cover of episode Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way

Dr. Mark Hyman: Everything You're Eating Is Toxic, and Big Pharma Likes It That Way

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The Tucker Carlson Show

Mark Hyman
Tucker Carlson
Tucker Carlson认为美国正面临着严重的健康危机,医疗成本高昂,慢性病患病率居高不下。他认为,这一问题与食品体系、政府政策以及利益冲突密切相关。 Mark Hyman博士则详细阐述了美国慢性病流行的根本原因在于食品体系。他指出,食品工业为了追求利润最大化,生产和销售大量的超加工食品,这些食品含有过量的糖、淀粉和有害化学物质,严重损害了美国人的健康。此外,食品行业对儿童的垃圾食品营销以及政府的农业补贴政策也加剧了这一问题。他认为,解决这一问题需要从田间到餐桌改变食品体系,改变政府政策,以及提高公众对食品和健康的认识。他还强调了生活方式干预在预防和逆转慢性疾病中的重要作用,并介绍了他创立的Function Health公司提供的血液检测服务以及十天排毒饮食计划。 Mark Hyman博士还讨论了癌症、阿尔茨海默病等慢性疾病的成因和治疗方法。他认为,癌症细胞以糖为食,减少糖的摄入可以抑制癌症;阿尔茨海默病可以通过积极的生活方式干预来逆转。他还指出,大多数美国人患有代谢紊乱,胰岛素水平升高是导致肥胖和慢性病的重要因素。他认为,美国医疗体系更关注疾病的治疗,而非健康的创造,并呼吁政府采取措施,改变食品体系,提高公众健康意识,以及改变医疗报销制度,从而解决美国慢性病流行的问题。

Deep Dive

Key Insights

Why is the American food system contributing to chronic diseases?

The American food system is driven by industry interests, particularly the food, agricultural chemical, and seed companies, which profit from making people sick. This system supports commodity crops like corn, soy, and wheat, which are turned into ultra-processed foods that are not technically food but chemically engineered substances harmful to health. These foods are ubiquitous, marketed heavily, and contribute to chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

How does ultra-processed food affect human biology?

Ultra-processed foods, which make up a significant portion of the American diet, disrupt normal appetite regulation, causing people to consume more calories. They are designed to be addictive, hijacking biochemistry and creating a vicious cycle of hunger and overeating. This leads to weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, and a host of chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

What role does the government play in the current health crisis?

The government subsidizes commodity crops like corn, soy, and wheat, which are then turned into unhealthy ultra-processed foods. Additionally, government food assistance programs, like SNAP, allow the purchase of junk food, funded by taxpayer dollars. This systemic support for unhealthy food choices exacerbates the chronic disease epidemic, costing the healthcare system billions.

How can changes in food policy improve public health?

Changes in food policy could include banning junk food advertising to children, implementing clear front-of-package labeling, and enforcing higher standards for food safety and nutrition. Government procurement policies could prioritize healthy food for military, schools, and prisons. These changes would reduce the consumption of ultra-processed foods, improve public health, and lower healthcare costs.

Why are farmers struggling despite government subsidies?

Farmers are struggling because they are caught in a toxic loop of government subsidies for commodity crops like corn and soy, which are not profitable when sold as whole foods. They are forced to use expensive seeds, fertilizers, and chemicals provided by large corporations, leading to high debt and a 350% higher suicide rate among farmers compared to the general population.

How does the food industry influence public health policies?

The food industry exerts significant influence over public health policies through lobbying, funding research that promotes their products, and controlling professional associations. They create front groups that appear legitimate but push industry-friendly messages, often hiding the harmful effects of their products. This influence distorts public health guidelines and policies, prioritizing industry profits over public health.

What are the long-term effects of ultra-processed foods on society?

Ultra-processed foods contribute to a wide range of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, which place a significant burden on healthcare systems and national economies. They also affect national security by making military recruits unfit for service and impair academic performance in children. The economic cost of treating these diseases is enormous, with taxpayers footing the bill for much of it.

Why is there resistance to changing food assistance programs to promote healthier diets?

There is resistance because the food industry profits from the current system, where food assistance programs fund the purchase of junk food. Changing these programs to promote healthier diets would cut into industry profits, leading to strong opposition from food manufacturers and distributors. Additionally, there is a misconception that healthier food is less affordable and less convenient, which the industry perpetuates.

How can healthcare providers better address chronic diseases?

Healthcare providers can better address chronic diseases by focusing on root causes such as diet and lifestyle rather than just prescribing medications. This includes educating patients on nutrition, encouraging physical activity, and providing support for behavior change. Healthcare systems should also integrate nutrition services and incentivize providers to focus on preventive care rather than just treating symptoms.

What is the role of sugar in the development of chronic diseases?

Sugar, particularly in the form of added sugars and refined carbohydrates, plays a significant role in the development of chronic diseases. It contributes to insulin resistance, which is a precursor to type 2 diabetes, and it fuels the growth of cancer cells. High sugar intake is also linked to obesity, heart disease, and cognitive decline, making it a major contributor to the chronic disease epidemic.

Dr. Mark Hyman discusses his radicalization towards understanding the root causes of chronic diseases, particularly focusing on the impact of ultra-processed foods and the food industry's role in driving these epidemics.
  • Chronic disease epidemic driven by food
  • Food industry's deliberate actions to make people sick
  • Blaming the victim for obesity and chronic diseases

Shownotes Transcript

Big companies are poisoning Americans. Dr. Mark Hyman has been saying that for thirty years. He’s finally been vindicated. 

(00:00) Bobby Kennedy as Trump’s New HHS Director

(04:04) Obesity and “Ultra Processed Foods”

(23:07) Does Junk Food Cause Cancer and Alzheimer's?

(45:31) Who’s Funding the Chronic Health Disease Epidemic?

(50:39) Healthy Food Decreasing Violence in Prisons

(57:30) Vaccines

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