A yoga retreat involves daily yoga sessions combined with philosophy classes, meditation, and chanting. It offers a comprehensive approach to yoga, covering both physical and mental aspects. Unlike regular yoga classes, which often focus on physical postures, a retreat provides a holistic experience, including teachings on yoga history, chakras, and hand gestures (mudras). The environment, such as being in nature, also enhances the experience.
Bada chose Bali for the yoga retreat because the environment, surrounded by mountains and nature, provided a peaceful and rejuvenating experience. Additionally, Bali’s magnetic energy and the retreat’s Indian teachers and vegetarian cuisine contributed to a unique and enriching experience.
Tanya climbed two volcanoes in three days during her trip to Indonesia. Despite the physical exhaustion and lack of sleep, she found the experience exhilarating and reflective. She realized that imbalance can be part of balance, and the intense activity provided her with new perspectives and energy.
Yiman found that cleaning her home and decluttering was a way to cleanse her mind and emotions. She enjoyed the process of organizing and creating a more harmonious living space, which helped her feel more connected to her home and herself.
Yiman struggled with her mother’s presence as it disrupted her personal space and routine. Her mother’s constant comments and need to rearrange things caused tension. Yiman realized that setting boundaries and expressing discomfort early could help maintain a healthier relationship.
Bada found three effective methods to manage emotional instability: physical exercise, singing, and dancing. These activities helped her release excess energy, ground herself, and reconnect with her emotions in a positive way.
The song 'Lokah Samasta' is a chant that promotes peace and harmony. Bada sang it frequently during her retreat, finding it grounding and calming. The low, resonant tones of the chant helped her feel more connected to the earth and balanced her energy.
Tanya found the sunrise at Bromo Volcano visually stunning but was distracted by the behavior of other tourists, who were more focused on taking photos than appreciating the moment. This made her reflect on the purpose of travel and the balance between capturing memories and being present in the experience.
Yiman deepened her connection to her home by organizing and personalizing her space. She realized that home is not just a place to sleep but a sanctuary where she feels safe and grounded. This newfound appreciation for her living space brought her a sense of stability and comfort.
Both Tanya and Bada found that their experiences, whether climbing volcanoes or attending a yoga retreat, were forms of self-cultivation. They learned to embrace imbalance as part of life, find joy in unexpected moments, and use these experiences to grow emotionally and spiritually.
在节目的尾声放了Bada在这次旅行中一直唱颂的歌《Lokah Samasta》。希望你也能从中获得平静喜乐。✨
01:03 Bada选择去巴厘岛做了一次瑜伽旅修。
03:00 在巴厘岛的瑜伽课程提供了更完整更全面的瑜伽知识体系。
08:10 谁能想到,Tanya在三天内爬了两次火山!
10:42 生活中,不平衡也是平衡的一部分。
11:53 回忆起很多年前彼此年轻的时候在柬埔寨的一次旅行!
14:12 伊曼假期不断在整理家里,也是一次清理自己的修行。
15:50 与父母的相处,是大部分人的共同课题!
21:24 一旦意识到相处不舒服,及时的表达内心的情绪。
28:02 你会介意长时间在朋友家里住吗?
32:52 伊曼对“家”这个概念有了新的感受,加深了和“家”的连接。
35:52 “向外求“和”向内求“是一种不断变化的动态。
40:10 在印尼Bromo火山看日出是什么感受?
46:26 生活中的修行真是无处不在啊!
49:14 边界感是一种自我保护的机制。
52:14 Bada找到三个方法来应对状态不稳定的时候:运动,唱歌,跳舞!
57:51 关于电影《只此青绿》的观后感。
59:39 万事万物都有能量,在交互中不断探索,从而治愈及平衡好自己的能量。