of the story.

And so when you lay IT out for them and like, how is the center boosted t from markin saw he's a great guy and he's like, yeah, i'm seeing the changes in my real computer i'm seen was happening on the farm and in the the degradation these and i'm seeing the process for I see what that affects my population, you know and and he gets IT and he wouldn't me was after forty five minutes usually get like a center pops in high five minutes and out but I was incredible conversation i've seen this with gRandy fence tra, who is interested giant agriculture have seen this know on the democratic side that people like quite booker and and the Richard neil and um James and governor who are trying to advocate for food. Paris, so Roger Marshall and caused to both doctors falling in on this stuff. So there are so many alien in congress on both sides, the outlet sik entirely to how the thing is gone and realized.

We can continue to do what we're doing. And I think talk, we have a historic opportunity with with trump and by the Kennedy doctor. S now is to have the C. M. S. And other people. I think hopefully casey means will be a surge general, and we can have A A shift in the thinking and educate america, just like we we do is smoking and we can win.

It's just so funny that that, I mean, whatever life is irony, everything is irony. But the big mac president, it's just crazy. I S. Johnson was one of .

the biggest big as he signed the civil write tag. Regan was the most launched into communist. He's the one of the cold war. So a historical .

it's very deep. What you're saying is deep? No, that is the way life is. Actually, it's the opposite of what you expect. Yeah and and I try to travel Better than he.

He means that, you know, he I would say Bobby Kennedy is one of the nominees. His private stuff. Yeah, he has back down at all. I think bob is gonna get confirmed.

I want to ask you about the thing for which Bobby is most famous but I don't want say the word because youtube is you're not even that even now yeah a youtube biggest company, most powerful company in the world. Google um has A N A I program that will literally knock your video if you use the v word. Yeah so it's call IT the shot V D if you don't d word.

And not the good reward, the bad, the bad reward. Um so Bobby Kennedy became infamous fifteen or twenty years ago when he wrote a piece and rolling stone um suggesting that I mean, just got example from amErica basically for suggesting that the shot, my cause, really bad outcomes of outcomes and children, yeah, I never hear anybody bring that up anymore. Have you accepted that there may be truth?

And then well, listen, I think no, we get we get so religion around certain topics and medicine, and I don't understand this, you know, medicines supposed to be about science, yes, asking questions and to say a subject is settled and we need no more science doesn't make any sense. Like aspirin is a great example. We thought asking was a Grace thing on on the plant, earth and everybody.

You got to ask brand to prevent a heart attack. But as we start to look at the data very carefully, we saw the g no, actually IT increases the risk of certain problems like rain, hammering and gas from test some leading and death. And three thousand people die every year from taking aspirin for a prevention of heart attacks. what?

Yeah, I didn't even know that, right. So, so I was taking baby aspirin every day.

Well, that's right. But IT causes, causes bleeding. IT thins your blood. That's why it's good for praying heart text, but also can make you have a brain image or good play.

And so the now the guidelines had revised and is not recommended for everybody, only certain highest populations, right? And yet we change your mind based on the data. We look at the science, we update our data.

The v word is no, listen, i'm going to say, I think vaccines es are one of the greatest advances in medicine and history. They have eradicated many sea diseases, polio, small pox. I mean, I was in haiti during the earthquake, and I was working at the journal hospital there, and there was a guy with technical, i've never seen a full blown case of test before.

I was one of the worst things i've never seen. I don't. Tennis is, as we know.

we step you like .

busy going to total terris is like your bodies and come, it's like one big giant span and you can get out of IT and you like busy have to give them I V S. And oxygen and hope they survive. And there's tennis entity talks, but it's IT was the worst in everything. So so vaccines have .

a role .

and and the problem is.

is that a tent and shot as a yeah that's the .

vaccine and I suppose gary, ten years yeah and you know deep theoria, there's some really good things who done in medicine to reduce a lot of the child illnesses. And that does me. This vaccine aren't a problem. Problem is that we need to study long term safety and effective y of these drugs like any other drug know.

One of the problems with medicine is that is and I think this was as a huge failure during copy, and I think bobbi was right about this, we did not actually give the american public the benefit doubt that they were smart enough to understand the nuances around this treatment. So they said, vaccine are safe. They are effectives well, not really like any drug is sort of safe and IT can be effective, right? Aspirin is effective percent things, but also has side effects, right? And so vaccines work to prevent the the mortality rates and reduce deaf rates and reduce the severity infection.

But I didn't prevent infection, and that was very clearly early on. And this is concept called stereo community first disease, community steel unity. You get a missing shot when your kid, you never needed you to get your you're stereo.

You never going to get missile, the flu vaccine guess to get over here because you basically don't get permanent immunity if you get sort of a reduction in the risk of disease. That's what the code of vaccine was. So IT reduced the risk, but I didn't prevent you getting, didn't prevent transmission.

And IT also has sn effects. And we are pushing on Young kids and how the day is really clear IT cause increased, my car dies, hard inflation tion. So what we need is just good science.

And I think this bob y's asking for, he's not N Y. vaccine. He's been vaccinated. I've been vaccine with vaccine, our kids. I think it's propaganda and says he's an anti vx or that's really just a wipe dismissing him.

But I think we have to understand that we just need to do at science and that's always asking for he recently command. He's not taking with vaccines his proof accent es, we need you want good science and I think that's what we need around everything. Well, I mean, and it's whether is alzheimer's or there's abeles or whether whatever IT is, we're studying the wrong things.

He told you before about a staff favorite here at t. cn. The eight sleep pot. What is IT is a high tech mattress that we talk about over lunch. Er our mattress because this one is excEllent high tech.

It's a cover because right of you're existing that well this Christmas you can get IT for the best Price the year up to six hundred box off the eight sleep pot works by adJusting the temperature, warmer or poor, depending on your preference. And IT maintains an ideal sleep ing network all night. They might not know this, but through different phases of sleep every night, your bodies needs change.

Sometimes you want to warmer, sometimes cold as you throw the sheet off. Why you pull them around to other parts of the night, you don't have to do anymore with I sleep because IT automatically keeps things exactly where you want them through out your entire nights sleep. What's all you sleep at cycle and it's been studied, is clinically proven to increase quality.

Sleeping every night that improves your recovery time from physical exertion, makes sharper, make your health Better. IT learns and adapts your sleep patterns over time, and that automatically adjust temperatures throughout the night through each phase of your sleep. And IT does this independently for up to two people on a bed, so each person can have a Taylor made sleep IT really helps people here absolutely love eight sleep, eight sleep dog com like shocker. Use the promote code tucker to get up to six hundred books off the pod. For ultra, you can try with no obligation for thirty years if you didn't like you to send IT back at eight sleep dog comm, lush talker, Better sleep truly.

Why do you think IT became for boating to ask any questions about this one category of medicine?

It's a very good question. I don't know the answer .

that there was a religious further that scared me. I did not know. I have exactly the same view that you just have articulated, subject of zl other way, but the sale try was one hundred percent of the other side.

And I was really scary. Ed ended friendships that divided families. Yes, like i've never seen anything like IT. What IT was .

that I think I think you know is a public health effort. You know, you know, I understand the public health mission, which is to serve work on the health entire population. And so you're buying to kind of simplify things and put up messaging that may not be completely scientific, get people to do stuff right?

Wish what happened during you lie to manipulate. You can do that. No, but I think, yeah, we need form consent.

I mean, this and when you get described drug as a doctor, you supposed to say, if I give me this drug, here's the benefits and here's the risk. You know, it's it's really clear we're supposed to do that in medicines, call the present. And we have four concepts of people understand here's the benefit, here's a risk and you can decide for yourself.

But why would I mean, of course, everything became be in the political political charge, year of election year became super partisan.

But IT was, he was deeper than neck as .

trump was out there. He was provacatzia. And then the biden people, of course, a provacatzia. But the media take became like, i've never seen that level of tolerance, like anybody who asked any question was not just wrong and most from the deserving of death no, as a doctor. Is that the view of doctors like anyone who questions this? Yeah it's why is downing .

tucker is one of those areas in medicine where it's become a religion and you can't question IT.

but why was that the case when you are a medical school?

Not really like I I don't understand what happened. I think there was there was a sense that that now we're being um not given the whole story in the whole truth. And I think this is true.

And know what, they attack you for asking questions. Yes, then you can be certain .

you're not in the and people attack me. This is a group of american council on science and health, which is gone after me. And they're are racy funded by monsanto and pesticide companies and farmer and tobacco companies and the fast with companies.

And so know like i'm i'm pretty fun yeah and and they sound great and this is one of their strategies. So so the way in which the food, you ask how this happened, it's not by accident. So the food industry and the agency have deliberately set up a series of actions and strategies across this all sectors of society to take over the names of one.

They fund most of the research. So there there's twelve times as much research quite on nutrition from food industry, in other words, the american beverage association as a study on artificial sweeteners, they find their fine and they know you would they do a study on so that they find IT doesn't cause O B C, right? That's kind of garbage science.

And there's eight to fifty times more likely to show benefit for their product if they're funding. So they take over the research of a structure. They they take over the professional associations, the american art association, this is one hundred and ninety two million dollars year from farming and food. American die association, camest and I texts all the major professional donations which we think are independent, giving us independent device, are found collapsed by this. And I I mean if that's .

I autism .

groups um because .

I was one of there's been this massive increased noticed I don't know .

what class OK right so and .

it's a life ending from one .

and five hundred to one twenty six years.

We all know people who have autistic children and it's really is a tragedy. So they're all these autism groups and they're they are incredibly pumps and self reaches but all of them have sort of shot down the idea that .

like we should ask any questions .

about where this comes from then somewhere ask about .

like .

you autism group, where are you .

interested exact .

so who's funding them do you know?

I don't know, but there is autism groups and then they funded only um professor associations and they funded trial research. But I see also put these front groups like the american counts on science and health and crop life and all these this sounding thing.

american council and science sounds very legitimate.

sounds legitimate. You these guys have .

these guys were in jail. Are you again in science and help what?

No, but what these guys was like, a jail for medicare are from for eight million dollars.

If you look at .

these guys are criminals. Yeah, i'm serious. So they and then they social groups.

So let's get this sucker, the fund like the N W A C P and espana ic federation. I'm aware. And and I I was .

with out sharped and we got a suits.

right? I I was with birdsong at the washing. Lana, a nice woman.

Yes, we were going to show the movie fed up, which was about child obesity and how our sugar industry was causing this and unity was causing and and she's nonviolence is just not non violence to others, but it's not violences, ed yourself. And I think this is important. And I want to show this film in the king center.

So I said, great. And so years later, you coming back and mark can do IT. I said, why collar funds a king center?

And this is not a problem in the black community.

Know if you looked so african americans in the sixties, they were healthier than what americans? If you look at that movie, amazing Grace for the ref. Franklin, no, it's a great movie. SHE was then in every book person in that in in oaklawn, one thousand nine hundred and seventy was then, and now eighty five percent of african great women.

overall. This IT was, I think.

not OK .

was the only. Okay.

will you record the gospel problem?

This was amazing case .

member to help oppose things that they want, like soa taxes. Or they find, like the children hospital, the phi, which is one of the premier children's hospital, what shop was going to actually come out in favor of? So attacks.

But coco colleague, ten million dollars. And they, they pull back. This is the kind of stuff they do.

They have, they fun science. They go up professions, associations. They fund, you know, the social groups. They create front groups and their huge lobbies, and so they are very deliberate and how they do the same fact. IT was IT was illegal.

I got a huge lawsuit against from secretary of the three general washing state because they included a lot of the food instructions included to fighting in chemo labelling, which they wanted to do in wash and know american. Syria are the only counties that don't allow g we think the company serious of problems. China and russia, you know are transparent about this .

and they're not one for not a lot in russia.

right? Ah and so basically they fun of this campaign for a ballot ship to defeat the gm of lading. And they they want, but they did IT illegally and they spend huge amounts of money doing IT.

And they were then fined and had the biggest a fine ever, which was trivial for them, was I got a something they had to pay, but I was trivial, but they got a big step on the rest for doing this. But but they want same thing in california when Jerry Brown was was governor. He's governor movie.

I mean, he's just left, you can get and and there were so attacks of being passed all in california, and the sodden sty got together. American family association. We're going to quit a about measure.

This can require two third majority for every vote in any state or local government, for anything would basically paralyze the government of california if they pass this beat measure. And they were funding IT with millions of dollars, had nothing to do with food. Is that looked Jerry? We're going to pull this bet measure, but you've got ta put in a permanent ban. And so the tax in california and he did, that's what's going on behind the seats.

That's how this man and bed on. So detect think out for you, there is no person a bit in any other kind of taxes. So that's that's also IT bothers me as I do think there should be one standard for everyone in every category.

There were all american citizens. So nobody should be to exempt taxes very much, including college and dominance, and nobody should be exempt from lawsuits unless all of us are. And so I don't understand like one of the reasons or the pedia surgeons do, to new replacements drunk, as they can be sued for IT, for drunk makers for a certain category of drug, have blank and community, where do I get .

a blanket community grants?

O I .

don't understand actually.

how does me .

one .

category of product have blanket community from status ally, blanket community and no. And there like what we provide a vital ital service. Everybody who works things, he provides a vital service doesn't think you think you're .

providing a vital service. I do. I mean, I don't innovation, science, you want to you accelerate things that may be really necessary in ways that you know are are probably not possible within the Normal course, how we develop .

truck well form.

how vaccines, you know some of them were not that profitable and and some are very profitable. Uh, but what's happened is that the in eight, I think, is eighty six. The U.

S. Government, in demonized vacine makers. Oh, I know. So that meant that they can make vaccines and never be sued. And they created vaccine court deal with the vaccine injury. And this point, or five billion .

dollars in vaccine.

intrigued drug companies paid for .

over five billion, the us. taxpayers. So you're saying that the drug companies can never be sued if they are. So federal vacation corp.

And and so that's .

the biggest game I think I ve ever worked ever.

I mean, in a way, I understand the thinking behind IT because you know you want incentives, rapid development of of drugs that they aren't going to be that profitable, right? So but IT turns out that many these drugs are profitable, like road to virus, which is a new vaccine. And we know when we were kids, they were like eight shots.

Now they were like seven, two shots you get and and many countries for people don't allow, for example, happy that is be at birth is a vaccine we're recommending in amErica and it's which you get from my bye drugs or sex. Now I don't only newborn's that are doing I V drugs or sex and and you know if you not a lot, probably a lot, but many countries don't actually have on the vaccines schedule. No, we do. And so with with roads vires, they provide a hundred billion dollars, one hundred billion dollars profit for them. That's not right.

Do you have any idea why the trial bar, which has always been more the most powerful office in washing and definitely most powerful democracy, haven't said anything about this? I don't know. So their argument is always been, look, if you want safer goods and services, you have to apply a penalty to people who are negligent.

I mean, that's what that their argument is not a crazy argument, by the way. And um coca cola, by the way, for all its false, can be sued if they poison you with the canada coke so they don't. So why wouldn't end, by the way, if you're I can't make enough money selling my product, one you convinced to buy IT, then just convince people that is a good product and they probably pay for IT? Yeah.

I know I understand that I mean, wasn't in a completely stupid idea, but it's ended up being a bit of disaster. And I think I think all we need is Better science, good science.

And I if you have a government that think you must use this product, you have you ve got no choice for punch if you don't use the product and then you get injured by the product, you most people got injured. I had no idea they could be injured because nobody told them that you get injured. You're told to shut up and to suck or die in silence and then you've got no recourse and and then the people who solved you, the product at gunpoint, become billionaire. That seems like a very flood.

It's a bit mess up. Mean.

it's it's kind of a perfect I mean.

for the drive. But but I just underscores at the bigger problem in our society, which is that we really have uh multination translational corporations profiting from creating more sickness. You know the food companies create illness.

Farmer companies pay for the illness, drug treatments, and the whole thing just works for them. But we have to change this, and when we can, as the federal government, change the policies, because other countries have done this, they're been successful. They're winning the war on this problem. And and we need to focus effort. And I think there's so many .

things that could be done. This administration, you tell us about the follow for you. You read a book with him. He's not just like some guy. You had a car.


me didn't staying with them. Do you want to see where your stand?

Because I thought I .

was slavery .

work in Bobby Kennedy.

Where the means is there too? Kelly was there? Yes, Kelly means to doctor r.

oz. All staying the others. Yeah, yeah. It's a conspiracy of light, I would say. But IT may be, you know about be really well, personally and professionally. What do you think his drunks are going into this job?

I think he has the right focus and perspective, which is that we have a crisis, which is a ronny epidemic, is been neglected by scientific community, phenomenally, is been neglected by the federal government, it's bankrupt, ting us, is causing destruction of our environment, of our social structures, of more academic, competitive, global competition, of our military. And he understands that this needs to be addressed.

And so I think that's a huge strength. I think he wants to focus on, on rooting out corruption, rooting out conflict of interest in in agencies. I think he wants in policies that are transformed, the health of america.

And and you know, we're working on a whole series of different ideas, but I think the nation should be reformed. They should basically fund, fund nutrition researcher in chronic disease, which they don't. Very small amount of money goes to the five percent, but it's eighty percent of the diseases we're in.

They they should have a Mandate, for example, that all medical schools and academic institutions that receive federal funding from any source should have an curriculum. And that should be mended IT. And there's there's a reason for that because doctor is graduating today, my daughter in medical school, she's a prethee tic school, a single thing. And nutrition, what you going to tell your patient have for lunch, you like. And and in their education, that could be changed .

true in dal school.

of course. Yeah, I learned about, know, quash, core, assumes and rickets. And I found me all these rare diseases from five different fiction, encies africa, proxy man, very.

barry. Yeah, very. Berry and paleo. M like I never seen in that, you know, like I didn't see, so I think know I didn't see some military tion when I am hate.

But but I was, you know, really, really rare. And and what we're not doing this, the N H can do a lot. And then the the H H S could fund with medication are nutrition services in many in medicine, which IT doesn't pay for now.

So if you die, tes or heart disease or honda causes seasons very hard to get nutrition services. And we we clean clinic, create a list yle change program where we got you can work together to change the behavior and change lifestyles based on the set of work. I did take warm and set them back church, where we got fifteen thousand people to lose according to and pounds in a year by actually getting healthy together.

So really is about behavior change and also what to do. So they change was in the refineries. They got rid the pancake breakfast cream socials.

They got, they got everybody jogging for jesus. That was was great. And then they lost a lot away. Rick lost, turned away. They got healthy. And we showed how people doing this in groups actually works, and this could be funded um by the federal government.

Will schools used to do that? Yeah I don't think they do anymore. no.

And so so we know we know actually how to change behavior. We know how to change these cloning diseases with food, and I need to be funded. Like I say, we don't have evidence based medicine.

We have embraced ment based medicine. There's a company called vta that reverses type to divide and sixty percent of their patients using A K genetic diet. They do IT with the continuous care online model.

They reverse all the bamboo ers for heart disease. They get those Better. They have about twelve .

percent weight loss, which can reverse sixty percent of diagnosed.

I think of the medication.

the main .

medication for divides. They get ninety plus percent of party six thousand dollars per diet patient. And if you apply that to the medicare diabetes population, just doing that alone would save one hundred billion dollars here.

You not even coming all the amputated limbs and suffering that goes wrong with that. So roughly, when is the average type to diabetic diagnosed .

as such events of in india? And you could be three years old ah you know eighty percent of textured by prema indians by the time there thirty have textured diabetes CD. Eighty percent eighty percent uh in different communities is rampant in afra americans is a much higher than why it's it's spend as much harder than wide.

So the age can vary, but the prediabetes arts early. So we're measuring with function my my company function health in some resistance and we're measuring instant. And most doctors never measure insulin. I asked quest, and how many doctors are measure instant Price? Less than one percent of the quest is the testing, get the question time, like less than one percent get measurements for.

And some, which is the single biggest thing we have a problem with america, which is our instance levels are spiking, cause of sugar, instant, when is high, caused you to store belly fat and makes you hungry at locks of fat, your fat cells and solution. So you're screwed, and you get stuck in this vicious cycle where you have hungry fat that makes you eat more, that makes you one exercise less, and you get this cycle of waking. Nobody wakes up any angle.

I want to be diabetic. I wanted be over way. I want to give. Nobody says .

that people do .

wake up craving sugar, Y I J.


Very quick, very CAD quick. Well, see.

you're on in a typical american diet and you're waking up with frosted flakes, creating some kind of big, say, much and then having positive for dinner. You do in that for ten years, how wing to take you to get out of the cycle.

I I actually done this with my patients for decades, and I created a program called the ten day detox diet, and essentially it's ten days of treating food addiction. And I want a book about IT, call the ten detox side to have an online program and starting actually in january, feel good, tended detox that com.

And essentially guys people through how to reset your biochemistry, your hormones, your got microbial metabolism very quickly through food. So one of these patients I had, including SHE lost, uh SHE started the program when three days shoes offer instant, so the cravings go away. In two or three days, you feel shady for two or three three days, and then you start reducing symptoms.

And what happens is when you take out the bad stuff and put in the good stuff, you see changes across your whole system. Because, you know, when I talk about food is a cause, it's through cost for so many of things people are suffer from. So depression and auto diseases.

And, uh, god issues anger, anger. I A, it's amazing. And sugar .

causes anger.

Yes, actually the day on what is pretty interesting. So the amiga la is the retail brain fighter flight is your yeah rip brain you will one and we have a frontal lobe, which is the grown up in the room yeah so you've got the the reptile kind of and you've got the the grown up. The communication there is important.

So when you when you're walking on the street and you see if a beautiful woman, you said you, i'd like to kissed that woman. You don't do IT because you know, it's not a good idea for your marriage. right? Yeah, right.

you. G I like that car over there. I wanted you to take that car, and my car was stolen from my driving two days ago, was crazy. But as on this story, but you know, people don't have control over their behavior because the mida and the front lobe communication is interrupted by information inflation. Tion in the brain is the reuse of so many of brain issues who depressions information, autism is information, add as information, alzheimer's inflation, tion of the brain. And Chris palmer is that harbert psychiatrists who got a book called brain, and he talking about this, and how he current chizen hania using a key to jack die before getting people .

off a sugar curing schizophrenia. Yes.

yes. So so we am saying these things that sound like crazy. Herrera, we can sales hamers or a .

tibet is crazy.

No, I mean, the science is there. It's like if you look if you actually look online, there's a national library medicine database called up met. Anybody can search IT and you can look at these things and you can look up up. There's online, their studies done studio. So IT sounds .

like you said so far, the key generic diet can cure. But I know schizophonia opa, so what I so we described the gene diet to be ah so so basically .

this is something was developed for apple ec years ago because when no drugs were eulogist realized ed, that if they put people on a diet where their brain was just running on key tones, which is the fuel instead of sugar that the body can run, remember there were hybrid A C D C, the gasoline is carbs and the hybrid electric clean burning fuels key tones. So when you switch to key tones, IT actives the brain's uh repair systems IT improves my a kinda function and reduce information IT helps cognitive function at every level. So i've seen to work from autism to alzheimer's to schizophrenia to depression.

This is just an all protein diet.

is not all protein, is fat, is actually seventy five percent fat. All of oil, avocado s, nuts and seeds, anal fats, very fast and IT basic should be a healthy version of IT. Because you can know e bacon an idea, but you, you, you can do healthy heat jack diets that actually improve health and reverse disease and work across all these things.

So sugar is really driving this big problem, sugar and starch. And by the way, flower bo, I mean how to have a um election the day and a woman said, you know, I had a bagel correctly. I knows I had a glucose model, my sugar Spike seventy points.

You know, she's got a metallic problem. And and you can start to see, when you eat these foods, your body gets just regulated. Can you use a diet that actually shuts off this cravings, that repairs the meta lic s function, that improves in some sensitivity? IT doesn't take long.

So so it's shocking. In five or ten days, you get we get a seventy percent reduction from all symptoms and all diseases by people just changing your diet. And most people, tiger, don't connect how they feel with what they're eating. They don't make the connection. And so they think they are suffer from all these problems that are related to .

what they why is so hard for people to maintain? Peter, gene diet? What's a very extreme diet?

I don't think you need to be so extreme like a tended detox is not kiddo but IT does like the eight or ninety percent of the benefit so you get a more start.

Let's just say you just i'm going on a kito diet from now until I die .

yeah but probably ably you know what you want to do is use IT to fix the problem and then come off IT. We were always doing this historically because we were hunching and gathering, and sometimes we'd hunt and gather very well. We couldn't find anything.

So we would switch into burning fact because we probably have twenty five hundred calories of sugar store dinner muscles that doesn't last very long than last a day, but we probably have thirty, fifty, sixty hundred thousand calories fat in our body, because we just naturally have found our body. And that's a great source of fuel. So what happens if the body starts to break down the fat and uses that? And that's what happens when we overnight fast, and we do, you know, kdj diet, you swipe into this alternative meant about pathway.

And that pathway is incredibly helpful for games, is how for reverse in ronit diseases. And across all these these these were seeing the same thing happened. So really the bottom line here is that sugar and starch is the problem in america. And it's in every process. Food is in what people are eating every day, and people have no idea how much you're consuming.

And so if you take out all the sugar and all the starch is at the .

same as quito necessarily, I mean, for you, you can, if you can take an ultra cess food and you can stop your liquid sugar calories.

People, more good facts in good quality protein, lots of and vegetables of our problems will go away is is not complicated science and so you don't have to be super stream but if you are an extreme situation and you have an extreme disease on your fire at the inspections um of textual diabetes, yeah you might need to do that for a while. Tell you fiction metabolite. So once you .

fix your metabolic turn to the one percent.

I mean, yeah I mean you've got like I showed you the picture last night in that woman he had a ibd SHE had heart failure SHE had hypertension, shed kidney feeling, shed fatty liver SHE changed her diet in three months he was off all medications of oil and silent reversal divides is reverse your heart father, reverse your Candy file version or liver? She's other way to harden and kid transplant is not a patient who is like just slightly broken. She's she's sixty six other way out and in the year last one hundred and sixteen pounds, enough all medication and IT wasn't through rockin science or or through some great new dance and medicine. He was just to applying the .

basic principles of nutrition and pretty any independent .

patient and fifties, can he be two? If you're on, you know, you you can probably get sixty to seventy percent of those people off of instant or dramatically go on infant. And you can reverse completely diabetes in about sixty seven person of those patients. And this is well documented science, I not know.

pulling us out of the air. So why wouldn't that be a goal?

That's one, one. One of the things I think the administration tion needs to do is, I mean, we spend over a billion dollars a day on diabetes.

And this is the .

completely avoidable problem and is the biggest driver. Again, all these problems here, diabetes, you're four times likely in alzheimer, more likely a cancer, more likely a heart attacks. All the things are caused by this fundamental problem of sugar n start.

And so I think that the federal government should initiate a dibs reversal campaign across A, H, S. And other human services and fund these trials and demonstration projects, show this works and the scale up, because this is a solvable problem. You know, I can't, I can't fix medal east, the crisis I know, and the warm ukraine.

I can't prevention. But this is a solvable problem. The answers are clear. The solutions are clear.

We didn't interview with the woman called casey means she's a stanford to educated surgeon, and really one of the most remarkable people I have ever met. In an interview, he explained how the food that we eat, produced by huge food companies, big food, in conjunction with farmer, is destroying our health, making this a weak and sick country. The levels of chronic disease are beyond belief.

What casey means, we've not stop thought, thinking about ever since. Is the cofounder a healthcare technology company called levels, and we are proud to announced today that we are partnering with levels. And by proud, I mean, I sincerely proud levels is a really interesting company in a great product that gives you insight into what's going on inside your body.

Meta lic health that helps you understand how the food they are eating, the things you're doing every single day or affecting your body in real time. And you don't think about IT, you've no idea what you're putting in your math and you have no idea what is doing to your body. But over time you feel weak and tired and spaces and over you need a longer paid time, can get really sick.

So was worth knowing what the food you eat is doing to you. The levels APP works for something called the continuous blue coast monitor. A, C, G, M, you can get one as part of the plane. You can bring your own IT doesn't matter.

But the bottom line is big tech, big farmer and big food, combined together to form an incredibly moez lent force, pumping newton of garbage and healthy food with artifical sugars and hurting you and hurting the entire country. So with levels we be able to see immediately what all of this is doing to you. You get access to real time, personalize data, and it's a critical step to changing your behavior.

Those of us who, like rios, can tell you, first hand, this isn't talking in your doctor and an annual physical looking backwards about things you did in the past. This is up to the second information on how your body is responding to different foods and activities that thinks that give you stress your sleep at at sea. It's easy to use, gives you powerful personalized health data.

You can make much Better choices about how you feel. And over time, it'll a huge effect. Right now, you can get an additional two, three months when you go to levels dot link slash tucker.

That's levels dot link slash tucker. This is the beginning of what we hope will be a long and happy partnership with levels. And doctor casey means.

So I buy everything you're saying, but it's demonstrative ly true. You can feel IT in yourself here. And you know, one anomaly does not disprove a general truth. Donal trump s, is that one Normally? Yes.

know out of humor. U, B. Blake. He was A U. M. Musician and he didn't know, smoke and drank, and I didn't aircraft. He says, if I had known, I was going to live so long and I want to take him Better care myself. And I think, you know, there are people have .

a father like .

they are people who, just like, madam, come SHE live to one hundred and two years old SHE smoke SHE drank SHE told the chocolate SHE was never married. Maybe I was her secret, but he was the all the human error. yes.

And you know, some people just have genes that make them go no matter what. And so I would like to see what this blood mark says. I would like to know what's going on in the od.

I mean, that would be amazing and certainly would like to help anybody be healthy. I take care. Everybody know, one day my office had A, A, uh, a muslim.

I had a chief, abbi. I had A, A top democrat, a top republican. I had a Christian pastor was like, I was so funny.

I have a doctor. I take her humans. And no, biology is by partisan. We we all are human. We all suffer from the same thing.

There are genetic omali. Yeah and three days ago got to get often but .

he's twenty .

five years old than I am yeah .

and .

as much saying, as much sucking up, I I wouldn't say anything if this want to true but the guys sharp, you actually shop really precise, recall fast, funny, you know, you pretty good shape, seventy nine and that just a few of nature.

I think I think that is I mean, I think you know, uh, what I love him to get healthy and everybody to get healthy yes, that's my job on a doctor but um if he's managing and doing great, I see what can .

I say but for most of us that's not yeah I can feel it's .

not going work no more in the human world. He's in the Normal.

That's what sorry, had to say that I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah you're right. I don't know anybody's really .

had a chance to talking about his health and health race and how we can do Better. But you know I don't I don't know, I don't know how you do how would do that job at seventy eight years old but he he was like.

yeah, yeah, yeah so is not like and the way most have known A A lot of people in president and none of them are kind of Normal here. It's it's an unusual job. IT takes a lot to get. There is a certain kind of person there are I don't know, the last time we had a president die in office has spent .

quite some time but .

IT seems to kind of suspend .

maybe it's .

the intense that now actually but um but they took keep going no no so you think that after all the the powerful forces you've described the rate against them but Kennedy.

so I do I I think what going on amErica is an awakening. I think there's an awareness that the trust in our medical system and science system is broken and need to be repair and needs integrity and needs someone. Yes, calling out the complex of interest in these good science being produced.

And I think you know with with the understanding that now were in this quantic crisis that he's so well articulated and people like kc and kalian your cause, I guess i've done that. I've done for decades that somehow it's getting through. But this is never an issue.

This was never an issue in any. I've been crying from rooftop zone for thirty years. I found a voice crying in the wilderness, and now it's unbelievable to me to see.

must be pretty cool.

you know. And I see that there's an awake in amErica that people are sick, tired of being sick, tired. They they're seeing everyone in their family sick.

They're seeing the rise of all the diseases. They know something broken and they know the drugs and current system is not fixing at the way as they need be fixed. And and we need somebody to lead this. And I think you know, Bobby has his issues in these controversies and his questions.

But the very hard I think he's he's focused on the right thing, which is focusing on the root cause of a the epidemic, focusing on the problems of food system with our x system and and that is the right thing to be doing. And I think the federal government has enormous power to actually change this through a whole set of different actions across different agencies that all can work together to make a difference. And i'm thinking this is now going to happen.

I think we can provide for these things across all the agents season. We're not like hard things, right? We can.

We can improve snap. We can improve school lunches. We can improve our diarrheal guideline and fun those.

And we have dietary guidelines for americans. There is no funding for them. The congress man is that they produced every five years. I met with the guide lines people in H A justice, that we have to go around the tim cup to the other departments, the big ford nickles, to actually fund our work because we don't get any Better of funding to create the data guidance nis nason, the national academy science mean engineering, which is supposed to review the literature and be an independent scientific body looking at the research, doesn't have the funding to do basic literature reviews and science reviews to actually inform on the dietary y guidelines.

There is no money in the process and there's no money to implement the guidelines to actually create, uh, awareness and implementation across amErica for what we should be eating. So the whole system is is sort of broken and we need to regard that we can find I don't know how many billion of dollars you spent on forever wars. I am we're talking about a few million dollars, like a few millions of dollars could make a profound difference in actually getting the right things done.

So we have the ability to change this happening in the D. O. D. As well, you know, with the military readers and and performance and perhaps cement.

And i've been working with special ops forces on some of the stuff and and know the military started to understand that this is an issue and show some of their policies you, the N I H. Needs to fund again reached message, which should probably have a national institute tion like many other countries have. We shouldn't allow funding for medical schools that don't actually provide nutrition circumstance.

We should you know um have our agricultural system supporting farmers and transition to a gentle agriculture, healthier food and various communities and stop their their extreme decline into sort of financial ruin and suicide. Why why is there are three hundred fifty percent hier risk suicide and farmers? No, that's ridiculous.

And that's because of of our policies and what we're doing and how they're squeeze. So we have across all the agencies, such tremendous power can make simple changes that can really transform america. Front of package labelling.

We can do front packages labelling, inform people about what's in their food like they have in other countries. You know, get out. The stuff in the european union has has really clear, clearly identified the most harmful chemicals in our food.

Get them out of our food. I mean, you you go to ear up or you go to, uh, canada, you don't see the same product with the same ingredients. Ts, like fruit t loops. You know there is a big four thousand percent petition against fruit loop because their their U S. Product is full.

All kinds of dies and colors, whether kind of the used know there's carrot dire used to know blueberry die, or are the things to make a colorful, not not harmful, dies that are banned. Other countries. So these companies already do IT.

Why shall they do IT in america? If you get crap, make cheese in america, it's got dies. They didn't love in you.

So they do the same. Companies are making the product. They just do, don't do IT here.

This is cheaper. yeah. So we need to just enforce these standards and we should adopt the precautionary your principle. You know we we shouldn't allow things in our food that we don't know we're healthy or are we don't know our are good for if they're harmful. Um we should know about IT. So the study should be done to prove they're safe and effective, rather just approving them and then waiting and seeing if their harmful and then taking more of them work. IT, which is kind of what we do is it's different than the precautionary principal, which is, you know, you're guilty into province and here you're innocent into proven guilty, which is fine in the court of law for a human being, but not for a food added to our chemical that .

could harm human health. What each about doctors? I haven't been the doctor in a long time because of so distressed, because i've seen so many doctors recklessly described drugs that have destroyed people's lives at all. That s also, it's like IT seems like an incredibly reckless group of people have have no moral authority left from my perspective. But we need doctors with moral authority who practiser ence like.

what how do you change that? I would say, doctor, the most doctors wanted to medicine to do. You got, I think that's right. And there IT go.

Cause is D, Z.

I mean, the well meaning are often doing, and they're caught up in a system that are, that is is kind of collected them. And I and I took me while to get deep programmed. I was programmed by medical school.

I was thought that, you know, this is, this is this bastion of science, that everything is pure and clean, there's no conflict. That everything you mean, the science paper is true that that pharmaceuticals, the solution to our problems. I mean, this is what we were taught and and we were taught .

arma utica with the solution to our problems.

Yeah, I mean, what did the doctors took? IT? It's a knife and a prescription pad that's IT yeah and if you have cancer radiation, right? So basically, we don't have a help about tools and and if you take away doctors prescription pad, how do they practice medicine? But I almost never pull on my prescription pad.

I don't need to because lifestyle and food are the best drugs on the planet. They're not like drugs. They work Better than any other drugs like exercise, sleep.

These are profoundly foundation to our health. And we have have a disease system, not a health system. We don't have a medical assistant based on the science of creating health.

We have assistant based on the signs of a diagnosing, treating diseases is rather looking at the cause IT. So part of the promise is an education. And I think doctors wanted to the right thing, and they're frustrated.

And I can tell you, banging on the inside because. Twenty for ten years, people come out of the world. Work like this is great.

We want to change. We see. We need to understand how to do things differently.

Told me, cause group, who is this? So the most visionary CEO in medicine? He was asked by you, the by administration, the trump administration, everybody to work for him, like everybody wants him. He blame clini C2Be on the num ber two, a center of health care in the world, male clinic, very competition. He said, ma was what you put on your sandwich.

He was very funny, but he adamant the world economic forum, and I said to be, what if I can empty out half your hospitals and culture, your Andrew plastic and bypass and have and then the number one, hard hospital, the world? He said that would be a great idea. I said, why you're going to cut your revenue, have we can do about that, this will figure out is the right thing to do.

So he invite me to come and and I would I mean, like, I didn't want about to clean them. And he had a good life. And like he says, I want you to come and maybe whatever you want, but must do this.

We need to dress, dress differently. The way we're doing is wrong when you think differently. And he, he gave me car launch, and we built the center.

We had one tons of research and we showed the model works and and IT really just gets into the root of the problem. And so there is a shift in medicine. There are doctors were flocking to this. There are people who are understanding this. This is broken.

But but it's it's a tough self for for some people because because they're so brainwashed as I can thear this flat, you can miss you this flat and you can give us people otherwise and you we're still arguing over things like evolution. You know hundred and fifty years later, I mean, we're tagging over the worth is fat, these people who are fat authors, right? So this is the problem in medicine.

There's a scientific paradise change that needs to happen. And doctors are starting to get that this is true. And I think it's it's it's not that they're trying to do something palm polar bad.

They're just stuck in a system and they they need to deliberated and and I I melt with cattle civilians, when I was going around trying to get these policies in obama care around lifestyle change, said, this is a great idea. If these lives are changed, programs for medicare, people are going to get Better, their healthier er, we're going to be just healthcare are costs and healthy outcomes, SHE said. But who's going to have to do IT? I said don't worry about that because if you pay for IT, people will figure out out.

If you pay for an angle classes, if you pay for an engine classes, doctors learn how to do Angel classes, right? You do not have to worry about that. If you pay for lifestyle intensive change program that works Better.

Then I mean, this woman I was talking about SHE SHE twenty thousand hours a cope. I don't know what her other medications cost for the insurance are the help care system. Plus was in a hospital a type.

Should we probably save the health are system a million box? I got paid two hundred and visit. We don't get the benefit as doctors for doing the right thing.

We get benefit for doing the wrong thing. We get benefit for a paying more, I mean, for doing more, not doing the right thing. So it's it's a reinforcement based stem based on fever service and through put not based on outcomes managed.

If you were making cars and and you know car company that produce cars, IT didn't work or they got at they know about a lot and they just fell part after few years. So they had to come back costing to get fixed every month. You would have a car company.

But that's we do medicine. As we do medicine, we have we have a system that doesn't really fix the problem. And people are are not actually getting the solutions that the science says work like the things we have been talking about on the show.

So I think we have a historic opportunity now. I mean, it's fraught, right? There's going to be an in the trillions of dollars that take you took her trillions of dollars in the food industry, in the agonist ry.

The faster companies, all these companies are, are, are gonna frightened about this. And they they are already circling the wagons. They are already coming around washington working on just crediting everybody in this, in this administration.

They're pushing back hard because because they know the reckoning is coming. And I think it's time. I mean, the american people should not be the victims of this system.

Like I said, ninety six percent of us are somewhere in the spectrum of prediabetic prediabetes that's fighting to me as a doctor. I mean that that's just like when I was, when I was in medical school, this wasn't a problem. There was no juvenile diabetes that were kids had tied abeles. This exist and that that all I know. So walking, look at the pictures .

in woodstock from August of sixty, exactly one hundred and fifty thousand shortness.

you were there .

was born. And you can see the ribs exactly.

you know? So this is not a genetic problem. You've got, you know, scientists from harvard in this obese genetic is not. I mean, there are gene.

What is the celebration of unhealth that you seen for the last four years? And attacking people who try to stay fit is right wing. It's a political .

category to be healthy. And what .

is that sit? And is the game thing, I think, sited to encourage people to be unhealthy?

I mean, you know, do you know those a number I think he was in? Whose paying for? Why should you post your what they a whole sort of series of articles on how the food industry is a hijacked at the media so they talk about how forty percent of the nutritious or on social media are paid by the funnest ry to promote false concepts like don't worry about how many cause you're eating each, whatever you want, indulge yourself. You know it's it's really quite striking how deliberate their actions are. And and so I think I think the the sad thing is that people are are actually been manipulated.

Food system.

Yeah, this was an export I think was in the h why should post and I was like, and you see IT and and .

so I is paying Fishers I don't was celia hoo .

but I mean forty percent of the budget of the american academic tion ditech s is paid for mobile food ministry um and they have panels uh where where you ve got people from mcDonald and .

coke cola on o so you're saying the most physicians want to do good world and but if you're i'm sorry, if you're a nutritional taking money from, you know the big goods industry .

and so good and .

I you must know that you're corrupt because that's corruptly I I .

guess i'm not taking .

money from George soros no. And if I were I I would know that .

I was cropped right exactly. So it's is how the systems rich and unfortunate people .

participating in this system are also capable. Sorry.

I think so. I mean, I think you know there, I think for sure those nutritious, I think doctors are stuck because they they wanted the right thing. They don't have the education of what to do.

They don't have to do IT and they they only told one thing, which is these drugs work for these problems and give these prescriptions. And like I said at the beginning, we've seen dramatic crisis and all crises and even more dramatic risks in the user. Prescription medication for those diseases, which we're not getting Better.

We're forty life expectancy. We spend more than double any other nation. On joe rogan, A, I gave us a slide to a friend of mine, Kelly, and he gave IT to trump.

Give IT to somebody has to give you a trump that he used on your room, which showed, no, the life expectancy, amErica and the cost of our healthier expenditures. We're completely kind of off off the chart. So so life expects going down. Other countries are high. We're spending twice as much.

Anybody else IT must be nice to live long enough to be vindicated in van go. Never got that. But you yeah. I mean.

I and i'm optimistic. C tucker R, I think we're in a moment where where the country is ready for change for the country understands we have this health crisis where they're willing to make changes. And I think if if if the politicians in congress understand these issues, I think to make the right choices, I think if they have um they supporting the american people, which I think they they do, they can make choices.

They're difficult and often against the people who are funding their campaigns, are for funding their super backs. And we have to realize we have a button paid for system and and it's unfortunately, but I think that the problems get big enough. We have to face and .

that talk to my time and thank you very .

much pressure.

Thanks for listen and stuck across some show. If you enjoy IT, you can go to stuck across and that calm to see everything that we have made the complete library cross dock.