Calley Means
Tucker认为Ozempic的流行反映了美国严重的肥胖问题和人们对快速减肥方法的渴望,并质疑其安全性。Calley Means则从三个方面批判Ozempic:首先,他认为Ozempic未能解决肥胖的根本原因,即不健康的饮食和生活方式;其次,他指出Ozempic本身存在严重的医学风险,包括胃瘫痪、体重反弹和精神健康问题;最后,他揭露了医药公司通过利益输送和腐败手段操纵医疗机构和媒体,以推广Ozempic,并指出美国医疗体系的腐败是导致这一问题的根本原因。他认为,美国政府的农业补贴政策、食品券计划等都助长了不健康的饮食习惯,而Ozempic的出现则反映了医药公司利用这一现状牟利。他呼吁政府采取措施,从根本上解决代谢健康危机,而不是依赖药物治疗。他认为,解决这一问题需要政府采取多项措施,包括限制医药公司在电视新闻上的广告支出、改革农业补贴政策和食品券计划、加强医疗机构的监管等。 Calley Means详细阐述了Ozempic的潜在危害,包括胃肠道问题、体重反弹以及精神健康问题,并指出这些问题在欧洲等国家并未得到广泛关注,这反映了美国医疗体系的特殊性。他认为,美国医疗体系的腐败是导致Ozempic泛滥的根本原因,医药公司通过向医生和医疗机构行贿,操纵研究结果和医疗指南,以推广其产品。他批评了美国儿科学会将Ozempic作为青少年肥胖症的一线治疗方案的建议,认为这是不负责任的。他还指出,媒体对新冠疫情的报道中缺乏对肥胖与新冠死亡率之间关系的深入探讨,这反映了媒体的失职以及医药公司对媒体的影响。他认为,美国人对Ozempic缺乏足够的怀疑态度,这与之前对新冠疫苗的反应形成对比,这反映出美国肥胖问题的严重性以及人们对快速减肥方法的渴望。他认为,解决美国代谢健康危机需要政府采取多项措施,包括限制医药公司在电视新闻上的广告支出、改革农业补贴政策和食品券计划、加强医疗机构的监管等。

Deep Dive

Calley Means argumenta que la obesidad es un síntoma de una disfunción metabólica subyacente y no una deficiencia de Ozempic. Critica el enfoque de la industria farmacéutica en las inyecciones semanales de Ozempic, que cuestan $20,000 por paciente, en lugar de abordar las causas fundamentales de la obesidad.
  • La obesidad es un síntoma, no una causa raíz.
  • Ozempic no aborda las causas subyacentes de la obesidad.
  • El costo de Ozempic es de $20,000 por paciente por año.

Shownotes Transcript


You would think less than two years after the very public failure of the covet vaccine, ines, that more people, this contrived be sackett al of brand new farmer products. And maybe they are, but they don't seem very skeptical. Al of OEM mpc, which is a diabetes drug that apparently, least in the short term, can help people lose weight.

And on one you can see what are not skeptical. This is a very fat country. That's a huge problem. And a lot of people, a lot of us wouldn't mind losing twenty pounds by taking A P.

So why shouldn't we? Will we thought to be interesting to hear, the other side decided you were not hearing on the question of o embed from someone who knows a lot about IT Kelly means is the founder of trump. He once work for farmer. He definitely does not know, and he joins us today and still can I thanks much.

Come on out to be a ducker.

So you want those twenty am speaking from experience. You want these twenty pounds. You don't really want to stop eating pizza. This seems like a super quick way to get healthier um why wouldn't take exempt? Why should I take empt?

There are three big reasons as a bigger very problematic and I think really there is that a stone to understanding what's gone wrong in healthcare and Frankly, farming industry corruption. The first point I want to make is that if a fish tank is dirty, you clean the tank, you don't drug the fish. And in america, right? So they won't notice.

In amErica right now, we've got a very dirty tank. Uh, fifty percent of teens and eighty percent of adults are overweight. And this has happened in just a generation.

We didn't become systematically laser in the past generations americans and Frankly suicide dal um something has happened. And the core mistake of olympic is that obesity is not an olympic deficiency. Obesity is not the root cause of the problem. Obesity is one branch of the tree of underlying medaba is function that's ravaging our country um as we talked about, with over fifty percent of americans having three dibs now thirty .

three percent of Young .

most americans have preda b all is by some measure .

up to sixty .

percent of the whole country are of adults and thirty three percent of Young adults in tens and you have a diese doctor you know just a generation ago won't see one child in their entire careers uh with diabetes diabetes which which again a cellular disfunction, a cellular disruption um hold caused by environmental factors of more reading that's um that's close to becoming right.

Upwards of fifty percent of kids is thirty three person growing radically teens uh twenty five percent have fat liver disease which is something you only used to see in alderby alcoholic so there's there's a meta lic health crisis um that's caused by decisions, right? The U S D. A which is completely crop.

The guidelines of the set nutrition standard, ninety five percent of the guideline communities paid for by food companies. They say that the two year old, that ten percent of their diet could be added sugar. We have more money from agricultural subsidies.

AmErica today go to cigarettes, go to tobacco and vegetables. Ninety percent of subsides go to highly process food. We've prop this industry up, up food stamps, right? Which fifty percent of americans depend on for nutrition. A ten percent of all food stamps funding to go to soda with the only country in the world that allows that. So we have to shoulder goes to soa.

So the the U. S. Government pays people .

to drink shoulder. We, the U. S. Government, direct from the federal treasury, more than ten billion dollars per year go from the federal treasury to show the companies through the food stand program.

The number one item purchased with food stamps in amErica is addictive, diabetes, water. We prop that up with food sensors we talked about last time. I actually used to work and consult with coke and we paid the inc.

P and groups to say IT was racist to take that away. Um we totally rig the debates. So through a corrupt system, we actually subsidize so that we do ten of these things, right? We do ten easily identifiable things that are causing us, Frankly, to be poisoned. And and instead of talking about the root cause, were saying that a weekly injection, but you have to take for your entire life, they cost twenty thousand dollars.

Her patient, when eighty percent of american adults are overweight, obese, were saying, that is the answer for obesity um we have a dirty tank and farmers basically changed our consensus reality to say, you know, when all these things are happening all at one student, environmental factors are savor what we you do the math on twenty thousand dollars per patient, eighty percent of american adults we're talking. And this is clear on wall street, bood stocks are going down. Farmer stocks are going out because this is they're doing court whales on the wall street. This is on track because of government funding, because we are standing put trillions of government funding into this drug to be the most successful drug .

in american history. So what wow um there's a lot there. But let me just get back to the individual decision where to take or not to take this drug. So you're overweight, you have prediabetes and your doctor says, you know what you would say, which is that a very serious thing to have discuss this common as a means on bad IT is bad, and this drug can cure IT. Why wouldn't do that?

As that was really well into the second issue. Why is a big g so problems? So on a societal level, you know I think anyone that agrees, you know if you just just looking at this issue um you know putting everybody in, putting everyone there's epic for their lives is and the first thing you do to sow BBC but even if IT was perfect, even if the right, even if was perfect, but the problem is when you get to the individual level, this drug medically is a absolute disaster. Medical, medical is a disaster.

So all you need to know is that noble nor tics, the company that makes the drug, recently passed L, B, mage to become the most valuable company in europe. So this, this company, most valuable company, europe, they don't allow this drug for A, B, C, D. In europe.

Almost all of noble notis revenue is coming from taking advantage of americans. This is not the first line of defense for obesity in any european country, is not approved by the government regulators. They are saying on their stock calls that they're all of their growth is coming from the U.

S. They're taking advantage of a broken U. S. System in the united states. And when you dive into IT, even people in the united states to are getting government funding insurance, finding for the drug, pay for thirty percent of them go off the drug within three months.

So even though they're fleeting paid for ever being told this is a lifetime drug, there's lawsuits coming just reported in the past couple days on gaston rational issues and stomach paralysis. The drug itself essentially is uh stomach crisis. What what is stomach crisis? The drug what he does is essentially it's terrelium ed is a paralyzed is your stomach um to to make you not be able to process food correctly.

And their studies now saying that that stomach process is the really a messing with your ability to digest food actually stays after you go off the drug. So there's lawsuits now with people with severe gas rotational issues after coming off the drugs that being pronounced and that that's coming out of losses. Um additionally, because of that, you are consistently seeing patient to go off the drugs are gain the weight back.

So so that's almost, I think, univerSally accepted even by noon oracle. When you go off the drug, you gain the right back. But again, we're seeing most people that take the drug within the first year come off that because the gas testing le issues, the stomach c issues are so pronounce.

Additionally, the E, U, again, where this company is based, are just launched A, A, A, A probe into suicide. Lidia cause bio epic, you can even make this up, but the E, U. Is doing A, A, A massive probe because there are so many reports of increased depression and increase suicide.

Now, I was debating a harbor doc about six months ago, and I brought this up because it's kind of obvious your serotonin, what produces your contempt, happiness. Ninety five percent is made in the gut, and a can. Those sympson essentially is got this function. So when you mess with this altona and mess with the gut, a lot of unexpected things happening and very understandably and really whats to be expected is we're actually seeing reports of a mass increase in mental health disorders and even suicidal ideation uh from olympic um you know what kind of you just back up and ask you know this miral drug is too good to be true. It's really coming .

through great thing that could be a downside is not .

perfect about thirty percent of people um but but I want to say this, i'm a libertarian. You know I think, uh people should be able to take us epic. I think most drugs should be legal, Frankly.

Um the problem is where the rubber really hits the road is there is an all out assault to converse us that this is the appropriate drug. Again, this is the target market. This is why the stocks are popping and why wall streets going crazy.

It's the biggest tam, the biggest target market for any drug in american history at eighty percent of of american adults. Uh, but it's being fast track. You wouldn't believe this. But the american academy pediatric recently said they recommend us as a first line of defense for teens. And the study basing that decision for the american academy A P. D attracts to say that every ob over eighteen, which is fifty percent to take this rug, was a sixty eight week study, with a sixty eight week study for a lifetime recommendation to fifty percent of in amErica to receive these injections.

I guess nothing would surprise me coming from the amErica which which seems really like a vector for bad now yeah um giving their performance to IT however, you just stop to wonder how how did that happen that seems reckless like how could a body like that which has some residual moral authorities because of its name, how could they do that?

You are transitioning like perfectly uh, into the third point, which is that the reason olympic, I think, is such a important story in amErica today is because it's really again, it's it's the rose. Let us don't have understanding corruption on our institutions, particularly the health care industry. A has completely let us down and you're just step back and think about IT farmer is the largest spender on T V new news ads.

It's the largest spender. No, no, no specific s is the largest spender on foundation obesity research is the largest spender on medical to medical groups like the A A P. It's one of the largest uh of lenders of actual civil rights groups.

So you actually can even believe this. But november tics. Is paying the W A C P to say that not supporting olympic is a civil rights issue.

See your racist if you're against giving kids a abeles.

It's on the N W A C P website and the N W A C P C registered lobbied for olympic, saying that you are racist because there's disproportional issues with obesity and certain communities that you are racists for not supporting government funding for olympic.

of course and the end C P takes money from the drug maker.

the register lovest for the drug maker.

How can the indaba C P, B registered? What if we have body?

They have a lobbying organization. They have to declare who their lobbying client are and is reported in M. P, R.

Very recently, they are registered as alaya for noble notices. And on their website they're saying IT is a example of systemic racism to not support federal funding for olympic. So this is what I saw working for farmer.

You just have to ask who people trust. People trust the medical groups. They trust civil rights groups. They touch the mea. You have a situation where, uh, additionally, nova notices and this is reported, has given thirty million dollars in direct brides, two obesity doctors, you would be harder to find a doctor treats obesity in this country who has not received some kind of donation, not not research grants, but direct consulting grants from novo is sending him cash.

exactly. How can the doctors take cash from drug makers? Oh.

this is what's done. The right makers spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year and direct cash payments to doctor.

If you can get the drug, except with the scripted by the doctor prescription.

who take direct consulting fees from, how can that be like this is this is you you watch uh, things about the obi crisis and how the opi uh completes the same playbook. Ah I actually when I was working for farming of the obit crisis, uh was in full effect and there was a panel in twenty twelve and the panel was full of outside experts recommending guide and sign up votes.

The head of that panel was a man of doctor Philip pizzo who was the dean of Stever medicine. The time he was a pain specialist at the moment he was opponent, that panel, stanford received a grant from father, who is one of the largest open wee makers of three million dollars for pain research. He appointed ninety percent that panel, who are also conflicted to receive direct research and personal consulting fees from mobile makers.

And they relaxed, relaxed, opposite standards. This is execute. It's happening on obesity. You have docker for a team, a stamper the head AA ob d research at harbor pay tens of thousands dollars by just started the news, recent, directly direct. No, not, not the mission. Of course, millions of dollars of research grants she's been paid, ten of thousands was in harvard.

allow that there .

there are no conflict of interest rules in medicine. Harvard is supporting her. And the N I H recently that came out that eight thousand uh research grants went to university professors who also have a direct conflict of interest with the topic in the drug. They are study.

How can the dog? I mean, how can you be a physician, even a teaching physician, in and do that? I mean, it's so obviously unethical.

It's so obvious it's it's so, uh, only present that this isn't IT isn't discuss I mean, you're saying this like is is obvious as manifested obvious you hear this. Most americans are outrage. This is like, you know you're swiming water.

You don't realize you in water. This is how acadia is the food industry. If you you know, taking a tough food, which is making a sick, spends eleven times more on foundational nutrition research, the farmer is the lifeblood, right of foundational scientific research in this country.

And then you get to the N A. H. Of course, it's the revolving door between government and and industry.

M, and the vast majority N H grants go to farmer research. So so the N H is basically grant making orange ation. All this is statistical, almost all going to research that has conflict with arma ucal drugs.

The problem here is that every institution, all these institutions, fundamentally make more money. We were sick. Olympic doesn't cure obesity.

And managers, obesity for wife. That's a problem. Student, don't.

I'm sure I should have ask that you mean couple references to IT for life. Is that as advertised, sign up for empty? The position will tell me, got to take this forever .

dozen instructions. Yes, admit that there is unknown meta lic problem. If you go up that's on the box.

No, no. This is a lifetime injection. The key thing here, talker and and again, getting the corruption right. You're paying off the doctors. You're paying off the medical groups fifty percent of TV news funding.

I mean, you know I think i've seen yeah and and you know there's R F case talked about this back in the day with Roger les when when fifty percent of bills think it's begin require her, but fifty percent of your bills are paid by um a certain interest. Why didn't the news media have a curiosity during covet why people were dying of code? media? Ky, healthy people weren't dying of code. This is where the corruption and really were all ties together.

We we described that in a little more detail.

We had probably the biggest event in american history, war two or we shut down the country where we really I think showed our uh just physically and mentally as americans you know american code that were substantially higher uh than other countries and research you know if it's not argued, has come out saying that the the cover was a football n unless on dying of covered with the football n illness if you were met a balky health if you had stable collection al stable faster glue cos warn obese you didn't die of government um COVID disproportionate. Overwhelmingly, even among older people affected people with coal mobilize and we are a lot .

sicker and and the commodities were caused by eating bad food.

Commodities are obesity, heart disease, diabetes. Those are the main commodities ties that. So if if you did not have those, you were essentially not impacted by cobi and had almost zero percent chance of dying.

So the media though, right, who's heavily funded by pharos udal companies, didn't have any curious about that. Didn't have any curious see, maybe this is a nine, eleven moment that we are not at our best in as america, right? We are a sick depress.

In fertile population, sperm count is down fifty percent. In just the past generation. Twenty five percent of women now have P, C, S.

Leading cause of today. We are having trouble reproducing as a species. And these are all connected, and there was a moment to talk about this. But instead the media, the government institutions, who are paid by farmer, pushed a pharmaceutical uh, solution with trillions of dollars of our time, uh, as as the solution to our crisis.

This was one of the greatest public policy mistakes american history what after coming off of the worst public policy failure, I think one of the one of the worst in american history, with the copy response on every level, you know keeping the bars open and shutting down the schools um to pushing an an effect of farmers circulation instead of route solutions. We're being asked to trust farma when eighty percent of the american people their bodies are like rebelling against them. Um with A B C which are clearly a sign of of underlying issues.

World empac and daily you know weekly shots is not the room cost. This is just on its face, doesn't make sense. And then you trace the corruptions again. Olympic c is paying off everyone.

There are one of the five largest funders, the company itself, one of the five large founders of news, one of the did the top research founders of O B C research, largest founders to university on the B C topic. And and the thing I you know of a run home here talker, is you just have to look where the money yet. So if you actually look at the analyst reports that are propping up these stocks, they are assuming an increase in obesity.

So you talk about all that like the nobo ork largest company, uh, in europe, they literally in in where the money hits the road, where people are investing, doing the dollars. There are assuming increase rates of obesity over the next ten years. In america, you actually talking to a uh a doctor harvard, they know they're underwriting a loan for a do obesity center where they can where they can treat initial as epic.

Those won't have projections for growth. Obesity, they're not projecting that increase osip c is gonna decrease obesity. The owns that are other pending these medical centres, you go to any sitting in the country, the biggest most beautiful building is is you know some kind of new pediatric you know ob center or cardiologists and um the the loans assume increased rates of conditions.

So fundamentally, we have the largest ensure in the country health care. Not asking. Imagine the leader saying, how do we reverse obese? How do we cure me? They're asking that.

They're saying, how can we actually say obese? Not your fault. Opera, who's involved with rate weight watchers, just apologize for preaching personal count ability over the past decades, he said, is not personal count beauty. We're supporting olympic. This is becoming obesity.

becoming something. Think over ga paid.

She's highly involved. The way watchers yeah way watchers is shifted from a personal accountability organization that it's been um peaching for decades and is now a proscribed of asymptotic have totally changed because those ym ic a Better business model because you never .

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payments coalition not authorized by any canada or canada committee. W W W merchants payments coalition dot com. So maybe one of the reasons this is um accepted people don't see that is totally crazy as I do. I will take out also at all. This seems crazy to me but the average says sixty five old country is on how many drugs .

they are about about seven.

seven and not just internally, but like yet nine.

ninety plus a percent of funding for medicine dollars is around chronic lifetime, more recurring revenue. So describe .

what that looks like like the scale of IT .

yeah I think I think again, we're so desensitise don't understand how raz how much fail. I give you an example, my mom so my mom was seventy one in when you offer a check up and was told by the doctor SHE was healthy and SHE was actually a time on seven um lifetime medications. So SHE was on, you know, maybe a decade before, had high class raw, was proscribe bed as that.

And the message from the doctor was no problem. Most, you know, the majority, almost of people your age are on the stand, and no problems are right to passage. Then SHE had high fasting glue, cos again, that's that's basic keep prediabetes, which majority people have map form and one of most prescribed action, the country high blood pressure.

So he has these common bedie that are almost seems like write a passage, know it's a right of passage for for a man over forty to be on a set the majority um so so these are all kind of Normal things. So as we treated everything in silos, that's a lie. Heart disease, diabetes in any ways, depression, alzheimer's, the their branches of the same tree.

We've actually lied. H saying those are different conditions, seeing four different doctors for four different treatments that don't even talk to each other. So we're managing the symptoms instead of seen those systems as a gift and realizing that we have a root cosmetically crisis. That's why the more stands we describe, the more heart disease goes up, the more met form we prescribed, the more diverse goes up, the more S S ones we described, which are now .

twenty five percent of windows.

we're seeing sky rock. So so we're silwan everything .

and literally so many questions. So twenty five percent women arise.

We have a societal dynamic or twenty five percent of women in the united states or on the medication and i'm not just flatly and I drop, but this is an decider annamite talker we have twenty five thousand women taking something that fundamentally numbs you out from reality um and and we don't even blink an eye that and depression, mental health disorders, anxiety, suicide, suicide is now the second death for Young adults. S S arise on .

after rug after druggy .

yeah and which which that could be related and um S S arise you talk to any high school or now and and looking into it's the first line of defense. I mean, is perscribed like Candy. When is children? Yes.

as a arise or as a service .

prescription rate are skyrocketing in montees. You talk to any high school counsellor and you anyone in high school, this is the first line of defense when .

I would never talk to a high school counsellor.

Well that's that's very smart. But um yeah there there's sky rocking among kids and there's actually a black box warning on uh access arise label actually saying that increases suicide ideation among children and they're widely prescribe bed children not to mention the fact at twenty percent of high school seniors or on essentially method effet means out of all uh which if you read the book blest um actually uh traces of the history was at all was developed by native german y as a tool for nazi soldiers to be more aggressive and now is prescribed widely along with accessorize tickets.

Uh um one thing i'm try to keep tracking everything I was saying, uh, all of which is checker yeah I assume on the internet um statton drugs are prescribed ed, the majority of american man over forty.

The last I I think twenty nine uh the last I said was forty five percent. And I think there's reports that now post go it's close to fifty percent.

So what's the downside of standard drugs?

Oh, there's wild research coming out of me the highest level. Just even if the drugs do have no side effects, heart disease isn't a standard efficiency. What stands to me at the most important level represent that we have a moral hazard, right?

Fundamentally, when you prescribe that stand, you're told by the doctor that you're doing something. When you prescribe the olympic, the doctor for teen sixty minutes who paid off doctor from the epic said, throw will power off the window. This is a brain disease.

Food isn't the problem is it's a medical issue. Take us and big. Do not worry about what you're in this exactly.

but farmers pay so you have so .

you have these messages, you have the stands. You're doing something. You now can eat what you want to eat. You won't even believe this. But in until a two thousand eighteen and doctor Robert lasting was a hero, mine has pointed this out and technology gist that, uh, U C, S F, the american die is association said that as long as you take your medications, you do not need to change your diet as a diabetic. So you literally have guidance from the american heart association, from the american diese association now from the obesity industrial complex, saying that if you take these drugs, you you're good. But that's a lie because there has never been a drug in american history for chronic condition that has lowered the rate of that chronic condition.

What's the custom of that just died? Tes.

well, diabetes. Um this is the root cause. IT, again, it's a miss Normal to see.

This is an isolated condition. Almost one hundred percent of people with alzheimer had prediabetes or or diabetes. Diabetes is one of the third.

Alzheimer is now called type three diabetes, the most highest indicator you can have, or dementia. Alzheimer is some kind of blood sugar to regulation. If you have Normal fasting glucose levels, your chance of having any type of dementia is very, very low.

Uh, dementia is is highly tied. Again, I don't even like the word using the word diabetes. Our cells diabetes is seller is regulation caused by envionmental food um again, the majority of people this country have some form of of that happening inside their bodies because our environment this is unprecedented.

Diabetes is really the root cause. But if you just take diabetes, this this is one of the biggest line items in the U S. budget. Um we're spending if you add up all the line items we're spending on health hair just just to manage diabetes is more than the defense budget. We spend the U U.

S government spend more managing diabetes than a doesn't defense.

What what is going if you want to stack rank? What would bring down the american republic? It's not you know marginal rates of military spending.

It's not you know what the marginal tax rate is, is our biggest light item in our budget, the biggest part of our economy, health care and is also the fastest growing industry. Health care is the largest and the fastest growing industry in the united states. The bulk of that spending coming from government.

And as IT grows, IT produces worse results. This is not slowing down. It's going to a be forty percent of the budget at about fifteen years aged only growing. There's nothing stopping this trend.

And as that happening were becoming an informer depressed, sicker population at an almost exercise rate, we are going to cease to exist as a country because we let that happen. And you look at the budget and you look it's really onna destroy the budget in in our country. Defenses defenses. A small part of IT IT is health care cost IT is IT is meta .

disfunction in his died is the biggest.

the diabetes and prety diabetes is is the world of almost everything. You, you, you have very few people with heart disease, with many forms of cancer. With the mention with all these, this is this is the lie that's being told.

My sister graduated stand for medical school SHE did choose to be body to specialities. SHE to choose a head of next ended the fellowship was going to to be even in a smaller part of the body, one millimeter of of the f that doctors devote their lives like a little little. Yes, that's a lie.

That's a lie. When he was cutting out some science information, right, SHE looked at the patients report, they had sixty pages, they had prediabetes had depression, they had hard issues. SHE didn't stick to those. And SHE was never trained how the information that she's cutting someone faced open and and taking out not once at time for that school.

Was SHE trainer even brought up why that person has information in the first place? That surgery, you know, medicaid will pay twenty thousand hours for that, along with all the other commonwealth the patient has. We're training doctor 说, medical schools, farmer companies, hospitals, doctors, nurses, insurance companies, they make money when people are sicker for a longer pay to time.

The way to do that is to silo conditions. That's what that's why olympic is so important because obesity is not asylum condition. Obesity is a visible example that we are are losing our way as americans. And treating that in a silo is is just medals not going to work and attap ing because of corruption.

So but IT is, and I should disagree with everything yeah, but you, if I disagree, IT doesn't matter. I would say olympic is a response to an actual problem. You can see that. So if pye mpc isn't the answer, what is if you .

were an alien, does came on earth and saw this happening. America, and I want to make this clear, it's happening specifically in america. I mean, R O B C rate, diabetes rate um heart disease rate. It's it's multiple les more than some european countries in japan, countries like that. There is something unique happening with the environment in america.

And if you came down an alien that was smart, the kind of you know how to fail of ignorance, and looked around and you saw eighty percent of americans consuming such toxic things in their environment that their bodies are literally cellular, is the visible report to all of soluble disregard tion. Obesity is little, the cells crying out for help and showing that there is regulated, which is represents stuff happening and visible in the body, such as all of the colonic conditions we've talked about. If you look at that happening, highly related to mental health disorder, highly related in fertility, all connected, you would never say, let's keep everyone sick and give the marginal drugs.

You would just never do that. We have been completely gasoline ted by farma, you know, elan, who know I think is the most important american, the country, but has readily said these drugs are good. I I think it's it's a little bit unlike him because we're not analyzing the problem and assessing what the root cause solution is.

I think we've Frankly been we've changed our reality. We've changed our our perception of. Kind of what reality is based on farm of thinking that these marginal tools and we ve lost our way, right?

The the, the, the the drug for average condition of silos IT has a what we're all getting socker. We've total lost our way, Peter T. A pointed out that if you control for infectious diseases, you know when to cute things that will kill you right away.

Life expect you really hasn't grown in the past hundred years. The almost a hundred percent of life expect to the increase, which we all herd. IT is a cute issues, things that would have killed you right away, child, today if you actually um so we actually wash our way. And if there's one moment to kind of as a countries say, can we change course a little bit? It's this because this is the biggest issue.

This is eighty percent of americans IT is gonna do the math in amErica when drugs prescribed widely costal go down, you're not allow till lower drug Prices if they described widely and the moment olympic is approved, which is an allow battle to do uh for government uh, funding, there's an incentive for every obesity doctor in the country to prescribe. The eighteen adult percent of the government then can't tell the doctor what to describe. So you ve got a twenty thousand dollar cost.

This is twenty thousand at that places not coming down. Do the math, fifty million, we have much about fifty million obese b fifty million well over trying dollars a year. This is why the stocks are going up.

At a public urinal, IT just feels like you're standing there too long. What used to seem like a high pressure hose filling a bucket. Now it's more like a trickle.

You notice a weaker flow and urge to urate. More often, sleep is interpreted by multiple trips to the bathroom, and IT is steadily gotten. You didn't think about going to a doctor for IT.

They may call IT in large prostate or B. P. H. I mean, no one talks about this was supposed to suck IT up, right? That's what we do.

But we know we need to do something, or life is gonna be different. But what can you do about in large prostate? Good news.

There is a minimum ly invasive procedure covered by most insurance called the year lift system. Men and forty five and older go to help. B, P, H, now, dot com, to find a eulie system trained doctor near you.

Most common side of extra temporary can include for when you're netting, urgency, inability to control the urge, pl, pain in some blood in the urine, rare set of x, including bleating and infection, may lead to a serious outcome and may require intervention. The year lift system may be an alternative to patients or invasive surgery. Go to help B, P, H, now dot com to learn more and find a eulie system train doctor near you.

Tucker says its best, their credit card costs are ripping americans off, and enough is enough. This is senator Roger martial of kansas, our legislation that credit card competition act would help in the grape VISA and mastercard have on us. Every time you use your credit card, they charge you a hidden fee called a swipe fee, and they're been raising IT without even telling you this sorts consumers and every small business owner.

In fact, american families are paying eleven hundred dollars in hidden s White busy cheer the fees VISA and mastered card charge. Americans are the highest in the world, double canada, and eight times is more than europe. That's why i'd take an action.

But I need your help to help get this past. I M asking you to call your senator today. And the man, they passed the credit card competition painful .

by the merchants payments coalition not authorized by any canada or candidates committee. W W W that merchants payments coalition dotcom.

So the battle here, and this is my point to iron and and a lot of people I want to understand the battle, is, what are we going to do society about the matter of health crisis?

What should we do like you're in charge. I know you said you're a libertarian, an, but it's just imagine you a fashion need to do IT everyone, what would you do?

I tonight what I I think the president can do numerous things tomorrow that will drama. I think the big g one of the biggest lies being told, this can be done around quickly. We do not have a medical health crisis a generation ago.

We can turn this on very quick. I don't think the american people are are mass suicide, Frankly, which is what we're acting, be an addiction crisis. I can give you a couple right now. The present tomorrow can tell the fda that the U. S. Can no longer be the only country in the world that allows arma ads on tb news, which isn't influence to consumers, its influence the news farma buys off the news and the F, D, A condition in order, uh tomorrow saying that that's no longer the case, that we can have uh new uh farmers spending on T, V news that is an executive decision IT can be issued tomorrow. And I would totally undercut the ability of the pharma silk industry to control information, food stamps of age.

You think that farm, i'm sorry you're throwing sort .

for my .

aging pizza brain is hard to keep up. But you're saying that farmers buys T, V spots, not to convince people to ask for specific drugs from their positions, but to several the news business.

This is, this is an open secret working for farma. I ever thought that this is an open secret. The kind of silly ads you see between the news breaks, the points of that is not is largely to impact the customer.

But but the the farmers already got that theyve already bought off the doctors. They're good on that. No, this is an open secret. The news ad spending from farmer is a publicly tion lobbying tactic, essentially to buy off the news that the news is are referred.

They're not investigating farma s the news has become the news has become basically referee that you are a terrible um and I science lot I for asking why you know the the shots that we require our kids to get that fundamentally buy their own advertising change uh the immunity of that child for life, why it's gone from twenty to seven even ask that question the news referees that and calls you and designs when the two the largest vaccination makers, in the contrary, are little criminal enterprises. Uh, black cline and mark, uh, in the past five years has settled two of the largest criminal penalties in american corporate history for driving and misleading, bribing doctors, leading, creating misleading research, who over the two largest vacation makers. So you literally have the media playing referee. You can even ask a question, parents is actually if .

you have vaccine injury in many people, right, have including something well or even a profile of accent intro, you're not to complaints about IT.

No, no, no, your ancient.

even if they can be shown this a vue in the media.

the media player, referee, because they are funded, but so so in all levels, right at all levels.

and not dark calling me well.

I think it's hopefully powers. I think this is why we have an opportunity. Hair talker like goes epic, this is not the some like, new, like now is kind of this funny thing I got, it's kind of thing, and I can lose weight.

This is going the reason is to actually going up this because this is going to be a lot of government money. This is going to be the highest funded drug from the U. S.

Taxpayer in history. And we've got a society when we get to say, let's go another direction. Why are we trusting farma now when they've been completely acting to to garner no trust? We have to be very secure.

And in synovial, Better reading, Better farming. You know, think about public policy with a fortune in and healthcare howk in americans be more active. You are basically but these can these can be done and just just two more quick ones.

I mean there there is twenty of these. But you just have to go to the incentive that you were surprised that the majority of um university researchers in an age grants go to conflicted um researchers. Yeah shocked tomorrow the president could say we're not gonna touch N I H funding but we're not an issue grand more to people's convoy enters that would not like a reasonable policy to ninety five percent american people. I think that's unappeasable part of policy a conniption the media the next day with our tagging points would say .

it's most and science yeah front exactly.

So you could do that. You could change egg subsidies, which are just tens of billion of dollars to process food. You could put uh h restrictions on university conflicts of interest, which are essentially R N D labs of farma um and I think a key one talker and you go back to america, to canada.

Pediatric isn't just some like industry group, the american academy pediatrics, the american die. A decision in these medical groups have standards authority to create the standard care for how we practice medical united states. They are funded majority by farmer through the groups that are literally halston ory power to create the stand of carford ibs.

But you just step back, why aren't doctors in giving their patients subscription prescriptions for food and interventions if they have prediabetes tes, why aren't they giving them and prescribed him alone than to use their medical, your tax advantage dollars to exercise? If you actually follow the science, that would be the correct medical intervention to reverse that. But we're so gas lighted by this.

You know, it's just not even batting an eye that it's just pill, pill, pill americans follow in senate is what what we're trying to do. True matters. You can actually adult actually can write a note for exercising food and that actually can open up medical tax advantage dollars and other insurance dollars.

You actually, doctors could do that. But the second you get someone off the court disease trial, that's not a profitable patient. There is nothing more profitable for the pharmacy industry.

Then, Frankly, a sick kid, you know, imagine a kid with predial, obese and their bees, and never do they have hypotension al everything. They have hard issues. They're not gonna be like my mom much earlier on, just a ton of drugs being told on each of those drunks.

But you're not doing anything. These these are conditions you need to manage for life. So so this, we're kidding people.

There's a war to get kids on that bandwagon. We need to have the moral clarity, Frank, and communicate this like arf case communicating IT. There is something really resonating. And at the corp, his message is that we've really lost away.

This is a big issue, this corruption, it's corruption at the end of the day, which is destroying and prompting of destroying our kids, profiting about on our uh sicker and addicted and depressed quite Frankly, this is a big issue. We need downwind and Frankly, president trump has made in strom statements about this. I'd say watching the G O P debate is like watching a bizarre world.

I mean, rome is burning in a lot ways. We have a corruption promet IT. Sounds like there some cocktail party in A D G O P after party.

You know, it's not about the marginal tax rate. It's not about you know the medicare party page three hundred. Our biggest industries, our biggest industry, the health chemistry, is profiting from us being sick. This is just that symbol we need on line that or we're going to destroy human capital and destroy a budget.

If people have come the end of this conversation and want to learn more, I never do this, but I think it's worth IT with you for sure. How can they learn more about your views on that? Learn more about these issues? What would you recommend?

As we talked about, this is my life's passion with my sister, who was a doctor who left the system and all now, right now, i've helped to write a book of that wrong just put on amazon today called good energy, unwinding and and unpacking these issues. Using her experience to medicine, we put our hard and so in that book to really unwind these issues, which we think of the most important shes in the country.

And the my companies, true, my dot com, and we help write food prescriptions. I mean, you know it's our company, but I want to say that I think it's the most important issue in the world. What we need to do is doctors need to fall.

The science. Doctors need to, when somebody has a medaba condition, explained them and incentivize them to practice Better eating to exercise. People listen to dockers when we were told the food parameter carves, we ate cards. When we were told to take vaccines, we took vaccines. When we told to stop smoking, smoking rates provided.

We need every doctor and every medical leader, and Frankly, I hope, leaders like elan who care about human capital and and and our potential to say, we need to unwind this, and we need to get back to work causes in amErica and talk about food, talk about exercise, talk about sleep. You can transform your life. These policies will transform things.

You can change your biomarkers in three months if you go on a functional medicine type programme and really have curiosity about what you're reading your behavior. What if we had that message from a medical leaders? Um so we're working on that with through mad and am on twitter, which I have makes feelings about but talk about the sun my twitter telling .

means telling me thank you for that.

Thank you.

I wasn't times.