Fred shares a series of bone-chilling encounters with mysterious creatures, particularly focusing on experiences shared by Jonah, Jack, Colin, and anonymous berry pickers, all of whom had terrifying run-ins with what they suspect to be Sasquatch or 'Hairy Man' in remote Alaskan locations. Jonah recounts his uncle's eerie experiences at a remote cabin near Prince Wales Island, from hearing strange screams to encountering an enormous figure.Jack, working with a geological survey team in the Brooks Range, details the disappearance of a camp person and subsequent strange sightings. Colin, a heavy equipment operator, describes his unnerving experience with a creature at a mining operation near the Yukon River. Finally, berry pickers on the Kuskokwim River report being stalked by a fast-moving, black creature, leading to a fearsome encounter. These spine-tingling tales offer a glimpse into the unexplained phenomena faced by those brave enough to traverse the Alaskan wilderness. **Listen To Backwoods Bigfoot Stories )Get Our FREE Newsletter)Get Brian's Book Sasquatch Unleashed The Truth Behind The Legend)Leave Us A Voicemail)Visit Our Website)Support Our SponsorsVisit Hangar 1 Publishing)**00:00 Introduction and Jonah's Story 01:22 Strange Noises and Unseen Presence 04:11 A Terrifying Encounter 12:07 The Bear or Something Else? 17:30 Final Straws and Departure 26:59 Jack's Experience in the Brooks Range 36:51 The Hairy Man Encounter 37:44 Morning Move and Mysterious Screams 39:36 Relocation and Communication Struggles 41:30 Emergency Evacuation 42:55 Colin's Mining Camp Experience 45:28 The Loader Incident 51:18 The Final Confrontation 01:00:33 Berry Pickers' Encounter 01:04:49 The Cooing Creature 01:08:21 Cultural Superstitions and ConclusionBecome a supporter of this podcast: