主持人认为乔·拜登是邪恶的,并且对Cat Turd与亚当·金辛格的冲突以及Cat Turd账号的走红表示关注。Cat Turd则讲述了自己的个人经历,包括在军队服役、吸毒酗酒、从事音乐和光纤建设工作等,并解释了其创建社交媒体账号的动机以及对美国政治和社会现状的看法,包括对两党政治的批评、对当前教育体系的担忧以及对未来政治局势的预测。 Cat Turd认为自己受到了死亡威胁和骚扰,并对政府对这些行为的漠不关心表示不满。他批评了民主党人和共和党人,并表达了对美国未来政治和社会走向的担忧,包括对特朗普的支持、对尼基·黑利和迈克·彭斯的批评以及对2024年总统大选的预测。

Deep Dive

Catturd, a social media influencer, shares his life story from growing up in Northwest Florida, joining the army, and transitioning to a professional musician. He discusses his unexpected rise to fame on Twitter after initially joining with no social media experience.
  • Catturd is from Northwest Florida and joined the army at 17.
  • He suffered a back injury while serving and was medically discharged.
  • Catturd became a professional musician, playing in a band.
  • He later worked in fiber optics construction.
  • Joined Twitter at 54 with no prior social media experience and quickly gained a large following.

Shownotes Transcript

Meet the man who made Adam Kinzinger cry: Catturd 

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