As moms, we’re the hardest working people on the planet! Amiright?! Within that, we can help shape our kids' work ethic. Spoiler alert - this podcast episode isn’t about creating little doers. Kids should be kids. Their work is to play. Yet, while prioritizing play, we can cultivate, encourage and instill life skills. And a work ethic is just that – it’s a life skill. That’s why it matters so much. Having a strong work ethic makes them trustworthy. It makes them dependable. It makes them creative. It allows them to walk out their calling and purpose. Walking in their calling and purpose requires action. And action requires work ethic. A work ethic is an element of their character and identity.
In today's episode, I share 3 practical ways we can start intentionally encouraging our children's work ethic.
MOTHERHOOD SHOW NOTES: Ep. 38 Show Notes - Work Ethic ) 1-ON-1 COACHING: Life & Motherhood Coaching with Michelle) CHECK OUT MY FREE 5-STEP MORNING ROUTINE FOR MOMS: My 5-Step Morning Routine) MOTHERHOOD VILLAGE FB COMMUNITY: The Motherhood Village) MOTHERHOOD IN