Fred from Alaska shares chilling experiences of encounters with mysterious creatures through various stories. The tales unfold in the Alaskan wilderness, highlighting incidents involving sled dog owners, miners, and hikers. Witnesses recount experiences with large, dark figures moving stealthily through the woods, mysterious sounds, and eerie occurrences that bring life-altering fear. These anonymous accounts emphasize the inexplicable nature of these encounters and resonate with the intense emotions of those who experienced them. Despite the terror, each person's interactions offer aglimpse into the unknown and the effect such experiences have on their lives and outdoor passions.Listen To Backwoods Horror Stories )Get Our FREE Newsletter)**Get Brian's Book Sasquatch Unleashed The Truth Behind The Legend)Leave Us A Voicemail)****Visit Our Website)Support Our SponsorsVisit Hangar 1 Publishing)**00:00 Introduction and Warning 00:14 Jonah's Sled Dog Tragedy 06:17 Encounter with the Hairy Man 14:21 Doug's Mining Camp Experience 30:42 Bailey and Brian's Trail Terror 43:46 Conclusion and ThanksBecome a supporter of this podcast: