This is the second installment of a miniseries sponsored by Axelar) and featuring co-host Sergey Gorbunov, co-founder of Axelar — you can find part 1 with Eigen Layer's Sreeram Kannan here).
In this episode, Chaparro and Gorbunov are joined by Mysten Labs co-founder and chief cryptographer Kostas Chalkias to discuss the potential of zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs to revolutionize the blockchain space.
00:00) Introduction
04:27) ZK-proof overview
08:45) Adoption of zk-proofs
15:33) Standardizing zk-proofs
22:27) Advice for builders
27:57) ZK & AI
35:55) How ZK improves UX
45:00) Predictions
This episode is brought to you by our sponsor, Axelar).
*Axelar is scaling interoperability to connect hundreds of new blockchains anticipated in the Ethereum L2 ecosystem. Find out more at *
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